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The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)

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The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« on: July 28, 2013, 12:46:38 PM »
Ok, not mine, but I love this story

There's a woman in our neighborhood with the biggest jugs I've ever seen. Bambi Rosen is about twenty-two years old "trophy wife". She is a tall, beautiful blonde with long legs and a cute ass. She also has 42" DD-cup knockers (I know because I looked at her bra once when it was on the clothes-line - I do their lawn work). Her tits are even bigger now because about six months ago she had a baby and she's still nursing it. Still a knockout, the pregnancy had left a stubborn extra fifteen to twenty pounds on Bambi and a jelly roll of fat around her once flat midriff.

When she was pregnant though, her rich husband started screwing around with Margaret Sheehan, a slim good looking eighteen year old lifeguard who only has B cup size boobs. One day at the pool at the country club, Bambi started getting on Margaret's case. She tried to trip her as she walked past and whispered things about her so she could see she was being talked about.

Finally Margaret had enough, and marched up to Bambi Rosen and said, " Listen, you fat cow! If you want to settle this thing right now, let's go over in the gym and put on the gloves!"

Bambi jumped at the opportunity. "You're on,'Skinny'!" she sneered at Margaret.

Bambi appeared at the gym still clad in her revealing bikini (a little too tight post pregnancy) and barefoot; Margaret had changed into a sports bra, shorts and cross trainers. A large crowd followed the two to the gym. I thought I'd faint when Bambi Rosen came in. Her her massive fun bags were bursting out of the top of her bikini top, and you could see her big areolae and nipples through the material.

They tied on the gloves. Mr. Rosen was the referee. "I'm going to knock you out in the first round, little girl!" Bambi Rosen said cattily "I'm gonna black those big baby blue eyes of yours, too!"

Margaret just smirked.

The bell rang and Bambi rushed out and started throwing punches wildly, but Margaret dodged and ducked all of them. Then she let fly with a roundhouse right that socked Bambi Rosen in her left eye and knocked her flat.

Bambi was dizzy and a little cross eyed but she struggled up by the count of nine. That eye was going to be black for two weeks. She threw another telegraphed punch at Margaret, but Margaret slipped under it and came up with a left hook to Bambi's other eye that decked her again.

The tall blonde seemed a little woozy but got up again only to be met with a tremendous uppercut to her chin that literally knocked her silly! It knocked her back into the ropes and her arms were flung back over the ropes as she sagged down, held up only by her arms. Her knees were knocking together and her eyes were rolling around and her head was lolling from side to side. She was gaga!

Margaret then put on quite a show. She stepped up and administered a whopping uppercut to each of Bambi Rosen's fat jiggling jugs, knocking them out of her bra. Then she began to punch each one of them like punching bags, switching back and forth while Mr. Rosen and the whole neighborhood looked on. It turned out Margaret Sheehan was a personal trainer and fitness expert and she'd worked out on the light bag for hours in expectation of this moment. Bambi's massive milk melons were flopping like a pair of speed bags. A sudden straight right hand to the face and Bambi's cute button nose cracked audibly and began to swell. A second right sent Bambi's dazzlingly white front teeth (cosmetic caps) clattering to the mat, leaving her with two gray stumps in their place.

Finally, Margaret paused. Bambi Rosen was still in her cuckoo daze, but now her eyelids drooped and her eyes crossed themselves completely. Her big tits were sticking out, red from the pounding Margaret gave them. Her nose was swollen and she despite (or perhaps as a result of) her battering, she grinned a silly little grin, revealing her ruined smile. Margaret shucked off her boxing gloves, then leaned down and took each of the dazed blonde's nipples between her thumb and forefinger and teased and twirled them till they were standing out stiff like over sized pencil erasers. Then, Margaret put a hand under each massive tit and gently began to jiggle them and lo and behold, Bambi Rosen began to squirt milk from each nipple.

Milk squirted all over Margaret and all over the ring even on Mr. Rosen, ten feet away, first long Spurts, then a steady little dribbling stream like two fountains!

"Milk that fat cow!" cheered one skinny woman in the crowd. Ever the vain exhibitionist, Bambi Rosen had few friends among her female neighbors!

"Baby's gonna have to be satisfied with the bottle tonight!" laughed another smug female onlooker.

There was an orgasmic smile on Bambi Rosen's face. She was having a sexy dream or something. You could almost hear the birdies chirping and tweeting around her head as she hung there, draped in the ropes with two enormous purple shiners around her eyes and her bazooms beaten black and blue! Mr. Rosen held Margaret's hand up in victory after counting his wife out ... but Margaret Sheehan was not through!

"Just so you won't have any trouble choosing between us ...", announced Margaret, fumbling through her gym bag, " ... and since you're so clearly dazzled by 'Dairy Queen's' big fat udders, I guess I'll have to do something to ugly up 'Blondie' here ... and I know just the the thing!" From her bag, Margaret produced ... a set of cordless clippers!

Returning her attention to the battered blonde, Margaret eased a stumbling Bambi to the center of the ring and eased her into a sitting position. "I'm going to cut off all your hair now, okay, 'Fatso"?", Margaret whispered to the dazed blonde, "You'd like that, wouldn't you?". As she spoke, Margaret nonchalantly twirled an index finger around one of Bambi's sensitive (but now bone dry) nipples.

"Mmmmmmm, yeah ..." cooed the witless Bambi, "It feels nice!"

Firing up the clippers to the cheers of the crowd, Margaret stared at Mr. Rosen, who shrugged non-commitally. Placing the clippers at the crest of Bambi's hairline, just above her forehead, Margaret plowed them slowly steadily back. Long wisps of lush blonde hair cascaded to the floor and soon, the brash Bambi Rosen was sporting a peculiar 'reverse-Mohawk" ... but not for long!

Humming as she worked, Margaret Sheehan made pass after pass with the clippers over Bambi Rosen's rapidly vanishing blonde mane. "Take it off ... take it all off!" hooted a matronly neighbor who's husband had often stared lustfully at the buxom tease! Soon the battered bimbo's head was reduced to a bristly stubble, which Margaret rubbed with obvious satisfaction! "And now ... to make sure you don't return to your old tricks, 'Titsie', when it grows back!" chuckled Margaret, holding up a bottle for the crowd to see - "MAXIMUM STRENGTH DEPILATORY - GET RID OF UNWANTED HAIR PERMANENTLY!".

Donning rubber gloves, Margaret rubbed the noxious green chemical into a still goofy Bambi's ravaged scalp. Audible "pops" and "hisses" arose from Bambi Rosen's head, along with little plumes of what looked like smoke! After several minutes, Margaret began gently massaging Bambi's scalp with a towel - a process Bambi appeared to be enjoying thoroughly! The punch drunk bimbo smiled goofily.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm ... that's nice ... I love this ...", she babbled. By this point, camcorders had been whirring for minutes and photographs were being snapped freely by the crowd. No one, not even her husband, was inclined to lift a finger in defense of this haughty bitch! As she steadily massaged away the remnants of Bambi Rosen's gorgeous hair forever, Margaret was simultaneously buffing her beaten opponent's head to a high gloss shine! By the time she'd finished, Bambi's completely bald head gleamed like a cue ball! Seemingly for the first time, Bambi's over sized ears were noticed - they were certainly too large for her head and jutted out prominently from her shiny skull. For her part, Bambi snored and snorted noisily, she had finally passed out completely!

"Well, Stanley!" chirped Margaret, "Time for you to make a decision! Who's it gonna be - me or this?". Margaret poised her own pretty face next to the battered bald Bambi's and smiled coquettishly!

Fir the first time, Mr. Rosen smiled. He placed an arm around Margaret Sheehan, " It was never really an issue ... but now it looks like there's not much of a choice!". Neighbor's cheered as Margaret and Mr. Rosen kissed, with a battered, beaten and bald Bambi sitting snoring at their feet.

"Oh Stan ..." gushed Margaret, "Let's get a picture with her!". Kneeling, Margaret and Mr. Rosen positioned themselves on either side of Bambi Rosen. Margaret placed her hand under Bambi's chin to hold her head up to look into the camera as Mr. Rosen placed his hand atop Bambi's hairless head.

"Smile!" a plump redhead suggested as she entered the ring with her camera. Then frowning, she pouted, "Bambi's not smiling!"

"I can fix that!" chirped Margaret. Bambi Rosen's legs were crossed under her and were out of the frame of the picture. Slyly, Margaret mischievously tickled the bare sole of the bald bimbo's foot.

"Kootchie kootchie koooooo ... come on, 'Chrome-Dome', smile for the camera! That's a good little baldie bimbo!"

Bambi Rosen's sleeping face took on a puzzled look. Then she cooed and her eyes fluttered open; they were still half crossed and she was clearly still "out of it". Then she giggle and a broad, seemingly genuine smile creased her face, revealing her busted teeth. It looked for all the world like Bambi was ACTUALLY enjoying her predicament!

"Stop that, Andre ..." she tittered, half conscious, "You know how ticklish I am, you bad boy ..."

"Andre? Who the hell is ...", sputtered Mr. Rosen.

"It doesn't matter anymore!" Margaret reassured him; then, placing an arm under his once gorgeous wife's shoulder, "Help me get this piece of trash to her feet!"

Stumbling, mumbling, followed by a jeering crowd, Bambi Rosen was walked back to the pool ... and hurled in!

Sputtering wildly, a now wide awake Bambi burst up from the water. "Wh- what happened ..." she shrieked, "Did I beat that bitch? What's happening to me?". The crowd laughed and cheered and Bambi began to hear snippets that caused her to clap her hands tentatively atop her shiny scalp.

"Why I'm ... I'm ... I'm BALD! I'm completely bald!" a stunned Bambi repeated the obvious. As the full extent of her humiliation became clear to her, she began to cry and scream, swearing that she would divorce her husband for every penny he was worth and see Margaret behind bars! Fed up with Bambi's shrill shrieking, Margaret stepped forward, a surly look on her pretty face. "That beating was nothing compared to what you're going to get, you fat ugly bald bitch!".

Terrified, Bambi made to escape but Margaret caught her by the waistband of her bikini. With an audible ping, it snapped ... and a bald, buck naked Bambi Rosen raced off, her bare feet slapping the pavement as she fled.

Epilogue: DNA testing proved that the Bambi's child was fathered by Andre, her tennis coach, not Mr. Rosen. Bambi was divorced for adultery and did not receive a dime! When Bambi and Margaret both pressed assault charges, the judge ruled that whatever had gone on, including the head shaving, was part of a consensual fight and fined each party five hundred dollars or fifty days in jail - a sum Margaret's new fiance, Mr. Rosen paid cheerfully. Broke, bald as a bowling ball, ugly as sin and unable to work in her previous line as an exotic dancer, Bambi was facing jail time. With no job prospects, she sheepishly accepted a position ... as Margaret Sheehan-Rosen's upstairs maid. Curious house guests who had never heard this story often wondered about the bald woman with the bad teeth and crooked nose (in traditional French maid's garb at Margaret's insistence) whom they observed humbly dusting the mansion's furniture.


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #1 on: July 28, 2013, 04:41:17 PM »
Sceej can really write a great story.


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #2 on: May 20, 2018, 08:54:26 PM »
I bring back this masterpiece in case people didn't read it the first time.

Does anyone know how to contact Sceej?


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #3 on: May 22, 2018, 03:58:23 AM »
I used to chat with sceej a few years back. He had a wicked sense of humor and enjoyed chatting about mutual erotic interests.


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2018, 12:21:21 AM »
I'd love to find his old stories from "Haircuttingstories" (or something like that)
« Last Edit: May 24, 2018, 12:21:41 AM by draft2 »


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2018, 04:52:23 PM »
We co-wrote some "Double D Debbie" stories way back but I haven't seen anything new from him in a long time. He was always supportive and easy to deal with online and I loved his stories.


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2018, 09:45:20 PM »
Great story thanks for sharing.


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #7 on: June 22, 2018, 09:39:19 PM »
Shocked to see this "oldie" resurface!  And thanks you all for the high praise!  I see some familiar names commenting on this thread!  For myself, I rarely feel the urge/have the time to write anymore - the internet is so full of instant gratification - if it's not EXACTLY the style I like, its close enough!  But all this high praise has me thinking I should do something ... maybe just convert/expand on an old story from another venue?

Again, thank you all for the comments!


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2018, 01:22:49 AM »
Here's my own version of Bambi and Margaret!


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2018, 05:38:51 AM »
Bambi needs to be chubbier, draft2 :)

Absolutely loved this story - haven't seen it in a long while!  Thanks for the blast from the past!
« Last Edit: December 29, 2018, 12:18:59 PM by Tiffany_BBW »
I am Tiffany, destroyer of boobs.  Fear me.


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #10 on: December 30, 2018, 12:16:45 AM »
Oh, yeah, maybe  ::)


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2019, 09:01:28 PM »
Why do people like hair-cutting stories? I don't know. Why do we like catfighting stories? Or B & D? Or women with bare feet? It's a fetish. Hard to say what triggers a certain turn-on, but there's lots of them, some that make catfights or hair cutting look tame.
Things posted here are about 99.9 percent fantasy so I don't get too concerned about it. As long as no one gets hurt I have to ask - where's the harm?


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2019, 10:12:15 AM »
Bambi sure got her deserved cum-uppance ... well & truly!  :D ;D
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


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Re: The Trophy Wife's Humiliating Defeat (by Sceej)
« Reply #13 on: June 20, 2019, 04:16:12 PM »
Great story thanks.