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FTW Second Coming

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Offline Emily Layne

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #60 on: January 06, 2015, 03:09:51 PM »

Once again Callista is shocking the audience, after that brutal impact of her knees against my back she moves to me, quick and takes advantage on my temporarily dazed state to secure me still and slam her knee against my back, hitting the same spot.

Once, twice, then a third time.
Warm breathe is expelled by my opened mouth as the pain on my back increases.

LVK: Quinn shows a new angle of her, she is hitting Layne s back with some powerful shots using her knee and the Italian Gladiatrix looks helpless in this moment

RP: She is just smart, unpredictable, thats why I think that the world needs more Callista Quinn and less Emily Layne

LVK: I just hope that we have only one Rick Perle

RP: I am inimitable

LVK sighs of relief

Callista stops her action and I roll a couple of steps away and make my way on my knees.
My taller rival is already behind me, from this position the first thing that gets in my mind is to drive my elbow back once, then again.

I must admit that sometime you need some luck in those kind of situations and this time Im lucky enough to catch her toned abdomen and stop her while she was about to set one kind of submission hold to hurt my back some more.

I bite my lower lip to eat some pain I feel in my back and turn to face my rival as she is once again marching toward me.
This time I block her arm with my left wrist, stopping her attempt of uppercut and I swing my right arm into her chest with a quick but efficacious chop to her chest.

LVK: Layne is countering now using the same money. Another big CHOP, and another one!

The crowd emphasizes each blow with a roar as I force Quinn almost into one of the corner.
My movements are quick, my hands lunge forward and grab Callista right wrist.
I spin my body, bulging the muscles of my back and arms and put all effort I have on whipping her body hardly into the opposite corner of the ring.

Her body crushes there against the buckle but thats not the better part.
The better comes when I impact with my right hip against her belly as I started to run after her to not give her time to block or avoid me!

LVK: Quinn got pancaked in the corner between the buckles and Emily s body like the banana between two French Toasts!

RP: whats that crap?

LVK: its yummy! You should try!

RP: I prefer the banana in other ways

LVK: Im not gonna investigate about that!

My body stumbles backwards two short steps before I quickly lunge forward and grab Callista wrist again and quickly whip her body into the opposite corner for another Irish whip into the corner and running into her again, jumping off and turn to the side for a second hip smash against her skinny tall body!

The second impact forces her to emit a wonderful groan from her lips and her body slumps down in a sitting position into the corner.

I lick my lower lip in anticipation as I perfectly know what to do now.

I bring the palm of my right hand up to my mouth and stick out my tongue like I am licking my hand before slapping the side of my hip with a hard spank, taunting the crowd before running again toward my rival.

LVK: its gonna be Heaven Sent time Perle!

RP: Oh No! That move is illegal!

I let the side of my hip roughly slamming against the side of Callista head, smashing it against and over the middle buckle with a nasty hip smash that makes the crowd going banana in the arena!


Offline Callista

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #61 on: January 07, 2015, 07:22:00 AM »
It wasn't the first time I've had an Italian's arse in my face, and as I enjoy the shopping in Milan, it likely wouldn't be the last. Still, as Emily's hip crashed into my cheek, pressing my forehead up against the thin padding covering the turnbuckle, I had to admit this had a bit more force and urgency than your average handsy Milanese.

RP: No! Don't do that! Callista's brain is a national treasure and her second-best feature!

LvK: Do I even want to-

RP: Her ass.

LvK: Of course.

After a few more of those hip-checks, I slumped down to the mat, fighting off a wave of dizziness after the compressions of my cranium, trying to take a deep breath and normalise my circulation. I only had time for one though, before Emily's fingers made a grab for my hair. They didn't find much purchase, of course, (one reason I keep it short,) and so settled for getting one hand under my chin, pulling me up off of the mat.

As before, I came up a bit faster than she'd intended, and this time, instead of counter-wrestling, I went the more straightforward route, (by a certain definition,) and jammed my right thumb into her eye.

LvK: A blatant thumb to the eye from the self-proclaimed Saviour of Wrestling. I suppose you condone that?

RP: Condone what? I didn't see anything...(and neither did Layne! heh heh)

The referee got in between us as Emily staggered away, grabbing for the ropes with her left hand to steady herself while her right eye went to her face. I raised my arms, took a step partly backwards (and partly to the side) as the ref admonished me fiercely, before charging forward past him, reaching for a handful of Emily's shoulder-length locks and pulling backwards, bending her back a bit before thrusting her face into the top corner pad.

Back and forth, back and forth. I got my second hand in there to make sure I had as much power as possible when slamming my opponent's head into the corner. Again the ref yelled at me, but I ignored him until he started to count. I let him get to four and got one last head-smash in before quickly letting go, raising my arms up and taking a half-step backwards. The ref again moved to interpose himself between us as Emily turned around, but before he could, I bent my right arm and through it forward, clattering the side of Layne's face with my elbow.

RP: An absolutely VICIOUS elbow to the back of the head there by Callista!

LvK: She's known as a technical grappler, but we haven't seen a lot of that so far, Rick.

RP: That's smart strategy, Larry. Never do what your opponent expects you to do. That's a page right out of The Art of War.

LvK: I never figured you for a history buff.

RP: I'm not, but I bullied some dork into writing me a paper on it back in college.

LvK: Lovely.

Emily slumped back into the corner, arms over the ropes, as I moved in towards her once more.


Offline Emily Layne

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #62 on: January 07, 2015, 08:44:26 PM »

The not very friendly meetings between my face and the top buckle of the corner dazed me, not to mention the last elbow blow to the side of my face when I was tryin to get away from the corner.

The impact forces me back into the corner, this time with my back and ass against the buckles, my eyes closing and re opening like in the Sunday mornin hangover when you wake up after a Saturday crazy night.

I kinda need some seconds to re group but of course my evil rival isnt very agree with it and the ref isnt very helpful!
My arms are draped over the top ropes when I feel Callista hand mockingly cupping my chin and lift my face up,not saying anything.
Before I know I found myself trapped against the corner with the sole of her right boot pressing against my throat.

Her hands holding the top rope as she gives some extra weight to the move by standing with her left boot over the top rope.
With already a weight advantage herself the corner foot choke that she is applying on me becomes even more nasty as my feet are easily forced up off of the mat!

LVK: Oh my Goodness! Quinn is brutally choking Layne with her foot into the corner! The gravity isnt very helpful for the Italian amazon now!

RP: Look at those legs! Look at that ass! I was dreaming about this move since I saw those shorts!

LVK: Perle! We are here to call the match!

My right hand goes on Callista ankle to try to ease the pressure, my face shows my trouble now as only the four count of the ref saves me by the brutal action.

Once again the zebra man admonish my rival, but she really doesnt care about him,not even mocking him with one of her taunts.
She focuses on me and once again passes next to the ref only to set my arms again over the top rope.

This time though I get them free in time before she sets her next move and I extend them forward against her face going for a not very legal,but efficacious eye rake that makes her groans and staggers back behind it.

RP: And another blatant eye attack from Layne! I told you! This girl must be stopped!

LVK: The eye thumb of before was from Callista!

RP: Really? You sure?

LVK: Sometime I really wonder if we watch the same match!

RP: me too!

My hand rubs one last time my throat before I push forward, leaving the corner as Callista is moving toward me, not very happy about my last move if I can tell!

As our bodies are close enough I bend downward and drive my right arm between her legs, straighten up and flip her over me of behind me in a big impact move.

LVK: Samoan drop from Emily Layne! And the ring was shaking!

I try to be quick and get on my feet, not caring too much to the roars coming from the audience, happy to see me back in the leading after the corner work of before.

As Callista is getting up too, I "help" her and grab her right arm before moving behind her.
My right wrist passes between her arm and side, trapping it behind her back as I try to do the same with her left one.
Its not easy to perform a double arm chicken wing on a rival tall like her, even worse after all those impacts into the top buckle but I bulge my muscles and bend backward to lift my taller rival up off the mat.

LVK: Uh Oh! It looks like we are about to see the Falling Angel trademark from Layne!


Offline Callista

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #63 on: January 08, 2015, 06:33:45 AM »
I feel my arms being pulled behind me, and I smile. “Signature moves” to a counter-wrestler are cues to use the counter you'd planned ahead of time. Strong as Emily is, my height advantage limits her leverage on the chicken wing. When I feel her bend her knees to try and lift me up, I do the same. When she lifts, I jump off of the mat, lifting my legs and kicking them back behind me and locking them around Emily's waist.

My weight suddenly unbalanced Emily forwards, and she let go of my arms to try to steady herself, at which point I jackknifed my upper body downwards, rolling forward and grabbing for Emily's ankles as my legs caught up with the roll. The momentum of the effective somersault threw Emily forward. With her legs taken out from under her, she face-planted into the mat.

LvK: Holy Toledo! Callista just countered the Falling Angel into...into...does that even HAVE a name? What do you call that?!

RP: You call it AWESOME, van Keel!

Still holding onto Emily's legs, I turned us around, getting her onto her back, and pushing upward with both legs to try to stack her up on her shoulders. Seeing the first pinfall attempt, the referee drops into position, giving a last look at Emily's shoulders before slapping the mat and counting “ONE!”

RP: Here we go! New champio-

LvK: It wasn't even a two count, Perle!

I didn't expect to get the pinfall, here. I was after the psychological advantage of going for the fall first, and to force Emily to expend the effort to push out of it. Getting up to my feet, I gave Emily a solid kick in the temple, then set about deliberately arguing with the referee. “I must say,” I said, giving the Yank the full Oxford overlay, “Your count's pace seemed decidedly on the leisurely side!”

“It was a one count, Callista!” the stalwart young fellow answered, holding up a single index finger as if I needed the visual aid to process his response.

I turned my head to look back at Emily, mostly checking on her progress as she slowly pushed up to her knees, but I incorporated it into the pantomime I was going through for the ref's benefit. “Oh yes, the woman who can't stand clearly kicked out at one,” I said, putting a sneer on my face and in my voice. “Are you local? Because if you're from the same area these drooling morons in the stands are, then I should like to see some proof that you can count to three!”

The ref got a little red-faced, and he set off on a tirade of admonishment. I stole another glance behind me, and interrupted, leaning my face close to his and saying, “LISTEN YOU!” while throwing my right leg back behind me, aiming a mule kick between Emily's legs which struck something, eliciting a pained groan from behind me and boos from the crowd. “I've got to get back to work!” I finished, turning around.

LvK: Didn't see it, right?

RP: The slow count? Of course I did! Callista should file a grievance.

LvK: *audible sigh*

With Emily bent over, I grabbed for her hair with both hands, pulling her towards me as I stepped backwards, saying, “Did you enjoy your face-time with the top turnbuckle, love?” When I got to where I wanted near the corner, I stopped, standing her up saying, “No? Maybe the middle's more to your liking,” and I lifted her right arm up with my left, getting my left arm around her right shoulder and then throwing my weight backwards.

RP: REVERSE STO! Layne's head bounced off that turnbuckle like an overcooked meatball!

LvK: Oh THAT you saw.

RP: Don't be bitter.

This time I went for a serious pin, hooking Emily's far leg and pressing my weight onto her shoulders. The ref slid down, checked, and raised his arm, slapping the canvas. “ONE!.........TWO!.....”


Offline Emily Layne

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #64 on: January 08, 2015, 07:30:05 PM »

Everyone in the arena (except the ones in the ring) is holding their breathe as the ref slaps his hand down on the mat twice.
Then a gasp comes as I lift my right shoulder and I beat the count.

LVK: only two count!

RP: that was close Van Keel!

The reverse STO was,again, unexpected by the leader of The Countdown.
She looks up and glare to the ref who is showing two fingers to her and to the audience.
This time she doesnt waste any time to argue with him and she gets up, helping me with her by grabbing my hair and force me with her to the closest ropes.
Im still kind of groggy as she drags my head over the bottom rope,carefully placing my throat over the cold rope.
Both her hands are on the top rope as she plants her right knee on my upper back and choke me again, this time using the rope as a weapon.

My hands sayin on the rope as the ref quickly rushes next to us and start a quick count.

RP: It looks like the ref learnt to count in these seconds!

LVK: Callista again using a illegal choke on Layne and the ref is doing what he is paid for! His job!

The camera pans on my face, mouth opened, tryin to look for some oxygen, eyes closed and squeezed, pain painted through my face.
The cameraman must be the son of a *beep* of FTW Fury 2, it looked like he was enjoying me trapped in Punky Dollbreaker

...Hey what the *beep*..

They are censoring my thoughts!
This broadcast is powerful!

Quinn releases me when the count hits four and she starts to say something to the referee.
I take advantage to get some breathe and sneaking outside the ring on one knee., facing the ring with my hands rubbing my throat.

Callista is done arguing with the ref when she turns and she doesnt find me anymore, just to glare at the ref and pointing at me like saying its all his fault!

RP: Typical of the Italians, when they see trouble, they run away! Like in the World Wars!

LVK: that wasn't exactly that!

The ref doesnt even have the time to start the count as Callista is climbing between the ropes (for Perle joy) and marches toward me and as soon she is close enough I lunge forward and extend my right balled fist in a low uppercut that makes the crowd gasps out!

RP: Oh no! And how do you call it Larry?

LVK: Layne isnt new to this kind of blows if I have to be honest! But after all what she got in the last weeks from The Countdown...

RP: you are such a hypocrite!

My rival staggers back and I move to her.
"Time to meet some metal honey!" I snarl. Both hands grabbing her left wrist and I spin around, my knee almost touching the floor as I put all effort I can in a huge irish whip that sends Callista roughly impacting against the steel barricade that separates the ring area from the fans!

"And now time to meet your fans!"

I straighten up and follow the whip by running against her and jump off the mat with my right arm in a brutal running clothesline that send my British rival flipping over the barricade before roughly crushing down against the concrete floor where there aren't many heel s supporters!


Offline Callista

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #65 on: January 09, 2015, 03:32:18 AM »
I went end-over-end over the barricade, my arse smacking the unyielding concrete floor hard. I wouldn't precisely call it a targeted attack following that low blow, but I definitely had a good deal of pain to deal with from the same general area.

That said, I might have a bigger problem to deal with. I was out amongst the punters, and from the sounds around me, I didn't have too many fans in this section. Every wrestling story I've ever heard that includes the phrase “and then an old lady tried to stab me” took place either in Mexico or in the Southern United States. Something unique to third-world hell-holes, I supposed.

Somewhat oddly, I could swear I heard a chant of my name starting, but eventually someone in the section with all his teeth managed to enunciate “Callie sucks” clearly enough for me to tell. The chants were fine, but as I struggled back to my feet, several local drunken morons pushed towards me, intent on giving me either a piece of their minds, (likely not, I suspected they had none to spare,) or possibly a thrashing none of them would be capable of outside of a lynch mob.

Thankfully, another small cadre of meat heads, these ones wearing the black collared polo shirts that most of the fans probably saved for church services and eating at Red Lobster or other such (by their standards) ritzy affairs, intervened. Security, staffed mostly by off-duty police officers who accepted exorbitant wages for minimal service in lieu of other shake downs, had arrived.

Mentally saluting Greensboro's finest, (or at least, Greensboro's least embarrassing,) I backed away from the angry fans, waiting for the feel of the barricade behind me before leaping back into the relative safety of the ring area. Unfortunately, the relativity of that was questionable, since before I could, I felt myself grabbed from behind and dragged back over the barricade. Before I could get back up, Emily landed a painful kick to my side. I clenched my teeth and curled up a bit, clutching at the spot the blow landed, wincing in pain.

“FIVE!” the referee counted as Emily grabbed me by my head again. Was she...yes, she was wrapping my left arm around her head, going for a vertical suplex again. Was she trying to target my back, or was this just the only move she knew? In any case, she held tightly onto my head, determined not to let me repeat the counter I used previously.

Which would be a problem if I only knew one counter to the vertical suplex.

In this case, I balled my right hand into a fist, and when she started to lift me up off of the ground, I slammed said fist right into her side, just under her rib cage.  The sudden jolt to her core muscles interrupted the move, and she wasn't able to get me over her. I let my legs drop back downwards, then threw my weight backwards, the grip on her neck pulling her face-down to the floor in a DDT that sent her rolling forward onto her back.


LvK: Like two people are going to get that reference, Rick.

“SEVEN!” the ref counted. I got to my feet, gave Emily a solid kick to the side of the head, then rolled under the ropes, getting to my feet and raising my arms, taking my plaudits, which I received in the form of hearty boos and semi-coherent swearing. “HEY!” the ref said, taking the time to give me a lecture about some unimportant thing. This time, arguing with him was no pantomime.


It only prompted the response of “You don't tell me what to do! I'm the referee, and I-” I stopped listening. Whether this was payback for my rule-breaking earlier, or whether he was under orders not to allow a finish like this, it was clear a count-out victory wasn't in the cards for me. I scowled and let him rant, taking advantage of the time to get a breather, at least.

Sure enough, the referee resumed counting once Emily had found her feet, and Emily rolled slowly under the bottom rope before the count of ten. I was over that, and when she tried to push up to her hands and knees, I landed another kick to the side of her head, dropping her once more. The idiot fans booed that perfectly legal tactic, of course.

LvK: They're certainly letting Callista know how they feel about her in Greensboro.

RP: No one worth knowing has ever cared how people in Greensboro feel about them.

I dragged Emily back towards the corner. “In your turnbuckle tour, I do believe we missed one,” I said as I grabbed Emily's wrists, pulling her arms straight back behind her. I placed my right foot in between Emily's shoulder blades, saying, “Let's fix that,” before putting all my weight on that foot and letting go of Emily's arms.


LvK: And then some! Callie just curbstomped Emily's face right into the bottom turnbuckle!

I dropped down to my knees, pulling Emily over onto her back and away from the ropes, hooking the leg and lifting one arm as the ref counted, counting along with him on my fingers. “ONE! TWO!...”


Offline Emily Layne

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #66 on: January 09, 2015, 12:32:19 PM »

After an impact like the one I just had against the bottom buckle, its normal to go for the easier solution.
The corner of my eye looks to the side,noticing that the rope is close enough to my foot.
I lift it up and place it over the bottom rope.

"..TH..." the count stops

"she has the rope!" the ref points to my foot and interrupts the count.

LVK: Layne smartly puts her foot over the bottom rope, the match is still on!

RP: This woman is such a lucky *beep*

That curbstomp dazed me and I lay down, my right hand wipe my hair off of my forehead and there is some blood over my fingers.

Callista screams at the ref again as the camera shows the little cut on my forehead.

RP: if this was a First Blood match. Quinn would have already been our champion Van Keel!

LVK: but it isnt!

RP: Still she may have some kind of Italian disease! She may be contagious!

LVK: Oh come on!

RP: Seriously, we may become all like her! I dont want to be a pizza eater and a mandolin player!

LVK: Lemme know when you will get back us Perle! Meanwhile Callista has Layne against in the corner!

I dont know why but it looks like Quinn wants me to flirt with the buckles tonight.
I am dragged chest first into the corner, my rival bends forward, with her hands solidly grabbing the middle rope, she carefully lands her right shoulder against my back in the same spot she worked with her knees before!

Once, twice.
Only to get counted again by the referee!
This time the count hits three before my evil rival has hands on my hair again and turn me around and bend me forward with a kick on my inner thigh.

When I feel her grabbing one arm to hook it behind my back I realize that I must do something.
I know this move and I need to get of this quick!

RP: Get ready Van Keel! The Time is up!

LVK: Quinn is ready to go for her finisher..but wait, look at this! Layne fights back and she gets one arm free!

I bulged my muscles and tug them hard, getting free, the plan was to wrap my free arms around Callista thighs and flip her backwards but I stumbles backwards and end on my knees, still visibly groggy cause that damn curbstomp into the corner!

Quinn is again on me and roughly shoving me back again into the corner.

The crowd tryin to incite me and starts to chant my name as she uses her shoulder and arms to lift me up and get my body over the top buckle in a sitting position.

"no no wait!" those are the only words coming from the referee mouth as Callista is climbing the ropes, getting over the middle one and standing with her feet in the rope!

LVK: I cant believe it! Quinn is settling Layne for a move from the top of the corner!

When her hand slides to my booty shorts I instinctively react, again driving my hand on her face for a second eye rake that cause her to release the grip on me.
I cant think too much, I need to use my instinct, and it says me to wrap my arms around her waist, putting as much effort I can to lift her up and off of the ropes before jumping off the corner in a top rope spinebuster!


The crowd reacts with a groan mixed to a roar that fills the arena as our bodies land into the mat with a terrific impact.
My body topples off of Callista s body.
The ref just looks at us, shocked by what just happened.

I lay on my back, chest moving up and down before I roll to my side and bring my body over Callista one for my first pin of the match!



Offline Callista

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #67 on: January 11, 2015, 05:05:31 AM »

The bump I took landing in the ring was a brutal one. I tried to tuck my chin to my chest, but the force of the impact whipped my head back against the mat anyway. For a moment, my head swam, and all I could do was lie there. When I was able to focus again, Emily was on top of me and I heard the impact of the referee's hand with the canvas.

There was a moment of panic as I didn't really have my wind back. My eyes darted around, getting my position down, and then I kicked my leg to the side, sliding my left boot under the bottom rope and hooking it with my toes. “Ropes!” I croaked out weakly.

Thankfully, the ref saw my foot there and stopped his count. “Ropes! She's in the ropes! Two count!” he said, and I slumped back a bit gratefully, letting my foot drop to the mat.  I was given only a few moments of peace, though, as I was then rolled over and dragged up off of the mat.

Figuring she'll go for another power move, I waited, conserving my energy, the move was clear. Unfortunately, she varied her offence, instead bending me backwards and locking her arm under my chin.



I felt my breath shorten instantly as her arm locked into place. Again I tried to look around, but bent backwards like this, it takes a second to re-orient. Looking backwards, the ropes seemed so far away...too far, in fact. I kicked my legs upward, flailing them a bit, just managing to get hold of the middle rope (I think) with my boots.

“Ropes!” The ref again said. “Break the hold, Emily!” I felt myself yanked backwards, my feet dropping down to the mat, my body following, but with the arm still locked around me. “Come on! Break it!” the ref ordered. “One...Two...”

“She isn't in the ropes anymore!” Emily argued, but the ref kept counting.

“Three...Four...” For a second I thought I was about to back into a win, but Emily let go, and I dropped back down to the mat, my mouth opening as I breathed sharp, quick breaths.

Emily repeated her previous assertion, but the ref responded, “You never broke the hold!”

LvK: Emily has to be careful there, because a disqualification would have made Callista the champ. The referee, correctly, breaking up the sleeper hold after Callista's foot got to the ropes.

RP: Give that man a raise, Commissioner!

LvK: She could take it out of your salary.

RP: I meant cut his pay. And cut van Keel's, too!

LvK: Ass.

As I lay there, catching my breath, I couldn't help but smirk at the fact that it was heels who knew the rules best, because you have to know them to break them! Eventually, the rest break ended, as Emily again reached down to pick me up off of the ground, still jawing with the referee.

LvK: It's in Italian, but I think it's fair to assume that Emily Layne has some choice words for our official.

RP: I think she was offering to make him some pasta.

LvK: ...what?


LvK: I have never been more embarrassed to sit next to you. And just think about the magnitude of that statement.

By the time I was almost up, I was ready, and I moved into action. I stood straight up, throwing my right arm around the back of Layne's head and pulling her down into a headlock. In a second swift motion, I stepped to the right a bit, turning to put my body between my opponent and the ref, and jerked my left arm up sharply, spiking my extended thumb into Emily's throat.

The boos from the half of the crowd that saw that erupted, but I had no time to enjoy it. Instead, I shot my left hand in between Emily's legs, lifting her up off of the mat. When I had her weight up onto my shoulder, I brought that hand around her waist instead, leaning her forward a bit and dropping straight down onto my arse.

RP: Callista going for a body slam-no, wait, it's a-


RP: ...did you just pretend to be Japanese?

LvK: ...No! Shut up! No!

When I dropped Layne on her head, I pushed forward, getting her onto her back, and quickly rolling myself on top of her. I made the cover, and the ref dropped down! “ONE!....TWO!” the ref started, but I felt Layne's body shift underneath me, and her right arm shot upwards, stopping the ref's count.

I slapped the mat and let out a curse of frustration.


Offline Emily Layne

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #68 on: January 12, 2015, 08:00:17 PM »

I shake my head and roll to the side, my right hand rubs on my throat, punished more than once in this match.
Now its more evident to anyone that my forehead has a cut, a trickle of blood is reaching down my mouth and chin.

I slap my hand down in the mat and its clear in my face expression that Im not very happy on how the match is going, the last two count was very close. I did the mistake to make it happen too close the ropes, i mentally mote that i wont do it again!

When I am up, Callista is already on me and I welcome her with a uppercut aimed to her face.
The sudden punch catches her surprised enough to make her stumble back and I follow with a second punch which is blocked by her left elbow and followed by a right uppercut that makes my head snaps to the side.

My fingers reach for my lips as I look forward, like I am lookin the crowd.
That looks like she has just challenged me in that, i couldn't ask for better as I turn and aim a second blow to her face.
The crowd emphasizes my punch with a big roar, followed though by a gasp as Callista hits me back with a elbow smash.

We go on like that for some seconds, the audience underlines my shots with loud


And reacts to Quinn ones with as much loud


LVK: This scene reminds me that boxing match between Alì and Foreman in Kinshasa!

RP: are you talkin about that one when someone ripped his rival ear with his teeth?

LVK: That happened many years later Perle!

RP: Im impressed!

LVK: By what?

RP: you're such a old ass Van Keel!

I hits two big right uppercuts once after the other that make my taller rival stumbles backwards toward the corner.
I extend my hands forward and firmly grabbing her jaw
"I think you should make that tour too! All in one!" I snarl and roughly turning her body around and make her lands hard into the turnbuckle!

Her body staggers back after the impact and Im ready to catch her, my arms around her body, wrapping and locking my hands tight and bending my knees low.

"lets see how you like it!"

I lift her up in the air, as high I can and hold her there grunting, as my body bend backwards,using all effort I can as I move like in slowmotion  before makin sure to slam her back hard into the mat in a delayed German suplex and holding her there with her legs over her body for the pin, my still locked hands over her chest.

LVK: A German suplex followed by the pin! One, two!

RP: And Callista kicks out!

The ref signals the two count pointing two fingers up


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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #69 on: January 13, 2015, 07:33:02 AM »
“Ungggh,” I groaned as I was hauled up off of the mat. I know to tuck my chin on back bumps, but the high angle of the suplex meant the back of my head still smacked the mat hard. The smartest person in the ring (and I saw no reason to assume that wasn't me) can still have their game plan disrupted if they get their bell rung hard enough.

By the time I was able to start to form fully coherent thoughts again, I was being thrown into the corner. I turned, taking the landing on my back, a grunt escaping my lips as I bounced off the thin pads, grabbing hold of the top rope to steady myself.

Across the ring, Emily was backing into the opposite corner, setting herself and then charging towards me. My head ached just thinking about moving, but I forced myself to push through the pain, stepping out of that corner (to my opponent's obvious surprise) and reaching for her waist, catching her with both arms and arresting the motion of her upper body, letting the momentum of her legs throw themselves upward and her backwards, sticking my right leg out and dropping us both down, the small of her back crashing down across my knee.

RP: That's the best back-breaker I've seen since I gave one to Mascarita Sagrada in Juarez back in 92!

LvK: ...Wasn't he a midget wrestler?

RP: They prefer the term “minis”, van Keel.

LvK: Not really the point.

Emily was down, holding her back, but I was down as well, falling down to my arse after she rolled off of my knee. I'd have pushed forward to try to lay myself across her and attempt a pin, if only to force her to expend the energy to kick out, but I was still woozy from the suplex. By the time I could start to move, she was rising as well.

I got to my feet, lifting my hands up as we began anew.


Offline Emily Layne

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #70 on: January 13, 2015, 04:14:50 PM »

LVK: Quinn and Layne get up in the same moment, they both are tired but this is the main event of this show, and this will crown the first ever FTW World champion!

I rub my back, once again it took a big impact against Quinn bend knee and it hurts bad now.

Callista comes in and goes again to drive a uppercut to my head but I block it between the enthusiasm of the crowd and drive my elbow forward, followed by a left uppercut to her throat.

LVK: it seems that Layne now is more aggressive and this point of the match it could be an advantage!

RP: but she doesnt have the brilliant brain of Callista, Van Keel!..neither that sexy ass!

LVK: Oh God...

I dont want to get again in another punching contest and I trade some quick but still hard blows.
Those boxing years in the gyms of Padua are helping me now and the shots are sending Callista once again back into the ropes.
It doesnt seem she is able to react and seeing my prey there makes my eyes burning red as I see the chance to punish her for all I received during the last months.

I grab the middle rope with both hands and hammer my shoulder into her body, once, twice before grabbing her head with both hands and drive my bleeding forehead forward.

LVK: Holy smoke! A brutal headbutt from Layne!


Quinn is visibly dazed and she doesnt find time to protect herself from my next two uppercuts followed by my knee coming for her belly that force her to double forward before I shove her hard back into the buckles. The impact makes her body slumping down in a sitting position.

"okay Emily, thats enough, she is on the ropes" the ref warns be, with a worried tone as he is losing control of the match.

"where were you the last weeks uh?" I reply him with a angry tone,almost screaming in his face before turning around again to Callista, my hands grabbing the top rope as I take leverage before sending another knee smash, this time violently hitting her head and make it snaps to the side against the middle buckle.


The ref steps in and I finally back off as he is checking for my rival

LVK: I think that Layne had some anger to outburst, and she isnt the only one here I guess!

RP: where she thinks to be? In some kind of Milan ports?

LVK: Milan isnt even close to the sea!

RP: whatever!

I point one fist up in the air, panting hard and wipe some other blood off my face, this time I dont smack my hip to call the Heaven Sent but its clear what I have in mind to the audience here who is rallying me, finally seeing someone that is punishing the big evil mind of The Countdown.

I take a step backwards and sprint forward as fast I can, this time Im planning to cut her head off of her shoulders!


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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #71 on: January 14, 2015, 08:00:50 AM »
The ref was still checking on me in the corner when Emily crossed the ring, charging at me full speed. I grabbed hold of the man's shirt, pulling him after me as I dodged out of the corner. Emily crashed hard into him, and he crumpled to the mat.

RP: Good riddance!

LvK: What?

RP: The ref! I never liked him anyway.

LvK: What is with the past tense? He's not dead! ... I think?

While Emily stared open-mouthed at the unconscious referee, I was already in motion. I dropped down to the ground, rolling out underneath the bottom rope, and landed in a squat, lifting up the ring apron. While I was ostensibly looking for a weapon, in point of fact I was keeping my eyes on Emily. Sure enough, she'd seen what I was doing, and was coming after me.

As she slid feet-first under the bottom rope, I dove into the ring, abandoning my erstwhile search for a weapon, instead reaching into the corner for one that I already KNEW was there. Digging into the pocket of my hoodie, I retrieved the Mag-Lite and stood up, turning to face Emily. She had the ring apron up, proving that even the ideas I DON'T use are better than the ones anyone else can come up with.

I lean forward, reaching through the ropes, intending to clatter her one in the back of the head, but unlike Gemma at the bar, I get a faceful of wood for my troubles.

LvK: And Callista's plan works against her as Emily cracks that wooden kendo stick across her forehead.

RP: Why are those even there? Is this where the Greensboro kendo club meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays?

LvK: If so, they may want to induct a new member, because Emily's back in the ring and she looks mad.


Offline Emily Layne

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #72 on: January 15, 2015, 12:29:01 AM »

For the first time in this match one of us move outside the ring, we needed to have the referee out cold do it as we both know how much the prize is important tonight.

After a frustrated slap on the mat I saw Callista moving outside and lift the apron to look for something there and I didn't take too long to move there too and continue the punishment to The Countdown leader but she smartly (and cowardly) dives back in the ring leaving the job half done as the apron is still up when I got down there and see the Kendo stick there, like asking to be brought.
How can I disappoint it?

As Callista lunges to me to hit me with the maglight I anticipate her and the wooden stick lands on her forehead causing another gasp from the audience.

I climb the ropes as she is still stumbling backwards and I don't waste anytime, moving forward and using the stick like a baseball bat aiming at Quinn belly and makes her double forward before aiming another shot to her back.

With my rival down on her knees and hand I am sure that in this moment the 96% of the people in the arena wants to be me.
The other 3,9999999 is praying for a miracle and the 0,0000001 is sleeping!

LVK: it looks like Emily Layne isn't satisfied yet! She wants payback and she wants it now!

RP: this woman must be stopped! Arrested even! Damn, when it's needed, the referees are always sleeping!

Callista turns and for the first time I see a new look in her eyes.
The trusty maglite, the weapon that used to knock her rivals out, fell off her hands and it's useless, away from her.
Panic and some fear, but that doesn't stop me! On the contrary is giving me even more energies and fight the pain I feel in my back.
I lift the wooden stick over my head with both hands before crushing it down against my rival.
One, two, three times. Each blow is followed by a loud roar
Callista body is helpless and a last shot to her head makes her body lays on the side!

My body is in tension and I lift the kendo stick high to taunt the crowd on.

I throw the weapon away and kneel behind Quinn body. I solidly hook her left arm with mine and wrap my right arm across her throat!

"The Countdown is over!"
I snarl between heavy pants and lock my finisher again


RP: Oh *beep*

I bulge the muscle of my arm and lock in tight, pushing my knee in the middle of her back as her right hand flails at me trying to blindly reach for my face.
I squeeze hard and eventually let my ass drops back in a sitting position and wrap my legs around her body in a dragon sleeper-body scissors combo!

I feel her strength fading away as her mouth can't find air anymore.
Suddenly her hand taps against my arm, then tapping the mat too signaling the submission!

The crowd is going crazy, everyone is on their feet and there is a deafening noise in the arena.


RP: chill Van Keel! No one called for the bell! The match is still on!

LVK: Oh no!

RP: there are rules to follow!

LVK: I hate you! What were you saying about referees and sleeping before?

RP: who? Me?

I release the hold, ready to get up and celebrate the title.
I am on my knees, my hands on my thighs and my ass rests on my heels.
The inertia of the moment made me forget that the ref isn't awake and he didn't see anything about what just happened.

" *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP* "
I curse and slap the mat in anger and frustration.
Callista isn't moving and there is still room to go for the pin but first I must need to revive the official.
I crawl to him and grab his shirt.

"Hey you! Come on! Wake up! You better do it!" I menace him, my face red and angry.


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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #73 on: January 16, 2015, 06:24:15 AM »
I want to scream as the dragon sleeper is placed upon me, but with my waist scissored between Emily's legs, I don't dare. I can't afford to spare the breath. It's hard to even form coherent thoughts right now, let alone strategy. I can't see the ropes, not that I'm certain I could reach them even if I could. With me off of my feet, and bent backwards like this, I've got no leverage to go in any direction.

I blink and look from side to side. I can feel my strength fading. Worse, I'm starting to see things. Like that dead zebra in the corner...wait, zebra? THE REF!

I furiously slap my palm against Emily's arm, shaking my head back and forth. For a fearful second, nothing happens, but then she lets go of me and pushes me off of her. I cling gratefully to the mat like a well-missed lover, body rising up and down as I take big gulping breaths of air, the crowd roaring at my apparent surrender.

After a few moments of this, the crowd noise dims a bit, and I turn my head a bit. There's a pregnant pause before Emily realises what's happened and slaps the mat. She shows off some of the lesser-known beauty of the Italian language before shaking and threatening the unconscious referee.

It's the perfect time to turn the match around...but I just can't. I'm still too sore from that beating with the kendo stick, and especially still too winded from that sleeper. Instead I lie there, watching Emily, waiting in case she turns back. I'll have to hit her on the counter.

Then something completely unexpected happens. One thing about being on the mat like this, you feel every little vibration. I see Sadie Davis rolling into the ring, a crutch in her hands. 'Kinell' I think. 'Who's she going for, then?'

It starts off well, as she goes for Emily, clattering her a good one in the back, then jamming the bottom into Emily's throat before beating the holy piss out of the Italian. I don't relax, of course. In Sadie's place, I'd take that crutch to both of us, leave everyone laying and make the statement that I should have been in the main event...but after what she did in our semi-final match, it's apparent I've not got a handle on this girl's motivations, as of yet.

When she finally breaks the crutch on Emily and stands, I tense up, waiting to try and roll myself out of the ring if she comes my way, but she never does, rolling back out of the ring and heading back up the ramp. Not a bit too soon, it seems, as the ref is starting to stir.

LvK: I am stunned as to what I've just seen.

RP: I know, right? Callista or Sadie? They're both 10s, but so diff-


RP: No need to shout.

'This was helpful,' I think, my gift for understatement as strong as ever. Forcing myself up to my feet, I give a kick to the bigger bits of crutch, getting them out of the ring before reaching down for Emily. That trickle of blood that started with the curbstomp has widened tremendously. She's working a 0.8 Muta, most of her face covered in crimson.

The ref is on his hands and knees now, shaking the cobwebs loose. Despite the slickness from sweat and blood, I get fingers in Emily's hair, and despite soreness in my chest and abdomen, I pull Emily up off of the mat, turning to grasp her arms as I face away, turning us around.



I get my head in between her legs, lift her upward, getting her weight onto my back before dropping us both down, me onto my arse, her onto her head.


LvK: NO!

Tiredly, I roll Emily over onto her back, hooking her far leg and rolling my body up onto her shoulders. The ref crawls forward, lifting his hand and letting it drop. “ONE!” he says, weakly, but loudly enough to be heard over the shouting, booing crowd. He does it again. “TWO!” He lifts his hand a third time....
« Last Edit: January 16, 2015, 06:25:09 AM by Callista »


Offline Callista

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Re: FTW Second Coming
« Reply #74 on: January 16, 2015, 05:21:25 PM »
I felt a sudden shift under me, felt myself rolled to the side a bit, and that third slap of the mat didn't come.



A stunned silence followed by a burst of shouting and applause broke across the Mid-Atlantic Sportatorium. Even the ref seemed stunned, as he just lay there, his hand still up. No one in the building could believe that she'd kicked out, least of all me.

The difference was that I wasn't about to let it change things. With barely a split-second's pause, I was pushing back up to my feet, getting my vertical base back, and then pulling Emily back up off of the ring. I was NOT going to be one of those wrestlers who lost the plot because someone kicked out of their finisher.

I took hold of her arms again, turning her around to face away, and once again ducked my head down. Fine. She kicked out. Doesn't mean the move was somehow defective. I clenched my teeth as I lifted Emily's weight up onto my back. Just meant Emily's thick skull was used to her getting dropped on it!

I stood up straight once more, and once more I dropped back down onto my arse, this time holding onto Emily's arms all the way down, trying to make sure the Kudo Driver, (we can give it Countdown branding all we want, but I wasn't going to pretend I innovated the move,) put Emily down.


LvK: That's not


I let out a breath, turned around, and again hooked Emily's leg, rolling her up and stacking my weight on the woman's shoulders. The sound of a hand slapping the mat could be heard. “ONE!” the ref counted, blessedly faster as he recovered from the blow he took earlier. Another slap. “TWO!!!!” It seemed like all sound vanished as the referee raised his hand once more...