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midnight fight tales

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Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #75 on: April 12, 2016, 10:25:50 PM »
I do manage to push you off me and roll away  we separate 
both resting on our knees.

hearing  you ask if iv'e had enough

you wish  I snarl!

coming at you my claws out

my hands back into your muddy hair trying to shake your head
bodies push and slap togeather

we spin and slip   and fall against your car on our feet

owww as I get pushed over the trunk of the car

I try and push at your shoulders. yt misty
the prez tramp


Offline Mistycats

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #76 on: April 12, 2016, 10:29:12 PM »
I do manage to push you off me and roll away  we separate 
both resting on our knees.

hearing  you ask if iv'e had enough

you wish  I snarl!

coming at you my claws out

my hands back into your muddy hair trying to shake your head
bodies push and slap togeather

we spin and slip   and fall against your car on our feet

owww as I get pushed over the trunk of the car

I try and push at your shoulders. yt misty
Shrieking out as you come at me and I wasn't ready. Your hands getting my hair and your sexy body pushing into mine roughly.

Backing up as fast as I can until I feel my ass pushing against my car. Grunting as I feel your girls mashing into mine and then you push back on my shoulders, bending me back!

I struggle with you, not being able to get good footing and your weight on me tightly. I throw my hand over your hip, grabbing ahold of your thong and yanking it wildly, trying to get you off me!

YT Lexi
Classy Tramps Cover Girl


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #77 on: April 13, 2016, 05:20:02 AM »
I do manage to push you off me and roll away  we separate 
both resting on our knees.

hearing  you ask if iv'e had enough

you wish  I snarl!

coming at you my claws out

my hands back into your muddy hair trying to shake your head
bodies push and slap togeather

we spin and slip   and fall against your car on our feet

owww as I get pushed over the trunk of the car

I try and push at your shoulders. yt misty
Shrieking out as you come at me and I wasn't ready. Your hands getting my hair and your sexy body pushing into mine roughly.

Backing up as fast as I can until I feel my ass pushing against my car. Grunting as I feel your girls mashing into mine and then you push back on my shoulders, bending me back!

I struggle with you, not being able to get good footing and your weight on me tightly. I throw my hand over your hip, grabbing ahold of your thong and yanking it wildly, trying to get you off me!

YT Lexi

I try and push my weight  on to you...across the trunk  releasing your hair
I push against your shoulders  my breast dragging over your stomach

our legs  rub  I hear riley,at least I think it's riley  encourage me to scissor you
I try and work my lehs around your calves of your legs

then pain shoots through my body......aiiiighh.. g.damn it feeling you twist my thong up into my ass cheek

let goooo using both hands twisting clawing your tits
trying to move and pull back from your grip yt misty

the prez tramp


Offline Mistycats

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #78 on: April 13, 2016, 02:53:23 PM »
I do manage to push you off me and roll away  we separate 
both resting on our knees.

hearing  you ask if iv'e had enough

you wish  I snarl!

coming at you my claws out

my hands back into your muddy hair trying to shake your head
bodies push and slap togeather

we spin and slip   and fall against your car on our feet

owww as I get pushed over the trunk of the car

I try and push at your shoulders. yt misty
Shrieking out as you come at me and I wasn't ready. Your hands getting my hair and your sexy body pushing into mine roughly.

Backing up as fast as I can until I feel my ass pushing against my car. Grunting as I feel your girls mashing into mine and then you push back on my shoulders, bending me back!

I struggle with you, not being able to get good footing and your weight on me tightly. I throw my hand over your hip, grabbing ahold of your thong and yanking it wildly, trying to get you off me!

YT Lexi

I try and push my weight  on to you...across the trunk  releasing your hair
I push against your shoulders  my breast dragging over your stomach

our legs  rub  I hear riley,at least I think it's riley  encourage me to scissor you
I try and work my lehs around your calves of your legs

then pain shoots through my body......aiiiighh.. g.damn it feeling you twist my thong up into my ass cheek

let goooo using both hands twisting clawing your tits
trying to move and pull back from your grip yt misty

I pull up hard on your thong, tugging it as I feel you starting to back off me some. Owwww! Feeling your hands on my tits as I grit my teeth. Finally off the trunk I keep ahold of your thong.

My girls on fire from your hands and starting to get tired, I throw a knee up quickly, aiming it for just below your thong line. Hearing the crowd cheering us on and seemingly getting bigger.

YT Lexi
Classy Tramps Cover Girl


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #79 on: April 13, 2016, 08:10:08 PM »
I do manage to push you off me and roll away  we separate 
both resting on our knees.

hearing  you ask if iv'e had enough

you wish  I snarl!

coming at you my claws out

my hands back into your muddy hair trying to shake your head
bodies push and slap togeather

we spin and slip   and fall against your car on our feet

owww as I get pushed over the trunk of the car

I try and push at your shoulders. yt misty
Shrieking out as you come at me and I wasn't ready. Your hands getting my hair and your sexy body pushing into mine roughly.

Backing up as fast as I can until I feel my ass pushing against my car. Grunting as I feel your girls mashing into mine and then you push back on my shoulders, bending me back!

I struggle with you, not being able to get good footing and your weight on me tightly. I throw my hand over your hip, grabbing ahold of your thong and yanking it wildly, trying to get you off me!

YT Lexi

I try and push my weight  on to you...across the trunk  releasing your hair
I push against your shoulders  my breast dragging over your stomach

our legs  rub  I hear riley,at least I think it's riley  encourage me to scissor you
I try and work my lehs around your calves of your legs

then pain shoots through my body......aiiiighh.. g.damn it feeling you twist my thong up into my ass cheek

let goooo using both hands twisting clawing your tits
trying to move and pull back from your grip yt misty

I pull up hard on your thong, tugging it as I feel you starting to back off me some. Owwww! Feeling your hands on my tits as I grit my teeth. Finally off the trunk I keep ahold of your thong.

My girls on fire from your hands and starting to get tired, I throw a knee up quickly, aiming it for just below your thong line. Hearing the crowd cheering us on and seemingly getting bigger.

YT Lexi

we pulland push away from  the car....owwww let go I hisss
using one hand to try and pull my thong down as you pull up

my other hand twisting and clawing at your tit

both breathing heavily

ungh! I groan out from you knee

I let go of your tit and try to punch you in the stomach
my knees beginning to buckle   yt misty
the prez tramp


Offline Mistycats

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #80 on: April 13, 2016, 08:28:42 PM »
I do manage to push you off me and roll away  we separate 
both resting on our knees.

hearing  you ask if iv'e had enough

you wish  I snarl!

coming at you my claws out

my hands back into your muddy hair trying to shake your head
bodies push and slap togeather

we spin and slip   and fall against your car on our feet

owww as I get pushed over the trunk of the car

I try and push at your shoulders. yt misty
Shrieking out as you come at me and I wasn't ready. Your hands getting my hair and your sexy body pushing into mine roughly.

Backing up as fast as I can until I feel my ass pushing against my car. Grunting as I feel your girls mashing into mine and then you push back on my shoulders, bending me back!

I struggle with you, not being able to get good footing and your weight on me tightly. I throw my hand over your hip, grabbing ahold of your thong and yanking it wildly, trying to get you off me!

YT Lexi

I try and push my weight  on to you...across the trunk  releasing your hair
I push against your shoulders  my breast dragging over your stomach

our legs  rub  I hear riley,at least I think it's riley  encourage me to scissor you
I try and work my lehs around your calves of your legs

then pain shoots through my body......aiiiighh.. g.damn it feeling you twist my thong up into my ass cheek

let goooo using both hands twisting clawing your tits
trying to move and pull back from your grip yt misty

I pull up hard on your thong, tugging it as I feel you starting to back off me some. Owwww! Feeling your hands on my tits as I grit my teeth. Finally off the trunk I keep ahold of your thong.

My girls on fire from your hands and starting to get tired, I throw a knee up quickly, aiming it for just below your thong line. Hearing the crowd cheering us on and seemingly getting bigger.

YT Lexi

we pulland push away from  the car....owwww let go I hisss
using one hand to try and pull my thong down as you pull up

my other hand twisting and clawing at your tit

both breathing heavily

ungh! I groan out from you knee

I let go of your tit and try to punch you in the stomach
my knees beginning to buckle   yt misty
I feel my knee land and I smirk a bit. How's that feel bi....ugggggggg! Moaning as your punch lands into my tummy. Making me stumble back a bit clutching my stomach.

Coming back straight as I see you doing the same. So it's gonna be like that huh Lexi? Wanna throw some blows?

Bringing my fists up in front of me as you do the same. Circling slowly with you as we square off like we're in a boxing ring.

Huffing and throwing a straight right at your face.  YT Lexi
Classy Tramps Cover Girl


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #81 on: April 13, 2016, 08:43:36 PM »
my punch causes to to let go of my thong  thankfully

yeah its like that I huff.

we circle around each other

both a little awkard  at this

then  umm owww my head rocks back from a punch to my cheek

stuned I stumble back
then aim a left punch at your big tit your so proud of yt misty
the prez tramp


Offline Mistycats

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #82 on: April 13, 2016, 09:02:07 PM »
my punch causes to to let go of my thong  thankfully

yeah its like that I huff.

we circle around each other

both a little awkard  at this

then  umm owww my head rocks back from a punch to my cheek

stuned I stumble back
then aim a left punch at your big tit your so proud of yt misty
I watch your head snap back and I smirk. Like that bitch?

Snarling a bit then ugggggggg, feeling your fist slam into my tit, knocking it to the side. Stumbling back a bit and then putting my fists back up.

Ok slut, let's go.

Circling more with you and then snapping out a hard right hook aimed at your side.  YT Lexi
Classy Tramps Cover Girl


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #83 on: April 14, 2016, 01:27:06 AM »
my punch causes to to let go of my thong  thankfully

yeah its like that I huff.

we circle around each other

both a little awkard  at this

then  umm owww my head rocks back from a punch to my cheek

stuned I stumble back
then aim a left punch at your big tit your so proud of yt misty
I watch your head snap back and I smirk. Like that bitch?

Snarling a bit then ugggggggg, feeling your fist slam into my tit, knocking it to the side. Stumbling back a bit and then putting my fists back up.

Ok slut, let's go.

Circling more with you and then snapping out a hard right hook aimed at your side.  YT Lexi

smiling at the look on your face punch to your tit     you might have to keep those things covered..bitch i snarl...

our fist  up  eyes locked   we circle   ungh i groan   and slump  to my side   
from  your punch   

i back away   ....     moving side to side     then i  throw a jab at  your  cheek

yt misty
the prez tramp


Offline Mistycats

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #84 on: April 14, 2016, 04:10:25 PM »
my punch causes to to let go of my thong  thankfully

yeah its like that I huff.

we circle around each other

both a little awkard  at this

then  umm owww my head rocks back from a punch to my cheek

stuned I stumble back
then aim a left punch at your big tit your so proud of yt misty
I watch your head snap back and I smirk. Like that bitch?

Snarling a bit then ugggggggg, feeling your fist slam into my tit, knocking it to the side. Stumbling back a bit and then putting my fists back up.

Ok slut, let's go.

Circling more with you and then snapping out a hard right hook aimed at your side.  YT Lexi

smiling at the look on your face punch to your tit     you might have to keep those things covered..bitch i snarl...

our fist  up  eyes locked   we circle   ungh i groan   and slump  to my side   
from  your punch   

i back away   ....     moving side to side     then i  throw a jab at  your  cheek

yt misty
My eyes light up when I see you slump from my punch. Snarling a bit. Can't take it Lexi? Grinning.

Coming towards you but then uggggh, my head snapped back from a nasty jab to the face. Looks like you can box a bit too.

Circling more with you and then snapping out a quick jab towards your face, followed by a hard hook aimed at your jaw.

YT Lexi
Classy Tramps Cover Girl


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #85 on: April 14, 2016, 11:14:21 PM »
the fight  taking  different turn....yeah I can take it slut...
come on and get it!

we circle each other swinging punches..follwed by the smack of skin being hit
then our groans...

I take a jab to my face  then a harder punch to my jaw

staggered a bit...the yard  seems to spin

my legs feel rubbery

im tired and hurting

I move in a little closer aiming a right punch at your eye
falling into you  yt misty
the prez tramp


Offline Mistycats

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #86 on: April 15, 2016, 02:41:37 PM »
the fight  taking  different turn....yeah I can take it slut...
come on and get it!

we circle each other swinging punches..follwed by the smack of skin being hit
then our groans...

I take a jab to my face  then a harder punch to my jaw

staggered a bit...the yard  seems to spin

my legs feel rubbery

im tired and hurting

I move in a little closer aiming a right punch at your eye
falling into you  yt misty
My punch lands against your jaw and wobbles your legs. Smirking a bit as I can see you are dazed.

I see you coming at me, your punch slow and sloppy from your dizzy head, ducking it easily and then feeling your body slump into mine.

My hands grab your hair and twist my body as I pull, landing on top of you in the mud with a loud SPLAT!

I grind my girls to yours as I slap your hands above your head by your wrists. Purring. "Had enough sugar?"

YT Lexi
Classy Tramps Cover Girl


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #87 on: April 15, 2016, 02:52:14 PM »
my punch   misses   and I fall into misty   

grabing for each other   my left hand  catches her hair

we slip and spin around  trying to slap at each other bumping into the car 

we stumbleaway from the car    wgen misty pushes into me twisting

we fall into the mud   splat   the mud flies in all directions
with misty on top

writhing and wrestling I try and work myself free

but getting exhausted  my energy fades

misty pins my arms down

I try and move  but she has me

I can only nod my head yes  that ive had enough  and give
yt misty
the prez tramp


Offline Mistycats

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #88 on: April 15, 2016, 02:59:43 PM »
my punch   misses   and I fall into misty   

grabing for each other   my left hand  catches her hair

we slip and spin around  trying to slap at each other bumping into the car 

we stumbleaway from the car    wgen misty pushes into me twisting

we fall into the mud   splat   the mud flies in all directions
with misty on top

writhing and wrestling I try and work myself free

but getting exhausted  my energy fades

misty pins my arms down

I try and move  but she has me

I can only nod my head yes  that ive had enough  and give
yt misty

I see you nod your head and I smile just a bit, but I'm relieved more than I am happy. You have put up a great fight and really done some damage to me.

I stay on top of you for just a moment, glaring into your eyes, making sure you're done, then slowly stand up. Our bodies covered with mud and looking so dirty.

"You know where I live Lexi, so if you ever want more, come find me." Looking around at the crowd who has watched the fight and all seemed to have loved it.

Picking up my bikini top and heading inside to take a shower.
Classy Tramps Cover Girl


Offline lexibabe

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Re: midnight fight tales
« Reply #89 on: April 15, 2016, 03:15:10 PM »
you roll off me and  stand   

listening to you  ..thinking  yeah I know where you live bitch

this is'ent over between  us

i'm finally able to move and stand   finding my top walking back home

I can feel others watching 

I only want to shower this mud off me    and rest and relax

the end
the prez tramp