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AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.

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Offline Michelle

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #30 on: May 16, 2013, 07:07:32 AM »
Oh'll stay when you find out what I got planned for you :)

The Empress always gets her way....and you know all about some of my "ways"   :)
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline RedEnforcer

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #31 on: May 16, 2013, 07:16:18 AM »
Sounds promising!

Oh'll stay when you find out what I got planned for you :)

The Empress always gets her way....and you know all about some of my "ways"   :)
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #32 on: May 16, 2013, 07:54:24 AM »
Valini .... ads a very interesting request ....   Yet  we just crowned the empress ... Would be unsportsWOMAN like to accept a move against her lie that .....  STILL ... hang around... get catty with some of the other ladies ... Maybe do some fighting with them .. To start making your name for yourself, in the kingdom ..  Maybe there will be chances later.... for the empress to accept or face.

Again ...  I know not all the ladies like doing vote polls ...  so feel free to post at each other here. Maybe work story of your rivalry. By all means, if two of the ladies desire to have a cyberfight. Set it up ... and both ladies maybe post your challenge to each other here. In Amazonia .. Then post the results after you have it.

Trying to leave this open, for ladies to enjoy different things here.... While interacting together.

That said ....  I like Karly being all Katty with whiskers ...  Something from the bar.. at the least fresh milk this time ... Ya never know, treat her right. You may like it when she puuuurrrsss!! 

BTW think Sadie was away, offering stale S'mores to the oracle, for advice. Hey it could work. They are S'mores ...  He he he



Offline Michelle

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #33 on: May 16, 2013, 01:42:18 PM »
Hey I'm the Empress!  if the oracle wants something...the it has to do is ask me......I bet I can pretty much give it anything it wants :) the way....we gotta find out what gender this Oracle is :)  Don't be telling me its genderless!  Come on!   NO ONE hangs around me and is GENDERLESS....I can fix that :)

The more I look at Karly's whiskers I'm saying to myself.......self.....that's a helluva look ........*rolls my eyes*....I just wish she'd quit spitting on the palace boys have more than enough to do pleasuring me...they can't be running around cleaning up hair balls :) 

We need more folks around here able to express themselves that is a bit off center......its like having a bunch of palace boys that all look the same!...that's bullshit and we can't have that!!.  I mean look at Red....MY GOD he sure isn't normal......but...he has a place in the Michelle regime.....*grins evilly* I'll be looking for variety ;)

Now..... you Empress wannabes......please feel free to request an audience......and I'll CONSIDER.....letting a few of those who I DEEM most maybe have a contest/fight.....for the benefit of our wonderful citizenry :)  I always.......will consult with my closest advisor....Sadie....and we'll think of a great way to institute such a spectacle.   I suspect Storm will have no problem with such a plan and as another of my closest advisors....I rely on him for any and all thoughts :)  I want to make Amazonia a place much like ancient Rome...where contests were used as a path to power and a source of entertainment for my subjects :)

I think that would be something that could benefit everyone....and provide a proper path to challenging Da Empress....ummm...that would be me :)

Oh....and I am still....Da Empress :)
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline RedEnforcer

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #34 on: May 16, 2013, 02:55:26 PM »
*looks away from staring at the Empress's boobies*

"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #35 on: May 16, 2013, 05:40:17 PM »
Far be it for little old me to be so impertanant to tell the mighty Empress how to have herhouseboiys do there job but perhaps you could have mop handles inserted the over end so whilst they are bent over kissing the almighty royal ass they can mop up the spit ? Just an idea.
Or alternatively you can tell that captain cavegirl of yours to stop chucking sour milk in my face grrrrrr
And the offer still stands my whiskers are stakes but for captain of the underarm rightgaurd or the Empress only my whiskers are my whiskers HISSSSSSSSS


Offline Michelle

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #36 on: May 17, 2013, 04:42:31 PM »
Gee Josh...gonna let us in on who you're gonna be cheering for?  I know I'm not on that list so as Empress I'm always curious who's moving up in the polls lately :)

I prefer pole dancing to pole watching......but I like to purvey the landscape :)

Any hints?


Red? I on your list to cheer for?   Oh're waiting for the BCS polls :)  I know your pole way too well :)

Back to the palace....
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline RedEnforcer

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #37 on: May 17, 2013, 06:39:52 PM »
*grins and shakes my head* Still ever the tease. Got your tights and knuckles ready milady?
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #38 on: May 25, 2013, 04:55:43 PM »
Slams my glass down on the bar shaking my head at the bartender wiping my mouth i pick up my bag and glare at Sadie as she flirts with the lesser beings hissing softly as i stride out the door. Sheilding my eyes from the setting sun i kick a stone off the floor and follow its tumbling form, left hmmm looking up i see the grand structure of the Empress's palace, strolling overto it inspecting the lush green lawns and brushing my hand against the gated railings... Dont worry pretty palace ill be your owner soon, smiling i walk past the palace and head out of the busier part of town, Hmmm what was it that nice man was saying ? An oracle ? Hmmm whats all that about then i wonders, lookng round for signs of this here oracle walking toward a mysterious glow a almostic mystical haze and intriuged i follow it walking toward the glow....



Offline Michelle

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #39 on: May 26, 2013, 06:21:32 PM »
I see the bouncer at the door to the royal bar isn't doing his job again.......he's just letting anyone in!  I kinda figured......

Maybe the captain of my guard should be handling this......far be in from the Empress to be sullying her hands...but then the end it always falls back to the Empress...

Maybe my captain of the guards is plotting with the ingrates at the bar....I would have never thought it.....but maybe asking for a semblance of loyalty is too much....I won't believe she has turned on me unless I hear it from her.....not Sadie......never Sadie.....we had such plans.....I had hoped to govern wisely....

As for this catnip addict at the bar......

*Instructs the bartender to giver her all the milk she wants.....and to keep me informed of all movements*

Its time for me to consult with the oracle......he knows I am the chosen one.....and I won my crown thru the right of fire......i'll consult with him....and watch my back carefully......maybe I'm on my own......
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #40 on: May 26, 2013, 08:48:17 PM »
As usual, plots and plans continue in Amazonia.

I notice some ladies, have made claims to the throne. Yet they expect to simply have it handed to them, with out right of combat. I know the lovely Empress Michelle is upset, by the wild talk in the streets. Yet any lady wishing to take her on. Must first prove herself, in some combat, against other ladies first.
That is unless the lady royally pisses Michelle off, and THEN the empress. Can order to get her hands on said fighter, in catfight combat.

I had also heard rumours against Sadie. The feisty blonde, able to piss people off easy when she likes. Yet someone was not wanting to play nice or by the rules.
I watch, as the beautiful captain of the guards exits one of the drinking establishments. I could not help but enjoy watching how sexy, and cat like she moved on her feet. Sadie was an attractive woman.
Then I see a shadow, pull away from one of the walls. I quickly, and stealthily rush forward.
Just as the cloaked man, tries to put a knife in Sadie's back. I slide one into his. Grabbing the would be assassin. dragging him back into the shadows, to finish. While Sadie continues, safely on her way.

I finish with the hired killer. Then make my way, to one of the local thieves guild. I needed some more eyes, and ears on the streets and at the docks.
It was very possible, some attackers had their eye set on the kingdom, and throne.
As I leave, I am enclosed by the soft, bluish white light of the oracle. I hear whispered information, before I walk through.
To find myself, bumping into the very attractive Karly_Kats.
Karly definately a lady, enjoyable to bump into or see.
This close up, she honestly was a stunning woman.
Her eyes watching me intently, as she had gone into a defensive crouch, ready to fight if needed.
I smile, as this lady, was very fine looking and impressive. "Words of the Oracle." "Karly you definately will have your place in Amazonia!!" I inform her.
I could not give more details yet. Still, the lady deserved to know. The eyes of the oracle where on her as well.   


Offline Michelle

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #41 on: May 26, 2013, 10:53:55 PM »
Michelle Consults the Oracle

In Amazonian time....Delphi was the site of the Delphic oracle, the most important oracle in the classical Greek world, and became a major site for the worship of the god Apollo after he slew Python, a dragon who lived there and protected the navel of the Earth. To reach had to undertake a days journey up into the large mountain range with bordered Amazonia to the north and protected it from the northern tribes.

The Oracle exerted considerable influence throughout the Greek world, and he (to some the Oracle appeared as a female) was consulted before all major undertakings: wars, the founding of colonies, and so forth. She also was respected by the semi-Hellenic countries around the Greek world, such as Lydia, Caria, and even Egypt. The oracle was also known to the early Romans. Rome's seventh and last king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, after witnessing a snake near his palace, sent a delegation including two of his sons to consult the oracle.  Michelle had spoke to the Oracle in her dreams as her legend grew larger during her warrior's life....he would appear to her as a cloak covered figure with a male voice....

After a days journey had reached the cave of the Delphi....Michelle entered the cave and began to slowly walk down the darkened hall....the hall dimly lit by torches placed at regular intervals...providing just enough light to see one's steps.  She finally reached the end of the hall...entering a large massive chamber.......dark save for a far wall....and torches at different points stuck in the walls around her.....a large thrown like object up against a far wall facing her.... a wall of gold such as she had never seen....marble columns on either side of the throne which was lined in jewels of all colors.  On the throne sits an object that Michelle can't quite make she approaches with caution....her right hand on her sword...ready to pull it from its scabbard at an instant.  Her breasts and chest expanding and straining the leather armor that covers her chest.

On the throne sat a tall figure...covered in a white cloak....a hood over its head......Michelle sees the head lift as she approaches....yet as her dark eyes peer into the hood she sees nothing..then suddenly I see two orbs......eyes?.....glowing almost a ruby red....but meeting mine with an intensity I have seldom seen in my travels.

"HALT!!!!"    The voice from the hood booming out!!...commands me in a loud tone that echoes thru the darkened chamber.  I stop in my tracks...hand on my own gaze narrows but stays fixated on the glowing orb-like eyes....


I straighten up....not wanting to show fear although goosebumps now cover my shoulders and strong hand clutching the sword.....

"I dare enter!!!!........Michelle....sister of Xena!.....Empress of Amazonia!!!   And I will NOT be commanded like a common soldier!"

(I think to myself.....God Michelle!...why not fuck yourself before you even get started....ok?  My father told me to mind my mouth and it just has never taken)

There is a silence....then a sound...almost like that of a chuckle of sorts....

"Come forward Michelle!!!.........take the hand of the Oracle!!!"

The shadowy cloak covered figure extends a hand towards me as I move to in front of him...dropping to a knee....bowing my head for a moment....laying my helmet on the stone floor at my feet....then raising my head long dark brown hair dangling over my shoulders and down my chest and back...
I reach up and take the Oracle's hand in mine.....the sheer coldness of the hand startles me at first....almost that of stone....but I told it in my long slender face full soft lips pressing to a large gold ring on the middle finger of the hand....then lifting my lips away from the ring as the Oracle retracts his hand...

"You're troubled Oh have only just begun your rule of Amazonia yet.....I see trouble in your eyes......I sense it!"

"Oh Wise Oracle....I have never spoke to you before...except in my Empress of Amazonia now.....I have all the power the Gods could ever grant a ruler......yet I'm troubled....."
"I sense treachery in my midst......I don't know who to trust....I thought I did KNOW.....maybe deep down I still do.....but as ruler of my kingdom in a dangerous world.....YOU and I BOTH know.....there are those who would take Amazonia as their own and enslave its people for their own selfish deviant ends"

"I don't know what to do Oh wise one....I may be proud and often arrogant....but I have decisions to make that affect so many other than myself"

There is a cold silence for a few moments.....while I may have spoken to the Oracle in my dreams before.....and sought his be in his presence is different.  I will not show any fear.....but should my death be what is best for Amazonia...then I will hand it gladly to the Oracle...

"I DO NOT covet your life Michelle!".... the deep voice thundered!!

"You have few allies Oh Beautiful Empress.....but believe me when I say there are those you can rely on and trust.....and who are with you in body and soul even as we speak" 

Before more words come from my mouth the Oracle speaks again loudly....."Yess Empress can trust your captain of the guard....Sadie will always have your ways that will be more clear to you in the future!"  "Trust her....she longs to be your were right to place your trust in her ...even after defeating all your trust in won't be disappointed!"  "Others whom you can place your trust will also come has been ordained and written to be so"

I feel my heart slow a bit at the Oracle's breathing slowing at the words and how they soothe me...

"Your trust and loyalty are well placed Michelle.....follow your will be rewarded in so many ways if you do....your heart has NEVER led you is a wise heart even coveted by the GODs themselves!"

"LEAVE ME!!!"   The Oracle's voice thundered in the darkness......"We shall talk again Empress!......but follow your heart! is the source of your strength!"

I slowly begin to walk backwards out of the dark thoughts coming rapidly....but with one overriding trust has not been misplaced.....and while dark days may lie ahead for my Kingdom....i will not be alone with just my sword.....

It is now time to deal with those who have no thoughts for Amazonia...plans need to be made....conflicts and fights WILL BE INEVITABLE.....
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline Jebediah Morningside

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #42 on: May 29, 2013, 08:39:16 AM »
I for one would love to watch Karly battle with her whiskers on the line.  Will Sadie accept the challenge?   Will Michelle allow Sadie to offer her position as Captain of the Guard as her stakes even if the challenge is accepted?  And what other battles are brewing just below the surface here?  So many questions.... finding out the answers looks to be fun!



Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #43 on: May 29, 2013, 11:01:20 PM »
The flickering light fades and i look around, wandering back past the palace and overhearing the Empress talk the biggest load of crap ive ever heard, i head back to the bar... One for the rod and point me in the direction of the next ship outtahere hon thanks... nocing back my hooch i pick up my bag walking over to Sadie (still flirting) i pinch her bum and kiss her cheek, we will never know what coulda been honey x such a shame.
Wandering toward the exit i see Stormy the wise one the glue that binds Amazonia together... Hey Stormy im affraid the oracle might have gotten me mixed up with another Karly the leadership in this town is a joke hon the Ahem, Empress is an idiot and has no clue so i think ill be moving on to bigger and better things, Kissing Stormy's forehead Best of luck hon you need it

Bye Amazonia


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #44 on: June 03, 2013, 03:13:56 AM »
Karly ......   special message sent your way ......  May surprise you ... that there are more than one level of order in Amazonia.

May indeed have more of a place than you think here ...  

ALSO new character/ poll battle to be announced soon.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2013, 03:16:16 AM by stormbolt7 »