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FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)

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Offline ThePurpleVixen

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FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« on: July 30, 2014, 09:38:47 AM »
The screen displays the logos of the associated wrestling companies: All Phoenix Pro, Coastal Championship Wrestling, Slamabama Pro, Las Vegas Wrestling on the Strip, the Albion Wrestling Alliance, Lega Italia Wrestling, Steel Chicago, the Greater Ohio League and Rose City Wrestling.  The logos all come together in a flare and become the logo for tonight's show:


A bass-heavy remix of Chumbawumba's "Tubthumping" drives out through laptop speakers and TV sound systems around the world wherever wrestling fans are found, and the FTW Fury logo explodes out into high color footage of Punky landing a superkick on a flying Emily Layne, blazing straight into Gemma Rox hitting the Roxslide on someone unseen and Lisa Starr moonsaulting out of camera range.


The Red Enforcer hits a straitjacket powerbomb on the Staten Island Stomper, Emily locks the Pearly Gates dragon sleeper on a Mulkey sister, and Calli Quinn hits Time's Up on an official unfortunate enough to get in the Countdown's way, jolting his bowtie clean off his zebra stripes.


Lindsay Campbell locks the Dragon Claw on the unfortunately screaming Shizuko Fukumitsu.  Tiffany hits a towering superplex on Iron Michelle Blount.  "Big" Eddy Valiant tosses a glass of water into Lindsay's face. Sadie flies off the top like a cannonball of villainy.


Gemma and Punky hit the Stroke of Midnight on Haley Borowitz.  Rowan Chance locks the Widow's Web on the Red Enforcer in mid-powerbomb, pulling him down to the mat.  Tiffany takes out the Staten Island Stomper with the Flatliner.


Lisa Starr locks the Restring on Calli Quinn.  Lindsay Campbell grabs Gemma by the throat.  Emily Layne puts Shizuko out with the Made in Heaven. Eddy lurks in the rafters.  Sadie poses on stage in a flurry of falling leaves.  Lord Tantalus lays a hand on Rowan Chance's head in a dark room.  Calli throws back her hood in front of a roaring crowd.


The shot cuts to a view of the ringside announce table, hung with a white cloth and the FTW Fury logo.  Seated behind are Larry van Keel in his customary tweed suit with a purple bowtie, his brown hair neatly parted down the middle and his wire rimmed spectacles perched on the end of his nose.  Next to him is Rick "Precious" Perle, tanned and grinning with white capped teeth, wearing his old pink and white satin jacket with "Precious Perle" on the back in white piping over a slim white suit, his thinning dark hair pulled back into a ponytail and looking Hollywood in a pair of dark Ray-Ban sunglasses.

LvK: Welcome everyone to our second edition of FTW Fury!

RP: I'll be damned, they didn't cancel it yet.

LvK: They wouldn't cancel us, Rick!  We're offering hard-hitting action, the best of independent wrestling in America today gathered under one roof, and some of the most captivating storylines on television!

RP: And we didn't hire Vince Russo.

LvK: From your lips to God's *BEEP*ing ears.

RP: ... some days I just respect the hell out of you, van Keel.

LvK: Right back at you, Precious.  Let's look at the line-up for tonight's action-packed edition of Fury!

The shot cuts to a graphic on Fury's dark violet backdrop, the screen divided by a searing bolt of lightning.  On one side stands Callista Quinn, leader of the Countdown, in her hoodie, tapping her wrist and looking smug.  On the other is Sadie Davis, looking almost as smug but almost casually flipping everyone off instead of tapping her wrist.  Perhaps Sadie already knows what time it is.

RP: The tournament to crown the first FTW champion is underway, and despite the commissioner refusing to consider putting me into contention, I gotta say it's a hell of a lineup.

LvK: We'll all be sorry to miss your legendary athleticism, Rick, but tonight should light a fire under FTW fans.  First up we'll have Callista Quinn, the nefarious leader of the Countdown, facing the cunning Sadie Davis, who defeated "The Dragon" Lindsay Campbell through HIGHLY controversial means last week!

RP: Controversy, shmontroversy.  The ref counted Campbell out of the ring.  She wanted to win, she should've been IN the ring.  I should know, I used to hear that kind of stuff from refs all the time.  "Perle, get in the ring, you can't get a legal pinfall on the outside even if you did just smash someone's head into the guardrail."

LvK: Yes, but ...

RP: "Perle, stop twisting your thumb in that guy's eye."

LvK: Right, however it's a ...

RP: "Perle, I'm not going to count a pin on that guy, I just watched you shoot him up with horse tranquilizers."

LvK: ...

RP: What a bunch of fascists.

LvK: *recovering himself with the aplomb that has kept him employed* Yes.  But let's really look at this - Sadie's not going to be able to pull the same trick twice in a row, and Calli Quinn not only has almost the same size advantage over Sadie that Lindsay Campbell does, but she is - and no disrespect is meant to Miss Campbell - also much more of a cold, calculating, cruel *BEEP*.

RP: That's not too objective, van Keel.


RP: Yeah.  That was funny.  Anyway, Quinn might be tall and dangerous, but Sadie's got something she doesn't have.  MOXIE.

LvK: You don't think Callista Quinn has moxie?

RP: Wait, let me check my notes.  *ruffling sound* Oh, no.  Okay, they both have moxie.  But what Sadie has that Calli doesn't ... can we cue up the prompt I sent over?

A still from last week's main event is displayed on screen, featuring Sadie crawling into the ring to beat the ten-count.  She is sliding under the bottom rope with her hips uplifted in her black bikini bottoms.

RP: ... DAT ASS.

LvK: ... we are DEFINITELY getting cancelled.

Rick looks into the camera and bites his lower lip like Rich Boy while looking over the rims of his Ray-Bans.  Larry van Keel rubs his heavily-lined forehead with three fingertips.

LvK: ALSO tonight ...

The shot cuts away from the announcers again to the dark violet Fury backdrop divided by lightning.  On one side is Emily Layne, looking fierce and angelic with a face like a Raphael angel and fists brought up like a Trieste dockworker.  On the other is "Punky" Meg Dow, slouching in her ragged zombie shirt and joshi skirt and leggings, who wears a sneer as she brings up her right hand and then her left with the pinkies extended and then brings the fists together to form a giant rock hand.

LvK: Emily Layne looks to settle the score that predates the launch of FTW, going back to before FTW: First Strike, as she takes on the Countdown's resident maniac, Punky.

RP: I gotta say, I wouldn't have thought much of Layne's chances after the job Punky and Gemma pulled on her at the i-pay-per-view, but she showed a real killer instinct taking out that Japanese broad last week.

LvK: Indeed, Emily Layne displayed a determination and an aggressive streak that bordered on cruel in her systematic destruction of Shizuko Fukumitsu.  This could prove to be real trouble for the self-proclaimed "Priestess of Chaos", Megan Dow.

RP: And Punky might have more to worry about then just learning how to say "I'm gonna kick your teeth down your throat" in Italian.

LvK: "Sto andando a calci i denti in gola."

RP: ... seriously?

LvK: I used to have Dominic Denucci for a color man in Pennsylvania.

RP: Huh.  Anyway, yeah. What might happen with -

A sudden burst of static.
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 09:50:36 AM by ThePurpleVixen »
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2014, 11:19:41 PM »
The screen flickers and hiccups with electric noise.

When it finally clears up, we see a small, dark room filled with candles. Sitting in the middle of the darkness is a woman, cross-legged, the shadows and her long hair strategically covering her naked body. The woman looks down at the ground, her hair falling over her face. Her head sways just a little, making her hair move like a light wind is passing through the room.

"There's a rule," she says, under that long hair. "A rule in magic that everyone knows. A rule you can find in Crowley and the Necronomicon and the Golden Dawn."

Camera FLASH CUTS to an image of Aleister Crowley, an upside down pentacle, burning wax on a naked woman's back, that same woman's lips screaming.

Her head jerks just a little, as if recognizing the pain in the video.

"And the rule is..." she says,"do not call forth what you cannot put back down."

A FLASH CUT of hooks going through skin, arms raised up. A QUICK FLASH of a female figure hanging from hooks in her back as others in leather masks look on.

The female figure giggles. "It's a rule that everyone knows... except the little girls in Countdown.

FLASH to pictures of the members of Countdown, their faces twisted and grotesque. Eyes too big, mouths open wide like black holes...

"You have no idea what you've summoned..."

Quivering lips covered in sweat. Teeth bite down hard in a vain effort to stifle the pain. Then... slowly... a smile.

The woman in the room lifts her head, showing the same mask from the last promo. Her eyes stare deep into the camera.

"But very soon," she says. "You will."

Then, the sound of chains snapping taut. The hooks in her skin pull tight and she raises her arms as the chains lift from the floor up and off camera, up through the darkness. She screams... and then begins laughing.


Cut back to our announcers, looking at the monitor.

RP: *BLEEP* Russo, did we hire Clive Barker and nobody told me?
LvK: Ladies and gentlemen, I'm not exactly sure what we saw just now, but I'm thinking there's a very real chance we're going to see that masked woman here, tonight!

RP: I see what you did there.
LvK: (ignoring him) But first, we're going to see Lindsay and Lisa in tag team action!

RP: You know something I don't, don't you van Keel! I hate that!
LvK: Perle, the sheer tonnage of what I know that you don't would stop a bull in its tracks. Let's go to our ring announcer!
« Last Edit: July 30, 2014, 11:29:46 PM by Rowan Chance »
Tales of the Sexfight Championship

Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #2 on: July 31, 2014, 08:02:37 PM »
I'm in the dressing room with my lovely partner Lindsay while the disturbing images and words from that mysterious masked lady flash over the screen. I'm trying not to pay any attention to that as I get ready for our Tag Match, but Lindsay's eyes are glued to the TV.

„Alright, Sunny girl.“ I say as I slip my black fingerless glove on my right hand. „Ya ready for this?“ Looking over at here, just to see her glaring at the screen. „Hey....HEY!“ snapping my fingers in front of her face. „Huh?“ her head slowly turns to me, eyes still wide open, jaw still dropped. „We got a match to win! Snap out of it if ya don't want me to slap you out of it.“ „Oh...oh yeah, right! Right, I'm alright!“ she gives me that bright smile of hers and I let out a little sigh. Adjusting my attire one last time. „Just can't be mad at ya! Come on, let's go!“

Taking her arm to drag her out of the dressing room behind me as the screen turns to the ring …

Announcer: Introducing first, already in the ring. They're at a combined weight of 520 pounds. The team of Monstro and the Blue Fairy!

The 5'4'' 120lbs Blue Fairy - dressed in an extremely thin blue skirt over a bright blue one-piece, along with white boots and pads, fairy wings on her back – is seated on the top turnbuckle, looking quite elegant with her legs crossed like a real lady. Her hair, colored in blue, which fades out towards the tips, is tied up rather elegantly on top of her head. She takes her Star Wand and gives the monster in front of her, who's holding perfectly still, a slight tap on the shoulder...

...and right then Monstro spreads out his arms and lets out a loud roar. The massive 6'3'' 400lbs man – dressed in white and blue water-patterned tights, black boots and pads – stomps on the canvas, making the entire ring shake heavily under his weight before smacking his hands against his shiny bald head multiple times before sliding his hands over his big, black handlebar mustache. The big, Moby Dick tattoo on his back dances a bit with each stomp.

LvK: We're about to see the debut of Monstro and the Blue Fairy! This should be interesting. These too form a team that's's hard to believe it exists!

RP: I have NO idea how someone like HIM can actually score with someone like HER! This is ridiculous!

LvK: Well, the Fairy has total control over her monster from the Deep Blue Sea. It's gonna be very interesting to see how things work out for them against this team, though.

The lights flicker, so does the screen as the rustling of a disturbed signal blares through the speakers for a few seconds. Things clear up as Dark New Day's “Pieces” starts playing and blue and bright yellow writing fades in on the black Titantron “DRAGON STARRS” as I make my way out from behind the curtain. Counting the steps before stopping, looking left and right before crouching down. Left forearm across my left thigh, right fist up in the air before slamming it down on the aisle. My head lowered as I remain like that until my partner Lindsay comes running out onto the stage as well. Leaping, twisting 180° and landing right behind me. Both facing opposite ways, me crouched, her tall body stood behind me with her arms spread out.

Announcer: And their opponents! At a combined weight of 265 pounds, the team of Lisa Starr and Lindsay Campbell. The Dragon Starrs!

I'm in a torn black t-shirt, a red dragon wrapping around it bottom to top, covering half of the silver letters L and S across the chest. Also a pair of cutoff jeans that just barely cover my ass cheeks, a thick blue, studded leather belt around the waist. Legs covered by white and black, knee high converse boots with blue laces, black knee pads right above them.

Behind me, Lindsay is dressed in her lovely mix of neon-yellow and dark blue. The blue bikini top over the yellow sports-bra. The tight blue shorts with yellow stripes down one side, and a red dragon climbing up the other. Yellow boots underneath the blue leg warmers, yellow wrist bands, and of course that lovely yellow headband.

I finally reach up with my right hand, grabbing for one of Lindsay's spread arms and pulling myself up before starting to pull her down to the ring with me. At least the first few feet until she turns around and starts walking herself. I'm heading straight towards the ring while lil Sunny is busy walking side to side, handing out high-fives, letting the fans shoot selfies with her...all that stuff!

As I reach the ring I turn, slapping the apron a few times to get Lindsay's attention and she comes jogging down to the ring. Both climbing onto the apron at the same time, from which I leap over the top rope into the ring while Linds climbs in the 'standard' way. The Blue Fairy has her wand across Monstro's chest now, holding him back while he looks ready to come waltzing right over Lindsay and me.

I give the Dragon a little pat on her ass and she climbs up a corner, playing some with the crowd. I'm using this bit of 'me-time' to walk straight towards the monster in the opposite corner, hands on my hips, leaning forward a bit as I look up. Knowing that the good little Fairy would never let him loose outside a match. “Heyyyy, Bowling Ball. Have you tried exercising? It usually helps.” grinning straight into his face as I lift my t-shirt a bit to show off my flawless six-pack abs, rubbing it with my free hand. Seeing the wand move a bit as he leans towards me, but the Fairy didn't give the 'GO' signal yet, and just gives me an angry glare.

“No, no.” she hops off the turnbuckle, stepping right between me and her monster from the Deep Blue Sea. “You smile now, but you won't when I make you cry.” She taps me on the nose with her wand before adding in a little sing-sang voice “When you wish upon a Starr....” which makes me want to plow into her right away. But meanwhile, Lindsay's standing right behind me, arms folded and she looks more angry at me than she does at the others. Roughly grabbing my shoulder to pull me back towards our corner. “Now, now, Lisa!! We don't wanna be bad sportswomen, do we?” I still stare at the smug-looking fairy waving her wand around until having my cheek pinched by Lindsay “We don't want that!!” she adds in her stern voice and I roll my eyes “Fiiiiine! We don't...” I sigh.

After explaining the rules, the ref moves to our corner, telling us that one of us has to go out. I give Lindsay a little nod and pat on her back as I climb out of the ring, grabbing for the tag rope as Linds bounces on her toes a bit. And across the ring...”Ohhh fuck” we both mutter in our corner as the Blue Fairy climbs out of the ring, leaving Lindsay in there with that 400 lbs...THING! “You got this, Linds!” I call out as the bell rings to start the match.

RP: Here we go! Fat Man against the Ohio Nutcase!

LvK: Would you stop calling her that? Just cause she yelled at you last week.

RP: She's crazy! Period! And I hope that guy crushes her for what she did to me last week!

LvK: You mean, defend herself?

RP: Exactly! That' wasn't cool!


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #3 on: August 01, 2014, 02:06:15 PM »
Standing in the ring, and across it, in the opposite corner, is that 400lbs Monstro thing!! Nervously shuffling side to side in my boots, chewing on my bottom lip, hands brushing the top ropes at my sides. The bell rings and I freeze for a moment, straightening up and staring at my opponent. The Blue Fairy has climbed onto the middle rope with one foot, confidently smiling at me over his shoulder, swinging her star wand in the air.

„Okay, Linds. You got this! Just's more scared of you than you are scared of it!“ I think to myself. Then the Fairy taps her wand against Monstro's back and calls out „GO GET HER!“ and just like that, he comes running across the ring with big, slow, clumsy looking steps. „OH FUCK THIS!“ I scream out in panic, making Lisa look at me a little confused after that outburst.

It's taking him a while to come across the ring, and as he's halfway across I hear an annoyed sounding „Move, damn it!“ from behind me. „Oh...right!!“I gasp and then duck and step to the side. Having the big guy slam into the corner turnbuckles. Seeing Lisa rub her hand over his shiny bald head as he tries to recover, making me giggle a bit as his rage just grows. Reaching for Lisa over the top rope but she just quickly hops off the apron and flips him off.

As he glares out at Lisa, I see my chance. Not being one who usually does things like that, but against this behemoth, it's gotta be done! Charging in from behind and I just windmill my arms. Smacking my forearms and elbows against his broad back, making his tattooed skin dance with each blow.

LvK: Lindsay's trying to chop Monstro down. Throwing anything she's got at him!

RP: All that seems to do is make him angry, though. To him this must feel like a fly just annoyingly buzzing all around him.

And just like a fly, I'm eventually being swatted away as he turns and throws his big arm around. I stumble back, fall and roll to quickly get back up to my feet only to get HAMMERED by a huge shoulder block. Going down hard, the ring shakes heavily after the impact that took my breath away.

It doesn't take long before I'm lifted to my feet by my hair. He holds on to it to keep me up on my feet until he just hammers my forehead with a huge Headbutt that floors me again. Seeing double after that blow, and with me downed and groaning in the middle of the ring, the Blue Fairy is dancing along the apron with a very happy sounding song on her lips, ending with the words „Oh Monstro of the Deep Blue Sea. Bring your prey to the Blue Fairy!“

He gets a hold of my hair, making me yelp out in pain as I'm mercilessly being dragged across the ring towards their corner. The tag is made and quickly the Blue Fairy comes flying towards my downed body over the top rope to land a perfect Slingshot Legdrop across my neck. My legs flop up, and she flops across my belly, holding on to one of my legs before it drops for the cover.

ONE, TW.....TWO!

The ref calls out after I quickly kicked out of the pin, making the Blue Fairy seem a little big angry. She gets to her feet quickly, pouting, stomping the canvas with one of her boots before smacking Monstro's shoulder while he's still busy climbing out of the ring. „TAG!“ the ref calls out as the two swap places again.

„Owwwww ow no no stop stop!“ I'm dizzy and pulled to my feet again. Feeling one hand grabbing the back of my shorts, facing the Fairy who blows me a little kiss before I'm pulled back and right into a brutal forearm smash that comes across my lower back, making me scream in pain, arch my back and drop to a knee. „Again, Monstro! Again!“ she calls out in a sing-sang voice and he delivers one more, dropping me face down on the canvas, ready for his Fairy to enter the ring again.

The Tag is made, but this time, before leaving the ring, Monstro gets another task „Drag her in that corner!“ And by „that corner“ she means mine!! Monstro drags me across the ring, closer towards Lisa and the Fairy follows. Once I'm close to that corner she drops her firm little ass down on my lower back, pulls my arms over her thighs and locks me in a Camel Clutch.

Forced to face my partner Lisa as the Fairy has me trapped in that hold, looking out at a clearly angry Lisa. „Oh she wishes upon a Starr!'s hard to tag with her all trapped up like that, isn't it?“ followed by a bright giggle.

I'm moaning out, looking up at Lisa who's just rolling her eyes in quite the annoyed fashion at the Fairy who seems to be a little confused because of the lack of worry on Lisa's face „What's that look foOWWWWWWW!“ she cries out and falls off me as Lisa simply threw her hand out over the top rope and slammed her fingerless gloved fist right into the Fairy's mouth. I drop down flat on the canvas, looking up at her. „That wasn't right!“ I groan, while she just shrugs and answers „I've had enough of that *BEEP*ing bitch!! And by the way....she's comin“

Lisa nods to the side, I hear the boots pounding along the canvas as the Blue Fairy comes rushing in towards me with a not-so happy look on her face. I get to a knee, peeking over my shoulder at her and waiting for the right moment to explode out into her with a BIG Clothesline. Intercepting the poor Blue Fairy and sending a flash of blue flipping through the air before she lands, motionless and in a heap.

The crowd lets out a gasp from the impact, followed by a loud cheer as I smile into the stands and raise my right arm I just flattened her with. Monstro's going cracy in their corner as she's down. Stomping back and forth along the apron, just staring and grunting at his Blue Fairy. In the meantime, I'm walking over towards Lisa, holding my right hand out for the tag „Your turn“ I tell her with a bright smile across my lips

Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2014, 05:54:25 PM »
ISeeing Lindsay stand in front of me with her hand held out for the tag. I look at it, then at the downed Fairy before looking at Linds again with a cheeky grin across my lips. „Let's rock this bitch!“ as I smack Lindsay's hand for the tag. She turns, picks up the downed Fairy and then lifts her with a grip around her thighs, ready to drill her with a Spinebuster...but not just yet!

RP: What the *BEEP* are they doing?! They just tagged! The nutty Dragon has to get outta that damn ring!!

LvK: Actually, they DO have a five count, you know?

RP: Yeah, SCREW THAT! The bad ones get a 5 count! They shouldn't...

With Linds holding the Fairy up like that I take the top rope, leap up on it before jumping legs first towards the lifted Fairy. She's starting to come back to her senses as I come flying in. My legs past her, just like the rest of my body. And as my head's next to hers I reach around with both hands, taking her chin as I drop down on my back. Dragging her with me as Lindsay just tosses her down and slams her into the canvas as we nail the poor little girl with a Springboard Neckbreaker/Spinebuster combination that shakes the ring and makes Monstro let out a loud roar.

RP: WHAT THE HELL?! Oh...oh it's just fatso! Why the hell is he screaming?

LvK: Well, there obviously seems to be a kind of...I between these two?

Bond or not, she's down after that one! I sit up, watching Lindsay climb out to the apron. It's a pretty spectacular sight...those long legs as she slides out between the ropes, with that sexy, tightly covered....I shake my head after my thoughts drifted away for a second there. Gotta focus! „Awwww come on ya poor lil Fairy! Ya can barely move! Here...lemme help ya tag!“ I grab her wrists and start dragging her across the ring towards her corner. Pretty much like Monstro did with Lindsay before.

„Oh wait, no!“ I stop and release her wrists halfway through the ring. She lays whimpering in the middle of the ring, almost begging me to let her make the tag while I leap a bit and start stomping down all over the back of her head and her back. Sending her through another world of pain here. Lindsay's not happy about me just stomping all over our opponent and neither is the ref who pulls me off. He's yelling at me, Monstro's roaring, Lindsay's looking at me kinda...pissed as well.

„What?!“ I hiss at the ref after pulling me away, then I turn towards Lindsay, spreading my arms „What?!“ And then I take a few back-steps towards Monstro's corner. Once close enough, I turn around quickly and throw out my right arm. „AND WHAT?!“ as I drill my elbow against his jaw. Rocking his head back with the unexpected blow and he's actually forced to get off the apron after being knocked off balance.

The crowd cheers loudly after I landed that blow on the big guy. Even though it may not have been the cleanest way to do had to be done! And now that he's gone, I stroll back over to the Fairy, pull her to her feet and whip her across the ring into the ropes.

Waiting for her to come back, and as she does I charge forward with my arm out at my side. Looking to Clothesline the Blue Fairy. But unfortunately...she decides to duck under it! I gasp and turn as she bounces off the ropes on the other side of the ring, now throwing out an arm herself to go for a Clothesline, but....I duck! Not letting her run through this time, though. With me ducked under her arm, my right arm goes across her neck, left underneath thigh, between her legs to cup her crotch. Whispering “That's for the blue hair...that's MY look!” before lifting her up and over me, tossing the Blue Fairy across the ring with a T-Bone Suplex – The straight Edge.

Sitting up after the move, having a smile across my lips that's almost as bright as Lindsay's...just a little bit more dirty! I turn and crawl towards the downed girl. Knowing I could easily get the pin on her now and...I'll try that! But just as I'm about to go for it, I hear a very loud, very low, and very angry sounding roar from behind me.

My eyes grow wide as I turn, seeing Monstro's climbed into the ring now, and he's got his eyes locked on me. Not in the way guys usually look at me, though! I scramble up to my feet as he gets closer. “Ehm....yeah I'm out! LINDSAY!” smacking Linds' shoulder before quickly climbing out of the ring. Being followed out by Monstro and he starts chasing me around the ring. I'm lucky he's so slow! Now I can take a nice, relaxing stroll around the ring while he tires himself out.

LvK: This is something you don't see every day...

RP: A bald, fat freak chasing a blue-haired thin freak? Looks like just another day in Japan, actually.

LvK: In....Japan? What? Why? I didn't know you've been to Japan, Rick.

RP: Oh of course I have! LOTS of times!

LvK: Oh really?

RP: Well, once.

LvK: To wrestle?

RP: Actually I was shooting a commercial. I'm BIG over there!

LvK: A Japanese Commercial? Must be an awesome product!

RP: Yeah...for singing toilets! BUT back to topic I watch lots of anime. And trust me, these are just FULL of big fat guys chasing skinny girls with funny colored hair.

Meanwhile inside the ring, Lindsay's looking out a little confused, watching the little hunt that's going on outside while the Blue Fairy starts making her way back up to my feet. They're both just standing there and watching me move towards the announcer's table. Monstro's slowed down, he's sweating, breathing hard as I give Rick “Precious” Perle a little glare “This is for last week”

LvK: What's she talking about?

RP: I...I dunno. But....I don't like it. Why's she grinning like that?. What's she doing?!

It's easy...I'm walking past the announce table, standing just a few feet away from RP and I turn towards Monstro. Arms folded under my chest, yelling “HEY, BALDILOCKS! CATCH ME IF YA CAN!” I yell at him and there he comes! Huffing and Puffing like an old steam train. Picking up some speed.

I wait....and wait...and then do a quick sidestep, letting my right leg stand out. Monstro can't stop or slow down, so he clumsily trips over my leg. Stumbling a few steps before falling over, his body smacks against Rick's as he couldn't get out of the way in time and ends up being taken down and flattened by the bigger guy who ends up entangled in some cable on top of the poor announcer. The crowd loves it! So do I, Larry seems to enjoy himself as well looking at his partner trapped under a 400lbs man. Everyone's having a great time!

Well...except for “Ohhhhhhh!” The Blue Fairy has taken a front row-stand. Inside the ring, leaned against the ropes and looking out at me with a dropped jaw. “Ohhhhhh!! OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!” She angrily stomps her foot down on the canvas, looking all pouty and angry. “HOW DARE YOU?!” I just stand outside the ring. A little grin across my lips, spreading my arms. “If ya don't like it, just stop quacking and *BEEP*ing do something about it!” And so she does.

She turns and heads for the ropes on the far side. Looking to build up a ton of momentum so she can hurl herself at me over the top rope. There's just one thing she forgot....The Dragon! Lindsay's been sneaking around inside the ring, giggling a bit at Perle's predicament. And now with the Fairy distracted, this is her chance to strike.

As the Fairy rushes across the ring to prepare for take-off, Lindsay does the same. Only difference is that Linds is running from my left to the right, crossing Tinkerbell's path halfway across the ring with both girls having a ton of momentum, this is destined to be a big one. Lindsay lowers her shoulder, the Blue Fairy hasn't even seen her yet! But now she feels her!

Sunny puts all of her weight (and she's got about 30lbs on that girl) into her Buckeye Bodycheck. Brutally taking the small girl off her feet to send her flying across the ring. She lands with a thud, bounces once, skids a bit more and almost ends up falling out of the ring.

LvK: Oh holy sh.....I!! Did you see that impact, Rick?


LvK: Oh didn't!! *chuckles*

Climbing back up to the apron and as I walk on that towards the corner I give Lindsay a little nod “Let's finish her off before the big one gets back on his feet” She flashes a bright smile at me and nods. “Uh huh!” Before picking the Fairy up from her place near the ropes. That girl looks pretty limp right now...but who wouldn't feel a bit worn out after being run over by a Truck?

Lindsay lifts her up at her side. One arm wrapped around the Fairy's waist, the other hand is underneath her legs to keep her horizontal to the canvas. The Dragon's parading her prey around the ring for a while before dropping down to a knee. Driving the Blue Fairy's back down across her thigh before lifting her up again. She walks a few more steps towards our corner before dropping with another Backbreaker, making the Fairy cry out in pain again.

She stands again and turns, inching closer towards me until I can smack her shoulder for the Tag. Once that's done, I quickly climb up to the top turnbuckle while Lindsay moves closer towards the middle of the ring. I bend my legs a bit before jumping off the top ropes. Getting some good height on this jump. My eyes locked on the Fairy, Lindsay's eyes locked on me as we need perfect timing now.

I spread my arms for balance and curl my right leg in so the padded knee points right out at the Fairy's head. I descend, and as soon as my knee slams against our victim's face, Lindsay drops down once more with another backbreaker. This one with the added momentum of my Top-Rope Kneedrop across her face. Linds releases her grip now, which sends the Blue Fairy flopping down in a limp heap on the canvas.

Monstro has made his way back up to his feet, but seems a bit disoriented as I roll his partner on her back and wrap her legs up tightly for the pin. The ref doesn't even bother to send Lindsay out of the ring as he drops and counts. The crowd chanting in Chorus with him “ONE....TWO.....THREE!”



Helped up to my feet by a now completely hyperactive seeming Lindsay who always starts acting like a little child once she's won something! Smiling as we hug in the middle of the ring before the ref steps in to raise our arms. The celebration is cut short though, as the angry Monstro finds his way back into the ring. We'd rather not have anything to do with that thing for now and decide to take the high road. Heading out of the ring and back up the aisle as the monster from the Deep Blue Sea takes care of his broken Fairy.

LvK: That's a win for the Dragon Starrs! Impressive showing by these two. And WELCOME BACK Rick “Precious” Perle, how've you been?

RP: Don't.....ask...

LvK: You missed one heck of a match! Starr and Campbell were-

RP: DON'T mention their names!! They may be hot but what they're that doesn't mean they can just do whatever they want! I'll get them back for their actions against me!

LvK:'ll get them back for it? You retired what...20years ago? You'd seriously take these two on?

RP: Ohhhh I'll take them! I'll take them GOOD and HARD!

*sound of a man facepalming himself is heard*

LvK: Let's go to commercial...


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2014, 07:18:53 PM »
*The shot fades in to a picture of bald eagle flying in slow motion towards the camera across an American flag background.

'America the Beautiful' is being played slowly and soulfully on a violin.

The eagle flies over a barbecue in a park, festooned with American flags.

Two blonde teenagers in a cinema. The boy shyly kisses the girl on the cheek. The girl smiles at him and reaches for his pants.

A bunch of cheering fans at an American football game. The shot widens to show an opposing player getting carted off on a stretcher.

Six police officers gang-tackle a black teenager in slow motion and proceed to beat the hell out of him with nightsticks.

A smiling couple sign mortgage papers that will leave them slaves to their jobs for the next thirty years.*

AmeriBank. We're your bank, whether you like it or not. Because we're too big to fail.

*The music finishes as we close on a shot of bank executives in a penthouse suite throwing money at each other while they do lines of coke off of the backs of naked hookers*


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2014, 12:52:53 AM »
Walking backstage after the win over Monstro and the Blue Fairy. A towel across my shoulders, a bottle of water in my left hand and my right arm wrapped around Lisa's shoulder.

„WOOOOHOOO that...was...AWESOME! I, me. Winning! That was like SOOOO COOL!“

Lisa carries a smile on her face, which is rare enough for her lately, but still she does seem to be a little annoyed and somewhere else with her thoughts.

„Yeah, we won. Big deal! But you and I both know we're here for bigger things than beating up a fat guy and his little doll!"


„No buts! We should be in that title tournament! We both got screwed in our debuts! Like...why the hell aren't we in that championship tournament?!“

„Well, only 4 spots for sooooo many people and...wait a moment“

Stopping in the hallway, in front of a TV-screen that shows the footage of Sadie and Big E. Letting out a soft giggle as Sadie slams that door in his face.

„HA! Got what you deserved!!“

„And what about the lil chick?“

„She'll get hers soon enough! Count on it!“

Lisa looks at me, flashing me a little grin before giving me a firm little smack on my butt, making me get on my tip toes as I give her a little giggle.

„I just love it when you talk aggressive!“ she winks at me before adding „We better take a shower, though. Or...2 for that matter! It's gonna take a while to get that Monstro's blubber stench off of us!“

I giggle and nod „Uh huh!! See you at the aftershow?“

„We'll see.“

And with that our ways part as Lisa heads down the hall towards her dressing room as I take another drink from my water. Still looking at the screen, seeing a few replays from our match which put a smile on my face.

„*BEEP* this water...I want a beer!“ I grin and head to my dressing room as the camera fades out.


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #7 on: August 03, 2014, 02:53:31 AM »
*Backstage camera cuts to Red and Gemma who are engaged in a pretty demonstrative conversation. Red is standing and Gemma is sitting on one of those ubiquitous backstage equipment boxes allowing them to see eye to eye.*

Gemma:  "Look now, Reddy. I know you don't like it and it's not what you thought you were getting into, just bear with me a bit. "  *she reaches out and hooks a finger under the edge of his mask and pulls him in, giving him a soft kiss on his cheek*

Gemma:  "I promise, it will all be made clear when... *suddenly Gemma's voice gets harder and she yells* Hey, Blue! Cute *BEEP*ing show out there. Just don't forget that you're *BEEP*ing useless without anyone having your back! So why don't you just spare yourself the trouble and go home to your XBox and the *BEEP*y guitar you say you're 'playing'?"

*Gemma hops down from the box and pulls up to her full height.  Red moves a little more slowly, still surprised by the kiss and the sudden change in tone.  Once he turns and sees Gemma's old rival, Lisa Starr approaching, he stands side by side her, arms crossed, looking menacing.*
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie

Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #8 on: August 03, 2014, 02:03:05 PM »
This sorta stuff happens way too often around here. You're just walking around backstage, minding your own business...and then have a furious Brit get in your way and yell at you. I'm just on my way to my dressing room, all I want is a shower after my match. But instead, Gemma gets in my face, yelling at me, and having her big red Countdown Buddy by her side.

Letting out a sigh, left hand on my hip, rubbing my forehead with my right one. Trying to stay calm...trying....trying....and failing!

"Why don't you just shut the *BEEP* up?! All I've seen from you around here lately is ganging up on people with your psycho buddies Quinn and Punky! And now you're feeling all tough with this...guy next to you?" Moving my eyes to look over at Red for a few seconds, saying nothing as I stare into his eyes, before turning my attention back towards G-Force.

"And how about trying to stay off the bottle? Maybe for just an hour? Holy *BEEP* I can smell your booze breath from over here! Aaaand..." Placing my fists on my hips, shooting Gemma an angry glare. And in case you wanna back up your tough talk...I'm not afraid of a lil dance with you!! Even with your 'friends' around!"


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #9 on: August 03, 2014, 04:40:22 PM »
I can feel Gemma's anger winding up, but I can't let her mouth get the best of her here. I put a hand on her arm to keep her still and start talking before she can.  I take a good look at Lisa, still in the afterglow of a tough match.  That nice glistening layer of sweat on her flesh that gets all her fanboys and fangirls cheering for her and buying her posters. 

"She doesn't need any help to take on a mosquito like you.  Why don't you go find your buddy the Blue Fairy and trade fairyland secrets.  Or go groom your dragon, I'm sure she's got some blubber stuck in her scales she's just dying for her little bird to clean off."

Gemma chuckles a little bit and relaxes some, but I can tell that anger of hers is really close to boiling over.  One of these days I have to check her lineage to see if she doesn't have any Irish in her.  Her family tree that is.  I can tell that she's still in pounce mode which would be bad for us because she's like a tasmanian devil when she's let loose.  I take a step towards Lisa to back her off and show her Gemma's not the only one ready to go.  And then come the click clack sound of heels down the hallway.
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2014, 06:32:59 PM »
"And I'm sure.."

The sound of my heels clicking on the floor draws the attention of both Red and Gemma, but it's my voice, loaded with steely confidence, that causes the two to lock their glares dead onto me.

"The kid here, she can beat ya *staring at Red* senseless. And you, pretty gal *turning to Gemma* she can stomp ya silly. All on her lonesome. So big man, I beg to differ. Your lil friend, she's gonna need all the help she can get if she messes with Ms. Starr.

I saunter down the hall and stand beside the hot lil' spitfire, who seems just as startled by my appearance as the two Countdown buddies. I glance over at Lisa and toss her a wink, before I guide my piercing green eyes back to Red and Gemma, sizing both of em' up as an icy smirk curves my glossy lips.

"I get why y'all would wanna gang up on her. I get why y'all would play so dirty. I get it, you're Countdown, that's how y'all conduct business -- but I certainly am not letting y'all get away with it."

My hands curl into tight fists while my eyes narrow darkly. I lick my grinning lips, looking ready to pounce.

"See, I'm the kinda gal who won't just stand back and let this kinda bul*BEEP*t play out. The kinda gal who can whip both your asses with both my hands tied behind my back. So, if y'all are lookin' for a fair fight, y'all just found one."


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #11 on: August 03, 2014, 09:41:50 PM »
I look up and see the lovely Tiffany making her way beside Lisa. Shit, I think, we don't need this. I look Tiffany up and down and think about how I would so love to tussle with her, but we have to save it. Of course Gemma has other ideas.

"I don't care what kinda gal you are you blonde tart! I can knock you down a few pegs too."

I turn and block Gemma from moving more forward and whisper to her.  "Not the time and not the place, darlin'.  Let's go"

I grab Gemma and turn her down the way opposite of where Tiffany appeared.  She's still screaming epithets and threats, most I hope are being censored.  I get her calmed down and she heads off to meet up with Callista, I turn into a doorway and see Megan sitting back in her chair, watching her Joshi tapes, but with a little more calculation.

"Coulda used you out there."
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2014, 10:40:11 AM »
A rare quiet moment in the Countdown locker room.

Calli is off hatching villainous schemes somewhere.

Red is probably doing curls or something.

Gemma had BETTER be out buying more tequila after she killed the damn bottle.

I've got the place to myself, and I'm putting the quiet time to good use.  Sitting in the surprisingly comfy IKEA office chair (it's a Volmar!) at the little video editing suite I've cobbled together in the locker room for us to work on our highlight videos and promos, I'm chasing a ghost.

Those matches Rowan flashed in her promo - I'm sure I have them somewhere. I have all my tapes from Japan here, overflowing my big Thule duffel - All Japan, New Japan, Zero-1, Michinoku Pro, JWP - and somewhere in here I've got Rowan's little secret. Her alter ego is easy enough to look up in the Information Age, but finding actual footage of her matches is much more challenging.  A lot of it appears to have been mysteriously lost or unceremoniously destroyed.  But me, I still have all SORTS of tapes and DVDs of unedited footage, recorded right off the network.

I'm scanning through.  Rowan Chance and I never crossed paths in our respective trips to Japan - which is probably for the best.  If her disturbed masked creation ran into the Ribingudeddo Joshi I used to be overseas, we'd have killed each other.

But she's coming after me.

And I want a better idea of what she's coming after me with.

There's lots of highlight videos of Chance performing in her mask, but the nitty-gritty, the match-ending sequences and injuries are disturbingly tricky to track down. It's odd - in an era where you can pull up a decades-old locally-aired commercial for a defunct phone sex line practically on demand, it seems no one can get a really good quality video of Rowan Chance's masked persona online.

It's a coincidence, though.  Bound to be.  It would take a deranged mind to track down and destroy all those tapes.


Red barges in, breaking my chain of thought.  I pause the video of Rowan about to twist Chikayo Nagashima into a painful shoulder joint lock, and drop my big headphones down around my neck with a faintly irritable glance up at the big masked man. I only catch the second half of whatever he said.

" - you out there."

I shake my head.  "No time to head out.  Workin' on something."

Putting the cans back over my ears, I flick the controls and get the video playing again.  The announcers are going on about Rowan Chance like the natives in an Indiana Jones movie warning of terrible dark magic. I lean forward, hands dangling over my knees, my eyes intent.  There's something about the way she moves - some quick, snapping movement that reminds me of ...

Red is impatiently shaking my shouder.  "*BEEP*in' WHAT?!".  Glowering, he opens that big yap of his to speak.  I stand up, earphones dropping around my neck again, and go to my toes to jab a fingertip into the hollow of Red's throat.

"I SAW your little smoochy time with Gems get interrupted by the Hot Topic *BEEPing Straight Edgehead and that big bleached bimbo *BEEP," I growl, leveling a finger up at the monitor in the corner of the dressing room playing FTW Fury, all without losing eye contact with The Red Enforcer.  "You didn't need me.  With me there, it would have just become a brawl that became a bloodbath and then Calli would bitch about the clean-up bills. That is what I do, Red.  I break *BEEP*.  But right now I've got *BEEP* to do HERE," I add with a last snarl, dropping back into my Volmar chair and yanking my headphones up again, running back more video.  Red stops me again, this time squeezing my shoulder gently, which is all that stops me from snapping his fingers like stale breadsticks.

I ease the phones off and look up at him.

"Shouldn't you be getting ready for Emily?" he asks with that thoughtful concern that lays just under the brute he portrays.

Emily.  Yeah.

Her picture is on the cork board Calli mounted on the wall, under the humorous banner reading "CURRENT TARGETS".  Emily Layne.  My eyes go far-away for a moment, looking at that picture of her.  Then I snap back.

"I've been training for Emily all *BEEP*ing week.  If that mangy *BEEP* thinks she stands a snow-cone's chance in Hell of getting past me and tasting even a *BEEP*ing whiff of that gold, then she's been drinking too much *BEEP*ing Chianti."

I take his hand and lift it off my shoulder, giving it a firm reassuring squeeze as I half-grin up at him.

"Trust me.  I'll let everyone *BEEP*ing know what the *BEEP* she's in for later.  But for now I've gotta chase something."

"What?" he asks almost gently.

"A bad *BEEP*ing dream."

His eyes harden.  "Rowan," he growls.

I nod.  "I know you're gonna head down there soon to take her out but ... I just gotta figure something out, that's all."

The headphones go back on and I sink back into the IKEA swivel chair.  Red leaves well enough alone and goes about his business - the Countdown has learned to respect my obsessive impulses.  Possibly because when I'm interrupted from my current obsession, I tend to wreck shop.  I rewind, watching Rowan crawl backwards across the ring in her mask, and then fast-forward sinuously the other way. Then rewind.  Over and over.

Something about her body language.  It's alluring, naturally.  Graceful, of course.  Quick as summer lightning.

But in the mask, she moves differently.  That shouldn't BE.  You don't BECOME someone new just by tugging laced nylon over your friggin' face.  You're the same person with the same face, it's just ...

... just a mask.

Suddenly struck with the creepy jangling tingling sensation of being watched, I pause my video and pad to the lockers.  From mine I pull a tool I haven't had to use for a while:

A croquet mallet.  It's short, ash-handled with a head of deep red African hardwood.  Painted a rich lacquered crimson and striped in black, it'd be almost elegant except for the minor modifications I've made.  The handle is wrapped in black grip tape. Both round caps of the mallet have shiny stickers of my stylized rabbit skull Mister Hatred logo, and the head is painted with stylized Banksy bubble-letters reading THE RED QUEEN.

Oh, and I drilled out the head and handle and cored them with lead.

Comfortably secure again, I sit back in the chair and resume watching, resting the end of the croquet mallet handle on the floor and propping my chin on the heavy head as I listen to the Japanese announcers practically praying for Rowan to be exorcised.  I haven't had to swing the Red Queen in quite a while.  Not since CZW, and before that, well ... not since Japan.

Red says he'll take care of her.  I've taken her out myself more than a few times. No need to be afraid.

But if Rowan DOES try to get a piece of me tonight, demon or kami or ghost or whatever she wants to become?

Off with her *BEEP*ing head.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 10:43:07 AM by ThePurpleVixen »
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #13 on: August 04, 2014, 02:20:43 PM »
I move away from Punky to give her some space, but I watch the screen over her shoulder all the same. The one that's supposed to be Rowan just doesn't look like her. Different moves, different attitude. Like a whole different person.  Maybe her mask does the same for her what mine does for me.

I shrug my shoulders mentally.  I broke Rowan before. I'll break her again. Just because she thinks she's the second coming of the Great Muta doesn't mean she is any more dangerous than ever.  I allow myself a small grin as I remember how she quivered just seeing me come to the ring that last time.  I'll save the histrionics for another time.  I'll take her and snap her in half and leave the pieces for Punky. 

She's been worrying me recently, going over these tapes again and again. And now I see she's pulled her mallet from hammer space. The kid has talent, but she's worse than a pitbull when she's obsessing about something.  And right now she's got her jaws sunk deeply into the idea that is Rowan Chance.  I'll give her an early present by taking care of that demon for her. Now, if I could only cross off the other worry I have on my plate.

"Her royal highness is on her way."

Gemma, as always has found a bottle of something and has returned.  I shake my head as she walks by me and pops me on my ass while running the bottom of the bottle over my chest. 

"If alcohol were water, you'd be better than a divining rod."

Gemma sets the bottle down and goes to getting changed.  I am no prude, but every fighter has a ritual when they get dressed, so I move back to Megan's side to give Gemma her moment.

I look at the footage and see more moves that make me realize my comparison to Muta may be more spot on than I thought. I put my hand on Megan's shoulder again and lean down so I can see the screen head on.  She turns her head to say something to me, but then sees I'm focused on the screen. She turns and rewinds it a little.

"That move right there. Back a bit more.  Yeah. That's Keiji.  I'd know that anywhere. We ran in the same circles in Dallas and the Carolinas.  Sunuva*BEEP*"

Before I could expound more, I feel a disturbance in the force and I know Callista's arrived.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 02:21:03 PM by RedEnforcer »
"We are all freaks here..stop backbiting each other :)" --nutmeg78

"Red's hair is as breathtaking as a flock of wild cardinals taking flight from a noble hillock." -- sadie


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Re: FTW Fury, episode 2 (Pro Wrestling Federation RP)
« Reply #14 on: August 04, 2014, 05:31:52 PM »
*minutes later*

I look into the camera like I'm staring the cameraman down, before a slow smile peeks out onto the corner of my lips. "That rarest of rarities, a clever American, once said that winning wasn't was the only thing."

"A title is about winning more than just a match. It's about winning life. Winning out over all those who thought you weren't good enough. Winning out over everyone who said you didn't have what it took. Winning out over everyone who said you did things 'the wrong way.'"

"'The right way' seems to be smiling as houses and buyrates diminish. It seems to involve getting implants and wrestling in spandex bikini bottoms with a push-up bra. It seems to be cashing out paydays while you can still get them and smiling at the punters so they'll buy your t-shirts. It's fiddling while the boat sinks, and trusting you've crawled over enough bodies to make sure you've got a place on the last raft casting off."

I shout, eyes blazing. "If that's the right way, then you can shove your 'right way' up your *BLEEP*in' arse! Because I'll be *BLEEEEEEP* sideways if I've given my blood, sweat, and tears to turn into THAT!"

Clenching my teeth, I force my face back into a semblance of its usual calm. "Lie to yourself, if you must. Pretend I'm not speaking the simple, bitter truth, if it helps you sleep at night. But the fact is that I am right. Wrestling needs to be saved. It needs to be brought back from the brink. Dragged back, kicking and screaming, if need be."

"I'm the only one who can. I'm the only one who can see what needs to be done with the guts to get down in the mud and DO it. A Visionary Mercenary. Someone who can read the lay of the land and draw the line where it must be drawn."

"Well that line is being drawn right before you. Countdown is going to turn that tide, right here in FTW, and step 1 is the FTW championship."

"Sadie Davis. I watched your match. Repeatedly. I wonder if you thought to prepare yourself quite so well? No matter. You were tenacious, determined, and above all, you were cunning. I applaud that, all of it, but it won't help you tonight."

"I am more tenacious, more determined, and maybe even a bit more cunning? Perhaps. Regardless, if you are counting on a timely accident to yet again allow you to prevail..."
that smirk pokes it's way onto my face once more, "you will be waiting a long time for that accident."

And then I give the camera a wink before walking away.