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Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind

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Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« on: May 01, 2015, 06:33:30 AM »

Mike's wife


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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2015, 06:34:36 AM »

Tracy (neighbor's best freind


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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2015, 06:35:25 AM »

Mike's wife


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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2015, 06:36:34 AM »

Tracy neighbor's best friend)


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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2015, 06:40:49 AM »

Tracy has had a crush on Mike and has been very hot for him for a long time. Recently Tracy has gotten divorced and she has not wasted any time seducing Mike. At first Mike rejected Tracy's advances, but it did not take too long before Tracy got her hands on Mike's big, hard cock.

Most recently Tracy has let everyone in town, especially Mike and his wife's neighbor that she wants Mike and she wants to fight Mike's wife for Mike and his cock. Mike's wife is infuriated and said she will kick Tracy's ass the next time she see's her.


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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2015, 12:39:37 PM »

Tracy has had a crush on Mike and has been very hot for him for a long time. Recently Tracy has gotten divorced and she has not wasted any time seducing Mike. At first Mike rejected Tracy's advances, but it did not take too long before Tracy got her hands on Mike's big, hard cock.

Most recently Tracy has let everyone in town, especially Mike and his wife's neighbor that she wants Mike and she wants to fight Mike's wife for Mike and his cock. Mike's wife is infuriated and said she will kick Tracy's ass the next time she see's her.
HOT scenario.


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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2015, 09:15:29 PM »

Mike b sent this to me

tracy the hot blonde want really to kick my wife ass and keep send her a messages if she see her anywhere she gonna get the beating of her life
my wife send back the message that she will whoop the floor with her and keep her in her back all the time and let her beg like she did for her girlfriend (the neighbor)
my wife will never lose this fight especially she know i have cruch on tracy and how much i love women fighting and because tracy is single mom now and will fight her for me


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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #7 on: May 02, 2015, 08:16:49 PM »

Tracy is fuckin shocked, she put her hand to her face and she shows me her bloody fingers and she becomes infuriated and she screams, “MY FACE, LOOK AT THIS, I'M FUCKIN BLEEDING.” I'm wearing my low cut black blouse and my cut off jeans and this fuckin whore grabs my black blouse with her right hand and she takes her left fist and she starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering my nose with her fist. Back and forth my head is swinging, this fat fuckin whore is crazy, and she's powerful, and her punches are hard, and she's  smashing my nose over and over again until blood is rolling from my nose. Then she's still holding my blouse and she sends her left fist plowing full force, “bang,” uppercut into my jaw. You can hear my teeth bang together and chatter in my head as my head swings straight up in the air and I'm seeing stars, and blood spatters everywhere from my nose as my head comes back down.Tracy pulls me forward and she grabs my blouse with her left hand too and she screams right into my shocked face, “You think you're so fuckin tough bitch, I don't thnk so, I'm going to dildo your fuckin ass hole you big mouth, and then I'll sit down right on that big mouth of yours and make you moo into my cxnt. I'll show Mike and all of your friends and neighbor's just what a stupid, pathetic fat cow you really are,” and I can't say a fuckin word, I'm so fuckin startled. Tracy shoves me back hard, so hard that my blouse rips right off of my body in her hands and I stumble backwards on my high heels until I fall right over onto my ass on the ground with a bang.” I'm just sitting there with my huge black push up bra exposed in front of everyone, and blood rolling from my nose and I”m shocked, I didn't think this fuckin blonde whore could fight so good, and now the crowd is really screaming.

Tracy is standing right over me and she's laughing as she screams, “GET UP YOU FAT COW. I THOUGHT YOU WERE SO FUCKIN TOUGH. I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO BEAT ME UP AND HUMILIATE ME, WHY DON'T YOU GET UP AND FIGHT ME SO THAT I CAN REALLY KOCK YOUR FACE IN.” I can see Mike, I see my husband standing right behind Tracy and he's urging me to get up and fight her. I can't remember ever being as angry as I am right now as slowly I get up onto my feet to fist fight Tracy again, and now  really want to crack all of her teeth out.” I hold my fists p like a man screaming, “Alright, you wanna fight, you really wanna fight, I'll fuckin fight you Tracy. I'm going to bash your face in and then I'm going to fuck you senseless with my big, strap on dildo you bleached blonde slut.” Tracy raises her fists up too and the two of us just stand there with all of our friends and neighbor's in a circle around us, both of us with our fists raised like men ready to fist

fight, each of us wants to knock the shit out of the other one and send her home totally humiliated, and
you can just tell that this is going to be a really good fist fight.

I'm infuriated and I go right after Tracy to bash her face in. I pull my left fist all the way back and I send it right at Tracy's face, but quickly Tracy manages to raise her right hand and catch my wrist in mid air, and with her own left fist she smashes it “bang,” right into my chin. My head snaps back and I start seeing stars as I stumble backwards on my high heels. Tracy comes right after me again. She sends her left fist plowing “bang,” right into my chin again, and this time you can really hear my teeth smash together and rattle in my head as my head snaps back again, and I go stumbling backwards on my high heels until “boom,” my body hits the brick wall of the house hard, and “bang,” my head does too. I bounce right up off of the wall and I'm just standing there, and Tracy walks right up to me and she laces her hands right through my hair and she shoves my head back hard, “bang,” right into the brick wall again. Insanely Tracy starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering my head against the wall. She's cracking my fuckin skull over and over again against the hard brick wall, and I just get this totally shocked and startled look on my face as I start seeing stars, fuckin stars, and my legs get all rubbery. Tracy lets go of my hair and she steps back and I stumble away from the wall. I”m already knocked silly, but Tracy really doesn't care. She grabs me by my fuckin bra and she pushed me up against the wall again. The she pulls at my bra and my sexy push up bra slides right down and is hanging over my stomach, and my big, sexy tits are exposed in front of everyone. The crowd is going absolutely insane at the sight of my big tits.

Tracy is starting to beat me up. She's starting to knock the shit out of me and humiliate me, and I realize if she knocks the shit out of me, she will own my husband. She will take my Mike away from me. This makes me infuriated all over again, and I lose my fuckin temper again. I lunge away from the wall, and I catch this blonde fuckin whore totally off guard. I grab her dress with both of my hands and I rip it right off of her body, but quickly Tracy regains her composure and she pushes me back up against the wall. Then she screams, “I beat you up you fat cow, and now I'm going to beat up those big, fat cow tits of yours.” I'm still really infuriated and I really want to knock the shit out of Tracy, but I'm weak, and I”m bloody and black and blue. I'm knocked silly and I'm all pummeled and I'm weak and I'm breathing really hard now, and I just can't do anything to stop this bleached blonde slut from beating me up.”

Tracy raises her fists up like a man and she starts right fist, “bam,” left breast, left fist, “bam,” right breast, “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth and back and forth. This fat fuckin slut is using my big tits as punching bags. Feebly I'm holding my hands out in front of myself trying to stop the punches and I'm crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP,” BUT Tracy is starting to get off on beating me up and now she's really going to fuckin humiliate me.” The crowd is screaming as Tracy beats up my tits until my tits are all swollen and black and blue. Tracy screams, “ALRIGHT YOU FAT COW, YOU WANT ME TO STOP BEATING YOU UP, THEN TELL EVERYONE THAT YOU'RE MY SLAVE, TELL EVERYONE THAT YOU'RE GOING TO DO WHATEVER I TELL YOU TO DO.” Tears are welling in my eyes and desperately I cry out, “ENOUGH, ENOUGH PLEASE STOP,” but Tracy is crazy and she's not going to fuckin stop. She sends her left fist plowing “boom,” right into the rounded bowl of my stomach. “OOOFFF,” she knocks the air right out of me and I double over in pain gasping for air. Tracy screams, “How fuckin dare you tell me when you had enough you fuckin fat cow. I'll tell you when you had enough, and i'm far from finished with you yet,” I wanna stop, but Tracy is insane and she's not going to fuckin stop.

I'm standing there, my back is to the fuckin wall, and as I start to catch my breath and stand back up straight,Tracy balls her left fist up and she sends it plowing “bang,” uppercut to my jaw. You can hear my teeth knock together and chatter in my head as my head snaps up and back and “bang,” smashes against the brick wall of the house. I'm seeing fuckin stars, and Tracy steps out of the way and I bounce up off of the wall on my wobby, rubbery legs, and now I'm really punched silly.

Tracy grabs me by my fuckin hair and she pulls me over onto my hands and knees. I scream, “AAHH,” as I fall over onto the cement. Tracy is like an enraged lunatic and she starts dragging me around the cement patio by my fuckin hair. She's swinging me around like a floppy doll and my knees are getting all scraped and bloody and I'm screaming, “AAHH, AAHH, STOP, PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU, YOU”RE HURTING ME.” Tracy drags me right over to the lounge chair she was sitting on when I first started trouble and she lets g of my hair, and she grabs my panties, and she rips them right off of me. The fuckin crowd is really screaming as Tracy grabs me by my fuckin hair again, and she sits down right on the lounge chair, and she pulls me right across her lap. She takes me over her knee, and she takes the open palm of her right hand and she starts “bam, bam, bam,” spanking my left cheek, and then “bam, bam, bam,” spanking my right cheek. She's smacking the shit out of my ass and I'm crying and screaming, “STOP, PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU STOP,” but this blonde bitch is getting off on humiliating me in front of my husband and all of our friends and neighbor's and she's not about to fuckin stop.” Tracy screams, “You want me to stop beating you up slut, then tell everyone that you're my fuckin slave, tell everyone that you're going to do whatever I tell you to do, and from now on you fat cow bitch, you are to address me as Mistress when you want to talk to me.” Tracy spanks me until my ass is all swollen and red and black and blue and there are bloody red welt marks on my ass, and blood is rolling from the cuts on my ass.

I'm crying and crying, but I don't say a fuckin word. I'm so fuckin embarrassed getting spanked by this whore, by this bleached blonde slut like a little girl, and right in front of my husband, and my neighbor's and the friends. Tracy becomes really pissed off AND



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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2015, 08:20:03 PM »

Story continues-By Johnny the Dueces

Mike, you have absolutely no idea of what Tracy has in store for you, me and your cock. Tracy grabs me by my fuckin big bra with her right hand, I have no fuckin idea of just how insane Tracy really is. Tracy starts jerking me forward Mike. She's pulling me forward into her left fist, and she “bang,” slugs me right on my chin. You can hear my teeth knock together and chatter in my head as my head snaps back and forth. Tracy starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering my chin over and over again with her fist, and each fuckin time tough Tracy punches my chin, you can hear my teeth bash together and rattle in my fucin head. Back and forth my head is going, swinging back and forth and back and forth like a floppy doll under Tracy's hard punches. Tracy is punching me silly. She's knocking me silly Mike, and soon my fuckin head is just lulling around, my fuckin head is all wobbly Mike, and now I'm seeing fuckin stars. Mike my legs become quite wobbly, and if Tracy wasn't holding me up by my bra like the limp little roll doll, I would have fallen right over onto my back out cold.

Tracy trades fuckin hands. She grabs my bra with her left hand and she's holding me up, and then she takes the open palm of her right hand and she “bam,” smacks my fuckin face, swinging it around to the side from the force of her hard smack, and then as my head comes back forward again Mike, Tracy takes the back of her hand and she smacks my face “bang,” backhand, swinging my head back in the other direction. Mike, Tracy starts “bam, bam bam, bam,” slapping me silly. She's slapping my face forehand, backhand, forehand, backhand, back and forth and back and forth screaming, “WAKE UP YOU STUPID FAT COW. FUCKIN WAKE UP BITCH, I'M NOT EVEN FINISHED WITH YOU YET.” She slaps me until I'm wide awake again, and now Tracy has adjusted my attitude. Mike, you know me. I'm normally very dominant and in charge, Mike I'm a very tough woman, BUT right now I'm slapped so fuckin senseless that I don't even know where I am anymore.” Tracy laughs as she screams right in my shocked face. “Now I'm going to make you my slave you big fat cow. I'm going to be fuckin dominant, and you're going to be fuckin submissive to me, do you understand me you fat cow.”

Mike, I don't know what to say, but Tracy is totally insane and she shows me her middle finger again screaming, “let's try this again you fat cow.” I can't comprehend what this crazy bitch could be talking about, but Tracy grabs me by my shoulder and she spins me around, and then I feel it. I feel Tracy take that finger, that middle fuckin finger of her left hand and she plunges it right into my ass hole again. Tracy starts fucking my ass hole with that finger again. Mike, she's plunging her finger in and out and in and out of my ass hole, and Mike, once again Im crying and crying and begging her, “PLEASE, TAKE IT OUT, PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU GET IT OUT OF ME.” I”m not prepared for any of this Mike. I can't comprehend how any human being could treat another human being like this, and Tracy continues as she rips that finger out of my ass hole and she's laughing insanely as she holds it in my face screaming, “now are you ready to lick this finger clean you stupid fat cow, or do I really have to knock the shit out of you.”

Mike, I'm completely in shock. I never thought that Tracy would be so tough, I never expected Tracy to be so insane, and Mike, I am starting to see the attraction you have to this very tough, very strong, very dominant, super hot fuckin blonde bitch. I know I don't have any other choice. I know she has taken total control over me Mike. I know just how BIG AND HARD YOUR COCK IS NOW MIKE, ALL FOR THIS WHORE, ALL FOR THIS BLEACHED BLONDE SLUT, and Mike, I stick my fuckin tongue out and I start licking her finger. I'm licking the very same finger that this fuckin whore has just plunged into my ass hole and fucked me with. I'm licking it feverishly, like a fuckin dog licking it's master.

Mike your wife is always dominant, she is very much telling everyone what to do, not being told what to do, but Mike, Tracy is really hot for your cock, and she really wants to knock the shit out of your wife and drain every last ounce of your wife's dignity, right out of her. She wants to degrade, embarrass, and humiliate your wife so fuckin bad, that your wife will be too embarrassed to ever show her face around you, or any of these people again. Tracy is totally crazy and she starts laughing as she screams, “Look at her Mike, Look at your tough wife now Mike. She thought that she was so fuckin tough, she thought that she was going to beat me up and humiliate me, but she was fuckin wrong Mike. I beat her up. I knocked the fuckin shit out of your big, fat cow wife over and over again until I punched her silly, and now do you know what she's going to do Mike, she's going to be my slave. She's going to fuckin do whatever I tell her to do, and she's going to fuckin call me Mistress.”

Mike just thinking about this. Thinking about this bleached blonde whore owning your cock Mike. Just thinking about what she is doing to me. She is draining each and very last drop of my dignity right out of me Mike, right in front of you, right in front of the neighbor's, right in front of the friends Mike.

Mike at this point TRACY WANTS TO FUCKIN STOP, BUT your slut Mike, your super, hot, sexy, beautiful blonde whore is planning on giving you a really big show. Mike do you fuckin understand what is about to fuckin happen. I know you do, because Mike, Tracy fuckin told you what she was going to do to your wife every time she went anywhere near you or your cock. She gave you specific details of everything she planned on doing to your beautiful, sexy, very hot, pleasantly plump wife Mike.   She's still holding your wife's big bra in her right hand and she balls up her left fist hard and tight, and Tracy, this really hot, sexy blonde headed divorcee,

Mike, she starts beating me up again. She's “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering my fuckin face, smashing my fuckin nose, “bang, bang, bang, bang,” over and over again with her left fist until blood is really running out of my nose.

Just imagine Mike, your beautiful wife's head is just flinging around, lulling around limply, and your wife is really punched goofy. Your Blonde whore Mike, has your wife's fuckin head swimming around, and her eyes are crossed in her fuckin head, and she's holding her up like a goofy doll by her fuckin big bra Mike. Mike, tell me, fuckin tell me Mike,

question 1-How hard does your fuckin cock get Mike, when Tracy pulls on your wife's bra, and then she lets go of it, and your wife's huge bra slides right down and is hanging over her stomach. Mike imagine that your wife's big, sexy beautiful tits just come flopping out of her bra in front of everyone. Imagine Mike how every man and every women in that back yard is going to be hurting because their cocks will be sooooooooo hard, and imagine Mike, all the women are soaking wet. That's right Mike, you know that Kim and Amber and Linda, and all the other women are hot for Tracy and are hot for your wife. Every women at the party Mike has fantasized about being beat up and forced to suck your wife's pussy. Any women there would jump at the opportunity to lick your beautiful, hot sexy wife into orgasm over and over again. The women's very hot cxnts are drenched Mike, fuckin drenched., and every man has fantasized about your wife and Tracy and would love to see their wives forced to lick and kiss those cxnts. Mike, Tracy shoves me back up against the wall and she's laughing and screaming, “Now you're going to be fuckin humiliated you big fat cow.” 

Mike, every single man or women will be so fuckin turned on as they stand there and fuckin watch Blonde haired Tracy raise her fists up like a fuckin man, and start to, “right fist, “bam,” left breast, left fist, “bam” right breast. Mike just imagine how your wife's big tits are going to bounce, and her big hard nipples are going to be like arrows ready to burst.

Tracy laughs as she looks at you and screams, 'I beat you up you fat cow, and now I'm going to beat up those flabby, pathetic fat cow tits of yours too.” Mike, Tracy has her fuckin fists raised up like a man and she starts to “bam, bam, bam, bam,” right fist, left breast, left fist, right breast, back and forth and back and forth, and Mike just imagine that you are standing there, and right in front of you, and all of your neighbor's and all of the friends, your wife's big, sexy tits are bouncing and bouncing and swinging from side to side under your super hot blonde slut's punches.

Mike I'm weak now and feebly I'm holding my hands up in front of myself crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP, I'M BEGGING YOU STOP,” BUT Tracy knows exactly how turned on your are right now Mike, and she knows exactly how hard the erections of every man watching is right now, and exactly how soaking wet every woman’s hot cxnts are right now. Mike, Tracy is really getting off on humiliating your fat cow wife. Tracy's nipples are rock hard and her pussy is soaking wet just from the show she is giving you and all of these people. This is a fuckin experience that you and non of these people will every forget, and your wife Mike. Tracy is sooooooo fuckin excited Mike, because Tracy knows after she finished with your wife, that your wife will never want to show her face around you, or any of these people again. Imagine Mike, your Tracy, your big, strong, tough, hot, sexy blonde Tracy   is using your wife's big, sexy tits, the very tits that you have worshiped for all of these years, as punching bags, and Mike your fuckin cock is trying to bust through your jeans. Mike, Tracy is giving you your fantasy. She is making your hottest, sexiest, most beautiful fantasies, your IRL fantasies, as she pummels your wife's big sexy tits over and over again until her tits are all swollen and black and blue.


Mike, I'm crying like a baby, but I'm scared, and I'm weak, and I”m all bloody and black and blue. Mike I am all pummeled and I am helpless. You're blonde slut has beaten me up until I have no other choice and Mike, I submit to the whore. I cry out, “ALRIGHT, I'M YOUR SLAVE, I'M YOUR FUCKIN SLAVE.” 

Imagine Mike. Your wife really didn't want to submit, but when she submitted, she felt like a load was taken off of her back. You felt that change too. You could feel that the pressure is off for everyone. You nose see that your new, sexy hot blonde lover has adjusted your tough wife's attitude. SO JUST IMAGINE MIKE, JUST HOW FUCKIN SHOCKED EVERYONE IS AS TRACY TAKES HER BALLED UP LEFT FIST, AND SHE SMASHES YOUR WIFE, “BANG,” RIGHT IN HER TEETH, and you can hear her fuckin teeth break and chip in her mouth. Just imagine that Mike, your hot, sexy blonde lover has just based your wife teeth in, and your wife Mike, she's starting to spit out blood and little pieces of teeth, right out of her mouth, and like a sick, demented crazy bitch Tracy starts screaming, “SAY IT WHORE, FUCKIN SAY IT OR I'LL BASH EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOUR FUCKIN TEETH RIGHT OUT OF THAT BIG FUCKIN MOUTH OF YOURS.”

Mike, imagine how fuckin scared your wife is now. She's just standing there, right in front of you and all of the friends and the neighbor's. IMAGINE YOUR WIFE IS FUCKIN PANICKED NOW. and your wife starts spitting out blood and little pieces of her teeth. Tracy is laughing as she screams, “You better fuckin tell everyone that you're going to do whatever I tell you to do, and you better refer to me as Mistress when you speak to me you fat cow, or I'LL BASH YOUR TEETH IN. “

Mike, I'm crying hysterically. I'm so fuckin scared. I've never been this scared in my whole life before Mike. I have no other choice, the whore has beat me up and she is forcing me to do whatever she wants me to do Mike, and I become submissive to your blonde headed whore again and I start crying out, “I'M YOUR SLAVE, I'M YOUR FUCKIN SLAVE MISTRESS, I'LL DO ANYTHING, I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU TELL ME TO DO MISTRESS.” Mike, I:m so fuckin embarrassed. I wish I could just melt into the ground under me. I don't ever want to see any of these pople again, Mike I don't even know if I ever want you to set eyes on me again.

IMAGINE THE CROWD MIKE. IMAGINE ALL OF YOUR NEIGHBOR'S AND FREINDS. MIKE THINK OF EXACTLY WHAT TINA AND AMBER AND KIM IS DOING AS THEY ARE STANDING THERE RIGHT NOW, all of them watching your wife Mike, crying like a baby, and totally beat up and submissive to your beautiful, sexy, hot blonde slut, BUT Mike, Tracy is far from finished with your wife yet. She reaches down and she grabs your wife's pocketbook and she picks it up and she opens it up. Tracy starts laughing and laughing as she screams, “Look at all these toys you big, fat cow. Are these the toys you were planning to use on me.”

Oh my god Mike. I never thought that this bleached blonde whore was going to beat me up. In all of my fantasies I always fantasized that I beat the shit out of this whore, and I used these toys on her. Mike, we have always squirted cum and exploded over and over again just fantasizing how I would use all my sex toys on this bleached blonde whore, and NOW MIKE, THIS WHORE IS GOING TO USE MY TOYS, MY VERY OWN SEX TOYS ON ME, RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU, RIGHT IN FRONT OF ALL OF OUR NEIGHBOR'S, RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE FRIENDS, AND I'M SO FUCKIN EMBARRASSED, SO FUCKIN HUMILIATED. THIS BLEACHED BLONDE WHORE IS DRAINING EVERY LAST DROP OF MY DIGNITY RIGHT OUT OF ME, JUST LIKE SHE SAID THAT SHE WOULD.”
The crowd goes quiet, it's so quite you can hear a pin drop. Mike the only sound you van hear is your wife, you very own wife crying and crying like a little girl. Tracy removes your wife's big, strap on dildo from her pocketbook, and Tracy is laughing as she screams, “Look at this Mike, look at your wife's cock. This is the cock she was going to strap on to herself and fuck me with. Now, would you prefer that I fuck you up your ass with this big, rubber cock, or would you prefer if I fuck you until you cum on it.”

Mike, I'm fuckin crying and crying and I'm so fuckin startled, I can't think straight, and I don't know how to answer this whore's question.

Mike you know just how crazy and vicious Tracy really is, so you are not the least bit surprised that Tracy balls her left fist up hard and tight and she smashes it “bang,” right into your wife's teeth again. Mike, Tracy is fuckin insane. She busts your wife's lips open, and chips and cracks your wife's front teeth.

OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, there seems to be no boundary, there seems to be no limit, There seems to be nothing that I can say or do that is going to make this totally insane lunatic to let me go. I have never been so scared, so panicky in my whole life Mike. I don't know what else to do and desperately,
frantically I start crying out, “MIKE, MIKE PLEASE HELP ME, SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME,”


That's right Mike, your cock is too hard, and you are really too excited to do anything, and not one person will move a fuckin inch to help this fat,  helpless cow. Everyone just stands there and watches as Tracy knocks the fuckin piss out of your wife all over again Mike.

Tracy screams, “ANSWER ME YOU FAT FUCKIN WHORE.” Blood is dripping out of my swollen, busted, split lips, and I'm spitting blood and bloody fuckin teeth right out of my mouth, and Mike, this goes even further than another adjustment to my attitude in my mind. I really break down, I feel to lost and abandoned. So fuckin alone.

Mike, your crazy, insane blonde whore adjusts your wife's attitude another level, and now your wife frantically wants to submit to crazy Tracy and tears start streaming down her cheeks, mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup, and hysterically she starts crying out, “YES PLEASE FUCK ME WITH THE DILDO MISTRESS. PLEASE FUCK MY ASS HOLE WITH THAT DILDO MISTRESS.” Tracy is laughing at your wife Mike, everyone is laughing at your wife, as They watch Beautiful, sexy hot Tracy strap that big dildo onto herself. Then she grabs your wife's shoulders and she guides the point of that cock right up to your wife's anus, and your wife's eyes almost bulge right out of her head, and she lets out this loud, bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH,” as

OH  MY GOD, OH MY GOD MIKE, YOUR WHORE PLOWS THAT BIG, HARD ERECT RUBBER COCK RIGHT UP MY ASS. She starts plunging that dildo in and out of my ass hole Mike, and I”m leaping, jumping, twisting, trying to dance off of that big, hard cock Mike, and I'm screaming, “GET IT OUT, PLEASE TAKE IT OUT OF ME MISTRESS, I'M BEGGING YOU PLEASE STOP, YOURE HURTING ME.”

Mike, every man watching is so hard that their cocks are going to burst, and the women, oh my god the women are starting to rub their fingers on their soaking wet pussies. Everyone at the party is getting off watching your tough, sexy blonde slut fucking your wife's ass hole with that dildo.

I am zero Mike. I am nothing Mike. Your whore has definitely drained every remaining drop of my dignity from me. I hope that you are happy. I hope that your cock is satisfied Mike. I can't believe that you are so turned on watching this happening to me. Your whore fucks my ass hole and then she rips that big, hard rubber cock right out of me and Tracy is laughing insanely as she screams, “Now get on your hands and knees you stupid, worthless fat cow, and suck this cock clean.” Can you imagine this Mike. Can you imagine me, your very own beautiful wife falling to my knees, and I can just tell that you and everyone at the party is so fuckin turned on as they watch my tits, my big, sexy tits bouncing and bouncing as I am on my knees with that big cock in my hand, and then in my mouth. That's right Mike. I hope your are enjoying this. I hope that everyone is having a very explosive sexual experience at my expense Mike. Did you ever fantasize your wife, your beautiful, sexy tough wife on her knees in front of your whore, sucking her big, hard erect rubber penis Mike.

I am finally so relieved Mike. So fuckin relieved as your whore pulls that cock out of my mouth. This is the first time I can breath relief and I say to myself, thank god this totally painful, humiliating is finally over, BUT NOT ME MIKE, I DON'T THINK ANYONE IS PREPARED FOR WHAT THIS SICK WHORE DOES NEXT. Mike your slut laughs and she screams, “YOU THINK THIS IS OVER BITCH. I'M FAR FROM FINISHED WITH YOU YET YOU FAT COW.”

OH MY GOD, OH MY FUCKIN GOD MIKE. THERE CANNOT BE ANY MORE, BUT THERE IS. Your whore, your bleached blonde slut calls you over and she lowers your pants and out come your big cock Mike. My big cock Mike. The cock that I rubber, the cock that I sucked Mike. The cock that I fucked Mike, the very same cock that I made explode over and over and over again, and she sits you don't right next to me as she sits down right on your big hard, erect penis Mike, and she makes me watchas slowly she starts bouncing up and down and up and down on your big, hard cock. I can see just how turned on your really are having watched this beautiful, hot sexy blonde bitch knock the shit out of me, because Mike, it doesn't take long before you are 'OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEE, OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEE, OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEE,” squirting and exploding over and over and over again right into Tracy, soaking wet pussy. Mike you fill this whore's cxnt up with your hot cum, until Tracy's pussy is overflowing in her juices and her cum, and your hot cumt oo Mike, and then she leaps right onto my face Mike, screaming, “LICK IT BITCH. LICK YOUR HUSBANDS HOT CUM RIGHT OUT OF HIS NEW WIFE'S cxnt YOU WHORE. YOU THOUGHT I WAS THE WHORE, YOU HAD THE FUCKIN NVERVE TO CALL MEA WHORE IN FRONT OF MIKE AND ALL YOUR NEIGHBORR'S AND THE FREINDS, WELL WHO'S THE WHORE NOW BITCH, WHO'S THE FUCKIN WHORE NOW, AND NOW, DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU'RE GONG TO DO YOU FAT FUCIN WHORE, YOU'RE GOING TO MOO INTO MY cxnt, YOU'RE GOING TO MOO AND SHOW YOUR HUSBAND AND ALL OF THESE PEOPLE JUST WHAT A STUPID, PATHETIC FAT COW YOU REALLY ARE.” “MOOOOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOOOOOOO, MMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOO,” THAT RIGHT Mike, she makes me moo like a fuckin  cow, right in her cum drenched, juice drenched, soaking wet pussy, right in front of you, right in front of our neighbor's and the friends, I'M “MMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOO, MMMMMMMMMOOOOOO, MMMMMMMOOOOOOO,” mooing like a fat cow over and over again into this bleached blonde whore's cum drenched pussy until “OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHH, OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEE, OOOOOOOOWEEEEEEEE,” she cums right on my face Mike. You're new bleached blonde whore wife cums right on your old fat cow wife's face, and “MMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOO,” Mike, fuckin “MMMMMMMMMOOOOOOO, the vibrations of my lips on Tracy's clit is making Tracy scream and cry and jolt, and vibrate, and atomic explosions, and volcanic explosions. The minute Tracy stop erupting, she cry's out, “MIKE CAN WE KEEP YOUR EX-WIFE AS OUR MAID, AND CLEANING WOMEN, AND TO CLEAN YOUR CUM OUT OF MY cxnt EVERY DAY AND NIGHT, PLEASE MIKE....................................................




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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #9 on: May 03, 2015, 12:28:26 AM »

Hi Mike, we would love to hear what you have t say about the story. We know it is a very violent story, but, what would you think if this really happened?????

Is there any way you can get your wife, or Tracy and maybe the neighbor's or your friends that know both women to read the story and make some comments on this thread.


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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2015, 11:37:58 AM »
thx to Johnny the Dueces and MistressVicky
love the story knowing my wife she will never be dominated like that from any women
she is tough and strong and knowing tracy she is strong too
i would love to see them wrestle in bikini in front me
love the story just wish if it finish with stacy sit on my face and pull her by hair to her pussy
and make her eat it in front of me until she come
i see my wife wrestle her cousin one time and she pin her and sit on her face
that was so sexy
btw i have hard on while i was reading the story thx very much
who is stacy going to fight next?


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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #11 on: May 03, 2015, 05:37:21 PM »

Yes Mike, I thought my wife Debi was very tough too. I had seen her beat a couple of women up before she got into a fist fight with Mistress Vicky. I was 100% sure bigger, stronger Debi was going to easily knock the shit out of Vicky, and I fantasized seeing Debi sit on Vicky's face and forcing her to eat her until she orgasms.

If you didn't read the story of Debi and Vicky's fight, you will see just how tough little Vicky beat the shit out of much bigger and stronger Debi, and she really humiliated Debi even more than just eating pussy.

I am quite sure your wife would be the one eating pussy if she has IRL fight with Tracy. Mistress Vicky and I had several explosive times, and for sure I was as hard as a rock thinking, fantasizing your very beautiful wife fighting very beautiful Tracy.


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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2015, 03:16:49 AM »
Any fight my wife in ,It is turn on for me
i love my wife fight somebody her weight and age it is sexy for me
would like her  to win with facesit pin and let the women  eat her pussy


Offline brie71

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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2015, 11:32:54 AM »
would love to fight your wife and see how tough she is
and let mistressviki write about it what happen to her when she fight women her size
I will let her cry and sit on her face like a bitch
what you think?
I love the look on bitches after I kicked their ass


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Re: Mike b wife vs tracy (neighbor's best freind
« Reply #14 on: May 06, 2015, 09:13:13 AM »
would love to fight your wife and see how tough she is
and let mistressviki write about it what happen to her when she fight women her size
I will let her cry and sit on her face like a bitch
what you think?
can we see  picture first
Have you