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Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)

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Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« on: August 04, 2013, 07:00:52 PM »
So this is the first time I've tried to write a  story here. I hope everybody likes it and I just wanna say thank you to Laurie, Jonica, Sadie, Sara and Mckenzie for letting me put them in my story. I wanna give a really special thank you to Laurie and Jonica for giving me the courage to try writing a story by sharing with us their amazing writing gift. And Laurie ya get a really special thanks for all ya help fine tuning it and for always telling me to write something up. LOVE YOU ALL LOTS!!!!! Hope everyone enjoys the story!!!

Mountaintop Mayhem

It was the end of my first year at college. It had been a long year, full of ups and downs but all in all a pretty good year. I stayed in the dorms and had two roommates in my room, Sadie and Mckenzie.  Sadie was from Alabama originally and had long blonde hair and an amazing bod. She was definitely the most mercurial of our lil group, always happy and laughing and having a good time but if you crossed her you'd better watch out. She never backed down from anybody and had been in a couple of fights since I met her. Even though I'm more quiet and a little shy Sadie and I totally hit it off and soon we were best friends.

Mckenzie was from South Carolina and was one of the sweetest girls you'd ever meet. She was blonde and the smallest in our group but she was a cheerleader and had the strong legs and toned body of an athlete. She was really pretty, with beautiful blue eyes and a smile that would light up any room. The three of us got along really well and before long we were pretty much inseperable. You almost never saw one of us without at least one of the other two and it really made the year pass by quickly and we had a lot of fun.
All three of us took summer classes that first year so by the time we were done with classes summer was almost over. We sat down one day and decided that we had to do something at least before the summer was over. Because I was the only one from Washington, Sadie and Mckenzie asked me what we should do and I told them about these lakes up on top of a mountain in the Olympics that we could hike to and camp. They thought this was a great idea so we picked a weekend and started to plan our trip.

Now Mckenzie had an older sister named Sara who was also our floor’s Resident Advisor. She was a senior but was really nice just like her sister and we would hang out sometimes. We invited her on the trip and she said sure but asked to bring along two friends of hers, Laurie and Jonica. We had all heard about Laurie and Jonica before, they were seniors, neither of them very big but they LOVED to mess with the freshman girls and were never shy about getting in a fight. Everyone knew if ya took on one girl you'd better watch out because the other was never far away. At first we didn't really want them to come but since they were friends with Sara we finally agreed to let them come along.
Finally the big day arrived and we all met up at the dorm. Mckenzie, Sara, Sadie and I all got there early and loaded up our gear. Laurie and Jonica were running a little late but that was pretty much the norm for them. At last their car pulled in and out hopped Laurie first, then Jonica.

Laurie was small like all of us, I don't think any of us was above 5'4, with curly dark hair and a nice swimmers body. Lean and toned. She was Sioux and originally from South Dakota. She was known to have a short temper and loved to punch first and ask questions later but she never ran from a fight. She stepped out of the car wearing a pair of denim shorts and a tan blouse open in the front and tied at the very bottom. A white tank top underneath and hiking boots with knee high socks covering her slender legs.

She smirked as she looked over at us and turned to Sara, "So this is it huh? What is this, a Girl Scout hike? Don't think I'm going to pack all their stuff up the mountain when they're too tired!"

I started to say something but reminded myself she was Sara's friend and kept quiet. "Oh don't worry we'll be up there waiting with camp all ready to go by the time you get those stubby legs up the mountain!" I heard Sadie reply and I had to stifle a giggle.

Laurie’s face turned red and she took a step towards Sadie but out from the car stepped Jonica. "Now come on Laurie, don't let the little girl get to you. She may be mouthy now but I bet that all stops when she's all tired gasping for breath ten minutes into the hike!"

Jonica's silky Louisiana accent always made her sound kinda relaxed and nice but everyone knew that if you crossed Jonica or messed with her bestie Laurie, you were in for one hell of a fight. She had long blonde hair and a nice curvy body that always drew eyes. She was wearing a pair of boots and boot socks that came up to her knees. Camo cut offs that were cut just about midthigh. She had on a flannel shirt unbuttoned with a black tank top underneath. Her long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail.

"Yeah you're right Jonica, no sense wasting my time and breath on her." Sadie just rolled her eyes and went back to helping us load up Sara's Explorer. Sadie had on a pair of short daisy duke style shorts that I tried to tell her weren't that great for camping but she insisted. "I'm gonna look good wherever I'm at!"  How can you argue with that? Especially because she could make just about any outfit look good. She was wearing a tight white t shirt with the Alabama Crimson Tide logo on it and her hair was tied back in a ponytail too.

Sara came over wearing a pair of jeans and a tight fitting green t shirt. Her hair hanging loose around her shoulders. "Ok so Laurie and Jonica, this is Sadie, Mckenzie and Ami." She pointed at each of us in turn and Sadie just smirked and nodded. Mckenzie smiled and said "hi" and then went back to putting up her bag and then Sara pointed at me.

"Wait, so thats Sadie, thats Mckenzie and thats Amy, right?" Laurie said with a smirk.

"Um no my names AHMEEE" I replied. Making sure to sound it out nice and slow for her. "Not Amy. I'm Japanese"

She just smiled and raised her eyebrows. "Oh whatever you say AMY" Making sure to really emphasize the long A.

"Whatever," I mumbled to myself and went back to loading up our bags. We left shortly after and after about a three hour drive we were at the top of the trail.

"Ok here’s where we walk," I told everybody and we climbed out, got our packs on and headed down the trail. The sun beat down on us and the tough trail started to take its toll. We didn't talk much as we hiked, I led the way since I was the only one who had been there before and we made pretty good time. It was about a four hour hike but after a long sweaty trek up the mountainside we finally crested the top of the ridge. I stopped at the edge and waited for the other girls to catch up.

Sadie and Mckenzie were first and I smiled as I heard them walk up. "So whatcha think??? There it is!" I told them pointing down the hill through the giant old growth Firs and Cedars. The sun shone down on the lake making the mirror-like surface shimmer. There were no birds chirping because we were so high up but you could hear the soft splash of the little red bellied lake trout as they fished for flies on the lake surface. We headed down the hill once the other girls caught up and I led us to the spot where I had camped before. It was near the lake edge with a little firepit and a few nice spots for tents. The soft mossy ground gave way under our feet a little as we walked but it firmed up the farther we got from the lake edge. The lake was crystal clear, you could see to the bottom all the way out to the middle if you could make it out there. The air was still and quiet, warm and humid but not too hot. Giant old growth Cedars and Firs hemmed us in,
the depression we were in giving us a feel like we were in our own little secret world.

It felt so good to be out of the city. Even though I lived in the city I've always loved being in the woods more then anything. There’s a peaceful tranquility you feel when you're away from all the noise and confusion of the cities and state parks and campgrounds always felt like parking lots to me. Its just not the same as being out away from everything. No people, no cars, no houses, nothing but you and nature. Its really a wonderful feeling and if you can ever get the chance you should definitely go to a place in the woods wherever that may be in ya area and just get away from everything. You really don't know whats its like until ya do it.
We had left early in the morning so, by the time we arrived, it was just about the hottest part of the day. Everyone went off to set up their tents. Since we were limited for space and only a couple of us even had tents, we had opted to go two to a tent. Sara and Mckenzie set up their tent in a nice shady spot and Sadie and I found a nice mossy spot under a tree to set up our tent. I dropped my pack and undid the tent to get ready to set up in our spot to show we had taken it. Laurie and Jonica had just dropped their bags and decided to take naps first before setting up camp so we just left them to it.

Before we set up our tent, Sadie and I went for a little walk. I wanted to show her this spot on top of the ridge surrounding our little valley where you could look out eye level with the mountaintops. We climbed up there and finally crested the ridge. I looked down and my breath caught like it always did when I saw the view. The sun shone down on the clouds below us lighting up the afternoon sky. The green mountaintops shined so pretty and down below us we could see the big lake at the foot of the mountains where we had first started our trip. The treetops looked small below us on the mountainside, rolling away down towards the lake at the bottom. Here and there you could see the faint bare line of a road making its way across the mountainside. We were above the cloud level and if ya looked at the right time of day you could actually look down at the clouds. It was an amazing feeling and the most beautiful sight. I'll never forget it.

"Gawd its beautiful!" I heard Sadie say and I smiled and gently took her hand. "I'm so glad you could come, Sadie. I always wanted to show you this," I said with a smile as I looked up into her beautiful eyes and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.  I felt so happy to be able to share this beautiful spot and this wonderful moment with my friend. We stayed there just enjoying the spectacular view for a while and then headed back to camp. We made it back and went to go set up our tent when I saw my pack and tent and Sadie’s pack had been moved over to a different spot. Laurie and Jonica were in the process of setting up their tent in our spot!

"Um excuse me, what are you doing? We had our stuff there that was our spot," I said as I walked over to Laurie.

"What does it look like? We're setting up our tent. And you're right, that WAS your spot and now it’s ours. You snooze, you lose, AMY!" She replied with a smirk and I could feel my blood starting to boil. My hands clenched into fists. I HATED being called Amy! It was not my name and people were always doing it. And besides I had this spot first!! But I reminded myself that this was supposed to be a fun relaxing trip so I just shook my head and said "Whatever, take it."

I called over to Sadie who was helping Sara set up the cooking area and asked her to help me set up the tent. We found a nice spot with some moss in a lil depression that was pretty comfy, although not as nice as our original spot. Soon all the camp was up and ready so Sara started to cook up some dinner for us. All during the dinner I would catch Laurie and Jonica whispering to each other, then looking over at me and Sadie and giggling. Every time I'd look up and catch them they'd look away like nothing was going on and pretty soon I got tired of it.

"Look what’s so funny over there?? You keep looking over here and laughing, what is it??" I ask annoyed with their high school behavior.

"Oh nothing AMY, we were just talking about how cute you and Sadie look together over there" Laurie replied with a lil smirk. "Is that why ya brought her along?? So you had a little snuggle buddy??"

I could feel my cheeks turning pink and I looked away a bit shocked and not sure what to say. It wasn't really a big secret that I liked girls and it never had been much of a big deal but I had never done anything with Sadie. She was my friend and I didn't wanna mess that up by trying to take things further. Still I had always had a crush on her but never said anything, so when Laurie just blurted all that out I couldn't help but blush.

"Oh shut up Laurie. I mean you and Jonica are so close I'm surprised you're not married! I bet you just about anything Jonica's the butch though. You just seem like the bitch type to me" I heard Sadie say and I looked up with a smirk. Laurie’s eyes opened wide and her face went a bit white. She started to her feet but Jonica stepped up in front of her. Sadie just stood there across from her with her hands on her hips and a smirk on her face. "Oh what’s wrong? Did I hit a little close to home??"

Laurie tried to get past Jonica but Sara and Mckenzie stepped up. "Knock it off both of you!!! We're here to have a good time so shut up and eat your dinner and then we can all relax and enjoy ourselves!!" Sara yelled at both Sadie and Laurie.

"Yes mommy, we'll be good" Sadie said with a lil snicker and Laurie just turned around and walked off. Jonica followed her into the woods and we all just sat back down to enjoy our dinner. Pretty soon they returned and Laurie walked over to me and Sadie where we sat on the soft grassy ground. "Hey get up you need to get some firewood."

"You go get it. I'm not your little slave" Sadie said and walked off. Laurie turned to me. "Didn't you hear me, AMY? Go get some firewood!" I grit my teeth, this was getting to be too much for me. "First off my name is AHH MEEEE, not fucking Amy!!!! And secondly if you want the firewood so bad, get it yourself! Your legs aren't broken!" I said pushing up to my feet and planting my hands on my hips. "We're not in school up here. Just because you're a senior doesn't mean you can boss us around. This is the woods and I could care less if you're older then me or whatever you're not in charge!" I shouted at her totally losing my cool.

Everyone around camp got quiet and Laurie stepped up close to me. "You think so huh? Well guess what, little AMY. It’s not just because I'm a senior that I'm telling you what to do. It’s because you're going to do it or I'll kick your scrawny little ass and make you! Now go get some firewood!!"

My heart was hammering in my chest as I glared into her blue eyes. The warm air seemed a bit more humid the quiet still air making each word echo around us. "No" I said firmly and quietly as I stared back at her. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy and my heart beat like a drum in my chest but there was no way I was going to back down. Mckenzie and Sadie had always said I was too stubborn for my own good sometimes and this seemed like it might be one of those situations, but damn it there was no way I was going to let this girl order me around! Her blue eyes widened a bit, nostrils flaring and I saw her body tense up and got ready for the blow I knew was coming.

"Damn it, knock it off!!! Laurie, go get some firewood, Ami, go fill up the pan with water so we can clean the dishes. Gawd, it’s like high school all over again!!!" Sara's voice cut through the tension with all the authority she had. She wasn't that much older than any of us but even so we all just kinda left her in charge.

Laurie and I locked gazes still, eyes boring into each others daring the other to look away first and finally Laurie glanced away, "Whatever. This isn't over, little AMY. Nobody talks to me like that!" She hissed softly through clenched teeth. She turned and walked away and I breathed a little sigh of relief. Sadie walked over to me, "Wow, so that was awkward. What’s her problem anyways???" She asked me as I picked up the water pan and we headed for the little creek that fed the lake. "I don't know, she's just a bully and doesn't like it when people stand up to her. I'm just gonna ignore the dumb bitch" I told her as we filled the pan and made our way back to camp.

We took a little longer route, enjoying the scenery and talking about little random things. We got back to camp about a half hour later. Sara and Mckenzie had gone off on a little hike of their own. As we got closer to camp I could see Jonica laying down in their tent napping while Laurie sat by the fire reading a book. I smiled over at Sadie, "So would you be too upset if we maybe had to go back for water again here in a couple minutes?" I asked her with a mischievous grin.

"Uh oh, you're not thinking of doing what I think, are you?" She asked as she looked down at the pan, then back at Laurie. "Cause if you do, you know she's gonna be pissed and I don't think even Sara will be able to stop her." Sadie said quietly as we crept up closer behind Laurie.

"Oh don't worry, Sara will never even know and besides its just a joke how mad can she get?" Sadie just shook her head and said. "Ok but I warned you." "I know I know but she deserves it. Besides its time she got a little taste of her own medicine" I said with a smile as I turned and crept closer. I got right up behind Laurie and slowly stood up. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I lifted the pan of ice cold mountain water up and then dumped it all out on her head. The ice water splashed over her hair, soaking her top and shorts and drenching her almost entirely.

She stood up with a shriek and turned around faster then I would've thought possible. "OMG YOU LITTLE BITCH!!!!!"

And before I knew what happened her little right fist shot forward and smacked into my mouth. I squealed and clutched at my lip, it was already starting to swell and I could taste blood, but before I could try to retaliate she reached out and her slender fingers sank into my dark hair. I squealed as she suddenly jerked forward hard on my hair and I stumbled forward, my held yanked down facing towards the ground.

"OWWWW LET GO!!!" I shrieked, reaching up to grab at her slender wrists. The shock and pain of her fingers in my hair stunned me for a second making it hard to think.

"Oh you're going to get it now you little bitch! Sara's not here to save you!!!" I heard her snarl as she yanked forward on my hair again making me stumble forward a couple steps. My scalp burned from her strong slender fingers and I knew I had to do something. I let go of her left wrist and curled my right hand into a little fist. I slammed it forward and felt it sink into her flat tummy just above her little shorts. "OOFFF!!!" She groaned out and I felt her grip on my hair loosen a bit.

"I said LET GO!!" I snarled and I slammed my fist forward into the same spot one more time. Her hands slid out of my hair and she stumbled back a couple steps. I straightened up, rubbing my sore scalp and bringing my hands up. My heart was racing, body starting to sweat and I knew there was no turning back now. This girl wanted to hurt me and the only way to stop her was to hurt her first and more than she hurt me.

I darted forward, reaching out to grab for her hair this time when I heard Jonica's voice cut through. "HEY!!! YOU LEAVE HER ALONE!!!" I turned, and saw a flash of golden hair and her slender body charging towards mine. I froze, unsure what to do and just before she slammed into me I heard Sadie’s voice yell out, "Don't you touch her!!!"

Suddenly Sadie slammed into Jonica's side in a tackle that would have made Ray Lewis proud. They hit the ground hard, the mossy ground not too hard but enough to take your breath away and both girls lay there dazed from the impact. I stood there a bit stunned by what I just saw and it cost me as I once again felt Laurie’s fingers tangle in my hair from behind. "Forget something bitch???" she snarled as she yanked hard on my hair forcing me to twist and turn to face her. My scalp hurt, but I was so done with this hairpulling business and, as I turned around, I swung my right elbow back and was rewarded with a squeal of pain as it smacked into Laurie’s perky right breast. The sharp point of my elbow dug into the soft flesh of her breast and immediately her grip on my hair fell away.

She stumbled back clutching at her sore boob trying to ease the pain. I knew I had to stay on her, no more worrying about Sadie she could handle herself. I started forward and grabbed for Laurie’s curly dark mane. I twisted my fingers in it and yanked forward and down hard trying to pull her close to me and force her head down. "How do you like it, bitch?? That feel good??" I punctuated my last statement with a mean right knee I slammed up right into her poor tummy. She let out a groan and slumped down in my grip. Her hands clutching the backs of my legs for support. I pulled back on her hair, forcing her to look up at me. "You had enough yet or you want more??" I asked with a sneer feeling pretty confident at this point.

But Laurie was nothing if not a fighter and as I looked down into her eyes I could see she wasn't beaten yet. Before I could react, her hands gripped the back of my legs tight and she gave a hard yank on them. Standing over her like I was it put me in a bad position and when she yanked I fell right back onto my butt hard. I groaned out as my body slammed into the ground, the soft moss not nearly enough cushion to stop the breath from being driven from my lungs. I gasped out as I lay there stunned and could only watch as Laurie crawled over to me. "OH we're just getting started, little AMY" She said with a smirk as she slid her legs over mine and straddled my hips. I started to reach up for her hair but she knocked my hands away and then WHAM!!! Her small fist felt like a piston as it slammed into my flat tummy. My white tank top slid up some, exposing part of my tummy and Laurie used it like a target. Again her fist slammed down and my slender body sat up, then dropped back down to the ground from the impact.

I groaned in pain, weakly reaching up to grab at her wrists. I was in big trouble and I knew it. My heart beat so fast, my head kept telling me to do something! Anything to get her off you! But my body was in no shape to comply right now. Her left hand slid down and I felt her slender fingers twist in my hair and she pulled my head up off the soft grass. Her wet soaked shorts slid against my bare thighs, my little khaki shorts riding up a bit as I squirmed in the soft grass and moss.

"Now say you're sorry little bitch AMY and I'll let you go!!" She said with a little smirk as she pulled my face up close to hers. My tummy hurt so bad and I thought to myself how easy it would be to just say sorry and end this now. I'd only been in a couple of fights before and those usually ended quickly but I knew this could go on for a while. I stared up into her blue eyes and even though every ounce of my brain was telling me to say sorry, I heard my voice answer back. "I"m sorry you're such a dumb ugly stupid fucking bitch!!!"

Her blue eyes opened wide, I could tell I had surprised her. She had never really had anyone stand up to her, especially after she hit them a few times! Even as I heard myself say it I groaned because I knew that I was in for a lot more pain but there was just no way I was going to just roll over and give in! My hands shot up, gripping her by the neckline of her cute tank top and I suddenly yanked down hard and to the left. At the same time, I pushed up with my hips and twisted to the left and I allowed myself a lil smile of relief as I felt her body get tossed off of mine. I quickly pushed up to my feet and saw her pushing up to hers as well.

The left shoulder strap of her tank top had broken and I said with a lil smirk. "Oh wow, lookey there!!!! I think I see a boobie!!! Oh no wait maybe you just got bit by a mosquito!!!" Her face flushed pink and she looked down to the see the damage just like I hoped she would. I charged forward as soon as she looked down and launched my slender body at her. She looked up at the last second with wide eyes as my small bod slammed into hers and we fell to the grass and moss together. I landed on top of her and immediately grabbed her hair. My fingers twisted into her curly mane and I yanked her head up and then smacked the back of her head against the ground. She let out a groan and slumped underneath me dazed from the hit and I used the time it bought me to look over at Sadie.

Things had not gone well for her after tackling Jonica. Sadie had gotten up first and headed over to where Jonica lay groaning on the ground. She smirked, feeling confident as she got closer and she reached down for two handfuls of pretty blonde hair. "Come on, Louisiana Loser, get up!!!" She said with a smile as she bent down only to be met by Jonica's right fist as it slammed up into her lip. She squealed and stumbled back, clutching at her swelling lip and checking it for blood. "OMG you bitch!!!" She gasped out seeing a lil blood on her hand.

Jonica didn't waste any time and charged forward, grabbing two handfuls of Sadie's beautiful blonde hair and yanking her head left and right by it. Sadie screamed and clutched at Jonica's wrists, desperately trying to free herself but Jonica was like a wildcat. Suddenly Jonica planted her feet and twisted to the right, letting go of Sadie's hair and sending her flying into our tent which she hit hard. Luckily nothing broke on the tent but Sadies body totally knocked it over and she lay there groaning. "OMg you bitch!!" She gasped out as she rubbed her sore scalp and tried to focus. Jonica stalked towards her like a hungry tiger about to take down its prey.

"Come her Bama Bitch!" She said with a smile as she reached down and grabbed a hold of Sadie’s ankles. Sadie’s eyes opened wide and she reached down trying to free her ankles from the Louisiana girl’s grip but Jonica yanked hard making Sadie fall to her back.

"Come on, get back out here, no time for a nap!" She taunted as she pulled her out of the tent by her ankles. Sadie squealed as she was dragged across the ground, her cute little daisy duke shorts riding up giving her a mean wedgie and the fir needles and little rocks in the moss scratching up her perfect cute booty. "Maybe next time you won't mess with a Louisiana girl!!" Jonica said with a smirk as she went to give Sadie’s ankles another pull.

"Fuck you!!!" Sadie snarled back and suddenly pulled her legs in close to her before Jonica could pull back on her ankles. Jonica stumbled forward a bit, her grip on Sadie’s ankles broken and Sadie kicked out hard, the soles of her boots slamming into Jonica's perky breasts and sending her flying backwards. Sadie pushed up to her feet, reaching back to try and pick out her wedgie as best she could. Her slender legs covered in moss and grass, sweat making it stick to her. Her t shirt clung tightly to her perky breasts almost outlining them as they heaved from exertion and the struggle. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement and anger and as I looked over at her I couldn't help but think she had never looked more beautiful.

She charged at Jonica not wanting to give her a chance to recover and slammed her booted foot into Jonica's ribs. She let out a groan of pain and curled up in a ball trying to catch her breath but Sadie was in no mood to let her and gave her a shove over onto her belly. She climbed on top of Jonica, straddling her back and slid her fingers into Jonica's beautiful blonde mane. Jonica screamed as Sadie yanked back hard on her hair, her booted feet drumming against the hard ground as her head was pulled back hard by her hair.

"LET GO!!!!!" she shrieked out, hands clutching at Sadie’s as she tried to free her hair.

"No way slut! Not until you say Bama rules!!!" She added with a little smirk. Jonica moaned as Sadie gave her hair a yank. "Say it!!"

"FUCK YOU!!!" Jonica shouted back in reply.

"Oh wrong answer bitch!!" I heard Sadie snarl as she slipped her right arm under Jonica's throat. Jonica's eyes went wide in shock and fear and she reached up grabbing for Sadie's arm but it was too late. Sadie slid her left hand out of Jonica's hair placing it behind the back of her head and grabbed her left bicep with her right hand locking in the mean choke hold. Jonica's eyes bugged out and her feet beat on the ground as she struggled and pulled at Sadie’s arm trying to get free. Sadie had it locked in tight and I knew when she had someone locked in she was like a bulldog and wouldn't let go till her opponent either gave up or passed out.

I could see Sadie had Jonica well under control but my concern for my friend cost me big time. I had given Laurie enough time to catch her breath and she used that chance to focus and about the time Sadie locked her hold on Jonica, Laurie struck. I was too caught up watching Sadie and I didn't see Laurie’s small right fist fire up until it smacked into my left eye hard making me see stars. I let out a squeal of pain and surprise and fell back off her clutching at my eye.

"OMG YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!" I shrieked trying to blink away the tears and pain. I could feel my eye starting to swell already and I knew I'd have a black eye which really made me mad. But before I could do anything Laurie was back up and on the war path.

"Oh you're gonna pay now AMY!!!" She snarled and once again I felt her strong fingers twist in my dark mane this time from behind. I squealed and grabbed for her hands, trying to pry them out of my hair but she yanked back and pulled my head back with her. I fell backwards and suddenly those strong toned swimmer’s thighs slipped around my head. My almond shaped eyes opened wide and I let go of her wrists grabbing for her ankles instead.

"OMG DON'T!!!" I squealed out but it was too late. Her ankles crossed in front of me and her strong thighs clamped shut around my ears and temples. Gawd, her legs felt like steel bands as they locked shut around my head and she started to squeeze. I let out a little groan of pain, my body already so tired and sore from the fight. I knew I had to get out right away or I was done for. I slapped at her thighs, the hard muscle underneath stinging my palms some but I could feel her flinch a little with each slap. I kept slapping and even punched at her thighs as best I could but my strength was fading fast.

She was like a pitbull with her jaws locked tight around her prey and, no matter what I did, those strong  thighs just kept squeezing. My pulse started to pound in my temples, it felt like she was crushing my head and my struggles started to get weaker as my vision started to blur. My feet weakly kicked and pushed at the mossy ground, trying to get a footing, something, anything to use as leverage so I could try to break the hold but my feet just slid and tore little furrows in the mossy soil. I was seeing spots in my vision now and it was getting hard to see and think and I knew the end was coming soon.

I had a nice view of Sadie as she was busy in her own struggle to choke out Jonica and I desperately wished she would see me and come help. I felt ashamed for wanting help but gawd those thighs just wouldn't move and I knew I'd be out before long.

I dimly saw Jonica's hands slip off Sadies arm and then Sadie looked over at me. She dropped Jonica to the turf and hopped up but it looked like it was all in slow motion. I saw her mouth open in a yell but couldn't hear anything. My heart soared as she started to run towards me but Laurie saw too and really poured on the pressure.

I whimpered softly between Laurie’s strong thighs, seeing Sadie running towards me but gawd why was she so slow?? It seemed like it was taking a million years for her to cross the ground between us and her and my vision kept fading out even more.

"Gotta hold on, Sadie’s coming!! Gotta hold on, she's gonna save me!!" I kept repeating over and over in my head like a mantra. I desperately tried to fight off the looming darkness but it was no use. "Gotta hold on Sadies almost here!! Come on Sadie!!! Just a little farth--------"

Darkness. My vision faded and my body went limp between Laurie’s thighs.

I woke up a few minutes later with my head pounding and my whole body feeling liike I'd been hit by a Mack truck. I groaned and slowly blinked my eyes open. I could see blurry figures around me and I blinked my eyes a few times to focus everything up. Sadie was standing above me, concern and fear in her beautiful eyes as she looked down into my face.

"OMG Ami are you ok??? Come on say something!!" Her voice tinged with fear for me.

"Unnnnhhhh what happened???" I groaned out. I looked around and saw Mckenzie next to Sadie kneeling beside me looking so worried. Sara was walking over with her first aid bag yelling at everyone to get out of the way. I looked to my right and saw Laurie there and my eyes opened wide in shock as instead of anger I saw genuine fear and concern on her face. Next to her was Jonica rubbing her sore neck and looking down at me concerned but not too much.

"Laurie knocked you out, Ami" Sadie said softly in answer to my question and I could feel my cheeks flush as memories of the fight came flooding back to me. I just lay there breathing hard on my back as I let the memories come back to me.

"Gawd she's got some strong legs!!" I said softly my voice a bit hoarse.

"I am so sorry, Ami!! I didn't mean to knock you out like that but you wouldn't give up!!" I heard Laurie say and, before I could answer, Sara was shooing everyone away from me.

"How’s your head Ami?? Are you ok??" She asked me as she dabbed at my split lip a bit with some gauze.

"I'm ok just really really sore. Gawd she's strong!!" I said softly as I lay there.

"Ok, good. Just lay there and take some time to recover ok??" Sara told me as she stood up and motioned the other girls to her. I sat up slowly, Mckenzie helping me up some and I leaned against her and Sadie as Sara stood in front of us.

"Ok so just what the hell happened??? Mckenzie and I left for a hike and everything was cool and then we come back and the four of you are fighting like a bunch of wildcats! So just what went on??"

She planted her fists on her yummy hips and stood there glaring at each of us in turn. Laurie was sitting next to Jonica, not a one of us had come through without some kinda bruise or cut or something. I saw her take a deep breath and she looked up at Sara.

"Well I guess it was kinda my fault. Jonica was just protecting me," she said her face flushing a bit. "I guess I kinda got carried away."

I looked over at her, indecision making the butterflies in my tummy come back but I knew I had to do the right thing. "No Sara, it wasn't Laurie’s fault. I started it all. I thought I'd play a little joke on her and I dumped a pan full of lake water over her head. She got mad about it and next thing you know we were fighting. Jonica came in to help her but Sadie stopped her and they went at it. It’s my fault. I shouldn't have done that to Laurie, I would've been really mad if it had been me too and I just wanted to let all of you know I'm sorry." I blushed and looked away feeling embarassed and not sure what would happen next.

"Is that true Laurie?? Did Ami start all this?" Sara turned to Laurie locking her strong gaze on her. Laurie was looking over at me with wide eyes, a bit surprised that I had apologized and then she turned back to Sara.

"Well um, yeah, I guess it is but I threw the first punch so I guess you could say its both our faults." She turned back to look at me and I gave her a little smile. It’s crazy how a fight can change your feelings about a person. Here we were, enemies who hated each other just a few minutes earlier and now after all was said and done I couldn't help but feel respect and a little admiration for the tough Sioux girl. I knew I couldn't hate her and I was pretty sure she felt the same about me and I just smiled over at her. It felt so good to see her shy smile back at me and I snuggled in close to Mckenzie who had her arms wrapped around me gently.

"Well it sounds like you both got what you deserved then! We're supposed to be on a fun trip and here you are fighting and beating the hell out of each other! I hope this is the last of it because if it happens again I'll just leave you two up here and you can walk your way back to town!" She said glaring at the two of us.

I knew she was bluffing, she wouldn't leave us up here but I could tell she was really upset.

"I know Sara I'm sorry it won't happen again" I said softly as I got up from my seat.

"Good!! Now why don't you get yourselves cleaned up so we can maybe try to make some dinner ok??" She told us with an exasperated sigh and walked off. I gave Mckenzie a gentle hug. She always gave the best hugs and stood up. I helped Sadie up and hugged her close too. "Thank ya so much for everything ya did Sadie. I'm so lucky to have ya as a friend" I whispered in her ear as I hugged her close. I could smell the sweat and dirt from the struggle, her sweat slick bod pressing against mine and even though we both hurt it felt good to hug my amaizng friend Sadie.

"Yeah well I warned ya not to do it but even so you know I always got your back, Ami," She said with a lil smile and gave me a kiss  on the cheek. “Just next time remember to win ya fight, ok??? I can't have people thinking my bestie can't fight!!"

I giggled a bit and gave her a lil squeeze. "Ok I'll remember that next time!" I said with a smile. I went to our tent and I dug out an extra tank top and shorts I had brought along. Taking a deep breath, I headed over to Jonica and Laurie’s  tent and asked softly. "Um Laurie can I talk to you a bit?" My heart hammering in my chest, I didn't know what she was going to say or do but I just felt like this was something I had to do. She opened up the tent and stepped out.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Um well can we talk over here in private??" I asked and she nodded yes and we headed to a lil private area. "Well so first off I want to say I'm really sorry about everything. Dumping water on you was so not cool and neither was breaking ya top so like I had some extra shorts and a tank top and I figured I'd give them to ya if ya want." I knew I was blushing bad and the words came out fast almost in a jumble but she just smiled and gave my shoulder a playfull lil shove.

"OH you don't have to be sorry!! I mean I won right??" She said with a giggle and it made me blush even worse. "Oh stop that! You were really tough. I don't think I've ever had anybody fight me like that. And I kept asking you to give up but you just wouldn't, that’s why I kept squeezing."

I smiled a bit at that last part and looked up into her beautiful blue eyes. "Well honestly I couldn't hear anything while you were squeezing and besides I was pretty determined not to give up. Sadie and Mckenzie say I'm too stubborn sometimes and I guess I just was this time"

She smiled and held out her hand. "Well no hard feelings, ok?? I'm sorry for calling ya Amy and I won't do it again. And if anybody messes with you or your friends you tell them Laurie and Jonica are gonna have something to say about that! I'm the only one who gets to beat you up."

I smiled and giggled a bit as I took her hand. I gave it a lil tug towards me and slipped my arms around her for a nice hug. She stiffened up in surprise at first then hugged me back.

"Tough little bitch!!" She said with a smirk as we broke the hug.

The rest of the trip went really well. All the tension was gone and we all had a lot of fun hiking around the three lakes and even found a couple rafts that had been left up there so we took those out around the lakes too. We headed back home a couple days later, I had a black eye and split lip and all of us looked like we'd been in a MMA fight but I never felt better.

It was definitely the best camping trip EVER!
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 07:06:19 PM by lilfightingcutie2 »


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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2013, 09:06:55 PM »
I was lucky enough to get to read an advance copy of this story....I'll repeat now what I said when I read it for the first time yesterday.

Wow. Just wow! I am totally blown away by yer story, Ami (I know, I know.... it's AH ME!   ;) ) ! I freaken love it, Sweet Sis!!! I more than love it!!!

You are a natural storyteller! The setup, the character descriptions, the feeling 'n emotions, the way you describe the setting, it all comes to life so naturally.

I am soooooo proud of you, my Houjin Sis!!! A new star is born!!!   :-* :-* :-*

Love ya lots 'n lots!!!


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When we're flying down the highway
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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2013, 09:10:28 PM »
Awwww thank ya so much Laurie!!! Like I said at the beginning I woulda never even tried to write a story here if it wasn't for you and Jonica. I so appreciate all the help ya gave me and I am so glad ya liked the story! You and Jonica are way better at writing then me but thank ya so much for ya sweet words. I love ya TONS amazing Lakota Sis!!!!!


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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2013, 09:19:53 PM »
Aw, this was splendid! Cute, sassy, sweet and most of all very, very sexy!  ;D :)

Naughty - but oh, so NICE! :-)


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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2013, 09:33:43 PM »
Awwww thank ya so much Kayla and Sadie!! I'm so glad ya both liked it and thank ya for ya sweet words. I tried to make my characters as close to ya personalities as I could and I so wanted to give Sadie a chance for a lil payback against Jonica lol. I really had a lot of fun writing this, especially cause I got to use some of my fave friends from here in it. Thank ya all so much!!!


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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #5 on: August 05, 2013, 01:11:24 AM »
OH MIGAWD li'l Sis!!! it was even better than i could ever imagine it 'ta be...i am sooo happy that Brat Sis 'n Joni could talk ya in'ta writin a story cos' ya are simply amazin...*huggles* the only thing now is ya can't stop with just this one...luv ya sooo much li'l sis!!!


Originator of FCF "Happy Huggle Wednesday"

one half of "Nice 'n Evil" with my Big Sis Megan!

One half of  BRATS "R" US with my awesome Brat Sis Laurie Breeze!!!

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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #6 on: August 05, 2013, 02:29:01 AM »
Ahmee ;)

You did an excellent job here. It's hard to believe it's your first attempt. I love it!

Thanks very much for sharing it with all of us :D
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #7 on: August 05, 2013, 05:50:42 AM »
Thank ya so much Red and big sis Sara!!! I'm so glad ya liked it and I so appreciate all ya saying about it. I loves ya tons big sis and I'm so glad ya let me put ya in my story. There was just nobody else I could think of other then ya for that character. Thanks again!


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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2013, 06:12:27 AM »
WOW This story is great, Well writen , good explantion of the characters , sexy, it contens all that i (we ) love.
You are such talented. Hope to read more from you soon :)
Thanks for sharing this with us

I have only one rule. Fun for both is the most importent thing :) and THINK POSITIVE :D Carpe Diem


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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2013, 07:53:30 AM »
Wow... That was... so smooth.. Seriously, I know I told you I'd read it in the morning, but I couldn't resist just glancing taking a look, and I just could not stop until I read the very last letter.

AH-MAZING job AH-Mee!!  Seriously... you're so talented, and like.... wow... No words to express how thankful I am for you for sharing a part of your talent with us, this board has definitely gained another top-notch story-teller



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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2013, 08:15:04 AM »
Thank ya so much Jurgen and Ewa!!!! I'm so glad ya liked the story!!! I reallly appreciate all ya nice comments and it means a lot to hear ya say such wonderful things bout me. But if ya really wanna thank somebody ya should definitely be thanking Laurie and Jonica. If it wasn't for their amazing stories and Lauries help, not to mention her bugging me to write my own story lol, then I so wouldn't have even tried. Thank ya again!!!


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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #11 on: August 05, 2013, 03:40:24 PM »
Thank ya so much Jurgen and Ewa!!!! I'm so glad ya liked the story!!! I reallly appreciate all ya nice comments and it means a lot to hear ya say such wonderful things bout me. But if ya really wanna thank somebody ya should definitely be thanking Laurie and Jonica. If it wasn't for their amazing stories and Lauries help, not to mention her bugging me to write my own story lol, then I so wouldn't have even tried. Thank ya again!!!

Do I really have to thank Laurie? Really?
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #12 on: August 05, 2013, 06:57:49 PM »
Oh ya so do Red!!! ya gotta give her a big thank you and maybe even a hug!!!


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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2013, 07:45:31 PM »
Thank ya Ref!!!! I'm so glad ya liked it!


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Re: Mountaintop Mayhem (camping trip tussle)
« Reply #14 on: August 05, 2013, 08:13:55 PM »
Oh ya so do Red!!! ya gotta give her a big thank you and maybe even a hug!!!

A hug too?

Last time I tried that, I missed. ;)
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie