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midnight fight tales

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Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #150 on: June 09, 2016, 03:00:38 PM »
well that's it!!! watching amber prance around twirling my top around
prancing and dancing...the bimbo had to know she was just asking for it.

and she got it!  maybe not what she expected from the shocked look on her slap sends her stumbling backwards falling in the wet muddy grass on her slender ass....and after everything I have to admit
it felt good

now it's my turn to prance and dance

"this top will work just fine"  I mock her
then smack...down goes surfer girl,,smack down goes  surfer girl
raising my arms prancing around the still shocked tramp

I stop infront of amber bending and pulling my top away
let this be a lesson   and we can be even I smile

yt anyone
the prez tramp


Offline Amber H

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #151 on: June 09, 2016, 04:14:39 PM »
Feeling my stinging cheek, not believing she slapped me! then watching her prance and dance around me after taking her top back that slipped from my hands while I took a tumble......My cheek not showing a mark cause I am so emberassed sitting in the mud that my whole face is beet red and now all I see is lexi's shapely ass sashaying and her tanned orbs bouncing as she prances. Taking my legs in I get on all 4s and hear the laughter behind me and turn to see what it's about " I see Riley and May pointing at me...They are laughing at me!...then I realize they are laughing at my mud covered ass!
I turn back around and Lexi still prancin and dancin and fire is coming out my ears! My legs coil and project my body out and feel the back of Lexi's wet legs slide against my chest as my arms wrap her up...." Careful Lexi the grass is slippery!" as I pull her legs from under her...."ohhhh geeeez I was just trying to help you keep your balance and now look what I did!" trying not to let the laughter inside me out as I watch Lexi falling face first into the muddy grass. yt hop in anyone


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #152 on: June 09, 2016, 05:14:56 PM »
Rylie and may snorting out laughter  as amber moves to all fours
I can see from the look on her face that she is steaming

but I don't care!

I prance around her again swinging another slap through the air
'smack.down goes surfer girl"    something push against my legs
I start to slip,trying to keep my balance  when I feel her arms pull me down

I fll with a splat face first in the mud
slowly push myself up and wpe th mud from my face

may and ryli howling in laughter

I fling my hands out not caring who gets splattered
then use both hands to grab amber's top

here let me help you out of that dirty top
stretching it out tight against her body  yt  anyone
the prez tramp


Offline Amber H

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #153 on: June 09, 2016, 11:36:30 PM »
Trapping Lexi's thighs in my arms ..feeling my face bury into her woman eating ass I can feel her begin to feel her fall and myself slide down her legs. Cackling laughter filling my ears from Rylie and May and then replaced with the sound of Lexi's face planting into the muddy grass! Getting to my knees and while joining in the laughter as our esteemed Tramp Prez looks quiet the sight now with mud and grass stuck to her body and face, I wipe away a bit of mud that fell into my eyes.....While trying to get my vision back I suddenly feel myself yanked and the strings of my top start digging into my skin!...."OMGAWD let go!" leaning back so she doesn't send me face first back into the mud the strings can't take the pressure and with a *SNAP* my breasts are suddenly exposed to everyone and with no more resistance my body is flung backward right back in the mud on me ASS! Almost instantly I hear Lexi joining in on the laugh vest which just spikes the heat running through me "OK that's it!....I have drinks poured on my head, water sprayed up every crevasse I have, my new bikini ruined and I am sitting in the mud for maybe the 1000th time today and now I have to listen to you cacklin hens laughing at it all! Some one is paying and that someone is you LEXI!!!" Fire in my eyes I start to rise to my feet, my 34c's bouncing and swaying  as my feet keep slipping like they're planted on a block of ice ...feet slipping all over the place! anyone


Offline Thai Doll May

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #154 on: June 09, 2016, 11:44:34 PM »
Wow,, I try a nice gesture towards Lexi and Amber goes ape shit over it and attacks Lexi.  Hands instantly going to Lexi's boobs.  Well I suppose she has that nickname for a reason huh?   As I'm taking this in,  suddenly May reappears from the bushes and stands right in front of me challenging me.  Not the brightest thing to do when the one you're challenging is holding a spraying hose,  and so I let her have it too.... aiming the spray into her perky boobs, and then up and down the rest of her.... giggling.   "Yeah May  I want a piece of you,,, but you always did look better wet!  Rylie's Queen of the HOSE!!!"  ... yt

Wow where do I start!!? Rylie suddenly points a hose at me and before I know what's happening I'm SOAKING wet. Dripping from head to toe, but thankfully I'm only wearing a pink bikini anyway, I run a my hands through my now wet long dark hair and pose for Rylie standing in front of her with hands on my hips. "You always were good at getting me wet, Rylie" I wink at her as my attention is quickly drawn my Amber and Lexi's battle!

Amber has Lexi's bikini top, and then Lexi is shoved down into the mud... hmm this could get interesting. That's before as she wipes mud away from her face, Lexi throws some of it right across my wet chest!!! "UGGHHH.... HEY!!" Lexi strikes back and now Amber is in the mud... I glance up to Rylie with her hose...

"May I borrow that Rylie?? These girls look like they need soaking down..."


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #155 on: June 10, 2016, 06:35:32 AM »
Rylie and may cheering us on as I pull and rip at amber's top
I hear May yelp in surprise and see water splashing in every direction
I can only guess as to what happened.

pulling and tugging at amber;s she tries to pull away
then a rip,and a pop her top gives and I pull it away and off roughly

amber fall's backwards...and I fling her ruined top at her

rolling away to get some space  I watch her slip and push up to her feet

ohhh i'm going to pay  huh?  I wiggle my finger for amber to come on..let's fight...I rush at her my hands out reaching for her manky mop of  anyone
the prez tramp


Offline Amber H

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #156 on: June 10, 2016, 06:22:25 PM »
 Watching my own top flying toward me as I get up and the soaked stringy material bounces off my slimy soaked muddy breasts. Getting to my unstable feet I see the fire coming out of Lexi's eyes. I suddenly feel the freezing cold water splash off my back causing me to jump and slide. My eyes wide in shock from the spray my body spins around almost falling as I look to see this little asian doll and Riley almost falling in laughter " Awwww you little...." suddenly my body whiplashes toward them, feeling wet and muddy full orbs smashing into my back with a *SMACK* that echoes in my ears!My hair yanked as if someone is pulling weeds from a overgrown field!.....I loose my footing in a instant and go flying face first into the biggest puddle in the yard!...Skidding and grinding my body, slashing loudly into the shallow pool in a tangle of my and Lexi's limbs...coming to a halt at May and Riley's feet....Lexi's stressed tense muscles sliding and squirming atop of mine ...My loud scream is buried into the wetness and nothing but a flow of bubbles spouts from my lips, Lexi's fingers buried in my mud soaked hair pressing my my nose into the water covered grass! anyone  :o


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #157 on: June 11, 2016, 05:06:16 AM »
amber turns her back to watch Rylie and may fight over the  hose
to late I can't stop now even if I wanted to...and I don't!

I slam into amber my tits flattening into her back
turning my head enough my cheek

 press almost at her side

we both go down ad slide in the wetgrass and mud sliding into rile  and May

we wrestle and tussle as amber tries to get up

I hear Rylie  and May  shrieking about being splattered in mud
I try and stay on top of amber my hands pushing and rubbing her face in the mud

when all of a sudden I feel a heavy weight
on my back...then hear Rylie taunt
as she hrabs my hair trying to force my head lower
nu nooo I huff    releasing ambers hair
and tries to push up on my palms hoping to cause Rylie to loose her balance and fall off.
the prez tramp


Offline Amber H

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #158 on: June 11, 2016, 05:28:47 PM »
After the wave of water settles around Lexi and I and feeling Lexi squirm her body down, her sexy tits sliding and grinding into the small of my back I try to reach back attempting to tangle my fingers into her wet tangled hair but I feel my scalp suddenly burn "EEEEEEKKKK!" 
Screaming out until my screams drown out in a river of bubbles! Kicking and flailing my limbs as I feel the bish grinding my nose into the mushy grass "pfjpsaga;gha;gh" using the last of my air for useless bubble filled screams!....OMG she wants to kill me flashes through my mind!..."OUUUUUPH!" Feeling my ass suddenly feel the heavy seat of Rylie and...."OOOOOWW" Lexi's pointed nose grinding in between my round firm orbs of my ass cheeks! Sliding my arms under me I raise my face out of the water...My long tangled strands of hair hanging down in my face as I look up from May's feet with wide eyes ... My hips squirming from into the muck as Lexi's nose wiggles and struggles, Look back over my shoulder seeing Rylie grinding her ass down into the back of Lexi's head sinking her face deeper into the flesh of my ass "OMG ....mmmm.....Now this is what I call a Lexi sandwich!"


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #159 on: June 12, 2016, 05:31:38 AM »
for the second time this day  I have to yelp out "Rylie you cow,get off me"
but ,then she shoves my face closer to ambers  sexy nooo I groan out.

I feel acouple of slaps from amber as she reaches back,and I know that she is trying to wiggle her ass up face  I can her her giggling and may laughing

only one thing for the team captian to do...I work my head to the side enough
and bite amber on her sexy ass cheek.ewww a mouthful of mud

bt I hope that can cause enough motion for us to buck Rylie anyone
the prez tramp


Offline Amber H

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #160 on: June 12, 2016, 06:06:15 AM »
Feeling being forced to slide around my ass as Riley rides her .....I rest my upper body on my elbows as I join May in laughing at the sight we must be .... "Yes she is looking very presidential at the moment isn's she May!...hehehe......EEEEEEEEKSSSSSSs!!!! screaming out as I feel the flesh of my ass being bit!!!! "OMG she is biting me!!!!....Riley get off her immediatly!!" reaching back and seeing Riley slapping Lexi's ass I reach back and begin slapping my open hand into Rileys large full breast...feeling my fingers smack into the side setting off a wiggling shake to it with each strike!...."RILEY!!! GET OFF HER NOW!!!" My legs kicking wildly to go with my crazed bucking hips and my face grimacing as I feel Lexi's teeth digging into my soft flesh!!!!...."Get this animal bitch off me!" anyone sexy


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #161 on: June 14, 2016, 01:14:49 AM »
I sink my teeth into ambers muddy thong....a new definition of a mud pie{lol}...amber shrieks like a banshee for Rylie to get off me.i take some stinging hits as she slaps backwards

Rylie grumbles about something
I feel her weight shift
but the her thick legs wrap around my neck and she rolls us off amber
we roll over and over a couple times my neck in a vice

we stop     I hear something like I need to come to my senses

I just know  Rylie is going to enjoy  me being batshit crazy
I lie still  a moment

ok a few moments

thinking about how I can escape this situation
the prez tramp


Offline Amber H

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #162 on: June 14, 2016, 08:08:03 PM »
Finally feeling myself free of Lexi's fangs, I slip and slide to me feet finally finding solid footing next to the still giggling May and tempted to toss her in the mud soaked grass and get her still clean lil body coated like the rest of us. Gasping in deep breaths trying to catch some much needed air I feel the stinging flesh of my ass and turn my hips as i look over my shoulder ...My eyes flash wide seeing the red marks of Lexi's bit swelling over my skin!....years of feeling jealousy and ineptitude around our Tramp Prez erupt inside me....."That is it! .... Get off her now Rylie she is mine!" ...sliding my eyes over my body, my once form fitting bottoms reduced to a sagging mud covered piece of material. Every bit of my tanned skin now has a coating of slime over it. Looking back at Rylie and Lexi " I have waited along time but that time is now!....Let her up Rylie I want the pleasure of hearing her scream!" any sexy ones out there!


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #163 on: June 15, 2016, 04:30:23 AM »
I lay still traped in Rylie's scissors    I try to move  but to no use
I may as  well accept my fate..i have always known other trmps have just waited for  this opportunity to get even with me.

but again to my surprise  Rylie whis pers for me to stay still
then she unlocks her legs but then gets me in a school girl type pin
I close my eyes ready for whatever come next

but she ask may to find my top..i can't believe this

I shift my eyes catching a glimpse of  amber checking her bite
on her tush...its so comical I have to giggle

her looks at me   eyes blazing..screaming at Rylie  to get off  she wants me her self

Rylie rolls off  and tosses me my muddy top as I get to my feet

sliping it around me I start to suggest we hose off then join
the cookout down at the lake

but I can see that amber wants  to try and get even

fne with me if that's what she wants

I smirk and say."can't remember a tastier  mud pie"

yt amber
the prez tramp


Offline Amber H

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #164 on: June 15, 2016, 05:18:26 AM »
I start toward Lexi as Rylie rises from heart slamming in my chest, my ass stinking and burning from Lexi's fangs!...I step toward them watching Rylie toss Lexi her muddy stretched our top and as I take another step Rylie turns and wraps her strong arms around body shoves up into her as my arms slide under her reaching out for Lexi my wet mud coated breasts squish into Rylies larger breasts feeling them sink into my own as my feet slide in the grass struggling to get through her. The mud from my chest grinds into Rylies wet but unmuddied bikini top soiling it good. "Rylie I love you but you better let me go now!" body sliding against her as my feet spin in the wet grass going no where...I hear Lexi's giggles only infuriating more as I have totally lost all thought from rage I think as much as Lexi and her damm bite on my precious ass is fact here I am a mud ball and all I wanted was my stupid ass bed 20 minutes ago! RIley or Lexi