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Big Z's Random Reviews: Four Flavors of Squash

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Big Z's Random Reviews: Four Flavors of Squash
« on: June 07, 2014, 07:47:39 PM »
(I had posted this on the General thread originally, but on the advice of another user, I have re-posted it here.  Future reviews will also go here.)


Right up front:  I am a catfight fan, like I suspect most of you are.  I am not affiliated with any company or any fighters.

I have a fairly large collection of stuff from lots of different companies, but I'm always interested in finding more.  The easiest way to do this is to tell you about what I like, then let you tell me about similar stuff that's out there.  And if my reviews help you find stuff you like, then that's cool, too.

When I review videos, I am not attempting to pass judgment on any company, producer or fighter.  These are just my own opinions.  You are perfectly entitled to disagree, as we all have different tastes.  I'm not here to debate on my own opinions; I'm just interested in what people think are videos similar to these.

So here is the first in what may be a series…we'll call this one "Four Flavors of Squash".


While I like lots of different kinds of things, my favorite type of video is a "squash" match: a worked match which is completely dominated by one fighter.  There are lots of different ways to do them.  I'll offer you reviews of four videos that were all a bit different, but excellent in their own ways.

#1: Sweetheart Video CMT-6 Match 1 (Lisa vs. Michelle)

This is a match that at first glance would appear to be an even match, but doesn't end up that way.  These two are both skilled in what they do: Lisa was the star of the movie "American Angels: Baptism of Blood".  The match takes place in a ring with both women in white bras and panties.  (White panties are always worth an extra point to me, but that's just me.)  This a high-quality squash: the loser sells really well, and the winner doesn't take it easy.  These two had another match on a Sweetheart video where the other person did the squashing, and it was equally good.  Unfortunately, I don't know the number of that one.

My only complaint in this match is the fake blood.  It's cartoonishly ridiculous, and really unnecessary.  Otherwise, this is very well done.  5 of 5, plus one bonus point for the attire.

Where to find it:  Unfortunately, I do not know where/if this can be found online. has some Sweetheart videos available, but not this one.

#2:  Ring Women Video PR-068 (Summer Rains vs Masked)

This one falls into the category of "Veteran Puts Rookie Through The Wringer".  The winner isn't trying to humiliate or injure the loser; it's more of a test to see if she can hang.  The masked wrestler is in a black swimsuit/singlet, while Summer is in white bra/panties.  (Again, bonus point there.)  The match is just the masked wrestler putting Summer in a bunch of holds, and Summer selling it very well.  She moans and yells a bit, but doesn't cry or anything -- she's trying to tough it out.  For what this is, that's exactly what she should be doing, and she does it well.  No real complaints on this one.  5 of 5, and again, the bonus point for Summer's attire.

Where to find it:  (Or at least it was there...the website seems to be down, so it may have moved.)

#3:  Ladyfist 86 (Aiden vs. Absynthe)

This one is in the category of "pissed off bitch tortures her foe".  Much like the last match, both play their roles perfectly:  Aiden talks smack constantly and makes it clear that Absynthe is a complete loser, and Absynthe is completely pathetic in a good way, as she cries a lot and offers no real resistance.

The attire is kinda drab (Aiden in jeans, Absynthe in black bra/panties), which is common for Ladyfist, but this does hit my other bonus point, as Aiden does assault Absynthe's crotch quite a bit, which Absynthe sells well.  Another 5 of 5, and the bonus point for the crotch attacks.

Where to find it:

#4:  RingDivas Backstage Brawls Vol 3 (Sayuri vs. Brooke)

The last video in this sequence is a "Loser doesn't want to fight, but gets beat up anyway" video.  Brooke faced Sayuri in another RD video and got squashed, and this video has her being confronted by Sayuri backstage.  Sayuri says nothing, but you can tell that Brooke is about to piss her pants in fear, which is a really awesome selling job before the action even starts.  And then Sayuri proceeds to bend Brooke like a pretzel yet again, with Brooke crying her eyes out.

Brooke's selling here is a bit overly dramatic -- she cries when Sayuri pours water on her head, for example -- but that's better than the alternative.  Only other complaint is that for some reason, Brooke doesn't sell the one low blow she takes all that well, which is surprising considering how much she sells everything else.  I'd call this a 4 out of 5.

Where to find it:


In conclusion, in a "squash" match, I like an attractive loser who can sell the beatdown, and a winner who can properly administer one.  Simple enough.  And you get bonus points for white panties and crotch attacks.  I welcome suggestions of other videos based on the above.

Thanks for reading.