Vanessa & Stella Hudgens vs Hayden Panettiere and Madison IsemanThe rules of this teams apartment match were simple: Both duos battled at the same time, and when one fighter managed to subdue and eliminate her opponent, she was free to go and help her partner against her opposite number.
It had been a wild brawl right from the start. Longtime arch-rivals, it was no surprise that Vanessa and Hayden squared off with one another, leaving the younger Hudgens sister to battle fellow newcomer Madison. Twenty minutes into the fight, all four combatants were struggling against the threat of total exhaustion, yet none of the quartet would so much as contemplate surrender. But now, Vanessa was allowing herself to believe that victory might at long last be withing the grasp of the sisters. Hudgens had Panettiere gasping and struggling in a Rear Naked Choke, and sparing the briefest of moments to look back over her shoulder, she saw Stella and Madison rolling back and forth across the floor, but she was confident that her sister's height advantage would allow her to overwhelm the young blonde.
Unable to resist smiling as her hated rival wheezed in her grasp, Vanessa rasped, "You know just how much I love knocking your ass out, Hayd!" The embattled blonde gurgled "!" in angry response, her hands tugging at the strangling arm across her throat. Had she applied full force to the hold, Hudgens knew she could choke Panettiere out quickly. But truthfully, she was enjoying having the arrogant blonde at her mercy too much, so she lessened the pressure in order to prolong Hayden's torture.
That proved to be a tactical disaster.
Not having paid much attention to her sister's struggle, Vanessa failed to note the silence that befell that contest. With her back to the other fight, she couldn't now see her sister laying face down on the carpet, moaning softly, her left leg twitching yet otherwise still. And the elder sister could not see Stella's own bikini halter wrapped around her throat, and how that garment had been used against its owner to choke her into semi-consciousness and abject haplessness.
But Vanessa learned the error of her decision when Madison rabbit punched her to the back of her skull. She blacked out for only a few moments, but when her eyelids flickered open, her eyes filled with terror as she found herself flat on her back, with her blonde adversaries kneeling over her, both wearing malicious leers. The next five minutes would later be recounted by spectators as "The Devastation", as Hayden and Madison proceeded to subject Vanessa to an array of ever-increasingly painful holds. Hudgens squealed, wailed and howled in agony until her throat was raw, but her anguish was merely fuel for her tormentors.
Stella finally began to groggily come to, but that was merely an invitation for Iseman to return her attention to her, and quickly enough both Hudgens sisters were shrieking in a duet of pain.
Finally the blondes were willing to show "mercy" and finish their foes off. Both Hudgens girls were laid on their backs side by side, and their rivals sat down on their chests, then slid themselves forward, until Stella's mouth and nose were covered by Madison's crotch, as was Vanessa's by Hayden. The sisters squirmed feebly beneath their opponents, tears welling in their eyes as they gave muffled protests, their faces turning redder as they were humiliatingly smothered out. Finally, almost simultaneously, Vanessa and Stella passed out. Rising up, the victorious blondes each placed a foot upon the heaving chests of their conquered rivals and raised their arms, the ovation from the elite audience sanctifying their triumph.