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A Cop, A Beer Girl, & A Indian Squaw

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Offline IRISH

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A Cop, A Beer Girl, & A Indian Squaw
« on: October 31, 2013, 08:08:09 AM »
Halloween Costume Party 2013
Hef and Playboy Inc. were throwing another Monster Mash Bash at the Playboy Mansion.  IRISH and Karen McDougal were on the invite list and having a blast.  Karen went off to visit with some friends that she hadn’t seen in a while leaving IRISH to fend for himself.  He was enjoying the scenery and doing some mingling of his own.

As he made his way past the grotto, IRISH headed towards the pool to see if anyone was braving the cool autumn night air in the water.  Nothing like hot women, on a cool evening, in wet bikinis!  Dressed as an Indian Chief he was pretty proud of how authentic his costume looked.  His hot little squaw had made their costumes sending a message to all party goers that they were a couple.  Apparently the beautiful beer girl didn’t get the memo as she approached IRISH with a cold beer.

“Hi!” the bubbly blonde greeted him.  “Can I offer you a beer?”  She was very pleasing on the eyes for starters. And she had beer!  “I would love one.” IRISH responded with a smile.  He certainly wasn’t breaking any of the rules was he? IRISH reasoned with himself.  After a few minutes he realized that the beer girl was doing her fair share of sampling of the golden nectar.  He smiled as she told him how she was an aspiring model.  Before he had a chance to offer her any advice he felt like someone was watching him.  He looked up just in time to see a perturbed Karen making her way over to the two.

“IRISH!” Karen said grabbing the beer out of his hand.  The brunette Indian Squaw turned towards the blonde Beer Girl, shoving the bottle between her breasts.  Startled, the blonde reacted by taking hold of the bottle that was thrust towards her.  “If he needs a beer, I will be happy to get him one!”  The Indian stated.  With that she grabbed IRISH by the arm and led him away from the stunned blonde.

Karen and IRISH made their way into the main part of the party.  Inside things were pretty loud as the DJ rocked the building.  Soon IRISH had forgotten about the Beer Girl and he hoped that Karen had too.  Hef came up to the couple and complimented them on their costumes.  “You two are finalist for best couple for sure!”  Karen beamed and pulled IRISH in tight.  “Good!” he thought… “No harm no foul!”

The party continued on with all the guest having a good time.  It was getting close to the time when the winners would be announced when Hef approached Karen and IRISH again.  The Sexy Squaw smiled in anticipation as the host walked up.  Was this going to be good news for the couple?  “Karen I hate to be a party pooper here…”  Shit!  Where was this going? She thought.  “It appears that we have two guests that over indulged out by the pool bar.  Can you please go out and see if you can’t defuse it for me?”  How could she say no to her long time mentor?  “Sure Hef.  I’ll be right back!”  With that the brunette slipped away from Hef and IRISH and headed out to the pool.

Karen was a little annoyed at getting called away from the party.  But she knew that Hef counted on her as one of the enforcers when things got heated at one of the parties.  First as a diplomat, second as the muscle if she had to go there.  This will be quick she thought as she wanted to take care of business and get back to the party.

Leaving the mansion, Karen turned the corner and saw that a crowd had gathered around the pool bar, anxious to see any forthcoming action.  Karen pushed her way through the crowd and stopped dead in her tracks.  “That bitch!”  The squaw said under her breath.  Standing before her were two drunk blondes arguing.  One was dressed as a sexy cop and the other was dressed as a sexy beer girl.  Yes!  That beer girl from earlier in the evening…

Karen tugged on the cop’s shoulder, and stepped between the two women, separating the two party goers.  “Look ladies…” the brunette started.  “I am going to have to ask you both to leave.”  Fuck diplomacy!  I want this bitch out of here so I can get back to the party. The brunette thought.
After a brief moment of confusion, a light bulb flickered on in the beer girl’s eyes as she recognized Karen as the bitch the stepped between her and the Indian Chief.  “Fuck off bitch!” was her response.  “This doesn’t concern you!”  The beer girl spat as she stepped forward slamming her breasts into Karen’s, knocking the brunette back a step.

The two women were of equal size both standing 5’ – 8” tall.  Hell, if you add in the sexy cop, all three were the same size.  The contrast between besides the blonde and brunette hair was that the beer girl had the larger breast of the two.  The squaw was showing a lot more skin so her puppies were prominently on display.  When Karen didn’t react immediately to the blonde’s thrust, the beer girl took it as an act of submission.  “Fuck this bitch!  She thinks she’s tough?  I’ll embarrass her in front of all of her friends!” the beer girl thought as she slammed forward, flattening the Indian’s breasts in the process.

Karen let out a grunt.  Her breasts were sensitive but it was more a matter of embarrassment than pain.  Stepping forward she shoved the beer girl up against the bar.  The blonde cringed when her back roughly met the solid surface of the bar top, bending her over backwards.  Feeling that she had showed the young blonde that she meant business Karen ordered her to leave.  “Grab your shit and get out of here before I make you regret coming to our party!”

This time it was the blonde feeling belittled in front of the crowd.  They were hungry for a fight between the two hot women and were egging them on.  Many have seen Karen fight in the past and she never disappointed any of the spectators.  Looking at the size and youth of the blonde they were thinking that the beer girl would surely give her a run for her money.  “Kick her ass Karen!” one guy yelled.  “Are you going to take that from that washed up hag!” another tried to push the blonde.  Yep, it looked like diplomacy had left the building and a good old fashioned scrap was about to break out. 

Pushing herself off of the front of the bar, the beer girl lunged forward at the squaw.  Rather than slam her breast into the brunette who had set her feet, expecting the charge, the blonde placed her hands on the brunette’s shoulders, shoving her backwards as hard as she could.  Karen tried her best to maintain her balance as she stumbled backwards on her heels, slamming into the sexy cop.

The beer girl braced herself for Karen’s counter, but as Karen regained her composure and prepared to shut down the blonde, she was grabbed from behind by a now pissed off sexy cop. 
The two blondes had been friends since high school and had argued or even fought over the same guy many times over the past couple of years.  The cop was perfectly happy with seeing her friend get into it with the brunette.  When Karen’s heel stomped down on her foot she took it as an attack on herself.  She didn’t realize that Karen was shoved, but in her drunken state none of that mattered.

The beer girl had closed her eyes as Karen cranked back with her fist.  When the brunette never hit her, she opened her eyes a split second later to see the cop struggling to restrain the Indian.  Not waiting another moment, the beer girl stepped forward throwing a straight punch that found the chin of the Indian squaw.  The brunette’s head snapped back from the blow stunning her.  That was all it took for the sexy cop to lock on a full nelson on the Indian.  With the brunette fully restrained, the beer girl went to work on her belly and breasts.

Three short powerful blows connected with the squaw’s belly just above the bikini line.  Karen’s gasped and grunted from the blows.  With the sexy cop holding her upright, Karen was unable to hunch forward, offering absolutely no protection from the attack.  Karen turned her head to meet the beer girl’s gaze.  With fire in her eyes Karen threatened the blonde.  “When I get free I am going to kick your ass!”  The only thing the threat earned her was another right cross to the chin that snapped her head to the side.  The brunette’s eyes spun in her head as she struggled to free herself from the sexy cop.

A blast of cold air and a cheer from the crowd singled the exit of Karen’s costume top.  With the brunette restrained, the blonde stepped forward and grabbed hold of the top between the bra cups.  When Karen had sewn the costume it was designed to provocatively restrain her breast.  It didn’t take a whole lot of force for the material to be torn from her body. 

With all eyes on them, the sexy beer girl started working the squaw’s breasts like they were speed bags.  Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to break free from the sexy cop.  You would have thought that someone would have intervened and stopped the two on one attack.  But they were either enjoying the show, had been on the business end of Karen’s bouncer duties, or both.  Karen knew that she either had to take the beating like a woman or find a way to break free.  With her tits swelling and turning black and blue she didn’t know how much more that she would be able to take.

The beer girl was enjoying the enthusiasm of the crowd.  The blonde wanted to take a swing at the brunette earlier in the evening.  Now she was having her way with her and she was the life of the party for it.  She was sure that there was some Hollywood Moguls in the crowd and this little extracurricular activity had to have her stock rising.  As the crowd cheered and pushed forward for a closer look the blonde stepped forward, placing her hand on the brunette’s belly.  “Thanks for the exposure opportunity bitch!  I’m sure it is going to help me out a lot.  Speaking of exposure…” she continued as her hand slid south finding the top of the brunette’s costume bottom.  “I’m going to enjoy fucking your guy when we are done.” She whispered in Karen’s ear as she started tugging the bottoms down, exposing the top of Karen’s landing strip.  The crowd was in frenzy as camera flashes started going off.

“Hey!” Karen yelled causing the beer girl to look up.  Still restrained by the cop, Karen was still able to snap her head forward, head-butting the blonde across the bridge of her nose.  The beer girl’s hands shot to her face to cover her injured nose.  Karen kicked her legs up and blasted the beer girl in the chest with both feet flattening her breast against her rib cage.  The unexpected shift in Karen’s weight had the cop stumbling forward.  Karen whipped her legs back down and dropped to her knees.  The cop soon found herself flying over Karen’s shoulder, landing flat on her back in front of the squaw.

Karen needed to take advantage of the sudden turn of events and not allow either woman to get back up.  Grabbing the cop by her blonde hair Karen dragged her closer to her.  Pinning the cop to the floor by her hair with her left hand, Karen started raining down punches to the sexy blonde’s face and chest with her right.  The cop’s arms and legs flailed away trying to flee the brunette’s assault.  It was no use… Her struggles grew weaker and weaker as the pissed off brunette wailed away at her face.  The cop’s eyes rolled back in her head as Karen let one last fist fly.

The brunette’s disheveled, sweaty hair hung down across her face as she looked down at the beaten cop.  Karen sensed that something was wrong when the crowd noise started to rise.  She looked up and brushed the hair aside to see what was going on.  It was a moment too late as the beer girl’s foot smashed into her chin.  Karen’s teeth clacked together as her head snapped back.  In one fluid motion the brunette was flying backwards off of the cop.

The brunette landed flat on her back in a heap.  Her arms and legs were sprawled out pointing to all four corners of the globe.  Her body racked with pain, the squaw’s limbs refused to respond to her command.  “Must get up!” her brain screamed but it might has well have been in an alien language.  She wasn’t going anywhere.

The beer girl walked over to the fallen brunette, reached down grabbing a handful of hair, and pulled the squaw to a seated position.  Karen yelped as her hair was almost pulled out by the roots.  With a fist full of hair, the beer girl took a kneeling position behind the brunette.  “Now where were we?” The beer girl asked releasing Karen’s hair.  “Oh, I know!” she said as she reached under each of Karen’s arms.  “I was in the middle of destroying these poor excuses for tits!” she continued as she grabbed hold of each of the squaw’s breast.  Karen screamed as the beer girl squeezed with all her might.  The naked tit flesh just oozed between her fingers. 

Karen sunk her nails into the beer girl’s wrist desperately trying to break the hold.  Having enough of the brunette’s counter attack, the blonde released the squeeze and instead grabbed the brunette’s nipples between her thumb and index fingers.  Once again she squeezed, mauling the poor Indian girl’s tits.  Karen moaned and renewed her attack on the beer girl’s wrist and arms.  Annoyed at the pain and nuisance of the brunette’s efforts, the beer girl pulled back, dragging a breast under each of Karen’s arms.  “Fuckkkkk!!!!” The brunette shrieked at the new found pain.

Karen was in trouble and had to do whatever she could to prevent the blonde from ripping her tits right off of her body.  Planting her feet, Karen was able to pull off one of the most unorthodox moves ever during a catfight.  She pushed off and threw her body up and over the beer girl.  The move broke the blonde’s grip and found Karen kneeling at her shoulders with her head between the brunette’s legs.  A right fist slammed into the beer girl’s chin stunning her.

Not wanting to give her opponent a moment to gain her senses, Karen started hammering rapid fire fist into the blonde’s tits.  Now the grunts and groans were coming from the beer girl as the Playboy enforcer started having her way with the blonde party goer.  Unfortunately for Karen, the sexy cop was making her way back to her feet.  And boy was she pissed!

Planting her left foot, the cop let a field goal kick go with her right.  She connected with the point of the squaw’s chin, causing her to fly backwards off of the beer girl.  The cop followed up by kicking Karen in the ribs, flipping her over onto her belly.  Reaching up with both hands, the cop was able to secure Karen’s left hand.  The brunette still was a bit out of it and the blonde easily repositioned it behind her back.  Painfully forcing it up higher, the cop knelt on Karen’s arm, trapping it in place.  Grabbing the handcuffs from her belt, the sexy cop reached up for Karen’s right hand.  If she was able to secure both hands behind her back, it would pretty much mean game over for the sexy squaw.

Karen realized the desperation of the position she was in and struggled against the cop’s efforts to draw her second arm behind her back.  With the blonde completely focused on applying the handcuffs, the brunette lunged forward with her powerful legs, displacing the cop.  The handcuffs fell harmlessly to the ground as the blonde toppled off of her perch.  The Indian squaw was on her in a heartbeat pounding away at the blonde’s head.  With her foe stunned, Karen bent down and grabbed the handcuffs and slipped them into her costume bottom. 

Hauling the sexy cop to her feet by her hair, Karen flung the blonde into the bar.  The blonde grunted on impact as her body jackknifed over the counter.  As the cop grunted in pain the Indian charged forward with a clothesline that almost sent the blonde ass over tea kettle behind the bar.  Just as the blonde’s feet hit the floor, Karen doubled her over by burying her fist deep into the cop’s belly.  Not wasting any time, Karen grabbed the cuffs and slapped them forcefully onto the blonde’s right wrist.  Before the blonde knew what was happening the Indian tossed the cuffs up and over a beam in front of the bar.  Grabbing the cop’s left wrist Karen was able to secure the cuff, trapping the blonde in place.

With her prey trapped in place, Karen tore open the front of the sexy cop’s costume sending buttons flying in a half a dozen different directions.  Having exposed the blonde’s braless tits, the brunette started hammering away trying to inflict as much pay back as possible for the cop’s earlier interference. 

One of the tough things of fighting two women at once is that you never know when one of your opponents is about to reenter the fray.  Karen’s body exploded in pain as the beer girl charged her from behind, left her feet, and buried her shoulder into the small of Karen’s back.  The squaw’s body jackknifed as it folded backwards around the beer girl’s shoulder.  Her forward motions came to a complete and sudden stop when she plowed into the restrained police officer. 

The beer girl grabbed Karen by the arm and spun the brunette so that she was facing her.  A rough shove introduced the squaw’s back to the edge of the bar.  If that wasn’t enough pain for the brunette, the blonde beer girl doubled her over at the waist as she sunk her fist deep into the pit of Karen’s belly.  The brunette’s mouth was wide open as if to scream in pain, but no sound passed her lips.  “Fuck the whore up!” yelled a redheaded Playmate.  Must not have been one of Karen’s friends.

With the squaw still pitched forward, the beer girl wrapped her hands deep in Karen’s brown locks.  The blonde spun, set her feet, and tossed Karen into some nearby lawn furniture.  The scene almost looked like Karen’s PMOY photo shoot with the brunette’s broken body admits the wreckage of the lounge chairs. 
“Get the keys!” the cop yelled.  Looking over at Karen the beer girl knew she had some time to free her friend from her handcuffs.  With both blondes back in the fight she was confident that they would make quick work of the brunette.  Not that she didn’t have things well in hand right now, it would be some much more fun for a good old fashioned two on one beat down of the Playmate.

The beer girl went to her friend and started looking for the key on the cop’s utility belt but didn’t have any luck finding it.  “Where the hell is it?” the beer girl asked her friend as she my bra!” the cop answered.  The beer girl just stopped and looked at her as if to say what the fuck?  The cop’s costume had been torn wide open and any remnants of her bra were unrecognizable.  She started looking around the ground under her restrained friend but couldn’t find it.  “It’s over there!” shouted one of Karen’s nemesis who was enjoying the night’s unplanned entertainment.

The blonde saw where the partygoer was pointing and ran over and picked up the key.  “Hurry!” yelled the cop as the beer girl ran towards her to free her friend.  With her adrenalin pulsing through her veins, the beer girl’s shaking hand was having difficulty finding the key hole on the handcuffs.  “Hurry!” the cop yelled again.  “I’m going to kick that bitch’s ass!” she continued as she tried to pull down on the cuffs trying to break free.  “Will you hold still!” the beer girl commanded her friend.  The thought of the fired up cop jumping on top of the squaw had her getting hot.  A wave of calmness washed over her as she visualized the hot blonde straddling the brunette’s waist, pounding on her tits.  Maybe I will sit on her face allowing her warm breath and struggles stimulate my pussy.  “Hurry!” the cop yelled again snapping the beer girl out of her day dream.

With a steadier hand she slid the key into the handcuffs.  But before she had a chance to turn it, releasing her friend, Karen ran over and grabbed her by the hair with both hands.  Using the blonde’s long pigtails the squaw yanked back on the blonde throwing her to the floor.  Using the bar to steady herself, Karen started kicking and stomping down on the fallen beer girl.  At first she tried to cover herself up but it was no use as the pissed off brunette just wailed away at her body.  The blonde couldn’t breathe and she curled into a ball trying to defend herself.  “Uuuuggghhh!” Karen suddenly grunted.

With her back to the cop, totally focusing on some payback with the beer girl, Karen didn’t realize that she had stepped back closer to the suspended cop.  The blonde police officer grabbed hold of the beam she was secured too and spun to face Karen.  The sexy cop then kicked up both of her legs slamming one on each of Karen’s shoulders.  Before she had a chance to realize that something was amiss, the blonde’s powerful thighs snapped shut like bear trap around Karen’s neck.  The squaw’s hands shot to the cop’s thighs, trying desperately trying to pry them apart so that she could free herself.  The color drained from the brunette’s face as her air supply was cut off.

The squaw’s legs started to weaken as she felt darkness overcoming her.  Unable to stand any longer Karen dropped to her knees.  That was probably the best thing that could have happened to her.  Having fighting for well over 10 minutes now, her body was glistening with perspiration.  The sheen worked as a lubricant and allowed Karen’s head to slip through the cop’s legs.  As the blonde kicked out trying to recapture her, the brunette just rolled away from the trapped blonde.

The freshest of the women was the cop.  Still with her hands secured above her she wasn’t going anywhere.  It was now a race between the brunette squaw and the blonde beer girl to see which one of them would make it back to her feet in order to renter the scrum. 

Neither woman was moving for what seemed like an eternity.  The beer girl started to respond to the cheers of her friends.  Placing her palm flat on the ground she started to push herself up, locking her elbow.  Karen struggled but was still flat on her back just having her breathing change from a desperate pant to a somewhat labored respiration.  In desperation, knowing that she couldn’t allow the blonde to get up, Karen’s swung out her leg striking the beer girl at the elbow.  The blonde crashed down landing on her face.  Lifting her leg Karen swung down with her foot striking the beer girl in the back of the head with her heel. 

Karen rolled onto her belly and pushed herself up.  Making herself aware of the cop’s position and the range of her legs, Karen walked to the far side of the bar and started stomping down on the beer girl until she didn’t move.  The squaw reached down and pulled the blonde to her feet by the hair.  Using almost all of her remaining strength Karen lifted the beer girl in the air by her throat.  With her arm straining and no longer able to hold the beer girl aloft, the brunette choke slammed the blonde down on to the surface of the bar.  The beer girl didn’t move.

Stepping between her legs, Karen lifted both of the beer girl’s legs, dumping her body behind the bar.  Karen sat on the bar and swung her legs around over the back edge.  The brunette slid off and dropped out of sight of all the party goers.  A scuffle could be heard and the cop prayed that her friend was getting the better end of the battle.  Her heart sank when the two women emerged from behind the bar with Karen leading the beer girl with her hands secured behind her back.  The brunette led the blonde to the front door of the mansion where she roughly shoved her out into the circular driveway.

In the backyard near the bar the cop still struggled to free herself.  At this point she probably could easily take out the battered Playmate but she was still trapped.  “Your turn bitch!” she stopped her struggles to see the pissed off brunette approaching her.  The Playmate was moving pretty slow having used a lot of energy and having taken a pretty good beating from the two blondes.  Maybe there is still hope the cop thought as the disheveled squaw approached her.  “Uuuuggghhh!”

The pained grunt came from the battered brunette.  As Karen closed on her, the quicker, fresher, blonde lashed out with her foot.  The kick struck Karen in the ribs just below her left arm driving the air from her.  She followed up with another kick that flattened the squaw’s tits against her rib cage.  Like a robot, the brunette painfully forced herself up to finish it with the blonde. 

The cop feigned the reach of her legs trying to lure Karen in a little closer.  As she swung out her foot the brunette jumped back so that the kick missed.  She stepped forward in an effort to secure one of the blonde’s legs.  A little closer….  Bam!

Karen’s feet left the ground as her body flew backward once again crashing into the lawn furniture.  She lay unmoving with her feet sticking straight up in the air.  The Playmate’s anti-fan club let out a cheer at the brunette’s predicament.  Having won over part of the crowd the cop was trying to call one of them over to help free her hands.  Either they couldn’t hear her over all the cheers or they were unwilling to get involved with Karen.  Sure she would not be a problems today… but that did not guarantee their safety at a later date.
As the blonde struggled to free herself a hush came over the crowd.  She turned to where she last saw Karen crumpled in the wreckage of the chairs.  Her heart sank when she saw the angry brunette trudging towards her.  Again she was in better shape to fight than the brunette except for one little thing… the wooden folding chair that the angry squaw held clutched in her hands.  “UUuuuaaahhh!” The blonde groaned as the brunette buried the edge of the chair deep in her belly.  Whack! Was the sound of the chair smashing against the back of her head.  Whack! “Uuuuggghhh!” was the sounds as Karen smashed the chair into the blonde’s knee cap. 

After a few more chair smashes IRISH walked up behind Karen and grabbed the chair as she tried to continue swinging for the fences.  “She’s had enough Karen.” IRISH said as he pulled the chair from her hands.  Playboy security moved in and ushered the once sexy cop out of the party.  “Let’s head inside.” IRISH said as he led Karen back to the mansion to get cleaned up and rejoin the party.

As they passed a French Maid, Karen over heard her mumbling something under her breath about the three combatants.  Karen stoped and started pulling away from IRISH to see what the woman’s problem was.  IRISH grabbed her by the arm and led her away.  “Not now babe… you can always mix it up with her another day.”


Offline KarsaOrlong

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Re: A Cop, A Beer Girl, & A Indian Squaw
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2013, 04:47:16 PM »
Excellent Story!  Great job describing the action, and I hope to see more from you!


Offline IRISH

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Re: A Cop, A Beer Girl, & A Indian Squaw
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2013, 02:51:37 AM »
Thanks Karsa!

Here are some photos of the three based on this thread...,34566.0.html


Offline SunnyB

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Re: A Cop, A Beer Girl, & A Indian Squaw
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2013, 03:36:45 PM »
Thought this was funny, yet very hot too!  ;D :D
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!


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Re: A Cop, A Beer Girl, & A Indian Squaw
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2013, 05:25:26 PM »
Excellent story, very well scripted and written. Halloween provides a myriad of opportunities for giving attractive women an opportunity to get down and dirty. Rogue vs. Ms. Marvel; Black Cat vs. Catwoman; Wonder Woman vs. Sheena; Cop vs. Motor Cycle Mamma, etc.

I normally don't go for two on one but, with the manner in which you presented the story, I would have to say that this was definitely an exception to the rule. 

Great Job. That bar girl is hungry, spirited and tough so I am hopeful that she meets Karen again.  Maybe one of the producers saw them fight at the party and wants to cast them in a Jungle Movie or a Cavewoman movies (al a One Million Years B.C.) only, this time, the fight would be unscripted and cotinue to the end. It would be the centerpiece of the movie as would other large busted attractive women outfitted in animal skin bikinis.

Thanks also to KarsaOrlong for some very nice and illustrative pictures.


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Re: A Cop, A Beer Girl, & A Indian Squaw
« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2013, 05:18:25 AM »
Thanks all for the feedback.  It is the only way that a writer can judge their work. 

After 600 views and only one comment I thought I really screwed the pooch on this one. 

Thanks Karsa for planting the seed....


Offline jjj11100

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Re: A Cop, A Beer Girl, & A Indian Squaw
« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2013, 02:32:22 PM »
Haven't been around much due to time, but this was an excellent setting and even better story! 

Good to see you back in the mix!


Offline IRISH

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Re: A Cop, A Beer Girl, & A Indian Squaw
« Reply #7 on: November 05, 2013, 07:12:06 AM »
Here is one from K&G's website that I wrote a few years ago where Karen fights a blonde SS Officer...