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When Teachers settle disagreements Part 2 – the Rematch

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When Teachers settle disagreements Part 2 – the Rematch
« on: June 21, 2015, 08:28:05 PM »
some time back, i wrote a story about two english teachers having a fight, after a long buildup.  i have written a rematch story.  The link to the first story is below,45826.0.html

I hope those who like long buildups and detailed scenarios will like the rematch.  here goes

It’s already dark at 7.00 p.m. in the tropical island.  It was mid-August and winter was slowly coming to its end.  Friday afternoons are usually very busy at the “Independent Weekly”, the best sold English-based weekly newspaper of the island.  Everything has to be checked, re-checked and re-verified before putting to print and reaching the outlets at 6hrs am on Saturday.  On the 7th floor of the building housing the famous newspaper, an elegant young lady was urgently preparing herself to leave, after a strenuous day at work.  She quickly refreshed in the ladies’ bathroom, hurriedly took her bag and started to make her way out of the large office.  Lithe and athletic, her 1.62 m frame standing beautifully, she stepped out of the office and closed the door behind her.  On the door, the name plate read out her name and position: Kendra Cassidy, Deputy Chief Editor.  She had a party to attend with her husband and some close friends, but before that, she had to go to her gym session.  Even during the busiest of days, Kendra never failed to attend her daily gym sessions.

Two and a half hours later, Kendra was standing and admiring herself in front of the mirror of her bedroom.  She had decided to wear a new red low cut dress her husband had bought for her as a gift for her birthday and it looked as if made for her.  Since she decided to take daily gym sessions, she had become a much fitter woman.  Her body was very “balanced” in the sense that she was thin, but with very well toned legs, small but apparent biceps and 35C breasts.  In short, she was a sexy and attractive 31 year old.  Moreover, her capacities and competence at work, and her mild and dutiful-wife manners at home, made her the total package and a dream for her husband.  Her accession to the post of Deputy Chief Editor just 20 months after she started to work there as a simple journalist had much to do with her natural ambition, brilliant English writing and outstanding analytical capabilities.  It created some frustration and envy amongst the staff she leapfrogged, but she couldn’t care less.  In her mind she got there on merit and she never believed in the system of seniors-are–always-promoted.  Not that she was the witch type…sure she was hard when need be, but she could cajole and caress her juniors too.  Her job was to get things done and to write the weekly political analysis, and so far she did them very well.

Kendra was excited for the upcoming weekend.  After her party with friends, she was to check in early Saturday morning at a seaside hotel in the warm north of the island with her husband, sister and brother-In-Law.  For almost everyone, Kendra led a dream life and could have everyone at her feet if she wanted.  People thought that Kendra had started extensive gym work just to keep fit entering her 30s.  But they were wrong.  Kendra started gym work after a life-changing event which occurred two years earlier.  All her life, Kendra got all she wanted through the power of the brains and intelligence.  Two years back, though, she was an English teacher in a secondary school and had decided to settle a problem not with her brain, but with the strength of her body.  Unfortunately, she failed.  Two years earlier, Kendra had lost a physical fight against a lady colleague who was also her head of department at that time.  The loser had to quit the school and so, Kendra resigned.  Every single day, Kendra thought about that painful loss.  True that she was happier in her current job than she was as a teacher, but the humiliation and pain she felt after losing to her rival stung her every single morning when she looks at herself in the mirror.  She is reminded how that “bitch” had been stronger than her and defeated her in her own house.  She thinks again of every single bit of action that day and how she was kicked out of her job and lost some of her self-dignity against the only person she genuinely hated in this world: Ornella Godwin.


It was Saturday morning when the first rays of light woke Ornella up in her hotel room where she had been staying since the previous day.  She stirred and found her husband Patrick still fast asleep beside her.  Instinctively, she looked towards the door to her children’s room and then remembered that the children had not come with them this time.  For some time, she and her husband had felt that they needed some time away, just the two of them, to revive their earlier flame after some rocky moments in their couple over the past year or so.  Things had not been easy with constant fighting, bickering and week-long silent treatments which had slowly been driving them on the brink of divorce.  If not for the kids, they would probably have given up.  Then started visits at a counselor in a bid to overcome their differences.  12 years of marriage have had many highs but also many lows, and mid age routine and overwork had taken their toll on Ornella’s and Patrick’s wellbeing.  Since they started counseling things had slowly started to improve.  They communicated better and were able to talk through their differences.  Since schools were still on winter holidays, they managed to get Patrick’s mum to look after the kids for three days to escape to the nice and cosy beach hotel in the north of the island. 

That morning, they were still both nude after a night of lovemaking.  Ornella slowly started to rub her body against the still sleeping Patrick’s body in an attempt to wake him up and more…as if awaiting for that, Patrick started to move.  In the morning sleep, he could be easily forgiven for thinking that he was having a porn dream.  As always, Ornella’s expert body massage and rubbing slowly woke him from his dreams and a few minutes later, they were at it again, hungry for each other.  Morning sex has always been the best…guys are like animals in the morning.  Like two wild cats, they went at each other and ended fucking hard. 

Thirty minutes later, they had already taken a bath and were ready to go for breakfast.

“If you give me every morning like that, I’ll be in wonderland” Ornella gently placed her hand on Patrick’s cheeks.

“I love you my Orn…”  They shared a final deep kiss and left for breakfast.

While walking through the palm trees in the paradise like hotel, Patrick let Ornella walk a few metres in front of him for a few seconds…he always did that to watch his 1.58 m tall wife’s sexy ass moving ideways as she walked towards the restaurant.  Ornella was now 36, but she had never been stronger and fitter in her whole life.  Since two years, and her fight with Kendra, she decided that she had to get physically fitter and stronger and take care of her body.  She had always been fond of swimming and since two years, she had been swimming everyday after work and had also taken up Zumba classes with a group of women.  Hard swimming had strengthened her muscles and she now had a firm pair of biceps as well as very shapely and strong legs.  Zumba gave her endurance.  Her drive to become physically fitter has had an effect on Patrick too, who had taken up gym sessions so as not to be overtaken by his wife and to get fitter himself.  Work had not been easy either.  The school had changed management and the new manager was not easy to deal with.  As head of the English language department, she had so much work to do and little time left to herself.
Patrick and Ornella spent the entire morning doing water sports in the sea.  Safety standards were very high in those types of hotels.  After lunch, they spent some time in the spa, some in their bedroom and the rest playing badminton with a couple of residents.  It was soon Saturday night, the best night of the week in the hotel.  Ornella decided to wear her sexy sky blue low cut dress and a strapless blue bra.  With her near perfect body and her chocolate coloured skin, she looked fabulous.  Patrick was in admiration in front of his wife.  They reached the Restaurant and it was an Italian Buffet for the night.  Patrick was already sitting at the table with his plate when Ornella was moving around the salad table.  A lithe and slim silhouette suddenly caught her attention.  A woman, standing with her back on Ornella, wearing a tight sexy black dress, seemed somehow familiar.  The hair style was still the same, though her body shape had slightly changed.  Ornella froze.  Her muscles became suddenly rigid and her breath labored.  “what the fuck…!!!” she thought.  “what is she fucking doing her??!”.  Ornella could not get her eyes off that woman whom she recognized immediately.  The woman turned round and started to move towards the salad table. 

For this special Saturday night, Kendra had worn her new black sexy dress which her sister had gifted her for her birthday.  She had checked in the hotel at 10 hrs in the morning and had spent the entire day at the swimming pool, relaxing and swimming with her husband, sister and brother in law.  The Italian buffet was one which she loved and she was moving around looking for salads.  She turned around and saw the salad table.  She reached it and started to fill her plate when her eyes caught those of Ornella.  Her hated enemy was standing in front of her, staring at her with startled eyes.  Both woman stood still facing each other with their plates in their hands.  Kendra had thought of Ornella every single day since their fight.  She had dreamt of winning a return fight.  She had wanted to call her to ask for a rematch so many times, but lacked the guts to do so.  She both wanted to meet Ornella again and feared that moment too.  And now there she was, staying in the same hotel as her.  What a bloody coincidence!!  Just there to ruin her well earned holiday.  The two women stared at each other, eyes locked, for several minutes without saying a word.  They were standing a good three metres from each other.

Slowly, Ornella walked towards Kendra.  She knew she had a psychological edge on her hated enemy…she was the winner and Kendra the loser…she stopped at about 1 m from her and said: “Hello Kendra”, letting out a small arrogant smile on her face.  Kendra was stunned at what she perceived as an extreme provocation by Ornella.  How dare her enemy greet her as though nothing ever happened…how could she??  At this point, Kendra wanted to shout and slap Ornella but she was in a public place. Her voice stayed inside her mouth, she froze and even slightly panicked.  Unable to say anything, she grabbed a bit of green salad and moved back to her table with the rest of her gang. 

Ornella returned to her husband, who immediately noticed something was wrong.  When he asked, Ornella simply dismissed him as imagining things and tried to get her usual cheerful demeanour back.  She was unsure whether to tell Patrick about Kendra because she thought he would try to protect her or something.  But can she not tell such a fact to her husband??   They were sitting at tables on opposite ends of the restaurant, and to Kendra’s relief, they could not see each other while eating.  She had also not told anyone anything.  The two enemies crossed each other a few more times while looking for food and dessert. 

After dinner, they both decided to relax at the lounge where a musical group was to perform.  Guests were allowed to use the dance floor.  It was the special Saturday night entertainment, but at that moment, neither Ornella nor Kendra was focused on the group or on the music.  They were clearly focused on each other.  They deliberately chose opposite couches to sit on, with Ornella in Patrick’s arms and Kendra sitting beside her sister and their respective husbands.  From their positions they started a staring contest.  Kendra had recomposed herself and she saw an opportunity to get the rematch she so wanted.  They both looked very sexy in their respective outfits and both noticed that changes in the other.  Both had better toned muscles, great bodies and each couldn’t help feeling slightly jealous of the other.  Their eyes could not leave each other even when their husbands brought drinks for them.  Slowly sipping her scotch, Ornella watched every part of Kendra’s body and tried to evaluate herself in a rematch.  She was stronger and fitter, but so seemed Kendra.  Would it be a responsible move for her if she went for a rematch?? What would be the stakes?? Just pride??  Kendra had only her pride to get back.  She knew she had a better paid job than Ornella now.  So she didn’t care about any stakes.  Victory against her rival would go a long way towards restoring her self dignity. 

After finishing her drink, Ornella, feeling slightly high, stood up and pulled Patrick towards the dance floor.  Kendra watched them intensely and, as Ornella reached the dance floor, their eyes met. As if connected by a silent pact, Kendra pulled her own husband and dragged him to the dance floor.  The two rivals started to dance with their respective husbands, who did not have a clue of what was going on, just a few feet away from each other. 

Patrick could be forgiven to think that the scotch had taken its toll on his wife, for he has never seen her dancing with such vigour.  The hotel was full house for that week-end and the dance floor was overcrowded with people rubbing or colliding against one another.  That situation suited both rivals perfectly.  Kendra was a slightly better dancer but Ornella was not short of vigour and was being doped by the alcohol.  Soon, they were both covered with sweat and their husbands breathless and feeling like having beers.  Both couples danced right beside each other and the ladies had plenty of opportunities to send hate glares to each other.  They rubbed with each other several times, taking turns to push each other with the hips and arms.  The dance floor was so crowded that this game could be deemed as normal.  Breaths were heavy and the place was filled with a mixture of perfume, alcohol and a strong scent of sweat.  After 30 minutes of dancing, the men were exhausted.  Ornella said she wanted to continue dancing and suggested that Patrick takes a few minutes rest and a drink.  A few minutes later, Kendra’s husband also stopped to join his brother-in-law with drinks.  Ornella and Kendra were surrounded by a crowd, but in their minds they were all alone with each other.  They turned towards each other and started dancing face to face, millimeters from each other and eyes locked.  Seemingly unaware of the rest of the world, they started pushing into each other, boobs against boobs.  They took a few steps back about each 30 seconds or so and pushed into each other again.  They had been there before, fought each other topless body to body and hence they had no inhibitions to try to crush each other’s breasts.  They continued this little game for long minutes until Kendra pushed slightly harder and Ornella almost lost her balance, staying on her feet only with the help of a lady dancing beside her.  Kendra made no attempt to hide her little smile.  Pissed off, Ornella left the dance floor, took another scotch and found an empty long couch.  She could not see her husband anywhere and assumed he was taking drinks at the pool bar.  She suddenly started to feel tired and very hot.  After a few minutes, she saw Kendra making her way towards her.  Her rival also took a drink and sat down just beside Ornella on the couch.

“How did you like that dear??”

“Fuck off bitch, you got lucky that’s all.”

In an angry gesture, Ornella pushed Kendra’s left foot with her right foot.  Kendra looked at her and pushed her leg back angrily.  Ornella pushed her right legs against Kendra’s left leg.  She pushed her hips against Kendra’s on the couch and placed her right thigh against Kendra’s left for good support.  At that point, their entire leg and thigh lengths were glued to each other’s.  Kendra understood what Ornella wanted and they both started to push simultaneously.  Ornella pushed Kendra’s left thigh and leg with her right and vice versa.  Both pushed their heels against the floor for better support and to try preventing loss of ground.  They tried not to show their efforts on their faces. 

Kendra said, between clenched teeth: “let’s keep talking bitch, else everyone will look at us”

“What do you want me to tell you trashbag?!”  Ornella tried her best to bulge her rival’s leg but Kendra was resisting.  They were by then sweating, especially with their drinks on their hands and feeling hot inside the place.  People kept walking around without looking at them.  Leg muscles flexed with the efforts provided.

“I want a rematch bitch.  I want another fight”

“Why should I fight you again?!  I don’t need another fight”

“You know I’d kick your ass this time”.

“You won’t kick my ass ever.  You don’t have what it takes.”

“Shut up whore, just give me a date for the rematch.”

Legs were starting to tire and ache.  Both ladies at that point felt like giving up but were fuelled by hate and pride.  They could smell each other’s mixture of sweat and perfume.  Ornella felt herself getting slightly wet.  This contest excited her.  Kendra was feeling her nipples harden.  Suddenly, a big male voice broke their thoughts.

“Kendra, you ok?”  Disturbed, Kendra’s leg swayed and gave away under Ornella’s push.  Deeply disappointed, she tried to fake a smile to her husband. 

“Hey dear, I was just talking to an old friend....Jenniffer”

Ornella gulped.  Kendra quickly turned away and started to move.  Before stepping out of the door, she looked back over her shoulder to meet Ornella’s eyes.  The stare was hard and exuded all the hate they felt for each other.
It was 10hr30 the next morning when Ornella entered the hotel gym for some workout.  Patrick was swimming in the pool and promised to join her an hour later. Much to her surprise, the gym was empty.  She started her work on treadmill first.  After 15 minutes of jogging, she was already covered with sweat when she heard the sound of the door opening.  She didn’t take notice at first.  A few seconds later, a familiar female voice said: “I had a feeling I would find you here.”  Startled, Ornella turned and again found herself facing Kendra.

“Are you fucking stalking me or what? Give me a break, will you?!”  Sweat was flowing from her face and neck.  She was wearing a blue tank top, blue shorts and white training shoes.  Kendra was wearing a white tank top, shorts and white training shoes as well. 

“No” Kendra replied, “I just wanted to talk to you.”

“About what?”

“I want a rematch.”

Ornella let out a nervous laugh. “Why should I fight again? Last time I was fighting for my dignity and livelihood.  What do I have to fight for now?”

Not for the first time, the two hated rivals found themselves standing inches away, face to face and eyes locked.

“Maybe you could start by defending yourself.”

Without losing a second, Kendra slapped Ornella on her left cheek, then added a backhanded on her right one.  Ornella shrieked and covered her face.  Caught totally unprepared, she felt the full force of Kendra’s slaps and felt her face start to burn.  Tears started to flow on her sweat covered face.  Kendra grabbed Ornella’s hair and started to pull her in all directions, totally enjoying herself at that point.  Ornella shrieked again and felt herself being pulled apart.  She had no choice but to fight back.  With some difficulty, she managed to grab Kendra’s hair and started to pull as well.  Kendra was surprised by the strength of the pull and equally was Ornella .  Both understood that the other was stronger than they had thought.  The two ladies in tank tops moved all over the place, pulling hair and hitting the gym equipments.  Both had the strength, energy and stamina but lacked fighting ability.  They struggled hard to get an advantage.  After minutes of hard struggle, Kendra hit an equipment and lost her balance.  She fell, bringing Ornella down with her. 

The two women fell on the floor, with Ornella on top of Kendra.  Ornella tried to push up Kendra’s hands above her heads but she could not due to the strong resistance shown by her enemy.  The two women wrestled with the hands, with Kendra trying to push her body up to dislodge Ornella from her.  They struggled like that for about 5 minutes when suddenly, the door opened and Ornella felt two strong hands grab her and pull her away from Kendra.  The gym was a public area fitted with CCTV cameras and the security of the hotel had been informed of the fight.  The fight had ended as abruptly as it had started, leaving both women frustrated and pissed off.

“I can’t believe we have been thrown out of the hotel.” Shouted Patrick, his hands clutched on the steering wheel of his car.  “I really can’t believe you did not tell me she was Kendra”

“Sorry” mumbled Ornella

“What sorry?!! I’m an engineer, you a teacher, and we have been kicked out like criminals!”

Ornella erupted. “oh please, cut it off!  I’m already pissed off now don’t add your bloody complaining!  If you are ashamed of me just fucking leave me, ok!!”

“Don’t fucking shout now…you messed up, and messed up badly.  And don’t you dare fight her again!”

“Why?? So what if she comes and attacks me? What am I supposed to do? Sit down and watch her kick my ass?? Sorry, I’m no coward!”

“It’s not a question of bravery of cowardice.  You have kids to take care of.  You are a mature woman.  Last time it was about your job and dignity, but this time there is no reason.”

“Oh well, she will not kill me or anything of that sort.  She started attacking me and I had no choice!  If it happens again I will again have no choice.”

Ornella knew Patrick was right, but she also knew that her body badly itched for a fight with Kendra.  It was an irrational and irresponsible feeling, but it was how she felt at that point.  She wanted to get her hands on her rival and crush her.  And deep inside she knew the second fight was coming. 

The next day was holiday for Kendra and she learnt from a former colleague at the school that Ornella had taken a few days leave as well.  “What a bloody coincidence”, she thought.  Like Ornella, she had had a telling off by her husband the previous night, but she couldn’t care less.  The only obsession for the time being was to continue what they had started in the hotel gym the previous day.  She decided she will get her rematch, by hook or crook.

At about 10hrs am, she decided to call Ornella.  She was alone in the house and free to welcome her rival once again. 

Ornella almost jumped when she heard the phone ring.  Her heartbeat increased when she saw Kendra’s number.  Her hands almost trembling, she picked up.  Not letting Kendra talk, she said directly: “You can come here in my house bitch.  I’m waiting for you.”

Surprised by her rival’s directness, Kendra simply replied: “Will be there in 30 minutes bitch.”

 After 35 minutes, a red car stopped by Ornella’s front gate and Kendra came out.  She was wearing a red sleeveless body fitting blouse and blue jeans.  Ornella opened the front door of the house and their eyes met instantly.  She had to admit to herself that her rival was indeed very beautiful, and she will get intense pleasure to destroy that body.  Kendra looked at Ornella up and down.  Ornella was wearing a simple white t-shirt and black pair of shorts.  Both women were devoid of makeup.  When Kendra reached the door, the two rivals stood for about 20 seconds face to face, their tits touching and eyes locked.  The hate was palpable in their eyes.  Then Ornella stepped aside to allow Kendra in and silently led her enemy to her large room where she practiced zumba.  The floor was fitted with a thick rug which was ideal for what they were about to do.  Both entered the room and stood 3 metres from each other.  Kendra asked: “Any rules?”

“Euh same as last time.  No scratch or direct punch on the face, no eye gouging and nothing on the pussy.  Ok with you?”

“Fine.  Do you dare to fight nude?”

Ornella was surprised.  But not to be deterred, she agreed.  The two gorgeous ladies started to strip slowly, their eyes staying locked on each other.  They had seen each other and fought topless before but this time their bodies had slightly modified.  They were better toned and their biceps bulged slightly from their original sizes two years back.  Each secretly envied the other’s bodies and admitted the other was gorgeous.  Finally, after throwing their final pieces of clothing to the ground, they were completely nude.  Each noticed that the other’s pussy was cleanly shaved.

Slowly, they moved towards each other.  Just like the first fight two years back, they were both slightly sweating even before the fight started.  The tension for each of them was almost unbearable and they were eager to start fighting.  They closed the gap between them and pushed their bare breasts onto each other’s.  Suddenly, Ornella raised her knee and sent it onto Kendra’s lower belly. 

“AAAAHHHHH” shrieked Kendra and she took a step backwards holding her belly. “Bitch”.  As she bent downwards, Ornella grabbed Kendra’s neck with her right arm and get her in a side headlock, pushing the body sideways against Kendra’s.  Completely taken by surprise, Kendra grabbed Ornella’s right arm and tried to break from the headlock.  She struggled to bulge it, and Ornella struggled to keep the hold.  Seeing her efforts futile, Kendra tried to elbow Ornella on her belly.  Ornella felt the first elbow but tried to hold on to her headlock, hoping that this would sap Kendra’s energy early into the fight.  But a second elbow hit her hard and she was forced to release her headlock.  The two women separated.  Kendra panted, rubbing her neck.  She swore to herself that she won’t be taken by surprise again. 

Both women raised their hands and slowly advanced towards each other.  Kendra aimed a punch on her enemy’s breasts but it was blocked.  They slowly circled each other, their boobs sagging at every movement.  They were already covered by a slick layer of sweat.  Ornella tried to slap Kendra but Kendra managed to block.  Finally, Kendra grabbed Ornella’s hair and buried her hands in it, pulling wildly.  Shrieking, Ornella followed suit.  It was the oldest catfighting move but hairpulling still hurt the scalp to the core.  Both women lowered their heads to a maximum in a bit to minimize the strain in the hairs.  They struggled hard, moving all over the spacious room.  They hit the room’s walls several times but their holds on each other’s hair remained as strong.  They shouted, grunted, groaned and their faces grimaced with the intense pain they felt in their heads.  Kendra started to kick Ornella on her legs and knees.  The latter tried to move her legs in dance like manoeuvres in order to avoid the kick.  This continued and Kendra started to push Ornella backwards.  Eventually, Ornella’s back hit the wall.  She immediately released her right hand from Kendra’s hair and slapped her twice on the face.  Kendra slapped back with the same vigour.  They started a slapping contest, with each slapping furiously.  Cheeks stung, growing crimson.  Heads started to feel dizziness and gradually the slaps lost their intensity and strength.  They both broke off after a few minutes of slapping, holding their heads.  They looked at each other deep in the eyes.  Neither wanted to stop.  They both knew the fight had a long way to go.

Regaining their senses, they again advanced towards each other, more determined than ever.  Kendra aimed a punch at Ornella’s boobs.  It made contact.  Ornella replied with a punch on her enemy’s belly, which made contact as well.  Ignoring the pain, both ladies started to throw wild punches all over each other’s body, except on the face.  Eventually, Ornella wrapped her armed around Kendra’s body and tried to push her back, panting hard and leaning on her enemy.  Kendra did the same.  Each woman pushed the other, gradually increasing the force of the bearhugs.  Whispering insults in each other’s ears, they both stopped pushing near the centre of the room and bearhugged each other with the maximum strength they could muster.  Their breasts crushed each other and their bodies kept sliding due to the sweat.  Their throats only emitted low grunts, their faces grimaced from the intensity of the efforts.  Each wanted to sap the energy and life out of the other.  After minutes of this, Ornella realized that neither is going to win.  Her ribs were paining deeply from Kendra’s squeezing.  Her hands still behind Kendra’s back, she dug her nails into the soft skin and raked as hard as she could.  Kendra shouted of pain.  Her hands still wrapped around Ornella, she immediately grabbed Ornella’s hair and pulled it down as hard as she could.  They both released the bearhugs.  Without wasting time, Kendra grabbed Ornella’s breasts and nailed both of them.  Stunned and paining, Ornella followed suit and grabbed Kendra’s boobs and raked them as well.  The two women, lost in an animalistic lust of wanting to hurt each other, continued to squeeze and main each other breasts and upper body until they were covered with red marks which burned badly. 

They were both tired but had better endurance than two years ago.  After a few seconds respite, they locked hands and started to wrestle furiously, pushing and each trying to unbalance the other.  They both tried side headlocks which failed.  They linked arms and struggled wildly all over the place.  Ornella tried to push Kendra to the ground.  She kicked at her legs and eventually Kendra gave way, falling on the carpeted floor and bringing Ornella with her.  They crashed down.  Immediately, they both linked arms and start to wrestle furiously.  Kendra wrapped her legs around Ornella and tried to push her and turn her round.  Eventually she succeeded and went on top.  It was Ornella’s turn to wrap her nude legs around her enemy’s nude body and after a struggle, she turned her.  They completed several rounds on the floor, each time wrestling furiously.  Their entire bodies felt the burning sensation from the nailing.  Red marks widened and tiny drops of blood started to appear as they wrestled with great intensity on the floor.  Eventually, Kendra managed to straddle Ornella and again grabbed her breasts and started squeezing, inflicting as much pain as she could.  Although paining, Ornella managed to grab Kendra’s hair and pulled wildly, eventually unseating her from her top position.  Both ladies fell on their sides.  Panting and perspiring profusely, they linked arms and started a furious struggle on their sides.  Desperate for superiority, both ladies pushed, slapped and even tried to kick in order to finish the enemy.   They were equally matched this time.  Ornella no longer had the strength advantage of two years ago.  Slowly, they got on their knees facing each other.  They took a few seconds to rest.  They both looked at each other intensely, both feeling frustrated.  They both had hoped to finish the other quickly but have been evenly matched so far.  Instinctively, they both went for a side headlock on their knees.  They wrapped one arm around the other’s neck and started to squeeze, while using the other hand for leverage.  They struggled while applying the headlocks, each trying to push the other’s head down and trying to gain the decisive advantage.  Both knew that energy will be sapped by this and it was a matter of who holds the longest.  Both pushed each other to the side and to the ground.  They eventually fell flat on the floor and rolled over each other, still applying the headlock.  Their intertwined legs fighting furiously, they looked like two intertwined snakes struggling to get the decisive bite.  The rolling reduced gradually as each started to tire.  Ornella felt energy sapping and knew she had to do something.  Using her free hand, she started pounding punches on Kendra’s side and belly, mercilessly.  Kendra shrieked and released the headlock.  Ornella released as well.  With their strength left, both women started raining punches on each other’s bodies.  They then wrapped each other’s bodies and rolled on the floor, feeling desperate now.  Ornella eventually straddled Kendra and started slapping mercilessly, just like in the first fight. Also desperate, Kendra grabbed Ornella’s sagging breasts and clawed her 10 nails on both breasts.  Ornella felt like her life was being taken away.  She shrieked, tears freely rolling on her sweaty cheeks.  She fell on Kendra’s side and rolled away from her enemy, her hands on the breasts.  Kendra was still dazed by Ornella’s slaps and she could not follow through.  Both women were a mess.  Ornella had 10 red marks on her breasts, added with marks where punches had landed and other scratch marks all over her body.  Kendra also had scratch marks near her breasts and all over her body, and was still feeling slightly dazed after the rain of slaps she had received.  On the verge of quitting herself, she asked Ornella: “had enough bitch?”

Ornella did not reply immediately.  Instead, she spat in the direction of her enemy.  Kendra had to pay for that attack on her breasts.  Neither woman had the energy to get on her feet.  Instead, they closed into each other on their knees.  Upright on their knees, the two women took a few seconds to pant.  Both were tired and injured, with sweat rolling on their bodies.  The room was filled with a strong scent of perspiration, but neither woman cared.  They sensed that this would be the final act of their war.  Without letting a sound out, they linked hand and started to wrestle face to face.  They pushed each other with the little strength that was left, each trying to send the other down.  Their bare breasts mashed together as each tried to get a decisive advantage.  After minutes which seemed like hours, Ornella managed to force Kendra down on her back.  She placed her body all over Kendra’s in an attempt to apply a maximum pressure.  Kendra wrapped her legs around Ornella’s body and tried to press.  Ornella pressed her right arm on Kendra’s upper abdomen, just below her neck, in an attempt to cut her air.  They were locked on an increasingly desperate struggle.  Kendra could not push Ornella off this time.  She tried to press her with her legs but slowly she felt her energy going.  She started to ease her legs off, eventually dropping them on the floor.  The pressure of Ornella’s weight, plus the pressing of her arm on her abdomen slowly finished her.  She stopped struggling, letting out a weak: “stop… I can’t breathe.  Stop please.”  Ornella immediately released her enemy and fell beside her.  She had won again, but this time feeling no elation.  The fight had been brutal and they could really have ended up worse.  She was relieved it was over.  She had been impressed by the inner demon inside herself.  Kendra breathed hard, coughing a few times.  She stayed still on the floor for a very long time before moving.  By that time, Ornella had managed to stand on her feet and drank some water.  When Kendra finally stood up, Ornella showed her a sofa and handed some water to her rival.  They both knew there won’t be a third fight because they had suffered a lot today.  Kendra put her clothes on and prepared to leave, more than 45 minutes after the fight.  Before going, Ornella finally broke the silence as she said: “Don’t you ever cross my path again you cheap little whore.  Don’t ever dare that!”

Kendra looked at Ornella, then lowered her eyes and left.  Slowly, the feeling of humiliation subsided as she realized that she had given her really best shot but Ornella was just the better fighter.  Yes, she won’t ever fight anyone again.
The best way to settle rivalries between bitter rivals is to get down and dirty and let the claws talk...


Offline Tigressel

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Re: When Teachers settle disagreements Part 2 – the Rematch
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2015, 09:13:17 AM »
Thank you folks. You have a PhD Irene so yea you coulf have easily been one of them  :) . A classy educated woman who can get down n dirty
The best way to settle rivalries between bitter rivals is to get down and dirty and let the claws talk...


Offline Michelle

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Re: When Teachers settle disagreements Part 2 – the Rematch
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2015, 06:39:35 PM »
I think you have done a nice job of giving us some nice buildup...which makes for a good story.  It adds to the emotion and intensity of the fight and that's a good thing. 

Thanks for sharing it with us!
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" - George Santayana, 18th century Spanish philosopher

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Offline Braveheart1

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Re: When Teachers settle disagreements Part 2 – the Rematch
« Reply #3 on: June 22, 2015, 07:03:47 PM »
What Michelle said. You are a darn fine writer from whom I want to see plenty more.

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams


Offline Tigressel

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Re: When Teachers settle disagreements Part 2 – the Rematch
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2015, 01:36:34 PM »
Thank you folks. Really appreciate.
The best way to settle rivalries between bitter rivals is to get down and dirty and let the claws talk...


Offline joey

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Re: When Teachers settle disagreements Part 2 – the Rematch
« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2015, 07:24:33 AM »
Very nice.