After a well deserved rest, in my VIP front row seat, seeing the Ladies feeling good about themselves and the carnage they are creating in the ring, I push up from my seat, wearing my tight black trunks..Making my way to the ring apron, carrying an extra large tub of heavily buttered popcorn...I turn and look back over my shoulder at Sadie, giving her a sly smile..."I like your idea Sadie"...Setting my popcorn on the ring apron, I reach up and grab hold of the middle rope, pulling myself up onto the apron, then leaning over and slipping between the top and middle ropes...I reach back thru the ropes, and grab hold of the popcorn, keeping a close eyes on the Ladies, then looking around at the battered men in the ring..I slowly back peddle to the near corner, then begin to slide my back up the turnbuckles, placing my left foot, then right on the middle ropes,,,then propping myself up on the top turnbuckle..Taking a seat up top, I begin to munch on some more popcorn, looking from side to side,,then into the center of the ring at the Ladies.."DO you happen to know where the beer vendor is at"? Hoping to send their train of thought off into another direction, hoping to give my male counterparts, a little break from their beat downs...Extending my right arm,,holding the tub of popcorn out in front of me, "Would you like some Ladies? It has EXTRA butter on it"....