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Cougar vs sorority

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Offline Bailey555

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Cougar vs sorority
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:31:04 AM »
Would someone like to Write a story about, Mother/ older woman vs  sorority girl. Sorority sisters join in to help pin down mother. They facesit, tease, and tickle her.
Tickle tickle tickle!!!


Offline Sandman13

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Re: Cougar vs sorority
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2014, 05:48:26 AM »
A better plot might be an angry MILF taking out a group of snooty sorority sisters one by one.


Offline CecilBDmented

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Re: Much like martial arts, chubby girls have no business in great FvsF
« Reply #2 on: July 03, 2014, 02:58:34 AM »
A better plot might be an angry MILF taking out a group of snooty sorority sisters one by one.

That would be awesome..especially a hot fit milf with martial arts skills against a sorority of chubby girls.

Why of course - If the intention of that plot is to entertain gay men and to insure all heterosexual men suffered from a severe case of Dick-Be-Gone through out the duration of the movie, then yes: This addition would make for an effective plot.


Offline Sandman13

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Re: Cougar vs sorority
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2014, 05:03:51 PM »
Yeah, everyone has their own thing, CecilB. especially, it seems, on this site. When I read that about the "chubby girls" I knew that would not work for me. But hey, if it's somebody else's idea of a good time, go for it! It fascinates me that there are so many variations to what seems to be a simple fetish - two women fighting each other.
My favorite type of f/f would be like the old Popeye cartoon "Never Kick A Woman" in which Olive Oyl fights and beats a very attractive blonde. Maybe because I saw it so early in my life, it formed how I thought these kind of fights should go. I love to see the little mousey chick explode and beat hell out of the sexier woman. But I know a bunch of people here like the exact opposite. That's why they make both chocolate and vanilla, I guess.


Offline Bailey555

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Re: Cougar vs sorority
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2014, 05:49:14 AM »
I'd like to stick with my original idea of that's ok, anyone want to write it??
Tickle tickle tickle!!!


Offline CecilBDmented

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Re: You're drop dead wrong.
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2014, 06:12:31 PM »
Yeah, everyone has their own thing, CecilB. especially, it seems, on this site. When I read that about the "chubby girls" I knew that would not work for me. But hey, if it's somebody else's idea of a good time, go for it! It fascinates me that there are so many variations to what seems to be a simple fetish - two women fighting each other.
My favorite type of f/f would be like the old Popeye cartoon "Never Kick A Woman" in which Olive Oyl fights and beats a very attractive blonde. Maybe because I saw it so early in my life, it formed how I thought these kind of fights should go. I love to see the little mousey chick explode and beat hell out of the sexier woman. But I know a bunch of people here like the exact opposite. That's why they make both chocolate and vanilla, I guess.

Sure everyone has their own tastes.  However that's not the issue with my response to the comment of adding martial arts and chubby girls into the equation.  If you poll across the boards you will find that the vast majority of FvsF fans ABSOLUTELY DETEST martial arts in a FvsF competition.  Hands Down.  You will also find that most fans prefer to see buxom hot scantily clad women combatants as opposed to BBW chubby fat girls.  I KNOW this so my response is less of an attempt to squelch someone's specific tastes and more of a reality check to clarify that the details they're interested in are far from the norm of what FvsF fans find arousing and exciting. Simply put Fat girls and martial arts is a boner bust in FvsF productions.  You should feel free to disagree but you'd be drop dead buck naked wrong as hell. Period.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 06:16:19 PM by CecilBDmented »


Offline Bailey555

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Re: Cougar vs sorority
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2014, 05:10:51 AM »
It's ok everyone!! I guess no one wants to write this ? :'(
Tickle tickle tickle!!!


Offline JIMBO1962

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Re: Cougar vs sorority
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2014, 10:34:34 PM »
I will try to take a shot at this.
It's easier to see the books upon the shelf          then it is to see yourself          George Harrison 1977


Offline Bailey555

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Re: Cougar vs sorority
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2014, 03:26:08 PM »
Awesome!!! Thanks Jimbo
Tickle tickle tickle!!!


Offline tokamr

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Re: Cougar vs sorority
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2014, 10:44:56 PM »
Sounds like it could be a good story.  I don't understand the "gay" reference.  If a person is gay that is fine,  I keep my social and sexual preferences to myself behind closed doors.  I just wish everyone would do the same so I don't have to hear about it every day in the news.  Try to focus on the subject matter of this site.  If you are a fan of catfighting as I am you are here. Plain and simple.


Offline kevan

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Re: Cougar vs sorority
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2014, 06:32:43 PM »
  "Here's a Quick Shot story....(Not to take away from anyone else who wants to write this...I think it's a pretty interesting idea/plot.....)...See Post "Welcome pledges, welcome..."


Offline fasteddy44641

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Re: You're drop dead wrong.
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2014, 04:45:17 AM »
Yeah, everyone has their own thing, CecilB. especially, it seems, on this site. When I read that about the "chubby girls" I knew that would not work for me. But hey, if it's somebody else's idea of a good time, go for it! It fascinates me that there are so many variations to what seems to be a simple fetish - two women fighting each other.
My favorite type of f/f would be like the old Popeye cartoon "Never Kick A Woman" in which Olive Oyl fights and beats a very attractive blonde. Maybe because I saw it so early in my life, it formed how I thought these kind of fights should go. I love to see the little mousey chick explode and beat hell out of the sexier woman. But I know a bunch of people here like the exact opposite. That's why they make both chocolate and vanilla, I guess.

Sure everyone has their own tastes.  However that's not the issue with my response to the comment of adding martial arts and chubby girls into the equation.  If you poll across the boards you will find that the vast majority of FvsF fans ABSOLUTELY DETEST martial arts in a FvsF competition.  Hands Down.  You will also find that most fans prefer to see buxom hot scantily clad women combatants as opposed to BBW chubby fat girls.  I KNOW this so my response is less of an attempt to squelch someone's specific tastes and more of a reality check to clarify that the details they're interested in are far from the norm of what FvsF fans find arousing and exciting. Simply put Fat girls and martial arts is a boner bust in FvsF productions.  You should feel free to disagree but you'd be drop dead buck naked wrong as hell. Period.

Dude..... U r a dick.
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 06:11:21 AM by fasteddy44641 »