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Waitress versus regular, chapter 4

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Offline aag77

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Waitress versus regular, chapter 4
« on: May 29, 2014, 03:42:05 AM »
You can find chapter 1 here;,39988.0.html

and chapter 2 and 3 here:,40170.0.html

The prolonged contest between the two rivals was now locked at 1-1, and also they both felt the other one had cheated in her win, so they were as up for the confrontation as ever, both sure that on a level playing field, her rival, though worthy, otherwise there be no point to the duel, would just find her beauty edged and defeated.

As O had lost the last round she was the one to make the call-out – and after a couple of days sent out the message:
"Well, slut, we have been in known waters up till now. First when I beat you at the bar, and then when you picked my garbage. There's a new cocktail bar in town. Fancy pitting you against me, in a place where you being known, leaves you hopeless."

"Garbage, huh? I spent the last couple of days finding out that you really missed out, while wiping you from the memory of a guy who had a crush on you for years. But yes, this is between you and me, and I will take you on, anytime, anywhere. Tomorrow night, skank."
And so they both dressed for war – and met up at the new fancy cocktail place. They also quickly found the evening's trophy in the shape of quite a hunky barman.

They sat down at the bar – figuratively unsheathing their  swords, and started their feast joust – laying all their chars on the bartender who, being one of a few bar staff quickly gave them almost sole attention. His presence also kept the conversation and  the drinks flowing, as the two rivals were at their lowest relations ebb ever, and it could have gotten awkward if they had been left on their.

Again, they both kept a tally in their minds of points scored, each seething with silent rage, when her rival had obviously gotten on the board. Though they of course kept up their charming best. Duelling beauty in practice.

Suddenly their barman had food coming out, and went to an empty seat to eat. But from where he was sitting he could see the dance floor, so being momentarily deprived of the attention of the 'bone' of contention O turned to F "Ready for a dance off." "A dance off?"- "You and me, next to each other on the dance floor. Or are you afraid of a challenge, skank? Then maybe you should just go home." "From you, slut? Never."
And so they found themselves next to each other, in their close fitting dresses, showing up their  best solo moves. Yet, they soon changed tack , starting to dance with each other, and getting closer and closer.

It may have looked like they were getting hot and heavy with each other, but then you didn't look close enough! 
As they found out when they were this close, even in a seeming embrace, and with entangled legs was that this position offered plenty of opportunities for scratches, pinches, quick hair pulls, and even bites. Add to that, that even as they were in an embrace, they constantly struggled to maintain a semblance of dancing, while wrestling to to keep being in the bets view of the bartender.

And so they did. What may have looked like fore-fore-play was nothing of the sort.  Their mutual hatred burned as strong as ever, as insults were also exchanged, and wrestled and while the rivals where not exactly locked in a fight, still locked in a way to inflict little pangs of pain on her enemy. And they went for it with full relish.

The barman finally finished eating and their broke-off their toment embrace, and found their back way to the bar.

"Wow.", said their barman, "I really have to say about you girls, you certainly lit up my night. One girls more beautiful than the other." "Which one?", F Immediately asked . "What? Oh, don't ask me. I couldn't see how to chose between you." "But if you had to?" O asked."I couldn't do that to two friends." Their barman said."We are anything but friends, " O explained "so." as she mischievously smiled, "which one would it be, if we asked you to chose."

"Well, then F.?", the barman turned to F. A warm spread in F., as O.'s jaw started dropping, "I am sorry." Again F had celebrated to early, "You're gorgeous, but if I have to would be O."

F was in shock, she didn't know what to say or do, she was sure she had outdone her opponent. "You better go home, sweetie", O rubbed it in. For F it was something completely new. There could be no question of cheating or anything else. She had been ... defeated. And by that bitch?
Even though she wanted to go for those black curls, she decided to not make a scene, got up and left in a daze. Where as O. Smirked as she walked out, then turned back to the bartender but just as she did, a girl came in and walked up to him kissed him, and was obviously his girlfriend.

O. thought for a moment of using her new found confidence for another contest, yet decided to savour her real victory over her real enemy,F. And got up nice, and quietly and left, knowing that, as she had agreed with F on a best of 5 series, she was almost there, and had the edge, but was not there yet.