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Furious wedding fight

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Offline keviniller

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Furious wedding fight
« on: August 30, 2015, 10:27:03 PM »

It was my best friend Jack’s wedding day.  After an abnormally long ceremony it was finally time to start the party.  As I was in the wedding party I arrived late to cocktail hour (fucking pictures) but as soon as I walked in I was blinded by the amount of beautiful girls in attendance.  Of course I am only looking as I am with my fiancée, Alexis who looks absolutely stunning.  Alexis is 27 years old, 5’2 115lbs with 36C breast, and a perfectly round, plump ass.  I feel I must stress how perfect her ass is; it is almost (but not quite) too big for her body, I’d compare it to J-Lo, circa 2004. It is round and firm, but not muscular.  A brunette whose light brown, straight hair sits around her cutely round, but not chubby, face.  Her plump lips are bright red; the type of lips you want around your cock.  Her hair fell effortlessly and sat slightly below her shoulders.  She is wearing a dark purple strapless bodycon, bandage dress that is tastefully tight and perfectly presses her large breasts together so they are pushed together, but not mashed together and while not overly low cut, the dress is tight enough to display her perfectly tanned cleavage.  The dress form fits down around her waist and ass abruptly stopping 5 inches above her knees.  She is wearing matching purple pumps that really shows off her tanned, shiny calves. 

We mingled around the cocktail hour, eating, drinking and laughing.  After an hour it is time to make our way to the wedding hall for the reception.  After watching all the bridesmaids make slutty and humorous entrances, the party really began.  Strong drinks and lots of dancing were starting to put both Lexi and me in the mood.  After the first hour we were a little more than tipsy and really enjoying ourselves on the dance floor when a blond in a black dress, who was dancing quite provocatively, backed into Lexi hard enough that she fell forward, luckily I caught her.  The blonde turned around and provided a less than sincere apology, turned around and continued dancing.  Lexi was quite agitated and I thought it best to take her to table, get her another drink and wait for dinner.  After dinner, I went to the bar to get myself another drink when I was tapped on the shoulder from behind.  I turned around to see the blonde from before standing in front of me.  She asked if I remembered her and I told her I honestly had no idea who she was.  She seemed unfazed, turned her back to me and proceeded to the bar, slowly, but firmly rubbed her right ass cheek against my cock as she passed.  She ordered 2 whiskeys and handed one to me.  I was so mesmerized with how cool and sexy she was I could barely hide my attraction.  She tapped my glass with hers, we took the drink and she identified herself as Jack’s younger cousin Bethany, who I hadn’t seen in 5 years, when she was a skinny, bratty child who would spend a few weeks of each summer at Jack’s house.  She put her empty glass on the bar, thanked me for the drink, turned and walked away. 

I’ve had my share of hot girls over the years, but never cheated on Lexi for the 6 years we’ve been together; but there was something about Bethany that I couldn’t get out of my head.  For the next hour I steadily caught myself scanning the room to catch a glimpse of her and finally, when Lexi went to bathroom with her friend Trish, I made my move across the room.  I casually strutted across the room towards the head table to talk with Jack and “accidently’ bumped into Bethany’s rear, lightly put my right hand on her left shoulder, leaned in and whispered an apology into her left ear and continued to the head table.  I periodically would turn around to glance at Bethany and each time would find her looking right back at me.  Something in her bright blue eyes was sinister, daring me to walk right up to her, grab her and bend her over the nearest table.  At this point, I had to excuse from Jack and his wife Erica.  I was walking a bee line towards Bethany when realized something…….she was a younger, slightly hotter version of Lexi.  I stopped dead in my tracks, stared at Bethany and got a glimpse of Lexi waiting at the bar for a drink and the resemblance really hit me.

I could see both of them and was comparing them in my mind.  Bethany had lighter hair, dirty blonde, but was also wearing a bodycon bandage dress that was black with shoulder straps.  Her dress was extra tight, the type of dress only a 21 year old would and could pull off.  I estimated she had 32C breasts which were pressed together firmly and bursting out through the lowcut neck and really just overflowing out the top of the dress.  The black dress hugged her hips and ripe ass and stopped just far enough below so as to not show her ass cheeks; however if she needed to bend over to pick something up, I would think half of her ass would be exposed.  The dress also had 3” slits on each side that really ran up her toned, tanned legs.  She was wearing opened toed leopard print heels and her feet were as tanned and as flawless as the rest of her body.  Her dirty bond hair was straightened, shoulder length and outlined her round face, plump cheeks and her pouty lips were dark red.  The resemblance was seriously uncanny, Bethany was a younger version of Lexi, slightly sluttier, but her silhouette would have been an almost perfect match to Lexi’s when she was 21.  With both of them in the view, they were still built very similar, Lexi might be 7-10 pounds heavier with slightly larger breasts and ass, not as toned as Bethany who looks like she is in the gym 4-5 times a week, but Lexi is in good shape, two days a week of yoga and the Sunday morning jogs had her looking good. Both were the same height and wearing tight bandage dresses that really shows off their curvy bodies.  I was getting a hard on, watching and comparing them both, really imagining what a threesome would be like and was lost in that daydream for a few seconds, shook it off and thought it best to return to the bar to get another drink, compose myself and return to Lexi at our table.  I stood 2nd in line at the bar and after the groomsman in front of me got his drink, I immediately ordered a bourbon, only to hear a girl’s voice say, “make that 2.”  Bethany was standing in front of me and so close, that her breast touching the top of my stomach.  She must have noticed my eyes scanning the room for Lexi, because she leaned in and sexily whispered, “don’t worry, she just went to the other room with Erica and is having a nice conversation with Erica’s family, why don’t we take these drinks somewhere a little more private, I believe the bridal suite is empty.”  I down my drink, my heart is racing, I wanna fuck this broad so bad, but know it’s not right.  “Maybe another time, gorgeous, thanks for the drink.” I turn and walk away right as Lexi walks back into the room.

About 20 minutes have passed and Lexi and I are sitting at our table talking when Bethany comes up behind me; I can see Lexi’s eyes get big, then small and beady like she is going to jump up and cause a seen.  Bethany put her hands on my shoulders, whispers “nice to see you again,” shoots a glance at Lexi and walks away.  I stop Lexi from jumping to her feet, explain who she is, and that she is just some drunk girl at wedding who is just being slutty just to do it.  I was a bit surprised at Lexi’s reaction, she can absolutely hold her own in an argument and loves catty conversations, but I have never heard of her getting into anything that even resembled a fight.  I don’t know if it was the booze, how sexy Bethany is or a combination of both, but she was actually talking about following her outside and punching her in the face!  After a few minutes, we have another drink and head back to the dance floor.  After a few minutes I whisper to Lexi, “why don’t we go somewhere private, like the bridal suite?”  She agrees and we sneak up to the suite, it is empty and we go into the suites private bathroom for a quickie.  After 5 minutes of some drunken, intense fucking, we finish and I walk out of the bathroom, leaving Lexi behind so she could fix her hair and makeup.  I close the door behind me and take a few steps into the suite and see Bethany in the hallway approaching the suite with some dude on her arm.  She notices me, stops in her tracks, whispers something in the guy’s ear and he turns and walks down the steps to the reception hall. Bethany comes strutting in, her lips are puckered and has that ‘fuck me look’ in her eyes.  She closes and locks the door behind her and draws the curtains of the window looking into the hallway. She turns and comes walking right at me, like she is going rip her dress off and jump onto my dick, but before she gets to me, I whisper, loudly, while motioning towards the bathroom that “Lexi is in there, you gotta go.”  She stops about 2 feet from me, smiles wryly, and says “Oh. Well I’d hate for her to find me here, with you, she might get the wrong idea, like we are fucking or something”  She barely gets the last word out of her mouth when the bathroom door opens.

“Crowded room” Lexi states, clearly annoyed and staring directly at Bethany. 

Bethany replies, “I agree.  Imagine my surprise as I came up here to use the little girl’s room and find people here using it like a trashy motel room.”

“A trashy motel room huh?  I would say you’re dressed for such a place.” Lexi is now standing next to me, only 2 feet from Lexi, looks at me, grabs my right hand with her left and says, “Let’s let the little girl use the little girl’s room and let’s go back and rejoin the party.”

Bethany glares as Lexi, takes a baby step forward, looks directly at me and replies, “I only needed to check my makeup, but Tommy here told me I looked gorgeous, the hottest girl in the room he said, (she adjusts her breast, pushing even more cleavage up) so there is really no need for me to stay here any longer.  Plus I would hate to have to use the same powder room that some trashy slut just got fucked in.”  Bethany moved her head towards Lexi to really emphasize that final sentence.

Lexi without saying a word, lets go of my hand. takes a step forward and calmly cocks back her right arm and delivers a wicked slap right across Bethany’s face.  Bethany is stunned for a second, but that soon changes to rage and cries out, “You bitch!”  The two women lunge and crash into each other and immediately grab each other’s hair and start violently tugging each other’s head front, back, left and right while stumbling in a circle around the room.  I quickly back out of the way, pulling a small coffee table with me to ensure there are no obstacles in the 20’X15’ room except for the chairs and 2 sofas that line the walls.

The girls are still deeply embedded in each other hair when Bethany releases her right hand and starts wildly slapping Lexi’s left side, randomly hitting her face, neck and ribs with an open hand.  Lexi cries out, “dumb bitch” and also releases her right hand and begins slapping Bethany’s right side, and lands a few stinging slaps on her face causing Bethany to loosen her grip on Lexi and Lexi immediately takes control.  She violently jerks Bethany’s head down causing Bethany to bend forward and with her right fist connects on 4-5 quick punches to the back of Bethany’s head who falls to her knees, puts her head in her hands and starts to sob lightly.  Lexi bends over and while standing over her foe yells, “you see what happens, little girl?!  Huh?!”  She grabs Bethany’s hair with her right hand, pulling it from her hands, gives her a slap with her left and adds “ Next time go find a man who doesn’t already have a woman, you trashy bitch!”

Bethany is on her knees, one heel on, head in her hands and is sobbing, I do however have a great view of her tight ass that is starting to peek from the bottom of her dress. Lexi is still holding Bethany’s hair and is gloating; she looks over at me, smiles triumphantly and says, “Let’s go back downstairs, I’m done with this basic bitch.”  Lexi lets go of Bethany’s hair and shoves her head and starts to stand up straight, when out of nowhere Bethany grabs her left arm with both hands and pulls Lexi down, who actually lands on top of Bethany.  Undeterred, Bethany from her back grabs Lexi’s hair with both hands and starts pulling.  Lexi, taken by surprise takes a second or two but then does likewise and the girls start rolling around the floor.  Both girls heels had come off, their dresses are both riding up exposing both girls round asses and thongs,  Lexi’s is black and Bethany’s is leopard print, and both sets of shapely tanned legs are intertwined as they roll around on the floor.  You can hear the groans of each girl, mixed in with the cursing faint sound of flesh crashing into flesh.  Excitedly, I pull out my iPhone and begin taking video of this.

“You bitch, fuck you!”
“I fuckin hate you!”
“I gonna kill you, you God damned whore!”
“We’ll see about that, you fucking bimbo!”

Bethany eventually gains the upper hand and positions herself firmly on top of Lexi and is trying to get her into a schoolgirl pin, but can’t get her knees onto Lexi’s arms.  Lexi still has her right hand in Bethany’s hair and is pulling on it with sheer desperation and with her left hand is randomly slapping and scratching Bethany’s right cheek, shoulder and upper chest and neck area.  Inadvertently Lexi pulls the right side of Bethany’s dress down, Bethany is of course not wearing a bra and her right breast is fully exposed.  As they continue to struggle, Bethany manages to get her left knee over Lexi’s right arm and now has a firm grip of Lexi’s hair with her left hand and is delivering multiple stinging slaps to Lexi’s left cheek with her right, which is now quite red.  Lexi is still full of fight and refuses to allow her left arm to be pinned down and is bucking her hips, trying to get Bethany off and is now slapping and scratching Bethany’s right breast, which is also looking pretty red.  Bethany, no to be outdone, says “you wanna keep scratching my tits, huh bitch?!  Well two can play at that game,” and she pulls the front of Lexi’s dress and black bra with one firm pull so hard that the dress stretches and rips at the seams and the bra’s claps  completely broke and the bra came completely off, exposing Lexi’s perfect breasts. Bethany wastes no time, going right to work with both hands, wildly slapping and scratching them.  Lexi is screaming/groaning in both pain and frustration as Bethany is clearly winning this fight.  Bethany then firmly grabs Lexi’s hair with right hand and pulls her head towards her pussy, Lexi’s nose is about 3 inches from it when Bethany uses her left hand to grab and dig her nails into Lexi’s right breast.  She squeezes and twists while Lexi screams out in pain.  Lexi manages to wiggle her right hand free and starts slapping Bethany’s bare ass.  Bethany is unfazed as she has now completely mounted Lexi, sitting completely on her face, and uses both hand to pull Lexi’s head by her hair into her fleshy mound and is completely smothering her.  Lexi is wildly slapping Bethany’s ass, but Bethany seems to not even notice and continues taunting her opponent.

“How much of a woman are you now bitch?! Huh?! Huh?! I can’t hear you with my pussy in your face, you dumb bitch!  Can you taste me bitch, can you?! 

Lexi is wildly bucking her hips, desperately trying to get Bethany off of her while digging her nails into Bethany’s left ass cheek so hard that she draws some blood, but Bethany is firmly in control.  At this point I seriously consider putting my phone away and pulling Bethany off; because this is becoming lopsided, but then Lexi totally surprises me………..Lexi releases her grip on Bethany’s ass, wiggles her fingers under Bethany’s thong and rams her middle finger straight into Bethany’s asshole.  Bethany is completely taken by surprise, both of her arms flare up into the air, releasing Lexi’s hair.  Lexi keeps bucking her hips and finally gets Bethany to fall off of her as Bethany falls onto her left side.  In a flash Lexi is sitting up and raining blows onto the right side of Bethany’s head, cheek and shoulder, with tears in her eyes, she screams,

“I’m gonna fuckin kill you, you God damned whore!  I fuckin hate you!”

Bethany is doing her best to cover her face, but Lexi’s furious slaps are hitting their mark.  Lexi eventually grabs Bethany’s hair with both hands, pulls her up so she is almost sitting up and starts viciously shaking her head from side to side with so much force that both of Bethany’s breast pop out of her dress, Bethany is wailing in pain.  Lexi wraps her arms around Bethany’s head and pulls her face into her chest in a fierce bearhug.  Bethany is frantically trying to grab the back of Lexi’s head but cannot seem to get a grip.  Her strength is noticeably weakening as she grabs Lexi’s ass and starts to squeeze.  Lexi hardly notices as she has her foes head firmly held into her chest, between her breasts.  Lexi screams out,

“Had enough yet?! 

Lexi seems to be getting fatigued, her bearhug is weakening, Bethany releases Lexi’s ass, which is now red with red scratches up and down her tanned, round cheeks, and is able to wiggle her right leg around Lexi and does the same with her left until both of her legs are sitting on top of Lexi’s and are wrapped around Lexi’s lower back, just above her ass.  She manages to get a grip of Lexi by the throat and is attempting to choke her, frantically trying to free her head from the bearhug, but to no avail, Lexi strengthens her grip, lowering her right right forearm so it is pulling in Bethany by the top of her neck and shakes her head free of Bethany’s grip around her throat.  Lexi’s legs are wrapped around Bethany’s lower back as well and with one aggressive flex, tightens her legs around Bethany’s waist, squeezing her lower half and pulls her foes head even closer into her chest.  As she locks her legs and arms you can a muffled, but still loud yelp from Bethany, who is defeated and pleading for Lexi to stop.

“I’m done.  Please, I’m done you bitch…….please…..stop…..STOP….PLEASE!”

Lexi laughs and tightens her grip, pulling Bethany’s face further into her chest, looks at me, winks, loosens her forearm, and digs both hands into Bethany’s hair and pulls, Bethany’s head snaps back.  She releases her right hand, keeps her grip with her left hand and delivers 2 slaps to Bethany’s left cheek with her right hand and completely releases her grip as Bethany falls forward, almost putting her face into Lexi’s pussy as they are still in a scissor like position.  Lexi sits up straight, tilts her head back and pulls her back as if she was going to put into a pony tail, but simply lets it flow over shoulders.  She looks gorgeous, glowing in sweat, her chest is pushed forward and her 36C round breasts, red with multiple scratches and her nipples totally erect are pushed out, and the look on her face is that of a satisfied woman, very proud of herself.  I am admiring my champion when I notice Bethany slowly sitting up.

Bethany, without warning sits up, grabs the back of Lexi’s head with her left hand and punches Lexi right in the middle of her forehead with her right hand causing Lexi to lean back.  Lexi quickly springs back up and the two women are sitting face to face, their tanned, sweaty legs wrapped around each other so close that their pussies are less than a foot away from each other, their sweaty, red, full breasts are both exposed and their nipples are both erect and are literally touching each other as and they grab each other’s hair with both hands and start pulling with a renewed anger. 

The girls are so close now that their pussies are rubbing against each other, their breasts are pressed against each other, their completely wrapped around each other their ankles are locked and they are screaming as they shake each other from side to side.  Bethany releases Lexi’s hair with her right hand and starts to punch, with a closed fist, the left side of Lexi’s head, and Lexi immediately follows suit with her right hand.  After each landing a few shots, they are both completely fatigued and hurting.  They stop punching, but their left hands remain entwined in each other’s hair even though they are no longer pulling hair.  They are so fatigued that they both lean forward and are pretty much resting their chins on each other’s right shoulders and are trading slaps to the head.  Both of their dresses have rode up past their asses and have been pulled on so much the tops are stretched out and ripped and are resting around their waists.  They are both breathing so heavily that their sweaty breasts, both red from the attacks with noticeable scratches, possibly even small cuts that are bleeding are pushing ever so slightly against each other with each deep exhale.  I put my phone into my pocket as I begin to approach to them as I feel this is over, but the girls have other plans.

Bethany pulls Lexi’s hair back, delivers a hard punch to her jaw which causes Lexi to release her grip, her legs go limp and she falls backwards onto the ground.  Bethany gets to her feet, steps out of her dress and is standing over Lexi in just her leopard print thong.  Lexi is still on her back as Bethany bends over, pulls Lexi’s dress down her waist and off, throws it to the ground and picks up Lexi’s black bra.  With her right hand she grabs Lexi’s hair pulls up to her feet, while holding her bra with her left.  Lexi is still dazed and can barely stand when Bethany shoves Lexi onto the sofa against the wall, Lexi falls with a thud and her head slams the top of the seat.  Lexi is slumped on the sofa; her legs are lifelessly dangling over the ground, barely making contact with the floor as Bethany jumps on top of her.  Bethany puts her right hand around Lexi’s jaw and manages to open it, with little resistance, and shoves one of the cups of Lexi’s black bra into her own mouth.  She pulls Lexi’s head with so much force that Lexi falls onto her right side and Bethany is shoving as much of the bra into Lexi’s mouth as possible.  Bethany releases her grip of Lexi’s hair and uses both hands to shove the bra into her mouth so hard that she is actually shoving Lexi’s head into the couches’ cushion.  Lexi finally musters the energy to defend herself and uses both hands and wraps them around Bethany’s throat with force.  Lexi is choking Bethany and shaking her back and forth while Bethany is shoving Lexi’s bra into her face and head into the cushion.

I am sitting back and while in complete awe of these two beautiful women, in just thongs, their tanned skin dotted in sweat, large breasts swinging freely, these beauties do seem intent on killing the other and am starting to think I need to stop this before it really gets out of hand.  All of a sudden there is a knock on the door and a woman’s voice shouts, “is anyone in there?”  The girls are unfazed and continue trying to kill each other as I approach the door and yell back, “Yes, I am in here waiting for my girlfriend to get out of the bathroom, she got sick.”  The woman replies, “You need to be out of there in 10 minutes because this party is coming to an end” and I hear the woman walk away.

I look over at the girls, Lexi is on her back, legs firmly wrapped around Bethany’s ass, Bethany’s hands and her own bra being pushed into her face, and both her hands are wrapped around Bethany’s mouth.  Bethany’s voice is muffled but is saying, “I fuckin hate you!” as she shoves Lexi’s head as far back into the cushion as possible.  I decide enough is enough, approach the girls, grab Bethany around her torso with my right arm and pull her off Lexi, while using my left hand to hold Lexi in place on the couch.

 “It is time to go, this place is closing and the workers need to get in here to clean in 10 minutes, we gotta get the fuck outta here,” I say.  Both girls release their grips, but Lexi keeps her legs wrapped around Bethany’s ass.  Bethany turns her head to me and says, “Fine, then get this cxnt’s legs off of me, or I’m gonna feed her, her own dirty bra again.”  Lexi squeezes her grip and says, “fuck you, you trashy bitch, I swear I’m gonna tear your head off.” Both girls lunge towards each other and I barely keep them apart.

I interject, “we can continue this another time, but as far as tonight goes, it’s a wrap, unless you want mad people to come here, see you and call the police.” 

The girls seem to agree as Lexi releases her legs and Bethany stands up straight.  I release both girls and take a step back as they pause and catch their breath. 

Lexi stands up and gets right in Bethany’s face, who is also standing straight up.  The girls faces are 2 inches apart, their breast are both going up and down as they are breathing deep, and occasionally rubbing against each other as each girl looks like they’re getting ready to attack the other. 

The stare down lasts about 10 seconds when Lexi says, “this isn’t done bitch, not by a long shot.” 

Bethany replies, “You’re fuckin right it’s not, the next time I see you, your boyfriend won’t be here to save you,” and Bethany mushes Lexi’s face with her right hand. 

Lexi leans back and almost falls in the couch, bounces back and slaps Bethany across her face with her right hand, Bethany leans to her right but does not go down.  Lexi swings with her left, but Bethany manages to avoid contact and Lexi is left leaning forward and off balance.  Bethany knees Lexi in the stomach with her left knee, Lexi bends over forward, Bethany shoves Lexi with both hands and she falls onto the ground and is lying on her right side.  Bethany kicks Lexi in her breasts with her left foot and again in the stomach.  Lexi curls up in a ball and is sobbing loudly as Bethany jumps on top of her and gets her in a school girl pin.  Bethany is slapping Lexi’s face and head with her left hand as she uses her right hand to dig her pointer and middle fingers into Lexi’s pussy.  Lexi is screaming in agony and begging for her to stop.  Bethany is laughing, clearly reveling in the moment while she continues slapping and penetrating Lexi. 

I can’t watch Lexi endure this anymore and say, “Ok Beth, this shit is done, let her go” as I approach her. 

Bethany looks at me with her wryly grin, stops slapping Lexi, put rams her 2 fingers into Lexi’s pussy while staring me in the eyes.   “You me to stop, pull your cock out,” she says.

“You’re out of your fucking mind,” I reply as get walk over to them and grab Bethany by the hair, but do not pull.  “She’s done, let her go and get the fuck outta here.”

She pulls her fingers out of Lexi, looks down at Lexi’s pussy, looks at me, and rams both fingers back into Lexi as Lexi pleads, “Please!  Just stop….I’m done, please!”

Bethany, very pleased with herself, looks at me and continues to violently penetrate Lexi.  I pull Bethany by the hair and go to pull her off Lexi, but her fingers are way up in Lexi, so I stop pulling her up, but keep a firm grip on her hair.

“She’s done, you’ve proved your point, let her go or I’m gonna hafta make you.”

Bethany just laughs, and starts to rapidly penetrate Lexi, and says to me, “take your cock out.  I can do this all night.”  She slaps Lexi with her left hand and says, “you hear what I’m saying?!  Tell him to take his dick out, or I continue ravaging you until I make you my personal bitch”

I tug on Bethany’s hair and say, “It’s fuckin done Beth, stop….NOW”

Bethany responds by continuing to penetrate Lexi, but more violently, looks me in the eyes and says, “that only makes me hornier, now take it out.”

Lexi, completely defeat cries out, “Just take it out Tommy, please!”

“I’m not doing it,” I say and pull on Bethany’s hair, but she only responds with another violent thrust of her fingers into Lexi.

Bethany just smiles and says “I’m waiting.”  She slaps Lexi again and says, “you’re man must really love seeing you like this.”

Lexi whimpers, “Please Tommy, just do it”

I decide enough is enough, say “fine,” undo my belt and fly and pull out my cock, that is rock hard from watching this.  I really don’t even know what she wants me to do with it, so I just pull it out, keep my grip on Bethany’s hair and say, “now what?”

“What do you think,” she says as she grabs my cock with one hand and puts her mouth around it.  Bethany releases her grip of Lexi and wraps both of her hands around my cock as she sucks it, but is grinding her pussy over Lexi’s face.  I am still gripping Bethany’s hair and am firmly pulling her head towards my cock while thrusting it into the back of her throat.  After 20 seconds of this, I’m ready to explode, Bethany stops sucking, leans back, pulls Lexi up by her hair so she is kneeling, pulls the back of her hair so her head is facing upwards.  She then firmly directs Lexi’s head so her face is facing my cock and  holds her like that while jerking me off until I cum all over Lexi’s face.  Bethany wraps her mouth around my cock again and like a vacuum, sucks the remaining cum out of my cock, while still holding Lexi’s face with her right hand.  She spits my cum into Lexi’s face, slaps her very hard across her mouth her right hand, shoves her face so that she falls backwards and hits the ground with the back of her head and stands up. 

“Clean yourself up you fuckin whore” Bethany comments, as she stands up.  She scans the room for her dress and heels, finds them, bends over, picks them up, puts on her dress, even though she needs to hold the front of it so it doesn’t fall off and slips into her heels.  She then turns to me and says “How do I look?”

I am speechless, dick out and just shake my head.  She attempts to put her hair in place, but clearly looks like she has been in a fight.  Her hair is a mess, her dress is ripped and stretched out, her cheeks are red with handprints, she has a slightly bloody lip and her chest, cleavage and back are scratched.  Nevertheless, she has composed herself as best she could struts to the door, unlocks it, turns around to me, blows a kiss and leaves. 

I immediately close the door, but linger for a moment as I watch Bethany’s ass disappear down the hallway towards the staircase.  I return to Lexi and kneel by her side, coddle her head; she is still crying.  I look down at Lexi’s body and while I feel terrible given the situation, cannot help but be aroused.  Her cheeks are red and dripping with my cum, her large breast are red covered in scratches, but nipples remain fully erect.  Her tanned body lies limp, dotted with sweat, and her black thong is sticking to her pussy lips, moist from her juices.  I tell her we gotta get outta here.  Her sobbing begins to subside and she points to her dress, sits up and wipes her face.  I get her dress and heels and hand them to her, I crumble up her bra and put into my pocket the best I can so I can dispose of it at a different location.  Lexi slowly gets dressed, stands up, and attempts to straighten her dress and hair.  Her dress is so stretched and torn in the front, it cannot contain her breast, so I take off my suit jacket and wrap it around her and she holds the front closed.  She looks at me, takes a deep breath and says, “This is not over.  I WILL get that bitch for this.”


Offline sinclairfan

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Re: Furious wedding fight
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 02:46:35 PM »
Good fight.  But did Bethany and Lexington know each other before the wedding?  Why did Bethany go after Lexi's man so aggressively?


Offline bandanna69

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Re: Furious wedding fight
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2015, 10:00:47 PM »
wow, hot story: good set-up and great ending!


Online Sandman13

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Re: Furious wedding fight
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2015, 04:13:32 AM »
Good set-up! I would love to see a sequel!


Offline wichoo

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Re: Furious wedding fight
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2015, 03:51:41 PM »
Fantastic story!!
Gotta love a humiliating end 2 a catfight. ;)


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Re: Furious wedding fight
« Reply #5 on: October 04, 2015, 10:02:38 PM »
-I happen to like catfight..don't like it..?? Sorry, that's your problem ;-)



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Re: Furious wedding fight
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2015, 07:19:38 AM »
Very exciting story. Got my juices boiling. Thanks.

Re: Furious wedding fight
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2015, 05:39:23 PM »
  I would like to see if Bethany makes Lexi her bitch. I hope she fucks her good with a strap-on.