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Girlfriend v. Girlfriend

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Offline JayB

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Girlfriend v. Girlfriend
« on: January 23, 2015, 07:09:00 PM »
I met Carly in the public library.  She worked at the circulation desk.  We struck up a conversation, I asked her out and we had sex on our first date.  Carly had long, brown hair and the largest natural breasts that I had occasion to engage.  She was 38 D to be precise.  We had been seeing each other about 3-4 times a week at either her place or mine.  We rarely went out and had sex at every opportunity.  I was indeed enjoying myself but was certainly not at a point where I was committed to one person or taking myself out of the pool so to speak.

Enter Mandy.  I first saw Mandy at the gym.  She had short blonde hair and while not as well-endowed as Carly was more than ample in that area, somewhere in the 35/36 C area.  But, what really stood out about Mandy were her nipples.  It matter not what she wore when working out (which she did 4-5 days a week) once she got moving and into her workout her nipples were not to be reined in.  I especially enjoyed when she asked me to spot her when she bench pressed…those high beams nearly blinded me.  I finally felt comfortable enough to ask her out.  And this where things got interesting.

After going out to dinner, we headed back to my apartment, which eventually led to some incredible sex.  This girl had the best body of any woman I had been with and she knew how to use it to her benefit.  Little did I know what was about to happen.
I had given Carly a key to my apartment because she often liked to come over after her work and before I got home to “greet” me.  Well, she decided she would surprise me this night.   She quietly entered my apartment, stripped off her clothes and burst into my bedroom.  At the moment she entered the room, Mandy was riding on top of me really working me over.   Carly stopped in her tracks and yelled, “Who the hell is this slut!”  Mandy climbed off of me and responded with a “Who are you calling a slut?”  Carly continued, “What do you think you’re doing fucking my man!?”  Mandy looked at me and then at Carly, smiled and said, “Believe me sweetheart, I didn’t force him, but I think he just had the best sex of his life and there’s not a thing you can do about it.”  Carly’s response seemed a bit out of character for the girl who worked in the library, but she told Mandy that yes she could and work kick her ass to prove it.  Mandy gave out a haughty laugh, turned to me and said, “ Give me a minute while I teach this bitch not to mess with me…and I mean 60 seconds and I’ll be using those saggy jugs of hers for punching bags.  I need a good workout today.”
And with that the fight was on.  Mandy turned to Carly and said, “Let’s get it on!”  Carly responded with a “bring it.”  Mandy did.  She planted a left-right-left that sent Carly sprawling on to her back.  Mandy turned to me, did a muscle pose, and said “That was less than a minute!”  Carly managed to get back to her feet and I pointed to her and told Mandy that the fight was not quite over.  Mandy turned and snickered “Some people don’t know when to quit.”  As she stepped forward to try and finish off her big breasted foe, she  delivered a telegraphed right hand that Carly blocked with her left and then surprised Mandy with a shot to her abs.  She caught her attention when she then connected with an upper cut that straightened Mandy up.  Before the fit blonde could react, Carly hit her with a combination of her own that sent Mandy careening on her back spread eagle.  The top heavy brunette then charged and dove in an attempt to get on top of Mandy, pin her down, and smother her with her big tits.  Mandy, however, was able to bring up her knees, catch Carly’s dive and flip her over on her ass.  Both women took a few seconds to right themselves before the got to their feet.

The fight continued as both women went toe to toe (or tit to tit), exchanging three or four shots appease.  Slowly but surely, it was Carly who was forcing the thick nippled Mandy backwards.  Carly got two shots in before Mandy could get one in.  At this point, I didn’t know what to think or who to pull for.  Carly’s performance was well beyond what I thought someone so bookish could deliver.  Mandy was the fit and physical one of the two but at that moment the brunette was giving the blonde more than she could handle.

For a second time in this scuffle, Carly displayed some pugilistic skill by blocking another of Mandy’s punches.  Like before she blasted Mandy’s midsection, straighten her up with an upper cut and then delivered a flurry that sent Mandy to the floor.  At that point, with Mandy sitting on her ass, Carly grabbed her by her blonde locks, yanked her up and blasted her in the stomach again.  Mandy fell to one knee.  Carly, then turned to me, and derisively asked if Mandy’s sixty seconds was up.  Mandy would later deny it but I could have sworn that while on one knee she raised a hand and as if to say that she had had enough.  Carly again went for the blonde’s hair but Mandy wasn’t done for…she plastered a right hand into the brunette’s softer belly…and again…and a third time.  These blows backed Carly up and allowed Mandy to get to her feet.

 It is now Carly who attempts a telegraphed that Mandy dodges and plows another blow in to the brunette’s softer belly.  Carly is now gasping for air and Mandy, with her large nipple engorged,  launches her final assault with a flurry of punches that drive Carly into retreating mode.  With her hands now at her sides and in an unguarded position, Carly is a sitting duck for Mandy’s next move.  The blonde, as promised at the beginning of the fight, uses Carly’s huge breasts as punching bags and connects with 4 or 5 hard shots before Carly screams out in pain and collapses to the floor.  It is now Mandy that grabs a hand full of hair and pulls the beaten brunette to her feet.  Carly throws a weak punch that connects with no effect on Mandy.  Mandy looks at Carly with a smirk and then steps forward to deliver a powerful punch to Carly’s already softened belly and then an uppercut that sends her crashing into the wall, the contact which knocks her out.

I helped Carly come to and gave her some ice for battered boobs.  She got dressed, left the key on the kitchen table, and we never crossed paths again.  Needless to say, I continued to see Mandy.   


Offline Myfordi

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Re: Girlfriend v. Girlfriend
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2015, 11:39:06 PM »
Enjoyed this slugfest. Nice see-saw battle.



Offline justlooking9000

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Re: Girlfriend v. Girlfriend
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2015, 03:07:37 PM »
Not a bad first attempt. I appreciated the fact that even though the description of the women made it sound as if it was going to be a one sided beatdown from start to finish, the fight was a little more even; and at time Carly seemed as if she was going to win the guy.


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: Girlfriend v. Girlfriend
« Reply #3 on: December 26, 2019, 03:39:07 AM »
this is v. old but you should soooo make a sequel! Mandy v Carly 2! who wants it? ;D


Offline harpua13

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Re: Girlfriend v. Girlfriend
« Reply #4 on: January 19, 2020, 01:45:14 AM »
Great little story! Love that it was a seesaw battle, and and a solid knockout! Of course fighting over a guy is always a plus for me. lol
Free your mind.
And your ass will follow.


Offline lifeofriley

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Re: Girlfriend v. Girlfriend
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2020, 07:17:05 AM »
Great little story! Love that it was a seesaw battle, and and a solid knockout! Of course fighting over a guy is always a plus for me. lol

yes! now there needs to be a rematch