Flashback 1955: Diana Dors vs Mitzi Gaynor

"How utterly pathetic you are," the British blonde haughtily sneered as Mitzi sank to her knees with a groan, hands covering her belly as a result of Diana's kneelift. Panting for breath, the American looked up and shot her rival a withering glare, but Dors merely sneered and cracked a backhand slap across the strawberry blonde's cheek. It had been a fairly even contest until now, but in frustration, the Brit began resorting to underhanded tactics, like a rake of her nails across her opponent's eyes, in order to seize the upper hand. And now that she had it, she was inclined to dish some humiliation upon Mitzi before finishing her off.
"Upsy daisy, love," Diana says as she grabs Gaynor by her hair and yanks her back up to her feet, only to then flip her over by her golden mane and send her squealing onto her back. Dropping down to the floor behind her, the imperious Dors decides to bring an end to this battle by using one of dancer Mitzi's own moves against her: Diana applies a figure four headscissors to Gaynor's head, seeking to squeeze her into oblivion. "Now everyone will see what a
real pair of legs can do," the blonde purred contemptuously."
This was all too much for Mitzi to stand. Bad enough this British bitch was beating her, but to use her own signature holds on her as well? Oh,
hell no! Her fury fires up her adrenaline, and Gaynor proceeds to demonstrate what can be done with a pair of powerful, perfectly sculpted gams. First, she swings her right leg up in an arc, displaying tremendous flexibility and power, as the top of her foot smashes into the crown of Diana's head, momentarily stunning her enough for Mitzi to pry herself loose from the Brit's thighs. Both beauties scramble up to their feet to face one another, and with a growl of anger, Dors throws a kick to her adversary's belly. But this time, Mitzi catches her attacker's foot and holds it, forcing the Brit to bounce up and down on her other leg in order to keep from collapsing to the carpet. But she quickly had other worries, as Gaynor snapped a kick that smashed the ball of her foot into Diana's chin, snapping her head backward violently with a pained grunt.
Releasing her foe's foot, Mitzi starts unleashing kick after kick, landing blows to the hapless Diana's belly, breasts and face, driving her stumbling backward until she is pressed against the wall. Next, she raised her right leg and pressed the arch of her foot firmly against the throat of her adversary, pinning her against the plaster as she chokes her. Dors gurgles and gasps as her hands tug in futility at her attacker's ankle, panic replacing smugness in her watery eyes. Unable to breath and not allowed to collapse, Diana can only squirm helplessly, until at long last her lush body goes limp and her eyes shut. Pulling her foot away, Mitzi watches with no small sense of satisfaction as the English beauty slowly slides down the wall until landing unceremoniously on her posterior, a trickle of drool in the corner of her mouth. Grabbing Dors by the ankles, Gaynor drags her to the center of the room, where she accepts the applause of the elite audience as she places a foot triumphantly upon the heaving chest of her slumbering rival.