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Finish Her!

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Offline habib

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1200 on: December 24, 2016, 04:05:16 PM »
emma stone is too hot,Scarlett Johansson vs Emma Stone will be awesome


Offline gene smith

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1201 on: December 24, 2016, 08:33:35 PM »
emma stone is too hot,Scarlett Johansson vs Emma Stone will be awesome
I'd like to see that one myself
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Offline gene smith

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1202 on: December 25, 2016, 01:32:02 PM »
merry Christmas all
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Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1203 on: December 25, 2016, 09:50:44 PM »
Happy Holidays to one and all!



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1204 on: December 26, 2016, 01:02:54 AM »
Holiday Havoc: Amanda Seyfried vs Michelle Trachtenberg


The idea was that various Hollywood starlets would be asked to dress as "Santa's Little Helpers" at one of the most posh Christmas parties of the season.  It was a good idea, but for the fact that whomever put together the invite list wasn't privy to the inner-workings of LA's elite female celebrity catfighting circle.  If they were, they would have known that under no circumstances are you to put Michelle Trachtenberg and Amanda Seyfried in the same room together.

Inevitably, tensions escalated between the two arch-rivals, going from glaring daggers at one another to trading catty comments, then erupting from screaming insults to a full-blown brawl, all in under ten minutes.  The other partygoers did nothing to separate them; some had seen the two beauties battle in the past, and knew how magnificent their confrontations were, while the rest considered it the best Christmas present possible to have an impromptu fight blossom before their eyes.

For more than twenty breathtaking minutes, Seyfried and Trachtenberg battled relentlessly, each brilliant in both offense and defense.  The result was a stalemate, with neither battler able to seize control of the fight.  Both were pushed to the point of exhaustion, yet they drove themselves ever harder.  The hatred each shared for the other fueled them on.

But as the minutes ticked on, it became apparent that Michelle was gaining the upper hand, and Amanda was struggling.  The end seemed at hand as Seyfried was driven to her hands and knees at the base of the Christmas tree, panting heavily, as Michelle stood before her, ready to deliver the final blow.  "You're on Santa's naughty list," the brunette said.  "I'm here to give your lump of coal."

In desperation, the blonde grabbed at the branches of the tree, tugging them and sending the ornament-laden Douglas fir tumbling down...directly atop Trachtenberg.  The brunette was flattened to the floor, the tree upon her.  By the time she was able to drag herself out from under and free herself of serpentine garland, she was met with a kick to the side of her head from the recovered Seyfried.  With a pained groan, Michelle fell face-first to the carpet, and the sneering Amanda grabbed her wrists and dragged her out to the center of the room, then flipped her over onto her back.  The brunette tried to sit up, but a stomp to her chest pressed her onto her back again.  Looking down at her dazed rival, Seyfried says with a wicked grin, "On his naughty list?  Honey, I'm at the very top of the list."

She then flips up her leather miniskirt, displaying the satin panties that say 'Bad Girl' across the butt, and she proceeds to sit that butt down upon Michelle's face.  Trachtenberg squirms beneath her tormentor, but lacks the strength to throw her off.  Her body trembles, until it ceases moving altogether.  With a victorious smile, Amanda crawls off of her defeated nemesis, and then starts to tug at Michelle's elf garb, tearing it off of her.  "Time to unwrap the present," the blonde says with a giggle, stripping her nude.  But then, with a manufactured air of disappointment, she says, "Awww, nobody wants this.  I hope somebody saved the receipt so I can take it back for a refund."  With that, Amanda stood up and accepted a glass of champagne, leaving Michelle's sweat-soaked naked body slumbering on the floor.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1205 on: December 26, 2016, 08:28:32 PM »
Go Aly go!   ;D



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Jennifer & Ashley Tisdale v Kim & Khole Kardishian
« Reply #1206 on: December 27, 2016, 06:29:12 PM »
The rules of the match were set. Jennifer (35 years old) would fight Kim (36) - Ashley (31) would fight Khole (32). The fights would take place simultaneously in an outdoor setting.  The two fights would be to a knockout or to the finish. No rules, anything goes. The victorious fighter in one fight may not jump in on the other fight if it was still going on. As soon as the second fight was over, then the victorious sister from the first fight may immediately go after the victor of the other fight if necessary.  The sisters paired off, locked fingers and the fights were on to the cheers of the crowd.  It was obvious that the crowd was definitely pro Tisdale, and anti Kardashian. As the fighters rolled around tearing into each other it was apparent that Ashley was having her way with Khole maintaining the top position and applying painful headlocks, slaps to the face and breast mauling tactics that had Khole close to tears. Jennifer and Kim was another story as neither girl could maintain a distinct advantage as they clawed each other rolling around the grassy fight area. 7 minutes into the fights, Ashley finished off the sobbing Khole with a couple of punches to the face, breaking her nose in the process. The bloodied Khole was out cold.  Ashley rolled off the defeated Khole and began to cheer on her sister, ready to attack Kim if Jennifer lost. At the 10 minute mark it looked like Kim had gained the upper hand as she had Jennifer pinned beneath her, her breasts applying a suffocating smother to the struggling Jennifer. It looked like it was going to be Ashley v Kim to decide this. This is when Kim made a terrible mistake. Instead of finishing Jennifer with some punches or chock hold, she continued to try to defeat and humiliate her with her breast smother. The desperate Jennifer sank her teeth into Kim's boob drawing blood.  The shocked Kardishian cried out in pain as blood rolled down her boob and stomach.  Jennifer followed with a vicious right to Kims jaw knocking her on her back. Jennifer, mustering all the strength she had , jumped on Kim, grabbed two handfuls of hair and began to bounce Kim's head off of the ground. "Don't stop, finish her," the crowd yelled. Jennifer continued this until Kim was knocked out.  The Tisdale sisters pranced around as the crowd cheered them wildly.  The Kardishian girls were taken to the hospital .



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1207 on: December 27, 2016, 06:56:34 PM »

Katie and Mila, the two hotties win, and so do we all. Thanks for the hot stories.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1208 on: December 29, 2016, 03:20:45 AM »
Brilliant, Scratchy! Awesome to see Hayley Atwell, and well done.

Thanks to all, in fact! This thread continues to be a winner.


Offline DonR04

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1209 on: December 31, 2016, 04:32:04 AM »
I hope you don't mind that this is only a picture, instead of a story. After all, a picture is worth..., lol.

Felicity Jones finishes off her opponent. I'll leave it up to your imagination as to who the lady tied in a pretzel is.



Offline gene smith

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1210 on: December 31, 2016, 02:09:58 PM »
Brilliant, Scratchy! Awesome to see Hayley Atwell, and well done.

Thanks to all, in fact! This thread continues to be a winner.
yes it does at that
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Peter Cannon Thunderbolt


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1211 on: December 31, 2016, 02:42:07 PM »
Adriana Lima vs Irina Shayk


To quote a movie “Well…that escalated quickly.”
It was enough that a guest made a comment about how much the two supermodels looked alike.
The comment sparked some jokes between the two of them, but soon the jokes became catty remarks, the remarks became insults and soon a posh party became a school yard as the guests circled the two arguing models and a “Fight! Fight! Fight!” chant ensued before finally, with a scream of rage, the two exotic brunettes launched at each other and buried their hand in their opponent’s mane.
It was a fight without strategy or technique, both models only wanted to inflict as much pain as possible as they rolled on the floor exchanging slaps, scratches and bites.
Soon perfect hairdos were ruined, expensive gowns shredded and no part of their sultry bodies was immune to some form of abuse.
In the end there wasn’t even a real submission: Irina simply ceased to respond to Adraiana’s attacks. Maybe she was too tired to fight back or she simply lost the will to fight, she only bawled pathetically as Adriana maimed her. Then, for some reason, Adriana focused her attention on Irina’s feet as she sat down on Irina’s back facing her legs, grabbed her feet and started to chew them like a dog on a bone. Toes, soles, heels….no element of Irina’s lovely appendages was spared from Adriana’s primal fury as the Russian beauty pleaded her opponent to stop torturing her.
Finally, some guests decided that Adriana had to be stopped and forcefully separated the Brazilian hellcat from her victim.
However, as the two women went separate ways no one missed the hateful glance they exchanged and that both of them knew that Adriana won that battle, but the war had just begun.

I hope you enjoy my stories and, as always, sorry if I made any mistake.
I take this opportunity to wish you a Happy New Year and to give you all my best wishes for the upcoming year.
Or in the immortal words of Eddie Murphy....



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1212 on: December 31, 2016, 04:56:48 PM »
Excellent work, my Italian friend. Lima doesn't seem to get much love on this board but I think she's one of the hottest VS models ever. And Happy New Year to you and all the fans on this site!


Offline DogWithABone

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1213 on: December 31, 2016, 04:58:48 PM »
{alt} {alt}
Hayley Atwell v. Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett threw her head back and pushed her hair away from her face with one hand so she could see better while the other reached behind her and grabbed the first thing she could find which happend to be a bottle of champagne. With a scream of rage and exhaustion she swung and released it in Hayleys direction. The brit ducked and the bottle hit the wall behind her, shattering and splashing fizzing liquid all over the wall. Before Scarlett could find another bottle behind her, Hayley started moving towards her and the for the moment blonde actress pushed herself off the table to meet Hayley half way. The two had been involved in an argument now for the better part of 15 minutes and both were showing signs of slowing down. Their hair a mess from behing pulled and yanked in all directions, perfetly moisturized skin scratched, shoes lost during the struggle leaving them both bare footed, and their dresses now no more than a pair of torn rags hanging off their shoulders. Moving towards each other, the two grabbed each other in a tired bearhug, trying to brush the breath out of the other as they whined and hissed slurs in each others ear, their faces cheek to cheek now their makeup smearing.

"Giveeeee" Scarlett groaned in Hayleys ear
"No youuuu" Hayley groaned back in Scarletts ear. What had started out with the expectation of a quick slap down and the ability to return to the party within minutes had turned into a gruelling grinding down of each other since neither had the strength to knock the other out or to make the other submit. Slowly, slowly, the two sunk down to their knees and from there on to their sides where they broke the bear hug and went at it with tooth and claw, rolling around on the floor fighting with tooth and nail as their desperation mounted. Nails scraped skin, fingers tugged on hair, hands stretched underwear, knees knocked against legs, teeth sunk into faces as the two rolled over and over hissing and sobbing in pain Finally the two came to a stop as both women could take it no more and lay there side by side gasping for air unable to knock the other out or make her submit, forced to admit to a draw. Having spent all this time and energy and destroyed each other so both were unable to return to the party, both knew this was not the end.

Great matchup. I'm disappointed that I didn't think of it with both of them being in the MCU.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1214 on: January 01, 2017, 12:11:14 AM »
sorry for responding late - i was withou internet for a few weeks - Hunter King is sometimes on the show "Life in Pieces" and daytime drama "Young and Restless" she has a younger sister Joey King who was in a movie with Selena Gomez and will be 18 in 7 months