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A three way dispute over the boss.

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Offline JuliaVargas

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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2015, 12:01:55 PM »
Hope you are writing the next chapter. i really want to know how this rivalry evolves.
Read my stories and you’ll understand what you can expect from me…


Offline justlooking9000

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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #31 on: March 18, 2015, 09:25:54 PM »

Regrettably, progress will be very slow. I'm right now being hit with tons of work and I'm super busy to dedicate time to the story. I'm unable to provide a timeline. That said, the next story will be the last one and I've more or less decided on the basic story line. I can confirm that the next one will be a three way show down between the wife, the secretary and the ex girlfriend.


Offline deity17313

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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #32 on: March 18, 2015, 11:34:47 PM »
threeway to the death?


Offline JuliaVargas

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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #33 on: March 18, 2015, 11:58:23 PM »
I'll be waiting anxiously  :)
Read my stories and you’ll understand what you can expect from me…


Offline Dementedvillian

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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #34 on: March 19, 2015, 10:21:28 PM »
A triple threat? I'm not sure whether to brag about influencing you or about me calling it.


Offline Dementedvillian

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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2015, 01:13:58 AM »
Do you know when the final part will be finished?


Offline CatfightOriginals

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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #36 on: May 04, 2015, 02:05:49 PM »
oh, to be Deng        Cat


Offline JuliaVargas

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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #37 on: May 16, 2015, 08:51:25 PM »
Just a bump up to remind you we will be pleased if you resume your story. No pressure!
Read my stories and you’ll understand what you can expect from me…


Offline justlooking9000

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Finale: Three way Halloween catfight
« Reply #38 on: June 19, 2015, 08:00:29 PM »
Note: This is not the complete story...yet. I have it more or less "finished", with me having to add some parts and do some editing in the later parts of the story. I've decided that I should add this bit, hopefully gathering enough inspiration as I go through the later parts. Hopefully this is all done before the 30th of June. After the 30th I'll be busy.

Finale: Three way Halloween catfight

Lan Rong softly opened her eyes as she woke up. She couldn’t help but to smile as she felt her husband’s hard cock on her naked ass.  She caressed her chest, feeling the still fresh marks her rival for Deng’s affections had left on her chest. She was proud to have shown her old sexual antagonist she was *still* the better woman. Better still, Deng was there to witness the catfight and the final defeat of his ex-girlfriend. Ever since the fight he just couldn’t keep his hands, and cock, off her. He begged her for retelling after retelling of her epic struggle with Wen Wen. She gleefully indulged him.  He also asked what she planned to do when she met with his secretary Mao Chun -yet another bitter rival for Deng’s affections- face to face. After all, Xiao Lan had issued a clear challenge to the secretary the very night she had beaten Wen Wen into submission.

Mao Chun hadn’t made an overly provocative move for a while. A tense calm reigned in the meantime, but Lan Rong knew the secretary was not idle. No, her sexual rival was scheming, making plan after plan to drive a wedge between her and Deng. No doubt Xiao Mao would love to give her a nasty surprise and steal her husband right under her nose. And by now she knew the Hunan bitch well enough to guess what her next move was going to be…the Halloween party.

The Halloween party Mr Liu’s idea. He was one of Deng’s intimate friends, manager by day, organizer of a swinger community by night. The party would be held in a huge wood floor hall and was intended to imitate the infamous dance halls in Chengdu, Sichuan just raunchier. That is, there would be a dimly lit area with food and drinks, but most of the dance area would be very dark: An ideal setting for the raunchiest of dances. Mr Liu very much wanted to encourage debauchery and advised his guests to bring as little clothing as possible.

Mao Mao was definitively aware of the particulars, and Lan Lan knew the secretary would not let this opportunity go to waste. Her love rival would love nothing more than to take her by surprise and humiliate her in a public all-out catfight over her man. It was a risky situation, where Xiao Lan could lose a lot of face if she was defeated. One part of her tried to think of a good excuse to avoid going to the Halloween party without sounding like a coward. Her wilder side however, looked forward such a public confrontation, knowing that winning under such a scenario would shame her rival and destroy her credibility as a mistress in front of Deng’s acquaintances. Then she could drive her away from her husband for good.


Mao Chun was frustrated. She had been laying the groundwork to settle accounts with Wen Mei and recover her pride of place in Deng’s bedroom but Lan Rong had stolen her thunder. While on the surface nothing had changed between herself and Deng, she perceived a subtle change in her boss’ attentions. Sure, he was always happy to see her; but she could feel Xiao Lan’s hold over him growing stronger. She needed to put that Sichuan bitch in her place before it was too late.
However, she needed to lay her plans carefully. Deng would welcome a free for all catfight anytime, anywhere, but such a pedestrian win would not deter Lan Rong, or Wen Mei, from trying to orchestrate a rematch. No, if she wanted to win in a definitive manner, she had to put to risk it all in a public confrontation. And she knew the Halloween party would be the perfect way to do it. Show up, shamelessly steal Deng and dare the wife to fight her in front of all their mutual acquaintances. Personal honour and face would guarantee that Lan Lan would fight her. Winning a public catfight would destroy Lan Lan’s standing within Deng’s circle of friends while raising her own status in front of Deng’s acquaintances. In Chinese society, such a loss of face would be devastating for Lan Lan’s status as a wife. Then she’d focus on Wen Wen.

Of course, Mao Mao knew the risks involved with her brilliant plan: If the black haired temptress actually won the catfight, it’d be Mao Chun *herself* who would be publicly shamed into abandoning her pretensions over Deng. But it was a risk she was willing to take if it meant that she could settle her dispute with Deng’s wife once and for all.


Wen Mei was seething with rage. The physical wounds were healing but her womanly pride was shaken. She was ashamed to have lost in front of Deng. She hated feeling the weight of her lover and her rival having sex on top of her defeated body. Xiao Lan had made a point of telling her all the times Deng orgasmed inside her. Deng came to visit his ex gf after the fight to comfort and assure her that although she had lost her position as the top cat, he was going to visit once a week.

“What about the Halloween party we planned to go?”-asked Wen Wen.

-“Well, I’m going with Xiao Lan now. Sorry”

Xiao Wen was half expecting that answer, but to hear it confirmed still stung badly. Nevertheless, she presented a calm demeanor, letting Deng know that although she was at the bottom of the hierarchy now, she planned to claw her way to the top again. But she had learned her lesson: A common private catfight would not deter Lan Rong from trying to regain her man at a later date, to say nothing of that annoying secretary, Mao Chun.

She needed to shock and embarrass her sexual rival in such a way she would never dare to fight for Deng again.

And she knew the way to do it. Her mutual acquaintances told her about Mr Liu’s scandalous Halloween party. She had participated in several of Mr Liu’s parties back then when Deng was deciding between herself and Lan Lan. Neither was too keen on the orgies, but each woman felt not going would seriously hurt her chances with Deng. Everyone in the parties knew about their romantic feud over Deng, and they encouraged their sexual competition. Their carnal contest had been a source of great entertainment for the party guests.

She had stopped going to Mr Liu’s events after Deng chose Lan Rong as his wife. But now she knew that the way to achieve her aims was to goad her old rival into a public catfight. Winning would not only win her Deng back, but shame Lan Rong in front of so many people that she’d avoid all public relations, basically giving up her claim to Deng. Of course, Wen Wen knew that if she lost the catfight it’d be her on the spot. It was an all or nothing bet and she was willing to take it.

Halloween night….

Deng came to the party wearing just underwear. He was supposed to be Tarzan, which he could pull reasonably well, with a slim, yet toned physique. Lan Lan for her part donned a semi-transparent black French maid outfit barely held together by a pair of straps hanging on her otherwise bare shoulders. No effort was needed to guess was her panties looked like: you could see right through the negligee that she was wearing a tiny black g string. She wanted to look her sluttiest when the time came to confront the secretary.

The dancehall was not pitch black, but dark enough for guests to only being able to make out the silhouettes of guests suggestively grinding and joining together in carnal union. To add a more voyeuristic tone to the proceedings, the dark hall was sometimes illuminated with flashes of lighting, letting everyone see what everyone else was doing for a nanosecond, which just added to the sheer sexual energy being built up.

As soon as the proper greetings were issued, Lan Lan noticed her man was being overstimulated by the abundance of exposed flesh and glimpses of what was happening to the dark area of the dance floor. Feeling visually stimulated too, the Sichuan girl said “Master, I see…you’re tense today” as she took her man to the dark side.

-“Well, I guess. But what can we do?”-Deng let a smug smile as he knew what was going to happen. His Sichuan lover faced him chest to chest to start the dance

-“Pardon my boldness, but I think I can help…”

-“Well, I have several assistants helping me relieve my tension”-said Deng, knowing that any mention of her romantic rivals would fire up his wife’s competitive spirit.

-“I know several competitors are trying to displace me. I just beat one a few weeks ago”-The black haired beauty kissed him, feeling his hardened manhood in between her thighs-“But they’re wrong if they think I won’t…compete…tooth and nail…for my position.” Deng could feel his cock being enveloped by Xiao Lan’s thighs while her arms were busy feeling his naked back.

-“I welcome this contest”-she whispered as she amped up the erotic touching up a notch. “I work harder…my service is personalized…I can do better. I want it…the most.” The Sichuan woman’s hand went inside the Tarzan underwear and grabbed her man’s hard cock and directing it towards her wet vagina. Deng could make out a mischievous smile on his lover’s face.

-“They are working very hard to replace you and won’t take no for an answer though”-insisted Deng.

-“If they can’t take no for an answer…I guess I’ll have to have a woman to woman *talk* to persuade them”. Unable to restrain herself any longer, she lowered her panties and inserted Deng’s erect manhood inside her. They copulated “discreetly” as they pretended to dance, all the while Xiao Lan was declaring her willingness to defend what was hers.


After their pleasurable dance, Lan Lan had gone to the ladies’ room to freshen up. She was enjoying the party more than she had been expecting, and so far there were no signs of the secretary. Maybe she had been too paranoid about her antagonist showing up.

Deng was around the food area waiting for Xiao Lan. He was enjoying the constant throng of women in skimpy dresses going to and leaving the dance floor. He would love to “dance” with some of the female party goers, but he knew his wife wouldn’t react well if he found him in such a compromising position. A tap on his shoulder interrupted his gawking.

-“Why dear, you look so sickly tonight”-Deng turned around to find Mao Chun seductively smiling at him. Wow. Mao Chun had come prepared to out slut her younger rival tonight in a nurse themed white negligee with nothing underneath, so he could clearly see her excited chest and nipples through the top. The bottom part of the dress merely consisted of a white/red thong with a pair of doubled laced white high heels.

-“Wow. You look amazing. But I already have someone taking care of me tonight…”-Deng was liking where tonight was headed. He’d been keen to watch a rematch between her secretary and his wife and it seemed as if he’d soon get his wish.

-“I know. But can you really trust a mere house maid to take good care of you?  You’ll be leaving with me and I’ll…nurse you back to health tonight.”-cooed the Hunan siren as she sneaked her hand under her boss’ underwear and playfully grabbed her Deng’s semi hardened cock

-“It’s sticky”-noticed Xiao Mao, disgusted-“I can do better than her”

-“Well, I think Xiao Lan would dispute that”-said Deng.

-“Oh really?”-Xiao Mao knew that her boss was trying to get a raise from her, but it was ok. She wanted to be led that way. She gently pulled her man towards the dark dancefloor-“I’ll convince you otherwise”.

Finding a suitable spot, Mao Mao smiled as she squatted, then pulled down her man’s underwear, giving his dick some fresh air. “Tonight I’ll make you forget all about her”. The Hunan temptress then slowly and sensually proceeded to stand up, rubbing her tits on her husband legs as she went up. She made a partial stop on Deng’s cock, making sure to massage it with her excited chest. She proceeded to go upwards kissing Deng’s nipples and finally French kissed him.

-“I guess I can listen to your arguments”-Deng whispered as he licked and softly bit his secretary’s ears, while his hands lifted her negligee half way to get a better feel of her naked skin.  

-“I show you why nurses are better than housemaids” –replied Xiao Mao as she was busy grinding her lover into ecstasy. Feeling his cock between her legs, she whispered “It seems you suffer from penis erectus syndrome. I’ll help you take care of it…” That said, she went to her knees, then proceeded to blow him in the crowded hall.


To be continued....
« Last Edit: June 19, 2015, 08:01:17 PM by justlooking9000 »


Offline JuliaVargas

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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #39 on: June 20, 2015, 12:08:32 PM »
Great news! Love to see them ready to clash in the party!
Read my stories and you’ll understand what you can expect from me…


Offline justlooking9000

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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #40 on: June 20, 2015, 02:53:07 PM »


Xiao Lan was growing frustrated. She had just come back from the ladies room and couldn’t find her husband. She was told by an acquaintance that she saw him going into the dancehall with a woman with a nurse outfit. Alarm bells ringing all over her head, she walked towards the dark area, looking for her husband. The darkness made it difficult to make out who was who, although the intermittent lighting helped somewhat. She was considering going back to the lit area of the hall until she saw Deng…seemingly alone. The Sichuan woman was puzzled. Wasn’t he supposed to be accompanied? Where was the nurse? No matter, she made a straight line for him.

-“Hello there lover. Miss me?”-whispered Lan Lan as she licked and gently bit her husband’s ear. Deng could feel Xiao Lan’s nipples stab his broad naked back. Wow, what a situation. His wife was grinding him from behind, while his secretary was in front of him giving him a blowjob. The darkness conspired to keep the women unaware of each other. The man in dispute turned the upper part of his body to kiss and hug Xiao Lan, while at the same time tried not to moan of pleasure whenever he felt his secretary’s tongue swirling around his dick. He was hopping they wouldn’t notice each other. Tough luck. The Sichuan beauty wanted to get a feel for her man’s manhood and turning around, her legs crashed into Mao Mao’s body.

-“WHAT THE FUCK”-Thought the Hunan girl as she was rudely pushed away by someone’s legs. Outraged, she stood up just as a flash of lighting allowed her to see a puzzled Lan Lan grinding against her husband. Recognizing each other, the women reflexively went for a mutual hairpull as they exclaimed “YOU!” in unison. 

-“Let go my hair you skank!!”-The women stared down at each other, yet stood still, as if waiting for a signal to start hostilities. Deng could feel a burning sensation as he was in between them, feeling two sets of tits against his naked chest.

-“As soon as you leave my man alone loser”-said the older woman as she stroked Deng’s chest.

-“No way, I came with him tonight and leaving with him tonight. Isn’t that right Deng?”-Deng’s black haired lover reached down Deng’s hardened manhood and stroked him.

-“Tough luck, he’s now with a better woman. Why would he choose *you* over *me*?”- Xiao Mao’s roaming hand also made a play for Deng’s cock.

-“Because I’m his *WIFE* while you’re just a fucking *WHORE*!”

-“YOU cxnt!”-The Hunan girl started pulling hair aggressively with both hands, with Lan Rong not far behind. Deng tried to keep balance as he felt the two aroused bodies leaning against him. Despite the darkness, the ruckus attracted the attention of several couples close by; although they didn’t know it just yet, they were going to be treated with an all-out catfight over a guy.

 -“Stop hiding behind my….husband….and fight me….WOMAN TO WOMAN”-Lan Rong grunted as Deng was dragged from one side to the other as the women focused on ripping hair. Although Deng found this carnal struggle very erotic, he wanted out before he got hurt in the crossfire. In between the confused screams and insults, he finally managed to get free, letting the women have a go at each other.

-“You WANT a piece of me….come…and GET IT!”-Feeling her lover gone, the Hunan siren pulled her foe’s hair downwards, making her love rival stumble forward, where she greeted her midsection with her rights knee. She heard a HMPGH as she continued to use her sexy legs to bring pain to the wife. Lan Rong couldn’t see clearly what was happening, but she could certainly feel the knee attacks. So next time she felt Mao Mao’s knee on her abs, she sneaked on hand under the tiny nurse dress and found her enemy’s crotch in the darkness, which she proceeded to scratch.  The secretary retaliated by used her lethal nails on Lan Lan’s silky skin.
Deng didn’t know who was doing what to whom. All he could see were the svelte silhouettes of his women going back and forth in a primal struggle for sexual supremacy.

The party goers were commenting on the fight but no one was doing anything, content to let two pretty girls fight it out. Their group had a lot of young good looking people, so sometimes jealousy got the better of some members and fights over sexual partners while not frequent, were known to have happened. Standard procedure was to do nothing and wait for a winner to emerge.

Unable to keep her balance in high heels, Xiao Mao felt over, dragging her opponent with her. The Sichuan beauty stubbornly clung to her thigh hold, scratching like an alley cat in heat and causing all sorts of grief to the older Mao Mao. The good looking women struggled over Xiao Mao’s panties, each knowing that their removal was going to give Lan Rong an edge in any cxnt scratching contest. The Hunan beauty desperately kicked to get her adversary off her crotch while Lan Lan weathered the storm until she was hit on the face by the flat part of Mao’s high heels. The secretary felt the weight on her legs lighten, and quickly re-adjusted her thong. Deng saw the two women rising to their feet and then releasing a feminine warcry.

-“The only person….taking off my…panties today is…Deng!”- The Chinese women fought like boxers, belting out punches in quick succession, but a lot of hits missed due to the darkness, so the women relied heavily on the occasional lighting to reposition themselves. Lan Rong connected a solid backfist to the face that she couldn’t take advantage of because she lost track of the secretary. The Hunan woman on the other hand, was drilling punches into Lan Lan’s chest but she lost her tempo when her enemy stepped back.
-“The only panties he’s taking off today are MINE!”- Xiao Lan knew boxing at distance like men wouldn’t do the trick in this environment. So she forced herself into Mao Mao and got a good handful of brown hair while she mercilessly pounded the secretary. She really hated Mao Mao and her constant attempts to ruin her marriage. Their competition for Deng had them constantly raising their sexual game to make him forget all about the other.  It had been an emotionally charged journey for Xiao Lan. She despaired every time it seemed she was losing the sexual contest against the sultry secretary and was euphoric when Deng cancelled an appointment with Mao Mao to be with her.  Tonight, she was ready to get rid of the secretary once and for all.

As his women were belting it out in high heels, Deng felt someone hugging him from behind. “Hello lover” whispered Wen Mei as she gently bit her man’s ear. Had there been some lighting, Deng could have seen that his ex girlfriend had come to the party donning a two piece flight attendant negligee that showed her toned mid drift. Her top showed some generous cleavage, but there was no need: anyone could have seen her bra less chest through the see through negligee. At least she had the decency to wear a tiny g string barely covering her pussy. But her outfit made it clear she was not going to be left behind in the slutty dress arms race. 

The commotion had attracted Xiao Wen’s attention. She didn’t know who the fighting women were, and she didn’t care. She saw Deng, and seizing the chance, made a play for him. Deng now had the opportunity to rise to the occasion. To say, not now, he should focus on stopping the women from fighting and deciding on one lover instead of leaving the three women to decide for him. But he didn’t. Instead, his cock did the thinking for him, and quite in heat, he grabbed his ex’s tiny waist and made out with Mei Mei while still trying to catch glimpses of the fighting women.

Mao Mao blindly grabbed the flimsy fabric in Lan Lan’s negligee, tearing it open without much effort and then making a play for the Sichuan beauty’s boobs. “Say goodbye to your mediocre chest!”. Lan Lan screamed like a banshee, but instead of trying to reciprocate the tit mauling, her long nails bypassed the Hunan beauty’s thong and proved her wet cxnt. Falling on their heels, the fighting lovers were too busy to notice Wen Wen stroking Deng’s cock. The women continued the nail duel, each hoping to outlast her rival in this sexual war of attrition.

Mao Mao set her eyes on her handsome boss since day one. It was unfortunate he was married, but this was China, and everything was fair go, including going after married men. Initially she was quite confident in her feminine charms and expected no trouble in replacing her boss’ wife. She didn’t expect Lan Lan to get close and personal in their private war over Deng. Time and time again she had thought she had scored a victory against the wife’s hold over Deng, only for Xiao Lan to come back and deal a psychologically devastating blow. It was obvious this wife had experience in fending off romantic rivals. However, Mao Mao was nothing if not persistent. She was tired of the constant warfare over Deng’s cock, and planning to finally break the stalemate tonight.


-“I’m here to pick you up Sir. Our flight is departing…soon…”-said Xiao Wen as she was passionate kissing her man. Deng picked up on the roleplaying theme quite quickly, asking “Oh. Where to?”

-“Why, home.”-Smiled the Shandong seductress as she grinded the lower part of her body against her boss’ excited manhood.

-“It seems there’s to be a mistake. I already have people taking me home.”

-“Oh. You shouldn’t go with her”- Insisted his Xiao Mei.

-“Why?”-Deng playfully asked

Leaning forward to make sure her boss could feel her braless nipples, she softly whispered “Because I can take you…higher. I’ll offer you…a better service. I’ll personally provide you…whatever you desire. I’ll do…whatever it takes…to get you.” Hugging his slim ex, Deng whispered “Wow. You really want my business. What do you think of the competition?”

-“I despise her. Whatever she offers you, I can do better.”-Now Wen Wen made a direct appeal to Deng’s hardened manhood.

-“I think you’re mistaken…you aren’t competing with one other flight attendant…there’re two”-corrected Deng.

-“Two?”-asked the Shandong lady as she backed away from Deng for a moment-“What are you talking…ARGHH”-before she could finish the question, a shadow had leaped onto Xiao Wen and wrapped her legs around her tiny waist “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING WITH MY MAN”

-“ARGH, GET OFF ME BITCH”-Deng’s ex-girlfriend lurched awkwardly as she protected herself from the punches raining down her head. She felt on the floor, unable to maintain her balance and fend off her attacker at the same time. She heard a grunt as her rival’s body absorbed most of the impact and felt her scissor hold relax enough for her to get free. A brief moment of lighting allowed her to see the hair colour of her attacker…black. What Deng had just told her now made sense; she guessed Mao Chun had also come to the party planning to sneak away with Deng but she was intercepted by Lan Rong. And by the looks of it, Lan Lan had just beaten the secretary.

 -“WHY YOU”-screamed the flight attendant as she pounced on a still hurting Lan Rong and went directly for her naked tits. The wife was shocked by the pain into fighting back by mauling and squeezing her rival’s chest through the thin tight top. She had just pinned down Mao Mao and was ready to punish her before she could recover, when she spotted some slut caressing her husband. Seething in anger, she forgot all about the woman underneath her and leaped onto whoever had the audacity of flirting with her man while she was fighting. It became was clear that the woman was that slutty Shandong girl she hated so much.

Although feeling the pain from Lan Rong’s nails on her chest, Wen Wen was happy to engage in this war of attrition because her chest was somewhat protected by the cloth, while Lan Rong’s tits were directly exposed to her own nails. Also she was fresh, while rival had taken some damage and spent some energy fighting Mao Mao. There was no way she could lose this. Lan Lan also knew this and tried to place a knee to the cxnt to even the scales, but Wen Wen’s defensive manouvering and tight miniskirt stopped the attacks before her knees could reach her cxnt.

-“Tonight Deng is leaving with ME!”-declared the young Shandong woman. She was eager to wash away the stain on her womanly honour and prove to her lover that her recent defeat was just a one off that would never repeat itself. There’s nothing that Xiao Wen would welcome more than defeating her old rival for Deng’s affections and then repay the humiliation Lan Lan inflicted on her ten-fold. Being impaled by Deng’s thick rod on top of Lan Lan’s defeated body was totally on the agenda for tonight. 

Lan Lan put a spirited effort, managing to tear apart several buttons from Wen’s tiny top, but the ex was able to pin down the wife on the floor. Deng could hear his wife’s high heels hitting the floor as she bounced like a wild bull in an attempt to dislodge the Shandong beauty.

 –“Say goodbye to your tits!”-Securing her hold, the brown haired girl continued to have her way with her older rival’s chest until she suddenly felt a weight and a set of tits on her back, putting downward pressure on her body until she was ear to ear with Lan Lan. The sultry Mao Mao had recovered from the beating she had received and was out for payback! The secretary’s hands went around Wen Wen and cupped her tits, using her nails to tear the flimsy top to shreds. Wen Wen’s own tit hold on the wife was severely weakened as she tried to get Xiao Mao off her back. Lan Lan, aware of what was happening, got a second wind, finding the ex’s tiny panties and pulling up for all she was worth. Besieged on two fronts, Xiao Wen retaliated by scratching Lan Rong’s back as the fighting body mass rolled on the floor.

The Sichuan beauty momentarily lost her thong grip, allowing Wen Wen to disengage the black haired temptress and focus on Mao Mao, who was still clinging to her tits. She positioned herself in such a way that she looking at the ceiling while the secretary was below, still scratching her chest. Then she raised the lower part of her sexy body as high as she could and dropped it on the Hunan girl, painfully hitting her rival on the abs and crotch area. She repeated this maneuver several times, feeling the secretary slowly giving way until she could finally break free from the mauling. Xiao Wen turned around, letting the shredded remains of her top fall and exposing her naked tits.

-“Only Deng can touch my tits!”-said Wen Wen as she prepared to pay back the Hunan girl for the tit mauling. Reacting quickly, the secretary grabbed the younger girl’s arms by the wrist before they could reach her chest. The love rivals tried to overpower the other as they rolled around the dirty floor.

-“There won’t nothing touch after I’m done with YOU!”- Ideally, Xiao Mao was hoping for a one on one rematch with her boss’s ex girlfriend to avenge her defeat at the office. Originally, she had thought of the Shandong cxnt as nothing but an unwelcome interloper in her romantic war with Lan Lan. It soon became clear her younger foe was no innocent doe when it came to love affairs and bedroom warfare. Having Deng’s attentions taken away from her was a bitter pill to swallow, and she intended to give the Shandong seductress a dose of her own medicine.


To be continued....


Offline justlooking9000

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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #41 on: June 22, 2015, 10:44:48 AM »
Seems the photos got eaten...could you repost them? Great story so far, look foreward to the ending. can't decide who to root for!

Sure. I'm half way through the story. So Two more content posts and I'm done.

Mao Chun's photos first


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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #42 on: June 22, 2015, 11:00:51 AM »
Wen Mei


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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #43 on: June 22, 2015, 11:03:26 AM »
Lan Rong


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Re: A three way dispute over the boss.
« Reply #44 on: June 22, 2015, 07:17:28 PM »
I really enjoyed this...I think you did a nice job considering the things that get in the way from a timing/life standpoint.  We'd all like to be able to write a story straight thru from beginning to end...but that's rarely possible.  In any event this was great...and it will be neat to see where it goes next.  I look forward to it!
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