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midnight fight tales

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Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2015, 05:14:49 AM »
I roll on top  my left hand pulling and riping at her right hand scratching and pulling.catching her bra strap   it pops  open and I pull her bra away.....i'm going to beat your ass I  hiss...

but then she grabs my hair pulling my head back at an awkard angel   uungh   ohhhh I groan/moan  out
my scalp on fire  and neck aches....she bucks and twist roling us to our sides

our arms moving in a flurry we pull,slap,and scratch at each other..she rips my bra away  my bigger better breast spill out....pushing to geather or breast mushroom

I try  and  work my right leg between her legs trying to drive my knee  to slam her sex as a payback for earlier in the fight   {yt Elektra}
the prez tramp


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #31 on: July 04, 2015, 08:18:29 AM »
our tangled  bodies   roll  across the floor    into a small table   sending it crashing down   
the only sounds   our  muffled  groans   and sobs.....each on top for  only a moment
body to body  we fight   .. I work my rigt hand free   swing two punches into  your ribs
hearig satisfaction   at your  groans    only to be  hit in return

both pulling out strands  of blondr]e  and dark hair....we roll to our sides...owwww I yelp feeling your nails rale down my thigh.....I work y left hand free  letting my hails rake   your cheek  yt
the prez tramp


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2015, 07:43:59 AM »
hi   this thread was set up to allow ladies to write out their catfights with  their rivals..that may not have time to fight in chatroom  or on yahoo or chatzy

thanks to everyone for their comments so far

so while Elektra and I try to sort out our issues    sign ups  can  still  continue
the prez tramp


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2015, 02:46:54 PM »
our tangled  bodies   roll  across the floor    into a small table   sending it crashing down   
the only sounds   our  muffled  groans   and sobs.....each on top for  only a moment
body to body  we fight   .. I work my rigt hand free   swing two punches into  your ribs
hearig satisfaction   at your  groans    only to be  hit in return

both pulling out strands  of blondr]e  and dark hair....we roll to our sides...owwww I yelp feeling your nails rale down my thigh.....I work y left hand free  letting my hails rake   your cheek  yt

Kick her ass Lexi!  Don't let up!

bitch is going down ember
the prez tramp


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #34 on: July 19, 2015, 05:56:00 PM »
Neither of you can fight

says the girl getting her butt kicked
the prez tramp


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #35 on: July 19, 2015, 06:20:19 PM »
                          WELCOME  TO MEADOWBROOK

one of the idea  I had for this was to create   a special  neighbor hood
where  all the ladies living here  have the  same secret  interest
wrestling and catfights..and they form a secret group

and as often as possible  have a special day  or night for a  social get togeather...for some on one fights  or group fights
fights can be private  or social events  withother members and guest
these will be fight stories  each lady will make her response to her opponent the same as if they were in the chatroom or yahoo]
{you may follow mine and Elektra's fight for the general idea]

 to add  the ladies of meadowbrook stories will be separate  from any other  fight stories}...

so the neighborhood  is open  waiting for new  and exciting  residents.
the prez tramp


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2015, 06:22:23 AM »
                          WELCOME  TO MEADOWBROOK

one of the idea  I had for this was to create   a special  neighbor hood
where  all the ladies living here  have the  same secret  interest
wrestling and catfights..and they form a secret group

and as often as possible  have a special day  or night for a  social get togeather...for some on one fights  or group fights
fights can be private  or social events  withother members and guest
these will be fight stories  each lady will make her response to her opponent the same as if they were in the chatroom or yahoo]
{you may follow mine and Elektra's fight for the general idea]

 to add  the ladies of meadowbrook stories will be separate  from any other  fight stories}...

so the neighborhood  is open  waiting for new  and exciting  residents.


i'll be the first to move into  MEADOWBROOK
the prez tramp


Offline Renee Loorden

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #37 on: July 23, 2015, 02:04:04 AM »
Heidi!...get out of there you cheap tramp..this is between Lexi and Elektra. Mind your OWN damned business, skank!


Offline Amber H

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #38 on: August 10, 2015, 07:25:30 AM »
Heidi!...get out of there you cheap tramp..this is between Lexi and Elektra. Mind your OWN damned business, skank!
No such thing as a cheap Tramp....nothing bout us Tramps is cheap!....Heidi is a cheap something but never a Tramp! ....smiles ever so innocently


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #39 on: April 06, 2016, 05:13:47 PM »
so  trying to get this kick started one more time...if there is  no or not much interest in it then   it will just fade away for ever  in  the annuals of  fcf history.

midnight fight tales   are as the title might suggest...fight stories between two or more is designed to help ladies that may wish to connect,bt for what ever reasons   rl schedules different time zones  etc  they cannot.

it is open for anystyle fights.ladies  can set up a title location,scene  etc.stories can be as long or short,and detailed as the ladies wish...other fcf members
may comment on these stories.

while this is primilary  I clique thread  it will not be limited  to  clique team members..any ladies that wish can write their  fights here


there is also a sub division  to fight tales as well


MEADOWBROOK IS A QUIET NEIGHBORHOOD   set  just on the  outskirts
of CATTYVILLE U.S.A.....   the difference is that the ladies of this quiet neighborhood have formed a secret fight club...and meet  to settle their differences...these also can be anystyle on one or tag teams
make the titles of the stories...while scenes may change  the locations will always be MEADOWBROOK.







« Last Edit: April 06, 2016, 05:15:57 PM by lexibabe »
the prez tramp


Offline Mistycats

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #40 on: April 07, 2016, 03:18:11 PM »
After a couple of days move, I finally settle into my house in Meadowbrook. It's a nice little neighborhood it seems and I've just enjoyed my first night here. I've also noticed quite a few hotties running around here, and that perks my interest for a few reasons. Smiling as I am sitting at the dining room table looking out the window as I enjoy my cup of coffee.

It's such a pretty morning, and the temp is up so I figure it's a good time to wash my car and get a tan on my body. I change into a slinky tiny pink thong bikini, then step outside, feeling the sun instantly warm my body. I begin to spray my BMW down with water as I enjoy this wonderful morning.
Classy Tramps Cover Girl


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #41 on: April 07, 2016, 04:05:49 PM »
I was the first to move into meadowbrook.and I absolutely love it...
the surrounding scenery is just beautiful and it is a short drive to my work in cattyville everyday.

today happens to be one of my days off,so after breakfast I decide to go for a walk...I change into my blue string bikini  intending to stop at the neighhood pool on my way back....I throw on a pair of cut off jean shorts and an old tank top and begin my walk.

leaving my house on jaguar drive, it is the perfect day as I walk along the  shadeyy side walks a soft mid morning breeze  blows through my hair
I see a few people out and about,most are nnot at home

I turn a coner walking down panther the end of the cul-de sac
I see a blonde  out washing her I walk closer  it's misty

we have a friendly fact we just finished a bikini contest
that end with us getting into a fight

i feel a little tense and think about turning around and walking away
but instead I felt bad about the fight and decide to try and soothe things out between us. continue walking into her drive way.

hmmmm well when yo fiish your car,you can come and wash mine
i surprise her as  she jumps then turns to face me  yt misty
« Last Edit: April 07, 2016, 04:09:44 PM by lexibabe »
the prez tramp


Offline Mistycats

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #42 on: April 07, 2016, 04:37:35 PM »
I'm bending over washing the wheels on my car when I hear someone tell me I can wash theirs when I'm done. I wonder to myself if this is someone who is flirting with me, or being bitchy. I drop my sponge and turn around, seeing Lexi standing there.

I can't help but giggle a bit when I see it's her. We have been rivals for such a long time, and our last meeting ended in a catfight at the bikini contest. I'm going to try and be civil though as I don't want to cause a ruckus so soon.

Well sugar, I tell you what, you help me wash mine, and I'll help you wash yours. How about that? Offering you the bucket to see if you're going to be neighborly or not.
Classy Tramps Cover Girl


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #43 on: April 07, 2016, 05:26:24 PM »
as much as I hate to admit it  misty can rock a bikini...
I smile at her   at the suggestion   . hmmm  why not

look you missed a spot  I giggle pointing

so do you have an extra sponge  or do you want me to just rinse you
oops..i mean your car off...

not wanting to get my tank top or shorts wet 
I walk into her garage peeling out of my top and
shimmy out of my jeans  leaving them on a chair just inside the open garage.

then walk back to the car to join  misty. :)
the prez tramp


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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #44 on: April 07, 2016, 09:37:31 PM »
I can't help but stare at your ass in your cut off jeans as you walk to my garage. Biting my bottom lip just a bit, as I have to admit you're looking great just like always. I watch as you strip down to your string bikini and then walk back towards me.

Giggling just a bit as I look at you. "Do you honestly think I'd trust you with that hose? I know you'd wet me first chance you got." Grabbing the oversized sponge and ripping it in half. "We can both wash."

I bend over in front of you, my tiny pink thong riding deep between my cheeks as I soap up my sponge. 
Classy Tramps Cover Girl