I found this bit on about pwnage in fighting on the internet...
Pwnage isn't just losing a fight. These are situations where one
opponent significantly outclasses the other to the point of
For the pwner, the battle usually involves a few of these things:
one-hit KO
flawless victories
not breaking a sweat
a lack of focus/interest in the fight
never using your high level attacks
being outnumbered but shrugging it off like, "meh"
decimation of your opponent after analyzing their abilities
not avoiding your enemies strongest attack and sustaining no injury outside of dirtied clothes, if that
letting your fists explain why your smack talk was an act of mercy,
not conceit, and that the opponent should have listened to you
For the pwnee, the battle usually involves selections from the
planning and preparation
breaking out your best strategies and attacks
knowing that nobody could possibly be that strong (and/or or that good)
pouring your heart into a battle with everything on the line and still getting squashed
I added the bit about still getting squashed. Personally, I think I enjoy being the "pwnee" more than the "pwner" at least most of the time
I remember a girl on yahoo telling me one time that she loved it when her opponents "shocked" her with their strength and ability... and i thought yes... that seemed kind of hot to me too
so I'm wondering what you all think about the concept of doing the "pwning" or being "pwned" so to speak