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My Man 2

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Offline sandra_4766

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My Man 2
« on: September 14, 2015, 07:21:41 PM »


 Sep 11 at 11:25 AM 

Sandra felt Mia's body against hers as she pushed passed her and left the party. Sandra looked around for Rick and when she found him she walked up to him and told him that something came up and she had to leave the party. Rick was okay with that as he told Sandra that he would get a drive home or stay at a friends place for the night.

Sandra left the party and headed for the parking lot and got in her car. The skirt she was  wearing was pushed to the top of her thighs but she didn't care as she drove towards her home. She was thinking about Mia and wondering if she would show up or not. She was hoping that she would as she would love to show her what happens if anyone tries to steal her man. Sandra turned up her street and  finally turned into her driveway. She got out of the car and fixed her skirt just as a car pulled up in front of her house. Sandra watched as Mia finally got out of the car and walked slowly towards Sandra a big smile on her face. The two women were checking each other over again as they approached one another. They finally stopped as they faced one another a few feet apart.

" I really didn't think that you would have the nerve to show up her Mia." hissed Sandra as  she looked at this Asian woman.

"Oh Sandra I really didn't want to disappoint you, and besides I walk away from a challenge to fight especially  if it means stealing your man from you," answered Mia half smiling at Sandra and taunting her.

Sandra listened to Mia and stood there in silence for a moment. "look here you bitch, I will fight for anything that is mine and I am not afraid to take you on in a fight," replied Sandra but not here in the open as I don't want it to be broken up by neighbours."

 "That is fine with me Sandra," answered Mia. " I am willing to fight you anywhere private and since you asked me here I presume you  have a place in mind." 

"Yes indeed I do Mia so just follow me," stated Sandra as she made her way to the back door.  Sandra open the door and both women went inside. Once inside  Sandra made sure the door was locked and then made her way through the kitchen and into the living room and Mia was looking the place over as she followed Sandra. Sandra came to a door and after she opened it she went down stairs to the basement and into a large room with a thick carpet covering the floor. In each corner of the room there was a chair.

Mia looked the room over and then her focus was on Sandra again as she looked at her. " I think we will have enough room here to settle things here."

"Yes, Mia there is enough room for us here and also it is so private as it will be just you and me. Before we start I want to ask you something and that is what type of a fight  do you prefer a wrestling match, a nhb fight or a woman to woman catfight.

"Mmmmmm," stated Mia as she looked at Sandra a woman her sight and approx. weight. They both were in their early twenties and had well developed bodies. " In  my opinion the only way we can settle this is by a woman to woman catfight."

Sandra smiled as she looked at Mia this bitch of an Asian woman. " I agree with you Mia," and she walked across the room to a corner of the room and took off her hells and placed them on the chair as well as her rings and ear rings. She watched as Mia did the same thing and when they were finished they both started to move out to the middle of the room slowly circling one another.


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: My Man 2
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2015, 06:28:57 AM »
Bravo. You've set the overall tone well and given each character a viable motivation for wanting to do this.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.