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Finish Her!

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1260 on: February 04, 2017, 09:49:52 AM »
Great stories as always people! You guys really have a creative brain. Surprised to see Taylor lose the battle of legs, since she always hit the gym to tone them for dancing. Maybe it's time to pit her up against mishy for some revenge


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1261 on: February 06, 2017, 11:50:49 PM »
Flashback 1979: Daisy Duke (Catherine Bach) vs Lisa Lee (Randi Oakes)


It was being called the County War.  Daisy, the toughest tussler in all of Hazzard County, was taking on Lisa, the rowdiest rassler from neighboring Orly County.  The site was a barn in Hazzard, in a "ring" formed by stacked hay bales.  About half of the crowd of onlookers hailed from each county...and the Hazzard denizens had grown considerably silent.

After nearly ten full minutes of wild back-and-forth action, Lisa had taken decided control of the match, battering Daisy with punches, slaps, kicks and stomps.  The Hazzard fans couldn't recall ever having seen the brunette so brutally overwhelmed in a fight, and it stunned them into near-silence.  The Orly County spectators, of course, were more than making up for that silence with cheers, whistles and rebel yells, as their fighter was utterly destroying the vaunted Duke girl.

Adding insult to injury, Lisa climbed upon the back of the dazed brunette, grabbing her dark hair like reins, forcing Daisy to carry her rival as she crawled around the floor in a stupor on all fours.  "Ah'll say one thing," Lee said with a sneering laugh to her partisans.  "She makes a better field mule than she does a rassler!"  The burst of laughter burned in the ears of the Hazzard folk.

The end came as Lisa wrapped her legs around Duke's waist and locked her ankles.  Daisy howled in anguish, her hands slapping in futility at her tormentor's thighs.  "N-no more...Ah give up!" the brunette sobbed, utterly spent.  The blonde opened her legs to release her hold...and then promptly re-clamped her thighs around her opponent's head!  "Orly County rules, sugah," Lee purred.  "No surrender...we fight to a KO!"  Daisy wailed in pain as she squirmed helplessly.  Then, at least, she ceased to move at all, as the last spark of fight was squeezed out of her.

Releasing the limp figure of her beaten foe from her vise, Lisa impishly unbuttons and unzips Daisy's vaunted denim shorts, pulling them down her legs and removing them.  Standing up, the blonde held the garment up over her head as a trophy of war.  "Even in Orly we'd heard of these called 'Daisy Dukes'," the victorious blonde declares.  "Well as of tonight, y'all can call 'em 'Lisa Lees'!"  She then put them on herself over her bikini panties, claiming the denim as her own.



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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1262 on: February 07, 2017, 02:06:59 PM »
  Excellent match-up!  Thank you!


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1263 on: February 08, 2017, 12:37:37 AM »
Here's a tantalizing treat from Big Fan, who asked me to share it here!

Lacey Chabert vs Danielle Fishel


It’s an old Hollywood axiom when talking about actress Fem-fighting, “Fights are always close, until they aren’t.”
The meaning was no one ever wanted to put down an actress that agreed to a ring match, apartment wrestling or any match. So to show respect to the loser when describing such fights it was always customary to say, “it was close, until it wasn’t” in some such way.
Tonight though it would be hard to justify the statement as Dani lays face down on the carpet, her blue bikini hangs mostly off her body as she tries crawling away from her tormentor. Lacey Chabert had come out fast from the start of the fight and within the first minute had Fishel hurting from a series of kneelifts to the torso.
Lacey had given Dani a few chances to submit, trapping her on the carpet and working a variety of submission holds, but the veteran’s pride keep her from giving up. Chabert raises a bare foot and stomps down on Fishel’s backside again, it’s been nearly a minute now of Lacey just stomping on the other woman, and Dani squirming on the carpet. Dani groans turning to her back, her bottom can’t with stand another stomping right now, not that her front is much better. Lacey demands again, “Say it Dani! Now you’re just embarrassing yourself.”
Dani’s top had come completely off after the last roll, her chest heaving as she keeps her eyes shut. Lacey though doesn’t stomp down on her opponent. Instead Lacey reaches the point where she no longer wants the other woman’s submission, she is just as happy to send Dani into the Juggy Darkness. Lacey grapevines Dani’s legs and takes each of her wrist in hand pinning them above her head to the carpet. Lacey then lowers her ample bosom on to Fishel’s slack features.
It doesn’t take long for the host to step in as Dani lies motionless, Lacey poses for several pictures with her foot on Dani’s rolling juggs, even sitting the unconscious woman up and kneeling behind her like a hunter with their prize. Reports of the fight are posted to such websites that cover these things, and none of them used the classic line.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1264 on: February 08, 2017, 02:59:56 AM »
Yay Lacey! Great work, Jackflash, thanks heaps!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1265 on: February 09, 2017, 10:56:11 PM »
Flashback 2007:  Kaley Cuoco vs Jennifer Love Hewitt


There was no denying that for a rookie, Kaley possessed tremendous fighting skills.  Nonetheless, when pitted against Jennifer's experience, the blonde's chance of victory was comparatively slight.  And when Cuoco made an error, Hewitt seized on the opportunity.  The last seven minutes of the match was a veritable catfight tutorial, as the brunette punished her younger rival, finally finishing over the battered and overwhelmed blonde by dropping her 34DD's over Kaley's face and smothering the squirming girl into bleak defeat.

Flashback 2012:  Kaley Cuoco vs Jennifer Love Hewitt


Five years after their first encounter, the equation had changed.  Jen was still one of the best fighters around, very near at her peak.  But Kaley had risen to become one of the top celeb catters as well.  The result was a titanic battle that had raged to as close to a draw as any could recall.  Now the end was nigh as both topless battlers rolled back and forth across the penthouse floor, their legs facing opposite directions, each with arms wrapped around the head of the other to pull her in close to one another's breasts.  The sweat on their skin created airtight seals, meaning it would not be long before one beauty was smothered out.  The only question was, who could outlast the other?

The answer was...neither.  As they lay on their sides, both gave a muffled sigh and went limp simultaneously, their arms falling open and releasing the other.  Each lolled onto her back, chests heaving for precious breath, eyelids fluttering shut as they succumbed to the darkness.  It was a double knockout!

2017:  Kaley Cuoco vs Jennifer Love Hewitt


Although now a bit past her prime, Hewitt was coming off a string of impressive victories, while Cuoco had most recently suffered a humiliating defeat to arch-nemesis Mila Kunis, so some gamblers were betting that the veteran brunette came into this match with a psychological edge over the blonde.  Perhaps.  But what is quickly made certain is that Jennifer fought a magnificent battle this night, frequently having her opponent in serious trouble.  However, Kaley was equally brilliant, and as the grueling contest wore on, she proved to possess the superior stamina.  As her strength waned, Jen found herself on the defensive, and while she was able to stave off defeat longer than most might, ultimately she was simply too spent to resist any longer.  Pinning her rival's arms to the floor and using her feet to grapevine Hewitt's legs, the smirking Cuoco let her 32C's teardrop down upon Hewitt's face, covering her nose and mouth.  The brunette squirmed haplessly, her face reddening in fury and embarrassment at being conquered by her own signature finisher.  Finally, her movements ceased.  Kaley rose up and planted a foot upon her fallen foe's breasts, flexing her arms to claim a victory ten years in the making!


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1266 on: February 09, 2017, 11:50:47 PM »
JLH is 34D/36C and Cuoco's fake tits won't teardrop due to the silicone content within.
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1267 on: February 10, 2017, 12:13:25 AM »
JLH is 34D/36C and Cuoco's fake tits won't teardrop due to the silicone content within.

And kids, there's no Santa Claus, either.  ;)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1268 on: February 10, 2017, 03:23:36 AM »
See, I thought all these fights were just fantasy stuff out of our fevered imaginations. Never had any idea they were all real.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1269 on: February 10, 2017, 08:21:53 PM »
Anna Faris vs Melissa Rauch


Trapped in the corner, Melissa grunted loudly as Anna landed three stinging chops to her chest.  Faris then lifted her foot, placing it against her opponent's belly, while she grabbed Rauch's long hair close to the roots.  The subsequent Monkey Flip send the diminutive battler sailing through the air and landing with a heavy thud on her back.  And before Anna could gather her wits and climb back up to her feet, Anna was again on her, hair hauling her up, then using that selfsame hair to deliver a series of Hair Mares, leaving Rauch dazed and disoriented.

Desperately needing a breather, Melissa scampered on all fours across the mat and rolled under the ropes, alighting to the arena floor below.  Shaking her head to clear it, she stalked angrily around the ring, still trying to fathom how Faris had managed to dominate so much of the fight thus far.  As the referee neared the county of 20, Rauch began to climb back into the ring...only to jump back out again, necessitating a new count from scratch, and giving her additional time to recover.  However, Anna wasn't about to be so generous any longer, and she suddenly dashed across the ring, vaulting with tremendous agility over the ropes and hurling herself down upon her adversary like a sexy missile of destruction.

Unfortunately for Anna, that was precisely what Melissa had intended her to do.

Nimbly, Rauch jumps aside at the last moment, and Anna hits nothing but least until, an instant later, her body hits the hard concrete of the floor!  Badly stunned, she offers no resistance as Melissa pulls her up by the hair, and with malicious glee, whips Faris bodily into the nearest steel ring post!  Anna staggers backward, glassy-eyed, and Rauch again grabs her hair, this time pulling her back under the ropes into the ring.

Pressed back against the turnbuckles in one corner, Anna's arms draped limpidly over the top ropes, she is helpless as Melissa steps on either bottom rope to gain height, and then begins jackhammering her right fist again and again into her rival's face.  Jumping back down to the mat, Rauch wraps her arms around her vacant eyed opponent and, grunting, lifts and muscles her fellow blonde until she has Anna seated on the top turnbuckle, where she sways with uncertainty.  Scaling up the ropes, Melissa wraps her arm behind Anna's head, grabs hold of the bottom of her tights, and in a magnificent display of raw power, the petite Rauch lifts her foe up and over, slamming her down on the canvas with a ring-shaking impact!

A soft whine escapes Anna's slack mouth as Melissa schoolgirl pins her, imperiously commanding the ref to "Make it a ten count!"


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1270 on: February 11, 2017, 08:13:40 PM »
Tantalizingly wonderful, HV!  :)


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1271 on: February 12, 2017, 04:15:15 AM »
Wow - two great stories featuring one of my old favorites, Rachel from Friends. Nice work and thanks.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1272 on: February 14, 2017, 09:07:55 PM »
Christina Hendricks vs Kate Hudson


This was it:  Kate balled her fist and raised it into the air, the silent signal that she was about to unleash her devastating "Heartbreaker" heart punch, and the crowd trilled with excitement.  The blonde then grabbed the arm of her stunned opponent and Irish whipped her into the ropes; Hendricks bounded off and rushed back toward the blonde.  Hudson drew her right fist back, and as Christina neared, she unleashed the punch aimed squarely at the cleft of her rival's cleavage.

But instead of the sharp crack the impact usually produced, her fist only thudded into the soft flesh.  Wisely, Christina had opted for a push-up bra for this match, enhancing her 32F's even more...and creating a protective buffer that absorbed much of the power of the blonde's blow!

Kate stood there in confusion, not quite understanding why her adversary wasn't now flat on her back and ready to be pinned.  Meanwhile, the force of the punch was enough to snap Hendricks out of her daze.  Seeing her opportunity, she seized it...and landed a haymaker of a heart punch all her own at the comparatively modest chest of her opponent.  Caught utterly by surprise, Kate is instantly flattened to the mat, her glassy eyes staring uncomprehendingly at the arena lights above.

Dropping to her knees, the redhead grabs a leg of her foe and goes for the cover.  And as the referee makes his three count, Christina purrs to her victim, "Looks like you're the one going home heartbroken tonight, sweetie.  Happy Valentine's Day!"


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1273 on: February 15, 2017, 02:32:07 AM »
Victoria Pratt vs Gina Torres

They had first gotten to know each other more than 15 years earlier, on the set of Cleopatra 2525. Victoria was shorter, but nearly the same weight as Gina due to her well muscled body. Gina was more lithe and seemed more naturally athletic, something that bothered Vicky whenever she watched their campy little show. That was the beginning. Vicky challenged Gina to a wrestling match and was stunned when she lost a razor thin encounter to the mocha goddess. She couldn't believe her tanned, strong body could lose to her ebony costar. The scene repeated itself, over and over, with Gina winning more convincingly each time, no matter the type of fight. Even after both had moved on, Vicky eventually cutting off contact as Gina had taken to humiliating her sexually after the one sided contests, the blonde had always wanted revenge.

Having broken up Trace Adkins' marriage, while having her own husband stick by her side despite her adultery, Vicky realized she was still a stunningly hot piece of ass and began thinking back to those battles with her nemesis. As time passed she finally got the courage up to battle Gina one more time and invited the Suits star over to her home for a naked battle on New Year's Eve. "What better way to start 2017 than finally kicking Gina's ass," she thought to herself. All would be set right then. Sure, Gina's career had gone much better and she was married to another star actor, but Vicky refused to believe that it was because of the other woman's overall superiority to her. Visions of face sitting the bitch after breaking her body and will were enough to nearly make the Canadian cougar cream herself in anticipation.

Having successfully ditched their men, the gorgeous women had met in the basement to wage battle one more time. Gina had shown up with a bag that she simply identified as "what will be filling all your holes later" and set it down on a corner table. Vicky was 46, a year younger than her opponent, and 4 inches shorter than her 5'10" foe, but their weight was nearly identical due to the more muscular nature of the blonde. Both were beginning to sweat, even before they started, as their nervous energy ramped up. It was anything goes except for blows above the neck where only slaps were allowed.

The fight started fairly evenly, with the slightly younger woman gaining confidence that she could avenge all the humiliation of her past defeats. Despite the thicker frame, she was just as fit as the taller tigress and was holding her own. As the battle wore on, however, it became evident that Victoria still couldn't throw a punch well enough to get all her power into it and that Gina still had significant advantages in reach, quickness, technique, and overall athletic and fighting prowess. Seeing her familiar victim wearing down, Torres used her reach and quickness to slap the blonde in the face and punch her in the body while moving the younger woman back against the wall. Once there, Gina slammed a knee straight to the love mound of the now whimpering and demoralized Canadian woman. Using the knee to establish position, she then leaned in and locked her lips around those of her foe and slithered her tongue inside. While she aggressively kissed the losing battler, Gina pumped her knee into the tender crotch of the blonde causing her to gasp into the kiss and wearing her down even faster.

Reduced to tears, her energy and hope gone, Pratt was tossed to the ground. Her opponent discarded her, as if she was only so much trash to be taken out to the curb, and seated herself on the blonde's waist. "Give up Vicky. I'm better than you and I always will be. Give up now and I'll fuck you ten ways to Sunday with all my toys in the bag and then leave you alone. Otherwise, I'll stick around and give your man the fuck of his life so that all he ever thinks about when he's sliding inside your used up hole is what a real women can fuck like. Your choice, loser."

"I give." It was all the blonde could muster. She was so beaten and humiliated that she couldn't even cry. She was resigned to knowing, for the rest of her life, that the woman who had beaten her ass the first time on set was simply better than her in every way. Even so, she couldn't suppress the gasp when she saw her tormentor walk back over to her prone body with a strap on that looked like it was as big as her forearm.


« Last Edit: February 15, 2017, 02:36:36 AM by DogWithABone »
RIP the account of Sophie Cees.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1274 on: February 17, 2017, 07:59:15 AM »
Miranda Cosgrove vs Bella Thorne


Bella was on her knees, panting hard, her sweat-glistening body sagging as all of her strength seems spent.  Before her stood Miranda, her lithe body equally soaked with sweat, but striking a pose of power and confidence.  It had been a grueling match between them, but there could be no denying that the brunette had out-fought the arrogant redhead, and was now moments away from consigning Thorne to her first-ever catfighting defeat.

"This has been coming to you for a long time, you witch," Cosgrove sternly tells her rival.  "Any famous last words?"

Tilting her head up, Bella gives the barest hint of a smug smile.  "Pride comes before the fall," she purrs.

An instant later, her hands reach out and grab Miranda's bikini bottoms, yanking them down around her hips.  As the redhead had anticipated, the demure Cosgrove's instinct would be to cover herself up in front of the spectators, which distracted her long enough for Thorne to throw a finger thrust into the brunette's windpipe.  Gasping and gurgling, Miranda spins around and starts to stagger away...only to feel the grasp of her adversary's hands around her ankles.  With a sudden jerk, Thorne yanks Miranda's legs out from under her, sending her crashing face-first to the floor.

Moving with a speed that belies her exhaustion, the redhead scrambles atop Cosgrove, sitting on her back and grabbing her hair.  Yanking her rival's head back, Bella then begins to slam Miranda's face again and again into the floor.  The plush carpeting absorbs some of the impact, but not enough to keep the brunette from being left dazed.

Climbing off of her victim, Thorne rolls the moaning Miranda over onto her back, and again mounts her, now sitting on her chest.  But it's only a matter of moments before the redhead slides herself backward, until her rear end is settled down upon Cosgrove's face, smothering her.  Frantically, the brunette thrashes beneath her tormentor, but lacks the strength to dislodge Bella.  With an air of casual disdain, Thorne examines her fingernails as Miranda's movements grow more and more sluggish, until at last she ceases moving altogether.

As a final dollop of humiliation, Bella then strips Cosgrove of her bikini, leaving her nude as she lay on the floor unconscious.