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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1125 on: November 28, 2016, 04:16:32 PM »
Lady Sif (Jaimie Alexander) vs Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot)


The olympian versus the asgardian. The amazon against the Valkyrie.
The two immortals fought for hours trying to best each other and as the fight went on, they smashed their armors, broken their swords, shattered their shields…and then the duel became a brawl.
At one point the two warriors separated, and looking at each other they silently agreed to a pause.
As Diana catched her breath she noticed that her opponent was stripping down to her bare skin.
“What are you doing?”
“In this state my armor is more an obstacle than a protection, you should do the same. Besides….aren’t you greeks used to wrestle naked? Or are you ashamed of your body?”
“ Nonsense!” Snapped Diana as she  started to undress “when this fight is over, you will be the one ashamed to show yourself aroun”
The two women standed for a moment as both of them couldn’t help to admire the perfection of the opponent’s body.
But then again they launched at each other and again the fight raged on for what it seemed an eternity.
In the end Diana was able to lock Sif in a guillotine choke. The asgardian struggled to  free herself, but the olympian’s perfectly applied hold was too thight.
“Give up, Sif” panted Diana “you fought valiantly but now it’s over!”
Sif didn’t respond, instead she used her right hand to reach between Diana’s legs and started to scratch, pinch and maul her opponent’ sex.
Diana let out a scream of pure anguish as the sudden pain caught her totally unprepared, released the guillotine hold and tried to roll away from her tormentor.
But Sif’s grip was too strong and the asgardian used her left hand to sink her nails in Diana’s left breast and squeezing it with all her might.
“You coward!” Screamed Diana “This is not fair!”
“Oh shut up! Don’t you know what the humans say? Everything is fair in love and war”
And, just to reinforce the concept, Sif lowered her mouth on Diana’s left breast and sank her teeth in the tender flesh.
“Stop! Please stop! I surrender!”
Sif slowly stood up triumphant as Diana rolled in a fetal position sobbing uncontrollably for the pain and humiliation she suffered.
But her sorrow wasn’t over yet, as Sif used Diana’s golden lasso to tie her opponent’s wrists behind her back.
“What….what are you doing….let me go….” bawled Diana.
“Don’t you remember the deal between Odin and your queen Hyppolyta? The loser will have to became the winner’s servant for a year” said Sif as Diana recalled with horror the bet her mother made with the king of Asgard.
“No…….please Sif let me go….” Diana panicked “I will do anything you want!”
“Of course you will do anything I want.” laughed Sif, playfully twisting Diana’s left nipple “that was exactly the idea…”
« Last Edit: November 28, 2016, 06:31:06 PM by The Italian »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1126 on: November 28, 2016, 06:51:52 PM »
that was awesome


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1127 on: November 29, 2016, 03:49:35 AM »
Just as I was writing the story about Sif and Wonder Woman I had the inspiration for the sequel. Not sure if this story respects the "finish her" parameters, neverthless I hope you enjoy it and, as always, please forgive my mistakes.

Frigga (Rene Russo) vs Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen)

{alt} vs {alt}

“WHERE IS HIM? WHERE IS ODIN?” shouted Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons, as she stormed Frigga’s private chambers in the royal palace of Asgard.
“My husband is not here.” answered Frigga, queen of Asgard “He’s fighting the Dark Elves..what do you want from him Hippolyta?”
“I want to take my daughter back to Tehmyscira”
“That’s not possible, you made a bet with Odin and your daughter lost the duel. Now she has to serve Sif”
“I came here to see how my daughter was faring and she told me the…the…INDIGNITIES she was forced to endure by Sif. That’s not what I bet with Odin! The deal was that if she had lost the fight Diana would have been Sif’ servant, not her sex slave!”
“I remember the deal. The deal was that Diana would have to obey every order from Sif, and that’s what is  happening.  And even if I sympathize with you I cannot go against Odin's will. Now, if you want you can wait for Odin’s return and confide in is mercy. Until then please leave my chambers. I’m a mother too so I can understand your troubles and I will forgive your rudeness.”
Frigga turned her back to Hippolyta but the amazon grabbed her arm and forced the queen of Asgard to face her.
“Don’t you dare dismiss me like one of your maids” hissed Hippolyta “Now, I’m going to take back my daughter to Themyscira and I don’t give all the manure of the Augean stables about the will of Odin.”
“You better unhand me.” growled Frigga “Before I forget how a Queen is expected to act and give you the beating you deserve”
“Bring it on, slut!”
The two mature queens went at each other like two furious tigers and the chambers of the royal palace of Asgard resounded with the screams of the two goddesses, the tearing of precious garments and the crashes of the broken furniture. But as the fight went on, it was apparent that Frigga, while being a higly trained warrior, spent too much time away from the battlefield than Hippolyta. So the more experienced amazon was able to gain a considerable advantage over her opponent and proceeded to got her flat on her back, sat on her midsection and pinned her arms under her own knees.
Frigga wriggled and bucked trying to unseat Hippolyta but she was too tired and then the amazon grabbed got an hold on Frigga’s golden tresses and slammed the back of her head against the floor
“Now, let me tell you what it’s going to happen.” Said Hippolyta “Either you release my daughter or I’m going beat you to a pulp and then I will take you back with me to Themyscira. And I swer to Zeus that I will make you suffer ten times what my daughter will suffer.”
“Do your worst you greek cxnt” muttered Frigga.
“Oh you have no idea how bad my worst can be” sneered Hippolyta as she grabbed Frigga’s hair with her left hand while raising her right hand and closing it in a thight fist.
Hyppolita punched down with all her strength, but it was her own scream of pain that filled the air as Frigga suddenly vanished and Hippolyta’s fist hit hard the marble floor.
The queen of the amazons rose up clutching her aching hand while screaming her hate and frustration.
“You cheating bitch! Show yourself!”
Hippolyta didn’t see Frigga, she barely saw the piece of garment that her opponent wrapped around her neck and the only thing that she was able to think before loosing consciousness was how she failed to save her daughter.
When Hippolyta woke up she found herself lying hogtied on the floor as Frigga was comfortably seated on an armchair in front of her casually sipping a cup of mead.
“You dirty, cheating, fucking whore” Screamed Hippolyta struggling to get free “Release me now!”
“Oh shut up Hippolyta, I didn’t cheat. This wasn’t a regular duel: you assaulted me in my chambers and I did everything I had to do to defend myself. And by the way, stop fussing. You can’t break that rope, it’s your precious daughter’s lasso…Sif gave it to me as a gift after her victory over Diana”
Realising how hopeless the situation was, Hippolyta silently weeped and since her eyes where filled with tears she didn’t realize a woman has entered the room until she spoke.
“Did you want to see me, my queen?” asked lady Sif before noticing the carnage in the room and the half naked hogtied woman on the floor “What…what happened here my queen? Have you been attacked?”
“Oh, don’t worry my dear. Just a little disagreement  with our guest here. Let me introduce you princess Diana’s mother, the queen of Amazons herself Hippolyta. She graciously offered to join her daughter as your servant”
Realizing what was going to happen Hippolyta bawled uncontrollably as lady Sif ironically bowed in front of her.
“Your grace, you do me a great honour” quipped Sif “I’m sure that your daughter wil be very happy to know that you will join her…”

« Last Edit: November 29, 2016, 11:55:23 AM by The Italian »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1128 on: November 29, 2016, 04:04:21 PM »
Olivia Holt vs. Sarah Hyland


Sarah latched her arms around Olivia’s midsection and squeezed as hard as she could to lock in a bearhug. Even given her far less than staller previous match record, she had thoroughly dominated the even weaker ultra jobber Olivia from the ring of the starting bell. If nothing else it was a huge relief for Sarah to finally get a win, a squash job win no less, while poor Olivia was having to endure yet another helpless defeat.

Sarah showcased a rare display of brute strength as she crushed Holt’s body and whipped it form side to side like the ragdoll she was. Olivia’s puny spine was crushed by the hold. Her back arched backward and her face gazed up at the ceiling lights which was unfortunately a view she had been very used to very quickly. It didn’t take long before she’d pass out as Sarah kept the bearhug locked in as she carried Olivia’s deadweight body around the ring like a predator showing off her fresh catch of the day. While it certainty felt so good to dominate somebody for a change, unlike other jobbers who finally get that ever elusive win, she didn’t want to completely humiliate Olivia. She more so felt bad for her; what was her fault that she just ended up being lower on the food chain? Instead of enjoying the customary post-match embarrassment session, which the crowd was definitely looking forward to, Sarah instead just threw the passed out Holt over her shoulder to carry her out of the ring.

Hyland gave the audience a tiny bit of fan service as she eyed Holt’s sticking up tush with her shorts wedgied up the crack sticking up right next to her face and just couldn’t resist giving each of the cheeks a couple of playful slaps. It was less of a “take this, bitch” spanking and more of a “better luck next time” spanking. But Sarah was careful not to overdo it as she even reached into Olivia’s stuffed buttcrack to carefully pull the wedgied shorts out a little bit so her ass wasn’t as exposed as she continued walking up the ramp high-fiving some fans along the way out.


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Re: Frigga (Rene Russo) vs Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen)
« Reply #1129 on: November 29, 2016, 05:46:29 PM »
Not sure if this story respects the "finish her" parameters...

Not sure about "parameters" but it sure looks to me like Frigga "finished" Hippolyta that time!

Hmmmm, WW & Queen Hippolyta both enslaved to Sif.... next thing we know, 'The Sifster' will be issuing "Mother-Daughter Tag Team" challenges all 'round the Mediterranean.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1130 on: November 30, 2016, 06:23:58 AM »
We may be a few days past Thanksgiving here in the States, but I just wanted to share my thankfulness with everyone who both contributes to this thread, or who take the time to share a few nice words about an author's work.  I know I greatly appreciate it, and I'm certain all of the other writers do as well.

And speaking of writers, man, have we had a real wealth of creativity around here lately...some truly amazing pieces!  I am in awe of the talent on display here.  :)

And before I go, let me just wish Nicole good luck in getting that job!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1132 on: December 02, 2016, 06:12:17 AM »
(Thanks for the tip on Lauren Giraldo, Chotch!)

Abigail Breslin & Chloe Grace Moretz vs Lauren Giraldo & Abigail Breslin



The referee had long since thrown up his hands and accepted the bedlam as inevitable.  All four fighters had been warring in the ring at the same time, the two teams more or less evenly matched.  So Abigail and Chloe decided to tilt the odds in their favor by eliminating half of the opposing team, at least for the moment.

Converging on Ariel, the two blondes managed to tie up the busty brunette's arms and shoulders in the ropes, trapping her.  That left the dastardly duo free to focus their joint efforts on the talented yet inexperienced Lauren.  Swiftly enough, their double-teaming had the dark haired beauty hapless and howling in anguish.  "I'll finish her," Moretz said with a wicked gleam in her eyes, and proceeded to snare Giraldo in a camel clutch.  The newcomer tried to shout out her submission, but Chloe wickedly covered the brunette's mouth with her hands, muffling her cries, and leaving her trapped in the agonizing hold.

Meanwhile, Breslin turned her attention to her most hated rival, who was still caught helplessly in the ropes.  Ariel snarled profane threats at her opponent, but given her straits, they were hollow.  Abigail merely smirked.  The blonde then proceeded to unleash a blizzard of punches to the brunette, her fists smashing into Ariel's face, drilling into her breasts, and sinking deep into her belly.  Rapidly enough, Winter's body was limp, hanging like a bedraggled scarecrow in the ropes as she mewled in agony.

Satisfied that they had taught the brunettes a lesson in who was the superior team, Chloe uncovered Lauren's mouth, and the tearful teen sobbed out her submission, ending the match.


Offline The Italian

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1133 on: December 02, 2016, 04:55:52 PM »
The Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) vs the Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson).

{alt} vs {alt}

Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around her body and entered her bedroom but suddenly stopped as she realized that Natasha Romanov aka the Black Widow, was sitting on the bed obviously waiting for her.
“It took me quite time to trace you Wanda. Honestly I didn’t expect to find you in an holiday resort in the Caribbean”. Said Natasha getting up from the bad and standing in front of Wanda.
Covered only by a black bikini and a pareo the Black Widow didn’t look different from the other tourists, but Wanda knew that her old ally wasn’t there for enjoying the blue ocean and the white beaches.
“Wakanda is a beautiful country” replied Wanda “but I needed some time alone and I always wanted to see the Caribbean. What do you want Natasha?”
“I want to take you back to the Shield”
“I tought you were on the run too.”
“I was, but Tony and I sorted things out and now he asked me to take you back to the US”.
“A pity that this country has no extradition agreements with the US.”
“True, but nothing prevents me to drag you to the Quinjet hidden in the jungle”.
“Nothing except my powers”.
Wanda raised her hand trying to hit the Black Widow with a telekinetic blast, but she was shocked to discover that her powers didn’t work.
“I’m not stupid” said Natasha, showing Wanda a small ring on her right hand “A power dampener courtesy of Tony Stark himself. Now either you follow me, or I’ll have to hurt you really, really bad.”
“You can try”. Answered Wanda assuming a fighting stance.
Natasha smiled and threw a punch to her opponent’s face. A slow, weak and uncoordinated punch that was easily blocked.
“I’m not stupid either”. Smiled Wanda to a baffled Black Widow “Last time I saw you I’ve lef a post hypnotic command in your mind: if you try to attack me you forgot all your combat training”.
“I don’t need a combat training to kick your ass!”
“Yeah? Show me!”
The two redheads went for each other hair, fell on the floor and started rolling around the room exchanging slaps, scratches and insults like two characters from a south american soap opera.
But as time passed it was clear that Natasha, despite her will and resistance, simply wasn’t accustomed to that particular type of fight and most of all she wasn’t used to get her breasts so savagely attacked by an obviously jealous opponent.
In the end Wanda was able to pin an exhausted Natasha with a perfect reverse face sitting and while smothering her with her pale ass she pinched and twisted Black Widow’s perfect orbs. Natasha’s legs flailed pathetically and her muffled protests faded until she passed out for the lack of oxygen.
Getting up Wanda knew she didn’t have time to celebrate, so she used the bed linen to hogtie Natasha, stuffed her bikini’s bottom in Black Widow’s mouth and collected her stuff while calling the Wakandan embassy.
As she was about to exit the room Wanda stopped for a moment and took some pictures of a naked and hogtied Black Widow.
“Cap will love this”  she thinked mischievously “Hell…I guess all the boys will love this”.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2016, 02:50:17 AM by The Italian »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1134 on: December 02, 2016, 05:29:11 PM »
The Scarlet Witch (Elizabeth Olsen) vs the Black Widow (Scarlett Johansson).

{alt} vs {alt}

Wanda Maximoff aka the Scarlet Witch stepped out of the shower, wrapped a towel around her body and entered her bedroom but suddenly stopped as she realized that Natasha Romanov aka the Black Widow, was sitting on the bed obviously waiting for her.
“It took me quite time to trace you Wanda. Honestly I didn’t expect to find you in an holiday resort in the Caribbean”. Said Natasha getting up from the bad and standing in front of Wanda.
Covered only by a black bikini and a pareo the Black Widow didn’t look different from the other tourists, but Wanda knew that her old ally wasn’t there for enjoying the blue ocean and the white beaches.
“Wakanda is a beautiful country” replied Wanda “but I needed some time alone and I always wanted to see the Caribbean. What do you want Natasha?”
“I want to take you back to the Shield”
“I tought you were on the run too.”
“I was, but me and Tony settled things and now he asked me to take you back to the US”.
“A pity that this country has no extradition agreements with the US.”
“True, but nothing prevents me to drag you to the Quinjet hidden in the jungle”.
“Nothing except my powers”.
Wanda raised her hand trying to hit the Black Widow with a telekinetic blast, but she was shocked to discover that her powers didn’t work.
“I’m not stupid” said Natasha, showing Wanda a small ring on her right hand “A power dampener courtesy by Tony Stark himself. Now either you follow me, or I’ll have to be violent.”
“You can try”. Answered Wanda assuming a fighting stance.
Natasha smiled and threw a punch to her opponent’s face. A slow, weak and uncoordinated punch that was easily blocked.
“I’m not stupid either”. Smiled Wanda to a baffled Black Widow “Last time we saw I’ve lef a post hypnotic command in your mind: if you try to attack me you forgot all your combat training”.
“I don’t need a combat training to kick your ass!”
“Yeah? Show me!”
The two redheads went for each other hair, fell on the floor and started rolling around the room exchanging slaps, scratches and insults like two characters from a south American soap  opera.
But as time passed it was evident that Natasha, despite her will and resistance, simply wasn’t accustomed to that particular type of fight and most of all she wasn’t used to get her breasts so savagely attacked by an obviously jealous opponent.
In the end Wanda was able to pin an exhausted Natasha with a perfect reverse face sitting and while smothering her with her pale ass she pinched and twisted Black Widow’s perfect orbs. Natasha’s legs flailed pathetically and her muffled protests faded until she passed out for the lack of oxygen.
Getting up Wanda knew she didn’t have time to celebrate, so she used the bed linen to hogtie Natasha, stuffed her bikini’s bottom in Black Widow’s mouth and collected her stuff while calling the Wakandan embassy.
As she was about to exit the room Wanda stopped for a moment and took some pictures of a naked and hogtied Black Widow.
“Cap will love this”  she thinked mischievously “Hell…I guess all the boys will love this”.

Good one! Love seeing The Black Widow get her comeuppance.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1135 on: December 02, 2016, 10:32:48 PM »
Elisha Cuthbert vs. Brie Larson

Elisha triumphetly sturtted around the ring with her latest victim bent across her shoulders in a perfect torture rack submission. That poor soul being bent backwards over Cuthbert was none other than Oscar winner Brie Larson who, even after giving it her all and putting up a half-way decent fight to start, had eventually ran out of gas and now was mere easy pickings for the much stronger Elisha.

“Please….I give up…you winnn” Brie shamefully pleaded while being paraded down every side of the ring ropes like freshly caught prey but Elisha was having none of it. While even she was somewhat impressed with the feistiness Larson displayed earlier, she had still clearly proven who was the tougher woman in the ring and wanted no doubt it anyone’s mind going forward who ended this match off. The crowd’s energy grew to a high as Cuthbert stopped her march smack in the middle of the ring before suddenly dropping down to both her knees and yanking down on Brie’s body bending her grotesquely backward over her shoulders. The crack of Larson’s spine reverberated throughout the arena as she went completely limp over Elisha’s shoulders and the ref called for the bell immediately.

Elisha kept Brie’s lifeless body draped over her shoulders for a few more seconds before unceremoniously dumping it to the mat face first and planting a foot on Brie’s upturned cute bubble butt and raising her fists high for the victory pose.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1136 on: December 03, 2016, 12:59:59 AM »
Flashback: Sophia Loren bs Marilyn Monroe


Oh yes, I remember that fight.
It was 1956, my first job as a waiter in the mansion of one of Hollywood’s most powerful producers. At that time I already saw female celebrities fight, mostly young starlets that clawed their way to the top by fighting in brutal catfights for the amusement of Hollywood jet set; but there were also established divas who fought to resolve their disputes or just for the pleasure of fighting. But the one between Sophia and Marilyn impressed me like no other catfight before.
You know, I’ve seen countless of celebrities catfights in my life, but that one is still one of the best of all time.
Not only because of the two fighters involved. I mean, Marilyn and Sophia were two of the world most famous and admired divas: the original blonde bombshell and the quintessential mediterranean beauty (and believe me: they were insanely beautiful, more beautiful than most people realize). But also because of the intensity and sheer ferocity of the fight.
They fought naked, as was the custom, and by the end of the fight their bodies were covered in bruises and scratches. Their skin was so glistening and their hair so soaked in sweat that it looked almost an oil wrestling match.
I don’t remember everything that happened in that fight, but I still remember the ending.
Marilyn was on top, sitting on Sophia’s belly. She had sunk her nails in Sophia’s tits and she was squeezing them with all her might. Sophia screamed bloody murder and grabbed Marilyn’s wrists, trying in vain to break the hold on her breasts.
Everybody thought that the italian was about to surrender, but Sophia had one last trick up her sleeve. She raised her legs, wrapped them around Marilyn’s midsection and pulled them back with all her might. Marilyn lost her grip and fell backward slamming the back of her head against the floor.
Sophia maintained her scissor hold crushing Marilyn waists and then used her hands to claw and scratch the blonde's helpless sex.
Marilyn tried to resist, but she was simply too tired to find a way out and screamed her surrender.
The producer stepped in, helped Sophia to get up and raised her hand in victory amongst the cheers of the audience.
Then Marilyn also got up and faced Sophia.
The two women stared at each other but despite the violence and the pain there was no hatred in their eyes; they both were born in poor families, both of them worked hard to become stars and they understood each other too well to really hate or despise each other.
Sophia offered her hand and Marilyn shook it before going back to her dressing room and leaving her opponent enjoy her triumph.
They only fought that one time, but it was enough to give birth to a legend.
« Last Edit: December 03, 2016, 02:42:13 AM by The Italian »


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1137 on: December 03, 2016, 02:05:50 AM »
  Love it! Thanks to The Italian!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1138 on: December 03, 2016, 10:35:32 AM »
Very good story of two legends collide. Many thanks.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1139 on: December 04, 2016, 08:56:44 PM »
Bella Thorne vs Sophie Turner


Those who had been most fervently desiring for Bella Thorne's reign of terror to be brought to an end thought they had found their answer in Sophie, whom they quickly dubbed the 'Great Red Hope'.  Turner had enjoyed a string of impressive victories right out of the gate, and it was widely hoped that she would be the woman to make Thorne taste bitter defeat at last.

Their hopes were buoyed in the opening minutes of the match, when Sophie launched an aggressive assault that had Belle uncharacteristically reeling.  But such hopes were soon dashed as Thorne retaliated, displaying not only her own adept skill at grappling, but also reveling in a penchant for viciousness that swiftly overwhelmed Sophie.  Before long, the 'Great Red Hope' was being agonizingly dismantled bit by painful bit.

Finally, Sophie had enough.  Bella had two handfuls of her hair, held close to the roots on either side of Turner's head, with Sophie on her belly; Thorne planted a foot between her victim's shoulder blades and yanked her head back.  Shrieking as she felts her hair being torn from her scalp, Sophie tearfully sobbed, "Stop it!  I surrender!"  Bella had yet another victory...but she wasn't finished quite yet.

"Hold on," she says, as if suddenly remembering something.  "I do believe this is a best of three falls match!"  It was no such thing, of course, but no one present was about to contradict the vengeful redhead.  "N-no!" Turner whimpered, but her plea fell on deaf ears as Thorne hauled her back up to her feet by the hair, and then slung Sophie's nubile body across her shoulders.  Displaying impressive power, Bella held her rival up in a torture rack, bending the anguished Sophie's body.  Within instants Turner was howling, "LET ME GO!  I GIVE UP!  PLEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSE!"  Without warning, Bella released her hold, and Turner tumbled to the floor with a heavy thud, and lay there tearfully moaning.  "That's two," Thorne said as she raised two fingers up.  "Do we suppose the People's Champion can get all three falls?" she mockingly questioned.

This time, she opted for a dollop of insult to injury, settling a facesit over the sweaty, make-up smeared face of her already vanquished foe.  Sophie's muffled cries beneath Bellla's bikini-clad derriere went ignored by her tormentor, as did the frantic tapping of Turner's hands to Bella's thighs, visually signalling her submission.  Thorne only consented to rise when Sophie's body went limp, indicating she had been driven into near-unconsciouness.

And still, the sadistic siren was not done with her prey.

"You're an insult to redheads everywhere," Bella sneered...although to be fair, that's likely an opinion she holds of every other redhead other than herself.  But this insult made it plain that she intended to do something about it.  Pulling the mewling Turner up to unsteady legs, she half-carried her into the bathroom off of the living room, where she had clearly prepared something beforehand.  The door slammed shut and those in attendance could hear water running, along with the occasional "No!" weakly sobbed by Sophie.

Soon enough, the door opened, and out strode Bella triumphantly.  After several long moments, out staggered a tearful Sophie, her sopping hair now dyed a garish blonde, allowed to be a redhead no longer.
