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Big Bang Theory Catfight

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Big Bang Theory Catfight
« on: July 11, 2013, 10:15:32 PM »
Does anyone know the name of the actress that Kaley Cuoco's character had a fight with on Big Bang Theory?

The fight had a hot buildup, including the other girl saying "What are you going to do about it, bitch?" as she stepped in to Kaley and pushed her on the shoulder.........but of course the fight itself was lame.

I think Kaley's character got the crap beat out of her in the fight, because her lip was all puffy and bruised at the end.


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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2013, 10:28:32 PM »
« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 11:48:13 PM by stoneyrasta »


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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #2 on: July 11, 2013, 11:18:58 PM »
Does anyone know the name of the actress that Kaley Cuoco's character had a fight with on Big Bang Theory?

The fight had a hot buildup, including the other girl saying "What are you going to do about it, bitch?" as she stepped in to Kaley and pushed her on the shoulder.........but of course the fight itself was lame.

I think Kaley's character got the crap beat out of her in the fight, because her lip was all puffy and bruised at the end.

Her name is Valerie Azlynn and her character's name was Alicia. The fight ended indeterminate as the camera faded out. I believe Alicia had Penny  on her back with Alicia on her knees. But Penny had a scissors around Alicia's waist.  I do agree with you that the outcome seem to be that Penny lost since she was subsequently shown with a cut lip and a black eye. No shot of Alicia was shown after the fight but noises could be heard of her having sex with a producer in the apartment above.

The implied outcome was a little surprising to me as Penny is always pictured as a real toughie having gotten the better of at least one big man in a previous episode. But then that is Hollywood.


« Last Edit: July 11, 2013, 11:38:07 PM by byline »
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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #3 on: July 12, 2013, 08:11:42 PM »
Love this!!! Would love to see the clip!!


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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2013, 10:36:29 PM »
It's true we never see the other girl after the fight during the short, but memorable encounter it looks like Penny (Kaley) is winning. I think she won, but not an easy fight. Waiting for them to do it again, or since Penny is a failing actress it would be great if she became a pro-wrestler. Just think of all the guess stars she could battle with.


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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #5 on: July 13, 2013, 03:55:37 AM »
DAMN I love Kaley. I missd this episode I have t google it. LOL

Thanks for postin this!!!




Offline Jebediah Morningside

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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #6 on: July 13, 2013, 04:50:04 AM »
Judging from what was shown in the episode, it seems that Penny must have lost the fight.  Aside from the damage shown (black eye, busted lip, otherwise sore and hurting), the dialog implies this as well.  Throughout the episode Howard has been making his usual smarmy comments toward Penny, and every time she gave him a sharp rebuff.  After we're shown Penny's battered condition, Howard again makes such a comment, but this time Penny just meekly replies "Thank you, Howard."  He turns around and says "Oh yeah, that filly is BROKEN."  Penny doesn't really react, which seems to me to be indicative of a girl who's used to dishing out the punishment finding herself on the losing end instead.

In the meantime, we hear Alicia upstairs having sex with the CSI producer who's her new boyfriend.  This at least implies that she came out of the fight in better shape than Penny, and might also indicate that she's celebrating her victory.  Now, if memory serves, in the episode we never got any info about Alicia's background, so it's possible she also had some previous fight experience.  That certainly seems to me to be the most plausible explanation for the outcome we're shown.

If I was writing this as a fight story, that would be the approach I'd take... Penny knows she's a tough girl and also knows from her many failed auditions that most actresses are creampuffs.  What she doesn't know is that Alicia has some significant catfight history, and underestimating her leads to a disastrous and unexpected defeat.  Judging from Penny's stunned, shellshocked reaction at the end of the episode, this is pretty rare, maybe even her first real loss, which again could make for an interesting story hook.  On the other hand, seeing her defeated that way would probably remind Leonard how much he cares for Penny, so the outcome does serve in that way to restore the status quo.  I'd end with a postscript explaining that Alicia soon moved in with the CSI guy, which is why we don't see her again.  

I could see at least a couple of good possibilities for a follow-up story.  The obvious one is that Penny again encounters Alicia (probably at an audition somewhere), and the two wind up fighting over a part.  We have seen that despite her confident exterior, Penny clearly has secret insecurities, and I've got to think that having to face the one woman who humbled her before would be doubly challenging for her.

Another less obvious but rather interesting option could be that Sheldon's sister Missy crosses paths with Alicia, leading to a fight between the two.  They're about the same size, and one gets the impression that she was rather a tomboy when they were growing up, so she could probably scrap as well.

Actually, thinking about it, the whole thing could be done as a full story arc... Penny loses the rematch described above as well, perhaps in a more humiliating fashion, which really shakes her confidence and leaves her completely intimidated by Alicia.  This is illustrated when Penny goes to an audition full of optimism, sure that she's got a great chance of scoring her important break, only to be confronted by a smug Alicia.  Penny's poise collapses and she backs down, completely unnerved, finally leaving without even auditioning and instead just sits crying in the car before heading home.  

Missy and Alicia then encounter each other as in the second scenario, and though she acquits herself fairly well Missy also eventually fails and is humiliated as well.  (I'm thinking that in each fight we'd see Alicia going even farther to score a win, revealing initially unsuspected reserves of cruelty and sadism.)  Sheldon somehow learns about the fight, though he doesn't realize it was with Alicia, and he approaches Penny privately to ask for help.  Penny is so touched that Sheldon has come to her out of concern for his sister that she agrees, only to find to her chagrin that she has agreed to fight Alicia.   She then has to try to find the courage to once again go and confront her nemesis.  

OK, maybe I've gotten a little carried away there...

« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 06:39:50 AM by Jebediah Morningside »


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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #7 on: July 13, 2013, 03:49:35 PM »
Jebediah Morningside, I had forgotten about Howard's comments and Penny's response. I think that really does make it seem that Alicia not only won the fight but broke Penny's spirit. Something you wouldn't think would happen to the strong, tough Nebraska girl.

You storyline is interesting and I like your ideas on the first fight. I would add a twist. Penny is confident about her physical toughness but has her doubts in her subconscious because Alicia has already beaten her as an actress (getting several parts to Penny's failed career) and "stolen" the geeks from her (they spend all there time helping Alicia and Lenard even hooks up her printer while not doing so for Penny in over a week.) This little bit of doubt may play a roll when Alicia suddenly turns out to be a good catfighter. Penny's self doubt about her abilities comes back and she no longer thinks she can win. It's like when a "favorite" in sports is losing to the "underdog". It knocks them off their game and they don't know quite what to do.
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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #8 on: July 13, 2013, 07:57:19 PM »

I think you're right on target. Even in the episode we see Penny getting discouraged when she buys new clothes (looking particularly smoking hot in the blue dress and heels) but still fails to reclaim the gang's attention.  The best she can manage at that point is to sit alone with Sheldon, who spends the time telling her how much time and effort the guys are putting into taking care of Alicia. Even the way their first confrontation develops tends to support your thinking -- note that Penny ASKS Alicia not to take advantage of the guys, but its Alicia who takes it to the next level, ensuring a fight. When she does that, Penny actually has something of a shocked expression. Perhaps even at that stage Penny was being taken out of her game, since it seems she had expected to be the aggressor. I believe as long as she was holding her own she'd still be fine, but once Alicia got the upper hand Penny's usual composure and prowess unravels and she takes a beating, maybe even getting punched out completely.  That kind of a loss would certainly explain her reaction at the end of the episode.



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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #9 on: July 13, 2013, 10:12:23 PM »
Wow could you imagine what they didn't show was Alicia gaining the top position and finishing it by ufc pounding at Pennys face until the guys had to stop it? Super hot. Oh and I heard Sheldons hot sister vs Alicia say whaaaa! Greatest idea evaaaar!


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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #10 on: July 13, 2013, 10:43:20 PM »
Dang, I may wind up having to write this yet...



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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #11 on: July 13, 2013, 11:29:16 PM »
Dang, I may wind up having to write this yet...

Another little interesting note or subplot is that there was an episode when Amy and Bernadette are complaining about being bullied in high school or grade school. It turns out that it was Penny who did the bullying in school. So obviously she is used to being the aggressor and having her way in a fight.
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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #12 on: July 13, 2013, 11:35:13 PM »
Sheldons sister Missy


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Re: Big Bang Theory Catfight
« Reply #14 on: July 14, 2013, 02:49:27 AM »