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Part 2-scortching hot series-Money Slave-Bobbi vs Mistress Caitlin

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Bobbi-23 years old, 5'4”, 115 lbs



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Re: Part 2-scortching hot series-Money Slave-Bobbi vs Mistress Caitlin
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2015, 12:56:01 AM »




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Re: Part 2-scortching hot series-Money Slave-Bobbi vs Mistress Caitlin
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2015, 12:56:48 AM »

Bobbi-on right



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Re: Part 2-scortching hot series-Money Slave-Bobbi vs Mistress Caitlin
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2015, 12:57:54 AM »

Mistress Caitlin-5'1", 170 lbs 36GG



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Re: Part 2-scortching hot series-Money Slave-Bobbi vs Mistress Caitlin
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2015, 12:58:57 AM »

Mistress Caitlin



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Re: Part 2-scortching hot series-Money Slave-Bobbi vs Mistress Caitlin
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2015, 12:59:39 AM »

Mistress Caitlin



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Re: Part 2-scortching hot series-Money Slave-Bobbi vs Mistress Caitlin
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2015, 01:00:46 AM »

The Money Slave

Hi, my name is Bobbi and I want to tell you this story about my sister and her husband. They are several years older than I am and my sister has been more than suspicious of her husbands comings and goings for quite some time now, and about large sums of money disappearing.  Finally I told her that she should hire a private investigator and then she'll know everything good or bad. About a month later the private detective gives my sister the whole story. This is what he said, “You're husband is spending a lot of his time and money with this more mature woman. Mistress Caitlin is an S&M Mistress who enjoys dominating men and women. She is quite used to making others submissive to her, and teaching them obedience, humiliation, and she doesn't limit herself to those activities, she is into severe spanking, body worship and many other activities. Mistress Caitlin drains every last drop of their dignity out of her slaves on a regular basis. She is dominant, controlling and quite used to getting her own way. The fact that everyone around her is submissive doesn't take away anything, no one dares to disobey the Mistress gets a beating. Only on occasion when someone disobeys her or  is disobedient and challenges her, she punishes them, many times quite severely. Mistress Caitlin is very proud of her big, sexy tits, and she has sex with only the privileged. which she uses to control men, and sometimes woman. Now here is the biggest problem, Did you ever hear of a Money Slave. That is your husband and what makes him privileged, he gets the greatest prize ever, anywhere, Mistress Caitlin. You pay dearly for the privilege too. Mistress Caitlin is not only your husbands S&M Mistress, and his prostitute. She creates fantasies for him, and he enters into these fantasies which may start out as his, but end up being whatever Mistress Caitlin morphed out of it. This costs quite a bit of money and in essence, your husband is a submissive slave to this women and she fucks him, sucks him and creates this fantasy, and part of the fantasy will include your husband buying her something, it might be as small as a bottle of perfume, or as big as a car, or a condo, or even a house. He is addicted to her, and she controls him. She might even make him do or say things in front of you, for her own purposes. He describes Mistress Caitlin as being a woman, 5'1”, 170 lbs, 36GG.  She still has a very beautiful face, but she has become flabby, and overweight and at the age of 50, squeezing herself into the skinniest, voluptuous big titted women, using girdles, and corsets, and clothing to hide how fat she is. 

When my sister dared to question anything, he would sort of threaten her with if she did that, this big fat tough lesbian woman Mistress Caitlin is going to come and beat the shit out of and humiliate you. She'll make you lick her cxnt and worship her big, beautiful breasts, so you better not bring it up any more.

Not only was this bitch fucking her husband and taking her money, and then scaring her into not doing anything about it. There is a big difference between me and my sister. My sister has always been so peaceful, while as you know, I always get into fights and start fuckin trouble. He gave us this Mistress Caitlin bitch's addresses, she has a home and an S&M club, and her phone numbers and left us on our own to figure out how we were going to put a stop to this. We looked her up on the internet and saw all these picutures. This woman is nothing more than a fat cow. This flabby whore bitch looks like a dyke whore and I know, I can beat the shit out of her. When my sister and I looked at all her S&M shit, at first we were amazed at how these crazy people let this fat cow spank their asses bloody and swollen and black and blue. Caitlin mentions on her ad, I will control you and adjust your attitude, AND THEN I WILL MAKE YOU MY SLAVE, MAKE YOU WORSHIP ME the way I deserve to be worshiped. I will control you and make you mine, and you will never do anything I don't want you to do, not ever, but you will always do whatever I tell you to do. Everything you own is mine.”

What really infuriated me was that when we turn to the next age, there is a picture of my sister's husband, with his big, hard cock in the Mistress' hand, and under the picture is says, “he bought me a new car for this picture, and he got to worship my big breasts and my pussy.”   

I have a fantasy of getting into fist fights with older women that think that they are tough. I just love when some flabby old cow thinks that just because she's older then I am, that she is going to beat me up and make a fuckin fool out of me. I just love older, cocky, confident bitches that thik they are going to humiliate me and make a fuckin fool out of me. So I think about how I can fight her in front of all of her slaves and everyone she knows. How dare this fuckin cow take away my sisters husband and take the family's money. How fuckin dare her. I read that on Saturday night Mistress Caitlin has an S&M show and that most of her slaves will be at her club, and if you go there, she will have several visiting Mistress' and new media people as well. This is going to be a very big event in the life of this fat fuckin whore, and I am going to ruin her life, just like she has been ruining my sister's life. I'm infuriated, I really wanna kick this fat cow's ass. Listen to the crazy things she does to people, perhaps she would like a taste of her own medicine, see how she fuckin likes it. On Saturday night I get all dressed up in my sexy pink midriff blouse, and my black mini skirt and I go to this cow's club with my sister. I wanted her to be there and watch when I beat the shit out of this flabby old whore and I give everyone a really great show. That's right I tell my sister that I'm going to humiliate this fat fuckin whore even worse than she humiliates others.”

I walk into her club, and as I'm walking right toward her I scream, “Whore, you fat fuckin whore, I hear that you''ve been going with my sister's husband.” Caitlin puts her hands on her hips and says, “I just love when I have to train some stupid young bitch like you. I will quite shortly teach you manners and obedience, and when I'm through with you, I will have drained each and every last drop of your dignity right out of you, and you will be begging me to worship my beautiful body.” I laugh out loud as I scream, “You ugly big, fat cow, I would never worship your flabby, old, diseased cow body, and as far as you teaching me manners and obedience, perhaps it is I that will teach you manners and obedience, and perhaps you need to have all of your dignity drained out of you.” 

Caitlin is besides herself. No one has ever had the fuckin nerve to challenge her authority like this, and no one has ever humiliated her like this before, especially in front of all of her S&M friends and worshipers, and not in front of her slaves. Caitlin points to the cement floor of the dungeon screaming, “get down on your hands and knees you stupid young bitch, you are going to be quite sorry you have spoken to me like this.” I laugh and I scream, “you get down on your knees you pathetic old cow, or I'll make you sorry you ever started fuckin trouble with me.” Caitlin's face turns bright red and she takes the open palm of her left hand and “bam,” she slaps me right across my face screaming, “How dare you. How fuckin dare you challenge my authority you stupid young bitch. You better fall to your knees and prepare to worship your queen right now, or I will be forced to discipline you and teach you manners and respect. I would like nothing better than to make a pretty young wench like you into my cxnt sucking slave and make you worship every last inch of my beautiful body, do you understand me.” I can't believe this fat fuckin whore. Who does she think she is smacking my face, who the fuckin does she think she is speaking to me like this.

I ball my left fist up hard and tight and I send it plowing full force, “boom,” right into the rounded bowl of Caitlin's big, fat cow stomach. My fist sinks deep into Caitlin's flabby gut and “OOOFFF,” I knock the air right out of her. Caitlin's eyes almost bulge right out of her head as she puts her hands to her aching belly and she doubles over in pain gasping for air. I reach down and I grab Caitlin’s hair with both of my hands and I wrench her head right up. Then I shove her head back down as I raise my right knee and Caitlin's jaw smashes “bang,” right into my rising knee. You can hear Caitlin's teeth knock together and chatter in her head as her head swings straight up in the air, and Caitlin is stood straight up on her feet. I can hear the sighs of shock coming from the crowd and when I look up at all of Caitlin's slaves and followers, I can see the shocked looks on their faces. Then as Caitlin's head comes back down, I grab Caitlin's low cut white blouse with my left hand, and I take my right fist and I start “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering her nose. I'm really pissed off and I'm “bang, bang, bang, bang,” bashing Caitlin's face in with my fist over and over again until blood is really rolling out of her nose. I'm crazy and I rip Caitlin's blouse off, and Caitlin's huge, white push up bra is exposed in front of everyone, and now the crowd is really cheering. Caitlin is wobbly on her legs and she has this totally shocked and startled look on her face. No one has ever challanged her authority, and no one has ever dared to hit her like this. Caitlin puts her hand to her nose and seeing her own blood she gets angry and she cries out, “Look at what you did to me bitch, I'm fuckin bleeding. How fuckin dare you make me bleed. I'm going to kill you. I'm going to fuckin kill you.” Caitlin comes right after me. I send my right fist “bang,” right into her left eye, making her eye turn pink and get puffy, but this big, fat cow
just comes plowing right into me. She grabs my sexy pink blouse and she shoves me back hard. Now it's my blouse that rips right off of my body in Caitlin's hands as I stumble backwards on my high heels until “boom,” my body hits the cement wall of the dungeon hard, and “bang,” my head does two. I bounce right up off of the wall and I'm fuckin startled, and now I'm standing there in my big, sexy pink bra, and now the crowd is screaming.

Caitlin is infuriated and she aces her hands through my hair and she shoves my head back, “bang,” into the concrete wall. Then she screams right in my shocked face, “You stupid young slut, I'm going to make you so sorry you ever started fuckin trouble with me.” She shoves my head back, “bang,” right into the cement wall again. She bounces my fuckin head off of the concrete and she starts screaming right in my face again, “When I'm finished with you Bobbi you pathetic young whore bitch, you're going to beg me to worship my big, sexy tits, you're going to beg me to let you lick me into orgasm, and you're going to beg me to strap on my big, hard erect rubber cock and fuck you until you cum and cum and cum again. You're going to learn a lesson you will never forget.”

I raise my right knee and I miss her cxnt, but my knee smacks “boom,” right into Caitlin's pelvis. “OOFF,” Caitlin groans as she lets go of my hair and she backs away from me holding her aching pelvis. Caitlin starts to stand up straight and I go right after her. I pull my right fist back and I send it plowing full force, “bang,” right into Caitlin's nose again. Blood is really rolling from Caitlin's nose as she stumbles backwards on her high heels. Caitlin grabs her nose with her right hand and Cailtin loses her fuckin temper. Her face turns bright red and she looks right at me screaming, “You stupid young bitch, you're going to be very sorry you did that.” she comes right after me screaming about how she's going to kill me. “I'm going to kill you bitch. I'm going to fuckin kill you.” She lunges right at me and she sends her right fist plowing full force, right at my face, but quickly I manage to step to the side and out of the way, and as Caitlin just goes stumbling right past me quite off balance, I stick my foot out and I trip this fat fuckin cow, and Caitlin falls right over and she just goes sprawling out onto her stomach on the cement dungeon floor. I leap onto Caitlin's back, and  grab her hair with both of my hands and I start “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Caitlin's face against the concrete. Caitlin starts screaming, “AAHH, AAHH, STOP,” and then she pushes herself up off of the floor. I'm amazed at how much strength this old bitch has as she throws me of her and I fall right onto the cement right next to her.

Caitlin rolls right on top of me. I try to throw the bitch off of me, but I don't move her an inch. Caitlin grabs my wrists and she starts struggling hard trying to hold them down on the concrete. I”m struggling hard too, but Caitlin is much bigger and stronger than I am and she manages to hold my wrists down to the floor. Then she raises up over me, pinning my arms with her knees. She renders me totally helpless, and now Caitlin is in charge, and now Caitlin really wants to knock my face in. Caitlin balls up both of her fists hard and tight and she starts punching me all around my face. First with her right fist she punches  me “bang,” in my left eye, then with her left fist she punches me “bam,” in my right eye. Instantly my eyes start to turn pink and get all puffy. Caitlin screams, “Now I'm going to blacken both of your eyes you stupid little bitch.” She starts “bam, bam, bam,” punching my right eye, then “bam, bam, bam,” punching my left eye, back and forth and back and forth over and over again. She just keeps on “bam, bam, bam, bam,” hitting me and beating me up until both of my eyes swell up and turn black and blue.

Caitlin is in her element now as she grabs my hair and she jerks my head up off of the cement and she starts laughing  right in my face and screaming, “You think you're so fuckin tough little girl. Wait until I”m finished with you. I'm going to make you my slave bitch, you're going to do whatever I tell you to do, and you are going to refer to me as Mistress when you want to speak to me. I love when young, pretty little slut's like you eat my cxnt and I love it even more when I fuck them with my dildo” I start bucking and kicking and crying out, “get off of me cow, get off of me you fat fuckin whore.” I manage to free my left hand but not in time to stop Caitlin from bashing me, “bang,” right in my nose with her right fist. Blood starts rolling from my nose and I can taste it. I reach up with my left hand and I start grabbing at Caitlin’s face with my long sharp fingernails, then I manage to free my right hand. Caitlin screams “AAHH,” as I manage to scratch her cheek with my sharp nails, but she grabs my left hand and she starts struggling, trying to hold it back down to the cement again. I'm struggling hard too and I manage to move my arm up over my head, and when Caitlin leans forward to hold my wrist down to the ground, I raise my head up and I clamp my teeth down right in Caitlin's left breast, right through her bra. Caitlin lets out a bloodcurdling scream, “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH,” as she leaps up off of me trying to get to her feet, but the fat cow trips, and Caitlin falls right over onto the cement floor rubbing her aching breast.

I sit up and slowly I start to get up onto my feet. Caitlin slowly gets up onto her feet too, and while my eyes are blackened and I have a little blood rolling from my nose, Caitlin's face has blood rolling from her nose and I can see bloody red teeth marks on Caitlin's huge white push up bra, and Caitlin is still massaging her aching bloody breast. I raise my fists up screaming, “alright you fat cow, you fat fuckin whore, put your fists up and fight me. I'm not even finished with you yet.” Caitlin moves in towards me and she sends her right fist at my face, but I raise my left hand up and I block her punch, and with my own right fist I send it plowing “bang,”right into Caitlin's chin. You can hear Caitlin's teeth bang together and chatter in her head as her head snaps back, and Caitlin stumbles back a few steps. Caitlin is infuriated and she comes right after me. She grabs my sexy pink bra and I smash my fist rght into this fat cow's chin again. You can hear her teeth knock together and chatter in her head again. Catlin's head snaps back and as she lets go of my sexy pink bra, my big, sexy tits are exposed in front of everyone. The crowd starts screaming. I hold my tits, one in each hand and I scream, “these tits are worth worshiping, not those flabby old cow tits of yours.”

Caitlin is slowing down. I can see the fat bitch breathing heavy, but her face is beet red and she's still really pissed off. She flings herself at me, trying to wrap her arms around me, but I'm much too fast for Caitlin now, and I step to the side and out of the way, and you can see the shocked look on Caitlin's face as she stumbles right past me quite off balance. I can see the look of shock turn to a look of anger as Caitlin regains her balance and she spins right back around to face me again, but as she does I send my right fist plowing “boom,” right into her fat cow stomach again. “OOOFFF,” she grabs her stomach and she doubles over in pain gasping for air. I yank her standing up straight on her feet by her hair, and Caitlin screams, “AAAHHH.”  Caitlin reaches up trying to pull my hands out of her hair, but as she does, I plow my fist into her fat cow stomach again. “OOOFFF,” I knock the air out of her again, and Caitlin grabs her aching belly and she bends over in pain gasping for air again. The crowd has gone silent, everyone is waiting to see what will happen next.I wait for this fat cow to start to stand up straight again, and as she does, I swing my left fist back, and then I swing it forward and up and I send it plowing full force “bang,” uppercut right into Caitlin's jaw. You can hear Caitlin's fuckin teeth smack together and rattle in her fuckin head again and as her head swings straight up in the air, Caitlin is stood straight up on her feet. Then she starts to teeter backwards on her high heels, until her head comes back down, and when it does, Caitlin is knocked silly. This fat cow is like a limp goofy little rag doll, and she just has this silly little smile across her face.

I grab Caitlin's big bra and I pull hard, and then when I let go of this big titted cow's bra, it slides right down hanging right over her fat, flabby cow stomach, and Caitlin's huge fat cow tits come bouncing right out of her bra in front of everyone. I walk up to Caitlin and I take the open palms of both of my hands and first I slap her huge left breast and then I slap her huge right breast, and Caitlin's huge breasts smack together and are bouncing around right in front of everyone. . You can hear the excitement of the crowd as they start cheering. I raise my fists up like a man screaming, “I knocked the shit out of you Caitlin you pathetic old cow, and now I'm going to knock the shit out of those fat cow tits of yours. I start punching Caitlin’s big tits, right fist “boom,”left breast, left fist, “boom,” right breast. The crowd is going crazy, BUT much to my surprise, Caitlin lunges at me, wrapping her arms around me and she throws me over onto the cement. She falls right on top of me, and “OOFF,” she knocks some of the air right out of me. I'm fuckin shocked, I didn't think this fat fuckin whore had any strength at all left in her.

We start rolling back and forth and back and forth across the cement. Caitlin is weak, but her 55 pound weight advantage made her just as strong as I am. First she's on top of me, then I'm on top of her, then she's on top of me, back and forth and back and forth. Our huge breasts are mashing together and swinging and bouncing together, and our nipples are dueling, and rubbing against each other and getting bigger and bigger and harder and harder as we roll back and forth over and over again. The crowd is screaming and screaming. Caitlin is breathing harder and harder, and she's seems to be getting weaker and weaker, and finally I get on top of Caitlin, and now I'm not only crazed, but I”m really infuriated too, and I really wanna knock the fuckin sense out of this tough Mistress.” I grab the fat fuckin whore by her fuckin hair and I'm insane now, and I I just start, “bang, bang, bang, bang,” throttling Caitlin's head against the hard concrete floor., and now I'm like a crazywoman. I stop cracking Caitlin's fuckin skull against the concrete, and I hold Caitlin's wobbly head up off of the ground, and I look right into Caitlin's dazed eyes and I laugh and I scream, “YOU CALL YOURSELF A MISTRESS. YOU'RE NOT A MISTRESS, YOU'RE A FAT COW, YOU'RE A FAT FUCKIN WHORE, AND SOON, YOU WILL BE MY FAT FUCKIN WHORE AND I'LL REALLY DRAIN ALL OF YOUR FUCKIN DIGNITY OUT OF YOU.”

I CAN SEE THE LOOK OF DOMINANCE DRAIN RIGHT OUT OF CAITLIN'S EYES, AND I CAN SEE THE LOOK OF SUBMISSION COME ACROSS HER FACE. I laugh and I scream, “look at you Caitlin, you call youself a mistress, hah, I don't fuckin think so. I'M THE MISTRESS, and YOU'RE NOTHING BUT A WEAK, PATHETIC OLD FAT COW, Isn't that right Caitlin, tell everyone that your a weak, pathetic old fat cow, and that I am your Mistress and you are my slave. Tell everyone just how fuckin submissive you are to me, to a real fuckin woman, not a fuckin fat cow like you.” I can see tears start overflowing in Caitlin's eyes, she could never imagine being this humiliated before. Mistress Caitlin is in complete shock that a young 23 year old woman is doing this to her. She had thought that she was so fuckin tough. Everyone always did what she ordered them to do, BUT now she is about to find out just how it really feels, but now for the first time, this moron is going to get to experience first hand, how it feels to be forced into submission, and Caitlin is going to be forced to do many things that she has so enjoyed doing to other women. Caitlin is already humiliated. I have already started to drain her fuckin dignity out of her, but Caitlin has no fuckin idea of how crazy I am, it is my goal to drain the rest, each and every last drop of Caitlin's fuckin dignity out of her.

I'm holding Caitlin's wobbly head up off of the concrete, and Caitlin' eyes are fuckin swimming around in her head. I laugh viciously screaming, “ARE YOU READY TO SUBMIT YOU FAT COW, OR AM I REALLY GOING TO HAVE TO BASH YOUR FACE IN.” Tears are overflowing out of Caitlin's eyes, and mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup. I don't wait, I smash her face again. “bam,” hard right in her nose screaming, “GET IT THOUGHT YOUR HEAD YOU STUPID OLD FAT COW, I AM YOUR MISTRESS AND YOU ARE MY SLAVE, AND YOU'RE GOING TO DO EVERYTHING I TELL YOU TO DO.” Caitlin is crying and crying, like a little baby and before Caitlin has a chance to think,” I smash my right fist, “bang,” right into the bone of Caitlin's nose, and blood starts gushing out of her nose, and there is a big gash across the bridge of this stupid old cow's nose, and blood is rolling from the cut on her nose. I scream, “say it you fat cow or I'll really bash your face in.

You can see Caitlin clearly does not want to fight any more. I've knocked all the fuckin fight right out of Caitlin, and Caitlin's whole personality has been adjusted. I have adjusted her attitude  andCaitlin is scared, she doesn't want to be beat up any more, and she becomes submissive to me. She's totally humiliated, but I'm not finished with Caitlin yet. Caitlin is still crying and crying and she's shaking in fear, you can see her teeth chattering inside her head, and she cries out, “I'M YOUR SLAVE, I'M YOUR FUCKIN SLAVE MISTRESS. I'LL DO WHATEVER YOU TELL ME TO DO MISTRESS. PLEASE YOU'RE MY MISTRESS AND I'M YOUR SLAVE. I LAUGH as I get up off of Caitlin and I walks right over to my pocketbook and I pull out this big strap on dildo  and I strap it right onto myself. I have my back to Caitlin as Caitlin just lays there like a fuckin beached whale, helpless and crying like a little girl. I turn around and Caitlin get this totally shocked and startled look on her face and tears fill her eyes and start to roll down her face even harder now as she cries out, “OH NO NOT THAT,  PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE NOT THAT, PLEASE LET ME GO.” I'M FUCKIN LAUGHING AS I SCREAM, “OH YES YOU STUPID FAT COW. NOW YOU'RE GLONG TO SEE JUST HOW IT FEEL WHEN YOU DO THIS T OTHER WOMEN. I WANT YOU TO BEG, FUCKIN BEG YOUR MISTRESS TO SHOVE THIS BIG, HARD, ERECT RUBBER DILDO INTO YOUR ASS HOLE, AND TO FUCK YOU WITH IT LIKE THAT FAT COW THAT YOU ARE. NOW LET ME HEAR YOU BEG COW.”

Caitlin is frantic now, she can't even imagine what a young bitch is doing this to her and she just stands there crying and crying like a little girl. FUCKIN CAITLIN HAS NO FUCKIN IDEA OF JUST HOW INSANE I CAN BE, and I lose my temper for real. I take my left fist and I smash it “bang,” right into Caitlin's teeth. Caitlin's lips split open and blood starts rolling from the corner of her mouth.  I'm  holding that big, hard erect rubber cock right up in front of Caitlin's face and I scream, “KISS IT COW. KISS YOUR NEW COCK YOU STUPID FLABBY COW, BECAUSE THAT IS THE ONLY COCK YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE AFTER I FINISH EXPUNGING ALL YOUR DIGNITY FROM YOU”
Caitlin's slaves, all of them are standing there with their mouths hanging open, as stand there and watch watch their big, strong, tough dominant Mistress, totally punched silly, and forced to be submissive, submissive to me, a girl young enough to be her daughter.   Every one that was there, all of Caitln's slaves, and several of the Mistress' that know her and that work with her, and the friends. Caitlin is afraid this tough, crazy bitch is going to knock out all of her teeth, and Caitlin is sputtering blood, she's spitting fuckin blood right out of her mouth, and  suddenly she exhibits that change in her attitude that I was talking about, as she is crying like a baby, crying out, “Alright, I'm your slave. I'm your fuckin slave Mistress. I'll do anything, anything.”

I don't think anyone, not one person present for this fight could ever imagine this happening to big, tough Mistress Caitlin, especially by a young 23 year old woman. Caitlin has finally run into a crazy, viscous, tough woman who has beat her up. A girl young enough to be her daughter is forcing her to be submissive. It is impossible to try and contemplate just what is going through Caitlin's mind at this time. She is totally shocked. She just can't fuckin believe that young Bobbi has beat her up, and it is most definitely against her against her grain to do anything against her will. It just isn’t in her vocabulary. It is tough Mistress Caitlin that gives everyone the orders, and everyone must obey their MIstress. When they don't follow her orders well, or misbehaves, she is quite used to disciplining them, and forcing them to do whatever she wants them to do. She doesn't understand  anything less than the Mistress, disciplinarian, erotic queen role in life, this is her personality, this is her attitude, and now, I a 23 year old bitch that is young enough to be her daughter is going to take that all away from Mistress Caitlin.  I mean everyone at the party has already witnessed Caitlin's demise. They got to stand there and watch as I adjusted Caitlin's attitude 180 degrees. As the severe beating went on, it gave Caitlin a view of where she has been, and what her new role in life is going to be, and I start laughing at how tough and dominant this fat cold whore thought that she was, and how beat up and submssive she looks now, and now I'm really going to give everyone a really good show.....

I raise up over Caitlin and that big, hard cock is rubbing right up against Caitlin's huge black and blue tits, and I can see Caitlin's big sexy nipples harden and start to grow. I think to myself, “This fat fuckin whore is getting off on this. Perhaps this fat cow is acting so tough and dominant, when all she wants is to be taken over, controlled and be 180 degrees submissive to a beautful, sexy young woman like me. Perhaps she would just love to worship my whole body and treat me like the fuckin queen. I want to punish this fat cow. I want to make a fuckin fool of this fat fuckin whore, I want to show this fuckin big mouth just how it feels to be forced against your will. Let's see how this fat cow likes being forced to worship my beautiful body. I get up on top of Caitlin's, just as if I am her male lover, as I slide the cock across Caitlin's nipples, and then across her stomach. Caitlin shudders in excitement and her nipples get rock hard. As I move the dildo down so that it's rubbing up against Caitlin's pussy. I start fuckin laughing as I can see that big, hard dick getting this useless, pathetic fat cow excited.

Caitlin is starting to get excited at the feel of that large cock. I use my hand to guide it and I slowly insert the tip of that big, erect penis, and Caitlin shudders in excitement at the touch of that artificial cock penatrating her pussy, and Caitlin moans, 'AAAAWWWWEEEE,” BUT quickly I pull it out. Caitlin is breathing hard and making these sexy little noises, AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH,” and sweat is starting to form on her body. I can feel the heat starting to blow right out of this fat fuckin whore's cxnt, and I see Caitlin's big nipples grow to twice their size right in front of my eyes. I slide the dildo straight down, so it just slides past Caitlin's cxnt, and Caitlin moans, 'OOOOWEWWWWEEE,” and she starts humping the air, and tears are gathering up in her eyes. I pull it away, completely away from her body and I start laughing as I scream right in front of everyone, “You're enjoying this you big, fat cow, aren't you. Look at how hard your nipples are, you're going to cum right on this big, hard artificial cock before I'm through with you, and then I'll watch you suck all of your cum right off of it, and that's just the beginning cow. I will beat you up and humiliate you one by one in front of everyone that you have humiliated you stupid weak whore. I'll make you so sorry you ever took anyone's money.

I start laughing as I scream, “what kind of moron would worship your flabby cow body anyway. Say it Caitlin, tell everyone that you're nothing but a big, fat submissive cow, and that you want to worship my pussy.”

Caitlin can't believe this, she thinks to herself, “I'm Mistress Caitlin, I will not lower myself,” and she's crying and crying, and she doesn't know what to do. I FUCKIN LOVE THIS. I will show this tough fat cow just how to change someone's fuckin attitude. I will get wet just thinking about showing everyone how fuckin weak and pathetic ther precious Mistress really is. I ball up my right fist again, and NOW I REALLY WANNA BASH THIS COW'S FACE IN. I smash it, “bang,” right into Caitlin's nose, and this time the bone of Caitlin's nose really breaks. Caitlin's nose is definitely broken now, its all swollen and it's squirting fuckin blood. CAITLIN IS SUBMISSIVE NOW.” She's scared and she has no other choice, and she cries out, “I'm nothing but a big, fat, submissive cow, and I want to worship my Mistress' pussy.” I'm laughing, everyone is laughing. I broke this big tough fat cow. I adjusted her attitude, and  I'm laughing and I scream, “You whore, you fat fuckin whore, now beg me to fuck you with this dildo.” Caitlin really doesn't want to let me fuck her with a dildo right in front of everyone, but Caitlin has no other choice. She knows that she has to do whatever I tell her to do, and she knows that I won't hesitate one moment to bash her face in. Like a slave, like a submissive slave Caitlin cries out, “FUCK ME. PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE FUCK ME WITH THE DILDO MISTRESS.”

I get up off of Caitlin and I scream, “now get on your hands and knees cow, and stick your ass up in the air. Caitlin obediently turns over onto her hands and knees, and then she bends over and Caitlin's big, fat flabby ass is up in the air, and her big, fat cow tits are rubbing against the cement.  You can't understand the feeling I have right now. I'm vibrating in excitement, I feel like I just scored the winning point in a football game ,. My pride has swelled and I start laughing at pathetic Caitlin, still crying like a baby and  she starts crying out, FUCK ME, I'M BEGGING YOU FUCK ME MISTRESS. PLEASEE USE THAT BIG, HARD ERECT RUBBWER COCK ON ME MISTRESS.” I'm shaking as I hold that tip of that huge fuckin dildo right against Caitlin's anus. Then I grabs Caitlin's shoulders as I plow that big, hard erect rubber cock right up into Caitlin's ass hole. Just imagine that Caitlin's slaves, all of her slaves are standing there watching their Mistress, the woman that they have been worshiping. The woman that has been disciplining them. The women that they were forced to treat as if she is the most beautiful, special majestic woman on earth. The woman that they were afraid of. The woman that they gave their money to. It all come down to this, as I plow that rubber dick deep into Caitlin's ass hole again and again. I'm doing it, and I'm trying to think about how it would feel being fuckin FORCED, and having a big, hard erect rubber cock plowed right into my ass hole. I thought it was funny, as Caitlin let out a bloodcurdling screams, “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH,” as the cock slid slowly into her ass hole, and Caitlin stood straight up on her tip toes and then she starts leaping, jumping, twisting, trying to dance off of that big hard cock, but she can't, and desperately she starts crying out, “GET IT OUT, PLEASE GET IT OUT YOU'RE HURTING ME,' BUT I REALLY DON'T FUCKIN CARE AND

I start taking her out right in front of the other Mistress', right in front of Caitlin's neighbor's and the friends and Caitlin is like a limp, goofy rag doll. I starts fucking Caitlin's ass hole. I'm plunging that big, hard cock in and out and in and out over and over again, AND I start laughing as I scream, “Now do you know what you're going to Caitlin you fat cow. You're going to moo, and you're going to moo and show and tell everyone just what a stupid, pathetic fat cow you really are.” Now let me hear you moo.” SHOCKING, YES FUCKIN SHOCKING, that is exactly what I wanted to do to this fat fuckin whore. I start taking Caitlin one by one in front of all of the Mistress', and all of the slaves, and all of her neighbor's, and the friends. I stop in front of the first person screaming, “moo cow, moo you stupid, pathetic fat cow.” The crowd has gone silent, everyone wants to see just what tough Caitlin is going to do now. Caitlin says, “moo.” I'm fuckin laughing, everyone is laughing at how fuckin weak and pathetic weak, submissive Caitlin looks now, but I want to take this fat cow a few more levels and really show her. I scream, “louder cow, moo louder and keep mooing until I say you can stop” I'm  fucking Caitlin right up her ass and I yank at Caitlin's hair and Caitlin starts “MMMMOOOO, MMMMOOOO, MMMMOOOO,” mooing over and over again at the top of lungs. All the Mistress', and especially each and every one of Caitlin's slaves are totally stunned as they watch a young gorgeous, sexy women like me, draining the dignity out of their sacred Mistress, and Caitlin, she's mooing and mooing over and over again like a cow, everyone is laughing, “LIKE A FAT COW. MMMMMOOOOOOO, MMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOO” as I'm  dragging her in front of each and every person at the party.

I pull that big, fat dildo right out to Caitlin's ass hole screaming, “get on your knees you fat cow, because now you're going to suck this cock clean.” I'm laughing at how tough Caitlin thought that she was, and how beat up and submissive she looks now as Caitlin takes that big, hard rubber penis into her hands and she holds it right up to her bloody, swollen lips, and she sticks the dildo into her mouth, and she starts sucking it like it's a man's cock. Caitlin is giving everyone a really good show as she sucks that big, erect plastic cock over and over and over again, just as if it was a real man's cock. She sucks that cock until she sucks it clean. I pull the dildo out of her mouth and I scream, “alright cow, now lie down on your back. Caitlin is totally submissive, she knows what will happen to her if the is disobdient, and she knows that I would punish her a lot more than she ever punished any of her slaves. Caitlin lies right down on her back on the cement, and I walk over and I stand right over her and I lowers my panties screaming, “Look up. Look up at me you stupid fat cow.” Caitlin looks up and her eyes start over flowing with tears as she cries out, “NO PLEASE.” I lower myself down and I sit down right on Caitlin's flabby stomach and I start slapping Caitlin's huge breasts “bam, bam, bam, bam,” back and forth. My pussy is getting wetter and wetter as I watch Caitlin's big tits bouncing and swinging, and I can see her huge, baby bottle sized nipples starting to get hard. I laugh and I scream, “Now you're going to moo again cow, only this time you're going to moo right into my cxnt. Now let me hear you moo.” Caitlin is crying like a baby. Tears are streaming down her cheeks, mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup. Caitlin is a fuckin mess, and she lets out a loud, long “MMMMMOOOOO.”

I start laughing and I hold my wet, hot pussy only inches over Caitlin's face screaming, “and now you're going to moo into my cxnt you stupid fat cow, right Caitlin,” and my pussy starts getting soaked as Caitlin becomes submissive to me again. I'm laughing and laughing as Caitlin let's out another long, load “MMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOO.” I lower my cxnt right onto Caitlin's lips and, “MMMMMOOOOO,” Caitlin starts to moo into my cxnt. She's “MMMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOO, MMMMMMOOOOO,” over and over again my soaking wet pussy, and the vibrations of Mistress Caitlin's lips inside of my wet cxnt start making my nipples grow bigger and bigger and get harder and harder. Just try to imagine how I feel right now as big, strong, tough Mistress Caitlin's lips are inside my pussy and vibrating. Burbling right against my clit. Imagine the looks on Mistress' Caitlin's Mistress' friends faces, and the shock on all of her slaves faces, and the looks on hwer neighbor's and the friends as I”m sitting right on this big fat cow's face and Caitlin is “MMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOO, MMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOO and I start  “OOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEE, OOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEE, OOOOOOWWWWWEEEEEE, over and over again. OH MY GOD, MYP NIPPLES GOT SO HARD THEY WANT TO BURST, AND MY PUSSY IS GUSHING JUICES AND THEN“OOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEE, OOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEE, I'm fuckin exploding on Caitlin's face, right on her tongue. The crowd is going crazy......