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Offline PeachPit

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« on: September 02, 2013, 07:08:01 AM »
To re-live all of the excitement of the 2013 Peach Pit Fight Tournament please visit:

Peach Pit 1st Round -,30250.0.html

Peach Pit 2nd Round -,32262.0.html






Marge Peterson appears down the ramp wearing a silk white rope coming down looking quite serious.  The crowd cheered as she made her way inside the cage fight pit.  Tiara later appears walking down the ramp wearing her black silk robe as she confidently walks into the cage pit. The crowd is really revving up for an even Steven match between two favored individuals .

The bell is later run as Tiara heads toward Marge.

Marge is trying to keep her  distance from the bigger gal Tiara.  Tiara raises her hands up in a test of strength challenging Marge.  As Marge raises her hands to accept, tiara sends a kick boot to Marge's bare stomach.  Marge doubles over clutching her midsection.  Tiara grabs her and puts her in a headlock . Tiara then gives Marge a vicious bulldog driving her into the floor.  Marge lays motionless on the floor.  Is she knocked out? After a few seconds Marge begins to move.  Tiara  then rolls her over and Marge brings her hands up to her head. 

Tiara then raises her knee and drives it down squarely on the top of Marge's head.  Marge's body shoots off the floor as the air rushes out of her lungs.  As Marge's upper body lands hard on the floor. She then grabs Marge by the hair and forces her to her feet and then whips her around sending her back hard into the cave corner wall. 

Tiara quickly grabs Marge's arm and traps her in the corner.   She then sends her knee and drives it into Marge's side.  Marge lets out a loud "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUF" .  She tries to break free but Tiara keeps her trapped in the corner.

She then launches her shoulder into Marge's gut again and again and again.  This is just taking the wind right out of Marge's sails.  Tiara keeps up the punishment looking to sap away Marge's strength. Finally Tiara stops the assault on Marge's mid section.  She then moves in and clenches her fist.  She then sends a hard uppercut upside her chin.   Marge cries out in agony .  Tiara then sends another uppercut into her right ribs.

Marge lets out another loud shriek.  Tiara sends another upper cut to her left rib.  Marge's head falls back and her eyes close.  Tiara then leans forward and whispers in her ear "Tonight you're mine bitch.  I am going to make sure you never walk out of this pit".  Tiara then drives her hardest punch into Marge's face.

Tiara now has complete control over Marge and Marge has no way of getting any help. Tiara sends a punch into Marge's chest.  She then repeats the action sending several rapid punches to her chest.  Tiara then moves down to her lower body and sends a good 8-9 punches to her lower belly.  Marge is moaning softly in pain s she struggles to catch a breath.

Tiara then releases Marge as she falls face first to the floor.  Tiara then grabs her hair and forces her to stand up.  She turns her toward the corner and brings Marge's head forward and slams it into the cave corner wall.  Marge falls to her knees and brings her hands up to her head.  Tiara then stands up and sends her feet kicking Marge's sore belly.  After a while she brings Marge to her feet and places her face down on the hard cave rock surface and then presses her face down grading her skin across it as they move across giving her one horrible permanent rope burn across her forehead.

Tiara then releases Marge as Marge holds her head as she cries out in pain.  Tiara then grabs her by the head and spins her around as she takes a couple of steps and then runs at Marge and sends the hardest windmill kick right across Marge's chin.  Marge's mouth forms the shape of an "O", but no sound comes out.  She drops to her knees almost in slow motion.  She lowers her hands to her head and finally cries out "AWWWW GAWWWD" as Marge is in terrible pain.

Tiara then drives her knee into the side of Marge's head knocking her to the floor.  She then picks up Marge and holds her in front of her body.  She then lowers herself to one knee and drops Marge down on her outstretched knee.  Marge groans as her ribs are driven down into Tiara's leg.

Tiara lets Marge slide off her leg down to the floor.  Tiara stands up as Marge clutches her side.  Tiara places her foot on Marge's throat .  She begins to apply pressure and Marge tries to bring her hand up to her neck.  She tries to push Tiara's foot away but is  too weak to move it.

Tiara continues to choke Marge.  Marge is getting weaker and weaker.  Finally Tiara takes her foot off of Marge's throat.  Marge rolls to her side as she tries to suck in air.  Tiara then grabs Marge by the hair and forces her to her feet.

She reaches her hands around Marge's midsection and squeezes her fight forcing her fists pressing deep into Marge's lower back.  Marge tries to get out of the hold but is too weak.  Tiara continues to tighten the hold.  This hold is taking more energy from Marge.  Marge's eyes are closed as her hands rest on top of Tiara's, she's too weak to pry Tiara's hands away.  Tiara keeps the hold for another 40 seconds.   Then she releases the hold and throws Marge to the floor.  Marge is lying face down on the floor as she tries to muster enough strength for a comeback.  Tiara then flips Marge over.  Marge is in the middle of the cage pit and Tiara rotates her body and drives her foot down on Marge's forehead two times.  Marge holds her hands up and holds her head.  Tiara then stands up , holds her legs up, and then drives head deep into Marge's crotch.  Marge lets out a deafening scream.  Marge is curled into a ball and and we hear her sobbing in pain.  Tiara then brings her up to her feet and sends a fist down onto her skull. 

Marge falls to her knees.  Tiara picks her up and forces her to her feet and sends a hard punch into her  ribs.  Marge groans in pain and tries to move her hand to block the hit but Tiara doesn't release the hold. Tiara drives another punch into her face and another and another.  Tiara releases Marge's arm and it falls limply to Tiara's side. Marge covers her ribs as she whimpers in pain.

In between the punishment she cries "I Give........stop".  Tiara spits on her "We ain't stopping until your roadkill baby".  Marge raises her weary head and as she looks at Tiara she opens her mouth to speak Tiara sends a fist into the side of her face.

Marge falls face first to the floor.  There is blood trickling out of the corner of Marge's mouth.  Tiara then picks up Marge up by the hair and then whips her into the corner as  Marge smacks face first as she moans in pain  as she lands on her back.

She then forces Marge up to her feet and whip her toward the steel cage.  Marge's weak body begins to fall and she crashes head first into the steel cage.  Marge is just lying on the floor she is almost out of it now.  Tiara then grabs Marge by the hair and forces her to stand up.  Marge's eyes have a glazed over look and there is a cut on her forehead.  Marge's body is covered in sweat and the crowd cheers as she is brought to her feet.

She then grabs Marge up by her waist to flip Marge up backwards as Marge's pussy is looking right up at Tiara as she screams and slams Marge's head down into the floor with a pile driver as her body convulses and jolts. 

As Tiara stands up holding one hand up and spits down at Marge " So you were the baddest bitch of this place?  Fuck no, I just fucked you up real nice whore" .  As she struts out slowly holding both hands up making her way out of the cage pit and up the ramp into the locker room.


Offline PeachPit

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« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2013, 08:18:12 AM »







Sandra was the first gal to go to the cage pit.  She is looking quite sexy as usual walking down the ramp in her red silk robe.  The crowd cheers and whistles for her as she walks toward the cage.  She steps inside the  cage and turns looking around at the crowd winking at them .  Then she gives them a little strip tease show as she slowly takes the robe off of her. This encourages cheers from the crowd.

Then Robin walks down the ramp as the crowd erupts in cheers for her as she is wearing a short white tshirt and looking quite gorgeous as well with a dazzling set of red lipstick and red fingernail polish. 

As Robin walks toward the cage pit, Sandra tosses her head back walking back to her corner.  Robin immediately takes off her t shirt as Sandra does not hear Robin coming and seen stops by sending a kick to Sandra's side.  Robin then grabs  a handful of Sandra's hair and forces her to stand up.  She then whips Sandra into the corner .  Sandra spins around and her back slams into the cave corner wall.  As Sandra goes down the bell rings to start the fight.  Robin then grabs Sandra's hair again.  After Sandra gets to her feet, Robin leads her toward s the center and slams Sandra's face on the cave corner wall three times. 

Sandra is now lying on her back.  Robin sees her long hair sprawled out around her head so she quickly stands on her hair .  She reaches down and grabs Sandra's wrist and pulls her up.  Sandra shrieks in pain and arches her body up.  Sandra's hair is being pulled up and she is in pain.  Robin keeps the hold for a little while and then releases the hold allowing Sandra to fall down to the floor.  Robin still has her wrists and soon she yanks them up.  Sandra's hair is still trapped under Robin's foot and she shrieks once again.  Sandra bridges up to try to relieve the pressure on her scalp.  After 20 seconds, Robin releases the hold.  Robin then steps off of Sandra's hair. She grabs Sandra and pulls her to her knees.  She kneels down behind her and wraps her arms around Sandra's mid section and begins to squeeze.  Sandra moans and tries to pry Robin's hands apart.  Robin squeezes tighter not allowing Sandra to break the hold.  This move is staking energy from Sandra and she needs to break the hold.Robin is squeezing tight and Sandra is getting weaker.

Sandra then raises her elbow and drives it back sending it into Robin's side.  Robin's grip loosens and Sandra sends another elbow into her side. Then Sandra raises her elbow and brings it back higher , hitting Robin in the jaw.  Robin releases the grip and brings her hands up to protect her face.  Sandra drives her elbow back into Robin's ribs. Sandra then gets to her feet as Robin tries to recover.  With Robin still on her knees, Sandra sends a kick right into Robin's right shoulder.  Robin moans in pain.  Sandra then sends another kick into Robin's shoulder.  She follows up with one more kick.  Robin falls to the floor holding her right shoulder.  Sandra reaches down and grabs a handful of Robin's hair. She forces her to stand up and sends a hard punch into her face.  Robin doubles over and Sandra raises her arms and drives a double fisted punch down into Robin's back. Robin falls to the floor.  Sandra then heads toward the corner and turns to face Robin who is on her hands and knees.

Sandra charges into her with a clothesline smashing down into Robin's chest.  Robin is knocked back down to the floor. Sandra then stands up.

She reaches down to grab Robin's hair and just as she brings her up , Robin sends a hard fisted punch into Sandra's ribs.  Sandra releases
Robin's hair and holds her ribs.  Robin gets up and pushes Sandra into a nearest corner.  She then takes a step back and sends a foot into Sandra's gut.  Sandra moans and Robin sends another kick into her ribs 2 more times.  Robin then backs up to the  center of the ring and  then runs towards Sandra. As she nears she lowers her head and drives her right shoulder into Sandra's mid section.  Sandra lets out a loud moan.  Robin grabs her shoulder which is sore from Sandra's kicks.  However seeing how much this hurt Sandra she backs up once more .  With Sandra in the corner , Robin backs up even further going all the way to the opposite cave corner.

She then rushes towards Sandra.  As Sandra gets closer. she lowers her shoulder once again.  This time, Sandra anticipates the move and raises her left leg and sends her foot into Robin's right shoulder. Robin is stopped in her tracks and cries out in pain in her shoulder.  Robin falls to her knees.  This could turn out to be a very costly mistake.Sandra comes out of the corner and grabs Robin's right arm.  She starts to wist it.  Robin screams in pain.  This is a good tactic by Sandra. With Robin's right arm injured, she won't be able to lift Sandra and might not be able to punch her either. Sandra sends a couple punches into Robin's shoulder.  Sandra then pushes Robin to the floor.  Sandra raises her foot and stomps down on Robin's shoulder.  Robin rolls to her side holding her shoulder.  Her shoulder is hurt badly now and this could seriously hurt her chances of winning the fight.

Sandra looks down at her and smiles. Sandra grabs Robin by the hair and forces her to her feet.  She pushes Robin into the corner.  Sandra then begins to drive punches into Robin's chest.  Robin is groaning in pain as Sandra's punches are landing hard on her chest.  After a solid dozen hits,  Sandra shifts her focus and drives her fists into Robin's face.  Robin is getting very winded as Sandra keeps sending the punches harder and faster not allowing Robin any recovery time.  Robin's knees begin to weaken as Sandra continues the brutal assault.

Sandra unleashes a good 25 punches.  As Sandra stops ,  Robin's legs give and she falls face first to the floor.  As Robin tries to suck in air.  Sandra reaches down and grabs Robin's left lug and gives it a pull and sends a kick on Robin's knee.  Robin lets out a moan.  Sandra sends another kick to Robin's knee with her bare foot. These kicks are hurting Robin's knee .  Sandra sends one more kick into  Robin's knee. She then grabs her leg and is trying to twist it.  Robin howls in pain.  Robin then brings her right leg over and sends her foot into Sandra's upper body.  This forces Sandra to release the hold and she falls to the floor.  Robin then limps up and sends her foot into Sandra's ribs multiple times.  Sandra cries out in pain.  Robin then grabs Sandra by the hair and forces her to stand up.  She turns her toward the cave corner wall and smashes Sandra'as forehead into the wall. Then Robin tucks Sandra's head under her left arm and turns away from the cave corner wall.  Robin then drops to the floor and brings Sandra down with a bulldog. 

With Sandra dazed on the floor she slowly gets to her feet and reaches out grabbing Robin's ankles and begins shaking them.  Robin falls to the floor.  Sandra pulls on Robin's leg yanking Robin toward the edge of hte ring. Sandra raises a fist and sends a hard punch down into Robin's face. Robin cries out in pain.  Sandra gets up and grabs Robin to her feet and pulls her throwing her into the cave corner wall  as Robin smashes her head face first as she falls to the  floor.  Sandra then grabs a handful of her brown hiar and pulls RObin to her feet.  She quickly spins Robin around and launches her toward the cave corner wall.  Robin's right shoulder hits the corner and she falls to her knees in pain.

Robin's shoulder is hurt badly now.  Robin is on her knees holding her shoulder with her left hand.  Sandra walks over and pulls Robin's head back and sends a hard punch into her forehead.  Robin falls backward as she groans.  Sandra then sits down on Robin's right leg.  She uses her left arm to hold Robin's left leg.  She then raises her fists and drives a hard punch into Robin's left knee.  Robin lets out a howl.  Sandra sends another punch into Robin's left knee. These punches are doing damage.  Sandra sends a couple of punches down on Robin's knee.  Then Sandra moves off of Robin's leg.  Robin is  consumed by the pain in her knee and shoulder as she is lying on the arena floor.

Sandra then pulls Robin's head up.  She lifts her upper body up and warps her arms around Robin's neck.  Robin begins to gasp.  She is only able to use her left arm to fight back since her right shoulder is dislocated.  Sandra tightens the grip around Robin's neck and Robin gasps for air.  Robin cannot free her neck and Sandra continues to choke her.  Robin is getting weaker and weaker.  Sandra continues to choke her as the crowd cheers her on.   Robin has been beaten pretty good so far and doesn't have the strength to fight off her smaller opponent. After about a minute, she releases the hold .  Robin is  barely conscious.  It doesn't' look good for her.

She lies on the floor for 10 seconds and Sandra is back wrapping her arms around her neck.  Sandra then releases the hold and Robin rolls onto her stomach and pushes herself to her hands and knees.

Sandra is shocked to see Robin on her feet.  Robin is very wobbly and is not able to put much weight on her left leg.  Sandra looks mad and heads over to Robin.  Sandra bends down and reaches for Robin's head as Robin sends a kick into her gut with her non-injured foot.  Sandra is caught off guard and she falls back to the floor. Robin is still weak from the choke and is not able to go after Sandra, but she did but a little more recovery time.

As Sandra tries to get up on one knee she feels a pull on her hair.  Sandra gives her hair a pull as both gals are glistening in sweat and forces her to stand up.  She then turns her toward the corner pole.  She slams Robin's forehead into the cave corner two times.  Robin crumples to the floor.  Sandra flips her over, raises her foot, and drives it into Robin's gut.  Robin moans in pain.  Sandra continues to stomp on Robin's midsection. Robin is just moaning in pain.  Finally Sandra stops and Robin curls into the fetal position. 

Sandra grabs Robin and scoops her up and flips her upside down with Robin's dangling up and executes a piledriver driving her head first into the floor.

As Robin crashes and whose body is convulsing .  Sandra then gets up and places her foot down on Sandra's neck.  She starts to apply pressure as Robin gasps.  Robin brings her left hand up but cannot relieve the pressure.  Sandra keeps up the choke and is trying to put Robin out.  Robin's right shoulder is hurt too bad, her left arm is weak, and she is now suffering tremendous head trauma, and is too weak to move Sandra's foot.  Sandra continues to choke Robin.  Robin is fading fast and will not be able to last longer. Finally Robin's left arm flops down to the floor
 and her eyes close. She is done.  Sandra then rolls her to her belly.  The ring bell is rung and Sandra is the winner.

She struts around the cave pit as the crowd cheers her on.   Sandra is very happy to have won the fight and is pleased with a possible shot in the finals.

The personnel staff rush in and prepare zipping up Robin into the body bags as Sandra is dancing around the ring.  The crowd is cheering her on as they watch her sexy nude body strut around the pit. 


Offline PeachPit

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« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2013, 08:27:37 AM »

Well with two matches done one close and one not at all we move right into the South Region where things could get hotter


Offline Freddy (B.A.W.)

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« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2013, 04:31:53 PM »
Brutal and sexy as usual! Nice job again!
Blondes do it better!


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« Reply #4 on: September 16, 2013, 08:01:25 AM »
#16 - Lisa Nelson - Porn Star



#12 - Becky Bennett - Home Mortgage


Lisa Nelson is the first to come down the ring.  She is wearing a short white tshirt.  She walks toward the cage pit and  gets decent crowd support but not as much as she had previously been getting.  She enters the ring as Becky Bennet appears on the ramp.  Becky is wearing a pink robe and walks down the ramp and gets a a much decent response from the crowd.  Lisa is a big underdog in this match where as Becky is faster, quicker, and more efficient with her strikes.   Plus, Becky is out to make some major noise in her region.Becky enters the cage pit and the fight begins.

The women head toward each other.  Becky reaches for Lisa's hair and delivers a punch deep into her gut.  Lisa doubles over and Becky grabs her by the throat and delivers two more punches into her ribs. Becky applies more pressure and is starting to weaken Lisa.  Lisa then rakes her face sending Becky down to the floor.  Lisa quickly drives her foot into Becky's mid section.  Lisa stomps on her 4 times  as Becky is unable to protect herself.  As Lisa stops, Becky rolls over to protect her belly.

Lisa grabs Becky's hand not allowing Becky to try to free her midsection.  Lisa sits down and pulls Becky between her legs locking her mid section in a leg scissor.  Lisa squeezes her legs tight and Becky is in pain.

Finally , Becky is able to free her hands and quickly moves them down to where Lisa's ankles are locked.  She tries desperately to free herself but can't get Lisa's ankle's apart.  Becky then rakes her fingernails across Lisa's calf, drawling a little blood. Lisa screeches in pain and releases the hold.  Lisa holds her injured calf as Becky sucks up air.

Becky gets up to her feet and grabs a hold of Lisa's hair.  She begins to pull her up .  As Lisa starts to rise, the she brings her fists up
and drives it into Becky's chest.  Becky cries out in pain and drops to her knees holding her chest.  Lisa stands up and  grabs Becky's hair forcing her to her feet.

She whips Becky off the cave corner wall.  Lisa heads back after Becky and charges her with a hard clothesline.   Becky rolls over to protect herself. 

Lisa moves in and drops her knee down on Becky's back.  As Becky moans Lisa gets up and repeats the move.

Lisa then grabs Becky by the hair and forces her to stand up.  She then whips her into the nearest cave corner wall.  Becky's back hits hard and she groans in pain.  Lisa has maintained good control of the fight and is looking to pull up the upset.  Lisa then moves in and pulls Becky out of the corner and whips her around sending her to the opposite corner.  Becky's back hits the cave corner wall harder and her arms flops.  Lisa approaches her and drives her knee into Becky's belly.  Lisa drives her knee into her belly and then her face again and again.  Becky is getting weaker in a stunning display of strength and determination form Lisa.  Lisa continues the punishment when we hear the crowd roar.

Lisa grabs her arm and sends her shoulder into Becky's right shoulder.  Becky cries out in pain and grabs her shoulder.  Becky
moves in front of Becky and raises her foot and does a front kick upside Becky's chin.  Becky drops to her knees as blood begins to flow out of her skull.

Lisa pulls her leg back and sends a windmill kick across Becky's face as she drops face first to the arena floor. What a turn of events and this was all done in part to Becky's soft hearted approach. Lisa looks over to Becky and says "Thanks Bitch". 

Lisa then reaches up and brings her to her feet and grabs her in a side-headlock and rams her up against the steel cage wall as her head bounces off of it and Lisa grabs her head again and puts her down face first into the  floor with a DDT .


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« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2013, 08:10:27 AM »

#14 - Brandi Beckham - Salon Spa Supervisor



#7 - JenH -Free Catfight Member


As the fight is about to commence Brandi shouts out "Come on out Jen, let's get this party started so I can dispose of you quickly ".  Jen H enters the ring as she comes down wearing a blue silk roke and rushes up toward the  cage as the crowd cheers for her.

She slides into the cage pit and as she does Brandi sends a hard kick to her ribs.  Jen drops down on all fours.  Brandi rips off Jen's robe and pulls her over her knees rocking Jen in the camel clutch.  She grabs a handful of Jen's hair and pulls back.
Jen moans in pain.  Jen is now finding herself in some trouble as the match begins .

Brandi continues to apply more pressure on Jen's back.  Jen is moaning in pain as Brandi has her back bent backwards.  Brandi keeps the hold a for about a minute, rocking back and forth.  Then she drops Jen to the floor. Jen reaches her hand behind her to hold her sore back. Brandi grabs her hair and forces Jen to stand up.  She whips Jen face first into the cave corner wall and smashes her head 5 times.  Jen is a little dizzy and starts to wobble.  Brandi then drives her fist into Jen's gut.  As Jen doubles over, Brandi backs up and aims to tackle into her but Jen sends a hard sidekick into her gut which rocks Brandi over.

Jen then walks over pulling her hair and driving punches into Brandi's body.  She then forces her to her feet and sends her into the steel cage .  She slams Brandi's head on the cage over and over again. Brandi's body goes limp and Jen lets her fall to the floor.  As Jen casually walks over to grab Brandi, Brandi sticks her foot out and sends a hard kick right into Jen's  gut.

Jen falls to her knees.  Brandi then raises her fists up in a double elbow smash on top of the head only for Jen to fire back one deep into her gut.

As Brandi is partially dazed, Jen sees this moment to log roll quickly to the side and get up and quickly applies a choke hold from behind.

Brandi starts to gasp and tries to free her throat but Jen has the hold on tight and is not letting her go.

After struggling for 30 seconds, Jen releases the choke hold and Brandi drops to her knees as she gasps for air.  Jen then grabs her and forces her up .

She whips Brandi around throwing her toward the cave corner wall.  Brandi's back hits the wall and moans and drops to the floor.  Jen then grabs her foot and pulls her forward opening her legs up and slams her foot deep into her crotch.  Brandi is howling in pain.  Jen then gets on top of her and performs a little ground and pound smashing fist after fist into her face.  She sends a few more punches into her face and tits.

Then Jen steps off of her,stands up , reaches down, and grabs Brandi's right arm.  She pulls her to her feet.  Jen then starts to twist Brandi's arm.  As Brandi cries in pain form the pain in her shoulder, Jen says "If you think your going to waltz in and out of here then you must be blind.  Now ,  I'm about to give you and the rest of those voting naysayers a lesson in respect. Payback's a bitch isn't it".  As Jen  twists Brandi's arm she starts to unload punches into the same shoulder. 
Brandi cries out in agony.  Brandi is in pain and cannot break free.  She continues to work over Brandi's right arm shoulder.  Jen releases Brandi's arm and she brings her left hand over and holds her very sore shoulder.

Jen then takes her fist and sends a punch into her ribs.   Brandi falls to the floor.  Jen then grabs a handful of her hair and brings her to her feet.  Jen brings Brandi over to the cave corner wall and slams her head against it.

Brandi moans in pain.   Jen slams her head against the corner wall again.  Jen then pulls her back and shoves her toward the opposite cave corner wall making sure Brandi's right shoulder connects with the wall.

Brandi's shoulder is hurt badly now.  Jen then grabs Brandi by the chin and pulls her up and sends a hard punch into her breast as Brandi screams in pain.  Jen sends another punch into her face.  These punches prove to be painful for Brandi.  Jen sends a couple more punches into her face as she grunts in pain. 

Jen then spits blood into Brandi's face and sends more left and right punches into her face.  With each punch she makes sure it lands just right. Jen is really working Brandi over and Brandi is starting to fade. Jen s tops the assault and then takes a step back.  She pulls her leg back and sends a hard kick upside Brandi's chin as she lets out a loud shriek.  Jen then delivers a knee right into Brandi's sides . Brandi's legs give out but Jen keeps her upright.

Jen then sends a right elbow across Brandi's face.  Then Jen releases her and Brandi crumples to the floor. 

Brandi lays there on her belly dazed only bobbing her head up eyes glossy opening and closing as Jen walks over to her "And this is where you get off"  as Jen delivers a hard stomp down onto Brandi's skull as she spits out blood shrieks and shakes uncontrollably after impact.

The bell ring as Jen raises her hands and then point both of her fingers at the crowd "That is the first and last time you guys ever disrespect me because I ain't going anywhere.  I ain't goin anywhere but on  baby"


Offline PeachPit

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« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2013, 08:46:20 AM »

Well I said it once and I will say it again you never know what you may run into in this tournament and in this case two fights resulted in two upsets.
Tensions will further heat up as we go into our last two regions to close out  the Sexy 16. 

Winners advance to the Everlasting 8


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« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2013, 01:54:39 AM »
great stories - love the extreme physical nature of these matches


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« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2013, 04:31:20 AM »
Thank you glad you liked.  These stories were all inspired from Drew Hammond's artwork on

Basically I wanted to create a place that had all the delights of a strip  club plus the hardcore rage and aggression of a UFC fight and just blend those two elements together.

In the end you have something that is primal, intense, and sexy at the same time.  A alternative form of entertainment that is not of the norm that opens it up for huge profit on the blackmarkets.

A place even an old time Las Vegas Gangster would love to create a racket out of.


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« Reply #9 on: September 20, 2013, 08:51:23 AM »

#16 - Candace Beckman - Accounting Intern



#13 - Cindy Spielman - School Teacher


Cindy appears on the mat wearing a red silk robe as she walks to the cage pit waving to the mass crowd up above as she tosses her hair
back and forth.  She enters the cage pit as Candice appears on the ramp and is looking quite hot tonight wearing a long white tshirt to her thighs as the crowd gives her a round of applause.  Tonight is the night Candice could make big history in  being one of Peach Pit's first combatants to be ranked at #16 and make it into the final rounds of the tournament.

As Candice enters the fight pit both fighters disrobe and the fight begins.

Candie rushes toward Cindy.  Cindy was raising her hands up in the air applauding herself and as she turns around Candice clotheslines her.  Cindy falls to the floor with the wind knocked out of her. Candice then stomps on her gut 3 times with her foot.  She grabs Cindy's long hair and forces her to stand up.  She delivers a hard fist into Cindy's face .  Cindy bends over holding her face. Candice then lifts her leg and drives her knee into Cindy's gut.  Cindy falls to the floor.  Candice quickly gets on her back.  She grabs Cindy's arms and pulls them over her knees locking her in a camel clutch. Cindy moans and Candice pulls her high off the floor.  Candice leans back and Cindy cries out in pain.  Candice grabs a handful of Cindy's hair and pulls back.  Cindy is bent backwards and she is in pain.  Candice applies more pressure and is trying to weaken
the taller fighter.  Candice keeps up this torture for a minute before releasing Cindy.

Cindy crashes to the floor moaning pain.  As Cindy lies on the floor, Candice pulls her up to the feet and puts Cindy in a full nelson.  The crowd is cheering as they have a great view of Cindy's breasts.  Candice releases the hold and sends quick punches into her chest over and over again. Cindy is groaning in pain from each hit . Candice continues to work over her tits.  They are turning red .  Candice then switches it up and sends about a dozen punches into Cindy's ribs.  Candice then releases Cindy as she drops to her knees and holds her sides.  Candice then forces her up ot her feet and brings her over to the cave corner wall and rams her head down on the wall 3 times. 

Candice then brings her back and pulls her to the center and attempts to put her in a choke hold but as she does so Cindy fires her leg back striking right into Candice's crotch.  Candice lets out a deafening scream and drops to her knees and buries her hands between her legs.  Cindy grabs and pulls her up to her knees and wraps her arms around her neck and chokes Candice.

Candice gasps for air and tries to free her neck.  Cindy sends a couple of punches into her kidneys and stops Candice's attempt to escape.

Cindy strengthens the hold as Candice is  gasping for air and tries once again to free her neck.  Suddenly she is able to push Cindy's hands away.

However, Cindy offers no  chance for escape as she grabs Candice and pulls her up to her feet.

Cindy moves in and sends a hard punch into her belly.   Candice moans in pain.   Cindy continues to work over Candice's midsection.  Cindy keeps the punches coming now into her face.  She is taking the life right out of Candice.  Suddenly, Cindy stops the punches and takes a step back and sends a kick forward driving her foot across Candice's chin in a whip kick.

Cindy sends another kick into Candice's side.  Candice is in agony and cannot defend herself.  Cindy sends another kick into Candice's ribs  as Candice crumples to the floor.

Cindy flashes a seductive smile as she grabs and pulls her up to her feet and sends  a punch into her face and then followed up with a punch to her side.  She continues the assault on her left and right ribs. Candice is getting weaker and weaker by the minute. Cindy releases Candice and she falls to the floor moaning. Cindy later grabs Candice and forces her to stand up and once again wraps her arms around her into a choke hold.

Candice is struggling to fight back as the last 2 minutes have taken a lot of strength from her.  Cindy continues to choke her and later on releases the hold as Candice falls to hte floor. She tries to suck in air as Cindy looks down on her.

Cindy later pulls Candice up and fires a punch into her face .  Candice shrieks form the surprise hit.  Cindy sends more hits into her lower body.  After a good dozen punches she sends another one into Candice's face.  .  As Candice moans in pain "Just put out bitch and save yourself the embarrassment".  Cindy sends more punches into her face as Candice can only moans.  Before Candice falls , Cindy grabs her hand whips her into the nearest c ave corner wall.

Candice hits hte corner hard and slumps to the floor.  As Cindy walks over and grabs a handful of Candice's hair and pulls her up , she brings her fists and drives them straight into Cindy's lower abdomen. Cindy was not expecting that as she bends forward with her hands on her lower stomach. The punch did not leave much to it but bought Candice some time to regain her strength. Candice then  gets up and puts Cindy in a headlock.  She quickly gets up and trudges along bulldogging Cindy down.

Cindy rolls over and lets out a soft moan.  Candice is still weak and could not deliver it how its suppose to be done .  Cindy is still conscious but very groggy. 

As Cindy starts to get up Candice comes up from behind her and throws her kick into her spine.  Cindy falls to the floor. Candice slams her knee down on her back knocking her to the floor.  She raises it again and brings it down onto Cindy's spine.  Cindy cries out in pain .   Candice slams her sidekicks forward into her face more . 

Candice then brings Cindy up to her feet  and looks at her "You are going to pay for this" spitting in her face and sends a couple of a dozen punches into her face. She then grabs her arm and flips her down on the mat.

Looks like Candice is going for the choke out, and if she can put Cindy away it would mark as one of the top upsets in Peach Pit tournament fight history.  Candice then gets behind Cindy as Cindy is crawling up to her knees disorienting and groggy and snaps on a choke hold. 

Cindy gurgles "NOOOOOO" as Candice locks the hold in.  As Candice leans back , Cindy starts pounding on the floor with her feet.  Candice keeps up hte pressure but Cindy is a tough fighter and is not giving in.  Cindy is in pain and is pounding the floor with her foot but she does not want to give in.

Cindy reaches one of her hands back and tries pulling on Candice's hair.  If Cindy can grab it she might be able to break the hold.

Candice feels Cindy's hands and leans back foiling Cindy's plans breaking the hold.  Candice still keeps Cindy in the hold .  Cindy's head is bobbing up and down and she will not be able to hold on much longer.

Slowly Candice brings up Cindy slowly and averts to a side headlock pulling her up and then proceeds to run and pulls her head down in a running bulldog.  As she runs Cindy's neck snaps and hits the floor shaking uncontrollable  as Candice has won.

Candice has won! Candice has won! WOW what a stunning upset as she will now proceed to possibly have a shot at the gold as she advances into the Everlasting 8 with this victory.



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« Reply #10 on: October 02, 2013, 09:07:26 AM »

#11 - Sandra James - Custom Car Co Owner



#15 - Georgia Brown - Nurse


Sandra was the first gal to walk down the ramp wearing a baby blue silk robe .  She looks quite ravishing and the crowd cheers as she walks to the cage.  I guess the question ruining through people's minds is just how long can Georgia Brown survive? We will soon find out.  Georgia is now on the ramp wearing a long white tshirt up to her thighs .  The crowd cheers her as she makes her way to the cage. Sandra is inside the cage pit and sees Georgia coming towards the cage as she exits the cage and sneaks around the cage door.

Georgia is blowing kisses to her fans as she heads toward the cage door.  She doesn't see Sandra and as she is about to enter the  cage.  Sandra steps out of the cage and slams the cage door into Georgia.

The door connects with Georgia's shoulder, side and knee.  She moans as she turns toward the opponent. Sandra grabs Georgia's head and pulls it forward and just as she swings the cage door.  The cage door slams into Georgia's forehead.  Georgia groans as Sandra pulls her into the cage pit.  A staff member closes the cage pit door as Sandra throws Georgia into the cage face first.  Georgia hits the cage and bounces off.  Sandra is right there and shoves her back into the cage wall.  Georgia hits and falls to the floor holding her face.  Sandra grabs a handful of Georgia's hair and forces her to stand up.  She brings her over to the cave corner wall and slams her face in the corner.  Sandra then turns  Georgia and gives her a shove sending her toward the opposite cave corner wall.  Georgia's right shoulder connects with the cave corner wall and she drops to her knees.   Sandra is off to a hot start early in this fight.

Sandra moves over to Georgia and sends a kick to her ribs.  Georgia moans in pain and falls to the floor.  Sandra grabs Georgia by the hair and forces her to stand up.  Sandra then raises the bottom of Georgia's shirt and pulls it over her head.  While leaving it on her head and Georgia unable to see Sandra sends a hard punch into her ribs.  Georgia cries out in pain. Sandra then grabs Georgia and throws her into the cage wall.  Georgia is blinded as she hits the cage and falls to the floor.

As Georgia pulls the tshirt over her head we see a cut above her eye and on her lip.  Sandra grabs Georgia and forces her up. 

Then Sandra wraps her arms from behind Georgia's neck and begins the powerful choke.  Georgia starts to gasp as her air supply is cut off.  She tries to free her hands but they are trapped.  She starts kicking her legs back trying to throw Sandra off of her.  However,  Sandra holds her tight and applies more pressure.

Georgia is starting to fade now.  Sandra is smiling as she continues to choke the helpless Georgia.  As Georgia's eyes are starting to close Sandra seals the deal by twisting her neck with a snap. 

Sandra releases the hold , lets Georgia falls limp down to her knees holding her up by the hair and then throws her lifeless body down on the mat as she exits the cage .



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« Reply #11 on: October 02, 2013, 09:20:04 AM »

Well Candace Beckman survives another onslaught and now the Cinderella Wonder is about one step away from the championship round. However, getting there will be her most rockiest challenge ever.

Now we wrap up the last of the The Sexy 16 with the East Round  coming up.


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« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2013, 09:00:40 AM »

# 9 - Nancy Chung - Acupuncturist /Yoga Instructor



# 4 - Fitt Jennifer - FreeCatfight Member

Fitt Jennifer was the first to go to the cage pit.  She comes down the ramp wearing just a white long t-shirt showing off some thigh as she enters the cage pit.  Nancy then starts down the ramp as she wears a royal blue silk robe as she waves to the crowd as she enters the cage pit.

Both disrobe and then collide into each other with a collar and elbow.  Nancy proves to be the stronger of the
two and is winning the tug of war . 

As Fitt Jennifer is pulled toward Nancy she drives her knees into Fitt Jennifer's gut.  Both gals tumble to the floor.  Nancy gets on top.  She raises her fists and sends a hard jab into Jennifer's face.  Jennifer cries out in pain.  Nancy stands up and reaches down and grabs a handful of Fitt Jennifer's hair. She pulls Jennifer up on her knees.  Nancy then lies down behind Jennifer.  She wraps her hands around Jennifer's neck and squeezes on the hold.  Jennifer gasps as her air supply is cut of.  Nancy's elbow is digging into Jennifer's neck.  Nancy keeps up the choke as Jennifer's back bends farther d  back. Jennifer is trying to use her hands to free herself but she cannot .  Jennifer is in trouble.

Jennifer is struggling to break.  Nancy is really enjoying this hold and continues pulling back. Finally Nancy releases the hold and Jennifer falls to the floor sucking in air.  Jennifer lets out a soft whimper.  Nancy then stomps a few on Jennifer's belly and keeps up the torture.  Jennifer is desperate to stop the attack and sends her fist right between Nancy's crotch.  Nancy rolls over onto her stomach as she continue to hold her sore crotch and moans in pain.

Jennifer then gets on her knees and raises her fist "Time for a taste of your own medicine bitch" and brings her fist down on Nancy's fa ce.  Nancy lifts her head off the floor and lets out a groan.

Jennifer knows Nancy's back is not the strongest and therefore wants to target that sensitive area.  She then sends her knee down on Nancy's back.  Nancy groans with each hit unable to defend herself.Jennifer knee strikes her a good 10 times.  Jennifer stops and stands up.  Jennifer grabs her hair and brings her up to her feet.  Jennifer holds her head back as she leads her toward the nearest cave corner wall.

She then slams Nancy's head down on the cave corner wall.  She then sends a hard sidekick into Nancy's midsection.  Nancy moans as the air rushes out of her lungs.  Jennifer drives her foot into Nancy's  mid section over and over again.

Nancy's head is drooped forward and is very weak.  Jennifer stops her attack on Nancy's belly and moves closer raising her knee and drives it into Nancy's groin. She then sends her knee into Nancy's mid-section 3 more times before backing away. Nancy falls face first to the floor in pain.  She then picks Nancy up and shoves her hard back up against the corner.  As Jennifer has her propped up and pulling her arm up for a swing Nancy sends a hard knee shot up into her crotch and Jennifer cries out in pain.  Nancy lashes out sending her knee into Jennifer's gut.  Jennifer moans.   Nancy continues to push herself out of the corner sending her knee into Jennifer's gut.  The tide of this match has turned in Nancy's favor and the crowd is eating it up.   After sending a few left and right combinations into Jennifer's ribs Nancy sends a shot to Jennifer's throat.  Jennifer gasps and clutches her throat and drops to her knees.

As Jennifer is bent over on her knees holding her throat, Nancy sends a kick into Jennifer's stomach . Nancy then gets down on her knees rolling Jennifer onto her back and places her knees on Jennifer's throat.  She applies more pressure as Jennifer starts to gasps as she brings her hands up to Nancy's knees.  She tries to pry her knees away but is unable to. Nancy keeps up the hold choking the helpless Jennifer. Jennifer is fading and must do something quickly.  She sends a desperation bite on Nancy's thigh.  The bite is not deep enough but sharp enough to bite into some skin but with enough impact that Nancy squeals and releases the hold and rolls off rubbing her knee. 

Jennifer sucks in air as both gals take a moment to recover.  Then Jennifer lying on her belly breathing in and out rolls to her side and uses the crevices in the wall to climb herself up propping herself up against the wall.  She leans back whipping off the blood running down her cheek and nose with her belly rising and falling  as she stumbles out of the corner walking drunkenly toward Nancy.

She grabs her hair screaming pulling it back throwing her fist up for a punch until Nancy turns and blocks the punch as she sits their keeled over playing injured.

Nancy then sends a punch into Jennifer's sore ribs as she shrieks in pain.  Nancy then gets up and composes herself now in fighting stance fists up with Jennifer bent over holding her sides as Nancy spins around with her body turns and releases a whipping side kick
cracking it across the side of Jennifer's chin.  Jennifer spins around spitting blood as she comes to the center standing dazed.  Nancy then turns and repeats the tornado whip kick connecting sending Jennifer shrieking as she falls down to her knees and brings her hands up to her face.

Nancy pushes Jennifer's hands away with her feet as she pulls her head back sending a knee upside her chin as Jennifer's arms drop limply to her side.

Nancy sends another knee into Jennifer's head as Jennifer starts to fall forward as Nancy steps to the side letting her fall face first into the the floor.


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« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2013, 09:07:32 AM »
Sorry everyone I posted the wrong photo for Fitt Jennifer

this is her correct photo



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« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2013, 09:10:28 AM »

#3 - Blonde Power -Free Catfight Member


#2 - Angie 39 - FreeCatfight Member


The match is about to begin in what looks to be a lopsided match between Blonde Power and Angie 39 .  The two gals go to the center and Blonde Power goes into fighting stance and suddenly Angie 39 goes down to her knees .  Blonde Power stands there befuddled looking around to the crowd and down to Angie 39 . 

Angie 39 is on her knees leaning up smiling at Blonde Power "Why don't you come on and take your best shot" .  Blonde Power looks down smirking "You must be joking" shaking her head laughing "You ain't taking me for a fool so on your feet". 

Angie then laughing leaning back throwing her hands up closing her eyes "Come on!....First one's on me.  We have all night". 

Blondie Power then curls her fist "You're going to regret this!".  Angie 39 then slowly opens her eyes "NOO......YOU ARE"

"WHAT?" Blonde Power

Before she can connect Angie grabs a handful of sand from the ground and chucks it landing a direct hit right between her eyes blinding her visions sending her groaning back in pain. Angie 39 then stands up from behind her and shoves her back into the cave corner wall in which Blonde Power 39 hits her head on the cave corner wall. 

Blonde Power moans and drops to her knees. Angie 39 then grabs her and brings her up to her knees and slams her head against the cave corner wall again and Blonde Power falls to the floor.  Blonde Power then slowly crawls up to her knees still blinded with her eyes severely irritated by the sand between her eyes as Angie from behind puts a knee into her back in which Blonde Power lets out a loud groan.  This action is repeated again and again and again.

After 10 knee hits, she rolls the hurt Blonde Power onto her back.  She stands up and sends her knee down into Blonde Power's face.  Angie 39  then jumps on top of her pinning Blonde Power's arms underneath her.  She then places her hands on Blonde Power's throat.  She starts to apply pressure and Blonde Power gasps.  Blonde Power tries to get her hands free but they are trapped.  Blonde Power is forced to endure this choke hold for a minute.  Finally, Angie 39 releases the hold and she stands up .  Blonde Power frantically sucks in some and starts to begin to push herself up.  Angie 39 is standing behind her and pulls her legs back and sends her foot deep into Blonde Power's crotch.  Blonde Power cries out in pain and falls back to the floor.

Angie 39 then measures her opponent well as Blonde Power gets back on her knees dazed and trying to clear out her burning eyes  as she screams as a hard kick is thrust into her spine.  Blonde Power lifts up her head screaming as another kick is dealt into her spine.   With Blonde Power's arms at her side and her moaning  it is now open season as Angie 39 sends a walloping kick into her face followed by another one as each kick is harder than the previous one.

Blonde Power's head is drooped forward as she is moaning in pain.  Angie 39 then grabs her hair and sends a knee strike up against her chin.  Blonde Power's head shoots up and she screams in pain.   She starts to fall forward and Angie 39 stops her fall.  Angie then knees down in front of Blonde Power and pulls her fist back sending it into her face.  Blonde Power cries out in pain and she falls forward leaning up against Angie .  This does not stop Angie 39 from pulling her back up to continue the onslaught. After a dozen of face punches, Blonde Power is out of it. Angie 39 then releases Blonde Power sending her crumpling to the floor.

Angie 39 then steps up looking down on her " Gullible cxnt" shaking her head smirking as she runs off leaving Blonde Power lifeless on her side