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Mother inlaw gets a Beatdown at the Bar!

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Offline T aka Tony

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Mother inlaw gets a Beatdown at the Bar!
« on: May 02, 2013, 10:10:29 PM »

It was a hot Thursday night when my mother inlaw Nancy stopped by the house. For a BBW I find her attractive and she looked and smelled real good on this Thursday evening. She was wearing a yellow blouse and white shorts and sporting a good tan. I noticed she even had her nails painted yellow and white. She was a good mood and was off the next day. She wanted to go to some new bar she had been to called the " Gathering Place " she said she had her eye on a guy named Jim. Lori was too tired but I was sure why not when she said " she'll buy " I took a quick shower put on some shorts, polo and sandals and off we went in Nancy's red vw cabriolet with the top down. " she was chatting away as we drove to the  " Gathering Place " telling me she just had her fingers and toes done. " so I noticed " I said with a smile. Nancy knows I have a slight foot fetish and does tease me at times with her feet. She was wearing a pair of fancy white flip flops. " This going to be fun spending the evening with my son inlaw " as we drove down the street. I must admit I got a bit of a rush as I noticed her nipples were hard as I looked down at her freshly painted yellow and white toes.

" oh good his car is here " she says with a smile as we pull into the parking lot of the " Gathering Place " I had never been there and it didn't look to busy but it was a Thursday night and Nancy was buying so what the hell.  " Oh good he is alone " said Nancy as she nudged me as we walked in. I could see a guy sitting at the bar watching the baseball game on the big screen behind the bar. There were a few others in the bar some at tables and some on the stools. Country music was playing and seemed like a pretty laid back place. Nancy went straight to this guy named Jim. " Hi Jimmy  " purred Nancy. He turned and gave Nancy a big smile  "well hello Nancy good to see you  " he replied. Then Nancy replied " this is my son inlaw Tony he's my date tonight " she laughed. Jim replied and shook my hand " nice to meet you Tony" Then Nancy said " mind if I sit next to you " as she brushed his arm with her breast. " no not at all Nancy you look nice tonight " he replied. The bartender which later I found out was also the owner came over " what will ya'll have " he said Nancy spoke first  " give Jimmy whatever he is drinking on me and I'll have a Corona with a lime and " Bud for me " I said.

I watched the game and drank free beer while Nancy flirted away with Jim.

As time went on I could see that Nancy was getting a little drunk as she continued to flirt with Jim big time. I was starting to get bored when things suddenly started to get interesting. I heard a few " hey Cory " from some of the people in the bar and I looked over at Jim and Nancy and their stood a women of about 5'8 155 or so wearing a black tank top, tight jean capris, sandals with red painted toes and she looked to be on the tough side and she she didn't waste any time mincing words when she stared at Nancy and said in a matter of fact tone " so Jim is this the FAT slut you were telling me about " I thought myself " oh shit " I heard a few people in the background laugh. I think Nancy was  caught totally off guard " excuse me " snapped back Nancy. I think Jim was enjoying this as he said nothing nor had to. " you heard me fatty move along if you know whats good for you " said Cory again in a matter of fact tone. I zoomed in on Cory and she looked liked she had been in a few bar fights and she looked like she could do pretty well in catfight. Nancy was more bark then bite and my mother inlaw has a tendency of speaking or reacting without thinking. As Nancy shot back " fuck you bitch I am not going anywhere " I heard a few people chuckle and someone say " Catfight "  " listen you FAT slut it's time for you to move your FAT ass away from Jim " snapped Cory this time with anger in her voice. It got quiet in the bar with exception of the music playing on the juke box. I had ordered a glass of water and it was half empty when Nancy grabbed it and suddenly tossed it into Cory's face and I thought " oh shit here we go " as blood rushed to my bad boy. Again I heard " Catfight " and heard some women say " kick her ass Cory " If looks could kill Nancy would be dead as Cory took a step back with water all over her face. Nancy was half way off her bar stool when Cory threw a punch that hit Nancy's face pretty good and Nancy let out a moan as stepped back a step. I was wondering what my sexy BBW mother inlaw would do now and found out she threw a wild punch misssing Cory and the bar was buzzzing now. When suddenly I never seen a guy move so fast as the bartender flew over the bar  and got in between Cory and Nancy. The bartender was saying " hold on ladies I don't want any fighting in my bar " I heard someone yell" letem fight Joe". Jim was now holding Cory back some and Nancy was was just standing there fixing to fight. " now if you ladies want to take this out back and finish it then go right ahead " Cory wasted no time with her reply " take this outback FATSO so I can kick your FAT ass real good " " Nancy snapped back " FINE "  and the people in the bar cheered. Cory lead the way followed by Jim and Joe. I was like "wow" I am going to watch Nancy in a catfight. My heart was pounding and my bad boy was hard. Nancy looked at me " hold my purse Tony while I go kick that bitches ass no one calls me a fat slut "  And started to the back of the bar which lead out back with me following.

Cory lead the way followed by Jim and Joe followed by the people in bar followed by Nancy and me. The warmth of the night hit you in the face as we went outside. It was warm and humid. A great night for a catfight I thought to myself. It was dimly lighted and a good amount of dirt space seaparated the parking lot from the bar. There were a few trash cans and empty beer, wine and whiskey boxes about. Cory was standing there with her hands on her hips and ready to fight when we reached the outside and again she wasted no time " ready to get your FAT ass kicked you fat SLUT " snapped Cory. A few women laughed again. All Nancy could say was " fuck you bitch " What a sight Cory standing there in her black tank top and tight capri jeans with sandals on her feet and red painted toes and Nancy in her yellow blouse and white shorts wearing fancy white flip flops and her toes painted yellow and white. Nancy had on a toe ring on her right foot and an ankle bracelet on her left ankle. Cory then moved towards Nancy and Nancy moved towards Cory then suddenly they both went for each others hair and started pulling and everyone cheered as our catfight was underway. Everyone was yelling for Cory to kick Nancy's ass. I just watched with a massive hardon. I was watching my mother inlaw in a back alley catfight.

Both were moaning but Nancy's moans were louder and they were pulling each other around by their hair. Nancy had a pretty grip on Cory's longer hair and right now was holding her own. I could some sweat start to form on my mother inlaws forehead, it was humid. Then Cory let go of Nancy's hair with her right hand and slammed a punch into Nancy's big soft belly. Nancy let out a grunt but continued to pull Cory's hair another punch to Nancy's gut followed by another and I could see my mother inlaws grip loosen from Cory's hair. The fouth punch to Nancy big soft belly made her really moan out in pain as she let go of Cory's hair and doubled over some. Nancy never saw the upper cut Cory threw that was a direct hit and Nancy moaned out loud and went backwards hitting the dirt hard. One of her flip flops flew from her foot as she moaned out and everyone let out a loud cheer. They were really yelling now for Cory to kick Nancy's fat ass. I looked over and Joe and Jim and they were smiling. Did they set this and Nancy took the bait. I was beginning to think so. I was so glad I came with Nancy to the " Gathering Place " I thought to myself as Cory straddled Nancy and started to punch away yelling  " I am going to beat the fuck out of you FATSO "  I just heard Nancy's moans as she tried to block Cory's punches. Her one leg with the flip flop still on her foot out straight and the other leg that was barefooted was bent.

Cory was pummelling Nancy as everyone urged Cory on. It look like Cory needed to take a break as she was starting to breath hard and her hair was getting wet from her sweat. She stopped punching Nancy and started to stand. I got a good look at my mother inlaw. She had a good size welt under her eye. Her make up was running, her face was red and her lip was bleeding. Nancy's hair was also wet from sweat. Nancy layed there dazed her chubby tanned legs spread eagle now. As Cory got up she grabbed Nancy's blouse and tore it open, everyone roared as we could now see Nancy's yellow bra holding her E cup tits. " say something now FATSO " snarled Cory in complete control. I was wondering if Cory was done with Nancy as Nancy moaned " no more I give " Cory snapped back much to my joy " fuck you FATSO I've just started " and then she stomped down on Nancy's big soft belly. Nancy let out a loud groan and rolled to her side holding her aching gut.

Cory then push Nancy to her belly and straddled Nancy back grabbing Nancy sweaty hair. Cory started to rub Nancy's face into the dirt. Nancy was making strange moans and it sounded like she was saying she gives up. Cory didn't care she was having fun humilating Nancy in front of her friends. Nancy's legs kicked and her other flip flop flew from her foot. Nancy's yellow painted toes pushed against the dirt as Cory rubbed her face into the ground. I heard someone say " Cory make the fat slut eat dirt " Cory laughed and pushed Nancy's face harder against the dirt. I was as hard as a rock watching Nancy get destroyed by Cory. Cory started to get off Nancy's back and as she did she grabbed the back of Nancy's blouse and ripped it open then she raked her red painted nails down Nancy soft flabby back. Eight red scratch marks appeared on Nancy's back as she kicked and screamed out in pain.  Cory stomped down on Nancy's fat ass. Nancy grunted. It was all Cory and everyone was loving it.
 Then Cory released Nancy yellow bra and rolled Nancy to her back. Nancy was a mess now her face covered with dirt and her nose bleeding, her white shorts dirt stained now and the soles of her feet getting dirty. Cory pulled Nancy's bra away revealing Nancy E cup tits and everyone roared as Nancy tits sagged to her sides. I zoomed in on Nancy tits and noticed her nipples were hard then I looked down at her crotch and she looked wet there. Not like she had peed herself but she was wet there. Was Nancy getting aroused being beaten and humilated in public? I read an article were some women get aroused getting beat up in public and never know it until it actually happens to them. I know I was aroused watching my mother inlaw take this beat down in public. Cory threw Nancy bra to me and she had an evil grin. Nancy just layed there moaning " no more " Cory slapped her and snapped " shut up you fat slut " then sat down on Nancy's face for a reverse face sit.

 Cory then slammed a few punches into Nancy's big soft gut. Her fat jiggling with every punch, we could hear muffled moans of " oooffff huuumph ooffff " her left leg was bent and would lift some when Cory delivered a punch. Then I heard one of the women yell " rip her tits off Cory " Cory got an evil grin and " yelled back " sounds good to me. Nancy tried to struggle some knowing what was coming now but a few punches to her already battered gut had her at Cory's mercy. Cory dug her red painted nails deep into Nancy's big soft tits and pulled. Nancy feet kicked some and we could her muffled screams of pain. I cummed into my shorts. What a rush watching Cory destroy Nancy in public. Cory slapped, punched and twisted Nancy's tits relentlesly. Nancy's tits now had scratch marks on them and were black and blue. Her belly was red from Cory's punches and her feet were getting dirty as they continued to kick and push against the dirt. Cory snarled " you fucked with the wrong bitch you fat fuck slut " and continued to maul Nancy's  tits.

It sounded like Nancy was begging Cory to stop but it muffled and sexy. Cory was breathing hard she had dished out  a lot of punishment to Nancy. Nancy's chubby legs hardly moved now, then they went spread eagle. It look like Cory was done. As she started to stand. Nancy face was red, black and blue, blood and sweat covered. She layed there moaning with her E cup tits mauled " got something to say now you fucking FAT slut " snapped Cory as she stood over the beaten and humilated Nancy. " no more " moaned Nancy lightly. Then a couple of women yelled " ARE YOU REALLY DONE WITH THAT FAT SLUT " Cory looked around and said  " everyone want more " There was a loud " YES BEAT THAT FAT SLUT MORE "

Meanwhile Nancy had rolled over to her belly. The soles of her feet really dirty now. Cory looked down then leaned down and grabbed Nancy's dirty sweaty hair. " get to all fours BITCH " hissed Cory as she pulled Nancy's hair. " AAAAHHH MYYY HAIIRRR " moaned out Nancy has she somehow got to all fours. Her white shorts dirt stained now and her big ass straining against the material. I zoomed in on her ass and it looked like she was wearing a thong. Her E tits hung and swung as Cory hissed "crawl like a dog your fucking fat slut "

I could see Cory was taking Nancy towards where there was boxes and trash cans. Nancy was so dazed she did not know where she was. When Cory had Nancy where she wanted her she let go of Nancy's hair. Nancy dropped to the dirt moaning. I watched wondering what Cory was going to do next when I heard some of the women yell " strip the fat slut " Cory looked so hot sitting now on Nancy's back with my beaten mother inlaw moaning under her. Cory got another evil grin and grabbed Nancy's sweaty dirty shorts and tore them open exposing Nancy's big huge ass. Nancy was wearing  a yellow thong, her whole big fat white ass was for all to see now. That was followed by another loud cheer. Jimmy and Bob have big shit eating grins as they watched Cory continue to destroy my mother inlaw. First Cory grabs Leigh's thong and pulls the material tearing into Nancy's pussy lips. Nancy is moaning and her chuddy legs kick some and her fat ass is giggling. Nancy is begging Cory to stop. " shut the fuck up you fat fucking slut " snarls Cory has the thong finally breaks loose. Cory hold it up for all to see and gets a big cheer. Cory tosses it aside then reached over and gets a trash can lid. Still sitting on Nancy's back Cory slams the lid down on Nancy's big fat white ass. Nancy cries out in pain. SLAM SLAM SLAM on Nancy's big fat ass it giggles with each blow and turns bright red. Nancy just lays there  her big nude body covered with dirt, welts bruises. Her feet dirty. I was wondering when this total beat down would end.

Cory then got off Nancy's back and reach down and grabbed Nancy's by her hair. " come on fatty to your kness " hissed Cory. Somehow Nancy got to her kness but then her arms dropped to her sides. Nancy  was a mess. Her tits sagged big time and were covered with dirt, scratch marks and black and blue. Her big fat gut was covered with dirt and had welts on it. Her face was dirty and bloody and she had a black eye, bloody lip and nose. I heard her moan again " no more" Cory held her by her dirty sweaty hair as she kicked Nancy in her fat gut then jerked Nancy's head down and lifted her knee into Nancy's already battered face and let go of Nancy's hair. Nancy crashed backwards into the boxes and trash can and layed there KO'ed as everyone cheered for Cory. I had been so hard I cummed long ago. Cory wasn't done, she made Nancy spread eagle then stomped down on Nancy's pussy. Nancy let out one last loud groan of pain then went totally limp. Bob yelled " drinks on the house " and everyone cheered as they carried Cory back into the bar. What a beatdown what a show!!!
I stood there trying to figure out how I was going to get my totally beaten bloody mother inlaw home.



Offline Jonica

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Re: Mother inlaw gets a Beatdown at the Bar!
« Reply #1 on: May 02, 2013, 10:38:15 PM »
Nice work, Tony!

Bad (Bad) Blood (Blood)
The bitch is in her smile.
The lie is on her lips,
Such an evil child.


Offline Marie B.

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Re: Mother inlaw gets a Beatdown at the Bar!
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2013, 11:09:43 PM »
Talk about a beatdown. Ouch!

You write a great story, Tony. :) Thanks for bringing it to us.



Offline JIMBO1962

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Re: Mother inlaw gets a Beatdown at the Bar!
« Reply #3 on: May 03, 2013, 07:08:21 AM »
as usual- great story
It's easier to see the books upon the shelf          then it is to see yourself          George Harrison 1977


Offline T aka Tony

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Re: Mother inlaw gets a Beatdown at the Bar!
« Reply #4 on: May 03, 2013, 01:33:41 PM »
Eagleton, I'll have to give that some thought.



Offline T aka Tony

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Re: Mother inlaw gets a Beatdown at the Bar!
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2013, 12:06:05 AM »
Hey all, thanks for the positive feedback. I have had writers block as of late.

Thanks again!


Offline she got koed

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Re: Mother inlaw gets a Beatdown at the Bar!
« Reply #6 on: October 31, 2013, 07:05:57 PM »
great story I loved it


Offline Deefights

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Re: Mother inlaw gets a Beatdown at the Bar!
« Reply #7 on: November 01, 2013, 05:12:22 AM »
Alternative ending: Cory forces Nancy to suck off her son-in-law in front of the cheering crowd !


Offline goredsox

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Re: Mother inlaw gets a Beatdown at the Bar!
« Reply #8 on: November 02, 2013, 03:18:00 AM »
I really enjoyed this story. I love stories involving the curvier, sexier, older woman getting beat up by a younger skinnier woman. I also love the usage of fat slut being used by the agressor. I wish it involved the bystanders joining in on the fun. Overall, I did enjoy it. Just wish you incorporated actual hair being yanked out by the scalp though. Thanks for the story!


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: Mother inlaw gets a Beatdown at the Bar!
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2013, 10:19:30 PM »
One of the key aspects to writing is the intrigue of not knowing what's going to happen.  I have no idea how so many authors here don't understand that and give away the result in the title.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.