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Part 3-scortching hot series-I love beating up older women who think they are so

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  • I love catfights!

Bobbi-5'4", 115 lbs



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  • I love catfights!



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  • I love catfights!

Bobbi on right



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  • I love catfights!

Mistress Vicky-5', 100 lbs



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Mistress Vicky



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  • I love catfights!

Mistress Vicky



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  • I love catfights!

Mistress Vicky



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  • I love catfights!

By Bobbi

When I met Johnny I got him to tell me all of his very most  intimate fantasies. I wanted to know everything that I would have to do to own him, and to own his cock. Even at my young age, I have always found that fulfilling a man's fantasies, all of his fantasies, is the way to own him, and I don't care what his fantasies are. I want to give him the wildest, most mind blowing, hottest, sexiest, most explosive fantasies that he could possibly want. Johnny told me about his catfight fantasies. He loves to see two women beat the shit out of each other, and because their can be only one winner, he loves for the winner to dominate and humiliate the loser. As a matter of fact Johnny admitted to me that the more viscous the fight, the more humiliating the humiliation, the more it excites him. He told to me that the hottest, sexiest experience he has ever had, was when his current wife Vicky knocked the shit out of his first wife Debi, and then humiliated her over and over again right in front of him and all of their friends and neighbor's, until she drained each and every last drop of Debi's dignity out of her. He admitted that the experience and all the fantasies he has had about the experience, and even all the other fantasies he has had, is all based on and connected to this one fantasy.

It all started when Johnny hired me as his new personal secretary. I am just so attracted to older men. They are so worldly, distinguished, experienced and they just really know how to treat a lady. When I heard Johnny's fantasies I couldn't help but think to myself how Johnny has hit the jackpot with me. I am really attracted to him, and I can see just how excited I get him. Every time I look I can see Johnny's big, hard erect cock is trying to bust out of his pants. I knew how I would get him. How I would make him burn for me, ache for me, want me so fuckin bad that he can't take it. So I told Johnny how tough I am. I told Johnny that I am a tomboy and that I have been getting into fights all the time ever since I first started school, and that I almost always beat the shit out of the other girls. I told Johnny how I love to dominate and humiliate other women and that my fighting did not stop when I graduated high school, OH NO JOHNNY, I LOVE KNOCKING THE SHIT OUT OF OLDER WOMAN THAT ARE COCKY, CONFIDENT AND THAT THINKS THEY ARE TOUGH. I TOLD JOHNNY JUST HOW I LOVE TO KNOCK OLDER WOMEN INTO BLOODY LIMP RAG DOLLS, KNOCK THEM SILLY UNTIL THEY DON'T EVEN KNOW WHERE THEY ARE ANY MORE, AND THEN, MAKE COMPLETE FOOLS OUT OF THEM RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEIR HUSBANDS, OR BOYFREINDS. I TOLD JOHNNY HOW I LOVE TO FORCE WOMEN TO LICK ME INTO ORGASM, and how I love to humiliate women with dildo's and vibrator's.

I READ THE STORY OF VICKY AND DEBI'S FIGHT, over and over again, and I learn't the erotism that will drive Johnny insane. What is even more kinky and erotic is these bloody knock down/drag out fist fights get me excited. I think of how the punches and the effect of the punches have on each women, and I think of how erotic I can make this fight for Johnny. What KINKY ADDITIONS  can I dream up, that will take this fight into levels that are way beyond what happened when Vicky had her fist fight with Debi. Oh yes, one of the highlights of the story, and what got Johnny extremely excited is when Vicky took Debi's wedding ring from her, and exactly how she did it in such a humiliating way, and what was it that Johnny found so exciting, so important, so critical for the explosion of the story to the next level or even further. I also ascertained that he was so fuckin turned on when one woman knocks the other woman silly. He is so turned on by watching a woman that is punched so silly she doesn't even know where she is any more. It doesn't matter exactly how she has been made to start to stumble, and then to sway, first forward, and then back, and then she just gets this silly little smile across her face.

Johnny was impressed when Vicky punched Debi silly and DEBI DID HAVE THAT GOOFY LITTLE GRIN ON HER FUCKIN FACE.  Lucky for Johnny, as I pictured me doing that to another women, my pussy started getting quite moist, and it made me think of how hard hos cock would get, and how wet my cxnt would get if I took the brutality to a whole never level.

I REALIZED THAT I HAVE TO BRING A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF ANGER, CRAZINESS, I MEAN GO CRAZY AND REALLY START BASHING THE OTHER WOMAN'S FUCKIN SKULL AGAINST THE CONCRETE, or if I bashed the sluts nose in. YES, JOHNNY DEFINATELY WOULD BE MUCH HOTTER AND MORE EXCITED IF I WAS A COMPLETE RAVING LUNATIC, and Johnny may have thought that the craziness that Vicky exerted over Debi, is was so very hot. What will it take to raise it one or more levels. How can I take the fight to a whole new higher level. I can be much more cruel than Vicky was to Debi. I mean I could take this stupid little bitch and make her so fuckin scared that she will completely lose it and be willing to do anything I tell her to do just to stop me, and then if I don't stop, well just imagine what that may do to Johnny's cock. Just thinking about it makes my pussy wet. I could keep cracking her and beating her up insanely, crack all of her teeth. What level would make Johnny have the most earth shattering fantasy, way beyond his hottest, sexiest,wildest, erotic fantasies, way past his most treasured fantasy memories. Yes, just thinking about how big and hard and erect Johnny will be, and how he will have that most earth shattering explosion, and just think about degrading another women and forcing her to be obedient and submissive to me, just thinking of having another whore lick me and suck me and make love to my soaking wet, hot pussy will take me to that next level too.

I didn't hide it from Johnny. I can make Johnny go completely out of his mind just by telling him the story of me really knocking the shit out of Vicky, the same cxnt that beat up Johnny's first, fat cow  wife Debi, and I have to admit, the humiliation that Vicky did to Debi may have been very, very hot and erotic, but I promise you, just as I promised Johnny, that I am going to take my fist fight with Vicky and the humiliation to a very whole new level.   

I am quite confident and even cocky, I have beat up woman that were twice my size. I've knocked the shit out of women that thought that they were so fuckin tough before, and it is my own fantasy to really knock the shit out of an older woman and completely drain every ladst drop of her dignity out of her.         After all, Vicky is only 5', 100 lbs and I'm 4 inches taller and 15 lbs heavier than Vicky and I can definitely knock the shit out of that skinny little slut.   So I laugh even before I fight this pathetic slut because I have already taken Johnny away from that weak, skinny little slut, and I know just how much fun it will be for me and how much it will turn Johnny on if I were to knock the shit out of his wife, punch her into a bloody, blubbering, crying mess, and just imagine how fuckin hot it would get Johnny if I knocked the shit out of little Vicky, and took that wedding ring. I think it will be even more erotic and exciting when I take Vicky's wedding ring as compared to when Vicky took Debi's wedding ring. Yes, I can make the slut beg me to take her wedding ring, just like she did to fuckin Debi, and then ust wait to see what I will have in store for this stupid little bitch. Ha, she thinks she is so fuckin tough, She thinks that she;s such a tough Mistress. She thinks she is going to beat me up and make a fuckin fool out of me with her fuckin precious wedding ring.

I can't even try to convey the exact reaction. The crazy, insane wild animalistic orgasms that Johnny has been having just hearing me discuss, tell him the stories of me knocking the shit out of his wife, and degrading, humiliating, draining all of this big mouth's dignity right out of her, insanely, just for my Johnny, Yes, I fuckin already have taken the situation to the next level, but I ain't finished yet.

I have made it known to everyone in the company that I own Johnny, and I own his cock, and I would like nothing better than to really knock the shit out of skinny, weak little Vicky. I told everyone how I heard every fuckin detail of her fist fight with Debi and how she took her wedding ring. I told everyone that I want to take Vicky's wedding ring. I told them that for my Johnny I would tear it right off of her finger, and how I will take great joy in knocking her face in with her very own wedding ring on my fist.
I made it known that I intend on shoving her ring right into her cxnt and fuckin her with it until she cums right on her wedding ring, and that I would like nothing better than to make her lick it clean right in front of her husband and everyone in the company. I told them just how much I want to drain every last ounce of her dignity right out of her. I told everyone that I was going to be with Johnny at the corporate picnic and if that skinny little whore has the fuckin nerve to show up, I will  make her quite sorry.........

It worked.........It fuckin worked. It's Friday night, the fuckin night right before the picnic. I'm at the hotel with Johnny and we're having a really good time when who calls but fuckin Vicky. She was screaming and telling Johnny off, and I could clearly hear her threats and insults, calling me a young fuckin whore, and slut. I grabbed the fuckin phone right out of Johnny's hand and my body is tingling, I'm so fuckin excited. I can just picture this skinny little slut, this pathetic little old lady, with all of her makeup and jewelry, and I could picture that wedding ring, that big, gold metal wedding ring right on the middle finger of her left hand, the ring she ripped off of Debi's finger, the fuckin ring that means so fuckin much to my man Johnny. My pussy is soaking wet as I scream, “You skinny, weak, pathetic little bitch, everyone knows that Johnny is with me now and he is going to be at the picnic with me tomorrow. You think you're so fuckin tough. I don't think so. I'd like nothing better than if you come to that party tomorrow so that I can,” BUT before I can finish everything that I had to say, Vicky slams the fuckin phone down. Vicky can't believe that this slut, this very young whore that is young enough to be her daughter has the fuckin nerve to speak to he rlike this, and Vicky says to herself, “Alright, if this stupid young bitch need to be taught a fuckin lesson. I will knock her face in and humiliate her, even worse than I did to that fat cow Debi, and then I will take my husband back.”

I couldn't believe how nervous Johnny was all of a sudden, BUT it made me realize just how in love Johnny was with me now. JOHNNY STARTED TO TELL ME JUST HOW TOUGH HIS SKINNY LITTLE WIFE IS. HE TOLD ME THAT LOOKS CAN BE DECEIVING AND HOW EASILY VICKY KNOCKED THE SHIT OUT OF HIS FIRST WIFE DEBI, LIKE I DIDN'T READ THE STORY, AND LIKE I DIDN'T KNOW WHO TOUGH SHE THINKS SHE IS. HE TOLD ME HOW IMPRESSED HE WAS THAT AFTER DEBI SHOWED VICKY HER WEDDING RING AND threatened to bash Vicky's face in with it. Vicky punched Debi into a bloody pulp and took the ring RIGHT OFF OF DEBI'S FUCKIN FINGER.  She made Debi beg her to take it off Of her finger. She pulled Debi's wedding ring right off of her finger, AND VICKY PUT IT ON HER OWN FINGER AND SHE MADE A FIST, AND SHE JUST STARTED “BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG,” KNOCKING THE SHIT OUT OF DEBI, WITH DEBI'S VERY OWN WEDDING RING ON HER FIST. Vicky beat Debi up and knocked the shit out of her with her very own wedding ring on her finger. She smashed the ring, over and over again, that fuckin wedding ring into Debi's face, bloodied her nose until blood was gushing out of Debi's nose. Then AFTER VICKY KNOCKED DEBI SO SILLY THAT SHE DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WHERE SHE WAS ANYMORE, Vicky made Debi her slave, and forced Debi to be totally submissive to her, and then Vicky totally humiliated Debi over and over again. I could clearly see how big and hard and erect Johnny's cock got just talking about it, but I COULD SEE THAT JOHNNY WAS REALLY CONCERNED, SCARED FOR ME, THINKING THAT IRL LITTLE VICKY MAY VERY WELL KNOCK THE SHIT OUT OF ME AND DRAIN ALL MY DIGNITY OUT OF ME. I almost had to laugh, but I thought that it was soooooo nice of Johnny to

be so concerned. That whole night Johnny kept telling me that we don't have to go to the picnic, but I really insisted.

Things really come to a fuckin head at the party. Vicky is there, and Vicky see's Johnny, and I'm acting quite flirtatious and  hanging my big, sexy tits all over him right in front of her friends and neighbor's and all of the people that work for the company. I really wanna to piss this skinny, pathetic little bitch off, and it looks like I have doen a really good job of it. Vicky walks right over to me and she holds her left fist up in my face, and she starts showing me her wedding ring, screaming, “Do you see this ring. Do you see it. This is my wedding ring. I'm warning you, you better stay away from Johnny. I'm telling you, if you go anywhere near my husband again, I'll take this ring, and I'll knock your fuckin face in with it, and I'll  teach you a little respect for my marriage.” We're at a party, and there is a fuckin crowd and they start to make a circle around us and they're cheering.

I did it. I fuckin did it. I provoked this stupid little bitch and now we are giving Johnny his very ultimate fantasy. My pussy is getting wet just looking at that big, thick, shiny gold metal wedding ring right in my face, and now I'm really going to make my Johnny's cock hard. I put my hands on my hips and I laugh as I scream, “You stupid, pathetic little bitch, you don't know just how long I've been waiting for this opportunity to knock the shit out of you and take your wedding ring off of your finger. I'll,” but feisty little Vicky doesn't wait, she takes me totally by surprise as she quickly loses her explosive temper and she takes  her left fist, the one with that big, metal wedding ring and she bashes it “bang,” right into my teeth. You can hear the fuckin metal of Vicky's wedding ring bang against my teeth and instantly my lips split open and blood starts rolling from my lips. I'm fuckin startled, I didn't think that little Vicky would really hit me. Then before I have a chance to think, Vicky takes that ring, once again that big, heavy metal ring and “bang,” she smashes it right into my nose, swinging my head back. I'm not prepared for how crazy little Vicky really is.  She grabs my sexy pink midriff blouse with her right hand and she starts pulling me forward into her fist. She starts “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering my nose with her fist. I can taste blood and my head is swinging back and fort and back and forth under Vicky's jackhammer punches. Then Vicky jerks me forward and she grabs my blouse with her left hand too, and insanely she's holding me up right in front of herself, screamig right in my shocked face, 'You think you're so fuckin tough you stupid young slut, I'm going to knock you sill and teach you a fuckin lesson you'll never forget. Vicky shoves me back and my sexy pink blouse rips right off of my body in Vicky's hands as I go stumbling backwards on my high heels and I almost fall over. I'm not wearing a bra and my big, sexy tits are exposed in front of everyone and now the crowd is going totally crazy.

 I've been in many fights, but I cant remember ever going up against anyone who has the forocity of this crazy little bitch. I'm fuckin shocked and I put my hand to my nose and seeing my own blood I become infuriated and I scream, “Look at what you did to me you skinny little bitch, I”m fuckin bleeding. Vicky shoes me that fuckin ring again screaming, “and now I'm really going to knock your face in with this ring you whore.” My shock turns to fuckin anger and now I lose my temper and I just go plowing into Vicky, full force and Vicky isn't ready for me. I grab Vicky's dress and I shove Vicky back as hard as I can, and Vicky's dress rips right off of her body in my hands and she stumbles backwards on her high heels until “boom,” her body hits the cement wall hard, and “bang,” her head does too. I lunge forward and I grab at Vicky's hair and I shove her head back, “bang,” right into the cement. I'm really pissed off and I have been waiting a long time now to humiliate this stupid little bitch. Like an insane lunatic I start “bang, bang, bang, bang,”  hammering Vicky's head, cracking her fuckin skull over and over again against the hard concrete until Vicky starts seeing stars, fuckin stars. I jerk Vicky away from the fuckin wall and I let go of her, and Vicky is laughing as she starts to stumble forward and then back on her rubbery legs. Really excited. I can feel my hot juices start rolling down my legs as I reach forward and I grab Vicky by her little bra and I yank her forward. I hold this tittless little bitch up on her wobbly, rubbery legs, and Vicky is stumbling and swaying, first forward and then back, and Vicky just has this silly little smile across her face, this goofy fuckin grin right across her face she's so fuckin dazed. I start laughing as I scream, “You thought you were so fuckin tough, you thought you were going to beat me up and humiliate me with your precious wedding ring.” I start laughing as little Vicky cries out, “that's right.” I grab Vicky's left hand and I hold it right up in the air, and Vicky offered no resistance she is knocked so silly, as I grabbed her finger, the one with her precious wedding ring on it, and I start to yank, wrench, jerk at her ring, until I pull it off. I rip Vicky's wedding ring right off of her finger.

I put Vicky's wedding ring right on my own left hand, right on my middle finger and I hold it up right in this stupid whore's fuckin face, her wedding ring, on my finger, and I have to start laughing as Vicky holds her left hand up in the air and she looks at her finger. Vicky is punched so silly she doesn't have any idea of what is happening now, and she has this stupid look on her face and she cries out, “MY RING.” I laugh as I hold it right in front of her face screaming, “that's right Vicky, I have your husband, and now I have your precious wedding ring too, but I'm far from finished with you yet.” Vciky has tears welling in her eyes, and she cries out, “NOOOOO, PLEASE.” I laugh and I scream, “Oh yes Vicky, and now I'm going to make you fuckin beg me to shove this ring into your cxnt and to fuck you until you cum right on your wedding ring, right on my fuckin finger. You stupid little cxnt, I told you  to stay away from me and Johnny, I warned you that if you came to this party to start fuckin trouble with me, that I WOULD Punch you silly and take your fuckin wedding ring, didn't I Vicky you pathetic little bitch, BUT YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE SO FUCKIN TOUGH, YOU THOUGHT YOU ARE SUCH A TOUGH MISTRESS AND THAT YOU WERE GOING TO BEAT ME UP WITH YOUR PRECIOUS WEDDING RING, BUT YOU WERE FUCKIN WRONG VICKY. I BEAT YOU UP. I KNOCKED THE SHIT OUT OF YOU, AND NOW I HAVE YOUR WEDDING RING, LOOK AT IT VICKY, IT'S ON MY FINGER NOW, AND NOW I'M GOING TO KNOCK YOUR FACE IN WITH THIS RING YOU STUPID LITTLE WHORE.” I START “BANG, BANG, BANG, BANG,” PUNCHING VICKY'S NOSE OVER AND OVER AGAIN UNTIL BLOOD IS REALLY ROLLING FROM VICKY'S NOSE, and I laugh as I scream, “I'm just going to keep bashing your face in bitch, you stupid flabby old whore bitch, you're fuckin old enough to be my mother, and look at this whore, I'm knocking your face in with your very own precious wedding ring on my fist.” I start laughing again as I show the stupid bitch HER PRECIOUS FUCKIN WEDDING RING again, the very same wedding ring that I JUST RIPPED RIGHT OFF OF HER FINGER AND KNOCKED HER NOSE IN.”

I'm taking the fight to another level and I can just imagine just how rock hard Johnny's cock must be right now. Vicky is getting scared. She starts trying to find a way to give up without being hurt or humiliated any further, BUT I start laughing as I think to myself how cruel and insane I am about to get with crazy little Vicky. Johnny thought she was so fuckin tough, she was easy. I really beat Vicky up already, but now I really wanna give Johnny a really good fuckin show. Vicky is still knocked silly and she's stumbling back and forth like a limp fuckin rag doll on her wobbly legs. I look at Vicky's tiny little bra and I start to laugh as I grab it and I rip it off. I tear Vicky's little bra right off of her and Vicky's tiny little pancake sized tits are exposed in front of everyone, and now the crowd is really cheering. I'm laughing as we're standing right in front of Johnny and all of Vicky's friends and I scream, “where did her tits go Johnny. Look at those flat little pancake tits Johnny.” Vicky starts crying, crying out, PLEASE STOP ENOUGH.” That makes me laugh even harder and I scream, “how fuckin dare you tell me when to stop. How fuckin dare you tell me when you had enough. I'll tell you when you had enough. You started this Vicky, you thought you were so fickin tough. You thought you were going to beat me up with your wedding ring, well now I got your wedding ring you stupid little bitch, and now I'm going to beat you up with this ring, I'm going to bash your face in with your very own precious wedding ring on my fist.

AND now Vicky is going to get to see first hand just how fuckin crazy and insane I can be. Johnny keeps telling me what Vicky did to fuckin Debi and how hot that was. I am laughing as Insanely I start thinking how hard I'm going to make Johnny's cock now. I show Vicky her ring, her very own precious wedding ring on my fist, my left fist, and I start “bang, bang, bang, bang,” hammering Vicky's nose with the ring again. I am like a completely enraged lunatic and I keep “bang, bang, bang, bang,” smashing that ring over and over again into the bone of Vicky's fuckin nose until “crack,” you can hear the fuckin bone of her nose break. I BASH VICKY'S NOSE IN, WITH HER VERY OWN PRECIOUS WEDDING RING ON MY FIST, AND I START LAUGHING AS BLOOD STARTS GUSHING OUT OF VICKY”S NOSE.

Vicky thought that just because she's twice my age and a fuckin Mistress that she could beat me up, BUT, look who is beat up now, “Vicky you old whore, look at who is fuckin beat up now.” VICKY IS STARTING TO GET SCARED. She wants to stop and she cries out, “PLEASE, I'M BEGGING YOU PLEASE STOP.” That's right, can you just imagine what is going through little Vicky's head when I show her that wedding ring again, and I'm like a total lunatic as I scream, “You're begging me to stop you stupid little bitch. You know that I can bash your face in totally if I want to don't you Vicky you stupid little bitch.” Imagine, Vicky is crying like a little baby, crying and crying “BOO-HOO, BOO-HOO,” but she doesn't say a fuckin word. You don't know how I am. I just love knocking the shit out of older women. I get off making old women submissive to me and really humiliating them. I'm cruel and I'm crazy and I just love making older women like fuckin Vicky that think they are so tough, into my cxnt sucking, dildo fucking slaves. I laugh and I scream, “That's right Vicky you fuckin instigating bitch, you troublemaking cxnt. I'm going to make you my slave. You're going to do whatever I tell you to do. You think you're such a fuckin tough Mistress, you're going to refer to me as Mistress, you got it you fuckin little whore.”

Vicky is normally quite dominant. She's used to telling people what to do, not being told what to do, and Vicky refuses to submit anymore.” Johnny, that is no fuckin problem for me. I am quite experienced at adjusting these big mouth older woman's attitudes.  I get off on forcing other women to do sexual things to me too. I laugh and I scream, “When I'm finished with you Vicky you skinny, weak pathetic little bitch, you are going to beg me to fuck you with your wedding ring on my finger, and you're going to beg me to let you lick my cxnt into orgasm.” Tears are pouring out of Vicky's eyes, she's never been beat up or humiliated like this before, and her tears are mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup and rolling down her face.  I'm laughing as I show Vicky her ring again screaming, “HOW DOES IT FEEL TO HAVE YOUR FACE BASHED IN WITH YOUR VERY OWN WEDDING RING ON MY FINGER VICKY, HOW DO YOU LIKE THIS.” I punch Vicky's nose again, “bang,” right with her ring, and now blood is really gushing out of Vicky's nose.

VICKY GOES SUBMISSIVE. I make your skinny ex-wife submissive to me JOHNNY, and tears start rolling from Vicky's eyes as she starts screaming, “FUCK ME WITH THE RING BOBBI, FUCK ME UP MY ASS WITH MY OWN WEDDING RING ON YOUR FINGER BOBBI. PLEASE BOBBI, PLEASE LET ME LICK YOUR cxnt INTO ORGASM. I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE LET ME USE MY TONGUE TO WORSHIP YOUR PUSSY UNTIL I EAT YOU INTO ORGASM.”  That's right Johnny,  now it is quite evident just how much I have adjusted your older, weak little wife's attitude, but I am far from finished with this little whore yet. I know I can still drain more of her dignity out of her, and I know just how explosive your orgasms will be when you see what I do to her next.

Johnny, I rip Vicky's fuckin panties right off of her body, and I make sure your wife, your skinny, pathetic, weak wife Vicky is right there in front of you, and I show Vicky her ring again, and I'm laughing as I take the ring, that big metal wedding ring on the middle finger of my left fuckin hand, and I shove it right into Vicky's pussy. Tears start overflowing out of Vicky's eyes and she's begging me, 'PLEASE, PLEASE THIS IS SOOOOOOO FUCKIN EMBARRASSING, PLEASE,” Vicky starts leaping, jumping, twisting, trying to dance off of my finger, and she's desperately crying out, “TAKE IT OUT, PLEASE TAKE IT OUT.” I'm laughing because now I'm masturbating your wife with her very own wedding ring on my finger. Johnny, can you just imagine your wife is there, and her nipples are rock hard and beet red, standing up off of her pathetic little pancake tits, and Vicky is “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH, breathing hard and making these sexy little noises. Vicky has sweat rolling down her body and she's all turned on, and suddenly Johnny, your wife is bouncing up and down and up and down on my fuckin finger, 'OOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEE, OOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEE, OOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEE, having one convulsive orgasm after another, squirting her hot cum over and over again on my finger, right on her very own big gold metal wedding ring, and I'm laughing as I scream, “LOOK AT HER JOHNNY< LOOK AT HOW LITTLE DIGNITY THIS STUPID, PATHETIC LITTLE WHORE HAS LEFT NOW.”

I'm laughing at how tough Vicky thought that she was, and just how submissive she looks now as I yank her wedding ring right out of her masturbated pussy, and I hold that ring right up in her face, and I'm fuckin in charge of your wife now Johnny, and I scream, “NOW VICKY YOU WEAK LITTLE WHORE BITCH, NOW YOU'RE GOING TO STICK YOUR FUCKIN TOUNGUE OUT AND LICK THIS WEDDING RING CLEAN.” YOU CAN'T IMAGINE JUST HOW WET IT GOT MY PUSSY AT THIS POINT AS I STOOD THERE WATCHING YOUR TOUGH, LITTLE SEXY WIFE, ALL KNOCKED SILLY AND BEAT UP, AND COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY SUBMISSIVE TO ME, STICK HER FUCKIN TONGUE OUT AND START LICKING THAT FUCKIN RING. She's standing there on her wobbly, rubbery legs, and her face is gushing blood and her eyes are still swimming around in her head, and Vicky, that pathetic skinny whore is licking her very own wedding ring over and over again, pathetically like a fuckin dog licking it's master, right in front of you Johnny. Right in front of evryone from the company and the neighbor's and the friends. 

I pull my hand away and I start laughing viciously, insanely again as I scream, “now lay down on your back you skinny pathetic slut. I spent the whole night fucking your husband bitch. That's fuckin right, Johnny spent all night last night filling my wet, hot pussy with his hot cum, and now I'm going to force you to suck his cum out of me, you're going to lick every last drop of your very own husbands hot cum right out of my pussy you fuckin big mouth, because that is the closest you're ever going to get to my Johnny's cock again.”   

Johnny, imagine this. Your wife practically HAS NON OF HER DIGNITY LEFT. I HAVE DRAINED ALL OF VICKY'S DIGNITY RIGHT OUT OF HER, but I'M STILL NOT FINISHED WITH HER YET. I hold my cum drenched cxnt right over Vicky's face, and I'm laughing as my hot cxnt juices are overflowing my cum soaked pussy, and my juices are rolling down my legs. I order this whore, Lick my juices off of my legs you whore, lick my legs and suck up my juices you weak, pathetic little slut.”

Johnny, MY FUCKIN PUSSY IS DRIPPING NOW. I'M DOING IT JOHNNY. I'M DRAINGING EACH AND EVERY LAST DROP OF YOUR WIFE'S DIGNITY RIGHT OUT OF HER JOHNNY, RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU JOHNNY.  IT'S ALL FOR YOU JOHNNY. I'M SO FUCKIN EXCITED, SO FUCKIN TURNED ON, my cxnt is vibrating, it's twitching, spasming. I feel volcanic eruptions starting to go off in all parts of my fucin insides. You can't imagine the fuckin feeling I have Johnny, as I feel weak, skinny, pathetic little Vicky's tongue slide into my pussy. She starts licking me, masturbating me with her fuckin tongue JOHNNY. THIS IS ALL FOR YOU JOHNNY, I FUCKIN SREAR I HAVE NEVER FELT THIS GOOD BEFORE. VICKY IS LICKING YOUR HOT CUM OUT OF ME, and Johnny, I'm breathing hard and sexy, “AAAHHH, AAAHHH, AAAHHH,” and my whole body is getting wet with my sweat, and Johnny, Johnny my fuckin big nipples are like baby bottle nipples as they swell up on my big, sexy tits. JOHNNY, JOHNNY, I feel it, I feel Vicky's tongue start to explore the inside of my pussy. Can you just imagine that right now. Right at this very moment I am fulfilling my wildest fantasies too. I have my pussy right on some big mouth old lady's cxnt. Some old woman who is old enough to be my fuckin mother. Some dumb bitch that thought that she was older so she could beat me up. Vicky's tongue is driving me crazy. She's licking your cum Johnny, licking each and every last drop of your very hot cum Johnny, right out of my cum soaked pussy Johnny. She's licking my pussy feverishly like a dog licking it's master and that did it Johnny. THAT FUCKIN DID IT. I START DRY SQUIRTING. I feel one explosion, right after another, and then another. I'm squirting and squirting and squirting Johnny, BUT NOT ONE DROP IS COMING OUT OF ME.” TEARS START STREAMING DOWN MY FACE JOHNNY, I START CRYING HYSTERICALLY AND LAUGHING JOHNNY. IT'S FUCKIN UNCONTROLABLE JOHNNY.  OH MY GOD JOHNNY, OH MY FUCKIN GOD JOHNNY. I LOVE YOU, JOHNNY I FUCKIN LOVE YOU. PLEASE OH, OH VICKY I LOVE YOU, EAT ME, FUCKIN EAT ME VICKY. JOHNNY, OH JOHNNY,” “OOOOOOWWWWWEEEEEE, OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEE, OOOOOOOOOWWWWWEEEEEEE, I'M CUMING JOHNNY. I'M FUCKIN CUMMING JOHNNY. MY PUSSY IS SQUIRTING JOHNNY, OH MY, OH MY, I HAVE A VOLCANIC ERUPTION INSDIE MY BODY, MY PUSSY IS SHOOTING CUM AND SQUIRTING JUICES AND I'M “OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEE,” Johnny. My body is flying up in the air and I am seeing fuckin stars JOHNNY.