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AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.

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Offline Michelle

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #45 on: June 07, 2013, 08:00:29 AM »
Resignation as Empress of Amazonia

I would like to take this opportunity to advise Amazonia that I will be leaving/resigning.......I believe the official term is abdication of my throne.  I will stay as needed but I suspect this will be effective immediately.  My experience with Amazonia was one that can only be described as unreal....I have enjoyed it and put a lot of myself into it.  I made some ...what I hope...will turn out to be good friends as a result of the experience...I believe time will tell.  It is just time for me to make way for someone more suited to the role.

I only wish I could have made it better but sometimes we can't do what we'd dearly love to do.  I thank those who were part of the experience and I sense that someone out there can make this what it truly should be.

I wish you all good luck in the future.  As for Michelle....where her travels will take her....I honestly am not sure.  Its a time of flux for me and as such....I must just sort of ride with it....and deal with what comes my way :)

Thanks to all who had the faith to vote in a newcomer....please put that faith in whoever succeeds me :)
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #46 on: August 27, 2013, 07:36:03 AM »
Greetings ...... 

Have a few things still to get to.. YET hope to try and get this rolling again ... probably mid Oct. When everyone is getting to a more indoors mindset...

SADIE .. is STILL in charge of the armed forces.. YET if willing she can try for something else.....
There will be a few polls run ... back to back...
EMPRESS of Amazonia .. Since that very smart, very sexy Empress Michelle stepped down ...
QUEEN of the thieves guild ....... Definately a rival and lives by her own rules
COMMANDERETTE of the Amazonian navy .. a true Catfighting lady of the seas!!



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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #47 on: August 27, 2013, 04:38:33 PM »
Da Empress is back storm!!

Since no one took up the mantle...the crown is STILL MINE!

Unless someone thinks they can take it.....HA!....

My quests in outer Amazonia are over....I've come back to make sure what is rightfully mine.....stays mine...

Any questions storm?

Good......Amazonia is back on the map.....

More to come :)
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #48 on: September 02, 2013, 06:52:16 AM »
MICHELLE claims the throne of Empress again ... Makes a HOT looking empress

Kara the body
Babs Carlson
FLuff Crawford
Valini ..
ANY of you ladies, that posted and entered Amazonia... Do you contest and look to challenge the lovely Michelle for the throne?? If so speak now .... to stake your claim ....  for the Oracle to hear you!!



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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #49 on: November 02, 2013, 06:45:16 AM »
Next roll to try and cast for here .. will be..
QUEEN of the thieves guild ... independant, and sometimes ally, other times pain in the ass.. For the Empress of Amazonia...
So keep watching ... to happen soon!!



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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #50 on: November 02, 2013, 10:44:33 AM »
Independent and sometimes ally?   Other times pain in the ass?

Sounds like its time for another adventure....

Amazonia lives and I'm da Empress :)

bring it storm :)
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"


Offline lexibabe

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #51 on: November 02, 2013, 02:19:55 PM »
Michelle.has been an.  O.k. its time for a revoultion..amazonia will never be same     
the prez tramp


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #52 on: November 06, 2013, 07:01:34 AM »
NEW character and poll sign up started!! Check in polls .....

Sign up begins for the Queen of the Amazonia thieves guild to be named !!  SADIEWRESTLES was named head of the Amazonia fighting forces..... under Empress Michelle...

YET she is able to try for this if she likes!!



Offline Michelle

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #53 on: November 06, 2013, 04:01:51 PM »
I have heard the reports as I sit in my tent in the far off land of Elysium...the wars here are finally over and another nation conquered.  My sadness grows as I hear the tales of the state of things in Amazonia.  The forces that I feared would take freedom from its people have conspired behind my back and threaten the very fabric of my beloved country.  What it might take to get Amazonia back under control would be costly and considerable.  I have raised an army the likes of which the world has never seen and I could crush any and all who dared stand in our way.  The cost to the people, however,  would be horrific and that is a thought I cannot bear.  While my warrior sister Xena is frothing at the mouth for a Amazonian blood lust does not go as far as hers any more.  I grow tired of the conflicts and long for being home and being part of a growing thriving Amazonia.  Its what a true Empress should doing....leading...helping her people...... but I won't be allowed that luxury evidently.  I just can't decide what to do...

I am truly lost and confused and feel no one is truly on my side.....then I remember what my father would do when he ruled Amazonia.  He would often consult the Oh Great and Powerful Oracle of the Delphi.  I remember him taking me with him when he ventured out to consult the Oracle.  I recall the fear and trepidation I felt standing in that cavern before the Beast as I called "it" as a child.  I do now want to make that journey and face the Oracle.....but I have no choice those who have ruled before me....I need the advice, counsel and support of the Oracle.

In Amazonian time....Delphi was the site of the Delphic Oracle, the most important Oracle in the classical Greek world, and became a major site for the worship of the god Apollo after he slew Python, a dragon who lived there and protected the navel of the Earth. To reach had to undertake a days journey up into the large mountain range with bordered Amazonia to the north and protected it from the northern tribes.

The Oracle exerted considerable influence throughout the Greek world, and he (to some the Oracle appeared as a female) was consulted before all major undertakings: wars, the founding of colonies, and so forth. She also was respected by the semi-Hellenic countries around the Greek world, such as Lydia, Caria, and even Egypt. The oracle was also known to the early Romans. Rome's seventh and last king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, after witnessing a snake near his palace, sent a delegation including two of his sons to consult the oracle.  Michelle had spoke to the Oracle in her dreams as her legend grew larger during her warrior's life....he would appear to her as a cloak covered figure with a male voice....

After the many days journey, I had finally reached the cave of the Delphi....I entered the cave and began to slowly walk down the darkened hall....the hall dimly lit by torches placed at regular intervals...providing just enough light to see one's steps.  The walls of the corridor adorned with strange languages long since dead.  I finally reached the end of the hall...  where I slowly entered a large massive chamber.......dark save for a far wall which appeared to be made up of a mixture of stone, gold and silver....and torches at different points stuck in the walls around her.....a large thrown like object up against the bejeweled far wall facing me.... a wall of gold such as she had never seen....marble columns on either side of the throne which was lined in jewels of all colors.  On the throne sits an object that I can't quite make I approach with right hand on my sword...ready to pull it from its scabbard at an instant.  My firm breasts and chest expanding and straining the leather armor that covers my chest.  I hear a noise and my catlike reflexes cause me to instantly pull my sword from its scabbard and I raise it high above my clutching it with both hands....standing at the ready.....

then........Silence.......the silence is soo very loud....

On the throne sat a tall figure...covered in a white cloak....a hood over its head......I squint to see in the dimly lit cavern........suddenly I see the head lift as I sword still raised high above my head....yet as my dark eyes peer into the hood I see.... NOTHING......DARKNESS.....then suddenly I see two orbs......eyes?.....glowing almost a ruby red....but meeting mine with an intensity I have seldom seen in my travels.

"Ahhh!....the Empress Returns at last!!!"   "I expected you sooner oh Goddess!"  "And please put the fucking sword down...ok?....Your so fucking dramatic and you're gonna hurt someone with that thing and It better not be me!"  "I have not had my coffee today yet and I am in SUCH A MOOD!"

The voice from the hood booming out!!...commands me in a loud tone that echoes through the darkened chamber.  I stop in my tracks...hand on my own gaze narrows but stays fixated on the glowing orb-like eyes....then...the voice BOOMS out again!


I just remembered something...Why does the Oracle sound like fucking James Earl Jones?

The Oracle speaks again.....

"Come on Empress!...have a seat!...relax!......get comfortable!.....get nekkid.....oooops......sorry!"

I hear this loud cackling laughter come from the cloaked figure and I slowly lower my sword and shake my head in confusion...then a smile comes over my face.......and I walk up to the shadowy figure.....

I straighten up....not wanting to show fear although goosebumps now cover my shoulders and strong hand clutching the sword.....although at least it got me to smiling now...

"I dare enter!!!!........Michelle....sister of Xena!.....Empress of Amazonia!!!   And I will NOT be commanded like a common soldier!"

(I think to myself.....God Michelle!...fucking bitch! you have to take that sword out every time you hear a thing?  See what happens when you skip your Ritalin for just ONE DAY?  MUTHAFUCKA!!)

There is a silence....then a sound...almost like that of a chuckle of sorts...then a booming voice!!....

"Come forward Empress Michelle!!!.........Take the hand of the Oracle!!!"

The shadowy cloak covered figure extends a hand towards me as I move to in front of him (ok...lets's get one thing straight right off the fucking bat.....I don't know if this fucking Oracle is a man or a woman and right now I don't give a fuck!)...dropping to a knee....bowing my head for a moment....laying my helmet on the stone floor at my feet....then raising my head long dark brown hair dangling over my shoulders and down my chest and back...
I reach up and take the Oracle's hand in mine.....the sheer coldness of the hand startles me at always does....almost that of stone....I told it in my long slender face full soft lips pressing to a large gold ring on the middle finger of the hand....I then notice something in the bad light on the back of the Oracle's looks hand stamp?........huh?.....then lifting my lips away from the ring as the Oracle retracts his hand.....the voice booms out....

"Oh...its cool Chelley! and the boys went down to the dance club in Sparta last night and it was rocking!!   Had to take a phone call on my cell so I had to leave the club a know..they stamp your hand so you can come back??

I hear a voice coming from under the cloak...

"Hey Babe!...What's shakin Beotch?"  "Its been too long!"....."Damn girlfriend...where ya been?"

"Oh wait...I should be more fucking serious shouldn't I?"   I hear the Oracle clear its voice a few times...coughing...then....

"You're troubled Oh have only just begun your rule of Amazonia yet.....I see trouble in your eyes......I sense it!"  

The Oracle speaks again......

"Damn look fine in the armor shit!  Just how tall are you anyway?"   "Come over here and let the Oh Wise Oracle see those legs up lose!"   "Damn those things just keep going up don't they?"  "Fuck!...I wonder what's at the other end!"

I start to get just a little pissed as its obvious Mr. Bad Skin is in one of his/her moods today and I am here trying to conduct some serious business!.....I clear my throat and try to be as serious as I can be....

"Oh Wise Oracle....I have not spoke to you in a long time...except in my Empress of Amazonia now.....I have all the power the Gods could ever grant a ruler......yet I'm troubled....."
"I sense treachery in my midst......I don't know who to trust....I thought I did KNOW.....maybe deep down I still do.....but as ruler of my kingdom in a dangerous world.....YOU and I BOTH know.....there are those who would take Amazonia as their own and enslave its people for their own selfish deviant ends"

The Oracle answers back....

"Oh fuck dat sheet beotch!"   "Lets do some chill in child!"...."You like Maroon 5?"   "I got this new Bang and Olufsen stereo that fucking KICKS ASS!"  I love that new song 'One More Night...fucker rocks!....rack em!!....MUTHAFUCKA!"

I put my hands on my hips as obviously the Oracle has been hitting the crack cocaine again......

"I don't know what to do Oh wise one....I may be proud and often arrogant....but I have decisions to make that affect so many other than myself"  "A little help here would be nice you old fart!...I mean God dammit!.....You promised me you'd have my back you asshole!"

There is a cold silence for a few moments.....while I may have spoken to the Oracle in my dreams before.....and sought his be in his presence is different.  I will not show any fear.....but should my death be what is best for Amazonia...then I will hand it gladly to the Oracle...

"Oh fuck...did I just talk to it like I just did?"  "Fuck I'm a dead woman!"

"I DO NOT covet your life Michelle!".... the deep voice thundered!!  "Now I would like a little action with those tits of yours!"   "MUAH!."..."When can we do that?"......"I'm free on Monday"....."Wanna do lunch at the palace?"

I scream back at the Oracle....

"OK STOP IT!"    "I'm here on serious business!!!"   I whisper to myself..."God damn Michelle....lets get outta here in one piece bitch!"  "I know the guy has bad skin but come some respect"

The Oracle looks up at me and I can see the red eyes in the darkness of that hood glowing even brighter...

"Hey Chelley...those tits look pretty serious to me if ya don't mind a 10,000 year old fart saying so!!"

The Oracle continues....

"You have few allies Oh Beautiful Empress.....but believe me when I say there are those you can rely on and trust.....and who are with you in body and soul even as we speak"  "In plain English got some folks that wanna bend you over a chair and give you the business!"  "God I'd like a little piece of that shit myself!!......AHEM!....I'm sorry....are we trying to be serious here?"

Before more words come from my mouth the Oracle speaks again loudly....."Yess Empress can trust your captain of the guard!"...."Sadie will always have your back...and trust me when I say...she REALLY likes your backside!"......"God damn girl you been jogging more?"  "Your ass is soo fucking FINE!".....AHEM!......the Oracle again clears "its" throat.....

The Oracle then again speaks in a booming voice!!...

"You will find allies in ways that will be more clear to you in the future!"  "Trust Sadie!....she longs to be your were right to place your trust in her ...even after defeating all your trust in won't be disappointed!"  "Others whom you can place your trust will also come has been ordained and written to be so"  "And if you don't find some good help soon beotch...You are so gonna be fucking outta that Empress chair!'

"And Hey.....if Sadie fucks you and stabs you in the back!...there could be worse things girlfriend!"  

I feel my heart slow a bit at the Oracle's breathing slowing at the words and how they soothe me...NOT!!!!!

"Your trust and loyalty are well placed Michelle.....follow your will be rewarded in so many ways if you do....your heart has NEVER led you is a wise heart even coveted by the GODs!"   "Oh...they also covet that rocking bod of yours too!!....WOWSA! sure you aint been working out more?"

"LEAVE ME!!!"   The Oracle's voice thundered in the darkness......"We shall talk again Empress!......but follow your heart! is the source of your strength!"  "Oh...and when you leave......can you walk out REAL SLOW.....I wanna watch that fine ass of yours awhile longer!"

"Oh Empress?"......"Do you need you're parking validated before you go?"

"Check with my girl out front.....She's the one in the white toga and the fucking awesome cleavage!"

I slowly begin to walk backwards out of the dark thoughts coming rapidly....but with one overriding one.....this Oracle is one fucked up asshole!.....why do I keep listening to this cock sucker?.....shit I'd be better off consulting my Magic 8-Ball!!


I do feel confidant though that while some dark days may lie ahead for my Kingdom....i will not be alone with just my sword.....

Oh fuck!..who am I kidding!...of course I'll be alone!!!   HAHAHA!

It is now time to deal with those who have no thoughts for the people of Amazonia...plans need to be made....that and I need a really big stiff drink!
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 04:36:13 PM by Michelle »
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"



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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #54 on: November 09, 2013, 07:28:34 PM »
oh lord  lol


Offline Karly_Kats

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #55 on: November 09, 2013, 09:09:05 PM »
2 hours out at sea and DISASTER strikes... Iceberg, pirates,  Sharknado's a nd a hoarde of killer seagulls... Whats a girl to do...

The crew panic, a bearded helmsman waxes lyrical about the end of days and seas turning read but in all honesty ive not seen himwithout a bong since we set sail...

The shiprolls with the waves, Sharks snapping their jaws on deck, dive bombing gulls kamikaze-ing into the pasengers... and as the first cubes of ice cool my vodka the pointy bit at the front crumbles and i spill my drink ...

Grabbing my bag and pulling the perfect tripple barrled  pike with a twist into the deep blue i swim and swim... the ship sinks, a boychild stands screaming somthing about being"King of the world" as his girlfriend splashes like Subo in the bath...

asping and spluttering as i paddle like mad, my body getting colder, my eyes getting heavy... is this the time for final words, damn i wish id taken more time to think of something witty to say to the gathering schools of tuna...

"Goodbye cruel world... Who are you going to revolve around now ?..."

(Some time later)

My eyes flicker open, sound of gentle waves lapping at the shore i lift my head and spit out a mouthful of sand and sixpack holder....Looking up, the sun beating down on my half naked sea ravished body  (Not tho mention what the salt water has done to my hair for fucks sake...) I lok around and catch a sign on the beach "Welome to Amazonias only public nudist beach... Take em off and have a blast"



Offline stormbolt7

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #56 on: November 10, 2013, 08:13:26 PM »
AS always..... Empress Michelle is smart, sassy and VERY intimidating to the other ladies..  (Said handing her a large goblet, full of her fave drink.)

Nice seeing the empress return. Reports of pirates raiding the coast ...  Captain of the guard Sadie having her problems with possible invaders, catfighting warriors at the borders..

Now .. (Here let me help you up... said after being magically transported by the powers that be to the shores..)
I see one very stunning, half drowned and half naked beauty. Hot body, lovely face. Looking to be smart, Katty and capable of being a force here.
I help her up, wrap a blanket around her. Letting her snuggle against me, so she can use my extra body heat for warmth. Handing her a drink to fire her blood, and spirits.
"Karly welcome to Amazonia ..... we may have just the place for you here." I tell her.

It seems that ALL the other ladies run in fear from Empress Michelle.....
Now I see NONE of them seem willing to challenge Karly .... the oracle foretold of her arrival.
Now we just need to see, if any other ladies dare to challenge and fight Karly, for the place of power. As the catfighting queen of the thieves guild.
Again magic pops, moving us to another place. Letting Karly be set in a warm place with food. Making sure her needs are met.

Then magicked out, to give the Empress her regular hot body, hot oil, full body massage. Hey some times making the empress feel good has it's perks.
Today Captain Sadie, will be enjoying some pampering as well. While I serve drinks, massage them. As they make plans to defend the realm.
It seems Kim K plans to attack, with her catfighters. From her nearby kingdom of whoremania!!


Offline stormbolt7

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #57 on: November 15, 2013, 08:01:47 AM »
THREE way dance.... Fight to be queen of the thieves guild has begun..


Your sexy, hard hitting, and catfighting trio!!,35908.0.html

You know the empress Michelle, and her commander of the queens forces, Sadie will be watching.

Yet with reports of pirates off the coast. As well as intelligence of a tribe of female catfighting elves on the borders. Things are never easy in Amazonia...

For now grab a tankard or goblet of your favorite drink. Then go and support, cheer for and vote. For the lovely catfighting ladies in the poll!!



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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #58 on: November 22, 2013, 08:41:36 PM »
CONTEST over... NEWLY revealed...

BABS CARLSON wins, and is known as the queen of the thieves guild in Amazonia!!  Keep your valuables and lovers close!! Babs is stealing hearts, and goodies everywhere she goes!!

Karly_Kats .... Shown to be working and fighting undercover.. Karly is the commanderette of Amazonia's naval forces. Catfighting on land and sea!!

ALSO newly opened in Amazonia... Classy Tramps Tavern !! Drinking, catfighting, and entertaining ALL hours!! Stop in for some drinks, and eye catching company of some classy tramps!!

More to be revealed about fightingBrook soon!!

Empress Michelle ..... Sadie... extra comments on the latest events??



Offline Michelle

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Re: AMAZONIA... and the Arena!! Play place for capable catfighters.
« Reply #59 on: November 24, 2013, 10:44:42 PM »
*I stick my head out the front door of the tavern.....and see my captain of my personal guard...*




*Hands Sadie my cloak.....and a warm beverage*

"Get in here you nimrod!!"  "What's the deal? want a raise or something?"

"Look...hang with me...I'll get you medical and dental benefits....How's that?"

"I'll also give you a company horse...and a company credit you can't beat that over at the next Kingdom!"
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

"We're the Sultans of Swing!!"

"Remember What The Door Mouse Said"