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League Of Superheroines - Hope Part 1

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Offline Freefall

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League Of Superheroines - Hope Part 1
« on: July 01, 2015, 08:15:47 PM »

Ursula Wolfe seethed behind her large desk. Staring her in the face was the Sun City Times... and "SHE" was on the cover. The headline read "HOPE EXPOSES WOLFE CORP" The picture showed a radiant triumphant Superheorine beaming ... she had olive skin , heaving perfect breasts and a skimpy 2 piece light blue outfit complete with that stupid cape. What really made Ursula sick was what was around her neck... The hope diamond , a gift from the Smithsonian for all of her efforts protecting the environment.



   Ursula had inherited the WOLF CORP cosmetics company from her late father , an honorable business man that believed in responsibility over profit. He had passed away from mysterious circumstances and according to his will Ursula took control of the Wolfe Empire. WOLFE CORP employees fears were relived when under Ursula's control the company recorded massive record breaking products. Ursula was cunning and conniving. She used any means necessary to destroy he competitors , legal or not. She cut corners and broke the law whenever profits could be had.
  Ursula bested all competitors except one...Hope. The Amazon bitch crossed Ursula over and over and each time foiled her plans. She was slowly unraveling the Wolfe machine. Every time some venture threatened a turtle or some other worthless creature, Hope was there to foul things up. Ursula had tried to neutralize the Heroine on many occasions , each time her plans failed. This big titted bitch had cost Ursula millions of dollars and there was nothing she could do about it..... Until now

The latest Sun City headlines caused Ursula to snap. She tore the paper to shreds and threw her desk chair across her office at the top of Wolfe Tower. She was going to have to do it...she was going to have to call Vain. Ursula had dealt with Cassandra Vain on and off through out the years when business needed to be conducted of the books. Vain's organization had done some work for Ursula in the past , however the heiress was fiercely independent and hated to have to ask for help. This last incident was too much , Hope had cost her the biggest deal of her life.

While the residents of Central City watched in horror as Cassandra Vain pounded Liberty's juggs into jelly , Far away Ursula  grinned with Joy , Finally one of the SuperSluts was getting what was coming to them. Ms Wolfe swallowed her pride and placed a call to the only Woman to Defeat a Superheroine... Cassandra Vain.


The meeting was predictably tense. All though both women shared enemies they were by no means allies. Ursula had heard through the grapevine about a super serum designed to even the playing field with the SuperSluts , and Liberty's downfall had proven its existence. Ursula pitched that using her origination she could reproduce the substance and rid the world of the League of Superheroines... Starting with Hope. Cassandra Vain declined... "Its simply too valuable" she argued "And this Hope bimbo has beaten you countless times , why dont you let us take care of it." Ursula's head turned as Sydra entered the meeting. The black haired woman's presence was a sight to behold , Sydra was a little known assassin , together with Vains help she destroyed the unbeatable blonde Liberty and was now one of the most feared Women on earth. "I cant give you my serum , I can give you the next best thing" Cassandra purred. Ursula smiled and nodded. Sydra was sighted in Sun City the next morning
