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Finish Her!

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Offline wheelman

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1035 on: October 20, 2016, 03:28:23 PM »
I could totally see Hayden beating Kristen Bell, Emma Watson, Kristen Stewart but her beating a really tall cupcake like Taylor Swift would be awesome!
Agreed.  ;D


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1036 on: October 20, 2016, 09:07:45 PM »
There have really been some fantastic posts here lately, and I want to thank everyone who shared them.  :D


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1037 on: October 20, 2016, 11:50:32 PM »
Sarah Michelle Gellar vs Kristen Kreuk


The two women stood side by side; the blonde's arm was slung over the other's shoulders, while the brunette had her right arm wrapped around her opponent's waist.  But this was not a show of bosom bon homie between them.  In fact, Kristen was keeping the dazed Sarah upright, as Kreuk was repeatedly slamming her left fist into Gellar's belly.  Each blow sunk deep into the blonde's blasted abs, drawing a gasp of breath and a wheezing whine from the victim, Sarah's head lolling from side to side as she struggled to not pass out from the hammering.

Bringing her battering to a conclusion, Kristen next turned herself sideways as she pushed her adversary down backward.  Kreuk dropped to one knee, her other leg bent so that the hapless blonde's spine slammed down across it.  With her rival draped across her knee, Kreuk's fingers sunk deep into those already mauled ab muscles, squeezing and clawing, and drawing shrieks of agony from Sarah.  Every spectator there knew that Gellar was finished, that Kreuk had destroyed her tonight, and that it was just a matter of time before she submitted.  Still, Sarah's pride refused to allow it, and thus she had to endure the torture.

Spent and in a stupor, the blonde offered no resistance as her tormentor shoved her off of her knee.  Gellar lay moaning face down on the carpet, somewhere deep in the fog bank of her mind trying to fathom some way to turn the battle around.  But it was not to be:  She gave a small grunt as Kristen pressed a knee into her back, but another scream was soon ripped from her throat as the brunette cruelly fishhooked her fingers into the corners of Sarah's mouth, stretching it hideously wide as Kreuk yanked her rival's head up and back.  Gellar's feet kick at the floor as she squirms helplessly, while a smug smirk is fixed upon Kristen's face.  She takes a special satisfaction in this, as it was this very hold that Sarah used to force her to submit to in their previous brawl.  Now, secure in the certainty of her victory, the brunette purrs, "Anything you can do, bitch, I can do better!"

Bursting into tears, Sarah is forced to silently agree, as she furiously taps at the carpet with her right hand, signaling her surrender.


Offline jart49

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1038 on: October 21, 2016, 02:38:18 AM »
Every time someone writes a story involving Sarah Michelle Gellar I keep hoping that she eventually ends up humiliated, stripped to her panties or naked and have her cute little ass spanked but every time I am left disappointed.  Would like to see Willow vs Buffy where this happens.  Keep hope they say.
Sarah Michelle Gellar vs Kristen Kreuk


The two women stood side by side; the blonde's arm was slung over the other's shoulders, while the brunette had her right arm wrapped around her opponent's waist.  But this was not a show of bosom bon homie between them.  In fact, Kristen was keeping the dazed Sarah upright, as Kreuk was repeatedly slamming her left fist into Gellar's belly.  Each blow sunk deep into the blonde's blasted abs, drawing a gasp of breath and a wheezing whine from the victim, Sarah's head lolling from side to side as she struggled to not pass out from the hammering.

Bringing her battering to a conclusion, Kristen next turned herself sideways as she pushed her adversary down backward.  Kreuk dropped to one knee, her other leg bent so that the hapless blonde's spine slammed down across it.  With her rival draped across her knee, Kreuk's fingers sunk deep into those already mauled ab muscles, squeezing and clawing, and drawing shrieks of agony from Sarah.  Every spectator there knew that Gellar was finished, that Kreuk had destroyed her tonight, and that it was just a matter of time before she submitted.  Still, Sarah's pride refused to allow it, and thus she had to endure the torture.

Spent and in a stupor, the blonde offered no resistance as her tormentor shoved her off of her knee.  Gellar lay moaning face down on the carpet, somewhere deep in the fog bank of her mind trying to fathom some way to turn the battle around.  But it was not to be:  She gave a small grunt as Kristen pressed a knee into her back, but another scream was soon ripped from her throat as the brunette cruelly fishhooked her fingers into the corners of Sarah's mouth, stretching it hideously wide as Kreuk yanked her rival's head up and back.  Gellar's feet kick at the floor as she squirms helplessly, while a smug smirk is fixed upon Kristen's face.  She takes a special satisfaction in this, as it was this very hold that Sarah used to force her to submit to in their previous brawl.  Now, secure in the certainty of her victory, the brunette purrs, "Anything you can do, bitch, I can do better!"

Bursting into tears, Sarah is forced to silently agree, as she furiously taps at the carpet with her right hand, signaling her surrender.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2016, 02:39:07 AM by jart49 »


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1039 on: October 21, 2016, 07:17:32 AM »
Flashback 1998: Sarah Michelle Gellar vs Tiffani Thiessen


Tiffani grabbed the hem of her opponent's mini-skirt and yanked hard, the motion ripping the fabric from Sarah's body, and causing the already dazed blonde to spin around in a complete circle.  Now Gellar was left garbed only in her black thong, while Thiessen, while topless, still had her skirt firmly around her waist.  Thus did the brunette triumph in the contest to be the first to strip the other...or at least she did several moments later, when she grabbed her rival's undies and pulled them down over her hips, yanking them down her legs to her ankles.  Only half-comprehending what was happening, Sarah tried to stumble away, but she was tripped up by her own thong, and sent crashing down with a groan to the carpeted floor of the Malibu beachhouse that served as their battleground.

Sarah may be the current "It Girl" of celebrity catfighting, but Tiffani had been dominating this fight from the opening minutes.  The spectators quietly commented among themselves that no one had ever devastated Gellar in a match this way...much less stripped her nude.  Had she wanted, Thiessen could easily have simply now claimed the victory and walked away, and none would deny her.  But she wasn't quite finished with her opponent just yet.

Dropping to one knee, Tiffani grabbed Sarah by the hair and pulled her over the brunette's other knee.  Her victim in place, Thiessen raised her right arm, and proceeded to rain open palm slaps to her adversary's bare buttocks.  The spanking quickly turned the alabaster skin of Gellar's behind a bright red, as Sarah squeaked and yelped with every stinging slap as it cracked across her flesh.  Tears welling in her eyes, the blonde sobbed, "No more...please!  Stop!  I give up!"

But the humiliation didn't stop there.  Claiming what she declared was 'Winner's Spoils', Tiffani made the conquered Sarah get to all fours; the brunette then sat on her back and used Gellar's own sweat-soaked thong as a bridle, pulling it between the blonde's teeth to hold as reins, and she proceeded to make the beaten blonde crawl around the room, carrying her tormentor as if she were a beast of burden, and Tiffani was the Queen of the Amazons.  Sarah's face flushed as red with fury and humiliation as her battered butt still was, but she knew there was nothing she could do to stop least on this night.

Finally, physically and emotionally spent, Gellar's limbs gave out and she crashed in a heap to the floor, eyes fluttering shut as she passed out from the strain.  Picking up her beaten foe's garments, Tiffani announced that Sarah could try and get them back someday, if she dared.


Offline Ginny38

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1040 on: October 21, 2016, 08:09:01 PM »
...cupcake like Taylor Swift...

I know I'm a member of a HUGE minority, but I can imagine (I've been told I do have a very vivid and inventive imagination) a scenario where Taylor Swift could be put over as decent, if not good, catfighter. She's certainly got the mental toughness to persevere in the cut throat music business, and many very successful "fantasy fighters" have less of a resume than that.

She' got the height, length and reach .... I suspect if she were a D-cup she'd already be considered one of the most devastating catfighters in Free Catfights history ... or maybe that's just my imagination kicking in again!


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1041 on: October 21, 2016, 08:37:51 PM »
...cupcake like Taylor Swift...

I know I'm a member of a HUGE minority, but I can imagine (I've been told I do have a very vivid and inventive imagination) a scenario where Taylor Swift could be put over as decent, if not good, catfighter. She's certainly got the mental toughness to persevere in the cut throat music business, and many very successful "fantasy fighters" have less of a resume than that.

She' got the height, length and reach .... I suspect if she were a D-cup she'd already be considered one of the most devastating catfighters in Free Catfights history ... or maybe that's just my imagination kicking in again!

I don't think you're wrong at all, Ginny.  Taylor in real life has proven she's tough, focused and whipsmart, and given how cutthroat the music industry is, she's probably quite adept at being devious as well.  And given the fact that so many opponents would underestimate her, I can see her doing quite well in a fight against many potential opponents.

Dismiss her at your peril.  ;)



Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1042 on: October 21, 2016, 09:25:49 PM »
Flashback 1955: Diana Dors vs Mitzi Gaynor


"How utterly pathetic you are," the British blonde haughtily sneered as Mitzi sank to her knees with a groan, hands covering her belly as a result of Diana's kneelift.  Panting for breath, the American looked up and shot her rival a withering glare, but Dors merely sneered and cracked a backhand slap across the strawberry blonde's cheek.  It had been a fairly even contest until now, but in frustration, the Brit began resorting to underhanded tactics, like a rake of her nails across her opponent's eyes, in order to seize the upper hand.  And now that she had it, she was inclined to dish some humiliation upon Mitzi before finishing her off.

"Upsy daisy, love," Diana says as she grabs Gaynor by her hair and yanks her back up to her feet, only to then flip her over by her golden mane and send her squealing onto her back.  Dropping down to the floor behind her, the imperious Dors decides to bring an end to this battle by using one of dancer Mitzi's own moves against her: Diana applies a figure four headscissors to Gaynor's head, seeking to squeeze her into oblivion.  "Now everyone will see what a real pair of legs can do," the blonde purred contemptuously."

This was all too much for Mitzi to stand.  Bad enough this British bitch was beating her, but to use her own signature holds on her as well?  Oh, hell no! Her fury fires up her adrenaline, and Gaynor proceeds to demonstrate what can be done with a pair of powerful, perfectly sculpted gams.  First, she swings her right leg up in an arc, displaying tremendous flexibility and power, as the top of her foot smashes into the crown of Diana's head, momentarily stunning her enough for Mitzi to pry herself loose from the Brit's thighs.  Both beauties scramble up to their feet to face one another, and with a growl of anger, Dors throws a kick to her adversary's belly.  But this time, Mitzi catches her attacker's foot and holds it, forcing the Brit to bounce up and down on her other leg in order to keep from collapsing to the carpet.  But she quickly had other worries, as Gaynor snapped a kick that smashed the ball of her foot into Diana's chin, snapping her head backward violently with a pained grunt. 

Releasing her foe's foot, Mitzi starts unleashing kick after kick, landing blows to the hapless Diana's belly, breasts and face, driving her stumbling backward until she is pressed against the wall.  Next, she raised her right leg and pressed the arch of her foot firmly against the throat of her adversary, pinning her against the plaster as she chokes her.  Dors gurgles and gasps as her hands tug in futility at her attacker's ankle, panic replacing smugness in her watery eyes.  Unable to breath and not allowed to collapse, Diana can only squirm helplessly, until at long last her lush body goes limp and her eyes shut.  Pulling her foot away, Mitzi watches with no small sense of satisfaction as the English beauty slowly slides down the wall until landing unceremoniously on her posterior, a trickle of drool in the corner of her mouth.  Grabbing Dors by the ankles, Gaynor drags her to the center of the room, where she accepts the applause of the elite audience as she places a foot triumphantly upon the heaving chest of her slumbering rival.


Offline jesseffurbodystandards

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1043 on: October 22, 2016, 09:10:15 AM »
God their thighs were amazing


Offline JT Edson

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1044 on: October 22, 2016, 01:58:00 PM »
Jackflash Jump,

Thank you for sharing so many incredible mini stories with us. You're imagination and creativity are wonderful.


Offline pkmdratini2008

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1045 on: October 22, 2016, 02:09:24 PM »
...cupcake like Taylor Swift...

I know I'm a member of a HUGE minority, but I can imagine (I've been told I do have a very vivid and inventive imagination) a scenario where Taylor Swift could be put over as decent, if not good, catfighter. She's certainly got the mental toughness to persevere in the cut throat music business, and many very successful "fantasy fighters" have less of a resume than that.

She' got the height, length and reach .... I suspect if she were a D-cup she'd already be considered one of the most devastating catfighters in Free Catfights history ... or maybe that's just my imagination kicking in again!

I don't think you're wrong at all, Ginny.  Taylor in real life has proven she's tough, focused and whipsmart, and given how cutthroat the music industry is, she's probably quite adept at being devious as well.  And given the fact that so many opponents would underestimate her, I can see her doing quite well in a fight against many potential opponents.

Dismiss her at your peril.  ;)


I totally agree. I tend to assign a degree of fighting ability when linked to actual success in their field. Taylor is certainly at or near the top; she has always been a formidable catfighter/apartment wrestler in my eyes.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1046 on: October 22, 2016, 11:42:48 PM »
I also agree with Swift being a pretty good fighter! She most definitely easily handles the creampuffs and can probably beat some mid-card fighters as well esp if she's in a sour mood.

Anyway here's a short one!

Lucy Hale vs. Jennette McCurdy


McCurdy was right where she left off after easily disposing of Victoria Justice by a total KO in her previous match. She was facing another arrogant brunette in Lucy Hale which clearly intimate her one bit. Besides of her pre-match cockiness, Lucy’s biggest regret would be the choice of a belly shirt for wrestling attire as Jennette put all energy into pounding Hale's bare belly in every way, shape and form.

After a seemingly endless barrage of fists, elbows, knee, and even driving shoulders, Lucy couldn’t stand up at all and she could just barely even breathe. Jennette was tired of these snotty jobbers coming in and taking her lightly. She had something to prove to the rest of the locker room and poor Lucy’s soft belly proved to be the perfect canvus to illustrate Jennette’s feistiness as a legitimate fighter. At this point it was clear who was the winner as the match had been a total squash, but Jennette needed to put an exclamation point at the end of this strong statement.

Jennette effortlessly held up Lucy on her back across her shoulders in a spectacular torture rack as she strolled around the ring giving every section of the crowd a great view of the devastating display of fresh jobber prey she had slaughtered. The crowd knew what was coming as Jennette stopped in the middle of the ring, flashed an evil grin and shouted in fury before slamming Lucy down across her knee for a brutal backbreaker. Hale’s body was practically snapped in half as it was shockingly folded backwards across McCurdy’s knee. As the crowd gasped in amazement and Lucy barely whimpered out a soft moan in complete pain, Jennette didn’t waste any time as she quickly eyed that already ravished bare belly now sticking straight up in the air practically begging to be ravished one more time. She’d clamp both her hands down on the soft flesh of Lucy’s tummy and began clawing, scratching and stretching away for a frantic and shredding double stomach claw.

Suffice to say that Lucy didn’t last too long before she passed out completely. Jennette was a little disappointed at first by how quickly her victim blacked out, but tonight had still been another rousing success for her young fighting career. She crudely dumped Hale’s carcass off her knee, which landed face down on the mat with a defining thud, and departed the ring high fiving fans as she walked down the ramp hoping that maybe she’d get some serious competition next time.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2016, 11:46:14 PM by Xtra164 »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1047 on: October 23, 2016, 03:16:34 AM »
...cupcake like Taylor Swift...

I know I'm a member of a HUGE minority, but I can imagine (I've been told I do have a very vivid and inventive imagination) a scenario where Taylor Swift could be put over as decent, if not good, catfighter. She's certainly got the mental toughness to persevere in the cut throat music business, and many very successful "fantasy fighters" have less of a resume than that.

She' got the height, length and reach .... I suspect if she were a D-cup she'd already be considered one of the most devastating catfighters in Free Catfights history ... or maybe that's just my imagination kicking in again!

I tend to agree.
Personally I think that since this is all fantasy every outcome can be plausible, provided that the story is in someway believable (for instance a story in which Natalie Portman outsmarts Serena Williams is "believable", a story in which Natalie Portman overpowers Serena Wiliams is not). So I'm pretty sure that Taylor Swift can be depicted as a good catfighter.
Personally I always thought she was a devil with an angel face and that she had an hidden nasty attitude, so I figured her as one of that kind fighter that, even if not unbeatable, can really give you a bad time.


Offline jart49

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1048 on: October 23, 2016, 06:51:41 AM »
Thanks Jackflash!!
Flashback 1998: Sarah Michelle Gellar vs Tiffani Thiessen


Tiffani grabbed the hem of her opponent's mini-skirt and yanked hard, the motion ripping the fabric from Sarah's body, and causing the already dazed blonde to spin around in a complete circle.  Now Gellar was left garbed only in her black thong, while Thiessen, while topless, still had her skirt firmly around her waist.  Thus did the brunette triumph in the contest to be the first to strip the other...or at least she did several moments later, when she grabbed her rival's undies and pulled them down over her hips, yanking them down her legs to her ankles.  Only half-comprehending what was happening, Sarah tried to stumble away, but she was tripped up by her own thong, and sent crashing down with a groan to the carpeted floor of the Malibu beachhouse that served as their battleground.

Sarah may be the current "It Girl" of celebrity catfighting, but Tiffani had been dominating this fight from the opening minutes.  The spectators quietly commented among themselves that no one had ever devastated Gellar in a match this way...much less stripped her nude.  Had she wanted, Thiessen could easily have simply now claimed the victory and walked away, and none would deny her.  But she wasn't quite finished with her opponent just yet.

Dropping to one knee, Tiffani grabbed Sarah by the hair and pulled her over the brunette's other knee.  Her victim in place, Thiessen raised her right arm, and proceeded to rain open palm slaps to her adversary's bare buttocks.  The spanking quickly turned the alabaster skin of Gellar's behind a bright red, as Sarah squeaked and yelped with every stinging slap as it cracked across her flesh.  Tears welling in her eyes, the blonde sobbed, "No more...please!  Stop!  I give up!"

But the humiliation didn't stop there.  Claiming what she declared was 'Winner's Spoils', Tiffani made the conquered Sarah get to all fours; the brunette then sat on her back and used Gellar's own sweat-soaked thong as a bridle, pulling it between the blonde's teeth to hold as reins, and she proceeded to make the beaten blonde crawl around the room, carrying her tormentor as if she were a beast of burden, and Tiffani was the Queen of the Amazons.  Sarah's face flushed as red with fury and humiliation as her battered butt still was, but she knew there was nothing she could do to stop least on this night.

Finally, physically and emotionally spent, Gellar's limbs gave out and she crashed in a heap to the floor, eyes fluttering shut as she passed out from the strain.  Picking up her beaten foe's garments, Tiffani announced that Sarah could try and get them back someday, if she dared.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1049 on: October 23, 2016, 06:51:10 PM »
...cupcake like Taylor Swift...
I know I'm a member of a HUGE minority, but I can imagine (I've been told I do have a very vivid and inventive imagination) a scenario where Taylor Swift could be put over as decent, if not good, catfighter. She's certainly got the mental toughness to persevere in the cut throat music business, and many very successful "fantasy fighters" have less of a resume than that.
She' got the height, length and reach .... I suspect if she were a D-cup she'd already be considered one of the most devastating catfighters in Free Catfights history ... or maybe that's just my imagination kicking in again!
I tend to agree.
Personally I think that since this is all fantasy every outcome can be plausible, provided that the story is in someway believable (for instance a story in which Natalie Portman outsmarts Serena Williams is "believable", a story in which Natalie Portman overpowers Serena Wiliams is not). So I'm pretty sure that Taylor Swift can be depicted as a good catfighter.
Personally I always thought she was a devil with an angel face and that she had an hidden nasty attitude, so I figured her as one of that kind fighter that, even if not unbeatable, can really give you a bad time.

NOT a tease, just an up-date - in case anyone remembers... back before the "crash" I posted a question about Taylor Swift vs Charlize Theron and "promised" to write a story or two about it ("B-Cup Beatdown" was my working title for a series). I have NOT forgotten, and was working on it when the board up and disappeared for a few weeks.
It's not on the 'back burner' (more like one of the burners in the middle) but I DO (WILL!!!) finish it and post it here on FCF. By way of explanation, my initial chapter - setting the back story - was waay too ambitious and I'm in the process of cutting it down to the essentials to serve a set-up for the series. Once I have part 1 (background) and part 2 done, I'll start thinking if that's enough or do I want to go on.
I will have made that decision before I start posting stuff, so I can assure people I won't leave them hanging with someone's favorite character/villain dangling from a window ledge by their fingertips without resolution. (Therefore saving them from BUMPING that post up every 6-9 months for infinity!!) to ask wha' hoppin'?