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From chat to reality

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Offline Maura

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From chat to reality
« on: January 20, 2014, 11:36:17 AM »
Lynda and Miriam lived in New York. They met for the first time in a chat. The chat was for cyber fighting and when they described each other they discovered they were very well matched, both close to 30 years old,  5’8”, 150 lbs, 38d and 40 c respectively, unshaved mounds… except Lynda was black and Miriam white.
   From the beginning they started fighting from NHB to sexual. Both were hot and experts. They developed a rivalry which was defined by hard fights, that left them, whoever won, exhausted physically and emotionally. They liked creative scenarios, long fights, and a lot of trash talk. In a few months, they were unable to agree in who had won more fights, but they enjoyed each other immensely and they looked for each other daily. When they fought NHB they were bloody, violent, almost lethal. When they were in sexual mood they would orgasm several times and finish really tired.

   That day, they were especially hot and after two hours of fighting brutally, they got sexual and fought for another hour pussy to pussy. Lynda had won the brutal fight and Miriam the sexual part. “You know, bitch? I would really like to make you cum in real”, Miriam said. “And I would love to see you crying in real after destroying you”, Lynda responded. “Bullshit, sweetie, I would give you the beating of your life”, Miriam provoked the black girl. “You are shit Lynda, I would beat you to pulp and then I would fuck your brains off”. “Blah, blah, blah. Probably you are a fake, you wouldn’t dare to meet me in real”. “Oh yes, I would, I think it is time to decide who is the best for real”. “Do you really dare?”, Miriam said. “I am not scared of you, white slut”, Lynda said. “I am not either, but I talk about, you know, reality is not the same like this”. “I am just curious, I like you lots here, fight and fuck, but we can meet somewhere nice, talk and if we don’t hit it, good bye and nice to meet you, and maybe we can even continue meeting here, I don’t know”, the black woman said.

   They met in The National, a nice restaurant in Lexington Ave, for lunch on a Friday. They got there so on time that they met at the hostess counter. (They had exchanged pictures, of course). They shook hands. Hello Lynda, Hello Miriam. The hostess accompanied them to a table and they ordered drinks. They loved vodka. “Lynda, you are beautiful and look strong, as you said in the chat”. “Thank you, Miriam, you too, and most importantly, I love your scent”. “Thank you, I like yours too”. They smiled, knowing they liked each other in real as they had in virtual. They treated themselves to a good lunch, they knew were off till Monday: Oysters on the half shell, Braised short ribs, coffee and a herbs digestive. They accompanied the food with a bottle of nice Chilean wine. At the end of the meal they were happy and… tipsy. “My house or yours?”, Lynda asked. “Mine if you don’t mind. It is very close and I have bought food and drinks for all week end”. “Were you sure we were going to hit it?”, the black girl asked. “I had a hunch. We were so great in Cyber, why not in real?”. 

   Miriam place was close and they went walking. As soon as they entered Miriam’s apartment, they embraced and kissed lustily, caressing their bodies. After ten minutes of kissing and sucking tongues, Miriam said: “I am anxious to fuck with you, but I think we should fight before”.  “I agree, I am anxious of both things”, Lynda answered.

   Miriam served drinks and then they went to a room with mats, a table, a couple of chairs and a bed. Miriam had prepared the room for their fights. They drank their vodkas, left the glasses on the table and started getting naked. They looked for long time their beautiful bodies, their high breasts, the big areolas and dark erect nipples, their strong thighs and their dark bushes. “Beautiful”, they exclaimed at the same time, kissed briefly and bear hugged tight and hard, pressing their tits and trying to unbalance the other with trips. Miriam thought: “this bitch is strong, she was telling the truth”. More or less the same was thinking Lynda, while their muscles tensed with the effort and soon sweat covered their bodies. Lynda launched the first punch, to Miriam’s belly. The white girl grunted and punched one of Lynda’s great tits. The black girl grunted and they started to exchange punches to their bodies until one of Lynda made Miriam fall on her knees with her hands covering her stomach. In theory, it was the moment to punch Miriam’s face and end the fight, but Lynda remembered how in many occasions in Cyber they had respected their faces. Instead, she got on Miriam’s back, passed her left arm around her neck in a hard lock and started punching her kidneys hard. Miriam’s tongue was out of her mouth while her hands tried unsuccessfully to separate the powerful arm from her throat. The pain in her kidneys was intense and as a last resort Miriam launched her elbow behind her. Her elbow hit Lynda’s pussy and the black girl screamed, brought her hands to her crotch and fell on her knees. Miriam breathed hard and deep, rotated on her knees and grabbed Lynda in a neck lock, pushing her face under her sweaty armpit. Then, she got Lynda on the mats, with all her weight on top and the black girl suffocated under her armpit. Miriam was confident that she had pinned her opponent for good, when acrobatically Lynda bent her waist, lifted her legs and got her thighs around Miriam’s neck, bringing her on her back, while her potent thighs strangled her. Miriam got also her thighs around the other’s neck and both were locked in the same position. Both could smell their opponents pussies at a few centimeters from their noses, sweaty and musky and in spite of their efforts, none could unlock her opponent. Lynda offered a draw and Miriam accepted. Miriam got out of the room and came back with towels and the vodka bottle they had poured their drinks from. She poured fresh shots and they dried their sweaty bodies and drank. “Well, a draw in the first round, not bad”, Miriam laughed.

   A few minutes later, they clinched again. They rolled over, this time kicking and biting. They grunted again and clawed their nails on backs and asses. Their tits were totally smashed, their thighs crossed and their faces together, sweaty and slippery like the rest of their bodies. They were too well balanced to have a serious advantage, so only the luck or a mistake of one of them would unbalance the fight. It was Miriam’s mistake. She tried a waist lock with her legs, when a slippery Lynda rolled her on her tummy, straddled her from her back while an arm locked her neck and her arms were twisted behind her. Then, as a humiliation, two fingers of Lynda entered her ass and she screamed. The black girl increased the pressure of her arm and their fingers got deeper and harder in Miriam’s asshole and the white girl screamed: “Shit, bitch, I give!”.

   It was time to eat. They dried with the towel, drank another glass of vodka and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. They wore only aprons and they touched each other while working on the food. They sniffed each other and they laughed and kissed. But again, they refrained their lust. They had dinner in the kitchen. “Well, for now you are winning, bitch”, Miriam said smiling. “And I will go to bed as winner”, the black girl said laughing. “You mean you are going to bed without a last fight for today?”, Miriam complained. “No, darling, I mean we can fight again and I will win again”, Lynda said. “No way, slut. I will beat you hard, so you go to bed hurting”, Miriam said challenging.

   They came back to the mats room, drank still more vodka and Miriam produced two pairs of 8 oz. boxing gloves. If Lynda was surprised she didn’t show it. They wore the gloves and kissed. “It’s K.O. or surrender, ok?”. “Ok”, Lynda nodded. They circled each other, feigning punches until Miriam got one on Lynda’s right tit. The black girl grunted and answered with a punch to Miriam’s belly. The white girl grunted and clinched body to body with her opponent. They exchanged punches to the body for almost half hour. None was expert but their bodies showed the marks of the punches all over. Suddenly, Miriam launched a foot to Lynda’s belly and the surprised black girl doubled her right knee. Instead of stopping, Miriam hit her several times with her hands and feet, until Lynda was on her back on the mats. Miriam looked at her while the black girl started to stand up. Both were sweating and bruised, especially Lynda. Miriam attacked with one leg but Lynda avoided the kick, grabbed the leg and pulled up. While Miriam was falling, Lynda kicked her hard on her kidney. Miriam screamed and fell, and screamed again when Lynda stomped on her tits and a second later her gloved right hit Miriam’s pussy. She rolled in terrible pain and covered her pussy with her hands. Lynda hesitated and for a second Miriam thought she was going to finish her. But the hesitation was long enough for the white girl to recover more or less and get on her feet. Moreover, Lynda, instead of attacking fast, started circling around her, sending punches on the air. Miriam kicked her on one thigh and when she was trying to keep her balance, a demolishing punch on her lower belly sent her again to her knees, half groggy. With all her might, Miriam punched her on her cheek and the black girl fell on the mats like a potatoes bag. She was KO. Immediately, Miriam pulled off her gloves, brought a towel soaked in water and attended to the faint Black girl. Lynda recovered soon, looked at Miriam and whispered: “Bitch!” but smiled. Miriam kissed her and their tongues danced for long time.

   This time they went to Miriam’s bed. The fiery cat fighters were loving kitties on the bed. They kissed, caressed, moaned, made love, ate each other, and all was delicious and great. No violence but soft sex, two women in love. They had several fantastic orgasms before falling asleep in their arms.

   Late in the morning, having a copious breakfast wearing just a robe, they declared they had enjoying their love making. “You have a talented tongue, darling”. “And you have fantastic fingers, love”. “I think we are well matched for fucking as well as for fighting”. “What about today?”, asked Lynda”. “I want to fight more and fuck more”, Miriam said. The black girl smiled wickedly: “I propose to fuck fight this afternoon, now I want to wrestle you again”, Lynda said.

   They went to the mats room, left their robes fall, and Lynda offered her hands for a clinch of power. Their hands clinched over their heads, they started slamming their powerful tits on the other. After a time, they separated their hands and embraced powerfully, starting to play their legs to make the other fall. With a trick only rehearsed in chat, Miriam let herself fall on her back, putting a foot on Lynda’s belly while she was falling and the black girl flew over her and fell painfully on her face and belly on the farthest mat. Before she could recover of the violent fall, the white woman was on her like a tsunami. Miriam landed on her back, grabbed her hair and started pushing her face on the mats hard several times. Every time, Lynda screamed and called her bitch but didn’t give up. On the contrary, she managed to slide and arm behind, got it between Miriam thighs and pulled savagely and her pubic bush. Miriam screamed, let go Lynda’s hair and rolled over with her hands on her crotch and tears in her eyes.

   When Lynda stood up, her face was bloody. Miriam opened her eyes wide and her tears were more copious. “Oh, My God, you are bleeding. I am a beast, I didn’t want to hurt you that much, darling”. She kissed her in her bleeding mouth and insisted that she lay on the bed while she went for water and towels to clean her. When she came back, and cleaned the blood from her face, she was happy to see that Lynda’s nose was not broken. She kissed her again and when Lynda hugged her and responded to the kiss, the white girl was on top and they made love long time.

   When they were more than satisfied, Lynda said: “Well, I still think we should sex fight to demonstrate who is better”. Miriam answered: “Lynda, darling, I believe we have demonstrated we are good fighters, even too brutal. We had fantastic sex, why do we have to demonstrate anything else? We better stay together for ever”.

   And they did it.


Offline Ellis Kent

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Re: From chat to reality
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2014, 01:42:15 PM »
Very hot...and by a strange coincidence Alexis and I met five of her fans at the National for breakfast last year. Unfortunately no women showed up (they never do unless they are voice verified...)

I like the idea of Cyber to RL...must happen sometimes!
Published female fight and sexfight author. Untamed Rivalry: Scenes from a Female Fight Club. (With sexfighter and fighter Alexis - see my profile.) Book in Kindle Store.


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Re: From chat to reality
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2014, 02:39:53 PM »
I love how in Maura's fights, there's no thought of defense by either fighter--just offense.


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Re: From chat to reality
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2014, 10:26:42 AM »
While we wait for a Tête-a-tête online, I started writing another fight of us...Soon it will be posted...


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Re: From chat to reality
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2014, 07:52:23 PM »
ooooh, very sexy; Loved it!!
K.C. Silkwood, author of Shame On Her: Catfight Edition


Offline PalomaJara

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Re: From chat to reality
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2014, 12:20:22 PM »
Great story, although I'd preferred they'd had a sexfight too. Anyway, I loved it, it's real hot.