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Apartment Wrestling Club Fight No. 4 -- Jenny versus Monique

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Apartment Wrestling Club Fight No. 4 -- Jenny versus Monique
« on: April 24, 2015, 07:15:03 AM »
This poll is the fourth in the new Apartment Wrestling Club series.  As a reminder, the matches all involve non-FCF participants and photos.  All the girls participating are amateurs with no professional training to be a fighter.  The polls will run for as long as needed to determine a winner.  You can vote at any time and change your vote at any time.  Vote early though because the poll can end early depending on the voting and the progress of the fight.  Each day (usually several times per day) a story will be updated in the poll thread to reflect the polling outcomes and to play out the fight.  Feel free to chime in with posts as spectators and have fun with the storylines.  This fight is being held in Cleveland.  The participants are:

Jenny (5'5 140 pounds 26 y/o) is from a very small farming community in the midwest.  She currently lives a few hours from Chicago.  Jenny works in a small bank and is recently married.  Her and her husband are both excited about seeing how she competes.  Jenny has fought a number of times in her life and claims to have won them all.  She grew up on a farm and is strong.  Jenny's short interview response about why she would be a good Apartment fighter -- "I'm a country girl and we all know country girls kick ass!!! Ain't no bitch from the city gonna be able to stand up to me."

Monique (5'7 135 pounds 27 y/o) lives just outside of New York City.  Monique manages a small retail business .  During her days in college she played on the basketball team before hurting her knee seriously enough she had to give up the game.   She is solidly built but is softer now than when she was younger.  Monique's short interview response about why she would be a good Apartment fighter -- "I go all out in everything I do.  I have always been a winner and this won't be any different for me."

Both girls arrive at the secret fight location an hour in advance of the fights and are shown to their respective dressing room areas.  Each are presented with a short pre-made video showing their opponent's measurements as well as their opponent going through a short series of stretches along with a short verbal response to why they believe they will be able to win an Apartment Fight. 

Jenny changes into a pink halter style bikini holding her large breasts firmly in place and slips on her matching pink board shorts.  Jenny kicks back on the recliner in the dressing room relaxing and drinking a small bottle of juice.  She looks calm and relaxed as she waits for the fight time to arrive.  Her fiery red hair wavy and looking slightly unkempt bounces as she pulls her head side to side rotating her neck as she gets up to head to the interview room.  Jenny quietly watches the video of Monique's interview and stretching.  She pause a few moments before responding "Interesting.  She is pretty good sized.  I think we will be about equal in size from what I can tell.  She looks a little soft to me though.  I think I'm going to overpower her and dominate her.  I'm not here to fool around.  Plain and simple.  It's go time"

Monique is preparing for the fight in her own room nearby.  She changes into her animal print bikini showing off her skin tone and body.  The top and bottom both small yet ample in their coverage.  Monique's hair kinky and wild as the tight curls make her hair stand out.  She begins to stretch and jog in place getting warmed up.  The interview crew calls her to the small interview room.  Her face hard to read as Monique puts on a serious poker face while she intently studies Jenny's video.  This being her only chance to see some "game tape" on her opponent.  When asked to respond she quickly blurts out "This is going to be ugly.  She's a big girl.  And I think it's going to be a short fight.  That whole redneck thing is bullshit.  It's going to be a rough one that's for sure."

Immediately following the interview and video watching both fighters are taken into the main arena room where the fight will be held.  The room is open and spacious with several couches along the outer walls of the room holding a limited number of spectators.  The officiator of the match calls out for everyone's attention and introduces both fighter.  The girls are brought out to the center of the room together and given a quick summary of the rules.  "The match will start when I say so and will end when one of you says you are done or is rendered unconscious and unable to surrender.  The winner must be satisfied that the loser has surrendered to them appropriately.  I won't stop things until the winner says so unless I see an injury issue.  No punching or kicking to the face but all other moves are fine."  All throughout the introduction Monique and Jenny are eyeballing the other.   

After the announcements the officiator asks if they are ready to go.  Both fighters face each other intently staring into the others face trying to intimidate their opponent.  "ARE WE READY?"  Still no response as the two stare and tense up.  "THEN BACK TO YOUR SIDE OF THE ROOM"  The officiator losing patience with the stare down and head games.  Both girls move back to their side of the room.  As they turn to face each other Monique holds up her middle finger showing it to Jenny.  Jenny shakes her head slowly as if disgusted by the signal.  The officiator of the match seeing everyone is ready steps back and calls out for the fight to begin as the clock in the corner begins to time the fight. 

Re: Apartment Wrestling Club Fight No. 4 -- Jenny versus Monique
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2015, 07:15:39 AM »

Re: Apartment Wrestling Club Fight No. 4 -- Jenny versus Monique
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2015, 07:15:59 AM »

Re: Apartment Wrestling Club Fight No. 4 -- Jenny versus Monique
« Reply #3 on: April 24, 2015, 07:17:40 AM »
With the command to begin given, both fighters move across the room towards the middle of the floor.  As they get close to each other they pull their hands up balled into fists and start circling like boxers.  The officiator turns to a spectator and says "Uh oh this might just get a bit too rough". 

With both girls at about arms length from the other they each feint and move and dance around.  Neither really doing much of anything other than testing out the others reflexes.  This goes on for a good 30 seconds before Jenny shoots a left jab at Monique's chest.  Monique flicks her right arm up pushing the blow away as she darts out of range. 

Monique returns fire using her right hand punching low for Jenny's belly.  Jenny quickly sidesteps the punch and lunges into Monique grabbing her by the hair as their bodies collide.  Monique reacts pushing her elbow out towards Jenny trying to shove it into her belly as her hands are up high on Monique's head.  The elbow grinds into Jenny but has no force on it because of the close proximity. 

You can tell though by the look on Jenny's face the pointy elbow isn't very comfortable tucked in there.  With a sudden yank and twist, Jenny rips Monique off her feet and Monique lets out a yelp as she is ripped down to her knees off balance.  Monique grabs Jenny by the legs and wraps her up trying to push her off balance.  Not only is this a smart move to get Jenny to the floor but it also prevents her from slamming a knee into Monique. 

The downside though is Jenny still has the hair and rips the head back pushing down wrenching Monique's neck.  After a couple of moments, Jenny is pushed off balance and topples to the floor losing her grip on Monique's hair.  Monique with her arms wrapped around Jenny's legs loosens her grip and tries to get back to kneeling and grabs for Jenny's foot.  Jenny takes her right hand off Monique's hair and swings a quick and hard slap to Monique's face as she tries to get to her knees.  The slap lands hard WHHHHACKKKK and Monique yelps out still focused on the foot as she pulls Jenny off balance. 

Jenny lets go of the hair and stumbles back and Monique pushes back to her feet.  Jenny leaps back at Monique as she is getting up and lands another hard slap to her face and then another to her upper back while she is still unable to defend herself. 

Monique taking the blows comes up to her feet swinging slaps of her own now both girls landing hard slaps on each other.   Both girls skin on their bodies and faces turning red in places.  Jenny finally lunges into Monique and shoves a hand under her chin pushing her head back.  Monique goes for Jenny's hair digging both hands in but before she can really do anything with the hair pull Jenny lands a nasty punch to Monique's belly.  OOOOFFFFFF gasps out Monique doubling over and losing her grip on the hair. 

Jenny shoves her and Monique takes several staggering steps and avoids falling to the floor.  Jenny follows her and slams a punch into her kidneys and Monique takes several more staggering steps away from her.  Jenny pursuing now wanting to keep hurting Monique. 

Monique staggering with Jenny pursuing as they near the wall.  Jenny lands another hard punch to the kidneys and Monique cries out.  The punches hard and nasty really hurting Monique. 

Monique tries to turn but Jenny grabs her hair driving her the extra couple of feet slamming her face first into the wall and then driving her body into Monique's back mashing her into the wall along her body as well.  Jenny all over Monique now landing repeated hard punches into her back as she has Monique trapped against the wall. 

Monique tries to get turned but Jenny is too strong slamming her back into the wall pinning her against it again.  Pulling the hair back Jenny mashes her face into the wall twice in quick succession. 

"Come on bitch come on you ain't so tough!!!" Jenny starts screaming at Monique as she grips the hair and ducks down pulling her over backwards slightly yanking her over her shoulder standing up and bouncing her. 

Monique draped over Jenny's shoulder now staring up at the ceiling as Jenny gives her a couple of hard bounces.  Each bounce driving shooting pain through Monique's back getting a scream of agony out of Monique. 

Monique tries to grab at Jenny's arm and Jenny realizing she doesn't want to give her a chance twists and slams Monique to the floor with a thunderous crash as she falls the 5 or 6 feet down hard.  Jenny standing over her as she lays there face contorted in pain as she moans out in pain.  "ahhhhh god" gasps out Monique.

What a rough 5 minutes so far. 

"Are you done yet?" Jenny demands as she stands next to Monique's downed body. 

Monique pausing in her response hoping to buy some time.  Her body hurting from the punishment but not ready to give up to Jenny.  "My back" Monique groans out. 

Jenny leans down and grabs Monique by the hair and puts her face close to Monique's.   "I said are you done yet!" Jenny growls menacingly. 

Monique seizes the moment shooting her hands up into Jenny grabbing her by the hair as she leans over her and with a yank and a twist brings Jenny crashing down to the floor twisting and dragging her over the top of her rolling to the top position.  Monique gripping the hair tightly kicks her feet trying to get them out and over Jenny's.  Jenny locks her legs on Monique's as they struggle on the floor. 

"Fucking bitch!!" Jenny snarls out angrily.  Monique outsmarted her and she is pissed at herself for not just beating the hell out of her. 

Bodies locked together they struggle with legs intertwined and hands buried in each other's hair.  They roll slightly left and then slightly right as they twist at the hips and thrash with the legs.  Neither able to get control of the other.  The grunts and pants also interrupted by the occasional moan or quiet yelp of pain.  Both hurting the other as they twist and pull on the others hair bending necks. 

Legs twisting and pushing against the other as the prolonged struggle on the floor continues.  As the struggle continues for several minutes both begin to get frustrated with the stalemate.

The timer in the corner showing 8 minutes having gone by. 

The hard struggle on the floor continuing as both are wrapped around the other.  Grunting, panting and moaning sounds coming from both. 

Monique managing to stay atop Jenny for the most part until Jenny twists with a sudden thrust of her right leg and pushes them over to the left.  As they roll to their sides Jenny pushes her lower body away from Monique's creating a small amount of separation.   

Both clinging to the others hair as Jenny twists her hips getting her lower body under her with Monique still on her side.  The slight separation allowing Jenny to drive her body into Monique's landing her knee into the side of Monique with a THUMP sound. 

Jenny now pushing her body over the top of Monique and Monique's arms flop to the floor as Jenny breaks her hair free.  As Jenny comes across Monique her elbow grinds down across the side of Monique's face adding another dose of pain to the mix.  Monique's legs thrash not looking very powerful.  The movement seeming to be more about pain than anything else. 

Monique rolls slightly away from Jenny having the effect of turning her body slightly further onto her side and Jenny comes to a kneeling position atop Monique. 

Jenny hooks Monique's arm and yanks it up into a wrenching arm bar hold and grinds her knee down into Monique's head and neck as she pins her on her side and rips the arm back.  The camera zooms in on Monique's face as she screams out.  The scream echoing throughout the room as her mouth hangs open as she tries to catch her breath.  Her eyes closed tightly and her face showing the pain of the arm twisting hold as Jenny bears down on her. 

"You gotta scream out a surrender to me this time.  I'm not letting up one bit on you.  I'll rip it the hell off your body!"

Monique's chances are fading quickly along with her resistance.

Using one arm to secure the arm bar hold on Monique, Jenny keeps her pinned down her knee mashing her head and neck. 

Now with one hand free Jenny swings it over the shoulder of her trapped opponent.  Landing a hard slap right on Monique's chest.  Jenny grabs Monique's full breast and starts squeezing and pulling on it as she ratchets up the punishment. 

Monique screams in pain and her eyes immediately cloud with tears as they stream down her face.  Jenny squeezes and pulls and twists as the one tit falls free of her animal print bikini top. 

"Yeah you keep on screaming!!" she hisses out.  The crowd on its feet now you can hear nothing but cheers for Jenny as she is dominating Monique.  Letting the tit go Jenny holds the arm bar and starts slapping Monique's chest landing several hard slaps before going back to the tit and ripping at it again. 

Monique screaming out in agony finally breaks "I give I give no more no more please please stop!!!" she screams out.  Jenny continues for another 10-15 seconds that seemed like an eternity as she twists and mauls the one tit. 

Dropping the arm Jenny stays kneeled mashing Monique's head down with her knee and raises her arms in victory. 

"Yeah.  Thought your shit was tough didn't ya!!! You can go back and let your friends know the country girl whoooped your ass!!" 

Jenny stands upright smiling at the crowd and shoves her foot down on Monique's face rubbing her foot across her face to reinforce to Monique that she kicked her ass.  Pumping her fists above her head one more time, Jenny struts across the room and out the door. 

She leaves Monique sprawled out on the floor on her back.  Her hair a mess and her bikini top pulled out of place one tit on display to the crowd.  Her skin a red, scratched, and battered mess on her chest.  Monique upset at getting her ass handed to her rolls over and lays on her belly not getting up or leaving the room.  Finally a couple spectators comfort her and help her get to her feet as she leaves the room. 

The timer on the wall showing 10 minutes and 38 seconds elapsed.


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Re: Apartment Wrestling Club Fight No. 4 -- Jenny versus Monique
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2015, 10:40:10 PM »
Way to go Jenny.  Another tough white girl kicks a black girl's ass!!

Re: Apartment Wrestling Club Fight No. 4 -- Jenny versus Monique
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2015, 03:52:19 AM »
 Post match interviews

The girls were both interviewed shortly after the match.  Jenny sitting back and relaxing her legs stretched out several splotchy red marks on her body from the hard blows landed during the fight.  Jenny smiles and motions from the interview crew to come in and get started. 

How do you feel things went tonight?  Did you do a good job?  "It went pretty good.  I shouldn't have let her have that chance when I was asking her if she wanted to quit.  That wasn't very smart.  Other than that I flat out whooped her. 

What do you think of how Monique?  "She's pretty tough.  I think she will do well just not against me.  I'm a whole different ball game." 

Any moment in the fight stand out as a critical time?  "I think I really hurt her early on with those punches to her body and then when I threw her down off my shoulders.  She hit the floor hard as hell." 

What worked well for you?  "Just being aggressive and going after her.  I was all over her and she didn't handle it well." 

Anything you wouldn't do next time?  "Give the other girl a chance to quit.  She can just scream for mercy while I'm hurting her if she wants me to stop beating her ass." 

Are you looking forward to fighting again?  "Sure am.  I enjoyed the Club and I will win so heck yeah." 

Monique was hunched over in the chair in her dressing room.  As the crew enters the room she looks up and moves slightly wincing in pain.  The hard punches Jenny landed on her doing some damage. 

How do you feel about how things went tonight? "I didn't do very good at all.  I still think I'm tougher than her I just didn't show it tonight. 

What do you think of Jenny?  "Oh that girl is pretty bad ass.  She hits like a train." 

Any particular point of the fight stick out in your mind as important?  "I dont know.  I was fighting for my life most of the time so I just dont know." 

Did anything work for you?  "Not really.  I just didn't fight hard enough tonight." 

What did Jenny do that worked well for her?  "She just pounded me with those big punches.  Wow she hit hard." 

Do you want to fight again?  "Yeah.  I wasn't ready for tonight.  But that was just one tough ass girl.  I'll come back in the next one and kick some ass." 

How about a rematch with Jenny?  Would it turn out different next time?  "I can take her.  I know I can.  That wasn't my best stuff out there." 

Do you think Jenny is beatable for other girls?  "Wow.  That's a hard question to answer until I have a chance to fight some others and see what they are like."


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Re: Apartment Wrestling Club Fight No. 4 -- Jenny versus Monique
« Reply #6 on: May 03, 2015, 07:00:54 PM »
You write a really good story.  That's just the sort of bikini clad battle we all wish we could watch on a regular basis.  Well done!

Re: Apartment Wrestling Club Fight No. 4 -- Jenny versus Monique
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2015, 08:26:59 PM »
Thanks.  Im hoping everyone is having fun with the Club and the series of fights.  The votes in the polls have been great.