Bored,,,bored,bored,bored,bored,,boring..bored....Traped. in this place like a rat. same old thing day in and day out.Everything your heart desires he said..All your wishes come true he said. It sounded like a good deal..after all my life at the time was a giant steaming manure pile
A deal with the devil is what it I take that back...a deal with a lying.conniving asshole .
At first when I meet wait maybe found is a better way to describe our first life did become much,much better
all I had to do was imagine anything that I wanted...and it was mine...JEWELS...GOLD..SILVER. more than I had ever seen before
more than I ever imagined existed..all was mine...all I had to do was ask...
And it was'ent just treasure either...the most beautiful clothes made from the softest silk were mine..any man..or woman that I wanted
served me on a was good better than it had ever been..until I was tricked....ohhh I did'ent realize it at first I had been tricked
Mistress akmed had said....."ohhhhhhhhhh" evertime I think of his name.see his smiling face in my mind...I just want to beat him with a broom handle...Mistress my final gift to you is everything I have.. everything you can imagine will be yours..if only you agree
All my dreams come true..i jumped at his offer....made the first everything was great.i loved having everything.Untill I found
that my world was servants all just figments of my palace a prison that I hav'ent been able to escape
how long I have been traped I do not know. years I assume time has lost all meaning..Ilook through the opaque window from my palace room
still the same as the day before and the day before that..I try to build myself a scene bring forth my servants,but still it is the same
the same they have been for all these years..never anyone new....nothing is new all the same did I mention that I was bored
that is giving way to lonliness and despair....I wish away everything.......and lay down in my bed and sleep....if im lucky I can sleep for a long time....
Fred arrived home from another long and tiring day at work...his body ached in places that he dident know existed...Taking a beer from his refrigator he walked from his kitchen into his living room.droping into his favorite chair..ohhhh my back he groaned t himself...i'm getting to old for that job...I need to find something easier...yeah right fred he thought...big chance that happening..he was lucky to have that job...a job that he hated...but it paid the bills barely...seemed like the harder we worked the further behind he fell on his bills.
everyday seemed the same...coming home to find a bunch of bills that he could not pay...the collection calls began seemingly the moment he walked through the door....I think those assholes must hae a spy or something he thought.or maybe they have the house bugged.and just waited for him to come home so that they could begin calling. it was so bad that he was afraid to look at his mail or answer his phone
he siped his beer and wondered what to make for dinner..probably another t.v. dinner..he really did]ent feel like trying to make anything
He shuffled through his mail picking up a piece from his mortage company..with dread he begin opening it...A coldness ran through him as he read it 'Dear,sir this is to inform you that you are now more than two months behind on your payments..our attempts to contact you have been unsuccessful....unless payment is made we will begin with foreclosure procedings.please contact us to make pyment arrangement
A sense of dread,fear,then anger ran through him.....wading the letter up and throwing it across the room.....FUCK YOU.he shouted at it
he did'ent have that much money.....had no idea how to get it...his car pyment was due.that is where his next check was going
picking up the remote control..he turned on the tv..nothing..just a message.across the bottom of the screen..service terminated
gawd damn it yelled....droping his head into his palms..... god help me what am I going to do.
His little dog hobo jumped in the chair beside him..pawing at fred's arm...looking into his bright sweet eyes.."at least I have you patting and rubbing his little friend....
Come on hobo let's go for a walk....I need to get out of here......outside walking along the lake shore fred's mind raced...thinking about what he could do....had to do.."rob a bank he thought".....pfft yeah right dumbass do that......what he wanted to do was just leave take off leave everything and everyone behind...except for hobo...the only friend that he had.
Getting tired he set down on a patch of grass and looked across the lake...thinking.coming to realize that he would lose the house..he would have to look for something cheaper and soon....or check out the homless shelter..
hearing hobo bark.he looked down the small beach of the lake...seeing an odd shaped bottle.looking away...someone left a beer bottle on the beach..wonderful he thought...he looked away..then looked back again.for some reason the bottle looked odd to him
he got to his feet walking to it.picking the bottle up..spinning it not a beer bottle .looks like a wine bottle...wonder if its empty he shakes it..hmm yeah empty drops it back to the ground and takes a step.then turns looking back at the bottle..he picks it up.looking at it more closely...looks old he thinks....the label is still on it....strange writing..hmmph might be worth a few bucks...ill take it to the flea market this weekend and try to sell it
then he notices the cork...he pulls and pulls
FEELS like an earthquake.....slowly I wake from my world is swaying spiniing around and around like it is on some kind of string
or axis....I try to get to my feet but the constant shaking makes it harder to things falling all around..then it stops
I move to my feet....i'ma little afraid what is happening....then I hear a strange poping riping sound.....I feel light sick..i feel myself being pulled through my palace..up ,up,,through the roof......a total feet on new legs are wobbily..I look around at the surroundings
very strange to me......where is this place..what happened.......then suddenly I realize I am free.
I see the man..a real man.not one of my creations..he looks afraid..mouth open his eyes wide..he looks like he is about to run
what to do...then I remember..bowing droping to my hands layed out on the ground before me..."MASTER..YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND"