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midnight fight tales

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Offline JaneWalker

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #105 on: May 28, 2016, 10:44:35 PM »
So here I am looking up from the ground after the chair broke. Now after I heard the giggle I wanted to rip her hair out, and make a pillow out of it, but I supress urge to beat her ass, and sat up and took her hand, and she puled me up. I pause and "accidently" I swear bumped my shoulder into her.."Oops I'm Sooo sorry" I then see her stumble backwards into he chair....
I'm new here looking to meet fun people for intresting chats about fights and fun. I like wrestling and catfights with a story and a few rules. I don't mess with men farm animals or ghosts.


Offline JaneWalker

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #106 on: May 29, 2016, 01:37:48 PM »
I feel better thanks to me standing my ground. Not that I needed too, but still if feels good when you feel better about yourself. I wait a moment and then wet my lips as I look down at Erin. Kinda where she belongs if you ask me and then offer her my left hand to help her up. She takes it and I pull her up, and then take a moment to dust her off.

"I'm REALLY sorry"

"It's cool"

"Really? I was worried you would of thought..You know what nevermind. So we're cool?"

I look at her and smile sweetly as I look over her shoulder at the simmering bomb that is Misty and Lexi...

I'm new here looking to meet fun people for intresting chats about fights and fun. I like wrestling and catfights with a story and a few rules. I don't mess with men farm animals or ghosts.


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #107 on: May 30, 2016, 10:10:17 PM »
me and misty   standing  oh  so close the tension is boiling over between us

each just waiting for the first move

I notice we have the attention of all the other girls

then   the sound of a phone causing us all to  jump

it's misty's

she walks away talking....

I turn my attention back to jane  and erin....

may  and lisa

minutes  pass,,,,misty  had a call  she will have to leave  soon and be out of town for a  little while  for business

a little disappointed,since I really wanted to tear into her again
but relieved also  as I knew it would have been another bitch fight :)
the prez tramp


Offline JaneWalker

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #108 on: May 30, 2016, 11:57:59 PM »
I feel better thanks to me standing my ground. Not that I needed too, but still if feels good when you feel better about yourself. I wait a moment and then wet my lips as I look down at Erin. Kinda where she belongs if you ask me and then offer her my left hand to help her up. She takes it and I pull her up, and then take a moment to dust her off.

"I'm REALLY sorry"

"It's cool"

"Really? I was worried you would of thought..You know what nevermind. So we're cool?"

I look at her and smile sweetly as I look over her shoulder at the simmering bomb that is Misty and Lexi...

And like it all seems to happen at once, Misty peels herself off Lexi and heads for parts unknown which leaves Lexi looking decidedly relieved that she's safe for now, meanwhile i have jumped back up to my feet with a little help from Jane who seems fixated with either Misty or Lexi...or both.
I'm not a spiteful person, honest i'm not but when ya get slammed over the back of a chair and have done zip to deserve it, well to be honest it gets me steamed, so while my erstwhile friend is peering at the goings on...or lack of them...and i thought this was some kind of fight party..i am firing my hands out, slamming them into Janes boobs and looking to flatten her back on the ground where quite frankly, she belongs.

"Consequences Jane, there are always consequences"

Lets roll back the tape a bit okay. So Misty left the party she hasd to go away and I was feeling a little sad about it, but it was whatevah. It's not like it was her plan. As I was watching her cute ass walk away. I felt a pair of tiny hands on my chest. Kinda like a rat, but the only person near me was Erin. So I looked and it was her. Talking some silly shit. Now protocol says when shoved shove ther bitch back. So I did. I shoved her and said "BITCH back up!"

That was I was letting her know she did not want to fuck with me. Now I could of Maybe shoved her a weee bit too hard as she stumbled back a step and a half, and she did not look happy, but fuck her. Yeah this was not going to end in hugs.....Just a guess
I'm new here looking to meet fun people for intresting chats about fights and fun. I like wrestling and catfights with a story and a few rules. I don't mess with men farm animals or ghosts.


Offline JaneWalker

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #109 on: May 31, 2016, 01:59:19 PM »
I feel better thanks to me standing my ground. Not that I needed too, but still if feels good when you feel better about yourself. I wait a moment and then wet my lips as I look down at Erin. Kinda where she belongs if you ask me and then offer her my left hand to help her up. She takes it and I pull her up, and then take a moment to dust her off.

"I'm REALLY sorry"

"It's cool"

"Really? I was worried you would of thought..You know what nevermind. So we're cool?"

I look at her and smile sweetly as I look over her shoulder at the simmering bomb that is Misty and Lexi...

And like it all seems to happen at once, Misty peels herself off Lexi and heads for parts unknown which leaves Lexi looking decidedly relieved that she's safe for now, meanwhile i have jumped back up to my feet with a little help from Jane who seems fixated with either Misty or Lexi...or both.
I'm not a spiteful person, honest i'm not but when ya get slammed over the back of a chair and have done zip to deserve it, well to be honest it gets me steamed, so while my erstwhile friend is peering at the goings on...or lack of them...and i thought this was some kind of fight party..i am firing my hands out, slamming them into Janes boobs and looking to flatten her back on the ground where quite frankly, she belongs.

"Consequences Jane, there are always consequences"

Lets roll back the tape a bit okay. So Misty left the party she hasd to go away and I was feeling a little sad about it, but it was whatevah. It's not like it was her plan. As I was watching her cute ass walk away. I felt a pair of tiny hands on my chest. Kinda like a rat, but the only person near me was Erin. So I looked and it was her. Talking some silly shit. Now protocol says when shoved shove ther bitch back. So I did. I shoved her and said "BITCH back up!"

That was I was letting her know she did not want to fuck with me. Now I could of Maybe shoved her a weee bit too hard as she stumbled back a step and a half, and she did not look happy, but fuck her. Yeah this was not going to end in hugs.....Just a guess

While we are rolling tapes back...i never accused Misty of planning her exit, i said Lexi was relieved as it means she won't get beat up today.

I guess i didn't shove this bitch hard enough, she comes back at me and shoves me makin me stumble back a few steps...i steady myself and glare at Jane through narrowed eyes...i re-ajust my bra and then with my claws out i fly at her..."Don't you EVER do that again"  my hands sinking into her blonde mane, twisting some strands around my fingers and then backing up looking to pull her head down...the fight is ON!!

Why can we not have nice things? That was what I was thinking as I felt her grab my hair. Now the thing is I have limited options. One is grab her hair back which I did. As a side note I need to ask her what she uses given it's really soft. That was not something I can think about at the moment as I twisted to my right and then pulled her in, and tried to drag her over my hip.

"You done fucked up BITCH!"

Yup, this is why we can not have nice things.... 
I'm new here looking to meet fun people for intresting chats about fights and fun. I like wrestling and catfights with a story and a few rules. I don't mess with men farm animals or ghosts.


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #110 on: May 31, 2016, 04:21:46 PM »
I  notice the girl in the shadows trying to leave,and hurry over to her
where you going,no,no  things  re about to get interesting

then on que....the sound of angry squeals turns my attention back to the two blondes

they are in each other's hair :)

I walk back with lisa to where may  is relaxing

trying to stir more trouble

I blurt out

may,lisa says your a bitch,is that true :)
the prez tramp


Offline Thai Doll May

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #111 on: May 31, 2016, 09:38:08 PM »
I  notice the girl in the shadows trying to leave,and hurry over to her
where you going,no,no  things  re about to get interesting

then on que....the sound of angry squeals turns my attention back to the two blondes

they are in each other's hair :)

I walk back with lisa to where may  is relaxing

trying to stir more trouble

I blurt out

may,lisa says your a bitch,is that true :)

I turn to leave thinking nothing is going to happen between jane and erin....I take a few steps away...having seen misty suddenly answer her phone and walk I begin to walk away I suddenly feel fingers grip my upper right arm and spin me around, I look up to see Lexi...."oh I ummm ummm I was... well really I should probably get going..."  lexi squeezes her grip on my arm and walks me into the yard over towards May....hears lexi try to cause trouble...I try to mutter a coherent response...."I never.... I mean I didn't actually... May you know I would never say that, right?"...

As I sip my drink, back in the garden now with my sunglasses on, sitting down once again. Lexi drags Lisa towards me, spouting off about Lisa calling me a bitch. Lisa of course, pleads innocence. I sigh, put my cold drink down onto the grass and take off my sunglasses. Standing up to both Lisa an Lexi, both of whom are far taller than I am.

I glare at Lisa "You said I was a bitch?" pausing and looking up further at Lexi "either that or you are saying Lexi is lying to me..."


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #112 on: May 31, 2016, 09:43:43 PM »
lisa  denies saying anything

may slowly stands  looking us over

I smirk  thinking I can now relax  and watch two fights for the price of one

ohhh she said  it....walking behind lisa giving her a push into may

then all of a sudden I hear a loud voice behind me
it cause me to arc backwards into someone

turning I can see tat it is riley
the prez tramp


Offline Thai Doll May

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #113 on: May 31, 2016, 10:16:54 PM »
lisa  denies saying anything

may slowly stands  looking us over

I smirk  thinking I can now relax  and watch two fights for the price of one

ohhh she said  it....walking behind lisa giving her a push into may

then all of a sudden I hear a loud voice behind me
it cause me to arc backwards into someone

turning I can see tat it is riley

"I never said anything Lexi and you know it...I may have thought it but I never said it, you liar"....when she suddenly pushes me from behind and I pump into May, as we come together my hands find her shoulders and I shove May back to regain my balance..."don't listen to her May she is just a trouble maker"...

I watch as your body suddenly gets shoved straight at me, your hands coming down to my shoulders and I'm barged off my feet. My little body sent flying backwards onto the grass, landing on my ass and then down onto my back. Gritting my teeth, a snarl on my pretty little face. "I swear I'm going to beat both of you BITCHES down for that..." Getting back up to my feet, stomping over towards you, reaching forwards with one hand to grab at your hair and bringing a knee up as I try to drive my bare heel down into the side of your knee attempting to force you off your feet...


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #114 on: May 31, 2016, 10:30:39 PM »
my push causes  lisa to smack into  May sending  the smaller girl sprawing to the grass on her's so funny  I have to laugh... the fight between jane and erin starting to heat up as they pull at each others hair

before I can do anything else   Rylie lifts me  into a kind of bearhug
to my surprise   sets me down gentley

I hear may hiss out something and turn just in time  to see her knee mash into lisa  ....feeling pleased with myself   I swing my right arms backwards smacking Rylie  square in the belly

the prez tramp


Offline Thai Doll May

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #115 on: May 31, 2016, 10:56:03 PM »
lisa  denies saying anything

may slowly stands  looking us over

I smirk  thinking I can now relax  and watch two fights for the price of one

ohhh she said  it....walking behind lisa giving her a push into may

then all of a sudden I hear a loud voice behind me
it cause me to arc backwards into someone

turning I can see tat it is riley

"I never said anything Lexi and you know it...I may have thought it but I never said it, you liar"....when she suddenly pushes me from behind and I pump into May, as we come together my hands find her shoulders and I shove May back to regain my balance..."don't listen to her May she is just a trouble maker"...

I watch as your body suddenly gets shoved straight at me, your hands coming down to my shoulders and I'm barged off my feet. My little body sent flying backwards onto the grass, landing on my ass and then down onto my back. Gritting my teeth, a snarl on my pretty little face. "I swear I'm going to beat both of you BITCHES down for that..." Getting back up to my feet, stomping over towards you, reaching forwards with one hand to grab at your hair and bringing a knee up as I try to drive my bare heel down into the side of your knee attempting to force you off your feet...

Laughs as I see May go tumbling onto her little ass... before I can stop laughing she is on her feet and charging at me, grabs my hair and her foot lands on the side of my knee......."ahh you fucking bitch"..I shout as my knee buckles and I drop to my knees in the grass, her little fingers still tangled in my hair as the laughing stops and I grab my knee..."you are a crazy bitch".. I shout...

Hearing you and Lexi laughing at me as I'm sent flying back down onto my ass. Your laughter doesn't last very long, I saw you down with a kick like you are merely an obstacle in my path before continuing towards Lexi to take her out too, made all the easier now Rylie has her. Then I hear you call me a crazy bitch... I stop in my tracks and turn back towards you...

"What the F**K did you just call me???" clenching my fists as I glare down at you...


Offline Thai Doll May

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #116 on: May 31, 2016, 11:42:07 PM »
Feeling anger wash over me as my knee throbs, I look up at her from my knees..."you heard me right, you are a crazy little bitch, I didn't do anything, lexi pushed me into you and you take my knee out, what is wrong with you, Heidi should have kicked you out nevermind you leaving, but you will pay bitch, you will pay" mouth writing checks I am not sure my body can cash but so angry I just let fly without thinking...then begin to work back up to my feet slowly to see how my knee responds...

She did NOT just bring Heidi into this!!! Thinking to myself, I watch you trying to pull yourself to your feet as I run and hurl my little body at yours. My hands immediately reaching into your hair as I raise my knee in an attempt to smash it into your stomach trying to knock the wind out of you, hoping to send you down onto your back. "You bitch, I'll show you EXACTLY why I left the silks, it's because I was sick of being a soft little pushover JUST LIKE YOU!!!"


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #117 on: June 01, 2016, 01:30:47 AM »
lisa and May starting to get into it.just as I had hoped

you don't have to take that lisa...get her May!

but then..aiiigh feeling my arm bent backwards as  my head is pushed forwards

wtf....Rylie  what is the matter with big girlrilla..let go of me

I try and swin my right foot back in a kick at her hip yt riley

the prez tramp


Offline JaneWalker

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #118 on: June 01, 2016, 03:39:41 PM »
Why can we not have nice things? That was what I was thinking as I felt her grab my hair. Now the thing is I have limited options. One is grab her hair back which I did. As a side note I need to ask her what she uses given it's really soft. That was not something I can think about at the moment as I twisted to my right and then pulled her in, and tried to drag her over my hip.

"You done fucked up BITCH!"

Yup, this is why we can not have nice things.... 

So now i know that this bitch can fight, lying on my back as i am now contemplating the ache in my scalp where some of my hair got literally pulled free...It's all going off round us as one after another the girls start to fight...this is why i came to this party, i knew the best fighters would be here.

My thoughts go back to Jane now as she looms large over me..."Back up, SLUT"

My right leg thrusts up and kicks out and my heel travels quickly towards your belly.....

So things are braking down. Not that it was not expected, but I was more hoping to watch Lexi get her ass whipped, but that was not going to happen thanks to Erin being a total bitch and protocol. As I look around, and try to get a grasp on what was going on. I feel a blast in my belly and fall to a knee, and my head snaps to look at Erin...

"You don't know when to quit do you bitch?"

That's when I see that glint in her eyes and see that she wants to fight, and I smirk and let my left hand cover my belly as my left throws a wild punch at her chest. She wants to play we'll play then...
I'm new here looking to meet fun people for intresting chats about fights and fun. I like wrestling and catfights with a story and a few rules. I don't mess with men farm animals or ghosts.


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #119 on: June 02, 2016, 04:25:19 AM »
let me go I huff,kicking back barely grazing your thigh  the other one missing..i try and pull away but that only makes my arm hurt more

to my surprise   Rylie starts to loosen her hold...then let's go taking a few steps back...I turn facing her....who does she think she is?

I narrow my eyes  and listen to Rylie  yabble about mine  and misty's feud

ohh you want  what misty get's?

she smiles

fine!  I step closer swinging a right slap across her face


i'm a little leary   but have to admit that felt pretty good  yt rylie
the prez tramp