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FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)

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Offline ThePurpleVixen

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FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« on: July 16, 2014, 06:54:20 AM »
The screen displays the logos of the associated wrestling companies: All Phoenix Pro, Coastal Championship Wrestling, Slamabama Pro, Las Vegas Wrestling on the Strip, the Albion Wrestling Alliance, Lega Italia Wrestling, Steel Chicago, the Greater Ohio League and Rose City Wrestling.  The logos all come together in a flare and become the logo for tonight's show:


A bass-heavy remix of Chumbawumba's "Tubthumping" drives out through laptop speakers and TV sound systems around the world wherever wrestling fans are found, and the FTW Fury logo explodes out into high color footage of Punky landing a superkick on a flying Emily Layne, blazing straight into Gemma Rox hitting the Roxslide on someone unseen and Lisa Starr moonsaulting out of camera range.


The Red Enforcer hits a straitjacket powerbomb on the Staten Island Stomper, Emily locks the Pearly Gates dragon sleeper on a Mulkey sister, and Calli Quinn hits Time's Up on an official unfortunate enough to get in the Countdown's way, jolting his bowtie clean off his zebra stripes.


Lindsay Campbell locks the Dragon Claw on the unfortunately screaming Shizuko Fukumitsu.  Tiffany hits a towering superplex on Iron Michelle Blount.  "Big" Eddy Valiant takes out a pair of masked assassins with a lunging double clothesline in a back hallway, his trenchcoat streaming out behind him.


Gemma and Punky hit the Stroke of Midnight on Haley Borowitz.  Rowan Chance locks the Widow's Web on the Red Enforcer in mid-powerbomb, pulling him down to the mat.  Sadie backdrops a Mulkey sister out of the ring and then gives herself a round of applause.


Lisa Starr locks the Restring on Calli Quinn.  Lindsay Campbell grabs Gemma by the throat.  Eddy lurks in the rafters.  Tiffany poses on stage in a flurry of glitter.  Lord Tantalus lays a hand on Rowan Chance's head in a dark room.  Calli throws back her hood in front of a roaring crowd.


The shot cuts to a view of the ringside announce table, hung with a white cloth and the FTW Fury logo.  Seated behind are Larry van Keel in his customary tweed suit with a red bowtie, his brown hair neatly parted down the middle and his wire rimmed spectacles perched on the end of his nose.  Next to him is Rick "Precious" Perle, tanned and grinning with white capped teeth, wearing his old pink and white satin jacket with "Precious Perle" on the back over a slim black suit, his thinning dark hair pulled back into a ponytail.

LvK: WELCOME, everyone, to the premiere episode of FTW Fury! This weekly show will bring you the finest in FTW competition as well as news, interviews, and videos from around the wrestling companies that make up this fine federation!

RP: You kill it, we shill it! This episode's loaded top to bottom like van Keel's mom.

LvK: My mother is a saint.

RP: So's Mary Magdalene.

LvK: *sputtering briefly*

RP: Tonight we've got debuts, we've got confrontations, we've got a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

LvK: Damn it, Rick, I was going to tell them about the big announcement.

RP: The only people in broadcasting are the quick and the dead, van Keel.

LvK: We'll have official debuts by midwest sensation Lindsay Campbell, the mysterious "Big" Eddy Valiant, matinee idol Sadie and Tiffany!

RP: That's right, folks!  '80s SINGING SENSATION TIFFANY!

LvK: It's not that Tiffany, Rick.


LvK: It's not ... not "Tiffany", it's the Platinum Queen, Tiffany!

RP: *singing* Radio, radio romance!

LvK: ... let's ... let's just go to our ring announcer Chucky Guiteau, who tells us he has word of someone coming out to the ring to open the show.

The shot goes to the center of the ring, where short, rotund Gallic announcer Guiteau waits in his swallowtailed tuxedo, clutching his overhead mic and smoothing back his horseshoe of dark hair as his bald dusky scalp gleams.

CG: Ladies and gentlemen, I have been asked that you all provide a respectful silence for the arrival of ...

« Last Edit: July 16, 2014, 07:44:08 AM by ThePurpleVixen »
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2014, 08:24:22 AM »
The boos wash over me as I lift the microphone to my lips. I stand there stoically, eyes looking slowly left, than right, before settling on the hard camera.

At which point I smile. "It's okay," I say, my tone suggesting I forgive all of them. "It's okay. I understand. And on some level, you do, too. Saviours are not meant to be loved in their time. If you could love me, you wouldn't need me to save all of you. It's okay." As one might imagine, the boos only get louder when I say this. My smile widens.

"And what I'm here to do is more important than any one of you. Now I realise that doesn't sound particularly impressive...and it isn't..." more boos, "but this is bigger than all of you put together. This is about an industry choking itself to death. Choking itself on spray-tanned barbies tugging on each others' hair. Choking itself on fitness models with implants having two-minute matches. Choking itself on....whatever the hell TNA is."

"TV ratings dwindle and pay-per-view buyrates vanish entirely, and the hope of a generation of wrestling fans falters under the cruel blade of a surgeon's scalpel. We live in dark times, and the powers that be refuse to see. Refuse to acknowledge that they are hoping as blindly as all of you. Hoping for salvation."

"Salvation will come, but salvation will not come in the form of talent searches and performance centers. Salvation does not come with a subscription fee. Salvation comes when a saviour is born. A saviour who represents all of us. All of YOU. All your hopes and dreams, and all your fears and regrets. All your striving and determination, and all your deceit and deception, as well."

"For we are not angels, and we are not gods. We are flawed and imperfect, one and all. Show me the perfect hero and I'll show you the perfect liar. No, our only hope, our ONLY SALVATION, comes from one with all our good and all our evils, all our virtues and all our vices...and most The vision to see the path and to lead you all to it. Kicking and screaming, if need be."

"For saviours herald change, and change is not peaceful. Change is not quiet. Change is messy, even bloody. Lincoln had to tear this nation apart to save it from the evils that were poisoning it. Martin Luther had to tear the church apart to accomplish the same. So too, will I tear this business apart. I will rend it with fire and wrath so that I may remold it, stronger than ever. We are counting down the days until this rebirth. And those of you young enough, you will live long enough to love me."

"You will live long enough to feel great shame at the hatred you bear for me now, but when you feel that shame, remember my words now. I forgive you. It's ok," I say, smiling beatifically into the camera and across the arena, the crowd just shy of baying for my blood.

RP: It's so beautiful....I think...I think I'm going to cry.

LvK: I think I'm going to be sick...

"Who I do not forgive are those who would oppose me. Those people who clawed and scrapped just for a place in the locker room, and now fight me, terrified of the change I represent. You have worked your fingers to the bone for a cabin on the Titanic and you would rather bar the door than allow me in to save you."

"Lisa Starr. You thought to test my resolve. All you tested was my patience. Bow down to The Countdown, and you may still be saved. Emily Layne. From the start, you thought to place yourself in opposition to us. And from the start, you have suffered for your mistake. Bow down to The Countdown, and your suffering will ease. Rowan, Chance is a madwoman, beyond saving. She will be given the only peace that is left for her. The peace of oblivion."

With that said, I hold the microphone out to Megan...


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2014, 06:51:08 PM »
I pluck the microphone from Calli's hand and slink to the fore, leaning forward with my elbows draped on the top rope facing the hard camera, purple hair loose around the shoulders of my chrome-jangled leather jacket over my latest Countdown shirt (not wild about the design - what the hell does "Countdown Punx" even mean - but hell, more merch money is more merch money).

"Papa Hemingway pulled the whiskey bottle out of his mouth long enough to tell us that the definition of genius was to learn at a greater velocity.  He might've been a sad old drunk terrified of being gay, but he had the right idea.  A genius is someone who picks things up at a speed that *BEEP*ing BAFFLES those who are left behind."

I toss my hair back, glossy black lips curved in a mocking grin as I sweep my left hand across the crowd, indicative of examples of people who are left behind.  It takes them a second, but then they boo.

"Gemma and I are geniuses of the highest *BEEP*ing caliber.  We learned what Callista Quinn was here for, and we QUICKLY figured out what had to be done.  This puts us at the head of the *BEEP*ing class, and when you're at the head of the *BEEP*ing class, you can *BEEP*ing grind your boot into the faces of the students who are too *BEEP*ing slow to figure out what the *BEEP* is going on."

LvK: Megan Dow is certainly very passionate on the topic of education.

RP: And with *BEEP*ing good cause.  She's a genius.

LvK: Don't torment the editors, Rick.  We've barely got a TV license as it is.

I level a finger back at Calli, who stands as smug and serene as a Buddha.  One of the noble Indian ones, not the fat jolly ones at Chinese restaurants.  "Callista Quinn figured out what had to be done to save this business, to save people like Gemma, and Red, and me from toiling forever in the camps and Elk Lodges and bingo halls with no appreciation, no respect, and no *BEEP*ing hope of ever breaking through the mediocrity that this industry has been buried in.  Now look at us.  We're on *BEEP*ing national TV ..."

LvK: Not for long if she keeps testing our seven-second delay ...

RP: It's a free country, Stalin.  Lighten up.

"... and at the first PPV this federation ever put together we closed the night like Romans marching through *BEEP*ing Gaul."

I thrust my right fist out again in the fascist salute of the Imperial Guard, joined by Gemma, and get a delicious rain of boos which triples as the production truck helpfully plays a still shot of the Countdown posed over the bloodied bodies of Lisa Starr, Emily Layne and Rowan Chance at the end of FTW: First Strike.

I pause a long moment, leaning on the top rope again, looking at that image with a slow delicious dark smile, letting the hatred rain down, quiet, build again as I refuse to say anything, and then quiet again.

"... and now that I've taught you numb *BEEP*s about genius, let me tell you the definition of madness.  Madness is doing the same *BEEP*ing thing over and over again and expecting a different result.  Hey, truck nerds.  Show the fans what happened to Rowan Chance the night we formed the Countdown."

There's a pause, and then the big screens show Rowan Chance taking the not-yet-christened Stroke of Midnight in the center of the ring.  The crowd registers their hatred of the sight of the beautiful betrayed Black Widow, arching and writhing in agony.

"Now show them what happened when Rowan Chance came after the Countdown again. And I don't *BEEP*ing care if it's paid footage.  Send me a *BEEP*ing bill for the six seconds."

There's a pause, and then on the big screen Rowan Chance and Gemma and I are in the ring again, with better lighting and a more expensive camera and different outfits, and once again the fearful symmetry of the Stroke of Midnight destroys her.  The crowd's fury redoubles deliciously.

LvK: What a DISGUSTING display.

RP: That was Chance's call, van Keel.  She decided to keep going after them.

"You keep coming, Rowan, and we will keep putting you down like a mad *BEEP*ing dog."

I lean over the top rope, standing on the bottom rope and drawing my other leg up to rest my Doc Marten on the middle rope, clutching the top strand in one hand as I lean as close to the camera as I can, my dark eyes burning with a furious intensity.


I bounce off the ropes and twist in mid-air to land facing the big Red Enforcer, slapping the microphone against his chest, startling him somewhat as he catches it by instinct.
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2014, 01:35:21 AM »
I take the mic and start shaking my head.

"No, I'm not one to do much talking. I prefer to do my communicating in the ring."  I turn and look at all of Countdown as I say this, the unspoken implications clear.  Gemma looks a bit worried, almost like I'm Scott Steiner with an open mic.  I let my gaze linger over Callista just a tad too long before continuing.  Of course, she just gives me that cold English smile that she's practised on many of her minions.

"However, there are times when sacrifices have to be made. When the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.  Or the one."

RP: Run Zachary Quinto, they're coming for Spock next!

LVK: Will you stop?

"At the Pay per view, that one was the shadowy Lord Tantalus.  To be honest, the way Rowan talked about him, I thought he was some Keyser Soze-type birthed from her overactive imagination.  I mean, she is clearly insane as seen by her repeated attempts...and get at Countdown.  Imagine my surprise when he actually appeared.  Unfortunately, it was wrong place, wrong time.  Tantalus, Chance, I have some advice for you two."

I turn and look directly in the camera, face hidden by my mask, but eyes burning bright.

"Walk away.  Find something else to do.  Because the life you save may be your own."

I turn back towards Callista, wanting to make one more point, but Gemma notices me about to say something and runs and snatches the mic out of my hand.
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2014, 03:29:28 AM »
I arch an eyebrow, curious as to where Red is going with this, but before he can say anything else, Gemma snatches the mic out of his hand and says, "I've got one thing to say, and I'm only going to say it once."

"SAY IT IN WELSH!" a fan in the third row shouts.

A look of pure rage shoots across Gemma's face, and I'm already looking at Megan and Red, pointing at Gemma, knowing full well what's coming, "Why you miserable fat Yankee cu-*BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*" Gemma says before dropping the microphone back down and charging out of the ring, sliding feet-first under the bottom rope. Thankfully, both Megan and Red are similarly experienced with my pint-sized countrywoman's explosive temper, and are in motion quickly, grabbing at Gemma and pulling her away from the barricade before she can assault a fan with anything more lawsuit-inducing than her sailor's tongue.

I close my eyes briefly before grabbing the microphone that Gemma had dropped, hoping it still works, and saying, "The days are counting down, and it's The Countdown's time. Not to spoil anyone's BIG SURPRISE here..."

LvK: Don't you *BEEP*ing dare!

"but the big announcement you were all promised? Is that a tournament will be held to crown the FTW heavyweight champion."

LvK & RP: *sigh*

RP: I wanted to do it.

LvK: I know you did, Rick. I know you did.

The crowd cheers the announcement, because who doesn't love a good tournament? I continue. "To which I say: Brilliant. Classic way to crown a new champ. And as long as four of the slots in that tournament belong to The Countdown, then I'm sure that tournament will go off without a hitch." I smile again. "One way or another, I make you this promise." I glance to the side, grateful to see that Megan and Red have hustled Gemma back into the ring, though she hasn't stopped glaring daggers into that one fan's facehole. "The belt will be around the waist of someone in this ring. Because we've got all of wrestling to save. And this is the next step. Time's up," I say, dropping the mic and nodding to the other three, and our music hits.

RP: Strong words from a strong faction here in FTW.

LvK: I just want to know who told them?

RP: Obviously someone who wants to be saved.

LvK: Oh for...folks, we've got to take a break. When we come back, the debut of Tiffany!

RP: Does it count as a debut when she was on Hulk Hogan's Celebrity Championship Wrestling?


*cut to commercial*


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2014, 03:59:36 AM »
The screen cuts to a commercial showing a well-groomed, well-dressed man sitting in an office, talking on the phone. He puts down the phone and looks at the screen.

"Hi there. Millions of American men suffer from ED. But I'm not one of them." He smiles. "Know why? Because I have a smokin' hot girlfriend."

Said, "Smoking hot girlfriend" enters the screen and sits on his lap.

"If you want a smokin' hot girlfriend, you can call the 1-800 number at the bottom of your screen." He smiles and looks at the girl. "Now, if you'll excuse me... we have a medical treatment to conduct."

The screen blurs, but we can see the outline of the man and the woman in the background.


Smoking Hot Girlfriend does not guarantee a cure for ED nor does it guarantee a proper treatment. Smoking Hot Girlfriend does not guarantee you will get sex, only a smoking hot girlfriend. Smoking Hot Girlfriend is not responsible for psychological treatment caused by acquiring a smoking hot girlfriend. Smoking Hot Girlfriend is illegal in 48 of the 50 states. Additional charges may apply. Consult your doctor to see if a Smoking Hot Girlfriend is right for you. Smoking Hot Girlfriend may cause loss of hair, loss of house, loss of bank account, loss of porn collection and loss of best friend when she leaves you for him. Smoking Hot Girlfriend is TM Suckers, Inc. "Because God Makes Another One Every Minute!
Tales of the Sexfight Championship


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2014, 05:40:47 AM »
Countdown breaks up in the back and I watch the others go.  I end up watching just to make sure and I go into another corridor and off to the side.
Red: Sadie? Sadie? Are you here?
Sadie:  Right here. Nice secret meeting place, by the way. Right in the middle of an open hallway.
Red: Damn good to see you darlin'.  Sometimes those gals make my skin crawl.  Especially that Callista.
Sadie: Are you kidding, Red? A girl who turns on her friends, attacks people from behind and uses illegal objects with impunity is a girl after my own heart. And that purple-haired one? Put her in a bowl, pour chocolate sauce on her and I’d eat her up with a spoon!
Red:  I don't know. I just don't trust them. Which is why I'm glad you're here.  How are you doing, by the way? You ready for your match tonight? 
Sadie: Uggh! I’m super-nervous. This Lindsay girl’s supposed to be a tough customer. But, don’t worry. I’m going to make you proud.
Red: You always make me proud...but....I have to stay back here with Countdown.  Wish I could be there with you.
Sadie: You’ll be with me in spirit, Red. *leans up to kiss you* Just make sure you’re in my dressing room afterwards so we can “celebrate” my victory. 
*winks and heads off down the hall*

I smile and watch her go, waiting just till that sexy bottom bounces out of sight before turning and going to rejoin Countdown.  Unbeknownst to me, Gemma steps out of the shadows, looks thoughtful and then follows close behind me.
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2014, 05:55:03 AM »
LvK: I'm just glad the Red Enforcer didn't catch our intrepid cameraman carefully following him to that mysterious rendezvous!

RP: The first thing you learn when you wrestle for TV, van Keel, is to ignore the cameramen.  If you gotta mug to a camera, you mug to the big one over the fancy seats on stage left.  Sometimes you can lean into a camera when it's real close and deliver a little personal message, but ninety percent of the time you just tune those guys out.  Especially when there's a hot tomato like Sadie to stare at.

LvK: The plot thickens, FTW fans, as the Red Enforcer tightens his bond with the enigmatic Sadie ... and thanks to Gemma Rox, the Countdown may be on to him!  Does this mean ominous things to come for the band of thugs here to "save wrestling"?

RP: I'm pretty sure you can save wrestling and still get a piece on the side.  And Sadie's one hell of a piece.

LvK: You're a class act, Rick.

"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #8 on: July 17, 2014, 07:44:31 AM »
The next scene opens in a dressing room, with the camera focusing on the big bright bulbs that surround a tall mirror fixed on the wall. Gradually it pulls back, revealing the image of a gorgeous, tall and toned platinum haired woman reflected in the mirror, decked out in silver with a confident smile curving her glossy lips. Her eyes don't acknowledge the camera just yet, instead they're adverted to her hands, which she's carefully wrapping in black tape.

"My's been a while, hasn't it?"

Her silky voice, dipped in a sultry Southern accent, fills the room and there's a playfully wicked tone to it. She still doesn't pay any attention to the camera as it continues to pan back while still focusing on her reflection.

"It's been a real long time since y'all have seen me on your television screen. Far too long since y'all have seen the Platinum Queen do what she does best -- whippin' ass, kicking heads in, and lookin' real good while doing so. Ohh so very long, that most of ya probably thought I wasn't ever gonna come back and wrestle again. Well, to those of you who thought that -- y'all should know better! Honestly, ya can't keep a gal like me away from that ring, especially when there's trouble, BIG trouble, brewing.."

Her smile widens, and her deep green eyes finally look up. They're filled with confidence, brimming with the kind of fire that could stir anyone up. With her hands now taped up, she stares into the mirror looking ready to go.

"Tonight, FTW, keep your eyes on me -- as I make my debut and stomp this lil' gal all the way back to Staten Island. For those who know me, who've followed me over the years, you know what to expect. But, for all ya newer fans who've never seen me or even heard of me before.. well kiddos, allow me to introduce myself--"

By now the camera has panned back to reveal standing behind the platinum-haired beauty in the mirror. And at that moment, she turns her face to glance over her bare shoulder, deep green eyes narrowing, her glossy smile deepening.

"The name's Tiffany, and I'm the finest kind of carnage y'all will ever set your pretty lil eyes on.."

With that, Tiffany winks at the camera and blows a slow, sensuous kiss to the viewers, her wicked little grin still etched on her lips. The scene fades..


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #9 on: July 17, 2014, 08:24:35 AM »
RP: Mmm, Tiffany...

LvK: She certainly is something, alright.

RP: If that's what you get from inbreeding, then slap my ass and call me "Uncle Dick."

LvK: Jesus what is WRONG with you? Anyway, up next we've got a match with international flair.

RP: Ric in a kimono and sombrero?

LvK: It's Shizuko Fukumitsu from Japan against Emily Layne from Italy.

RP: Hopefully the ref's not German.

LvK: Will you stop?
« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 08:25:30 AM by Callista »


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #10 on: July 17, 2014, 12:46:36 PM »
*Smash cut to a graphic of Tiffany with her arms crossed under her breasts with a angry look on the left and the Staten Island Stomper waving her hands on the right with a big written in white on the bottom


LVK: this Tiffany looks really she looks stunning, I cant wait to see her in the ring for her FTW debut!

RP: I cant wait to see her in my bed!

*smash cut to a graphic with Me with my hands on my hips and a black two pieces outfit on the left and Shizuko Fukumitsu also with her hands on her hips in a light blue one piece outfit on the right.
The white written on the bottom says


LVK: And its time for the first match of tonight, We will see Emily Layne get back in the ring after what happened in the PPV last week

RP: I cant wait to see her bow down to The Countdown and join the strenght of the federation!

LVK: I'm not sure that will happen Rick

RP: why not? It was clear her message last wee, she left Rowan alone!

CG: and here we have the first match of tonight, The following contest is set for one fall. Introducing first, hailing from Kobe, Japan, standing in at 5'3" and weighting 115 lbs. Here we have Shizuko Fukumitsuuuuuu

The short Japanese girl makes her appearance between red and white lights, the titantron shows a big Japanese flag and Shizuko figure coming from the side, a generic Japanese music plays in the arena as she stops in the top of the ramp, bowing to the crowd before making her way to the ring, waving her hands to the guys in the first rows left and right and finally quickly slide hes body under the bottom rope before jumping up and smile to the crowd. Then moves to her corner in her light blue outfit, top and skirt with white booty shorts covered by the skirt and white laced boots at her feet. Short red hair.

LVK: What do we know about this girl Rick?

RP: Aehm...well, she is Japanese..and she is...Japanese...and...

LVK: ok Rick, I still dont know what the hell you do while I do prepare my job on the commentary!

CG: And her opponent, hailing from Milan, Italy, standing in at 5'7" and weighing 138 lbs, here we have Emilyyy Layneee!!!

Pyros explodes in the ramp and the speakers blow "Radioactive" from Imagine Dragons in the arena. The music goes after a quick intro to the refrain and I appear in the stage as soon it says

"Welcome to the new age, Welcome to the new age"

I stop there, the light blue and white lights of my old entrance are replaced by red and dark blue ones.
Lookin around to the audience, there is a different look in my eyes, a different pose,even my outfit is different.
I picked black wrestling boots, long tight pants with flashes painted in white and blue along the sides, black short top,crossed in the back,exposing my taut toned belly, black fingerless gloves, hair tightly tied up in a high pony tail and a very new tatoos on my right shoulder with a black angel painted across the shoulder and down almost till my bicep.

I finally make my way to the ring. Not really caring about the crowd, its the first time I act like that in this arena. The audience still shows support, holding signs that incite me with my name on them.

LVK: there is a strange look in Emily eyes tonight.

RP: she just realized where the real strength of this business is

LVK: I think she is just angry for what happened last week and she is seeking for revenge

RP: you're blind Larry! You will just wait and she will bow down to The Countdown!

LVK: would you just shut the *beep*k up Rick?

RP: hey,unlike someone else, I'm just trying to be professional!

I climb between the ropes and move to my corner, stretching my arms and neck as my rival bounces on her toes.
The ref calls for the bell.

RP: and there we go with the first match of the night!

Me and Shizuko meet in the middle of the ring, she stops and places her open hands together in front of her face, bowing down in a sign of respect.
I smile and do the same.

RP: see? She is training the bows!

We lock up in the center of the ring, our hands on our elbows and neck, after only a couple of seconds I drive her backward toward her corner.
The ref gets closer to us and I release the hold, raising my hands up.

We get back to the middle of the ring and Shizuko puts her hands again in front of her face, bowing down again like we are starting again.
I shrug and copy her posture, bowing down.
She tries again, another lockup and once again I shove her backward, takin advantage on my size advantage and push her to the corner again like before.

Once again we get back to the middle of the ring and Shizuko once again bows down.
The crowd murmurs, I can hear some giggles too.

RP: are we going to see this for long? I mean..this is getting boring!

LVK: I'm actually agree with you! I think its about to snow out here!

This time Shizuko grabs my right wrist with her hands,tryin a wristlock attempt, I look down at my wrist,then into her eyes before easily reverses the hold and trap her in another wristlock but quickly turning the hold in a hammer lock as I get behind her,twisting her arm behind her back.

LVK: beautiful hammerlock by Layne! Someone else would have used some kind of hairmares!

RP: its about styles...

I keep twisting on Shizuko arm, she shakes her head right and left,left and right,emphasizing her movements as the ref is asking her if she wants to give up.
I release the hold but quickly lean forward, my arms under her chest,wrapping around her body as I let myself falls back, flipping her body over my head and shoulders in a German suplex release.

The first signal, this is for Dow and her suplexes school.

Shizuko bridges her body up,planting her feet and rubbing with her right hand on her back as I get up, hearing the cheer from the crowd and cupping my ear with my hand like sayin that I'm not hearing.

LVK: look! That's what the crowd wants!

RP: they are morons!

Shizuko gets up and runs toward me, I crouch down and as soon she is in range I hook on one arm and drag her over me, making her flip over my shoulder and her body hardly connects against the mat in arm drag.
She grimace and rub the small of her back,but get up again and runs into me but this time I lower my hip down and connect a hip and toss,with her body again impacting against the white canvas.

RP: okay Larry,  you were right, this Italian is too boring to be a Countdowners. Please wake me up when someone of interesting will get in the stage!

Shizuko this time stays down, I move to her and grab her head, before sliding one hand on her shoulder,the other between her legs and scoop her shorter body upside down before slamming her down hard on the mat again.

Shizuko is kicking the mat like crazy, moving like a fish outside the water, wincing and holding her back.
I wait a couple of seconds before lifting her by the arm and tryin to whip her into the ropes but
Shizuko reverses the hold and I find myself whipped into the ropes

LVK: a counter from Fukumitsu!

I turn as soon as I'm close to the ropes and grab the mid one to hang there.
Shizuko pants and runs into me but only to find my right foot up and my sole meets her face in a big boot.
The Japanese wrestler lays down,stunned and dazed.
I kneel down next to her and lay over her chest.
The ref gets closer and slaps the mat.



  RP: Fukumitsu kicks out!

I grab again the arm of the brave Japanese girl and whip her into the corner this time, but once again she has the strength and the brave to counter, her hands go on the top rope, her feet springing off the middle rope and spinning to face the ring as she flies toward me in a springboard flying crossbody.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2014, 07:09:04 PM by EmilyLayne83 »


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2014, 12:48:17 PM »
Though, she is unfortunate tonight, I'm not going to lose the concentration for any moment.
Shizuko body is small enough to catch her midair, my left hand catches her shoulder, my right one between her legs as the impact against her body makes me stumble backward a couple of steps before slamming her back and over my head in a impressive fallaway slam!

The crowd goes crazy after this move!

LVK: Devastating Fallaway slam from Layne! This must hurt the poor Japanese girl!

RP: anyone of The Countdown is here?

LVK: not really

RP: okay, lemme get back and take another rest

Shizuko is down and this time it doesn't seem she is going to get up. I move to her and force her up once again.
I'm sorry for this girl, lets say that she is in the wrong place in the wrong moment.

I lift my thumb against my neck, pointing it and slowly slide it across my throat in a cut throat taunt.

The second signal, this is for Rox as she usually does that before cutting her infamous 911.
I hold Shizuko body up and lift her body up over my shoulders with a single sudden move.
Her almost limp body hangs over my shoulders now, in a backbreaker rack, I hold her in that place for some seconds before bending down on my knees and straighten up, her body slides in front of me as I drop down on my ass with my legs spread apart and her head crushes down into the mat in a psycho driver!


RP: are we talkin about Queen?

LVK: I think that this match is over!

RP: Thank God!

LVK: But not not, Emily Layne is lifting her opponent up again, what is she going to do?

RP: Such a abuse of power!

I easily bend Shizuko forward and I give her my back, her head between my legs as I lower my arms and hook them up before spinning on my right, me and Shizuko end back to back, with me bending forward and tightly hooking her arms.

RP: Oh no no no! This is..

LVK: she is setting Fukumitsu for the...

RP: this is Callista finisher! This is TIME'S UP! She's stealing her move!

LVK: I think that she is doing it on purpose!

RP: someone should stop her! This is like a robbery!

And there goes the third signal, the most important one, to the leader of The Countdown.
I straighten up, bringing the Japanese brave girl upside down and slamming her down as I end on my ass behind I very loud thud against the white mat.
I hit the kudo driver on Shizuko, her body is not moving anymore.
The crowd is going nut now.
I slide over my rival body and pin her down,chest to chest, without holding her leg up.




Ding ding ding

CG: and here is your winner, Emily Layneeeeeeeee

I stay on my knees, my hands on my thighs as I look down at my rival.
"sorry honey"
I hiss down at her before getting up, the ref quickly raises my right arm up before kneeling down after Shizuko and calling for the EMT.

LVK: What a show folks! That was a demonstration of strength from Emily Layne

RP: this woman has no style Larry, she is copying everything from The Countdowners

*Larry gets up off his chair and moves to me as I climb outside the ring and he reaches for me

LVK: Hey Emily, congratulations on your win! You look in perfect shape!

Me: Thank you Larry *panting a bit but only a single tear of sweat across my face*

LVK: the people though wants to know what happened last week, when you left the ring, leaving Rowan all alone!

*smash cuts to the scene where I jump off the apron ring while Rowan is extending her hand toward me*

Me: See Larry, there are moments in which you must make a choice, that was one of those moments.
I realized that the tag team wasn't the right way to fight The Countdown. Rowan thinks only about Rowan, I do respect her but that's all, she can't be my tag team partner. We failed together, I won't fail alone!

LVK: Though maybe did you leave her not in the perfect moment?

Me: maybe yes,but what's done,is done

LVK: People was worried that you wanted to join The Countdown

Me: Don't make me laugh, me joining that gang? Come on, you saw them earlier in the ring!
They have no respect for anything! That was a circus! They don't know what wrestling is, they're just..well..

LVK: So, what are you going to say to Callista? She said that you should bow to her

Me: Bow to her? Shall I really reply to this? I already speak to Callista and the other clowns in the ring!

LVK: clear enough *giggles*

Me: The Countdown days are over Larry, I'm going to stop them and kick their asses out of this business! They will have to save something else!
Enough said!

The crowd welcomes my words with a big roar.

LVK: simple and clear! Thank you Emily!

Me: you very welcome!

I smile and turn toward the ramp while my music plays through the speakers of the arena.

RP: more to come in the FTW after the commercial break! HEY LARRY,BRING ME A PEPSI!

LVK: Only Coke,sorry!


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2014, 04:59:05 PM »
*commercial break*


Your hard-earned wealth is IN DANGER!

North Korea has nuclear weapons and SO DOES FRANCE! Whether it's the Illuminati or the Zombpocalypse, we can pretty much guarantee societal Armageddon sometime soon.

Did you know your hard-earned money only has value BECAUSE THE GOVERNMENT SAYS IT DOES? THAT'S LIKE COMMUNISM!

When civilization collapses, don't be caught with all your resources held in BANKS. Banks can't be trusted! Some of them are run by FOREIGNERS!

Call Fuhl's Gold today at 1-800-WEF-UHLU! We sell gold at the low, low price of $2500/ounce! When the world economy fails and your neighbours are turning cannibal just to make it through the winter, you'll be able to live in luxury thanks to your supply of lumps of yellow metal.

Act now while supplies last! And don't think too hard about why we're taking payment for all this gold in Visa or Master Card. OR ELSE!


Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2014, 08:20:24 PM »
RP: Man, Phil Brooks is right.  Diet Coke just doesn't TASTE as good as Diet Pepsi.

LvK: I wish you'd endorse these things for money.

RP: I'm not a shill, van Keel!  *long siiiiiiip* Ahhhhhh, the pause that refreshes.

LvK: That's not even ...

Larry pauses and straightens his bowtie, facing the camera across the announce table at ringside.

LvK: We have word from our production team that they are currently backstage seeking out the self-professed Big Hand of the Doomsday Clock, "Punky" Meg Dow for a scheduled interview.

RP: It's the real thing!


The shot jumps to a shoulder-mounted camera roaming the backstage halls of the Dover Civic Auditorium until they come to an Exit sign, where a stagehand coiling a cable nods towards the blue metal door.  There's the rattle of the crash bar and then the camera is outside in the New Jersey night.

"Turn that *BEEP*ing light off."

There's a flick and the top-mounted night-news spotlight clicks off, leaving the shot in total darkness for a moment before the lighting outside resolves - the orange sodium lights in the parking lot, the heavy moon riding above the toxic swamps, and the light mounted above the door.

The familiar if shadowy figure of Punky lounges against the wall of the Civic Auditorium a few yards away from the door, her leather jacket gleaming in the moonlight.  She leans on the heels of her heavy Doc Martens, her right hand resting on a folded steel chair propped against her side and her left holding a small vaporizer with a gleaming red LED at the end of it.  She clicks the button and breathes in softly, puffing out a slow cloud of steam after a long moment.

"I used to smoke back when I first started in the Northwest, because so many of the guys I looked up to did; Van Dam, Kendrick, London, Raven ... I had to stop because it was cutting my wind.  But whoever came up with these little things is *BEEP*ing brilliant."

Punky glances at the cameraman and grins in the dim light.  "No interviewer, huh?  Just you?"  The camera moves briefly as the handler presumably nods.  "I guess they're still upset about me putting that little redhead through the dressing room door, yeah?"  Another nod, noticeably more terrified.  "Well, she shouldn't have asked such stupid *BEEP*ing questions."  She takes another long hit off the vaporizer, and with a flicker of her pierced tongue makes a series of soft smoke rings that drift away.

"Calli is gonna fix things so one of us gets the belt.  She's gonna do that because that's what she does.  That's her job.  That's the reason Gemma and I jumped into her camp with both feet - because Callista Quinn is the most devious, manipulative, chilled sociopath that's ever called this business home.  She CAN save wrestling, because wrestling is all she thinks about.  Every belt she can compete for is a *BEEP*ing Holy Grail for her."

Punky grins again, and chuckles, leaning back against the wall with a grate of the steel chair dragging on the sidewalk.

"I've known that ever since I met her for the very first time, back when we were both getting started, in a little California town called Chico."  She laughs softly.  "*BEEP*ing Chico."

The purple vixen shrugs her shoulders and hefts the chair easily up in one hand, catching it by one of the folded legs to hold it in a more ready position.  The cameraman shifts uneasily, rocking the shot.

"I'm out here because I don't need to be in there.  Calli's gonna plan and plot and lie and twist things around and it will work out because that's just the way things are.  I might get the belt, Gemma might get it, Red might get it ..."  There's a soft chuckle again.  "Calli will PROBABLY get it, but any way you slice it, it ends up where it *BEEP*ing belongs."

She takes another drag, and puffs steam slowly at the camera, clouding the shot almost mystically.

"But I'm out here in the dark because Rowan Chance is somewhere out there.  She's not inside, with the lights and the locker room jokes and the trainers and the catering table with the big *BEEP*ing bowl of Wheat Thins and the huge *BEEP*ing tray of steamed broccoli.  She's out there, somewhere, broken and crazy as a *BEEP*house rat."

Punky shakes her head, the red LED glowing in her fingertips, the orange sodium arcs and pale moonlight making her look almost golden in the dark.

"But even if she is broken, Ro's not gonna just crawl off and *BEEP*ing die, because she's like me.  She's gonna keep coming back like Gollum after the One *BEEP*ing Ring, because she's like me.  And I'm out here with a clatter in my hand," Punky hefts the chair, "because someone would have to do that if it was ME out there."

There's another soft click, a breath, and a soft ring of steam drifts away into the night.

"Go back in, kid.  There's wrestling in there, and wrestling is great.  Wrestling is *BEEP*ing fun."

Punky looks into the camera, her dark eyes gleaming and her glossy black grin hard and merciless.

"Out here there's just *BEEP*ing monsters."

The cameraman backs away down the wall, his breathing becoming louder and more alarmed as the light seems to fade the further towards the door he gets, and there's the soft grate of a steel chair as he frantically bumps the door and disappears into the safety of the FTW locker room, and the feed cuts back to our announcers.
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline BustyTiffany35

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Re: FTW Fury, episode 1 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2014, 04:10:33 AM »
The graphic of a busty and determined Platinum Queen and her Staten Island opponent flashes across the screen with the words 'UP NEXT..' stamped beneath them.

Cut to the arena where the Staten Island Stomper is already standing mid-ring, her generic rock music theme blaring over the noise of a feisty crowd. Her raggedy New York Yankees jersey hangs loosely off her stocky shoulders and she's looking ready for a brawl.


LvK: FTW is back live and the Staten Island Stomper is ready to go.

RP: Looks like the Stomper's wearing her favourite jersey tonight.

LvK: I'm pretty sure that's the only jersey she owns..


The announcers' voice drowns in the noise from the crowds, replaced by the opening sounds of Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up". It revs up on the PA, pumping into the arena while the lights in the rafters darken. The fans begin to stir, excited and anxious to see the arrival of the Platinum Queen. I'm standing just a foot away from the heavy black curtain that's blocking off the gorilla position, looking relaxed, confident, and ready to fight -- but secretly, deep down inside, I'm just as excited and anxious as all those fans watching in the crowd. It might be butterflies, adrenaline, whatever. This feeling always strikes up before I head out there. It's a feeling that I'm used to, a feeling that I'm utterly in love with. I lick my lips and eagerly step forward, pushing the curtains aside.


I smile brightly as I step onto the stage, decked out in a pair of silver latex tights and a matching bustier, white knee-high boots and black fishnet stockings. Kneepads, an elbow pad on my left arm, a simple choker, and tape wrapped around both my hands, wrists and forearms, all in black, complete my attire. My flowing, platinum blonde hair is loose and cascades to my lower back. Most of the audience recognize me, erupting into excited cheers as I enter the arena. I soak in their applause, feeding off of it, getting more amped up by the sound of their soaring voices. There's still a considerable amount of fans who aren't familiar with me, but I don't mind. By the end of this match, everyone's gonna know just who I am and what I'm capable of. I stand tall in the middle of the stage, and spread my arms out to my sides, tilting my head back just a bit to show off my signature pose. Another cheer rises from the fans, this time making it a bit difficult to even hear my music. After a brief moment I break into a determined stride down the aisle, sauntering down toward the ring.

RP: I like how she's put together!

LvK: Easy there. Tiffany's not just a pretty face. She's one of the toughest women in our sport today and has been in some pretty rough wars over the years.

RP: So, you're saying she likes it rough? Goddamn!

LvK: Oh for the love of..

My music starts to die down, with now only the sounds of the packed arena surrounding the ring. I stare at my opponent from across the ring, watching her pace about in her corner like a caged animal. She's glaring back at me, sending me the dirtiest looks, muttering something to herself while cracking her large knuckles. I guess something about me is irritating her. I arch a brow and smirk at the Stomper, which only serves to piss her off.

"Stuck up, old' *BEEP*! I'm gonna have fun with you, Princess!" she hollers loudly, which makes me roll my eyes.

"I'm no princess, sugar. What I am, is your Queen," I reply calmly as I step out of my corner and saunter to the middle of the ring. "Now, bend over and take your spankin' like a good lil' gal.."

Well, if she was pissed before, she's probably infuriated by now. She charges forward only to be intercepted by the ref, who promptly backs her up a step. Hurriedly, the ref calls for the bell, and hastily steps aside. Like a caged animal released for feeding, the Stomper rushes out of her corner again, ready to pounce on me. Sadly, for her at least, in this match she's the lamb and I'm ready for dinner.


I just dart out of the way of the Stomper as she comes forward. She spins around with a growl and I smirk at her, circling to the left. She circles to the right and we eye each other up. The gal's about my size, height, weight. She's a bit more stockier tho, looks like she can take a beating. The fans stir with anticipation, waiting to see who'll strike first. I bite my lower lip I raise my hands, ready to lock up with her. I step forward -- and she SMACKS me right in the face!

RP: WOW! What'd the five fingers say to the face, Tiffany?!

LvK: No respect from the Stomper there.

RP: Respect or no respect, that slap looks like it's gonna leave a mark!

LvK: Well, I don't know if that's such a good idea though, for Stomper to piss Tiffany off like that.

The fans let out a gasp as my head snaps to the side, my cheek stinging and pulsing red from that vicious slap! A smug, satisfied look surfaces on the Stomper's face, and quickly my eyes darken. I charge forward, dipping low to thrust my shoulder into her gut. Moving with quickness that most wouldn't expect me to possess, I push my shoulder deeper against her tummy and wrap my arms around her waist. Still moving, I LIFT her up onto my shoulder and CARRY her across the ring to SLAM her right into the corner!

LvK: And now Tiffany just picks Stomper up as if she were a small child!

RP: I hear she's real good with kids.

The fans let out another gasp, followed by loud applause at my display of strength! I hear Stomper groaning as she collapses into the corner, and I quickly slam my shoulder into her tummy -- once, twice, three times, before I pull back and straighten myself up. She's groggy, and leaning forward, gasping for air, shocked that I practically womanhandled her into the corner. I quickly SMACK her silly, palm to right cheek, and I watch her head snap to the side with a measure of satisfaction. The fans roar in approval!

RP: Now come on, that's uncalled for!

LvK: What? Stomper JUST did the same thing a moment ago!

RP: But she also gave Tiffany a chance to defend herself! Tiffany slapping the piss out of a defenceless Stomper, poor form, I call bad sportsmanship!

I take a few steps back until I'm in the centre of the ring, and Stomper angrily pulls out of the corner, rushing at me with blind rage. Easy pickings. I catch her arm as she moves in close, tilt my whole body at an angle and use her momentum against her. I whip her over my turning body, throwing her into the canvas with a silky smooth armdrag! We both get up at the same time and I clap my hands as she rushes at me like a bull. Catch her arm again, and armdrag her back into the mat!

LvK: Deep, deep armdrags from the Platinum Queen!

The fans are loving this. We both get to our feet at the same time, Stomper a little slow this time, but not short on rage. She swings at me wildly, but she hits nothing but air as I drop down to the mat and tangle her legs up with mine. Tripping her up with a drop-toe-hold, I watch Stomper collapse face-first into the mat with a cry, her body crashing roughly with the canvas. I untangle my legs and quickly get to my hands and knees, floating over her back until I'm laying over her shoulder-blades and the back of her head. Locking her tightly in a front facelock, I cinch the hold and squeeze, trying to cause her as much discomfort as possible.

LvK: In addition to her strength, Tiffany is also a very skilled, sound mat technician. The Stomper is having a real hard time keeping up with Tiffany on the mat.

RP: Well obviously. Her name's "STOMPER", with a name like that, she'd rather be throwing haymakers than cinching in wristlocks.

LvK: Well, I doubt she'd even know what a wristlock is-- Now Tiffany is practically smothering her, she's controlling Stomper easily in the opening minutes.

RP: Tiff can smother me anytime--

LvK: Knock it off!

Stomper starts to squirm, and slowly we get to our feet, with her bent forward still locked in my facelock. Quickly, I thrust several knees up into her chest, causing her to grunt and groan. Keeping the facelock intact, I toss her left arm over the back of my neck, grab her ripped jean shorts with my free hand, and STOMP on the mat -- flipping her over quickly with a snap suplex! We both land roughly onto the canvas, Stomper taking the full brunt of the suplex, and while she flops about on the mat in pain, I kick my feet up and roll backward until I'm mounted on top of her chest! Immediately, I slam my right forearm into her temple and cheek, repeatedly smashing forearms into her face while the fans cheer on!

RP: WOW! Look at those shots! She's pounding the hell outta her!

LvK: Stiff forearms right in the face! And Stomper still doesn't have an answer for Tiffany!

RP: I have an answer for Tiff --

LvK: Shut it!

Stomper starts to cover up, desperately attempting to block my vicious forearms. With a smirk, I pause in my assault, and abruptly grab her right wrist and JERK it away from her face! With silky precision, I turn my body to the right so my legs now drape over her face and chest. My hands still clutching her wrist, I pull it roughly and hold it against my chest while stretching her entire arm out! She screams and squirms while I trap her in a cross armbreaker, the fans excitedly applauding with some chanting:


RP: Hmm, looks like the fans are acknowledging Tiffany's extensive five years history of interpretive tap dancing.


Stompers' squirming and thrashing managed to get her close enough to the ropes and she drapes her ankle over the bottom rope. The ref quickly informs me and I break the hold. I roll away from her and get to my feet, slowly rising while Stomper lays there momentarily, clutching her arm and looking pretty dazed. I take a breather, bending forward to rest my hands on my thick, toned thighs, watching the Staten Island native collect herself.

RP: Stomper's down and Tiffany's..letting her get up? I don't get it, why isn't she capitalizing on her opponent when she's clearly got her down and hurting!?

LvK: Tiffany's pretty confident in her abilities to win the match fairly, and rightly so. She'll put a beating on you, but she'll always give you a chance to fight back and doesn't need to resort to cheap tactics.

RP: That's a horrible strategy!

She gets to her feet in a groggy manner, shaking her head all the while. She then sets her glossed eyes on me and I can see the killswitch flicking in her head. She rushes at me and I move forward. Just as I'm about to strike she manages to catch me with a kick to my tummy, and I grunt softly, bending forward. I yelp out when her hand tangles itself in my hair and she pulls on it roughly, turning me around to whip me into the ropes. The gal is moving way too sluggishly though, and doesn't have enough strength to throw me. So I reverse the move, and send her running into the ropes instead. As she bounces off of em' and comes running back at me, I meet her in the middle of the ring, pick her up underneath her arms and simply drop her -- so her crotch lands right onto my bent knee! She gasps out loud, and straightens up upon impact, clutching her crotch while groaning in pain. I'm on the move, springing up to my feet to dart into the ropes behind me. I bounce off of em' and TORPEDO right into Stomper with a BIG BOOT right into her vulnerable face! The fans ERUPT as Stomper's head just snaps back, her body following suit, and she crashes loudly into the canvas!

RP: HOLY CRAP! She damn near killed her with that Running Boot!

LvK: I believe Tiffany calls that sequence the "Silver Strike".

RP: And I believe I'm gonna call that blunt force trauma!

The force of my boot sends her back a little further than I anticipated and she ends up rolling right out of the ring! The fans at ringside share a bit of a laugh as Stomper flops onto the arena floor in a painful daze, and I stand back in the middle of the ring to soak in their cheers. The ref begins the 10-count while I pace about patiently within the ring. Stompers' getting a gracious break from my ass whipping, though the ref's count has already passed five and she's only gotten to one knee. Once the ref reaches 8, I slide out of the ring and grab Stomper. I push her under the bottom rope, rolling her back inside, and I slide in after her--only to get crushed by her fists as she practically dumps all her weight down on top of me with a double axe-handle smash! Looks like she wasn't as hurt as she may have appeared. I groan out loud, getting pounded with fists and boots as Stomper starts to unload on me. She's pounding away as hard as she can on me but her blows aren't doing much damage--the punishment I've dealt out has sapped her strength. The Stomper watches with panicked anger as I start to rise to my knees and she desperation starts to kick in. She needs a big move to keep me down or at least stun me. She runs to the opposite side of the ring, rebounding and coming back at me at full force. She's about five feet away from me before she launches herself into the air, arms and legs outstretched, entire body turned at an angle, hoping to catch me with a flying crossbody.

Except, I'm on my feet, and I catch HER.

LvK: Like running into a brick wall! Tiffany showing that pure strength here, while Stomper is just about all out of options!

The fans sound off with another cheer as I  catch the Stomper in my arms. I then almost effortlessly TOSS the Stomper UP onto my shoulders, settling her into a Firearm's Carry. The cheers of the fans rise up around the ring as I stand with the Stomper on my shoulders for only a brief moment -- before I spin her around my head, dropping her legs and pushing her body forward in midair, looping my arm across her chest to DRIVE her down into the canvas with a sideslam/Rock Bottom!

RP: OUCH! What a maneuver!

LvK: Tiffany with the "Platinum Justice"!

RP: Where does she come up with this stuff! That just sent Stomper back to Staten Island!

LvK: From the looks of it, Tiffany's not finished just yet.

Another eruption of noise bursts from the audience after I hit my patented Platinum Justice, and I slowly stand up and spread my arms out, posing for the cheering fans. Glancing down at the writhing Stomper, a wicked little smirk appears on my lips and I reach down and hoist her up. She's deadweight now, barely conscious and just leaning on me to support her. I step in behind her, tuck my head underneath her arm, and lift--hoisting her back up into the air, her back balanced precariously across my shoulders. I grab her head with my right arm, balance her leg with my left hand, keeping her in what appears to be a Torture Rack. Then, I push up hard with my left hand, thrusting the Stomper up high into the air, flipping her over so her body now faces the canvas as it falls back down just as my right arm tightly clutches her neck-- and I drop down and DRILL her head right into the canvas with a massive DDT!


RP: Holy *BEEP*! What a *BEEP*ng maneuver!!

LvK: Ref, you can count to ten, count to twenty, Stomper is NOT getting up from that!

I roll her over and drape myself over her, not even bothering to hook the leg.




"Smack My Bitch Up" plays again loudly over the PA as I get up onto my feet and gaze down at the fallen Stomper. I pucker my glossy lips and blow the unconscious gal a kiss, before the ref raises my hand. Another resounding cheer rises from the fans and I smile at em', falling into my signature pose in the centre of the ring while their excited applause echo all around me. Looks like they're all standing, all of em' are on their feet as they all now know exactly who I am and what I'm capable of..

RP: Well, I'll be honest, I didn't think much of this Tiffany chick--

LvK: Chick?

RP: --at first, I thought she was just a real pretty face with a hot, sexy bod and a great set of--


RP: --but she proved she can definitely GO! Wow, what a display! Power, technique, BRUTALITY. She is one helluva woman!

LvK: What a debut for the Platinum Queen! Tiffany picks up a great win after a dominating performance! Fans, we got lot more on the way, including the lovely Lisa Starr in action tonight! Stay tuned!
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 11:16:19 AM by BustyTiffany35 »