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Brooke Shields vs. The Charmed Ones

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Offline Sandman13

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Brooke Shields vs. The Charmed Ones
« on: August 04, 2013, 04:14:26 PM »
It had begun as a normal day on the the Oprah
 Winfrey show, with Brooke Shields guest-starring.
 But she has recently given an interview where
 she criticized network television, singling out
 the show "Charmed" by calling it "just another
 T & A show with three talentless bimbos in the
 starring roles.
To everyone's surprise, the three stars of
 "Charmed" slipped backstage and made an ambush
 on Brooke, live on the show. At first Brooke was
 overwhelmed by the three smaller women but she
 was much tougher than they were.
 It soon became apparent that even though the
 Charmed Ones had Ms. Shield outnumbered, she
 was by far the best fighter.
Oprah stared, still in shock, as the battle
 continued in front of her.
Back in the control booth, her head producer
 told his crew to keep the cameras
rolling. "This is great TV!" he proclaimed.

By this time, Alyssa Milano had succumbed to
 Brooke's might right cross. She sat
bleary-eyed and wobbly propped up on Oprah's couch.

Brooke had Holly Marie Combs by one arm, twisted
 into a painful hold that had
the little woman gasping and grunting. Rose McGowan,
 the only one of the
"Charmed" trio with any energy left, tried to grab
 Brooke by the hair, but the
older, much larger woman eluded her grasp and sank
 her free fist into Rose's
pale tummy.

Rose let out an agonized gasp and sank to her
 knees, only to catch a knee under
the chin that sent her sprawling. Brooke then
released Holly and, grabbing what
was left of Holly's shredded dress, pulled
 her close and smiled at the tiny

"I guess by now you know what a terrible idea
it was to attack me on Oprah's
show," Brooke told the groggy brunette. "Now
let me hear those three little
words I love..."

Bruised, battered and humiliated, Holly
 whispered "I give up!"

Brooke smiled her dazzling model smile and,
 winking at the audience, wound up
and slammed her fist into Holly's chin. The
 tiny girl actually left her feet as
her body flew back across the stage to crash
into Rose. She wound up on top of
the out-cold McGowan and neither of them moved.

The older woman strolled proudly over to Alyssa
 and dragged her by the hair to
the pile where she deposited her on top of Holly
 and Rose. As a final gesture,
Brooke sat atop the pile of groaning, begging women,
 raising her fists in a
victory gesture.

"Well, folks, I guess that's the show for today!"
 Oprah told her audience, which
was dead silent for a moment, then broke into
 thunderous applause.


Offline Sandman13

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Re: Brooke Shields vs. The Charmed Ones
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2013, 04:41:28 PM »
You're probably right, Simon. But I like the idea of two or three against one so I pulled an rather old story to post. I may try this again with more current celebrities.


Offline trotsky

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Re: Brooke Shields vs. The Charmed Ones
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2013, 10:00:20 PM »
Awesome fight, Sandman. I wish she'd humiliated Holly more.