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FTW Aftershock - Second Coming

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Offline ThePurpleVixen

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FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« on: January 24, 2015, 09:52:25 AM »
The screen rumbles with a deep throbbing baseline and suddenly two huge Tesla coils in radiant silver appear on either side of the screen, spitting lightning that crackles and twists in coils of searing blue to form the electric title:


Immediately, the screen flares into a quickfire musical retrospective on FTW Second Coming, which aired on iPPV just a short but not specifically determined time earlier. The screen fills with an image of the Second Coming logo as the rattling drums and searing guitars of Bad Religion's scrupulously earnest cover of "O Come All Ye Faithful" roars out of the screen, since Christmas was probably right around Second Coming sometime.  Also, Halloween.  But whatever.



A sweeping stage boom shot of the packed Greensboro Sportatorium and the signs and OneHourTees in the crowd.


Sadie attacks Tiffany in the parking garage with a crowbar.


Tiffany hits the Silver Strike; Sadie guillotines Tiffany with tape.


Sadie does some more singing. A screen jitter effect communicates the horror.


The Platinum Queen hits the Flatliner and ties up Sadie in the ropes.


Punky is dragged to the locker room floor by the Countdown to stop her from going after the Commissioner.


The Dragon Starrs are interrupted mid-cool pose by Punky and Red.


Lindsay Campbell saves her partner with a lariat and a spinebuster.


Lisa hits Punky with the Stage Dive.


The Countdown hit the Cerberus Project doubleteam bulldog on Lindsay.


Flashes of Punky hitting the Master Exploder on Lisa and later Lindsay.


The Dragon Starrs hit their big finish on Red for a joyous pin.


Highlights of Tina Lee's debut promo.


Aika makes her terrifying entrance.


Highlights of Gemma beating down Aika.


Aika hits the Tomb Splitter.


Aika applies the mounted shoulderbreaker to a screaming Rox.


Punky confronts Aika with the Red Queen before the masked woman vanishes.


Shot of Aika backstage.


The Commissioner confronts Callista.


Emily's elaborate gladiatorial entrance.


Quinn's shadowy theatrics and new attire.


Rapidfire exchanges of blows between competitors.


Emily hits Heaven Sent; Calli reverses the Falling Angel.


A brutal Facing Eternity into the turnbuckle.


Emily hits a HUGE delayed German suplex.


Quinn in the Dragon Sleeper


Sadie strangles Emily with a broken crutch.


A split-screen mirror of Calli's back-to-back End Times.


And naturally, we end with a shot of the Savior of Wrestling holding her new belt.

From the video, the FTW AFTERSHOCK logo zaps its way across the screen once again before cutting to a studio shot of two announcers at a news-style rounded desk - a large man with strong worn hands and a glittering black lucha mask adorned with a large silver star in the center covering his face, wearing an open-throated silver silk shirt under a black linen jacket; and a sultry dusky woman with a sly smile, her long dark hair shot through with colored streaks of flame red, twisted into a thick braid and hung over the shoulder of a slightly flamboyant Lily Pulitzer tunic.  The man speaks with a cultured, deep voice and a musical hint of a costeño Mexican accent.

AR: Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to FTW Aftershock.  I am your host, Aarón Rodriguez, and some of you may remember me as El Estrello.

He smiles radiantly bright behind the mask as the woman next to him very slightly rolls her big expressive darkly-lined eyes.

AR: I am privileged to be here with FTW courtesy of my old friend from our days in Arena Mexico, our beloved commissioner, La Santa.

The woman, seemingly able to bear no more, interrupts in a lovely BBC contralto.

DA: I am astonished you are able to get your nose so thoroughly burrowed into our lovely Commissioner's backside with that ridiculous mask on, Aarón. I am Debra Arun, the voice of reason for this program me.

The lady of clear Indian descent smiles brightly with more than a little wickedness to it, and continues as Rodriguez folds his arms across his broad chest and glowers at her behind his mask.

DA: Tonight you are all privileged to partake in a rare opportunity to get behind the scenes with the ladies and - well, I hesitate to use the word "gentlemen" since I mostly refer to the Red Enforcer and Lord Tantalus, and neither of them are particularly gentle ... not that that's always a BAD thing ...

Debra trails off with her eyes glancing up thoughtfully as Rodriguez manfully clears his throat and picks up where she lost the thread.

AR: We will see the effects in the locker room and beyond of the shocking events of Second Coming.  We will talk to the winners, the losers, the campiones and the challengers, the new faces and the old rivals, and find out what the future holds for us.

DA: The future, my dear Estrello, is brighter than ever, if you should ask me. With the guiding light of our glamorous, brilliant, fair-minded champion Callista Quinn, the very SAVIOUR of Wrestling -

AR: Ay, dios mio.

DA: - SAVIOUR, I say, of wrestling at our helm, we cannot help but be set upon the path to glory.

AR: Yes, it was quite a title match.

DA: A masterful display of competitive sportsmanship which could have gone either way until Quinn's determination and cunning won the day.

AR: *flatly* Do you think that Sadie Davis beating Emily Layne to pieces with a crutch might have helped a little?

DA: *an artful shrug* A wise general knows when to take advantage of prevailing conditions.

AR: ... so being beaten up by a psychopathic little blonde with a crutch is like a surprise rainstorm?

DA: Into every life, a little beating about the skull with foreign objects must fall.  Let us go now to our first bit of footage.

"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert

Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2015, 01:31:53 AM »
I love you Meg xxx  :-*
tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito


Offline ThePurpleVixen

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Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2015, 01:12:30 AM »
Taped at Spring Memorial Hospital

"Gemma please... Just calm down" The nurse sighs as I growl on the bed, my arm taped up like some dead fucking Egyptian cxnt king... "I am fucking calm. You don;t think I'm calm? This is me FUCKING CALM!!!" I roar out as I kick out my right leg, sending another attendant flying as they try to restrain me "NYYAAGGHHH!"

"If you keep moving you're going to exacerbate the injury!" She cries But I don’t feel much like calming down. Then I hear an almighty crash outside and a security guard goes skidding to an unconscious halt outside the door and my lips curl up into a smirk. "It's about time you showed up…”

I grin and swagger inside.  I'm still wearing my wrestling attire, although a sweet nurse with soft hands and big tits finally persuaded me to peel the bloody tape off my fists since it wasn't very sanitary to walk around a hospital with Lindsay Campbell's blood on my hands.  She hangs around with Lisa Starr, after all, and gods only know where they've been.  I shake out my bruised knuckles as I step over the unconscious mall cop, and stomp over to the bed. I cast a dark glare around at the attendants and nurses, a spot of black and purple chaos in a sea of sterile white and seafoam green.  "Miss Rox has a private fuckin' doctor on retainer who'll get here soon enough.  Meantimes, if ya don't wanna get a buncha blood on those pretty scrubs, get yer asses back down th'hall an' get some coffee”

I jerk my thumb over my shoulder and glare around the bed with dark eyes until I snap “NOW.” and they all scurry like rats, dragging the dazed guard out with them.  The door snicks shut behind them, and then it's quiet except for the quiet murmur of the TV and the occasional gurgle of the IV.  I sit on the edge of the hospital bed by your good left arm, and look down at you with a smile, sweaty punkytails hanging down my back.  "Hey you," I say softly, stroking your arm with two fingertips.

Force of nature... it's just what you are. Damn, it feels good to be in the eye of the storm. as you sit on the side of the bed I sit up and reach out to hug you when "UGGNNNN......" my face twists into agony as my right arm and shoulder explodes "F.... fucking Rowan Chance....." I hiss, settling back into the bed as my left hand clutches my ripped right shoulder and broken arm. "I know you want to kill her, Megan, but I might need to call shotgun on that ride." I growl, dark thoughts clouding an already dark mind.

The fury that flares in my eyes when I hear that pain in your voice could scorch fucking steel.  I try to help ease you back down, stroking your hair back with a gentleness that is at odds with the snarl in my throat.  "We'll fucking destroy that psychopathic little cxnt," I growl, soothing your hair like I'm telling a sweet bedtime story. I ease your left hand away from the sling, and clutch your hand tight.  The feel of your fingers locking with mine soothes me like nothing else, and I take a deep slow breath, letting it out through my nose. Prana breathing, purifying the spirit.  It doesn't help entirely, since when I close my eyes I still see that bitch wrenching your shoulder.  "But not just her," I growl, my steely voice at odds with my gentle hands.

"If fucking Quinn hadn't been such a cast-iron bitch, I could've stopped the nutty little glitch before she did that bullshit."  My eyes flare again, dark fires.

I catch that anger in your voice and it soothes me... strange I know but being angry at the world is a lonely plight, but being angry together? That just feels right... I smile warmly and close my eyes as your hand interlocks with mine, then you mention Calli's name and I read something. Your voice, that anger. It grows. "You... you're angry at Calli?" I ask, confused.

”Calli fucking BLOCKADED the locker room.  And Red wouldn't do shit," I snarl, dismissing him with a wave of my hand.  I can't really be angry at him since I left him alone in the ring to get head trauma from the Blonde Patrol.  But that was ALSO Rowan's fault. And by extension, Calli's.  "She said we couldn't go out there even with fucking Tantalus doing his bullshit puppetmaster act and Aika acting like a god-damn psycho," and I fully realize the irony of ME calling someone a psycho, but I'm in full rant now, my left hand cinched onto yours and squeezing tight even as my right keeps stroking, soothing and soft as my voice goes molten.  "I KNEW we couldn't trust Aika.  I've seen her Japanese shit.  I could've fucking STOPPED her. WE could've. But QUINN," I snarl.

My teeth grind until there's an audible grating ivory crunch.  "FUCKIN' Quinn and her FUCKIN' gold lust.”

HEY!!!” I roar in a bassy timbre that resonates in the small hospital room "If Calli needed you to stay out it was for a good reason! You understand? There's more to this than just me and you Megan, you know that..." my voice lowers as my eyes soften and I try to calm you "Calli had a plan and you didn't stick to it. You should have never came down to ringside, all you did was let that cxnt get in your head. And stop calling her Ikea, I don't buy that bullshit... Rowan Chance did this to me! And she did it to get to you. You should have stuck to the plan Megan... Things work out when you stick to the plan. You gotta trust Calli." I sigh but I see the shock in your eyes, the very concept of trusting Calli is alien to you.

It's alien to most people "Well.... if you can’t trust Calli you can at least trust me, right? Do you trust me, Megan?”

For a few long moments all I can do is stare at you like I've been slapped in the face.  Few things on Earth can get me to shut up - not even a steel chair to the head will do it, some nights - but you're one of them.  My dark eyes are wide and though still flaring with fury, they're also surprised, and hurt.  I wish to fuckery I could pretend I was too cool to be hurt, but you can do it to me, every time.  Your voice softens, and I ease a little.  I always do when you call me Megan.  Not Punky, not Megs, not Purple ... none of the nicknames that every career wrestlers drags behind them like tin cans behind a groom's car.  Just Megan.  And your accent ... I shiver a little as I look into your eyes, and I squeeze your hand.  I take a long sighing breath, shuddering with fury restrained.

"'course I fuckin' trust ya, Gemma," I say softly.  "But I don't get why YOU trust Calli.  She's just fucking USIN' us.  You KNOW that.  She's usin' us to get the fuckin' gold because gold is all she fucking cares about.  It's all she's EVER cared about.  If she ever had parents I'm sure she killed them to get their wedding bands, because THEY had gold and SHE didn't."  I growl, and lean down, pressing my forehead to yours.  My right hand drops to caress your cheek, slowly, and I roll my head softly against yours.  "But yeah. I trust you," i say softly.

You talk a lot of sense. You always do when the rage isn’t in you. Most take you for a power play, a bomb, someone who goes off, gets a job done but I know you better than that. Underneath your penchant for chaos and all that angst and fury there's a mind so sharp it can cut a diamond. "Yes... I know. Gold is all Calli cares about, all she's ever cared about. The status, the glory, the power. She thinks it's her birth right and she'll do anything to get it..." I sigh "But is that so bad? Is that so wrong?" I drift off a little "I'm no different. I'll do whatever it takes to get what I want. To get what should rightfully be mine. I'd walk through fire to get it... Because I've got a destiny too Megan. I've got a prize in my sights and NOTHING is going to get in my way.”

I let that hang in the air a little, wondering how much you really know... then I smile "Luckily for me I've already got my prize. It's you. I'd take a fucking bullet for you Megan Dow..." I grin and purse my lips blowing you a kiss "Luckily for me I don't have to" I finish with a wink "So go easy on Calli, she's not lucky like us. she wants something so bad it hurts but rest assured, the moment she gets it, the moment she realises the truth of all her endeavours, I'm gonna be right there behind here. That's what friends are for….”

I sigh and curl up on the bed a little, leaning into you while hooking the thick leg of one of those heavy padded chairs for visitors to sleep in with my blood-red Doc and dragging it over with a low rumbling squeal.  I step up, kneeling on the chair, folding my weary legs under me and leaning on the bed with my left hand laced with yours and my right hand caressing your cheek, resting my head on your shoulder. I still smell of sweat and Tiger Balm and blood and canvas, and I let my eyes drift a moment.  For a flaring instant, I was ready to drive my fist into your fucking mouth and then rip the TV out of the wall to brain you with it when you started talking about your destiny being like Calli's.  There was a moment of searing fire and betrayal that scorched me before it all hissed away into steam.

Blowing me a kiss melted me like butter. I'm so fucking sappy.  I curl up on you like a kitten, albeit a kitten that broke a man's jaw 5 minutes ago.  "I'll do anything for you, Gemma," I say softly.  "Anything in the fucking world, except for one little thing - and that's not takin’ Calli Quinn's fucking head off if I have to put up with one more god-damn second of her posturing Lex Luthor bullshit."  I take a long breath, and sigh it out against your neck.  You smell like the ring, too. Gods, I fucking love that smell.  I stroke your cheek with two fingertips, and lift my head to look int your eyes, mumuring against you.

"I'll trust you to stick with Quinn for whatever fuckin' reasons you have.  But I can't do it, Gemma.  I can't be her fucking tin soldier any more."  I growl, my eyes smoldering again.  "I gotta take care of my business with Aik- with Chance, first," I correct myself, since our last metaphysical debate on wrestlers who tapped into something beyond the merely physical ended with the two of us destroying a room full of vending machines and spending two weeks recovering.

My body grows tense and I wince as I feel my torn right shoulder flair up but with a painfully deep breath I choke down any groans that might want to escape. I take another deep breath then my voice gets serious "Now listen... you can want to take Calli's head clean off, you can dream about it, think about it, wank to it for all I care but know this, you're not gonna do it. Not while I got her back. Understand? she's under MY protection... you want at her you go through me." My voice isn’t aggressive or angry or even threatening, it's just honest. "I know you don’t understand it and I'm not gonna try and make you understand but I've got her back. She's gonna get everything she wants and I'm gonna help her because we're a team. We're the Countdown."

"You can’t deny that she's the reason we're together... working in the same gang all this time? Sneaking off behind her back to fuck each others brains out? Tag teaming every bitch on the roster? This last few months have felt like every fucking holiday rolled into one. I got her and The Countdown to thank for that. I owe her. I owe her so fucking much...... And I'm gonna pay her back, baby.”

I grin softly.  For anyone else in the fucking world, telling me that I have to go through them to do something would be Daffy Duck pulling the business end of a shotgun into his face and demanding that I shoot him now, but with you ... I just love it. I love that you'd be that honest with me. I might hate what you're being honest ABOUT, but .. fuck it.  I purr and rest on your left side, stroking your hair again, and my grin only grows when you remind me of how we fell into each other's arms in the Countdown.  "Yeah. I guess I do owe Quinn at least one, so I'm gonna do her and you th' fuckin' favor of not goin' all chainsaw on you."  My eyes go half-lidded as I stroke your head, and in the dim hospital room there's a fleeting moment of something like peace.

Peace with a heavy price - the animosity of Callista Quinn, not being around you every moment of the day, not getting to hear Red's road stories while we're driving town to town, you getting injured by my psycho ex, and standing alone against a dark twisted thing that might be genuinely dangerous.  But fuck it.  Peace doesn't come cheap.

"I trust you, Gemma," I say again, softly. I kiss your cheek, and then fold my arms on the left side of the bed and rest my head on them.  I haven't slept in ages, it feels like.  "Just watch Quinn. I don' trust her. Never have, never will." I snuggle my head into my arms a little, drowsing.  Your close familiar warmth comforts me like nothing else.  "Gonna fuckin' destroy Aika.  Gonna exorcise that bitch right back t’fuckin’ hell ..." I murmur, trailing off.

Maybe it's the adrenaline of the day finally wearing off, maybe it's just the peace and comfort of being in my arms but something in you reaches a point of tranquility and you start to trail off, even if your idea of falling into a peaceful sleep is muttering about all the people you hate and are going to try and kill... I always knew this wasn't a normal relationship, we're not normal people but I wouldn't change a fucking thing. Well... except a broken right arm and a dislocated right shoulder. You start to doze off and I let you, stroking your hair softly as your murmurs get softer and softer but I'm 100% awake. Sat in this hospital bed my mind is on one thing and one thing only. Vengeance.
"What has mood to do with it? You fight when the necessity arises—no matter the mood! Mood's a thing for cattle or making love or playing the baliset. It's not for fighting."
- Frank Herbert


Offline Lord Tantalus

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Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #3 on: February 06, 2015, 06:46:14 AM »
As Punky stands over Gemma's bed, the TV in the room shows afternoon drivel. D-level celebrities on D-level shows selling D-level products. Everyone wasting time as their careers spin down the toilet or stall on arrival.

In between some schlub in a grey suit trying to sell you gold and some faded soap opera actress desperately convincing you to take a trip to Israel, the screen flickers. Then, it goes all snow. The loud noise of static overrides the volume controls.

The screen goes black. Then, a single match lights a candle.

And I'm there. A dark room. No windows. A single door. A chair in the middle of the room. An old electric chair. Old Sparky. Leather straps on aged wood. Suspicious dark stains.

I gaze into the light of the candle for a moment.

"Flame," I say. "An old god. Not the first god we prayed to... but one of them. It knows secrets. It sometimes shares them..." I run my finger over the candle and smile. "... to those who can withstand its tests."

I shift my stance, looking at the camera. "Those who could summon the fire were hailed as oracles. Servants of the gods." I smile. "I am an oracle. And I gave you a warning... a warning you did not heed."

I light another match and set it to another candle. This one almost an arm's length away from the first. I look at you both through the screen. My glare cutting right through the glass, across the empty space and into your eyes.

"I warned you... about Aika."

The screen flashes to the eerie green of night vision lenses. It's shot with night vision lenses. Aika on Gemma's back, Gemma's arm between her legs. Both Gemma's eyes and Aika's eyes glow in with that haunted light. The arena is dark. Nobody can see. There's a moment of stillness...

.. and then Aika rips Gemma's arm up. The camera distorts and twists and you can't get a clear picture of it... but it's there. It's there.

The screen flashes back to me. I have both candles in front of me, side-by-side.

"I am an oracle of the fire. And I warned you," I say, my fingers dancing near the flames. "And you chose not to listen."

My fingers touch the flames from the candles, and fire licks up to the top of my hands.

"Gemma paid the price for her willful ignorance."

I bring my burning hands up to my face, lighting it with dancing shadows.

"Now... Punky... Purple Vixen..." My smile spreads across my face like a sickle. "Whatever you call yourself... however many names you hide behind... Aika knows your secret name. The name your sweaty lips whispered into her ear."

My hands clench into fists. Burning.

"And now... Punky... it's your turn."

I swing my hands out fast, putting out the flames. And the screen goes black.
Seldom defeated.
Never merciful.


Offline Virginia Dare

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Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #4 on: February 08, 2015, 07:31:34 PM »
After the screen goes black, it flickers back on again with Debra Arun and Aarón Rodriguez at the news desk. Rodriguez nods solemnly while Arun looks nervous.

DA: Just who does Tantalus think he’s scaring with all this... stuff?

AR: We’ve never seen anything like Aika here in FTW. And if you ask me, Debra... looks like he’s scaring you.

DA: (shaking her head) You’re wrong, old man. You’re wrong.

Rodriguez frowns at her and Debra looks at the screen.

DA: And now, ladies and gentlemen, we have the arrival of a brand new competitor in FTW. The arrival of... Daredevil Jenny Dare!

AR: I’ve been looking forward to seeing this lady in action for a long time!

The screen fades out. We hear the sound of a hot wind. The picture fades in on the Grand Canyon. Clear, blue sky. The desert scrublands. A woman’s voice speaks as a voice-over.

“They say Fortune favors the bold...”

A quick cut to Evel Knievel jumping a dozen busses... then, back to the Grand Canyon. The camera moving toward the edge, we can see someone in the distance standing on the rim.

“... and that courage is not the lack of fear...”

Another shot of Knevil landing his bike, crashing, his body spilling across the landing ramp.

“... but acting in spite of fear.”

A shot of a woman in red, white and blue gear—much like Knevil’s—running across the ring, then leaping over the top rope to another wrestler on the floor. An announcer with a deep Texas accent shouts, “OH MY GOD! THAT’S SIX FEET AND ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY POUNDS OF HEAT SEEKING DESTRUCTION!”

“They say Fate, like a woman, is impressed by boldness...”

The same woman performing a moonsault from the top rope, landing on a woman in a black mask and black tights. The masked wrestler’s limbs flail up from the impact.

And then, the same woman spinning the Red Enforcer around and slamming him with a rising clothesline that throws him mask over tea kettle, smashing face first to the ground. A Japanese voice shouts, “GO HOME LARIATOOOO!”

The camera cuts back to the Grand Canyon, moving at a blurred speed now toward the rim where a woman stands in an Evel Knievel style jump suit, looking over the rim.

The voice over says, “Now is not the time for fear...”

And I look at the camera and smile.

“Now is the time... to dare.”

Overseer’s song Supermoves explodes through the speakers as I leap up into the air and the screen SMASHCUTS to black and four letters in red, white and blue cover up the screen.


Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #5 on: February 09, 2015, 09:09:36 PM »
The FTW AFTERSHOCK logo zaps across the screen and the camera zooms back in on the two announcers sitting at the desk.

AR: Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, to the FTW Aftershock studio. I am, of course, Aarón Rodriguez. With me in the studio, the lovely

DA: Debra Arun. You don't need to introduce me, Aarón. I can do that for myself.

The masked man lets out a little sigh and shakes his head after being interrupted by his co-host.

AR: This was great! I can't wait to see the Daredevil in action. She looks like a girl who loves throwing her weight around!

DA: And she does have a lot of weight to throw around, too.

AR: Anyways! Now, after being introduced to Jenny Dare, it's time for us to talk about another very delighting topic!

DA: You're right, Aarón! It's time for us to finally talk about our new, and everlasting FTW Champion, Callista Quinn?

AR: Actually...

DA: The creator of the best stable in wrestling...ever! The Countdown!

AR: Well...

DA: The Queen of FTW! The Mistress of...of...of everything!!

AR: You know, Debra...wait, the Mistress of everything?

He raises an eyebrow behind his mask and looks over at his colleague.

DA: Obviously!

AR: Interesting...

There's silence for a few moments, before El Estrello clears his throat

AR: But actually our next topic is the Dragon Starrs, Lindsay Campbell and Lisa Starr, beating the Countdowners Megan Dow y El Rojo in a Tag Team Match!

DA: I thought you said “delighting”!

AR: Si, si! Very delighting! It shows that evil doesn't always prevail, no matter how much they bend the rules.

DA: There's nothing bad about bending things, as long as they don't break. Keep that in mind, Aarón.

AR: Anyways, we were actually hoping to get an interview with Lindsay and Lisa, but unfortunately, none of them seem to be available right now. So I guess we will just have to look at some footage from the match!

DA: Oh no, please not! Nobody wants to see that!

She receives a stern look from the luchador.

DA: Alright, alright! Just let's make our way through it like professionals! No matter how much we despise what we witness...

AR:, for example, the start of the match! A despicable act...

Aarón is interrupted by something, and slightly turns to the side, holding two fingers to his right ear as he apparently gets a call from the director. He nods all few seconds, before finally turning to face the camera again.

AR: Ladies and Gentlemen, it appears we have some breaking news for you! For that, let's go to the backstage area of the Greensboro Sportatorium to our action reporter...Cole Michaels?

The screen gets split, on the left is the reporter, maybe in his mid-20s, with his short black hair slicked back as far as it would go, and a frameless pair of glasses on his nose. Wearing a simple black suit in combination with a white shirt and a red tie.

CM: Hi Aarón, Miss Arun. Hey! Hehe! Aarón - Arun! You're names are pretty alike! Did you notice that?

DA: Would you please not rub my nose in it?

AR: Huh! You're actually right! Ha...that's funny. Don't you think so, Debra? I mean...what coincidence, heh?

DA: justshutup...So, Mr. Cole -

CM: It's Mr. Michaels -

DA: Whatever! What's the big Breaking News? What's going on back there?

The screen with Cole zooms in to full-screen, a little red banner with “BREAKING NEWS!” written in bold, capital, yellow letters on the bottom left corner as he starts his story, while walking towards his left.

CM: Thank you, Debra. I am here, in the backstage area of the Greensboro Sportatorium, and dramatic scenes are taking place here!

He stops next to a smaller, chubby man, his balding head is covered up by an old, dirty, blue cap. He's wearing an olive colored overall, has a mop in his left hand and a thick mustache on his upper lip. The name-tag on his overall says Miller, so...

CM: I'm standing here with the Sportatorium's janitor, who witnessed that one half of the Dragon Starrs, Lindsay Campbell, has locked herself in the janitor's closet...and she won't come out!! Mr. Miller, what can you tell us?

Janitor: No...No Mister Miller. Miller the old janitor. Yo soy Arredondo. Señor Hectór Luíz María Arredóndo.

CM: Oh...okay, then...Mr. Arredóndo, what can you tell us?

HLMA: Si, woman come running. Crying and screaming very loud. I just got mop because someone throws up on toilet floor. So I get mop, and door is open, and woman run in, and close door. And now I can not bring mop back in the closet and that is bad.

CM: Right...*he turns to the camera as the janitor turns and looks back at the door to his closet* apparently something very scary must have happened to make Lindsay run away and in all desperation, she decided to hide in the closet.

DA (offscreen): This is ridiculous...

AR (offscreen): Cole, Cole, do we know what happened? Why is she in there? Did she say anything? Any idea when she's gonna come back out?

CM: No, we have no idea what happened. She won't say anything. But...when you listen real close, you can hear her whimper through the door. Hold on a minute...

The sound of footsteps, quickly coming closer, becomes louder and louder. After a few seconds, none other than Lisa Starr comes jogging into the picture, wearing her black “SECOND CITY STARR” t-shirt (for more information visit underneath a studded, black leather jacket, a pair of torn, grey jeans and Chucks. She stops as she sees the camera, the reporter...and the janitor.

LS: What the *BEEP* is going on here? Ah...forget I asked. Have you seen Linds?

Cole Michaels turns back to the camera

CM: It's Lindsay's tag team partner, Lisa Starr. Maybe she knows why Lindsay Campbell is hiding in the closet!

He walks over to an obviously annoyed Lisa Starr.

LS: What the *BEEP*, man?! I asked you a question!

Being the (semi-)professional investigative reporter that Mr. Michaels is, he of course ignores Lisa's complaints.

CM: Miss Starr! Cole Michaels here, for FTW Aftershock.

LS: Cole Michaels? Seriously??

CM: Of course! Why should I lie to you? Anyways, Lisa! Do you have any information on why your tag partner is hiding in the janitor's closet?

LS: Yeah, I guess she's a little freaked out....wait, what? She's...hiding? Closet?? Huh???

CM: *points at the closed door* Right in there. So, you say she's freaked out? What happened?

LS: We watched the Gemma vs Rowan -

CM: Aika

LS: - Match in our dressing room. She always complained about how creepy she is and blabla...and when she snapped Gemma's arm she started screaming and ran away. And now excuse me...I'm gonna help that girl out of the closet now!

The camera stays on Lisa as she moves past Michaels and the janitor to the locked door. She tries to open no avail. Then starts knocking

LS: Lindsay! Linds! It's Lisa! Are you in there?

It takes a few seconds, but eventually, finally, a weak voice comes from the other side of the door.

LC: No.

LS: What the *BEEP* are you doing in that closet?

LC: I'm...not in the closet.

LS: Yes, you are! I'm talking to you, right?

LC: Yeah...maybe YOU are in the closet. I'm not.

LS: Come on, stop playing games! Open the door! Open the door and COME OUT!!

LC: No. No I'm not coming out. She's out there...she's gonna come for me! She wants to hurt me and all! Nuh uh! I'm staying here! And....and don't tell anyone I'm in the closet, okay?! She's gonna find me...

Lisa looks at the camera, then at the door.

LS: Linds, there's a camera here. We're live. Everybody knows. AND you're making a fool of yourself! Sooooo please come out!

LC: I'm not coming out of the closet.

LS: Alright. FINE! I'm getting you outta there! Just you wait, Linds!

She turns to the janitor who started cleaning the floor with his mop.

LS: Hey! Hey, you!! *WHISTLES* HEY!! El Janitorio!!

Eventually he looks up and turns towards Lisa


LS: You got a key for this thing?

HLMA: Si, key.

LS: Have you tried unlocking the door, maybe?


LS: So?! What are you waiting for? Put your key in the hole and open the *BEEP*ing door!!

HLMA: Ahhhhh si!

LS: Well, go ahead!


LS: Wha?

HLMA: That no work. She lock inside. We outside, can not unlock inside from outside.

Lisa just stares at the janitor

HLMA: Sorry, no work.

She keeps staring at him as he goes back to mopping the floor. Eventually Lisa lets out a big sigh and tilts her head back, staring up at the ceiling with one hand pressed against the door. Cole Michaels steps back into picture.

CM: The dilemma continues here in the Greensboro Sportatorium. But at least we now know that Lindsay Campbell ran away from the footage of Aika breaking Gemma's arm in their match earlier tonight. I'll keep you up to date on the situation. For FTW Aftershock, this is Cole Michaels.

The screen returns to Aarón and Debra sitting at their desk. Aarón's expression is mostly shielded by his mask, while Debra shakes her head in disbelief.

DA: This. Is. Ridiculous! A - more or less - mature woman hiding in a closet and we have a reporter back there? And they actually think someone cares about this big baby girl?

AR: Hey! I care! I just hope she'll find the strength to eventually come out of the closet! Maybe I should head back there. I'm sure the big, strong El Estrello could comfort Lindsay. She just needs someone to protect her!

DA: You men ALWAYS fall for that helpless little girl thing, don't you?


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Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #6 on: February 14, 2015, 01:31:13 AM »
The scene starts in the temporary office of our distinguished and very accomplished commissioner.  I enter with a smile and greet her with the utmost respect. “Good evening Ms. Santos” I say as I reach for her head and bow slightly keeping my eyes on her looking for her approval.  She smiles very warmly and then pulls me in for a hug.  We embrace for a few seconds and she gives me a soft kiss on the cheek.  “We have business to discuss Mzzzz Tina” she says showing me the same respect I showed her though a little more playfully. 
I giggle.  “We sure do.”  We each sit down around the desk with her of course in the big leather chair while I sit in just a folding chair in front of her. 

Santos: “We’ve been through quite a lot together.” 

Me:  “We sure have.”  I smile and nod. 

Santos: “Do you remember Guadalajara? 

Me: “Hehe… Ummmm vaguely.  It was either the chair shots or the tequila shots… but either way my head was swimming that night.”

Santos: Probably the tequila shots.  I think one tequila shot disorients you more than two chair shots… haha… You never could hold your liquor Lee. 

Me: Hehe… Yup.  That’s one place I couldn’t hang with you.

Santos: Well we have quite enough drinkers in this fed for sure.  I’m not looking for drinkers.  I’m looking for wrestlers, ring warriors, gladiators.  Are you going to do that for me Lee? 

Me:  You know me.  I put fannies in the seats and then bring them to their feet.

Santos: That’s what I want to hear.

She reaches into her desk and grabs a bright red envelope.  She opens it and slides out the stapled paper and places it in the middle of the desk.  She turns it towards me and reaches into her jacket pocket for a pen.  I extend my hand to accept the pen but she tugs it away for a moment.  Our eyes meet and her demeanor turns serious. 

Santos: I know you have a quick wit and a sharp tongue.  We are making a VERY large investment in you.  I know first-hand teaming with you and fighting you what you are capable of.  I know that you haven’t been able to shine as much as you think you could in other federations. You’re 37.  You don’t have many years left.  If you ever want to be a world champion, this could be your last chance.  I wasn’t much older than you when I took someone lightly and she ended my career.  There are very dangerous people here.  Are you ready for this?

Me:  I grab Gabriella’s hand wrapped around the pen.  I look dead in her eyes and my demeanor turns just as serious.  “I’m more ready for this as I’ve ever been.  I crack jokes sometimes but look at me.  I’m 115 pounds and in the best shape of my life.  I only do four things now.  Eat, train, wrestle, sleep.  That’s it.  The jokes are me blowing off steam but when I step in between those ropes, God help the lady on the other side.  I really truly believe all that “iron price” stuff.  I won’t promise that I will be the absolute best woman in FTW.  You have some tremendous talent here.  What I will promise is that I will bust my hump battling every woman here and nobody, NOBODY will work harder than me in that ring and if a lady does beat me it’s going to take her absolute best to do it. 

Santos looks at me sternly looking into my eyes and sizing up my trustworthiness.  She then smiles and the tension in the room melts away.  She stands up and leans over the desk and hugs me again.  “That’s what I wanted to hear Lee.  Here’s the pen.  Sign on the dotted line.”

I smile and take the pen.  I flatten the paper.  I look at her and take a deep breath.  Tears welling up in my eyes.  I compose myself and then sign the contract with long exaggerated strokes like John Hancock signing the Declaration of Independence. 
Welcome to FTW Tina Lee! She stands and applauds.  She comes around the desk and we embrace again, this time very deeply and tightly.

Santos:  Why don’t you take a look around and see what FTW has to offer.   I’m sure you won’t mind the camera following you around… hehe

Me:  Got me there.  I’ll admit I’ve never seen a camera I didn’t like… hehe

I turn to the camera and look right into it.  I brush back my bangs, look into the lens and blow a playful kiss. 

Me:  Hehe… That’ll work.  Let’s go chief.  I got a crowd to win over… hehe…


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Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #7 on: February 14, 2015, 01:31:59 AM »
The scene cuts to me strolling behind the scenes.  I stay on the outer edge giving all the wrestlers a wide berth for the most part. I know that when I’m getting ready for a huge match and need to get myself into a state where I want to fight and beat up my would-be opponent, the last thing I want to do is act social and friendly.  Still I get to size all of my potential opponents up and look for little things that make them tick which I may be able to use later.  I’m not as cerebral a fighter as some here but I’ve been around the block a few times and I still feel like I’m always learning and any edge I can find is useful. 

I shake hands with many of the backstage staff.  They are gracious and excited to meet me.  I’m honored to be the first big free agent of this small but promising fed.  I’m near the gorilla position when I see FTW’s odd couple Lisa and Lindsay.  I give Lindsay a respectful nod and then I give my classic smirk and a wink to my young friend Lisa.  I’m so proud that at such a young age she is positioning herself to be a major player. 
I stroll around and turn to sign an autograph for one of the staff and then OHHHHHHHHH!.  The crowd groans and then BOOOOOS mercilessly.  I find a monitor and find Lisa and Lindsay blindsided.  “Come on!" I groan.  I shake my head and then turn to the camera.  “Rule #1 in wrestling.  Always keep your eyes on your opponent.  “Come on Lisa. You can do this.” I say to the screen as I fold my arms and watch the match with concern.


I watch Lindsay storm down to the ring and look like a 150 lb Midwest tornado as she batters and throws around the two Countdown members like nobody jobbers.  “WHOOOOAAAA… If that Lindsay ever finds a way to tap into that disdain all the time… Watch Out!  She’s going to be a force.”


YESSSSSS!!! I watch Lindsay get the pin.  “WAY TO GO LADY!”  I peel back the curtain near a corner of the arena to listen to the crowd’s reaction.  “Those ladies got it!  There’s nothing like that feeling.  Nothing like that feeling when you give EVERYthing you can, pay the iron price, come out victorious and then FEEL the love from the crowd.  It’s glorious.  I live for that… I live for that.”


We cut to Lisa and Lindsay walking from the ring after their huge win.  Lindsay is elated hugging everyone in sight.  It doesn’t take long before Lindsay bounds towards me and forget that we barely know each other, I get a big sweaty bloody bear hug as she lifts me off my feet and swings me in the air a bit.  “HAHAHA… Congratulations lady!” I say.   
“We can’t wait until you are in FTW Tina.  You are going to be a blast to compete with.”  She puts me down and I give her a pat on the shoulders.
Lisa approaches me much more quietly, patiently waiting her turn.  She folds her arms and smirks at me much the same way I’ve smirked at her over the years.  We stare at each other both smirking and I give in and finally break the ice.  I offer my hand.  “Congratulations Lisa Starr.”  I tell her with a grin.  She looks at my hand extended there for a few seconds.  She then balls up her fist and and flexes her railed bicep.  I nod and do the same and we fist bump each other… We each make an explosion sound “BOOOOOOKKKK” and throw our fists up in the air and open our hands.  I laugh.  She smirks, turns around and makes her way to her dressing room.  Lindsay gives me a jarring enthusiastic SLAP on the back and runs off to catch up.  I turn to the camera “What a pair… HAHAHA”.


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Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #8 on: February 14, 2015, 01:32:46 AM »
I walk around the halls of the arena and soon enough I’m recognized and I have a number of autograph seekers.  The crowd gorws as other realize a wrestler is wandering the halls to spend time with the fans.

The first couple I see are a pair of twins.  One with a purple wig and one with a blue wig.  I giggle and look at the one with blue wig first.  “So whooooo is your favorite wrestler” already knowing the answer.  She is sheepish but the looks at the camera and blurts out “LISA STARRRR!”. 

I turn to the other twin.  “And how about you purple lady?  Who is your favorite?”  She rolls her eyes at me and says “Punky Megan… Who else?”  I smile.  I sign their magazines and give them each a hug and watch them go on their way.  I turn to the camera.   “It’s funny.  Until I saw the twins I never noticed how much those 2 free spirits are alike.  Funny how much they hate each other but that’s what a decade of hard fought wars can do to ya.  If things don’t bounce your way you can end up hating the world.”


Another scene with me signing autographs for a bigger crowd.  I take the time to talk to each one asking them questions like “Who’s your favorite wrestler?” A few say “Tina”, some say “Tiffany” and one even says “Jenny Dare”.  I turn to her.  “Jenny Dare? I’ve never seen her but I heard she’s great! ”  However, most say “Emily”.  “Yup. Emily is awesome.” I say with a broad smile hoping it doesn’t look forced.  Emily seems like a great lady but in my heart I want the answer for all of them to be me by the time the next ppv arrives.   

“Who’s going to win the championship tonight?” I ask the crowd All say “Emily Layne” except for the three boys wearing the Countdown hoodie blurt out “Callie”.  One of them even pulls out a Mag flashlight with Callie’s name on it.  "Clever!"  I give them a smirk and then a mean look and they bolt off down the hall.   
I turn to the camera as I walk away.  “Not bad for someone who hasn’t even debuted yet.  A lot of people bad-mouth kids today but I think there’s still hope for this country.  None of them said Gemma Rox.  What a terrible role model she is…hehe”   


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Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2015, 01:33:36 AM »
Walking backstage, I stumble across Emily.  I can’t resist.  I walk up and introduce myself.  She is gracious but makes sure our conversation is short.  As I walk away, I turn back to her.  “Oh… Nice necklace sweetie” I comment to her before wishing her “Good  luck”. 


Backstage again I peel back the curtain and watch the end of the Gemma/Aika match from the corner of the arena basically under the bleaches.  I watch the punishment Aika takes.  “Oh my god” I whisper.  I recently faced Gemma and she floored me with just one of those big right hands on my chin.  Aika takes one after the other and then mounts a comeback.  I stand basically flabbergasted mouthing things like “That cant’ happen.  She’s not human.” 


Watching from the same area, the main event is being announced.  I roll up my sleeve and show the camera.  “Goosebumps…hehe”.  I watch almost pacing as I rock back and forth from my left to my right and back again.  I turn to the camera a little emotional.  “I want this.  I want this VERY badly.  That’s gonna be me in that ring… Just you wait.”


The main event is in full swing and you can hear the kendo stick crack over Callie’s body.  YESSSSS!!  GET HER EMILY!  OH NOOOOO… GET UP REF!  I yell. 


Again you hear more wood cracking on flesh but this time it’s Sadie cracking the crutch over Emily. NOOOOOOOO!!!  SADIE YOU BRAT!  UGGHHHHH… COME EMILY… GET UP!


I’m jumping up and down thrusting my arms imploring Emily to KICK OUT!  KICK!  But she doesn’t.  I wouldn’t have been able to either.  It was wishful thinking and I know it. 
I grab my bag to get ready to leave as I briskly walk to my car to beat the traffic.  I turn back to the camera one final time clearly irritated.  “That’s not right!”  I keep walking but then turn around again.  “If that is how Countdown is going to play… I’m ready for ‘em.”  I open up my bag and show my steel chain.  I smirk back at the camera.  “See you tomorrow everyone.”  I turn to the camera and  give it a big kiss before scurrying off to my car.

Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #10 on: February 14, 2015, 10:59:19 PM »
We return to the desk with the two (more or less) lovely commentators of FTW Aftershock.

DA: And that was the footage of „The Spectacular“ Tina Lee's first day in FTW.

AR: She seems to have a few friends back there, already! And with that chain...she seems to be ready for absolutely anything! Callista should be careful...or recruit her!

DA: I highly doubt that Tina Lee has what it takes to join the Countdown.

AR: She has a heart. And apparently, a conscience. Something Callista doesn't seem to want in her group.

DA: You're being ignorant! Just look at Tina Lee. She doesn't have the size, she's not exactly the youngest talent we have. And if you're asking me, she should stop asking for trouble or the Champion is going to teach her a lesson she won't forget.

AR: Dios mío...would you mind pulling your head from Ms. Quinn's behind for a moment? We have a show to continue.

DA: I'm merely stating facts. And why would we not want to talk about the first ever FTW Champion Callista Quinn? Do you want to talk about losers like Emily Layne? Or maybe a little about Sadie Davis, who couldn't even beat Tiffany?

AR: Actually, I just received a message that we have a new development in the backstage area.

DA: No! That's even worse!

AR: We're going back to Cole Michaels. Cole, what's going on?

We're in the backstage area again with Cole Michaels center screen. In the background you can see Lisa Starr still trying to talk some sense into Lindsay, and to make her come out of the closet.

CM: It appears that all tries of Lisa Starr to get her friend, and tag team partner, out of the closet have been ineffective. Lindsay simply is too scared of running into the mysterious Aika. But apparently she has an idea of how to make her leave.

He walks back towards Lisa, who, with an annoyed sigh, turns away from the door, and with her arms folded across her chest, waits for a question.

CM: Lisa, you've made a phone call earlier. Does that have to do with your plan of getting Lindsay to come out of the closet?

LS: You're an idiot! Of course it does!

CM: Would you mind to...tell us a little more?

LS: You'll see soon enough.

CM: Lisa, with Lindsay being in the closet, I couldn't help but think about your partnership. When the doors are closed and the two of you are alone, how close are you really? I'm sure the FTW fans would love to know!

LS: If you mean what I think you mean then I'm about to use your *BEEP*ing head as a battering ram and you can see what life in the closet looks like for yourself!

The reporter stands there and looks at Lisa. He seems to be thinking, searching for something to say now that he's through with his questions without getting a satisfying answer.

LS: And now if you'll excuse me? Get the *BEEP* outta here!!

Lisa gives him a little shove and he staggers away, and just as he turns to the camera again, a voice is heard from a

? ? ?: Hello? Excuse me. Are you the girl who called me?

LS: That's me, yeah. Glad you could make it!

? ? ?: Don't mention it. I love cheering up children in need. So...where's that girl with lung cancer? This...doesn't look much like a hospital

LS: Yeah, just...come here. I'll explain later.

A pretty big man steps into the picture, Cole Michaels drops his mic a little as he looks back. He lets out a little gasp, parts of it caught by the dropped Microphone

CM: Is that...Rick Nash??

Yes, it is Rick Nash. Lisa leads the big Hockey Player to the closet Lindsay's locked herself in and knocks on the door.

LS: Hello Lindsay.

LC: Hi Lisa.

LS: Would you please come out of the closet now?

LC: No, I won't. She's out there. I know she's out there. And she's gonna hurt me. You should come INTO the closet, Lisa. It's much safer in here.

LS: Oh but Lindsay. There's a special someone out here who came the long way from New York just to see you!

LC: I don't know any New Yorkers. Go away!

RN: Is she the child? She doesn't sound like a little girl. Why is she in the closet?

LS: Shut up for a moment, okay? Oh, Lindsay! It's your all time favorite Hockey player EVER! Your big idol and...whatever else he is.

LC: Nuh uh! No way!!

LS: Yes way! Former star forward for the Blue Jackets, now finally playing for a competitive team, the New York Rangers! Just for you, Lindsay. It's Rick Nash!!

Some rapid movement is heard from inside the closet as Lindsay seems to be jumping up and down in excitement.

LC: OH. MY. GOD!! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!!!!! For real?! Seriously?? Mr. Nash? Are you like...REALLY out there??

Rick glares at the door with an extremely confused look on his face.

RN: Yeah, I'm here. And...why are you in the closet, Lindsay? It's okay, you can come out. You don't need to hide.

LC: No, I need to hide! You don't understand. I can't come out.

Rick gently pushes past Lisa and gets close to the door.

RN: There's no need to be ashamed. Many people suffer the same fate as you. And of course, it's not easy. But you have to be strong! You have to keep fighting! You don't have to be ashamed...or afraid. Having cancer is nothing to be ashamed of.

LC: But I...I don't have cancer. I'm hiding from an evil, superhuman woman-like creature who always hurts people.

RN: Like I said, it's...what? You don't have cancer?

Rick straightens up and looks over at Lisa, who compared to him looks...well, extremely small!

LS: Look, just get her out of the closet, okay?!

RN: You told me she's a 4 year old girl who's gonna die of lung cancer! And instead it's...Lindsay,  how old are you?

LC: Twenty-four.

RN: And instead it's a 24 year old woman who's afraid of ghosts?


LS: *sighs* No, she's not a ghost! Look, big boy! Quite frankly, I don't give a *BEEP* about what you expected. You're here to get Linds out of the closet, cause you're like...her big hero or something! Me, as her best friend, have done everything I can. And now it's up to YOU to get her outta there!

RN: Excuse me?

LS: Don't gimme that! You wanna help kids in trouble? You got the oldest little girl in the world locked in a closet cause she's scared of some bitch! She doesn't wanna listen to me. You're her big idol or whatever, so she's gonna listen to you. Now come on, big guy! Get her outta there!! I'm going to the bathroom now, and when I'm back I want Lindsay OUT of the closet!

And with that Lisa stomps away and leaves a speechless Rick Nash behind. The camera zooms out a bit and Cole Michaels steps back into the picture.

CM: A dramatic turn of events here, as Rick Nash has arrived, thinking he came to comfort a fatally ill child, and instead he now seems to be in charge, trying to get the Dragon, Lindsay Campbell...out of the closet. For now, we're going back to the studio. For FTW Aftershock, I'm Cole Michaels.

Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2015, 01:40:34 AM »
Back in the studio, the camera zooming in on the two hosts.

AR: Do you think FTW has to pay for that TV?

DA: Obviously not! The management is only responsible for what their employees do while at work. And shopping is NOT work.

AR: It looked like work to Red, if you ask me.

DA: Nobody asked you, though.

The two pause and look at each other for a few seconds, then turn their attention back to the camera.

AR: Time to check back with the Dragon in the closet.

DA: No!

AR: Let's go back once more to Cole Michaels in the backstage area of the Greensboro Sportatorium.

DA: God, NO!

AR: Cole, what do you have for us?

Cole is on again, the locked closet door behind him...and no one is standing in front of it right now.

CM: You will not believe what's going on here. This is big! As you can see, NOBODY is standing in front of the closet right now. And NOBODY tries to get Lindsay out of there. As we've seen before, Lisa Starr left the scene and left none other than future Hockey Legend Rick Nash here to try and get the Dragon out. What happened once the Second City Starr left, was simply unbelievable!

As he's about to reveal the incredible news, footsteps come closer, quickly...followed by loud cursing


Lisa heads towards the door, then turns towards the reporter

LS: Did she come out?

He shakes his head and Lisa turns towards the door again, giving it a few soft knocks before sighing

LS: Linds?

LC: Hmmm?

LS: Come out?

LC: Nuh uh.

LS: It's just like...I thought you'd really wanna meet Rick Nash, and...he may still be out there in the parking lot! If you come out now, we might just catch him again!

LC: Oh, that's okay, Lisa.

LS: No, really! It would be such a shame if he left and you didn't even get to see him. So if you could just quickly...come out of the closet?

LC: No, it's really not necessary to go out, you know?

RN: Yeah! Now leave us alone!

LS: Well, but....wait!!

Cole Michaels steps into the screen from the side

CM: Rick Nash has joined Lindsay the closet.

And he disappears, off to the side again.

LS: What the *BEEP* are you doing in there? You're supposed to get her OUT of the closet!!

RN: It's much better IN here than OUT there with you!!

LC: Would you two please stop arguing?

LS: Oh and what exactly is so bad about being out here with me?

LC: Don't , answer that, Mr. Nash, sir.

RN: You're a mean bitch!! Sorry, Lindsay. I had to say it...and you can call me Rick, of course.

LC: Oh...Wait, I can call you Rick? YAY!!

Lisa looks like she's about to explode. Her fists balled, it's obvious that she wants to punch a hole into that door! Problem is, it's a pretty solid door. Apparently, after a few break-ins, they decided to replace the cheap plywood door by something that actually withstands someone leaning against it.

Lindsay and Rick Nash are talking, but it's hard to make out what they're saying in their little chit-chat while Lisa paces back and forth, trying to find a solution...a way to get her tag partner out of that damn closet!! It must be possible...there must be a way to make her leave that thing.

LS: Hey, Linds?

LC: Mhmm!

LS: Did you even take a shower after our match?

LC: Ehm...I kinda...didn't get to, no.

LS: I'm sure it smells in there, huh?

LC: I eh...guess?

RN: Oh don't worry, Lindsay! I'm a hockey player! I know what sweaty athletes smell like! But I must say...this here beats every single locker room in the world I've ever been in.

One can almost hear Lindsay's heart explode as she “Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww”'s loudly after that comment. While all Lisa can do is roll her eyes and pace back and forth again, thinking of a way to get Lindsay outta there.

After a while, a young man enters the scene. He's some sort of...FTW staff boy. One of the guys who helps building up the ring...the buffet...all that stuff. Tall guy, athletic build, and looks in his mid-20s. He steps up to Lisa

Staff Boy: Hey Lisa. I can help! I think I know a way to get her outta there.

LS: Huh?! Leave it to me, alright?! You don't even KNOW that girl. Sure, you and her always engage in those stupid drinking games at the after-show parties, but NO! You don't know her! And also...I got it now! So stand back and watch a pro!

Lisa slowly steps up towards the door as the staff boy steps back, leans towards it and gives it a few soft knocks.

LS: Hey, Lindsay?

LC: Mhmmm?

LS: You're in there to hide from this Aika girl, right?

LC: Psssshhhh!! Not so loud!! She's gonna come if you say that name too loud!

LS: Yeah...anyways...Lindsay, I've been wondering...isn't it kinda...dark in there?

LC: Ehm...yeah, it is. Why you asking?

LS: Have you noticed that, every time she appears, it's getting...dark? It's like she comes out of the darkness! think it's really all that safe in there? And not out here? In the light? With a friend or two?

There's silence for a few seconds, Lisa leans a little closer towards the door to check for any sound, when suddenly...


Lindsay screams out loudly in horror and with one loud CRACK! the locker door, with about 150lbs of draconic force behind it, slams into Lisa's face, which sends her stumbling back before falling to the floor, holding her bleeding nose as Lindsay sprints out of the closet.

But she doesn't get very far...

LC: Jeremy?

Staff Boy: Yeah...Hi Lindsay! So good to see you! about you get ready, then we head out and down a beer or two at the party?

LC: Oh...yeah, I'd LOVE that!!!

And with a happy skip to her step, Lindsay hops back towards the dressing room to finally take that shower and to get ready for “partying” (a.k.a. drinking her brains out).

Rick Nash steps out of the closet as well and steps over to the downed Lisa Starr. He reaches downs and helps her up to her swaying feet. Her hands still on her face, covering up that bleeding nose.

RN: You didn't tell me there's a party! Why didn't you tell me about the party?!

He asks and gives her a little smack on her shoulder...well, maybe it's a little smack for a 6'4'' 213lbs powerhouse of a hockey player!! As he walks away, Lisa stumbles, arms flailing, grabbing for anything she can to stay on her feet!! Unfortunately, she grabs the handle of the closet door, falls into the closet, lands on her ass and accidentally slams the door shut

CM: There you have it. Lindsay Campbell and Rick Nash are both out of the closet and on their way to the FTW After-show party! While Lisa Starr seems to be taking a nap in the closet.
I'm Cole Michaels for FTW Aftershock! Back to the studio

As Aarón and Debra return to the viewers' screens, she lets out a big sigh of relief

DA: Oh thank god this is over!!

AR: Si! I'm very glad this is finally over! I was getting very worried about poor Lindsay! I think I'll have to give her a hug later at the after-show party. Let her know that everything is gonna be alright!

DA: *sighs* As you wish! Can we please continue with something important now that this waste of time is finally done?


Offline Emily Layne

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Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #12 on: February 21, 2015, 02:51:00 PM »
AR: (turning from Debra and back to the camera.) And speaking again about the creepiest and scariest figure in the FTW, Ladies and gentlemen, the next bit of tape we have to show you is...

DA: It involves that psychob*beep* Aika. That's all they need to know.

AR: ... yes. (glares at Debra, then back to the camera) This footage was captured backstage just a few moments ago. Viewer discretion is advised..And you better take the kids to the bed

DA: ...and not only them it seems *sighs*


Sitting over the bench, in my locker room, elbows planted on my thighs, hands on my forehead as I look down. Eyes closing. I hide a grimace, the pain on my back is stinging but that’s not the worst pain.

The worst pain is the one that invading my heart.

In my eyes the image of the ref down while I had Callista in the Pearly Gates, her hand tapping on my arm.
I had her, she fucking tapped out.
Then everything changed when Sadie entered the ring.
It’s now history, but I know that I will never accept that.

I don’t move except to breathe. I hear a knock at my door, I still don’t move and don’t say anything.
The door opens and a young guy pops his head in. It’s one the the EMTs that helped me to move away from the ring.

"Miss Layne, we are waiting for you in the medical room,” he says.
The match was tough. I would need some bandages, some rest and whatsoever. But in this moment, I don’t want to see anyone or anything.

"Miss Layne?"

"Im fine…” i simply say


I lift my face and give him a not very friendly look
"I said… I’m fine"

He gulps and closes the door. I’m not sure if he is waiting for me outside or not.

After some long minutes, probably a half hour or so i do a very long shower before i start to slow change myself into my black tight jeans and a black halter top. Black ankle boots and hair tied up in a pony tail. It’s still wet cause it’s usually annoying to dry up my hair, especially when Im pissed. And now, I am pissed.

I grab my big sporty bag and hang it across my shoulder as i start to make my way out of the locker room. I look around,the lights are semi down, the show ended like two hours ago now. The guy of the EMT is not here anymore. The perfect moment to go away, without people asking me if I’m okay or not. I put a baseball hat over my head that barely covers my eyes and move to the secondary exit.


From a dark corner, a whisper. An almost guttural voice.

"You failed," it says, almost as quiet as a thought.

You turn to look and see a figure standing in the corner. A slender figure, curves emphasized by a form-fitting cat suit. The face hidden behind a mask that looks like it has talons ripping into the skin.

"You could have stopped them," she says. "But you failed because you are weak."

She steps forward, moving closer. Her wet hair falls over her face, hiding her black eyes from view. All you see are the lips, blood red.

"Because you are weak."


I only hear the voice, and I’m not sure what the voice said when I turn around to check who talked in the dark. My mind is still filled with thoughts and sensations about what just happened and what will happen in the next few days.

When I turn I see the figure of a woman standing in the corner. I recognize her: she is Aika. To tell the truth, I didn’t watch the matches before the main event with much attention. I was focused on my match… but well, I surely watched what happened between her and Gemma and Punky.

Rowan and I never met again after what happened at First Strike where I left her in the ring, destroyed by the Stroke of Midnight of Gemma and Megan.

“Thats not the m..." my sentence is broken by her words.

I hear her saying that I am weak. The figure is scary, creepy, but in this moment I am focused on what she is saying. My fists close, my muscles tremble and that causes the  bag to fall on the concrete fold floor of the corridor.

"Im not weak. Its just that..." I shake my head, visibly annoyed and frustrated. "Fuck that.”

I look at the masked woman in front of me, then grab the bag and put the lace over my shoulder again.

“This is not the time, Rowan" I say, almost a grunt. I make my way to the door to move away from this place.

Aika's steps are deliberate, but now they turn quick. Her boots on the pavement, the growl in her voice.

She races at you, a blur of shadow and rage. And when she slams into you, her arms and legs are wild things, like independent entities with minds of their own. Her face screaming in your face, "YOU COULD HAVE STOPPED THEM! YOU COULD HAVE STOPPED THEM!"

Her weight slams against you, but the action is mad. Just pure rage with only a single intent: to cause pain.


I should have realized that Aika wouldn’t have stepped out of my way that easily but I wasn’t ready for this assault.

"WHAT THE FUCK!” I scream out as I receive shots from her legs and arms. The first ones caught me surprised and the bag falls on the floor again. I stumble backwards a step before losing balance and fall down on my ass and back.

"UGHHH!” I groan out, but Aika keeps wildly hitting me with punches and kicks, falling over me and still screaming on my face like crazy.

My hands and arms trying to cover my face and upper body to protect myself from the wild shots but soon I realize that I can’t stay down like that.

I plant my feet on the floor and bridge up with the intention to make this crazy thing fall off of me.



A quick shove and Aika falls to the side, giving you a moment of respite.

But within a heartbeat, she's back on top, throwing fists, elbows and knees against your already battered body.


A slam against your jaw sends stars into your head as you hear the echoes of Aika's voice.



My bridge works but not enough. After a quick second, Aika is again over me throwing punches and elbows.

"UGH UHH OOOFFF!” I groan behind the quick and hard blows, trying to protect my face as much I can, hearing her words.

"OOOHHGG!” the last slam sends my face to the side, I see the stars for a moment, Aika voice is far away now. I have to do something quick or I won’t make it out of here on my feet!

I lift up my knee against her belly and shove her away for a moment, like few seconds ago. She is getting back on top of me, but this time I tighten my abs, planting my arms and elbows down on the floor and lift my legs up, sending both my feet against her jaw.


I roll away, wiping sweat off of my face as I try to recover and re group


Your kick sends Aika flying and she slams into a locker, bending the metal with the impact. Her body slumps to the ground, motionless.

She stares at you from behind her mask, unmoving. Her body twisted like a broken doll.

Then, she twitches. Her head straightens. Her eyes light up. Her fists clench.

And she giggles. A dark, gurgling sound like it came from a corpse that's been in the ground for a hundred years.

She goes from a seated position to standing in a heartbeat, sliding up the broken locker. Her lips murmur...
“you can't hurt me.”

And she steps forward again.

“nothing can hurt me.”


On my knees now, sitting on my heels as I look up at Aika. It looks like my kick and the impact into the locker dazed her. In this moment, I don’t remember what happened in her match against Gemma tonight.

I rub my wrist on my mouth. My lip hurts but I am not bleeding. I see her eyes opening, then she moves up in less than a second. My mind flies to what I seen tonight when Aika went in a sitting position on Gemma flying move attempt.

My blood is boiling,my mind is racing.

I get on my feet as she moves closer.

Not only I was totally robbed tonight, now I am even beaten up and called, "Coward” and “Weak.”

Lips curling in a snarl as I charge Aika, moving into her and lowering my upperbody.

“Lets see about that!"

I growl after her "nothing can hurt me" murmur. My hands slide on the back of her thighs, just under her ass and lift her up before slamming her on her back in a spinebuster!


Aika's back slams into the floor and she screams out loud, her limbs freezing, fingers curling. Her legs wrap around your waist, curling up like a dying spider's legs. You hear her suck breath between her teeth and then... her laughter finds your ears, haunting the room.

Her body twitches, her breath catching in her throat. She almost seems to be in the throes of a strange sexual combat.

Then, her fingers reach out like talons, raking your back. So sharp, they rip at the fabric.

"Harder," she whispers and you can hear the strains of pain in her voice. Then, she slams a forearm into your chin. She shouts again. "More!"


We end down on the floor with me on top. I pant and gasp, trying to fight the pain on my body and face as I plant my knees down into the cold floor to keep the top position.

I lift my right arm, ready to charge it down as Aika’s legs wrap around my body and keep our bodies locked close, but not close enough to prevent sending blows into each other.

When I am about to swing my forearm down on Aika face I cant help but arch my back, my face a mask of pain, and the snarl turns in a grimace as ten nails rake down my back. It seems that the top is not enough to protect my back and the brutal scratch is followed by a huge forearm smash that catches my jaw.

"OOOHHHH" I groan, spitting warm air from my mouth.

It’s hard but I fight the pain and I am able to stay on my knees.

My left hand goes down and presses on Aika neck as my right fist close in a tight ball and I fire it down on Aika masked face.
Once, twice!

While my body wriggles and shakes, in the attempt to get free from the leg hold.


You strike once: Aika's legs just get tighter.

You strike twice: You feel the pressure lighten, but just for a moment. Then, even tighter.

"Weak," she whispers up at you between the punches to her face. "Coward."

She isn't even trying to block your punches. She takes each one, her head slamming to the left, then to the right, her wet hair flinging around her face. You see her eyes: pitch black. Blood on her lips. Smiling lips, covered in blood. Her hips gyrating against you, her arms laying up above her head. She pushes against the floor, lifting her hips off the ground, her back arching, her hips hard against your belly.

More strikes and more laughter. Your fists pound against her and her laughter grows louder and louder, her legs tightening and tightening.

But then, one strike impacts perfectly on her jaw. You can see her lips tremble...

Then, another one. Her grip slips.

Another one, blood spilling on the cement floor. The laughter stops.

Another one, blood splattering across your fists. The gyrating stops.

Another one, knocking the back of her head against the cement floor. Her legs go limp and her body falls to the floor.


The last punches I swing are slow, but they are hard. I put all the effort I can into them, grunting behind each shot.


Aika’s body is giving up, another big shot to her jaw, her strong legs finally falling down on the floor,spread apart on the sides of my legs.

I pause and look down,heavily breathing, warm air coming out from my opened mouth. I sit on my heels and scream with clenched fists.


My hands go down as i lean forward, grabbing her catsuit on her neck level and shake her body.

"I HAD HER! I FUCKING HAD HER! SHE TAPPED! IT WAS OVER!" I scream out again, shouting all my frustration and anger on Aika.

My teeth clenching, my mouth again curls in an angry snarl as I get up and twist my fingers in Aika’s wet hair, lifting her now limp body with me to our feet. I turn around her, with my hands sliding down from her hair to her face and chin while I get back to back with her. My hands solidly grab her head as I lean forward, then bend on my knees and suddenly drop down on my ass, connecting a hangman neckbreaker!

Aika’s body doesnt react.

She drops down on her knees, her neck slams in a brutal impact against my shoulder before she falls down on her chest.

I pant, my breasts heavily move up and down inside my top, following my heavy breath. I stay in a sitting position for many seconds.

Then get on knees and crawl toward Aika’s lifeless body.

I cant help but admire the perfect curves of her legs and ass and knees next to her body. In my mind I can see all that happened in the FTW since we joined.

This body is not Callista’s body, its not Sadie’s body.

This is Rowan!

Damn her!

Rowan? Or who?

My hands pull her side and force her body on her back. She is not moving at all. I slide my hands up toward her mask… ready to unmask her..


Offline Callista

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Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #13 on: February 21, 2015, 06:51:32 PM »
AR: Dios! She's going to be unmasked!

DA: ...So? We've all seen Rowan without the mask before?

AR: You don't understand, you're not a luchador.

DA: Neither are you! You're a commentator, you masked git!
« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 06:58:25 PM by Callista »


Offline Rowan Chance

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Re: FTW Aftershock - Second Coming
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2015, 09:01:46 PM »

You put your hand on the mask and you hear a horrible scream. Something straight from the bowels of Hell.

Aika's legs snap up with lightning speed: one over your shoulder and the other locked under your chin. Then, her hands grab your arm reaching for her mask and they PULL, pulling you down into the gogaplata: the Widow's Kiss.

Her ankle locked under the leg thrown over your shoulder. She pulls down on your arm until her hands get a grip on your head and her fingers wrap into your hair, giving her even more pull as she begins crushing your windpipe against her shin.

"YOU ABANDONED HER!" she screams in your face. "YOU LEFT HER TO DIE!"

The hold gets tighter, cutting off your air. You can feel your throat collapsing. 

Her pitch black eyes look into yours. "COWARD! DIE! DIE! DIE!"

I am confident to have Aika out and stunned after all those fists and the neckbreaker,so when she lifts her legs I am totally surprised and shocked and I have no time to slip away from the set up of the gogoplata!

Her strong legs are catching my neck,her shin is against my throat,choking me.
My right arm trapped and my hair tugged.

"GGGHHHHH........." I emit a silent scream, her leg is crushing my throat and I cant emit sounds.
For the first time my eyes are showing not only pain but also panic.
My left hand grabs on one of her feet and tries to twist it but my energies are starting to fade away.

I close my eyes,then re open them, tears are running across my cheeks as I give another twist to her foot and slightly turn my head, finally able to catch some oxygen with my open mouth as I try to put my feet under me to make her loose the lethal hold!

You can feel her fingers, behind your head, inching closer as Aika tightens the hold. And as she tightens the hold, your face comes closer to hers. You see the rage in her eyes and the hunger on her lips. 

And then, you discover why the hold has its name.

Your face close to hers, you feel her lips touching yours... and her lips touch yours...

And she places a gentle kiss on your lips... just as her shin crushes your throat. And as the pain increases, so does the intensity of the kiss. You feel her tongue enter your mouth, feel a hum of pleasure in her voice. And as everything begins fading to black, you know your last sensation could be Aika's lips and tongue caressing yours.

My attempt to turn the head to catch some fresh air doesnt work, or at least it work only for a couple of seconds.
Then the hold tighten again and I am not able to breathe anymore.

My face stretches and contorted, my mouth wide opened tryin to catch some oxygen but its useless.

My body keeps on wriggling and shaking, tryin to desperately find a escape, but nothing works.

I close my eyes, squeeze them, tears is mixing with sweat over my face and eyes.

I try to say something but only some silent moans are coming from my opened mouth.
I feel that Im about to pass out when I see the mask close to my face,closer and closer until Aika lips are on mine.
Her tongue invading and dominating my mouth.

But there is no pleasure into that, the hold with her legs is not giving me any chance to breathe or escape.
Her lips are warm, wet, I can feel them pressing harder and harder on mine, her tongue pummeling my tongue. I cant do anything but feel pain as energies are getting away from me.

My left hand is now only able to caress on her foot and shin.
My muscles loosening, my face relaxes, my left hand drops down.

Just as you are about to pass out, you feel Aika's grip suddenly release. Her legs throw you to the side as your body collapses onto the concrete.

You feel her rise up beside you as you try to clamor to full consciousness, barely aware of what's happening. Then, you hear a familiar sound. The sound of a metal chair being folded up.

"You abandoned her," you hear her say. And out of the corner of your eye, tinged with darkness, you see Aika with the chair, raising it above her head. "YOU ABANDONED HER!" she shouts as the chair swings the chair straight at your skull.

Aika legs releasing the hold, my body is thrown to the side.
I lay there on my side, for some seconds I dont move except for breathing in a semi conscious state, then my right hand slowly goes to my throat, the pain is huge, i cough and groan out, tryin to recover strength and breathe.

I shake my head and get on all fours, my movements are slow.

"" I murmur and then hear the sound of the steel chair.
I turn to the side,but its already too late.

Aika is already screaming and sending the chair right against my head in a powerful chairshot.

My body collapses down,my eyes close. 
I lay motionless on my side as a trickle of blood is coming from my brunette hair.

Aika stares at you, unmoving, the chair dangling from her fingertips. When she speaks, her lips only mumble. 

"you... aban..."

She drops the chair and it clatters against the cement floor.

Then, she stumbles backward, her hands clawing at the mask. 

"STOP! STOP!" she shouts. "STOP IT!"

Aika crumbles to the ground in a heap, her hands covering her masked face. You can hear a sound through her fingers. Something like sobbing.

Then, she recovers, going from being crumpled on the floor straight up in a heartbeat. 

She whispers, "you... can't have... my... pain."

Aika steps close to you and grabs your hair, pulling you up to your knees. She bends over, her face close to yours.

"You... can't have... my... pain," she says to your face.

Then, she reaches one hand between your legs and lifts you, twisting you in the air into a piledriver position. And she hesitates... as she adjusts her stance just above the chair lying on the concrete floor...

My body not moving anymore, laying down on the concrete floor of the corridor of the backstage.
Eyes closed, so its my mouth now stunned and dazed after the huge impact with the steel chair.
I can hear some noises, some screams too, it seems they are coming from so far away, in the ring or wherever else, I dont realize that they are coming from the same room I am in.

Im lifted on my knees, eyes closed as Aika talks to me, talkin to her now prey.

My body is easily lifted up in the air and twisted as my legs are now over Aika shoulders as she holds me there in this position.
Blood is dropping down on the white floor, 
One stain,then a second, then more and more in few seconds as my head now point straight to the chair that impacted with my head only few seconds ago.

My hands are slowly moving, touching Aika thighs.
Its like she is waiting for long minutes, but they really are few seconds.

She drops down in her own piledriver and the top of my head perfectly lands on the folded chair under me with a cracking impact, the sounds of my head slamming down is really creepy.
My body stays upside down for a second, before crumbling down, my back hits the floor first,then my ass and finally legs and feet,spread apart.

More blood forming over the white floor,under the chair and next to the chair.

After the impact, Aika remains motionless. Your face just in front of her, her glassy black eyes–like a shark's eyes–stay focused on something far in the distance.

Then, she puts her hands on either side of your head and pushes her body back, sliding along the concrete like a serpent, until her face is close to yours.

"You were weak," she hisses. "But now I've shown you... true... pain..."

And she starts to laugh.

The laughter builds, her body buckling with the strength of it. 

And then, the laughter turns dark. Begins transforming into screams. 

Aika falls back, kicking away from you, clutching at the mask.

"NO!" she screams. "NO! NO!"

The screams turn to laughter as she points at your still body. Then, the laughter turns back to screams.

"I'M SORRY!" she screams. "EMILY, I"M SORRY!"

Security guards and referees and medics finally arrive, finding you on the floor, motionless, blood pooling around your head. And they find Aika, screaming and laughing, ripping at her hair. 

My body lays still,not moving except to breathe, breasts moving following the breathe movements.
I live Aika words like a far away dream.

I dont react, Im out cold after the brutal and merciless impact of my head against the metallic chair.

A bunch of people reach for my limp body.
The referees arrive first, they call for the medics.
 One of them kneel next to me, checking for my wrist, worried about the worst.

"we have the medical room ready"

"we need an ambulance! Now!"

The voices crosses in the room

Then they carefully lift my head and secure my neck with a huge white medical collar.

The EMTs wave their wildly wave their hands,calling for a stretcher.
Finalkw it arrives and my body is carefully lifted and carried over the stretcher.
Arms secured to my sides.

They are worried about my neck and spine.
 The sound of a siren echoes in the nearest street. 
I am carried with the stretcher inside of the ambulance that just arrived.

My body is not moving, laying limp as the ambulance moves quickly to the nearest hospital.
 The medics inside are checking my parameters.
Suddenly my eyes open.
One of the medics notices that and leans to me.

"Ms Layne, Ms Layne, you are in a ambulance,soon we will arrive to the hospital,Im a doctor. Can you hear me?"

I don't say a word, laying still, my eyes wide opened.

"Ms Layne, did you understand what I just told you?" he continues.

My eyes are staring up to the ceiling.

"Ms Layne?"

"whats..whats that?" I ask in a soft voice.

The doc looks up to the point where I am staring up at.
Then he looks to the other doctor.
 My eyes now are closed.
One of the doctors open my eyes, and points a light on my right eye,then to my left. 
I dont react.

They look at each other once more, the ambulance finally arrives.
Tales of the Sexfight Championship