CHARLIZE THERON vs MARY ELIZABETH WINSTEAD“NGGGHHHHHH!” The brunette grunted sharply as her right knee was agonizingly torqued. This as a rule signaled the beginning of the end for Charlize Theron’s opponents, as the blonde legend’s ‘Afrikaner Lock’ figure four was considered one of the most devastating in all of wrestling.
But Mary Elizabeth Winstead wasn’t about to go down without a fight. She had managed to battle her more experienced opponent essentially to a draw for most of the match, and deep down she still believed she could turn this fight around.
And she means that literally. Calling upon all of her remaining power, Mary starts to rock from side to side, building momentum as she does her level best to block out the pain to her entrapped joint. Finally, despite Theron’s best efforts to thwart her, Winstead is able to roll herself over onto her stomach…and, thanks to their legs being entwined, Charlize is likewise flipped over. The significance of this is that by this 180 degree difference, the pressure in their legs is reversed, and now it is the blonde who howls in pain as her knee bears the brunt of the crippling hold.
Charlize attempts to flip the pair back over, but Elizabeth is able to hold them in place. Sweat beating on her brow, the blonde grits her teeth and hisses with every breath. This wasn’t supposed to happen…Winstead was supposed to be an easy match, barely a challenge for the veteran. Maybe Theron simply underestimated her opponent too much, and underperformed as a result; even the most experienced fighter can have a bad night, after all. Or maybe Mary was simply a much better wrestler than Charlize had credited her as. Whatever the case, there was no denying that the brunette was most definitely in control of this battle.
She held out as long as she could, but ultimately Charlize began slapping her palm furiously to the canvas, signaling her submission, a look of fury on her face that betrayed her disappointment in herself. So tensed were the muscles of their legs, the referee had to help the two untie their long limbs from one another, and both were limping heavily as they left the ring, although Winstead was boasting the wide smile of the victrix.
ABIGAIL BRESLIN vs. ARIEL WINTERAriel groaned as pain throbbed in her spine. Although padded, the steel turnbuckle still did its damage as she was Irish whipped into the corner. Only her arms slung over the top ropes kept her buckling knees from dropping her to the mat. Sweat stung her eyes as pain dazed her. She shook her head to clear her vision, her eyelids blinking rapidly as her eyes came into focus.
And then those eyes went wide with panic.
Barreling toward her, a malicious leer upon her face, was her blonde rival. As she neared her target, Abigail leapt up, the full weight of her curvaceous frame smashing into Winter. The brunette gave a loud, sharp grunt from the impact, the air punched from her lungs as Breslin’s breasts wrecking balled into hers.
Smirking, Breslin stepped back and to the side. Glassy-eyed, Winter took a few unsteady steps out of the corner…and then pitched forward, landing flat on her face with a moan. Pushing her opponent over with a shove of her boot, the smiling blonde then plants that boot atop the heaving chest of Ariel and flexed her arms in a victory pose as the referee counter
ONE…TWO…THREE!ANNA KENDRICK vs KATE UPTONBilled as the ‘David and Goliath Match’ of the year, few gave Kendrick any hope of lasting more than five minutes against Upton. After all, what good would her high flying tactics be against an opponent for whom she gives up ten inches of height and 45 pounds in weight? Oh, she’s get a few good moves in, certainly, but then Kate would inevitably demolish her as a cat disposes of a mouse.
Twenty minutes into the match, and the fans had long since written off Anna’s chances of defeat! Indeed, things weren't looking well for the supposedly 'invincible' Upton.
Using her superior speed and agility, Kendrick had time and again eluded her adversary’s clutches, while systematically jabbing away with kicks and chops that wore the big blonde down. While there wasn’t much
wrestling in this wrestling match, the fans were still enthralled by how Anna managed to foil and frustrate Kate time and again, leaving Upton seething with anger and panting hard for breath.
And now, the tiny tussler was making her move. Leaping onto Upton’s back, Anna tightened a combination rear naked choke and sleeperhold on her Amazonian adversary. Kate’s arms windmilled as she gasped for breath, her eyes glazing over as her eyelids became drowsy slits. Slowly, Upton sank to one knee, then keened over to the mat, Kendrick still tightly keeping her hold in place. The ref raised Upton’s right arm up, let it go and watched it drop limply. He repeated this twice, then thrice, and then called for the bell, declaring a TKO.
KALEY COUCO vs KAT DENNINGS: INTERCONTINENTAL TITLE MATCHAs the brunette rebounded off of the ropes and rushed back toward her, Kaley bent forward at the waist, preparing to deliver Kat up and over to the mat with a flip. But Dennings instead manages to leapfrog over the blonde. Confounded, Cuoco stands upright and spins around…only to be met with a boot to the belly that doubles her over again with a whoosh of air from her lungs.
Moving as swiftly as her tired, pain-wracked body will allow, Kat is still quick enough to wrap her right arm about her rival’s neck, and an instant later she executes a DDT, the crown of Kaley’s head spiking into the mat.
With a dazed moan, Cuoco rolls over onto her back, and the brunette hooks one of her legs for the pin…making certain to get a good handful of the blonde’s tights, which proves crucial in thwarting Kaley’s efforts to kick out. One three count later, and the HWA has a new Intercontinental Champ!
Insolently, Kat pecks a kiss on Kaley's forehead and sneers, "Toldja I'd do whatever it took to win, bitch!"