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The Haitian Sensations vs The Power Company

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The Haitian Sensations vs The Power Company
« on: October 06, 2014, 08:31:30 AM »
A sleazy women's wrestling promoter was in Haiti a few months ago &  the hotel he was staying at , he saw 2 gorgeous black women enter the hotel dressed in normal clothes & upon seeing them , he thought they had to be models or something , so it was a huge surprise an hour later while heading to his room that he saw them again , working at the hotel , cleaning rooms , they were too beautiful for that , too sexy to be doing manual labor , probably for little money at that , they should be models , they should be modeiling lingerie & bikinis , not doing this manual labor & when he had a chance to talk to them , he did find out they made peanuts , but beieving they could do much better , he did invite them out for dinner due to the fact that he was aslo lonely & wanted some company & it mattered nothing to him that they were black & he was white , they were gorgeous & a gorgeous woman is a gorgeous woman & while talking ot them that night at dinner , he learned they also worked at a small gym where pro wrestling took place , cleaning up after shows & the restrooms during the show as well , the restroom cleaning also consisting of mopping the floors & upon hearing that , his sleazy side of his mind was saying inside " speaking of mopping , you 2 would look great being mopped up in the ring " as in hs fed , most of the matches would see young & sexy babes as good girls , getting dominated in the ring even though good girls did win ,  & he could not help but envision his dinner guests , Marie Biennemie & her all over hot body & Mouo Mouo Jean Marie , pretty herself but with big tits , how great they would look taking a beatdown in the ring & asked them about wrestling , not in a way to suggest they be wrestlers , but just in general as a feeler & learned that they loved wrestling , they watched the WWE & Impact Wrestling shows which were shown in Haiti & at the gym , when the wrestlers left , they would sometimes fooled around in the ring , play wrestling & not meaning to do so , he found himself asking them way too early by telling them he was a wrestling promoter & would pay them good money to wrestle for him .

Marie & Mouo Mouo were lost , " you want us to wrestle for you , we don't know how to wrestle & we don't have a key to the gym " they were not truly understanding the offer & he tried to explain " no , ladies , I run a promotion that does WWE / Impact Wrestling type matches & I want you to join my company , wrestle that way " & contunued to make his pitch since it was too late to take it back now , telling them he would get them training for free & pay for an apartment for them as well as paying them well to job for his company & with his sleaziness coming through he lastly stated that he wanted them to be jobbers in his fed " wat are jobbers " Marie replied & again , it was all too late to stop now " I want you two to wrestle as good girls & get your sexy ebony asses kicked by my mean & powerful bad girls for the fans entertainment " & he cringed thinking he blew everything , no Marie & Mouo Mouo to wrestle & no more of them as dinner guests either , but to his surprise , they responded " you train us , give us place to live , & pay us well " " yes " was all he could say , " how much you pay us " they asked & he said $1,000 per week & $500 each per match & surprisingly thet said " yes " just like that , probably not really still getting it , but they liked the money part  .

The guy made the neccessary arrangments to make them legal & the day they finally arrived , he wa sso thrilled to see them , he sat them up to stay at one of his better properties & also told them , forget $1,000 a week , it is now $1,500 a week & everything in your home will be paid by me , all you two have to do is enjoy being here & for now , learn how to wrestle .

Being that the training concentrated on taking bumps & not dealing with offensive stuff , it was easy for Marie & Mouo Mouo to catch on with the basics & then some other level up bump taking & was thrilled when their trainer told him that they could do a match as long as of course they did not do offensive stuff since they did not get that training yet & he said " of course , I am going to use them on the next show as jobbers , they would be perfect for what I have planned  .

Show time finally came & it began with 2 tall & powerful heels , Rachel RockHard & Staci Steele , known as the Power Company , in the ring talking on how they were upset that the tag team champs were not here tonight , they were scared of them which was why they were not there , but still felt comfort that they were the # 1 contenders & they have dominated every team they have faced since entering the fed & since they were in the ring , they might as well go ahead & wrestle , give the tag champs more to fear & they issued a challenge to any 2 ladies in the back " face us , tornado rules , no dq , all you have to do is pin just one of us for a 1 count , we have to pin both of you at the same time to win & if you kick out when we try for the double pin  , just one of you , we will LET YOU COVER US FOR THE PIN , that is how confident we are that nobody can stop us , The Power Company " .

After a small delay after they were done talking , the music of Marie & Mouo Mouo played & the crowd was clueless as to who the music belonged to until Marie & Mouo Mouo came out & made their way to the ring , the mostly male crowd giving them wolf whistles , like the promoter , there was that enticing spark there for them also , as in the ring , Rachel & Staci just pointed at the ebony babes as to telling each other that those are our opponents & upon entering the ring , Marie & Mouo Mouo approached the champs with no fear & as they did , Rachel , who had the mic , asked them who the hell they were & Marie replied " My name is Marie & my partner here is Mouo Mouo & together we are The Haitian Sensations & we are here to live out the american wrestling dream , 2 ladies from Haiti who come to america & become tag champs & to do so , it means that me & Mouo Mouo need to go through you " & then Mouo Mouo spoke , " look at my big cocnuts , going to use them to bash you into submission , let's do this Marie " & handed the mic over to the ring announcer & they turned to get ready for the match to start .

Rachel & Staci just looked at each other as Marie & Mouo Mouo were naive enough to turn their backs & took a few quick steps forward & booted the babes in their backs , both Marie & Mouo Mouo were close enough to the ropes to bounce forward off of them & walk back towards the waiting heels who grabbed them from behind in full nelsons & quickly suplexed them over their heads & to the mat  , Marie & Mouo Mouo both landing on the mat & laying dazed as it seemed like they were already helpless .

Marie & Mouo Mouo wereyanked to their feet & irish whipped off the ropes , runnimg side by side & keeping pace with each other & as they rebounded back a few steps both took a heavy boot in  the middle of their chests , the impact a bit more noticeable on Mouo Mouo due to her tits being bigger than Marie's , but both hit the mat just as hard , holding at their chests , but a stomp to their crotches quickly had them moving their hands from their tits to their just kicked crotches , allowing Rachel & Staci to stomp away at their tits , stomping fast & hard  not allowing Marie & Mouo Mouo the opportunity to get their hands back to their tits to try to put some sort of barrier up & as soon as they did get the opportunity to do so , they covered their tits back up , but it was due to Rachel & Staci wanting to give them another hard stomp to their crotches as the fans like always started to enjoy seeing the good girls get dominated .

Marie was yanked to her feet & both heels irish whippe dher off the ropes & on her return , they together gave her a very high , high back body drop , Marie's back arching up in pain for a few seconds & as her back finally returned to the mat , Mouo Mouo was being brought up & for her , Rachel & Staci lifted her up off the mat by her arms & legs & held her over their heads & then spun her around while letting go , Mouo Mouo helplessly helicoptoring to the mat as she hit with a thud , making her roll back & forth from the impact & as she was still rolling around , Marie was brought up again & irish whipped off the ropes where on her return , she once again was given a very high high back body drop , this time , her back arched up for a lesser time , but she immediately sat up dazed where she got a uge kick to her back from both heels at the same time & she fell onto her back , rolling in pain herself now like Mouo Mouo was & speaking of Mouo Mouo , after kicking Marie in her back , Rachel & Staci returned to Mouo Mouo & lifted her up again by her arms & legs , this time doing it so Mouo Mouo was looking down at the mat where before she was looking up at the lights , what did not change though was how she was returned to the mat , Rachel & Staci spun her & let go , Mouo Mouo had no choice but to meet her painful doom as she helicoptored back to the mat again & the imapct was taken mostly by her ample boobs , but air was taken from her none the less .

The impact & lack of air made Mouo Mouo react by looking like she was humping the mat , she bounced about a dozen times before stopping & rolling over dazed back onto her back , but as soon as she did , Rachel had Marie yanked up & as soon as Mouo Mouo settled , Rachelscooped Marie up & bodyslammed her right ontop of her partner , the force making her slide off , Mouo Mouo turning to the side where Marie fell to , but Rachel pulled Mouo Mouo back onto her back & the side where Marie landed was where Staci was waiting & she yanked Marie up & once Mouo Mouo was fully down , Staci slammed her back onto Mouo Mouo & Rachel yanked Marie up & once Mouo Mouo was back down flat , Marie was slammed ontop of her for a 3rd time , but Staci wanted a 2nd partner slam also & added a 4th straight bodyslam that saw Marie slammed onto Mouo Mouo & after Marie slid off again , she was booted to the side & Rachel & Staci stood on either side of Mouo Mouo & dropped 3 elbow drops in tandem right down onto her big tits before taking a quick rest to see what damage they have done so far .

After playing the crowd , Rachel & Staci moved back towards Marie & put her into a camel clutch / boston crab combo & as soon as they had their footing , they began to twist Marie side to while going in opposite directions to add to the pain & after 30 painful seconds , they just relased Marie from the hold without warning & let her fall to the mat  & moved onto Mouo Mouo & also placed her in the camel clutch / boston crab combo & like they did to Marie , when they had their footing , they added the twisting to the hold to amp up the pain until they let her go without wanring like they did to Marie & then returned to Marie ,where they again put her into the camel clutch / boston crab combo , but this time , Staci did the crab part while Rachel did the camel clutch , Rachel doing the crab last time while Staci did the camel clutch , but again, what did not change , was twisting was added to put that extra pain into mostly Marie's ribs & again she was let go with no notice & the heels returned to Mouo Mouo  & put her back into the combo , Rachel doing the clutch & Staci , the crab while of course adding the body twisting to the mix until they dropped her & again took a quick rest while surveying the damage .

Once they were ready to resume their attack , Mouo Mouo was brought to her feet & Rachel & Staci dragged her to the ropes , placing her right in the middle of the ropes & then binding her arms between the top & middle ropes & once she was trapped securely , Rachel & Staci began to chop away at the big boobs of Mouo Mouo with the chops coming fast & hard at random , some hitting at the same time & some off from each other, but each smacked her tit none the less & they chopped away for about 45 seconds before walking away , leaving her still bound & unable to comfort her puppies .

Rachel & Staci after stoppng the chop fest on Mouo Mouo's boobs , yanked Marie back to her feet & walked her over towards Mouo Mouo & Rachel used Mouo Mouo's boobs like the corner turnbuckle as she bashed Marie's head into Mouo Mouo's right tit 10 times & Staci took over , grabbing Marie's hair & moving her head slightly left  & began bashing her head into Mouo Mouo's left tit 10 times where Rachel dragged her back & slammed her head back into Mouo Mouo's right tit again 10 times & returned to Staci to bash her head into Mouo Mouo's lef ttit again 10 times , the exchange happened 5 times , which of course equaled 50 times Marie's face & head was smacked into each tit of her voluptuos partner , but as soon as Staci was done , Rachel & Staci together pushed Marie's face between Mouo Mouo's mammary & held her firm for 15 seconds before pulling her back for a 5 second respite before burying her face back in between Mouo Mouo's boobs for a 2nd 15 second smother , then a 10 second breather was allowed , followed by another 15 second partner to partner breast smother & another 5 second rest was given before Marie again found her face buried into her partners ample boobage & after that 15 second smother time frame , Marie was yanked back rudely & tossed onto the mat where she lay pretty much out of it as Rachel & Staci gave Mouo Mouo 3 hard kicks to he rmid now & then pulled her free from the ropes , putting Mouo Mouo on her knees while holding her amr sto keep her front area wide open for attack , the attack being kicks to Mouo Mouo's tits , 25 of them to each tit before they let her go & once again took a rest & to survey the damage they had done .

Staci yanked Marie up & then gave her 3 successive backbreakers , holding onto her with ease with her strong grip & after the 3rd backbreaker , she just handed Marie over to Rachel who also with hardly any effort gave Marie 3 successive backbreaker& then they teammed up to give her one , one half of Marie's back on Staci's knee & the other half on Rachel's knee & after bending her for a few seconds , they pushed her to the mat & walked over towards Mouo Mouo who was face down & out & dropped 5 double elbow drops to her shoulder blades , taking more wind out of her & smushing her tits against the mat slightly & then Rachel & Staci stood , shouted out to the tag champs they were coming for them & then moved back in & yanked Marie & Mouo Mouo to their feet , both ebony babes standing out on their feet while being held up for a few extra seconds again while Rachel & Staci again let the tag champs know that this would soon be their fate as well & than to show why they were known as the Power Company , they bench pressed both black babes over their heads with little effort , Marie being easier than Mouo Mouo since Mouo Mouo had those big tits of hers , Staci getting the bench press honors of her & while making it look easy , she did exert some effort but nowhere close to wearing her down at all & after doing 10 reps with Marie & Mouo Mouo , they just tossed them up a bit & walked away , making Marie & Mouo Mouo both crash down onto their fronts & once they settled , they were brought up , had their heads placed between the powerful legs of the heels & then lifted up & powerbombed to the mat , were held onto brought back up , & powerbombed a 2nd time , held onto & powerbombed a 3rd tme & held onto & brought back yet again , thsi time being powerbombed alot harder to the mat , the Power Company's " Blackout " finisher & once the bodies of Marie & Mouo Mouo settled , Rachel stomped her foot down  Marie's chest while Staci stomped her foot down on Mouo Mouo's ample chest  & began to talk to the tag champs agaiin as the ref slapped both hands to the mat , 1 hand to count Mouo Mouo & on ehand to count Marie , both hands hitting in unison , 1-2-3 & mercifully , it was over , but Rachel & Staci switched victims & demanded the ref count again & he did , 1-2-3 as neither Marie or Mouo Mouo stirred with anything to suggest they could kick out if the count was longer , Rachel & Staci allowed the ref to raise their arms in victory & as for Marie & Mouo Mouo , the promoter was thrilled with seeing what he had dreamed of back at the hotel months ago & was thrilledthat the audience seemed to really enjoy Marie & Mouo Mouo as the jobber s, hoping they liked it too & stick with it .
You never grow old until you stop being young