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Sticking up for sister

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Sticking up for sister
« on: October 18, 2014, 10:42:06 AM »
My younger sister had some grief one night in a nightclub, with these 2 women who ended up not only beating her up but stealing her purse with £100 pound in it
My sister did not want to take it any further and tried to play it down but my attitude was that you never mess with a fowler (Our surname).
I did some homework on both girls before confronting them.
Their names were Claire Kinder and Emma Brown. Both were chubby, medium height always were together, had terrible fashion sense and were layabouts who were bullies at college and now in adult life appeared to be bullies in the neighbour hood.
I hate a bully !!!!!
I staked them out for a couple of days and made my move one afternoon at a location that I knew we could have a good girlie chat and they would see the errors of their ways and we would not be disturbed.
Both girls had gone to the afternoon session of bingo and had come out and were walking back to the estate, up a back lane.
Claire was Blonde, Emma was Brunette and both had mid length hair both had the same clothes on which were black flats, black tights, black miniskirts, white t shirts. none had the figure to carry this look off as they both had really chunky legs, rotund bellies,and fat large feet, their hair looked greasy and they were both pug ugly.
The lane was only 2 person width and as I approached them and I made sure I was right in the middle of the path as we met,
Claire did not see the punch coming that I launched as it struck her square on the forehead the look of total surprise in eyes as she staggered back into the hedge with a what is that for expression.
I then swung with my left arm & connected with Emma nose, seeing her face stay still but her none move 1/2 inch to the right was most satisfying and hearing the sound of broken cartlidge. alongside her moans of YOU HAVE BROKEN MY NOSE! as her hand came up to clutch the damaged area.
Back to Claire, she had semi recovered from the blow and was coming at me but had no defence as with my right I jabbed her right in the mouth, which resulted in her swallowing her front tooth. I wont take all the credit on this as the tooth was semi rotten anyway and all it needed was a light jab to take right out, as her mouth opened with the blow and the tooth was missing she appeared to look like the village idiot for a split second, before her hand went to feel for the tooth that now was not there.
I thought for a split second that Claire's day tomorrow would be taken up at the dentists.
A follow up blow to her belly and she hit the ground with her shirt riding higher to show very flabby thighs encased in black nylon and then followed by white knickers under black nylon.
Emma was bent over trying to stop the blood, a charge at her with my knee floored her and with both chunkies on the deck the fight was over now for just a little humiliation.
From out my bag came my scissors, with Emma laying face down on the path I went at her T shirt cutting right up through the middle of it to expose a dirty white bra that was under some serious tension and a fat back, then the same with the skirt, a cut right up through the middle as the cloth fell away to expose white bloomers under black tights (I told you they had no fashion sense).
Now for Claire's turn, she was lying on her back I bent down and picked her feet up and as I stood up I lifted her legs into the air, her skirt had now risen to her waist as I quickly stamped on her private part, she howled in pain and put her hands there to protect her flower I dropped her legs to the ground as both her very well worn black pumps came of in my hands, I acted like there were radioactive and threw them into the hedge. She also rolled now onto her front making it easy for me to do the same to her, first her skirt, but her underwear was a white thong which due to her size, her body folds were swallowing it, her fat cottage cheese ass was only covered by the very cheap black nylon tights that she wore and these had started to laddered, I then went for the t shirt cutting that right up through the middle to expose a cream bra that was very ill fitting.
My work was now done I walked back up the path with these 2 writhing around the ground in pain in just there pants,bras and tights.
The morale of the story. Never mess with a Fowler