Just as I was writing the story about Sif and Wonder Woman I had the inspiration for the sequel. Not sure if this story respects the "finish her" parameters, neverthless I hope you enjoy it and, as always, please forgive my mistakes.
Frigga (Rene Russo) vs Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen)

“WHERE IS HIM? WHERE IS ODIN?” shouted Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, as she stormed Frigga’s private chambers in the royal palace of Asgard.
“My husband is not here.” answered Frigga, queen of Asgard “He’s fighting the Dark Elves..what do you want from him Hippolyta?”
“I want to take my daughter back to Tehmyscira”
“That’s not possible, you made a bet with Odin and your daughter lost the duel. Now she has to serve Sif”
“I came here to see how my daughter was faring and she told me the…the…INDIGNITIES she was forced to endure by Sif. That’s not what I bet with Odin! The deal was that if she had lost the fight Diana would have been Sif’ servant, not her sex slave!”
“I remember the deal. The deal was that Diana would have to obey every order from Sif, and that’s what is happening. And even if I sympathize with you I cannot go against Odin's will. Now, if you want you can wait for Odin’s return and confide in is mercy. Until then please leave my chambers. I’m a mother too so I can understand your troubles and I will forgive your rudeness.”
Frigga turned her back to Hippolyta but the amazon grabbed her arm and forced the queen of Asgard to face her.
“Don’t you dare dismiss me like one of your maids” hissed Hippolyta “Now, I’m going to take back my daughter to Themyscira and I don’t give all the manure of the Augean stables about the will of Odin.”
“You better unhand me.” growled Frigga “Before I forget how a Queen is expected to act and give you the beating you deserve”
“Bring it on, slut!”
The two mature queens went at each other like two furious tigers and the chambers of the royal palace of Asgard resounded with the screams of the two goddesses, the tearing of precious garments and the crashes of the broken furniture. But as the fight went on, it was apparent that Frigga, while being a higly trained warrior, spent too much time away from the battlefield than Hippolyta. So the more experienced amazon was able to gain a considerable advantage over her opponent and proceeded to got her flat on her back, sat on her midsection and pinned her arms under her own knees.
Frigga wriggled and bucked trying to unseat Hippolyta but she was too tired and then the amazon grabbed got an hold on Frigga’s golden tresses and slammed the back of her head against the floor
“Now, let me tell you what it’s going to happen.” Said Hippolyta “Either you release my daughter or I’m going beat you to a pulp and then I will take you back with me to Themyscira. And I swer to Zeus that I will make you suffer ten times what my daughter will suffer.”
“Do your worst you greek cxnt” muttered Frigga.
“Oh you have no idea how bad my worst can be” sneered Hippolyta as she grabbed Frigga’s hair with her left hand while raising her right hand and closing it in a thight fist.
Hyppolita punched down with all her strength, but it was her own scream of pain that filled the air as Frigga suddenly vanished and Hippolyta’s fist hit hard the marble floor.
The queen of the amazons rose up clutching her aching hand while screaming her hate and frustration.
“You cheating bitch! Show yourself!”
Hippolyta didn’t see Frigga, she barely saw the piece of garment that her opponent wrapped around her neck and the only thing that she was able to think before loosing consciousness was how she failed to save her daughter.
When Hippolyta woke up she found herself lying hogtied on the floor as Frigga was comfortably seated on an armchair in front of her casually sipping a cup of mead.
“You dirty, cheating, fucking whore” Screamed Hippolyta struggling to get free “Release me now!”
“Oh shut up Hippolyta, I didn’t cheat. This wasn’t a regular duel: you assaulted me in my chambers and I did everything I had to do to defend myself. And by the way, stop fussing. You can’t break that rope, it’s your precious daughter’s lasso…Sif gave it to me as a gift after her victory over Diana”
Realising how hopeless the situation was, Hippolyta silently weeped and since her eyes where filled with tears she didn’t realize a woman has entered the room until she spoke.
“Did you want to see me, my queen?” asked lady Sif before noticing the carnage in the room and the half naked hogtied woman on the floor “What…what happened here my queen? Have you been attacked?”
“Oh, don’t worry my dear. Just a little disagreement with our guest here. Let me introduce you princess Diana’s mother, the queen of Amazons herself Hippolyta. She graciously offered to join her daughter as your servant”
Realizing what was going to happen Hippolyta bawled uncontrollably as lady Sif ironically bowed in front of her.
“Your grace, you do me a great honour” quipped Sif “I’m sure that your daughter wil be very happy to know that you will join her…”