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Some of my old stories 3

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Offline JT Edson

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Some of my old stories 3
« on: December 31, 2014, 05:13:23 PM »
Please see my earlier entry today.

Sherry Michelle and Damon Marcus

I am working on a few stories right now for friends, but,. here is a quickie I did for a buddy that I wanted to share. I am having a hard time coming up with endings. I know there was a better way to end this one. I hope you enjoy.

Pastor Sherry was busy at her desk writing up a sermon on this stormy day, when she heard a knock at her office door.
“Yes? Come in.” it was the church secretary, Michelle.
“Pastor Sherry, there is a man here to see you, he doesn’t have an appointment, but…..
“But, I felt a need to see you and couldn’t help myself.” Said a voice from just behind Michelle.  She felt a gentle but firm hand on her shoulder,  that sent erotic shivers down her spine.
A tall, dark and handsome man of indeterminate age walked into the room, followed by the secretary. I know how busy you must be, but may I have a little of your time?
Sherry couldn’t make out his accent or nationality. Was he European? Mediterranean? Central American perhaps?
She got up and came around her desk to greet this stranger. As she did he reached out and  shook her hand, never breaking eye contact with her. The contact sent an involuntary  tingle down her spine of pleasure. (Who is this man she thought).
Almost in answer to her unspoken question, he spoke, “ I am Damon Marcus.  I would like to make contribution to the church as I understand you are in the midst of capital campaign to replace the roof of this beautiful  building. I would like to start with $50,000 and see what we can agree on.”
It was an answer to her prayer. This was not a rich congregation. She had just spoken out loud to herself earlier how she would sell her soul to come up with the money to make this happen.
Suddenly Michelle politely coughed and Sherry realized how long she had been holding the strangers hand. She let go and offered a seat at her conference table to Mr. Marcus.
This is extraordinary Mr. Marcus. Michelle, would you please check my calendar for the afternoon and clear anything I might have for the rest of the day.”
Michelle quickly responded, “You have a 3:00 PM with Mrs. Garr, but she called just before Mr. Marcus showed up cancelling. Poor dear suddenly became sick. The rest of the afternoon you had blocked off to work on your sermon.”
“Wonderful .” spoke Mr. Marcus. “Please Michelle, will you join us and take notes during our meeting?”
“Of course,” Michelle replied slightly blushing for some reason at the mention of her name by this charismatic man.
Michelle came back into the room with a serving tray containing a coffee pot and all the conveniences for it.
As they sat down Damon Marcus sat at the head of the table and the ladies at either side.  As Michelle sat down she noticed Michelle’s blouse was open one more button than it was before. Was she trying to flirt with Damon?).
Michelle was 48 years and had a nice figure. She stood 5 foot 4 inches tall, blonde just above the shoulder hair, blue eyes, tanned skin. She had a 36 C or D cup, nice red  painted nails. She wore a short sleeve, button down silk blouse along with a dark paisley skirt, no hose and low heeled shoes.
Sherry was just a little older than Michelle at 50 but also had a nice figure. She was a pastor it’d true, but she still got a certain satisfaction when men would take a second look at her as they passed her on the street with obvious attraction.  She had a 36 B cup. She was wearing a black sleeveless sundress and low heel sandals. Her pretty toe and fingernails were also painted red which accented her tan skin perfectly. Her brown eyes where framed by a pair of black rimmed glasses and those where framed by her shoulder length blonde hair.
After the first 15 minutes of conversation both women felt the room was getting hotter. After the first 30 their attraction for Damon was making it hard to focus on the conversation. Both women had to have this man.
Michelle made the first move by getting up and pouring Damon another cup of coffee. She leaned in to him giving Mr. Marcus a generous view of her cleavage. He grinned and thanked her for the re-fill.
Sherry was not amused.
After Michelle sat back down, Sherry reached over and took Damon’s hand in both of hers. “Damon, your generosity is such a blessing to this church (she rubbed his hand in between hers). How can I ever repay you? As she was saying this, she lightly ran her fingernails over the back of his hand.
It was Michelle’s turn to be annoyed.
Sherry leaned back in her chair and crossed her legs letting her thoughts become very un-pastor like.
Suddenly, there was a crack of thunder and lightning. This broke the mood and the three focused back on the meeting.
A little later both women lost their concentration again. Almost at the same time, they got the idea to slide off their shoes and try to play footsie with Damon. This worked well for a few minutes each woman trading knowing looks with Mr. Marcus, thinking they were putting something over on the other woman. But then Marcus moved his feet out of reach and both women’s feet touched. Each realizing what was going on, they glared at each other. Damon leaned back in his chair grinning and watched the action.
Both women kicked back their chairs and leaned into the table and stared daggers into each other’s eyes. They had become fast friends from the first day Sherry came to the church two years ago, but all that went out the window with the next exchange of words.
“Stay away from Damon, he’s mine!” spat Sherry as her libido pumped adrenalin brought her blood coursing.
“I saw him first bitch!,”fired back Michelle.
Sherry smacked Michelle across the face causing her head to spin and her hair to fly. Michelle brought her hand up to her reddening cheek and fired a slap of her own so hard it knocked Sherry’s glasses flying across the room.
Both women leaped at each other on the table and started pulling hair. As they grappled they managed to ascend the table facing each other on their knees.
Sherry trying to leverage Michelle onto the table pulled on her once friend now bitter rival’s shirt ripping it open exposing her white lacey bra and that her tan ran below the clothes line.
“Two can play that game,” and Michelle ripped the front of sherry’s sundress exposing her black lacey bra as the dresses shoulder straps fell away. Michelle then went for Sherry’s strapless bra, pulling it down to her waist.
Sherry was momentarily shocked and covered up in front of Mr. Marcus. Michelle took that advantage and grabbed Sherry by the hair pulling her down onto the table and trying to mount her. Sherry struggled but wasn’t quick enough to react in time. Michelle managed to pin Sherry’s arms down on either side of her as managed to sit on the pastor just below her breasts. As she did this Damon got a nice look at her thighs as her skirt rode up exposing her tanned bare thighs to his lecherous gaze.
“I’ve got you now,” snarked the overconfident Michelle as she leaned back a little.
Sherry’s previously wildly kicking legs now reached up and hooked around Michelle’s neck reversing the positions of the two combatants. As Michelle fell back on the table her head hit hard momentarily stunning her.
Sherry took advantage of this and ripped her rival’s blouse and bra completely off, no longer concerned about her own breasts being exposed.
“You’ve always been so proud of your girl’s; let’s see how you feel about them now.” She then grabbed Michelle’s breasts in her hands and started squeezing and clawing them.
Michelle reached up and grabbed Sherry’s wrists but couldn’t get her to release her attack. In desperation, she reached up and grabbed Sherry’s erect nipples and started pinching and scratching them.
Both Christian women let out a string of exclamations that would shame a sailor as they inflicted pain and suffering on each other’s breasts, shoulders, faces and necks.
This went on for 2-3 minutes but seemed like an eternity to the two women. When Michelle went back after Sherry’s nipples again she had had enough. She let go of Michelle’s breasts and embedded her claws firmly in her hair. She shook her head back and forth several times then started banging her nemesis head on the table three times, once again stunning her. Sherry then got off her rival and the table to catch her breath.
She looked over at Damon who looked lustfully back causing an electric jolt of desire to run thru her. “Bravo” he said from his seat, more, more”.
Sherry let out a breath then grabbed the now groggy woman on the table by the hair again. Instead of a repeat of her earlier action, she started dragging Michelle down to the opposite end of the table. She moved faster as she built momentum, causing friction burns on her once friends back, causing her to let out a cry of anguish.
When she reached the end of the table, Sherry flung Michelle off the table into the chair at that end causing it to fall over backwards with Michelle tumbling over it. Sherry then completely stripped her enemy of all her cloths and dignity. As Michelle started to come round Sherry looked up at the far end of the table. Mr. Marcus wasn’t there.
Instead she felt a gentle caress of her breasts from behind as she could feel Damon’s throbbing manhood against her buttocks. She felt him hoarsely whisper into her ear, “finish this so we may make love.”
Sherry shuddered then orgasmed on the spot. No man had ever been able to make her come before by merely seductively speaking into her ear.
She pushed her ass against the bulge behind her and said.” Just a moment darling.”
She then got down on her knees and straddled Michelle in a classic schoolgirl pin. With her knees pinning the other woman’s arms and her ass firmly planted on her chest, Sherry took her hands and wrapped them around the fallen Michelle’s neck and started to squeeze.
Several incredibly depraved and erotic hours later Pastor Sherry found herself waking up lying on the conference table thinking of what she had done and gathering up the courage to call the police and turn herself in. She heard a moaning sound from where she had left Michelle earlier.
She froze for a moment then slowly moved to the end of the table and looked over. Michelle, battered bruised, but alive was beginning to come around. The ugly marks on her body, especially the nasty purple bruises on her neck, would be hard to explain. Michelle sat up rubbing her neck. The two women stared at each other, their friendship shattered, their future in question, then as if in the distance they both heard a masculine laugh and the wind seemed to carry it away.