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The Fantasy Scrapbook Redux

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The Fantasy Scrapbook Redux
« on: November 30, 2013, 05:53:59 PM »
Author's note: This is, with a few proofreading edits, a repost of work I'd previously put up on another board.  Its inspiration is a piece written by an author named simguy, aka Belial - the original can be found here.  As this was originally intended for a different audience, there might be an occasional reference to something that seems to be missing context.  Hopefully, however, the fight imagery is strong enough to stand up on its own.

The “Scrapbook” is one of the most hallowed tomes in the library’s collection.  An alphabetized compilation of photographs capturing some of the world’s most famous and beautiful women locked in a variety of feminine confrontations, the book is constantly growing and evolving with new contributions.

A – Anderson
The black lacy bra and panties from her FHM shoot is classic Gillian – nothing makes her look prettier when she’s disheveled, demoralized, and on the verge of defeat.  She’s lolling on her feet and pressed up against an apartment wall – her redheaded curls obscure the glassy look in her eyes that she has after soaking up a series of disorienting slaps to the face courtesy of Salma Hayek in her From Dusk Till Dawn bikini.  The matchup is defined by the contrast between Gillian’s savvy and technical skill versus Salma’s raw power and tenacity, and today the redhead’s talents weren’t sufficient to overcome those of the mighty Mexican.  Now, Gillian is being pushed at the shoulder and stacked upright against the wall – Salma’s getting ready to begin cramming one gancha hook after another into her tummy.

B – Brook
Pitched battle on the top deck of a luxury cruise liner sees Kelly duking it out from bow to stern with continental rival Laetitia Casta.  At present the fight appears to be approaching a climax as Kelly is on one knee in a green bikini and atop Laetitia, who is wearing a red and navy bikini with white trim while lying facedown on her belly.  The Brit has her left arm cinched around the Frenchwoman’s left and is tugging backwards on it, while her right hand pushes down on the back of her rival’s head.  Laetitia’s whining, kicking her feet, clearly unhappy to be having her face forcibly mashed against the wooden deck – this course of events wasn’t the outcome that she’d envisioned.  Unlike her rival, however, Kelly is gleefully enjoying every moment of Laetitia’s humiliation and suffering – that’s what makes this all worthwhile.

C – Chabert
Lacey’s fighting poolside in a pretty yellow string bikini, and she’s got Kristen Bell right where she wants her.  Sunny afternoon has the two on a peach colored beach towel laid out at the pool’s edge – blonde is in a fuchsia string bikini lying belly down with brunette on top of her.  Picture is shot halfway between head-on and sideways such that their left shoulders/arms are in the fore.  Lacey’s grinning, enjoying the work thoroughly as she takes the time to pose her quarry – propping herself up with her right arm, her left hand is sunken firmly into Kristen’s blonde locks, yanking back on her head and baring her throat.  Kristen’s arms are out in front of her as her body is bent backwards, her chest a few inches off the ground.  On her face is a look of groggy distress with eyes half-open and mouth parted – her suffering today is far from over.

D – Dunning
Picturesque and tranquil SoCal beach scenery belies the intense feminine savagery captured in the frame.  Some enterprising individual’s set up a MMA-style cage 20 feet square with 10-foot tall fence encircling it on a platform rising a few feet off the sand – it’s the perfect venue for a Saturday afternoon fistfight.  Despite the chain link we’ve got a pretty good frontal view of Debbe in a hot pink bikini with fists taped white – she’s got her dukes up as has a fierce expression on her face as she stalks on the left side of the frame.  On the right side is Jenny McCarthy in a red and white thin-striped bra-style bikini, likewise with fists taped white, hair up in an elegant coif that’s showing the first signs of coming undone – she looks banged up with blood trickling from her nose, a cut lip, and has a look of distress in her eyes as she’s in imminent danger of being backed up and trapped against the fence.  Debbe showing uncharacteristic caution as she closes in on Jenny despite holding the initiative, but let’s not kid ourselves: the brunette could throw herself at the blonde and be all over her in a heartbeat.

E – Electra
Carmen versus Jenny McCarthy is one of the often overlooked matchups coming out of the 90s – sparked by professional competition and fueled by physical jealousy, their enmity has perhaps been eclipsed by rivalries with other women that are often perceived as more significant landmarks in their respective careers.  Their hatred for one another has never subsided though, as evidenced that Carmen was the first choice for Jenny’s inaugural St. Patrick’s Day Brawl.  We see her in a baby blue bikini, blondified hair, taped fists as she’s being pushed back against the bar of the Irish pub.  She’s busted up, exhausted, and out on her feet – clearly she wasn’t expecting or prepared for this kind of brutality tonight.  Jenny looks scuffed up in a white bikini, taped fists, but is in better shape – she’s cupping Carmen’s cheeks with both hands, savoring the moment before she unleashes the barrage of blows that’ll punch Carmen’s lights out.

F – Fox
Dark stormy skies plus grey wet beach sand equals dominance for Megan in a black bikini.  The wide shot shows rough waves crashing against the shoreline and a rocky outcropping in the background; in the foreground is Scarlett Johansson in a leopard print bikini, lying dazed at Megan’s feet and at her mercy.  It’s almost as if Scarlett’s been dumped onto the beach by the surf as her blonde curls hang disheveled on either side of her face and sand clings in patches to her damp skin.  She’s facing the camera on her haunches with both hands sunk into the muck as she tries to prop herself up – it’s all she can do at the moment to alleviate the strain of the brunette behind her tugging backwards on her hair with an outstretched left hand and arm as her lips are parted by what is almost certainly a tired groan of pain.  Megan is as equally wet and covered in sand as her rival as they fight in the light drizzle, but unlike Scarlett she’s grinning broadly as she strikes a dramatic pose.  It’s a picture worthy of the cover page if there ever was one.

G – Glau
Summer is large and in charge as she fights wearing her Esquire black bikini against Hayden Panettiere in a white one-piece with plunging neckline and belly window.  It’s a rare opportunity for Summer to undisputedly be the bigger girl here in the apartment setting, and she’s wasted no time capitalizing on it.  First came the kicks from outside Hayden’s reach to the blonde’s legs and lower body that crippled her mobility and then her ability to even stay upright.  Then came a series of tortuous leg-based submission holds, including a bow and arrow hold, a figure-four, and a surfboard.  Now Summer’s sitting on a fake leather couch while Hayden is on the floor with her back against the seat – the brunette has her legs locked tightly around the blonde’s neck and is squeezing with all the sinewy power she can put into the scissor hold.  Hayden is starting to relax into unconsciousness, but there’s still a mean glint in Summer’s eyes – it’s not clear if the brunette intends to choke the blonde out now or if she has more tricks up her sleeve.

H – Hewitt
Jennifer Love locked in a venomous embrace with archrival Salma Hayek as they battle on penthouse carpet.  Stark contrast between Jen in her lucky white string bikini and Salma in a shiny black bra-style bikini together on their knees, arms wrapped around each other in a mutual bearhug and heaving their hulking hooters together with all of the hatred that their hearts can muster.  Side by side their faces are an interesting mixture of anguish, anger, and determination as heavy jugs thrust and mash into one another between the two women – it’s bad enough for Salma that Jennifer’s almost single-handedly responsible for her boxing downfall, but to lose chest dominance to her as well?  She’d sell her soul to avoid that fate.  Jennifer can already visualize herself pushing Salma down and getting atop her to grind out a win, but a long, painful battle of attrition stands between her and ultimate victory.  Is Salma starting to crack under the pressure, or will Jennifer discover that this is a bridge too far?  It’s too soon to call.

I – Ireland
Kathy doesn’t know where she is.  It’s a familiar story: a former legend of the ring, long past their prime, nonetheless seeks to reclaim past glory and pays the price against a younger, stronger, and hungrier opponent.  Kathy’s in a black bra-style bikini, red boxing gloves in the foreground – she is pulling herself back up to her feet after a knockdown, but is clearly in bad shape despite her heroic efforts to beat the count.  Right now she’s slumped forward into the ropes and clinging onto them with her gloves for support.  Referee Claudia Schiffer is dutifully giving Kathy a mandatory 8 – the two of them had share of scraps over the years, and though the German blonde always wanted the American brunette to get her comeuppance, she never wanted it to be like this.  Behind them in the neutral corner is Laetitia Casta in royal blue bikini with fleur-de-lis print red gloves.  She’s calm and relaxed as she leans back against the turnbuckle, arms resting on the top rope – a torch is being passed tonight and she’s relishing every moment of it.

J – Johansson
The turbulent tides have turned in Scarlett’s favor at the end of her duel on the beach with Megan Fox.  The water isn’t visible in this close-up – just the beautiful forms of victress and vanquished as they lie together in the soggy grey mire.  Megan is stretched out on her back with arms splayed on either side, eyes shut and mouth hanging agape as her head lolls to her left.  Scarlett is atop the brunette in a full body pin, her left hand pressing down on Megan’s upturned right cheek while her right arm is planted on in the sand to prop herself up.  A few loose strands of black hair are strewn across Megan’s face, but most have been brushed aside by Scarlett so that everyone can get a good look at the brunette in her unconsciousness.  The focus in the center of the image is Scarlett’s face (and as an added bonus, her ample cleavage just below it) as she stares straight into the camera.  She’s clearly tired after being pushed to her limits, but despite the wet tousle of blonde hair partially obscuring her face, the fire in her eyes is plainly visible for all to see.  She’s decisively trumped Megan’s highlight photo with an even more emphatic one of her own.

K – Kozar
Heather in control of Ali Landry as the two vie for dominance inside the small confines of a glass elevator.  Venue is a luxury five-star hotel: layout has each upper floor forming a perimeter with an open view of the lobby as hallways extend out like balconies.  Elevator is currently parked at the second floor – camera perspective is from the lobby with a zoomed in shot of the two ladies.  Blonde is behind the brunette – even though her body is partially obscured we know that Heather’s gold bikini is heavy with her curves.  Ali’s in a black bikini and is trapped in a full nelson – she’s starting to look a little spent as her breasts, belly, and face are pushed up against the glass.  From here Heather’s got a number of options – she could drive her knee into Ali’s buttocks and thighs to break down the legs; she could transition to a half nelson and go after Ali’s kidneys and flanks with her free fist; she could release and turn Ali around and start to break her down with slaps and punches to face and jug; she could even forego those and gamble on a breast smother.  The possibilities are endless!

L – Landry
Ali triumphant in the penthouse.  Here we see her on the carpet with a small loveseat in the background.  She’s wearing a silky white bra and panties that’s almost gleaming on her body.  We get a magnificent view of her backside as she’s on all fours astride an exhausted and used up Jeri Ryan.  The blonde is wearing a pale blue bra and panties, but despite ostensibly being of the same material as the brunette’s lingerie, it has nowhere near the same luster.  Ali’s head is turned as she pins Jeri’s wrists to the floor – we can see the giddy smile on her face as she almost appears to be looking back over her left shoulder at the camera.  Jeri’s head is also turned to the left, visible underneath Ali’s outstretched right arm – there’s a relaxed, almost vacant expression on her face as she clings to consciousness.  It’s a pity for her that the match rules don’t stipulate the possibility of victory by pinfall – if they did, then she’d at least be spared whatever Ali has in store for her next.

M – Madison
Holly once had a brief stint as a guest ring girl for UFC; it’s brief because it set her on a direct course for collision with queen bee Arianny Celeste.  The two are together in the cage, blonde with her back on the mat in a red string bikini as the brunette wearing a black bikini is in a full mount on top of her – Arianny has Holly’s left arm cinched up securely with an americana shoulder lock.  One can almost imagine the sound of Holly’s screams of agony just by looking at the anguish expressed by her body: eyes shut tightly, mouth open, head tilted to the side with platinum locks strewn beneath her, back arched in futile attempts to alleviate the figure-four pressure on her arm and bridge her way free.  No doubt she’s an inch away from tapping out in tears.  Arianny, conversely, is relaxed and in control, not even casting a single glance downwards at the blonde quarry beneath her – she’s instead staring seductively at the camera, reveling in every moment of her supremacy.

N – Nolin
Brutal beach battle sees Gena Lee in a teal bra-style bikini, loop connections at the hips defending Baywatch honor against Jennifer Connelly in a white string bikini.  Gena’s hands are sunk deep into dark brunette tresses while Jennifer’s are likewise tightly gripping blonde curls – hateful scowls are etched on both ladies’ faces as they pull each others’ hair without mercy and stumble about on the sand, blue skies and sea behind them.  Surprising course of action for the typically more reserved Jennifer – no one ever dreamed she’d want to fight someone as ballistic as Gena, let alone be brazen enough to attempt a direct frontal assault on the beach’s new alpha.  At the same time, the episode highlights Gena’s struggles to maintain Baywatch hegemony over the fighting world: now that Pamela Anderson’s gone, somebody needs to step up and take charge, but that’s easier said than done when suddenly everyone’s looking to pounce while they’re vulnerable.  It’s still early in the game for Gena and Jennifer, however – by the looks of things this fight could go either way.

O – O’Dell
Jennifer learns the hard way that the sauna is a harsh mistress.  The venue has blue/white tile, three-tiered step ledge in the background – Jenny’s lying on her back in the fore wearing the black Shark bikini.  Atop her is Neve Campbell in an orange bikini: the brunette has a nice schoolgirl pin going, thighs framing either side of the blonde’s head.  Neve has her left hand firmly gripping JOD’s hair, and with the other she’s pounding out short punches to the pate, wringing out the last bits of resistance.  It’s hard to believe that Jenny would ever find herself in this position: for the longest time the sauna was considered to be her own personal fiefdom.  The steady stream of would-be usurpers has taken its toll, however, and now the oppressive heat and this latest challenger proved to be more than she could handle.  Probably won’t be long before Neve scoots forward and goes for the facesit – Jenny will be left to wonder how things could possibly have turned out this badly for her.

P – Pinder
Bosomy British brunette Lucy is on the carpet with blonde frenemy Michelle Marsh.  They’re both lying on their sides and facing each other, Lucy on the left side of the frame facing the camera in a black lace bra and panties and Michelle on the right in a similar lavender version.  Their bodies are only mere centimeters apart as they both have death grips locked onto the other’s chest, each crushing and mauling the other’s breasts with savage fury.  It’s hard to see Michelle’s facial expression at this angle but no doubt it mirrors Lucy’s, who has thrown her head back on the white shag and appears to be screaming at the top of her lungs.  Legs appear as if they’re starting to become intertwined as both Lucy and Michelle would like nothing more than to push the other onto her back and get on top – whichever one can beat her opponent to it would gain a great tactical advantage.

Q – Q
Maggie finds herself in dire straits when Jessica Biel crashes the set of Nikita.  Jessica in her blue bikini from Stealth struggling with Maggie in her red monokini next to a circular wading pool at a fancy resort – Jessica’s lying on her back with Maggie atop her but is in complete control after securing a rear mount on her exotic foe.  Maggie totally unable to find any answers for her brawnier opponent as she’s been on the losing end of one lock-up after another – now she’s exhausted and clearly running on fumes.  Maggie writhes and struggles to escape, but she doesn’t have nearly enough left to escape with both of Jessica’s legs hooked around her own.  Jessica pulling Maggie’s arms away from her torso, trying to sweep aside the last vestiges of resistance – both ladies know that Jessi’s mere moments away from sinking in the sleeper hold to finish this once and for all.

R – Ryan
Jeri with a classy apartment performance against Cat Bell as they wrestle atop a king-size bed.  Jeri’s in her trademark red bikini straddling Cat in her trademark blues, short brunette tussle – the former is trying to encircle her arms around the back of the latter’s head and secure a breast smother.  Head-on angle gives us a healthy view of Jeri’s deep cleavage as her tits brush against Cat’s side-turned head and threaten to engulf her pretty countenance with jug flesh.  Telling contrast between the drowsy haze in Cat’s eyes and the sharp focus in Jeri’s as blonde’s gaze is fixed on her quarry – Jeri’s hatred for Cat is well known and it’s plain to see that every iota of energy in her body is being devoted to subjugating the brunette.  Cat’s hands are up pushing against Jeri’s shoulders as she commits the last of her reserves to holding the smother at bay – she’s expended a great deal of energy fighting her way out of one already and the prospects of her surviving another aren’t good.

S – Spears
Hubris and poor management have gotten the better of Britney tonight in Mandalay Bay’s mud pit.  It’s a 16 by 16, 2 foot deep venue designed for messy wrestling, the substance of choice for this fight being oil.  Britney’s wearing a teal bikini and is facing off against Lacey Chabert in gold and Jennifer Love Hewitt in a black bra-style.  All three are kneeling as Lacey is behind Britney seatbelting her arms, while Jennifer throws a vicious right-handed punch to the blonde’s left breast – we’ve got a very good frontal view of Britney at the moment of impact as her face twists in agony.  This was originally billed as a three-way match, but that part of the memo seems to have been lost somewhere along the way – instead Britney got herself into a match that should never have been made as Lacey and Jen have double-teamed her without interruption.  And if you think the actions of the two brunettes so far have been heinous?  Just wait until they start trying to jug Britney out.

T – Tricia
Ferocious struggle pits Tricia Helfer against Cat Bell on a sofa.  Tricia is on her back in a black bra-style bikini top and leopard print bottoms, platinum blonde locks; Cat is on top in her white Stuff bikini, long brunette hair and facing her opponent with both ladies’ heads on the left side of the frame.  Tricia has her legs locked around Cat’s waist, the left bent at the knee and hooked around the right to form a body triangle – she’s constricting it tighter and tighter, slowly but surely squeezing the life out of her statuesque rival.  Cat’s anguished expression is indicative of the hold, but it’s far too early for Tricia to be resting on her laurels – the brunette still has plenty of fight left in her as she pushes on the blonde’s face and chin with both hands.  It’s going to take more than that to make Tricia relinquish her triangle, but it would be folly to believe that Cat doesn’t have what it takes to make her do so.

U – Upton
Page torn out of the latest Victoria’s Secret catalog features Kate modeling a fine piece from her Signature Fighting Bikini collection, an orange checker-print design based off the one from her Sobe ad.  It’s an exquisite display as the ad exhibits it head to head against Adriana Lima’s own Signature line, which is based on the VS Black Diamond Bra.  The ad shows Kate and Adriana on their knees and haunches respectively; the former has secured a tight headlock on her rival while the latter can only manage a hugged grip around her opponent’s thigh.  The message is not very subtle as Adriana looks beaten and used up in contrast to Kate’s winning smile as she stares at the camera: “Want to be the toughest blonde on your block?  With a Kate Upton Signature Fighting Bikini you’ll be crushing your brunette rivals in no time, and you’ll look spectacular doing it!”  The other side of the demographic need not fear, however: the brunette counterpart to this blonde-centric catalog features Kate getting her comeuppance at Adriana’s hands.

V – Vergara
Ring the (proverbial) bell: Sofia’s done.  Setting is a wooden deck in the backyard of a luxurious Los Angeles property – picture taken from a second-story vantage point reveals the Latin hellcat stretched out on her back in a lilac lace bra and panties with dark garter and stockings.  At the deck’s edge stands a victorious Christina Hendricks in a black silk bra and panties with matching garter and stockings – she’s got her back turned to her foe and is posing with her hands on her hips, looking over her shoulder with a contemptuous smirk at her vanquished opponent.  Imagery doesn’t really say anything about how the redhead finished the brunette off, so much is left to the imagination.  Was it a jug smother?  Did Christina pin her down and slap her out?  Did Sofia pass out from the overwhelming pain of a crippling submission hold?  …Was it a jug smother? 
W – Wilson
Torrie looking pretty at a WWE house show wearing a silver bikini at ring’s center – she’s also putting on an impressive demonstration of strength and sensuality as she has Cori Nadine hoisted face-up across her shoulders in a torture rack.  Rivalry goes back to their days as fitness models: Cori marched down to the ring in a leopard print string bikini with the impromptu challenge, but little could she have anticipated the fate that awaited her there.  Blonde has one arm hooked around the brunette’s legs, the other around the chin as she pushes down with steady force and contorts Cori’s body in ways it wasn’t meant to go.  Cori’s barely conscious at this point as the finisher is simply too much for her, little more than a sexy trophy being put on display.  No one would blame Torrie if she unceremoniously dropped the brunette’s dead weight to the canvas and hooked the leg for a three count.

X – Xena
Back in the late 90s TV Guide ran a photoshoot featuring Lucy Lawless and Jeri Ryan together dressed up in character to promote their respective shows (Yes.  The photoshoot really did happen).  Things were all well and good when it was Xena and Seven of Nine standing next to each other, but after transitioning to evening gowns things went to hell rather rapidly (hence why most of those photos are outtakes).  In this one we see black-haired Lucy to the left on all fours in a tattered white dress – there’s no telling what left her in such a disoriented state as she tries to push herself up off of her forearms, but considering the formidable opponent she faces, it could have been any number of things.  To the right is Jeri in a shiny blue-grey dress that is likewise torn up – she’s on her feet bent over at the waist as she reaches down to grab Lucy’s hair and haul her up to her feet for more punishment.

Y – Yoko
Who the heck is Yoko Matsugane?  Right about now Jessica Alba is probably wishing she’d learned the answer to that question before embarking on her Far East fighting tour.  In fact, Yoko is a wildly popular and quite bosomy Japanese pin-up model, and has ruled with an iron fist since practically the moment her career began.  The venue is the American’s training camp somewhere in the Tokyo Metropolis; the confrontation has resulted in an unsanctioned, unregulated, and impromptu boxing match.  Monokinis and red gloves for both ladies: Yoko in black with white patterning and Jessica in white with blue trim, brunette hair.  The image is wide enough to capture the majority of the ring and it shows Jessica all but finished as she lies halfway knocked out of the ring – she’s on her back with her body draped at the midway point over the bottom rope, arms spread lifelessly on the apron.  At midring is Yoko standing with both dukes raised and ready for more – she’s just waiting for Jessica to get up and not satisfied with the punishment she’s already dished out. 

Z – Zhang
Breaking into the American fight scene is never easy for a foreigner, and it’s not getting any easier for Ziyi at the present.  Here we see her lying with her back on the apartment carpet in a red bikini, head towards us; looming over her is Kelly Packard in a pale pink bikini top, red and pink floral print bottoms.  The blonde has both of the Asian’s ankles in her hands, lifting her legs up into the air and spreading them wide – the difference between Kelly going for a series of stomping low blows or dropping down and driving her knee into the same target is probably only academic at this point.  Ziyi looks almost asleep as she lies there at Kelly’s mercy – the blonde’s finisher will likely be the final nail in the coffin.  It's still a magnificent defeat though, and that should still count for something.


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Re: The Fantasy Scrapbook Redux
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2013, 06:44:09 PM »
Thank you for this lot of hot pictures to imagine in my head.


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Re: The Fantasy Scrapbook Redux
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2013, 09:50:14 AM »
God damn, those Fox/Johansson descriptions have encouraged me to write a story featuring those two fighting in bikinis on a moonlit beach.


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Re: The Fantasy Scrapbook Redux
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2013, 03:07:56 PM »
Quite excellent.  Future volumes would be most welcome.