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Request uslover-mother/daughter vs mother/daughter 3 dildo's

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Request from uslover

Well I guess I could start of with some woman, First Kymberley Robson 35yrs old About 5ft 4inch tall Double C Cup Raven Black Hair She likes to be the dominate one. She is a really close friend and Her Daughter Holly Robson 19 5ft 7inch Tall Double D's But On the larger side say 115 pounds also kymberley weighs about 105 She is a tiny little thing. Back to Holly Strawberry Blonde hair also is a bit dominant which I think she gets from her mother. Is this an ok start to what you need? This is just one of the pair 

Well Kym Is a little scrapper you know, Crazy but not really dangerous per say on the other hand Holly has always been a tough cookie She does not know so much about fighting but she still is very tough. I think I have found my next couple. This is another real pair:) Sammi Oakley And Antonia Oakley. I met her in college in real life always had a crush on her and her mum also does her justice both are very beautiful Antonia is About 5ft 5inch Tall She has Luscious Double D's and I am talking about the real deal. Blonde hair Glasses the modern kind. She is 38 I believe as for her anger/fighting style I have not spent much time with her but from speculation I would say she can throw a punch as she never let any give her or her daughter trouble. Now here daughter on the other hand is probably one of the most sexy/beautiful woman I have ever seen even rivalling Kym her self, My first crush. Sammi Has D's just like her mum But there is something different about them I could never tell but it let me wondering for 2 years, Now Sammi She is just a little bit smaller them me so I'd say 5ft 9inch Tall Black/Brownish Hair Down the her shoulders the kinda hair I go crazy for. She is probably the most dominant one I know A really Fk You if you get on my bad side attitude. I hope I did not just go over the top I'll try to send some more info later

Well I know Sammi hates losing anything even a argument. I'm not to sure about this but I think one of the mothers own a huge dildo

Holly is one of the hottest, most beautiful young woman in town. Her strawberry blonde hair, 5'7” and huge DD breasts makes her a head turned, and Holly knows it too. She is confident , dominant and cocky and she enjoys that men are falling over one another trying to get into her pants. Holly's attitude usually scares the competition away. Everyone thinks that Holly is very tough and when she steals another woman's man, the other women almost always back down. Her shoulder length shiny dark brown hair down to her shoulders and at 5'9”, with D breasts she turns heads too. Sammi is not one to fuck with either, she is very dominant and she just doesn't take shit from anyone. Sammi has had a couple of fights with other women also, and although I didn't get to see either of the fight, I hear that she really knocked the shit out of both of those women and that really humiliated them too.

Tony is a hot young stud that recently opened a gym in the area. Sammi had met Tony practically on his first day in town, and they hit it off right away. Sammi started hanging out at the gym, helping Tony set up equipment, and painting and decorating. She even came up with some good idea's that Tony had decided to use. Sammi and Tony are both quite dominant and it was like a little game they play, Sammi demands Tony being a gentleman, picking her up at her house for dates, bringing her flowers, candy or stuffed animals when he picks her up. He has to take her out for a fancy dinner every Saturday night ad several other things to make her happy. Tony insists that no matter how hot and heavy that they get, he has his personal night, Friday and at least two other nights during the week, and Sammi has to work out with him at the gym three times a week and several other things that make him happy. One thing that both Tony and Sammi agree on is that they make hot, passionate love. Sammi has been very excited fantasizing a big, marriage to Tony, and the white picket fence. She may know that it's not going to happen right away, but a year to get engaged is quite realistic, and Sammi has told all of her close friends and her mother too.

A couple of weeks ago on a Friday night Tony saw Holly walking down the street, right past his gym, and Holly had on the really hot low cut white dress blouse, a black micro mini skirt, black fish net stockings and 5” skyscraper high heels. Tony almost feel through the window as he watched Holly walking down the street.  Later that night Tony went to the bar to have a couple of beers and who did he run into but Holly. Holly seduced him  right then a there, and he took Holly home that night. Tony and Holly started having really hot, passionate sex every time that Tony was available, and Holly was really excited. She heard wedding ring bells in her future too. Holly told all of her close girlfriends and her mother about the thought she has been having about getting married and told them that she anticipates getting engaged in the next year.

Things really come to a fuckin head when Holly is having a big party out in the back yard of her house so that she could introduce everyone she knows to her Tony. Although Sammi and Tina has never been friends, they do have many friends and neighbors that know both of them, and it was on the Friday night of Holly's party that Sammi found out that her Tony is going with Holly and is having a big party to introduce everyone to her man.

Holly knows how hot Tony gets when she wears that same outfit that she was wearing the night that she met Tony, and she looks sensational. The party is already crowded and people are drinking and eating and the DJ is playing music and everyone is having a really good time. Holly excuses herself to go help her mother inside the house and the minute she leaves, Sammi walks right over to Tony, and Sammi has

on a low cut white mini dress showing off her big, sexy breasts, high heels and stockings, and Sammi sits down practically on Tony's lap, hanging all over him and acting really flirtatious. She;s so body seducing Tony that neither Sammi of Tony see's Holly as she walks up right in front of them. She arrives just in time to hear Sammi say, “I can't believe that you are seeing the biggest whore in town. Why don't we just get out of here and we can go to my house.” Holly puts her hands on her hips and she says, “How dare you Sammi you slut. Tony is here with me. He is my boy friend and you're not even invited, so why don't you just get out of here and stop causing a scene. “ Sammi gets this nasty little smile across her face and she says, “Tony is my boyfriend you whore, and he's leaving with me, do you have a fuckin problem with that.” By now the DJ turned the music down and it seems like everyone in the crowded back yard has stopped what they were doing and is looking at the two women screaming at each other. Holly screams, “you're going to leave my party right now you fuckin instigating bitch, you trouble making cxnt, before I knock the shit out of you and humiliate you right in front of Tony and all of these people.

Sammi leaps up off of Tony's lap and she grabs Holly's white blouse and holding her up she screams right in Holly's startled face, “You stupid bleached blonde slut. I've been waiting a long time now to beat you up and humiliate you. I brought a big, strap on dildo with me and I'm going to fuck you until you beg Tony to go home with me.” Sammi shoves Holly back hard, and Holly's sexy white blouse rips half off of her body in Sammi's hands and buttons go flying in every direction as Holly stumbles back a few steps. Now the crowd is really screaming and now Holly is not only embarrassed, but she's pissed off too. Holly steps forward and she sends her right fist plowing “bang,” right into Sammi's nose, straight into it. Blood starts rolling from Sammi's nose and Sammi stumbles backwards on her high heels and she almost falls over onto Tony sitting on the bench. Sammi regains her footing and she puts her hand to her nose and she shows Holly her bloody fingers screaming, “Look at what you did to me you little fuckin slut. I'm bleeding.” Holly screams, “And now I'm really going to knock the shit out of you whore.” Holly lunges at Sammi and she pulls her right fist back and she sends it right at Samma's face, but Sammi quicky manages to step to the side and out of the way, and Holly just goes stumbling right past Sammi quite off balance until she falls right onto Tony.

Sammi spins around and she grabs Holly by the back of her hair with both of her hands and she yanks Holly right up off of Tony, and Holly screams, “AAAHHH, as Sammi spins her around and flings her backwards and Holly falls right over onto her ass on the cement. Sammi starts laughing as she goes walking right towards Holly and she screams, “Get ready. Get fuckin ready bitch, I'm going to strap on that dildo and fuck you right up your ass.” Sammi walks right up to Holly, reaching for her hair, but just as she does, Holly lunges forward, wrapping her arms around Sammi's knees. Sammi screams, “AAAHHH,” as she falls right over onto her back on the cement patio floor. Holly leaps on top of Sammi, grabbing at her hair, Sammi grabs Holly's hair and the two women start rolling back and forth and back and forth across the cement like a catfight. Just then Kym walks outside from the house, and I expected Kym to try and break things up, but instead Kym is screaming, “Kick her ass Holly, bash her face in.” First Holly is on top, then Sammi is on top, then Holly, then Sammi, and then when Holly gets on top of Sammi, she smacks Sammi's head against the concrete. You can hear  Kym screaming, “bash her head, knock her fuckin head against the cement Holly,” BUT

Sammi lets go of Holly's hair with her right hand and she sends her right fist plowing full force, “bang,” uppercut into Holly's jaw. You can hear Holly's teeth knock together and chatter in her head as her head swings straight up in the air, and holly falls right off of Sammi onto her back on the floor, right next to Sammi. The two women get to their feet to fist fight again. Holly raises her fist up like a man screaming, :alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight. I'll fuckin fight you Sammi. I”m going to make you my slave, and you're going to do whatever I tell you to do.” Sammi raises her fists up too, and the two women just stand there, both of them with their fists raised like men ready to fist fight, each woman wants to beat the shit out of the other woman and send her home totally humiliated and you can just tell that this is going to be a really good fight.

The crowd has gone silent, everyone is really excited and everyone is just waiting to see what will happen next. Sammi sends her right fist plowing full force, roundhouse right at Holly's face, but Holly quickly manages to step to the side and out of the way, and Sammi's punch goes right past her. Sammi's punch misses Holly completely, and as Sammi is off balance, Holly grabs Sammi's sexy white dress and she starts pulling Sammi forward into her fist. She's “bang,” bang, bang, bang,” hammering her nose with her fist, and Sammi, her head is swinging back and forth and back and forth under Holly;s hard punches. The crowd is cheering, but Kym is besides herself running back and forth and back and forth screaming “Knock her out Holly, punch the bitch unconscious Holly.” Blood is really rolling from Sammi's nose, and Holly jerks her forward, and she's holding Sammi up right in front of herself, screaming right in Sammi's shocked face.” I'm really going to enjoy this bitch, I've been waiting a long fuckin time to dominate and humiliate you right in front of everyone. She shoves Sammi back, and Sammi's dress rips right off of her body in Holly's hands as Sammi goes stumbing backwards and she almost falls over. Sammi is just standing there in her huge sexy white bra and little lace panties and now the crowd is screaming.” Kym is jumping up and down screaming, strip her naked Holly.” Holly wals right up to Sammi and she grabs her bra. Sammi sends her left fist plowing “bang,” right into Holly's chin. You can hear Holly's teeth bang together and rattle in her fuckin head and Holly is seeing fuckin stars for a moment as she goes stumbling backwards on her high heels. Holly puts her hand to her chin and she shakes her head and then she goes after Sammi. She sends her left fist right at Sammi's face, but Sammi manages to reach up and she catches Holly's wrist in mid air and with her own left fist she sends it plowing “bang,” right into Holly's chin again, BUT before Holly can fall backwards or do anything, Sammi grabs her bra with her left hand and she starts raising Holly up onto her fist. She's “bang, “bang, bang, bang,” hitting her with short jackhammer blows to her nose, and now it's Holly's head that's swinging back and forth and back and forth like a floppy doll under Sammi's hard punches. She just keeps on hitting her and beating her up until blood is really rolling from Holly's nose, and when Sammi lets go of Holly's bra, Holly's bra slides right down and is hanging over her stomach. The crowd is screaming.

Holly Is a little wobbly on her legs as she steps back and she puts her hand to her nose and seeing blood she starts screaming, “I'm fuckin bleeding. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to fuckin kill you.” Holly goes right after Sammi screaming how she's going to kill her. “I'm going to kill you, I'm going to fuckin kill you.” She leaps right onto Sammi, wrapping her legs around Sammi's waist. She starts yanking, wrenching, jerking at Sammi's hair. She's ripping chinks of hair out of Sammi's head and Sammi is screaming, “AAHH, AAHH, MY HAIR LET GO.” Sammi is stumbling back on her high heels under the weight of Holly until the two women fall over onto the cement with Holly right on top of Sammi. Their big, sexy tits smack together as the two women start rolling back and frth and back and forth across the concrete patio floor like a catfight. Both women's big, sexy tits  are rubbing, smacking, bouncing together and both women's nipples are swelling up bigger and bigger and getting harder and harder. Holly rolls on top of Sammi and she lets go of Sammi'a hair screaming, “I'm going to kill you bitch, I'm going to fuckin kill you. Holly balls up both of her fists, but Sammi still has her hands wrapped through Holly's hair and Sammi pulls Holly off of her, and now Sammi gets on top of Holly and she sits up on her stomach and she starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Holly's head against the concrete screaming, “You're not going to kill anyone you stupid whore bitch.” She just keeps on cracking Holly's fuckin skull against the hard cement until Holly is seeing stars, fuckin stars, and she starts crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP,” BUT Sammi is still really pissed off and she's not going to fuckin stop.

Sammi jerks Holly's head up off of the cement screaming right in her fuckin shocked face, “You're not going to kill anyone you stupid little bitch, you're going to be my fuckin slave Holly. You're going to do

whatever I tell you to do.” Holly wants to stop, she cries out, “STOP ENOUGH, PLEASE STOP.” Kym is screaming, “ALRIGHT, THAT'S ENOUGH,” but the crowd isn't letting her through. Sammi gets up off of Holly and she grabs her by her fuckin hair, and she drags her standing straight upa on her wobbly legs. Holly cries out, “OOHH MY HAIR PLEASE STOP ENOUGH.” Sammi is clearly winning at this point and she screams, “HOW FUCKIN DARE YOU TELL ME WHEN YOU HAD ENOUGH HOLLY YOU STUPID WEAK BITCH.” She lets go of Holly's hair and holly is wobbly on her legs.” Sammi screams, “I'LL TELL YOU WHEN YOU HAD ENOUGH. YOU STARTED THIS HOLLY, YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE SO FUCKIN TOUGH, BUT YOU WERE FUCKIN WRONG, I BEAT YOU UP HOLLY, AND NOW YOU'RE GOING TO BEG ME TO FUCKIN HUMILATE YOU.”

Holly has tears welling in her eyes and she starts to walk away from Sammi crying out,”That is enough I had enough.” Sammi goes running right after her. She grabs Holly's shoulder and she spins Holly around to face her screaming, “HOW FUCKIN DARE YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME YOU STUPID BITCH. I”M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU YET. YOU'RE GOING TO BE MY FUCKIN SLAVE.” Holly starts crying out, MOMMY, MOMMY PLEASE HELP ME.” Kym is trying to push her way to the front screaming, “That's all, get your hands off of my daughter you slut, you fuckin whore.” Sammi hears a familiar voice. It's the voice of her very own mother Antonia screaming, “HOLD THAT BITCH BACK. NO ONE IS GOING TO INTERFERE WITH THIS FIGHT.”

Sammi takes her right fist and she smashes it “bang,” right into Holly's teeth. Holly's lips split open and blood starts rolling from her lips. Sammi screams, “you better tell everyone that you're my slave, tell everyone that you're going to do whatever I tell you to do, and from now on you stupid bleached blonde bitch, you're going to refer to me as Mistress when you want to speak to me, you got it.” Holly is normally quite dominant, she's used to telling people what to do, not being told what to do. Tears start rolling from Holly's eyes and Holly starts crying out, “ALRIGHT SAMMI, YOU WIN, YOU CAN HAVE TONY, JUST PLEASE, PLEASE LET ME GO.” Sammi grabs Holly by her fuckin hair and she pulls her over onto her hands and knees. Holly screams, “AAHH,” as she falls over onto her hands and knees. Sammi is crazy and she starts dragging Holly, by her fuckin hair, across the rough cement, and Holly is screaming, “AAHH, AAHH, LET ME GO, PLEASE LET ME GO YOURE HURTING ME.” Sammi drags Holly right over to the bench that Tony was sitting at when she first walked in and she lets go of her hair. Then she walks right around and she grabs Holly's panties and she rips them right off of Holly's body. Sammi grabs Holly's hair as she sits down on the bench and she pulls Holly right across her lap. She takes Holly right over her knee's and she takes the open palm of her right hand and she starts “BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM,” spanking Holly's left cheek, and then “BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM,” spanking Holly's right cheek. She's smacking the shit out of Holly's ass and Holly's ass is starting to turn red and black and blue, and swelling up, and she's leaving huge bloody red welt marks on Holly's ass and blood is rolling from the cuts on Holly's ass from Sammi's hard smacks.

Kym manages to break through the crowd and she is just about to try and stop the fight when a few of the men pull her away. Kym  has tears welling in her eyes amd she's trying to tell the guys holding her back that the fight is over, Sammi won, but Antonia is screaming, “The fight isn't over until Sammi says that it's over,” the men are all very excited and enjoying the fight and they're not letting Kym go. Holly is screaming and begging Sammi to stop, “STOP, PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU.” SAMMI SCREAMS, “YOU WANT ME TO STOP BEATING YOU UP HOLLY, THEN TELL EVRYONE THAT YOU'RE MY SLAVE, TELL EVERYONE THAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO WHATEVER I TELL YOU TO DO, AND YOU BETTER CALL ME MISTRESS.” She just keeps on spanking Holly's ass until Holly becomes submissive to Sammi and she starts crying out, “ALRIGHT, I'M YOUR SLAVE, I'M YOUR FUCKIN SLAVE MISTRESS, I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU TELL ME TO DO.”

Kym can't believe what this whore is doing to her little girl and she is really enraged. Sammi reaches under the bench where her pocketbook is and she pulls the pocketbook out and puts it on the bench right next to her and Holly. Then she pulls the strap on dildo out of her pocketbook and she shows it to Holly screaming, “I told you that I brought this dildo for you, didn't I bitch. I warned you that I was going to beat you up and fuck your ass hole with this dildo. I told you that I was going to make you beg me to drain every last drop of your dignity out of you, didn't I Holly, but you thought you were so fuckin tough. You thought you were tough and you were going to beat me up. Now you're going to beg me to humiliate you, and you better call me Mistress you whore.”

Holly is crying and crying and she's screaming, “mommy, mommy help me, please help me. Kym is desperately trying to kick at the men and break lose screaming, “PLEASE LET HER GO, I”M GOING TO KILL YOU.” Sammi grabs Holly by her hair and she stands her up on her feet. Holly is just standing there totally naked in front of everyone, and shes crying like a little girl. Sammi straps the cock on. She attaches that big, hard erect rubber cock to herself and she turns Holly around and guides the dildo right up to Holly's anus. The crowd has gone silent, it's so silent you can hear a pin drop. The only sounds that you can hear is Holly “BOO-HOO, BOO-HOO,” crying like a baby, and her mother Kym screaming, “LET ME GO, LET ME GO, I'M GOING TO KILL HER.” All of a sudden you can hear “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH,” a bloodcurdling scream coming out of Holly's mouth as Sammi shoves that big, hard, erect rubber cock right into Holly's ass hole. She starts marching Holly around in front of everyone and she's plunging that big, erect rubber penis in and out and in and out of Holly's ass hole, and Holly is leaping, and jumping and twisting, trying to dance off of the dildo, crying out, “GET IT OUT, PLEASE GET IT OUT,YOU'RE HURTING ME.”

Kym finally manages to bite one of the men that was holding her back and then she kicked the other man and broke free. She went running toward her Daughter and Sammi, trying to save her daughter from this painful, humiliating experience screaming, “GET OFF OF HER YOU WHORE.” Kym is just about to grab at Sammi when Antonia grabs Kym by the back of her hair with both of her hands and swings her halfway around in a a circle.

Kym is enraged, her face is beet red and she just comes swinging around and with her right fist she smashes it roundhouse “bang,” right into Antonia's left eye, swinging Antonia right around in a circle from the full force of her hard punch.  Then like an enraged lunatic Kym comes swinging back around and she sends her left fist plowing “bang,” roundhouse into her right eye, spinning Antonia right back on a circle in the other direction. Both of Antonia's eyes are pink and puffy, and Antonia is just standing there and she's fuckin startled. Kym is crazy and she grabs Antonia's sexy black dress with her left hand, and with her right fist she starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Antonia's nose. She's smashing her nose over and over again with her fist until first blood starts rolling from Antonia's nose, and then Antonia falls right over onto her ass on the cement with a bang,” and Antonia's dress rips right off of her body in Kym's hands. Kym is standing over Antonia and she looks over and she see's Sammi dragging her daughter, her very own daughter Holly around the backyard, with that big, hard erect rubber cock shoved right up into her asshole, but just as Kym decides that she's going to go help her daughter, but before Kym has a chance to walk away, Antonia wraps her arms around Kym's knees and she tackles her to the ground. Kym tries to crawl out of  Antonia's grasp, but Antonia leaps on top of her and the two women start rolling back and forth and back and forth across the cement like a fucking catfight.  First Kym is on top, then Antonia, then Kym, then Antonia. The crowd has gone silent, everyone is really excited, they can't wait to see what will happen next. Finally Antonia gets on top of Kym, and Antonia is bigger and stronger than Kym. She manages to grab Kym's wrists and she holds

them down to the ground. Then she grabs Kym's hair with both of her hands and she jerks her head up, then she shoves her head back down “bang,” right against the cement. Kym is kicking and kicking and screaming, “Get off of me bitch, get off of me you slut.”  Antonia is really pissed off and she starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Kym's head against the concrete. She's cracking her fuckin skull over and over again against the hard cement until first Kym's eyes start swimming around in her fuckin head, and then Kym starts crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP,” but Antonia is crazy and she's not going to fuckin stop.” She jerks Kym's head up off of the cement screaming, “NO, I'M NOT GOING TO FUCKIN STOP, I'M GOING TO DILDO YOUR ASS HOLE JUST LIKE MY DAUGHTER IS DOING TO YOUR DAUGHTER YOU FUCKIN SLUT.” Feebly Kym starts bucking and kicking and crying out, “GET OFF OF ME SLUT. GET THE FUCKIN OFF OF ME.”

Antonia gets up off of Kym and she grabs her hair and she jerks her standing up on her rubbery legs. Kym screams from the pain of having her hair ripped out of her head. Then Antonia grabs Kym's sexy yellow dress with her left hand and she starts pulling Kym forward into her fist. She's “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering her nose with her fist.  Antonia really knows how to fist fight and she's bashing Kym's fuckin face in over and over again until blood is gushing from Kym's nose, and then she grabs Kym's dress with her right hand too and she shoves Kym back hard. Kym's dress rips right off of her body in Antonia's hands as Kym stumbles backwards on her high heels until she falls over onto her ass on the ground with a bang.” Antonia looks over and she see's her sexy daughter Sammi, still with that big, strap on dildo in Holly's ass hole, and Antonia laughs and she screams, “YOU'RE GOING TO GET FUCKED RIGHT UP YOUR ASS WITH MY DILDO BITCH, JUST LIKE YOUR DAUGHTER IS GETTING FUCKED UP HER ASS.” Kym screams, “NO NEVER, GET AWAY FROM ME BITCH,” as slowly she starts to stand up. Antonia grabs Kym's bra and she pulls Kym standing straight up on her wobbly legs, and when she lets go of Kym's bra, Kym's bra slides right down and is hanging over her stomach, and the crowd is screaming as Kym's big, sexy tits are exposed in front of everyone. Kym is already knocked silly. She's just standing there in front of everyone with her huge tits exposed, and her eyes are swimming around in her fuckin head, but Antonia is far from finished with her yet. Antonia raises her fists up like a man screaming, “I knocked the shit out of you Kym, and now i'm going to knock the shit out of you fat tits you big mouth.” The crowd is screaming and screaming as Antonia starts right fist, “bam,” left breast, left fist, “bam,” right breast, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth and back and forth, she's using Kym's big, sexy tits as punching bags. Feebly Kym is holding her hands out in front of herself crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP.” Antonia just keeps on pummeling Kym's tits until Kym's tits swell up and turn black and blue.

Antonia screams, “ALRIGHT, YOU WANT ME TO STOP BEATING YOU UP KYM, THEN BEG ME TO FUCK YOU UP YOUR ASS WITH MY DILDO. BEG ME TO FUCK YUOU JUST LIKE MY DAUGHTER IS FUCKING YOUR DAUGHTER.” Kym has tears welling in her eyes, and normally Kym is quite dominant, she's used to telling people what to do, not being told what to do, and Kym cries out, “GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FUCKIN WHORE, YOU SLUT.” Antonia takes her right fist and she smashes it “bang,” right into Kym's nose, and you can hear the bone break, and the fuckin silence. The whole crowd has gone silent. Antonia screams, “SAY IT WHORE.” Kym feebly cries out, “fuck me.” Antonia plows her fist “bang,” right into Kym's nose again, and blood is squirting out of Kym's nose, and Kym starts crying. Tears start rolling down her cheeks, mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup, and desperately she starts crying out, “FUCK ME WITH THE DILDO, PLEASE FUCK ME WITH THE DILDO. I'M BEGGING YOU FUCK ME UP MY ASS JUST LIKE YOUR DAUGHTR IS FUCKING MY DAUGHTER UP HER ASS WITH HER DILDO.”

Antonia is laughing, everyone is laughing as Antonia grabs her pocketbook and she pulls out her own strap on dildo and she straps it onto herself. Then she grabs Kym's panties and she pulls them right down. Kym screams, “AAHH,” as she falls over onto her hands and knees. Antonia grabs Kym's hair and she pulls her part way up. Then she places the tip of the dildo right against  Kym's anus. Kym lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH,” as Antonia plows that big, hard erect rubber cock right into Kym's ass hole. The crowd is screaming as Kym start leaping, jumping, twisting, trying to dance off of that big hard cock, crying out, “GET IT OUT, PLEASE GET IT OUT, I'M BEGGING YOU GET IT OUT OF ME.”

Antonia marches Kym around so that Kym is standing right in front of her vyer own daughter Holly, and while Antonia is fucking Kym up her ass with the dildo, Sammi is fuckin Kym's daughter Holly up her ass with her dildo. Mother and daughter is crying and crying and the crowd is screaming. Sammi is very dominant and she starts laughing as she screams, “MOMMY, WAIT UNTIL YOU SEE WHAT I HAVE IN STORIE FOR THESE TWO BIG MOUTHS NOW.” Sammi leans down and she grabs her pockerbook and she pulls out this huge double ended dildo. Then she takes one end and she shoves it right into Holly's pussy. Holly screams, “NO, GET IT OUT OF ME.” Sammi is laughing as she screams, “NOW MOMMY, STICK THE OTHER END OF THE DILDO INTO KYM'S cxnt AND WE CAN FUCK THEM BOTH UP THE ASS WHLE THEY FUCK EACH OTHER INTO ORGASM.”  Kym is crying like a little girl and so is Holly as Antonia helps Kym to stick that big, hard erect double ened cock right into her pussy. Then as Antonia and Sammi starts fucking Kym and Holly up their asses, Kym and Holly's big sexy tits starts slapping together. The crowd is screaming as Kym and Holly's big tits are bouncing and smacking together and their nipples are dueling and getting all hard and erect.

Sammi and Antonia are fucking Kym and Holly's ass holes over and over again, and Kym and Holly are fucking each other with the big, double ended dildo and Kym and Holly are starting to get all sweaty and their making these sexy little noises, “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH.” Sammi starts laughing as she screams, NOW YOU'RE GOING TO KISS EACH OTHER. STICK YOUR TONGUES INTO EACH OTHER'S MOUTHS AND MAKE LOVE UNTIL YOU SQUIRT ALL OVER THE DOUBLE ENDED COCK.” the two women, mother and daughter are both submissive now. They stick their tongues into each others mouths and they start making hot, passionate love to each other. Sammi is laughing and she screams, “TONY, TONY, LOOK AT YOUR WHORE NOT TONY. HER AND HER MOTHER ARE LESBIAN'S TONY, LOOK AT THEM MAKING LOVE TO EACH OTHER TONY.  MOMMY, MOMMY LOOK AT THIS, EVERYONE LOOK AT THESE TWO WHORE'S FUCKING EACH OTHER. THEY'RE GETTING ALL HOT AND GETTING READY TO CUM.” The crowd is going crazy. Sweat is covering both women and both women's nipples are rock hard and beet red and they start “OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH, OOOOHHHH,”  exploding over and over again. They're having one wild orgasm after another, both on the very same double ended dildo.

Mother and daughter pulls the two women apart and then they pull the two strap on dildos out of their ass holes. Sammi screams, “TONY WATCH THIS. Now you two whores are going to suck these cocks that are strapped on to my mother and myself, now crawl over here sluts, and suck these cocks clean.” Sammi and Antonia are standing right next to each other and Kym and Holly crawl up right in front of them and they grab the dildo's and they stick them right into their mouths and they start sucking the big, rubber cocks like they are men's cocks. The crowd is screaming and screaming.     



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Re: Request uslover-mother/daughter vs mother/daughter 3 dildo's
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2015, 07:08:19 AM »
WOW!!! Double the fun there, for sure! He! He!  ;D :D ;)
Proudly butch and living as a 'man'. In this catfight fantasy there are no losers, and in the end all should be winners!