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Story: Janet Montgomery vs. Rose Leslie

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Story: Janet Montgomery vs. Rose Leslie
« on: July 30, 2014, 03:23:19 PM »
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“Walk away now!”

“Excuse me *burp* I may have had a few drinks but you don’t get to talk to me like that”

Janet Montgomery and Rose Leslie were at the bar and Janet who had been drinking had hit on Rose’s boyfriend.  “You hit on my boyfriend in front of me and I get to talk to you any way I like”

It was a party thrown by the women’s talent agency and the two women had a tendency to be icy towards the other but this time it might not be able to be stopped.  Icy was how the agency described it, the rest of the world knew these two hated each other

“I didn’t know he was here with you Red?  Thought you were with your game of thrones stud”  Janet still had a shiner and damage from her rematch with Aubrey Plaza which she won “here I’ll buy you a drink”

“I don’t want your drink, I want you to leave us alone you might not remember this but I don’t like you.”

“Must have slipped my mind but now that I think”  Janet said while leaning on the bar

The last time they saw each other was before Janet’s first fight with Aubrey Plaza.  There was some confusion in a challenge sent, 10 women had sent a challenge to Janet and Rose was one. The challenge was taken away and Rose blamed Janet who thought Rose backed out.  Things got ugly just before Janet left for the US to fight Aubrey when they met and Rose said Janet was afraid of her, Janet told her she was full of it, more words got said more heated by the second.  Finally they were pulled apart as they were nose to nose shirts off begging the other to do something.

“Janet gets out of our area now!” Janet ignored the red head who looked around hauled her arm away from an agent “No we were here first, make her leave”

“You both had some to drink so lets all calm down and be rational.”

“She’s sloshed and you are treating me like I did something wrong.”

“Oh shush Rose, before you get shushed. Hehe”

Rose nodded and looked around her face growing as red as her hair.  Janet turned around and CRACK a punch straight to the nose.  It put Janet off her feet and back into the bar, her nose started bleeding right away. 

Rose could hear someone say Uhmn is this a fair fight she never believed it was a fair fight between she and Janet.  She watched as Janet brought her hand up to her face and smiled as Janet saw her own blood.

Janet pushed herself away from the bar and threw a right but it was blocked and Janet got hit with a right then a left and another right and finally a left knee to the ribs.  Rose hauled Janet away from the bar and grabbed the back of Janet’s hair hauled her head down and destroyed Janet with an upper cut that sent her reeling back and down.

People started to get between them “Ok you won rose that’s enough now.” 

“That lovely lass believed herself to be better than me and believe no one can make her quit… I’ll make her quit, we’ve waited to long for this night.  Rose Leslie and Janet Montgomery is finally happening.”

Janet got up and people moved away, Rose ran at Janet ducked low and lifted Janet up onto her shoulder and kept going forward and threw  Janet into wall.  Janet bounced off and Rose stayed down and back body dropped Janet.

“WOOO, this is like a dream right now for me”  She pinched herself “Thank god it’s real”

Janet started getting up ad got kneed in the face and toppled over a table.  “I love this, seeing you there”  Janet looked and got straight kicked in the face.  Janet’s’ face was now busted open and she was on her stomach covering her face.

“Back off”  Some people moved in to stop the fight but Rose wasn’t having it. 

“Not over luv” Rose sat on Janet’s back and grabbed her by the hair and slammed the English womans face into the floor three times before turning her over.  She lifted her right hand and hit a hard punch then another with her left.  She then slid downward on Janet Montgomery’s body and sat on the brunette’s legs and unbuttoned and unzipped her pants.

Though she was beaten up, Janet sat up and got her arms behind Rose’s neck.  Rose got her arms around Janet’s ribs and they struggled for a few seconds but Rose Leslie out powered, out leveraged and simply out classed Janet Montgomery slamming her down on her back.  Rose sat on Janet’s stomach and hit ten punches five with each hand to Janet’s face.

Janet covered up her face and was crying and offered no resistance when Rose took off her pants and threw them away.  Rose thanked Janets lack of resistance by kicking her square between the legs.

Those who knew Rose and loved Rose didn’t recognize her, she looked like a possessed demon as she spit on Janet “You classless whore, you were never good enough to be mentioned with me.”

Rose began to Garvin Stomp Janet Montgomery, she started on Janet’s left thigh down to her left ankle over to the right ankle, right thigh.  Laughing as Janet screamed, rose continued as she slammed her foot into Janet’s stomach, then right tit, right shoulder.  She kicked Janet in the face went to the other side and kicked her again.  Then stomped the left shoulder, left tit and ended stomping Janet’s stomach again.

“Please Rose, you won.”

“Not yet I haven’t” She shouted back not even knowing who she was shouting at.

Janet was curled into the fetal position begging for someone to help but now the cast of Game of Thrones led by Rose’s bff Emilia Clarke were stopping everyone. 

Rose got down on her elbows and knees and squatted down near janet’s head, she brought her face over Janet’s ear.  “Bitch you are outclassed and I always knew that and now you know it for sure.”

Rose grabbed Janet by the hair and lifted her up so much and took the shirt off and threw it away.  She stood Janet up straight holding one hand in Janets hair and hit three punches to the face “I’m the better woman.”

“I’m the better actress” Three punches to the stomach

“Better fighter.” Knee between the legs

“Simply better” She hauled Janet forward and downward and simultaneously came up with an uppercut which was the hardest punch she had ever thrown in her life.

Now her cast mates were asking if it was enough

“Not yet!”

Seconds later Janet was stripped naked and lifted over Rose’s head and dropped stomach first onto a chair.  Janet tried to lift herself up from the chair and got hit with a running knee to the head for her troubles.

Montgomery looked like she was in a car wreck and put her hand up “Please rose I quit, please stop I can’t.”  Rose grabbed Janet’s hands and tightened her fingers and twisted Janet’s wrist getting a scream then her shin connected with Janet’s mouth.

“You quit bitch.  I didn’t quit with what I was doing; now I keep going Until I’m finished.”

Rose crushed Janets fingers then stomped on her bicep.  “I’m so filled with joy that we didn’t do this at Comic con.  Now let’s take this outside.”

Rose grabbed Janet by the hair and dragged her screaming outside, she opened the door and dragged Janet half through then twisted Janet so her body was against the doorway.  Rose with a wickedly sadistic smile slammed the door into Janet’s back three times.  Now everyone was begging her to stop “NO” she shouted. 

All those there knew the hatred these two women had and they realized Rose wasn’t going to stop so  a decision was made that they’ll step in when Rose goes too far. 

Rose picked Janet up and getting two deep handfuls of brown tresses she brought Janet in closer “Want to see how much stronger I am then you.”

Rose got her plant foot down and threw Janet up in the air and into a stop sign.  Janet sickeningly twisted around the sign and Rose picked Janet up and pushed forward so hard she lifted Montgomery up in the air and slammed her into the brick wall of the bar. 

From there she hit ten hard punches to Janet’s stomach then kicked Janet’s legs apart.  She hit sickeningly hard knees between Janet’s legs.  Rose then hit some uppercuts to Janet who was completely and totally wrecked.

Rose pinned her body against Janet’s she held Janet’s head up and slicked the hair back and rain started in London “We fought, after all our hatred.  After our desire to destroy anything who mentioned the other in our presence we fought and like I said to you on the first meeting… I destroyed you.”

Rose stepped back and Janet fell to her knees and a moment later fell to her stomach.  Rose liked it, Janet Montgomery naked, bloody and beaten… Beaten up it was so beautiful but still not enough she hated Janet so much.  Time to end this.

She brought Janet’s unconscious body a little closer and put Janet’s face on the curb and Rose was about to stomp Janets head when everyone thankfully stepped in.

Charlie Cox brought Janet home and as he left he heard Rose screaming “It’ll never be over Janet I HATE YOU I HATE YOU”

A day later Janet woke up beaten up and feeling like a loser she looked at Charlie “I’ll kill that bitch.”

Her boyfriend of a year and soon to be Daredevil was scared; his girlfriend’s pure beauty was disrupted for the third time.  This time was the worst she lost and she wasn’t scared she was mad.  She was drunk last night and she was recovering from a terribly even fight with Aubrey Plaza and her bones were ripe for picking and that was what Rose Leslie did.  There was no talking Janet out of this and she was going to take care of this issue before anything else

(Upcoming: Camilla Belle vs. Emmy Rossum; WBACCF 12 which includes Ashley Greene vs. Nina Dobrev; Aftercard Legends fight; Erica Durance vs. Jill Wagner)