A large crowd is gathered, restlessly anticipating the arrival of Yumi, the Japanese catfighter who in a few short weeks has captured the imagination of the exclusive, underground catfight community. After a seesaw battle and shattering defeat at the hands of blonde Bridgette (
http://www.freecatfights.com/forums/index.php/topic,38350.120.html) , the Society issued a concise announcement that the new "it girl" for the Asian catfight community was retiring from future Society fights and had severed ties with Himitsu, the underground Tokyo club where she had reigned as champion before arriving in New York.
The announcement from the Society had rocked the catfight world, which seemingly had developed some feelings for the Japanese bombshell. Yumi had agreed today, several days after her defeat, to answer questions from her fans, the media and others. We go live to the news conference...
Conversations quickly halt as the Japanese fighter enters the room, dressed in a scarlet satin dress hitting her mid-thigh and three inch stiletto heels. Despite being ridden rather hard in her most recent fight, Yumi has put herself together well, concealing welts and bruises from her fight and carefully doing her hair and makeup.
She approaches the couch where a gentleman bearing a strong resemblance to Bob Costas sits, ready to interview her. The gentleman introduces
himself as Rob and welcomes Yumi to the interview.
Rob explains that he will be asking Yumi a series of questions, then open up questions to the group.
ROB: "Welcome Yumi. Thank you for allowing us to learn a bit more about you today."
YUMI: "Thanks Rob. It's a pleasure to be here. I’m humbled at the interest in me."
ROB: "So Yumi, let's start with the burning question on everyone's mind...why are you retiring?"
YUMI: "Well Rob, it was a very difficult decision. I had spoken with Scribbler when I was first recruited for a Society fight and we agreed that we wanted Yumi to always be relevant, to be a warrior, and to be in the equation."
Rob: "Okay, but many would argue that after being in such a close fight you still are relevant. Why now?"
YUMI: "The time just seemed right. We'd discussed a possible retirement after my bout with Sierra. Scribbler convinced me to stay on."
ROB: "Well I think most here would say that was a good decision..."
YUMI: "Absolutely. I think that my fight with Bridgette may have been the fight of my life. I never dreamed I'd be in a fight that garnered 417 votes and involved scores of lead changes and a three vote margin of victory."
ROB makes an empathetic face: "So some are calling you the Heartbreak Kid after three incredibly narrow losses. Does it sting to lose the close ones?"
YUMI gives a wry smile: "Well, I'd heard 'the Little Engine that Couldn't' or 'the Best That Never Was'..." The crowd chuckles. "I think the hardest part is feeling I let down my fans who supported me so much. I have the the best fans in the business and I love them dearly."
ROB: "So your publicist called this the sad, perfect end of your career. Why sad?"
YUMI: "Well Scribbler and I had big plans for me in the Society. On some levels it was sad not to achieve those goals."
ROB, seeing Yumi's eyes mist a bit: "And what made it perfect?"
YUMI: "Going out at the top of my game, in such a thrilling fight. Some girls go their whole careers without experiencing that kind of excitement. I got three fights that were incredibly close and exciting. What a downer if it had been a 15 or 20 vote spread. I was also touched that two of my supporters worked the chat rooms for several hours getting me enough votes to have a decent lead going into the final stretch."
ROB: "It must have been devastating to watch that margin get chipped away."
YUMI wistfully in a soft voice: "It was. Because of how hard they worked."
ROB: "This decision seemingly caught many by surprise. Did you tell anyone in advance?"
YUMI: "I only told one person that I was planning to retire. I thought that the best course for several reasons."
ROB: "Some have said you sold being a victim so well that you must like being a jobber. Any truth to that theory?"
YUMI with eyes flashing with intensity: "No, none at all. I am fiercely competitive, and being so competitive is one of my worst traits." She smiles and winks, "And one of my best traits as well.
"During my first fight with Tiffany I told Scribbler he better make me look sexy in victory or defeat. He certainly kept his word!"
ROB: "Is there anything about how you were portrayed at the Society that you regret?"
YUMI: "Yes, I disliked that Yumi in the Society fight context seemed so desperate for acceptance, almost a social climber. I took it that direction, and it was a mistake. That's not the real Yumi, and it bothered me. Once in college there was a bitchy sorority girl who told me I was not worthy. She ended up out cold with a fat lip. That's just how I roll." The crowd murmurs, enjoying the visual.
ROB: "And what do you think was the most accurate in how Yumi was portrayed to the world?"
YUMI: "The quick wit and fierce determination. Always having a quick one-liner and never giving up until there was no way to prevail."
ROB:"You seem like a savvy lady. Any other considerations in retiring?"
YUMI: "Well, I felt a little like an old growth tree, blocking out younger fighters from getting their
chance to shine. "
"I also worried a bit about overexposure. Just seemed time to hang up my thong." Yumi winks as she says this, drawing a loud laugh from Rob and the audience who recall her ending each fight naked, having been stripped down during the contest.
ROB: "What advice would you give that young, buxom girl waiting in the hall ready to fight at the Society?"
YUMI: "Kitten, go for it! If things work out like they did for me, you'll get to work with amazing opponents and probably the best writer and pollmaker here.
"But kitten, have no illusions about the Society. The massages are awful, and don't get me started on those facials!" Yumi wrinkles her button nose and makes a face like she just ate something sour when reliving the facials.
ROB: "So we talk a lot about legacies in this business. How do you want to be remembered?"
YUMI: "As a catfighter. As someone who let the audience know how my fights felt and looked, who placed the audience in the action." Impish smile, "The taste part I left solely to Scribbler." Another bitter taste face.
ROB: "Let's open this to the audience for questions. The first comes from a muscular gentleman named Mike. He takes exception to the vote in your last poll."
YUMI: "I leave the voting to the members, and don’t question it. My job is to fight. I'm just glad I did that without mistake."
ROB:"This next comment from one of your fans from America. He says he wants you to know you never let down your fans and asks about whether you’re happy with your results in the Society."
YUMI, still blinking back a tear after the comment about never letting down her fans: "It's an honor just to fight at the Society. I wanted more from my career there in some ways, but mostly I wanted to entertain."
ROB: "So far and away the most frequent question we get. Do you cyber?"
YUMI: "Honestly, I've only had one match. I loved it, but I'm still learning and think I'd disappoint in that arena. I'm more of a girl who likes to put on a big show." Winks.
ROB: "From a dashing gentleman named York. You lost three polls by a cumulative total of nine votes. Have you been unlucky in your polls?"
YUMI: "Maybe a little from the win/loss perspective. But I've been so lucky to fight three
great girls, make so many new friends, and have those polls be exciting right until the end!"
ROB: "So you've heard this from several ladies in the Society. Are you all hype?"
YUMI with a sheepish grin given she's doing a press conference: "I'd like to think not. I think to some extent I probably touched into a nerve for people who like the plucky underdog. You'd have to ask my opponents that question I guess."
ROB: "So what happened in Miami? There's a lot of speculation. And what's your status with the Society and Himitsu?"
YUMI: "Well, I'm actually not absolutely clear what happened myself, but I do know that I was offered and have accepted membership in the Miami club." After waiting for the murmur to die down, "There were a series of wire transfers in
dollars, yen, reals, rubles I believe even Bitcoins. It's all a bit unclear to me, but my understanding is I have a home in Miami and that I am free of encumbrances.
I intend very much to continue to watch fights at the Society. Unlike Lyanna, this camel will be using her nose to push right into the tent, because she will be missing her friends and want to enjoy the glamor of those events, hopefully without ending the night stripped naked, battered and humiliated..."
ROB: "What about Japan and Himitsu?"
YUMI: "I've severed ties with Himitsu. In some ways it's a relief. I was fighting with the hopes and dreams of a nation on my back. Fortunately, even though I fell short, I'm still big in Japan."
ROB: "Any plans for Miami?"
YUMI: "There are some great gals ready to get an oil wrestling competition started. I am teaming with Japan Panther as Japanese Juggernaut. Lyanna, who I might add voted against me in the poll (grrr), is teaming with War Kitten Natalia, which should be fun. I hope we can get Sierra and Ami (littlefightingcutie) to form a team. Michelle is looking for a partner last I heard, which is exciting since I owe her a huge thanks for letting me finally find my release at the Society. I'd love to face applelao teaming with another Chinese lass as well."
ROB with an excited look in his eyes: "Who's promoting this league? First I heard of it. I hear Miami is nice this time of year..."
YUMI places her hand on Rob's arm: "There seems to be some interest in all these sexy young girls writhing and straining in oil. You might want to check it out. We
already have etc and Scribbler offering to help, and add to two amazing authors and pollsters those ladies and I think we might attract a couple of eyeballs...what do you think?"
ROB suddenly blushing and speechless: "Ahem."
YUMI: "What's wrong hon, catfighter got your tongue? I'm just a participant, but I think each team will have one bigger girl like me and one smaller girl.”
Seeing everyone looking at her cleavage..."Not bigger THERE! I mean taller and slightly heavier. I couldn't team with Japan Panther if we meant THERE." Winks.
ROB, still blushing, but more composed, "Why not have these at the Society? Bad blood with Michael?"
YUMI: "No bad blood at all. He just worries about his carpets. Honestly though, if a CSI ran a blacklight over those carpets..." Yumi shudders and makes her bitter taste face.
"Seriously, Michael has been kind enough to open his home to us and been a wonderful host..." thinking how she left each event on all fours and battered..."Well, let's just say He opened his house to us." Smiling "And that Michelle's a gem! And a lifesaver."
A gigantic stretch limo pulls up with Florida plates. Yumi rises, seeing her ride is waiting. She thanks everyone, hugging York, Fawn, etc, Scottyb, sinclairfan, Golden Girl, Beautiful South, HD Rider, Mike, petelv, and of course Scribbler. She searches the crowd, certain she missed someone important and will feel bad later.
As she exits, Rob shouts a final question, "Any chance you will ever fight at the Society again?"
Yumi leaves that question hanging, exiting with her inscrutable smile.
She walks confidently to the curb, turns and bows a final time to the crowd. The limo slowly rolls forward as the Japanese girl waves. Suddenly the limo door pops open and Sierra and Japan Panther pop out, one grabbing Yumi's breasts and waist and the other grabbing her feet. "Get in here you sexy bitch," Sierra exclaims as limo pulls away from the curb. Inside Yumi strips down to her bikini and joins Sierra, Japan Panther and several other girls in the hot tub, feeling hands all over her breasts, thighs and back.
She smiles. “Miami may be fun..."