Holiday Havoc: Amanda Seyfried vs Michelle Trachtenberg

The idea was that various Hollywood starlets would be asked to dress as "Santa's Little Helpers" at one of the most posh Christmas parties of the season. It was a good idea, but for the fact that whomever put together the invite list wasn't privy to the inner-workings of LA's elite female celebrity catfighting circle. If they were, they would have known that under no circumstances are you to put Michelle Trachtenberg and Amanda Seyfried in the same room together.
Inevitably, tensions escalated between the two arch-rivals, going from glaring daggers at one another to trading catty comments, then erupting from screaming insults to a full-blown brawl, all in under ten minutes. The other partygoers did nothing to separate them; some had seen the two beauties battle in the past, and knew how magnificent their confrontations were, while the rest considered it the best Christmas present possible to have an impromptu fight blossom before their eyes.
For more than twenty breathtaking minutes, Seyfried and Trachtenberg battled relentlessly, each brilliant in both offense and defense. The result was a stalemate, with neither battler able to seize control of the fight. Both were pushed to the point of exhaustion, yet they drove themselves ever harder. The hatred each shared for the other fueled them on.
But as the minutes ticked on, it became apparent that Michelle was gaining the upper hand, and Amanda was struggling. The end seemed at hand as Seyfried was driven to her hands and knees at the base of the Christmas tree, panting heavily, as Michelle stood before her, ready to deliver the final blow. "You're on Santa's naughty list," the brunette said. "I'm here to give your lump of coal."
In desperation, the blonde grabbed at the branches of the tree, tugging them and sending the ornament-laden Douglas fir tumbling down...directly atop Trachtenberg. The brunette was flattened to the floor, the tree upon her. By the time she was able to drag herself out from under and free herself of serpentine garland, she was met with a kick to the side of her head from the recovered Seyfried. With a pained groan, Michelle fell face-first to the carpet, and the sneering Amanda grabbed her wrists and dragged her out to the center of the room, then flipped her over onto her back. The brunette tried to sit up, but a stomp to her chest pressed her onto her back again. Looking down at her dazed rival, Seyfried says with a wicked grin, "On his naughty list? Honey, I'm at the very top of the list."
She then flips up her leather miniskirt, displaying the satin panties that say 'Bad Girl' across the butt, and she proceeds to sit that butt down upon Michelle's face. Trachtenberg squirms beneath her tormentor, but lacks the strength to throw her off. Her body trembles, until it ceases moving altogether. With a victorious smile, Amanda crawls off of her defeated nemesis, and then starts to tug at Michelle's elf garb, tearing it off of her. "Time to unwrap the present," the blonde says with a giggle, stripping her nude. But then, with a manufactured air of disappointment, she says, "Awww, nobody wants this. I hope somebody saved the receipt so I can take it back for a refund." With that, Amanda stood up and accepted a glass of champagne, leaving Michelle's sweat-soaked naked body slumbering on the floor.