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Fight for Mike b-two big titted milfs

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Fight for Mike b-two big titted milfs
« on: May 10, 2015, 03:43:35 AM »



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Re: Fight for Mike b-two big titted milfs
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2015, 03:44:59 AM »

Mike's wife


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Re: Fight for Mike b-two big titted milfs
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2015, 03:46:50 AM »

OK Mike, It's Friday night and you and your beautiful wife are at an engagement party, at a dinner club. Your wife is sitting to your right, and to your left is beautiful, sexy Maggie, and Maggie is at the party by herself, and she has had a few drinks and she has been hanging all over you and acting really flirtatious, and Mike, your wife has been getting angrier and angrier as the night goes on. At one pint your wife has to go to the ladies room and you agree to accompany her. There is a couch in the hallway near the ladies bathroom, and you tell your wife that you'll be sitting there, waiting for her to come back.

Mike, you know that women always think that you're hot, but Maggie, with her big, beautiful sexy tits hanging halfway out of her low cut bright red micro mini dress, comes stalking over to where you're sitting. Half kidding you ask, “What did you follow me over here.” Much to your surprise Maggie sits down practically right on your lap, hanging all over you and acting really flirtatious again. You are just trying to explain to her that your wife is very jealous and she's very tough, and she should get out of there before your wife comes back and beats the shit out of her. Mike, imagine how big, and hard your cock gets when Maggie laughs and says, “Come on Mike, I know just how much you want to see me beat your wife up. I'll slap her silly with my big, sexy tits and make her eat my pussy right here in front of all of these people.”

Mike. Apparently Maggie has been so busy trying to seduce you that neither of you had noticed that your wife had walked up right behind you and she has heard every word that Maggie has just said. Maggie feels your big cock get all hard and erect right under her ass and pussy as she's sitting on you. Your wife walks right around to face MAGGIE AND SHE SAYS, “WHAT WAS THAT.” Maggie looks up at your wife Mike and she says “Your husband wants me you ugly fat slut, not you, so why don't you just get out of here before I take my big, hard erect rubber strap on dildo and plow your ass with it.”

Mike, just imagine, every man at the party has their cocks standing up, and even the women are already getting moist looking at these two very beautiful, large titted women screaming at each other. Mike you know how explosive your wife's temper can be and she leans forward and she grabs Maggie's hair with both of her hands, and she drags her right up off of your lap and onto her feet, Maggie screams, “AAAHHH MY HAIR,” but just as Maggie reaches her feet, she sends her right fist plowing full force “bang,” right into your wife's nose. Mike, she makes you wife's nose bleed, she's so pissed off she really wants to knock your wife's face in. Your wife stumbles backwards and she almost falls over. Maggie goes right after her. She grabs your wife's black mini dress and she shoves her back hard. Your wife's dress rips right off of her body in Maggie's hands as your wife stumbles backwards on her high heels until she loses her balance and she falls over onto her ass on the ground. Your wife is just sitting there on the cement Mike, in her big, sexy black bra and black lace panties with blood rolling from her nose, and Mike your wife is shocked, she didn't think that Maggie could fight so good.”

Maggie walks right over to your wife and she grabs her hair screaming, “GET UP YOU FUCKIN COW, I'M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU YET.” SHE STARTS YANKING, WRECHING, JERKING AT YOUR WIFE'S HAIR, AND YOUR WIFE STARTS SCREAMING, “AAHH, AAHH MY HAIR LET GO,” BUT just as she gets your wife up onto her feet, your wife smashes her right fist “bang,” into Maggie's nose. Maggie's head snaps back and Maggie lets go of your wife's hair as she stumbles backwards on her high heels and she almost falls over. Blood is rolling from Maggie's nose and Maggie is shocked, she wasn't expecting your wife to hit her. Your wife is really pissed off and she just goes plowing into Maggie, full force. She grabs Maggie's low cut, bright red mini dress with both of her hands and she shoves Maggie back hard. Maggie's dress rips right off of her body in your wife's hands, and Maggie just goes stumbling backwards on her high heels until “boom,” her body hits the cement wall hard, and “bang,” her head does too. Maggie bounces up off of the cement, and she's just standing there with blood rolling from her nose, and Maggie's big, sexy red bra and red lace panties are exposed in front of everyone, and now the crowd is really cheering. Mike, your wife is enraged, her face is beet red and she walks right up to Maggie. She wraps her hands right through Maggie's hair and she shoves Maggie's head back, “bang,” right against the cement wall. She bounces her head right against the hard cement. Your wife screams, “You want my husband so bad you big, fat cow.” She starts “bang, bang, bang,” knocking Maggie's head over and over again against the concrete. She's cracking Maggie's fuckin skull against the hard cement, “bang, bang, bang,” over and over again until Maggie is seeing stars, fuckin stars.

Mike just imagine how hard your cock is as you watch your wife, your, big, sexy beautiful wife grab Maggie's big, sexy red bra, and she yanks her away from the wall screaming right in Maggie's dazed face, “you think you're so fuckin tough you fat fuckin whore. You think you're going to beat me up with your tits.” Mike, fuckin Mike, your beautiful, hot sexy wife pulls hard, and when she lets go of Maggie big bra, Maggie's sexy red bra just goes sliding down and is hanging over Maggie's stomach. Mike, just imagine, just fuckin imagine your fuckin sexy wife holding her fists up like a man screaming, “I beat you up Maggie you fat cow, and now I'm going to beat your fat cow tits up.” Every man' cock is so fuckin hard Mike, so fuckin hard that it hurts, and every woman is drenched as your wife starts “right fist, “boom,” left breast, left fist, “boom,” right breast, “boom, boom, boom, boom,” back and forth and back and forth. Mike, your wife is using Maggie's huge, magnificent breasts as punching bags. Mike, just imagine how hard your cock is as you're watching your wife pounding Maggie's big tits, and Maggie's big tits are bouncing up and down and up and down, and slapping together as your ewife pounds the sides of Maggie's huge tits.

Mike, Maggie starts crying out, “STOP, ENOUGH, YOU WIN ENOUGH,” but Mike, your wife really wants to make you squirt hard and she is really excited too, and she pummels Maggie's big tits until Maggie's tits are all swollen and black and blue. Your wife screams, “alright you fat cow, you want me to stop beating you up, beg me to kiss my tits, beg me to kiss my pussy. My husband would like nothing better than to watch me force you to moo like the fat cow you are, right into my soaking wet pussy. Now beg.”     

Tears start welling in Maggie's eyes and Maggie desperately pushes at your wife as she walks right past her crying out, “ENOUGH, I HAD ENOUGH, LET ME GO.” Mike, your beautiful wife runs right after Maggie and she grabs her shoulder and she spins Maggie right back around to face her again, and as she does she sends her left fist plowing “boom,” right into the rounded bowl of Maggie's fat cow stomach. She pounds the air right out of Maggie and “OOOFFF,” Maggie is gasping for air as she doubles over in pain gasping for air. Your wife grabs Maggie's hair and she pulls her over onto her hands and knees and Maggie screams, “AAAHHHH,” as she falls over. Mike, just imagine that your wife, your tough wife drags this big titted cow right over to the bench, the very same bench that Maggie sat her ass down on your hard cock when this whole thing started, and Maggie's big, sexy tits are swinging back and forth and bouncing with each step. Mike your wife lets go of Maggie's hair and she grabs her sexy red panties and she rips them off.  Imagine Mike, your wife grabs Maggie's hair and she pulls her over her lap. She takes big titted Maggie right across her lap and she starts “boom, boom, boom, boom,” spanking Maggie's ample ass. “boom, boom, boom,” right cheek, “boom, boom, boom,” left cheek, back and forth and back and forth until first Maggie's ass starts getting all puffy and turning pink, and she's leaving big, bloody red welt marks on Maggie's ass, and then “boom, boom, boom, boom,” Maggie's ass swells up and turns black and blue, and tears well up in Maggie's eyes, and Maggie starts crying out, “STOP, STOP, PLEASE STOP.”

Mike, just imagine how hard your cock is when your wife screams, “Alright Maggie you fat titted cow, you want me to stop beating you up, then tell me where that big, rubber cock is.” Maggie starts crying out, “NO OH NO PLEASE NOT THAT.” Mike, your wife grabs Maggie's hair and she pulls her off of her lap, and she pulls Maggie right up onto her feet by her hair, and Mike, your wife is screaming, “Apparently you haven't learn't yet that I am in charge of you bitch, and you are going to do whatever I tell you to do.” Tears start to roll from Maggie's eyes and Maggie cries out, “PLEASE, NO, PLEASE LET ME GO.”

Mike, your wife  screams, “I beat you up Maggie you fat titted bitch, and now I'm going to beat up your big flabby cow tits.” Mike can you just imagine, every man watching is in serious pain from their cocks trying to break out of their pants, and every woman there has their hot juices sputtering out of their cxnts and starting to roll down their legs. THEY ALL JUST STAND THERE AND WATCH YOUR WIFE MIKE, YOUR BIG, TOUGH, SEXY WIFE as she raises her fists up like a man and she starts pummeling Maggie's huge breasts. Right fist, “boom,” left breast, left fist, “boom,” right breast, “boom, boom, boom, boom,” right fist, left breast, left fist, right breast, back and forth and back and forth. Mike can you just imagine, your beautiful wife is using Maggie's big, sexy tits as punching bags. Maggie's big, beautiful breasts are bouncing and shaking and slapping together. Mike, Maggie is feebly holding her hands out in front of herself, crying out, “STOP, PLEASE STOP, I'M BEGGING YOU,” BUT Mike, your wife knows just how hard your cock is right now. She knows that for the rest of your life she is going to be able to remind you of this very moment, as she's punching Maggie's big, fat cow titties until Maggie's big tits are all swollen and black and blue.

Mike, your cock is really in pain as your beautiful wife screams, “YOU WANT ME TO STOP YOU FUCKIN BIG MOUTH, YOU BETTER hand me that fuckin dildo.” Maggie has tears streaming down her cheeks, mixing with her blood and her black eye makeup, but you can see a big change come across Maggie's face. Maggie becomes totally submissive to your wife Mike, and she leans over and she grabs her pocketbook off of the floor and she hands it to your wife. Maggie sstand up straight again, and she's just standing there crying and crying. Mike your wife opens up that pocketbook and there it is, Maggie's huge strap on dildo. Your wife takes the dildo out of Maggie's pocketbook and she shows the strap on to Maggie, and your wife is laughing as she screams, 'Look at it whore, you thought you were so fuckin tough. You threatened to fuck me with this cock bitch.”

That's right Mike, your wife straps that dildo onto herself. Mike, you never knew your wife could be so fuckin kinky, as she walks right behind Maggie and she slides the tip of the rubber cock right up touching Maggie's anus. Mike your wife screams right in Maggie's ear, Get ready cow.” Mike she does it. She plows that big, rubber cock right into Maggie's ass hole. Maggie screams, “AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH,” a fuckin bloodcurdling scream as she feels that dildo, her very own dildo sliding right up into her ass hole. Maggie starts leaping around, crying out, “NO, PLEASE TAKE IT OUT, I'M BEGGING YOU, PLEASE TAKE IT OUT OF ME,” BUT Mike, just think of how hot it is when your wife pulls harder at Maggie's hair and she plows that big, rubber cock harder, deeper into Maggie's ass hole. Mike, your wife is fucking Maggie up her ass with that big, rubber dildo over and over again, and Maggie is leaping around crying out, “NO PLEASE TAKE IT OUT OF ME.”

Mike, your wife listens to Maggie. She pulls that big, hard erect rubber cock right out of Maggie's ass hole screaming, “NOW GET ON YOUR FUCKIN HANDS AND KNEES AND SUCK THIS DILDO CLEAN.” MIKE, I CAN JUST IMAGINE, YOU JUST NEVER KNEW YOUR WIFE COULD EVEN EVER MAGINE DOING SOMETHING THIS HOT, THIS FUCKIN KINKY, BUT Maggie is scared and she's submissive to your wife now, and Maggie gets onto her hands and knees right in front of your wife and she grabs the cock in her two hands. She's holding that big, hard artificial penis in her hands right in front of you Mike, and right in front of all of these people, and she slides that big cock right into her mouth. Mike, she's sucking that big erect rubber cock passionately, like as if your beautiful, sexy wife is a man, she's sucking off that penis in front of all of the people, in front of you Mike, and she's doing this just for you, just for you Mike.

She makes this big titted whore suck that fuckin cock, and then she pulls it out of her mouth and she takes it off. Mike, you are just thinking that this whole hot, beautiful scene is finished, but Mike, your wife screams, “You think that this is over Maggie you fat titted cow. Get ready, get fuckin ready, because now your going to watch me fuck my husband, and then, you're going to lick every last drop of his cum right out of my hot cum filled pussy.” Maggie obediently sits there and she watches as your wife Mike. Your big, strong, tough wife pulls your pants down and she makes you sit down. Then she stands right over you so that her ass is to your cock, and she helps you guide your cock until she slides your big, hard erect cock right up into her soaking wet pussy. Mike, for the first time you can feel just how strong your wife's body is. You can feel how powerful your wife is. You can feel the love that your wife has for you, as your bouncing your wife's soaking wet pussy right on your big, hard erect cock, and Mike, you don't remember your cock being so big, so hard, so erect, and nor does your wife. That's right Mike Maggie's pussy is soaking wet, as she sits there watching your beautiful, sexy, hot, tough wife bouncing up and down and up and down until Mike it happens, it fuckin happens. You start to 'OOOOOOOWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEE, OOOOOOOOWWWWWWWEEEEEE, OOOOOOOOWWWWWWEEEEEEEEE, squirting, but nothing is coming out Mike. Mike you are drying squirting, and dry squirting nd dry squirting, until you start screaming like a wounded animal, “OOOOOOYYYYYOOOOOWEEEEEE, OOOOOOOYYYYYYYYOOOOOOWWWWWWEE,”  Mike, you're squirting and squirting and squirting and squirting again. Mike, your wife is squirting too. You're both having one explosive orgasm after another until you completely fill your wife's cxnt up with your hot cum.

Mike, if you think your fantasy is over, it's not fuckin over yet. That's right Mike, your big, strong, tough, sexy wife leaps right up off of your big, hard erect cock, shoving Maggie laying down on her back as she lands her cum soaked pussy right on Maggie's face screaming, “You wanted to fuck and suck my husband so bad bitch, you wanted his cum in your whore, now you're going to suck every last drop of my hot, sexy husband's cum right out of my soaking wet, cum filled pussy. Now suck me off bitch.” Mike, remember this, fuckin remember as you sat there and watched your wife, your strong, tough sexy wife forces Maggie to stick her tongue out. You can see her tongue slide out of her mouth and into your wife's cxnt. You can see Maggie's tongue plunging in and out and in and out of your wife's cum filled pussy,and your wife's ass is propped up on both of Maggie's big, sexy tits, and Mike, your wife's big tits are flopping up and down and up and down, bouncing on her chest as she forces that big fat cow Maggie to lick her out.

Mike, your tough wife is forcing Maggie to lick her cxnt, and then your wife remembers something she read on fcf , it was in a story by Mistress Vicky. That's right Mike, this is going to do it. She screams, Alright you fat fuckin whore, Now we're going to show my husband and all of these people just what a stupid, pathetic fat cow you really are. Now you're going to moo into my cxnt. Now let me hear you moo bitch.” Mike imagine this, imagine your wife doesn't hear a fuckin sound coming out of Maggie's mouth, so first Mike, your wife lowers hercum soaked pussy right onto Maggie's face, so that Maggie can't fuckin breath. Then as Maggie is gasping for air, your wife Mike, your hot wife reach down and she grabs one of Maggie's big, sexy nipples in each of her hands, and she starts LAUGHING AND LAUGHING as she twists at Maggie's big sexy nipples. Mike your wife can feel Maggie's mouth open up as desperately she's trying to scream from the pain, but she can't. That's right Mike, your wife is smothering Maggie, and then when she raises up to let Maggie gasp in some air, MIKE YOU, YOU AND EVERYONE IN THE PLACE COULD HEAR MAGGIE, “moo,” right into your wife's soaking wet pussy. Your wife twists harder at Maggie's huge niples screaming, “MOO LOUDER YOU BIG FAT COW. MOO AND MAKE YOR LIPS VIBRATE UNTIL YOU MAKE ME SQUIRT OUT OF CONTROL.”

MIKE, MAGGIE IS TOTALLY SUBMISSIVE TO YOUR WIFE, SHE IS YOUR WIFE'S SUBMISSIVE WHORE, and at the top of her lungs she lets out a loud, long “MMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, right into your wife's pussy Mike. The vibrations of Maggie's thick lower lip is vibrating right against your wife clit, and your wife is starting to dry cum. She's “OOHH, OOHH, OOOHHH MY GOD< OOOHHH MY GOD,” as a big glob of your hot cum slides rigt down your wife's pussy and drips right into Maggies mouth. Maggie is mooing louder and harder Mike she's “MMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOO, MMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOO,” mooing over and over again Mike, and the vibrations, and Maggie's fuckin tongue plungin in and out as she's “MMMMMMMMMMMOOOOOOOOO, MMMMMOOOOOOOOO,” and that's it Mike. That's fuckin it, 'OOOOOOOOWWWWWWEWWWWWWWW, OOOOOOOOOWWWWWEEEEEE,” squriting her juices and her own hot cum, she's exploding over and over again right onto Maggie's tongue.......... The crowd is going crazy, fuckin crazy Mike...................


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Re: Fight for Mike b-two big titted milfs
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2015, 10:32:51 AM »
love it when my wife kick ass
cannot wait for next fight maybe soon


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Re: Fight for Mike b-two big titted milfs
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2015, 05:16:52 PM »


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Re: Fight for Mike b-two big titted milfs
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2015, 09:40:38 PM »
i think we should let my wife fight stronger women



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Re: Fight for Mike b-two big titted milfs
« Reply #6 on: May 16, 2015, 02:33:33 AM »

What is your wife's name?


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Re: Fight for Mike b-two big titted milfs
« Reply #7 on: May 17, 2015, 09:16:18 AM »