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Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example

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Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #45 on: June 03, 2014, 07:16:03 PM »
Walking down the corridor with Punky and Gemma, I can still feel the damage Red did to me in that three-way. Going through the announce table... the Mindfuck... powerbomb after powerbomb. I don't even remember it; all I've got to go on is the video. Punky did her fair share, too. I wonder if she's still feeling the echoes of that night. If she does, she isn't showing it. Her voice is still a little rough... so that's lingering with her.

I'm walking side-by-side with her now. That isn't something that happens every day. In fact, it's never happened. She said she needed me. That sent my head reeling... not to mention parts of my anatomy. She said she needed me to confront this woman... someone I've never heard of but Punky talks about her like she was an old enemy. "Dangerous," she said. Well, I've never backed down from danger before.

I don't know Gemma. Never touched her. Seen her, but... I don't trust her. I don't know who she is or why she's here.

But Punky... do I trust her?

That's a thought that takes up most of the walk down to the ring. We've fought so many times. I don't know...

Do I trust her to be able to take care of herself? Yes.

Do I trust her to take care of me? In more ways than one.

But do I trust her...

We step up to the gorilla position, looking at the curtain. Punky's music plays. Of course.

Something inside me says, "Turn back. Don't you dare fucking step through that curtain."

Punky turns to look at me, her purple hair falling across those gorgeous eyes.

I said it once. That's enough.

Yes. I'm ready.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #46 on: June 04, 2014, 01:54:30 AM »
Turn It Up blasts out over the arena as the lights drop low before exploding in Red pyro's and strobes. The crowd pop... But when I walk out flanked either side by the towering forms of Megan Dow and Rowan Chance? They just fucking explode. Not that they're massively tall you understand... just... when compared to me most wrestlers tower. For long moments we stand there as a brutal trinity, soaking up the roars then as the pounding riffage of the southern Metal booms out we start the walk down the ramp. All three of us wearing a face for war...

"Where the fuck is Red..." I growl, my Enforcer nowhere to be seen. Fuck sake... I needed him tonight! I have my suspicions of where he could have ended up but now isn't the time. If anything his absence adds to my foul mood so perhaps I should thank him. My sour demeanor matches my outfit perfectly, a green & black tartan microskirt sits at top ripped fishnets that run down my toned legs to my heavily buckles and studded New Rock boots. My 34d breasts are jiggling in a torn dark green halter top that match my pads. My lips are green and so are my nails, my fists however are white, tapped lightly as they always are, since my boxing days

We get to the ring, slow and purposeful, every collective step we take seems to have a weight to it that bellies our size. It should... after all there aren't many girls in Pro Wrestling who could match up to us when we're united. I reach out and grab a mic, my face burning with a righteous fury...

"CALLISTA FUCKING QUINN!!! I've seen your fucking countdown and I'm yet to be impressed... You sit up in a recording studio and talk like you matter? You tell us you're the saviour of wrestling? YOU?!?!" I roar out, pausing as the crowd "YOU'RE LOOKING AT THE FUCKING SAVIOURS YOU STUCK UP cxnt!!! While you were pissing about behind the scenes we were in this ring BLEEDING! Every fucking one of these fans payed they're hard earned money to come see us do our thing and you think that somehow you're BETTER than us? That someho....".... I trail off as fresh music hits and the crowd light up even hotter... but my face is confused. That music... That's not Calli's... I turn to the others

"What.... what the fuck is she doing here?"

x G x
I'm paranoid and needy. So I think people are talking about me, but not as much as I'd like.


Offline Callista

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #47 on: June 04, 2014, 02:49:09 AM »
Backstage, I watch as Gemma, Megan, and Rowan all stalk down to the ring. It was a matter of time before someone decided to call me out. The only question was what form it would take. I watch with interest as Gemma is the one they let talk. I mutter, "Neither your promos nor your fashion sense have evolved past late-90's ECW," as she swears like the sailor she probably should have been. Still, it sounds like my cue, so I take a step towards the locker room door, then I stop, turning to the telly and glaring at it as music starts which isn't mine.

"What the fuck?"


Offline Sinful Senorita Carmen

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #48 on: June 04, 2014, 03:40:06 AM »
Looks like the greatest tag team ever in Womens Wrestling needs to get involved.
the greatest metal loving wrestler of all time


Offline Callista

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #49 on: June 04, 2014, 04:03:38 AM »
Looks like the greatest tag team ever in Womens Wrestling needs to get involved.

And what will you be doing while they are?


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #50 on: June 04, 2014, 04:28:01 AM »
Looks like the greatest tag team ever in Womens Wrestling needs to get involved.

And what will you be doing while they are?

Callista, I'm beginning to like you already.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline RedEnforcer

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #51 on: June 04, 2014, 04:31:17 AM »
Looks like the greatest tag team ever in Womens Wrestling needs to get involved.

The Crush Girls?
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline The BIG E

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #52 on: June 04, 2014, 04:35:15 AM »
"You hearing this?"

Over at the highest platform in the arena, I look over the three girls that stand in unity. Listening to the Short, Green and Black Clad girl blabbering on about the same old stuff that we all get in story arcs. "They pay to see us", "We worked hard to get there". Yeah, that. However, these girls would certainly interest the person I am talking on the phone right now.

"Yeah." The distorted voice replies "Like I care about what they have sacrificed and the blood they have shed. They are here to entertain. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Everyone has their views...." I answer. "You think the people in this arena think the same thing as you do? They are here to watch them do what they love."

"You believe this crap?"

"This is unimportant. I'm here for one thing and tha-"

My speech is cut off by the sudden blast of music hits the arena and the crowd reacts.....but this isn't Callista's music...I look up and see the titantron...

"What in the hell??"


Offline Emily Layne

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #53 on: June 04, 2014, 07:09:57 AM »
I stand there in the locker room, my right foot up over one of the bench, I lace up my white shiny boot and look up to the mirror.

I am nervous, no doubt about that.
I got no lucky over the last few weeks.
The match in Japan against Sadie, I must admit she beat me up like never before.

When I came back I got attacked with that STOP sign, only few days later I realized that it wasn't Rowan that hit me, she was there, in the wrong place in the wrong moment!

That damn freak Punky will pay for that, I can't stand her, we know each other since long time and had a couple of wars in the past.
Same speech its for Gemma,  we destroyed each other in another federation, almost two years ago and everytime I see her my blood boils!

I need to wipe out all these bad feelings, I need to get ready for the match of tonight. I still don't know who will be my rival but well, its still early and I wanted to stay alone in these pre match moments.
I start to stretch my body when my attention is caught by the little monitor in my room.
Three girls appearing and walking toward the ramp, finally arriving in the ring.
I immediately recognize the purple hair of Megan and my fists tightly close, the anger grows as the camera switches to Gemma and her short but strong body.
And who's the third girl?

Its Rowan!



I close my eyes and re open it.
See its not Rowan, its...fuck its really Rowan!

How in the hell this is happening? Megan and Rowan want to kill each other, for sure not to team up.
I hear Gemma no sense words and after some seconds I can't take anymore!
I don't even adjust my hair and open the door and slam it close.

One man in elegant outfit is outside, probably a staff member or so.

"Emily?" he watches the clock on his left wrist "its not your moment! Its early! Wait..." he protests

"I'm Italian, we have a different time zone..." I simply reply him as I walk away

He scratches his head


I turn to him,still moving away

"its always MY moment, hit my music! NOW!"

When he tries to talk me .again its too late, I'm already in the corridor that brings to the curtain.
I grab a Mic over the table behind the curtain and appear in the stage as my music starts to play as Gemma, Megan and Rowan are all turned to me, though they're clearly not waiting for me.

"Wait wait wait, cut the music! what's this shit? This is so wrong! Just wrong! Cut the music I said!

I move down across the ramp, my eyes glued in the ring to the three gorgeous women there as I keep shaking my head until I stop before the ring.

I see Gemma about to say something but I stop her

"I said Wait, now its my turn to talk munchkin! What's that a Halloween festival? Purple Freak and Tattooed Munchkinmatch good but Rowan, Rowan that's not your place! Not between these two! She is talkin about bloody wrestling and fans, what the fuck? What these two knows about wrestling? Seriously?"

The scene with me blindly superkicking the STOP sign and knocking down Rowan passes in front of me.

"I already apologized with you, that superkick was a mistake, plain and simple, but you're better than this, better than them! Come on, get out of that ring, that's not.."

My sentence broken as suddenly everything goes dark in the arena and I can't see anything after my nose!


Offline Callista

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #54 on: June 04, 2014, 07:50:09 AM »
*60 seconds earlier*

I growl at this interruption. I don't know who this person is, or what the bloody hell she's talking about, but she's interfering. I grab a Maglite out of my duffel and dash out of the locker room. Stopping by the engineering booth, I hold up the torch and say, "In fifteen seconds, you're going to give me ten seconds of 'lights out' or it's going to be 'lights out' for you. Understood?" The man nods and I dart to gorilla. I stop there just long enough for the arena lights to all go dark, then press the button of the torch, finding my way onto the stage with it before flicking it off and stalking my prey.

When the lights come back on, I'm standing behind Emily, the heavy torch in hand, and I swing it in a short, sharp arc, the heavy metal body of the light cracking against the back of the Italian's skull. She goes down hard, clutching at the back of her head. Scowling at her, I give her a kick in the ribs for good measure, before stepping into the center of the stage. Looking down at the ring, and the three women who had just called me out, I bend down, picking up the mic Emily had been using. After looking the three over, I lift the mic to my mouth and say, "Now."


Offline Emily Layne

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #55 on: June 04, 2014, 12:35:45 PM »
Its still dark around the arena, I cant see anything, just hearing the buzz from the audience which is surprised as well as I am.

Something is happening, I can feel it.

The lights come back and I'm about to turn to see what's going on when I feel a sharp pain to the back of my head


Fuck off its happening again! And this time Punky couldnt be the one who attacked me!

I see the stars for some long seconds while I collapses down on my knees and then on my chest as my both hands go to the back of my head, clutching it as I am stunned by the impact of the foreign weapon with my head, kicking the floor with my boots!

Then a second blow, a hard kick to my ribs.

"OOOUUFFFFFF" and I'm forced to roll across the ring area down outside the ring.

Dazed and confused by the dirty and coward attack from behind, I try to stir and get on all fours...


Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #56 on: June 04, 2014, 02:36:53 PM »
I'm in the ring, defiantly standing tall with Gemma and Rowan - well, with Rowan, at least. Standing tall well above Gemma.

Purple hair loose around my shoulders, wearing my own merch because of COURSE I am - my FIERY VOLATILE PSYCHOPATHIC BRUTALIST shirt, with the sleeves torn off to show off my tattoos and the belly torn away because hey, rockin abs.  My shiny Tanaka-style elbowpads, black fingerless fighting gloves.  Ragged black denim cut-offs, heavy with zippers, and striped stockings going down to my custom blood-red Doc Martens.  I smack my fists together for emphasis, waiting for my turn with the mic when Emily comes blitzing out, strident in her accusations and suspicions.  Italians are so fucking melodramatic.

And then the lights go out and I roll my eyes.  I somehow never get production time with the mic these days since I told the whiteboard producer he had a guttering fatty candlestub dick.  I still think I was right on that one.

Then the lights come back up and Callista Quinn is there, delivering a London constable's handshake to the back of Em's pretty head.  I tense up, fists curling.  So this is it.

And then, of course, she says "Now."

I turn towards Rowan, splaying my hands out and she naturally turns towards me because, after all, there might be another kiss in it for her.  Unfortunately, turning your back on Gemma Rox voids your FCF Arena insurance automatically, and Gemma reminds her of that policy with a sweeping punt between the thighs from behind.  I catch the crumpling Black Widow and kindly lock her head between my creamy thighs so she gets a moment of bliss before I wrap her waist and snatch her up to my shoulders - I even lock my hands on hers and cross her arms across her chest to remind her of her darling the Red Enforcer - and then I snap her down in the straitjacket powerbomb. 

As she drops, Gemma leaps up in that nimble way she has, folding her legs in the air and locking them against Rowan's back, pulling down on the Black Widow's shoulders so Rowan falls into a spine-shattering Backstabber/straitjacket powerbomb combination, Gemma rolling the brunt of the drop and bending Rowan practically in half on the landing.

The crowd is less than enthused.  I release my grip as Rowan arches in agony - her back has never really had the chance to heal up all the way - and turn towards the crowd, smirking and dusting my gloves theatrically before I turn my back on them and face Calli with a wide grin.

Bet this helps my shirt sales.
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline Callista

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #57 on: June 04, 2014, 03:47:08 PM »
Oh yes, the boos are raining down now.  After watching Gemma and Megan put Rowan down hard, I give a glance to Emily, who has struggled back onto her hands and knees. Giving a glance to the Maglite in my hand, I give it a quick flip, bend down a bit, and then swing it underhanded up between the Italian's legs, the head of the torch landing right on the button, so to speak, stunning her, her mouth opening wide but no sound coming out.

I drop the torch and set the microphone on the ring apron, pulling Emily up off of the ground by her hair and the seat of her pants and rolling her under the bottom rope. Figuring the two in the ring will have that handled shortly, I pic up the mic again, strolling casually towards the stairs, taking off the hoodie and showing the black t-shirt underneath with "The Countdown" in white text, and the logo, an antique pocket watch, also in white on the front. On the back, it reads "Time's Up."


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #58 on: June 04, 2014, 04:20:38 PM »
It all happens so fast, there's no stopping it.

The moment Callista looked at me and said that word, I knew what was coming. This is not my first time 'round and it's been years since I saw the turnip truck. I thought Punky would be the real danger. That's why I turned to her first. Take out Punky FAST, then deal with little Gemma.

Turns out, that was a mistake. Actually, the mistake was coming down here at all. At least, that's the thought that briefly runs through my mind as I feel Gemma's backside attack. It runs faster than a streaker through my head, then all I feel is pain.

I double over, falling into Punky's arms. Always a dangerous place, no matter the circumstances. I feel her put my head between her legs, then cross my arms.


When she lifts me up, I get a look at her. I look straight into her eyes. The conversation that takes place between us is short and bittersweet.

We could have been the most dangerous team in the Fed.

We could have been lovers.

We could have been... everything.

Her reply:

I've already got a bitch. And you ain't her.

Then, I fall. My red hair, like a bloody halo, whisks up from the velocity. I can't use my hands to absorb some of the impact. I'm trapped. Suckered and trapped. Like a jabroni. Like a first-year rookie. All because of Punky's damn kiss.

I brace myself for the canvas, but that isn't where I land. I feel hands around my neck, knees against my back. The impact comes too soon. I'm not ready for it. And when it hits, something snaps inside me. The strength, technique and skill of two women working together in perfect syncopation coupled with my already injured back... it's just too much.

My neck arches back too far. The scream I make sounds like the wail of a grieving Faerie Queen. Anger, pain, despair...

I have no way to protect myself. And they break me.

They break me.

I fall to the canvas, motionless. I can't feel my toes. I tell my body to move, but it won't listen. I have to get out of here. I have to do something.

But the pain in my back is nothing compared to the pain in my heart.

She kissed me. Looked me in the eye...

I-I trusted...

can't... keep...

I claw at the canvas. Need to... scape...

Fate draws black curtains across my vision. And I sit in the darkened theater, waiting for the next act.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


Offline Emily Layne

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Re: Pro Style Wrestling Promos, Old School Example
« Reply #59 on: June 04, 2014, 05:06:00 PM »

I can hear the loud thud of Rowan's back hitting into Gemma bent legs.
The gasp from the crowd is so loud and its deafening.
I dont know what is happening in the ring but I guess its something impressive and devastating.

I need to recover and do something. I'm about to get up from my all fours position when I feel something hitting from behind me.
The pain is unbelievable, terrible, horrible.

"OUGHHHHHH..............................." My eyes are wide opened, it looks like they are about to pop off my face, mouth wide opened too.
Tears forming in my eyes for the pain, I crumble on my side, both my hands clutching between my legs as I lay there in the concrete floor of the ring area.
Left leg extended, right leg bend on the knee, right foot kicking down on the mat, trying to absorb the painful sensation in my intimate parts.

But it looks like its not over, not yet.

I feel Callista hands forcing me up by my hair and pants.
I moan and cry out, my hands pawing the air as my body is forced to roll inside the ring under the bottom rope.
I end the roll on my chest, my face on the right and I can see Rowan's body laying down on her chest, not moving, except to breathe. She's alive at least!!!

I feel pain everywhere, head, ribs, crotch, I put all my effort on my legs and lift up my butt, lifting on my elbows as my eyes are on Rowan

I am still a bit confused about what is happening, what I'm sure to know is that I was right, I was so damn right!!!