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Finish Her!

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Offline Xtra164

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1410 on: September 23, 2017, 06:29:44 AM »
Maia Mitchell vs. Daisy Ridley


Maia couldn't see the damage being done, but she could definitely feel it. And it really fucking hurt. Trapped balancing atop her upper body face down, Mitchell's slender legs were all knotted up and yanked backwards. They were intertwined around her ruthless opponent's own shapely stem, a maniacally smiling Daisy Ridley, and all Maia could do was lightly rock back and forth unsuccessful in her feeble attempts to un-twist her legs and buck the Star Wars heroine off her. Daisy wasn't budging but instead increasing the brutal angle of Mitchell's legs folding backwards; many in attendance swore they could hear Maia's spine cracking throughout the arena. Ridley had pulled off an immaculate sharpshooter submission hold that would make Bret "The Hitman" Hart jealous.

Much to her unfortunate victim's horror, Daisy kept leaning back even after she was seated atop Mitchell's devastatingly bent back. Maia couldn't take it anymore. She frantically tapped the mat in surrender as tears began trickling down her face, but Daisy kept both the hold in tact and the gleeful expression on her face. This match hadn't been much of a challenger for her honestly. She let Maia hang around just to see what she had to offer, but Ridley realized quickly that, compared to her combat skills at least, it was glaringly clear that Mitchell just didn't stack up. Now Maia was indeed stacked up but in a much worse light; her body almost completely folded in half backwards with her legs all sorts of contorted around each other. Adding insult to injury, Ridley began almost comically bouncing her behind up and down driving Mitchell's now pleading face to the canvas over and over again. Her far superior strength let her swiftly rise her knees up and down now not only dominating Maia but straight-up embarrassing her in the process. The crowd even began to count along with each butt-driven faceplant to the mat while it looked like poor Maia's body was about to snap in two at any second.

Perhaps thankfully for her own benefit, Maia could only suffer so much of this cruel and demeaning fate before she mercifully blacked out from the throbbing pain to her head, back and legs. Daisy felt her toy for the evening go limp and casually released the hold; gracefully rising her knees up and unwrapping Maia's legs and tossing them down to the mat with a thud. Still feeling even a little more devilish, Ridley bent down gripping Maia's dress and tugging it up and over her body until it was completely stripped off leaving the loser face down still passed out in just a black lace bra and a matching thong. Flipping her prone body over so everyone could get a good luck at her latest display of destruction, Daisy officially ended the ceremonies by placing a foot on Maia's zonked out face posing triumphantly for the cameras. Yet another fellow young starlet lay defeated at the hands of Ms. Ridley and for the unfortunate Mitchell it was night she'd very much like to forget.


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1411 on: September 24, 2017, 08:06:47 AM »
HWA:  Blonde Ambition (Olivia Holt & Dove Cameron) vs the Scarlet Sirens (Madelaine Petsch & Bella Thorne)



The hold...if "hold" it could be truly 'Hit the High Notes'.  But irregardless of it's lack of technical polish, it nevertheless is one of the more effective finishers in the Hollywood Wrestling Alliance.  And tonight's application has the distinction of being a duet, as both Dove and Olivia find themselves in dire straits.

Its application is as simple as it is ruthless:  Both Bella and Madelaine stand behind their opponents, pulling the left arm of each blonde up behind her back in a hammerlock.  With their free hands, the redheads then grab the bottom of their adversary's one-piece wrestling togs, and proceed to give them wedgies from hell.  Holt and Cameron yelp in pain and rise up on tip toes in a futile effort to find some scant relief from the pain.  Thorne and Petsch continue yanking the material ever-higher, the fabric pulled deep up between the cheeks of the blonde's butts, and then even cutting up into their womenhood.  With every passing second, the squeals of the embattled blondes go up in pitch, until finally when the referee asks them if they're ready to submit, their affirmative responses are so high pitched, they're almost audible only to dogs!

The official calls for the bell, and the Scarlet Sirens release their holds.  Sobbing, Dove and Olivia gingerly work to extract the fabric from their lower regions without causing further pain, but their efforts are suddenly halted as Petsch and Thorne place hands on their shoulders to whirl them around; the redheads then throw simultaneous kicks to the bellies of their beaten rivals, doubling them over with loud whooshes of air.  A heartbeat later, Dove and Olivia are brought down and laid low in semi-unconsciousness by matching DDTs.  This is all completely unnecessary, of course...the redheads have already won the match.  But they also prefer to see their opponents carried out on stretchers.


Offline Xtra164

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1412 on: September 24, 2017, 07:30:52 PM »
Great one Jack! Olivia and Dove should probably be used to being carried out on stretchers by now  ;D

Here's another quickie!

Emily Browning vs. Ashley Rickards


Talk shows are normally meant for nothing more than gossip fonder for stay-at-home soccer moms and retirement homes. The most anybody looking for a confrontation will get is maybe a couple of catty remarks and the occasional bitchy side-glance. What was transpiring this morning wasn't any of that subtle, passive-agressive pettiness. A full out catfight broke out between two very contrasting types of girls. There was no question that Ashley had been in a sour mood right from the start as she repeatedly sniped snarky remarks at the quiet and almost strangely meditative Browning throughout the normal boring interview routine. But as Emily has displayed in the past, behind her calm and seemingly-passive exterior there is a ruthless apex predator hidden underneath. Like a beautiful vibrantly-colored flower that shoots out venom if you get too close and trigger it.

Apparently Ashley never got the memo. And by the time she did, it was far too late. Her skintight yellow jeans had been literally ripped to shreds clean off her body and after being tossed around the set like a ragdoll she lay across Emily's lap getting her bare milky-white ass tanned the same shade as her solid red shirt. Everyone, from the studio audience to the camera crew and even the hosts themselves, gazed in shock and awe at what they were witnessing. Ashley was getting spanked like a bad child as Emily casually requested for the scheduled interview to continue, but as you can imagine everyone was somewhat distracted by the scene unfolding before them. "You dumb talentless bimbos..." Emily began calmly ridiculing both Ashley and every other loudmouth who thought she was a pushover. "You all yap on and on and then once it's time to put your money where your mouth is, you come up dead broke." Browning quipped which elicited a decent laugh from the still stunned audience. Even Emily's wisecracks were dry and unassuming. She had reduced Ashley into a kicking, screaming and slobbering mess. The tiny clip-on microphone was still attached to Ashley's shirt collar broadcasting her shrieks and squeals in high definition surround sound making it even more mortifying. But Ashley couldn't even begin to fully realize how humiliating this was. Forget about going on another talk show anytime soon after this, she wasn't going to able to even sit down again for a while!

Once it was clear that the cast and crew had no idea where to go with this next and Rickards had been completely dismantled, Emily took it upon herself to end the proceedings. "Alright sweetie, I think we're all tired of hearing that loud trap of yours." Browning said as much to Ashley's horror, she nabbed the microphone piece from her shirt, spread Rickards' burning red asscheeks and actually shoved the tiny appliance right up Ashley's uptight asshole causing the poor violated girl to squeal like a pig. "I think this princess likes some rear entry action" Emily further joked before she rose to her feet, bent over the totally disoriented Ashley and locked both her arms behind her back in a chickenwing hold; her beet red, handprint-clad ass sticking out at the audience. It initially appeared as though Emily was setting up for a basic pedigree until she effortlessly yanked Ashley''s body high in the air upside down. The tears cascading down Rickards face began going down her forehead onto the carpeting below while her wide open crotch was pointing right up at the studio lights.  Emily paraded up and down the stage giving every section of the crowd a great look at her catch of the day. That is until she suddenly twirled Ashley thru the air and flung her facedown right onto the central coffee table! Ashley was driven completely through the table which broke into two pieces as legs snapped off and went sliding across the stage.

Everyone stared with wide eyes and their mouths agape except for Emily still completely unfazed by the scorched-earth level of destruction she just unleashed. Rickard lay unmoving over the rubble with her punished booty sticking up. "I'll pay for a new table. That old one had mug stains on it anyway. And as for that microphone, I doubt anybody would want to wear that now anyway after where it's been" Browning flatly stated as she walked off the set like nothing even happened. She actually stepped and walked over Ashley's flattened body on her way off stage while everyone in attendance remained frozen still; baffled at what they just witnessed.


Offline Barton Hollow

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1413 on: September 24, 2017, 08:59:34 PM »
Someone do one with Natalie Alyn Lind. She's been on The Goldbergs and Gotham in recent years and is one of the leads on The Gifted. Just turned 18 in June. Major booty with nice tits too.


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1414 on: September 24, 2017, 09:18:17 PM »
Someone do one with Natalie Alyn Lind. She's been on The Goldbergs and Gotham in recent years and is one of the leads on The Gifted. Just turned 18 in June. Major booty with nice tits too.

She's actually on my short list of new girls to work with.  Any ideas who she should face in her inaugural match?


Offline Barton Hollow

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1415 on: September 24, 2017, 09:52:03 PM »
Someone do one with Natalie Alyn Lind. She's been on The Goldbergs and Gotham in recent years and is one of the leads on The Gifted. Just turned 18 in June. Major booty with nice tits too.

She's actually on my short list of new girls to work with.  Any ideas who she should face in her inaugural match?

Maybe another young starlet new to the game. Maybe Amy Acker setting the pecking order on the show. I don't know, but she looks built for it.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1416 on: September 25, 2017, 12:40:48 AM »
Someone do one with Natalie Alyn Lind. She's been on The Goldbergs and Gotham in recent years and is one of the leads on The Gifted. Just turned 18 in June. Major booty with nice tits too.

She's actually on my short list of new girls to work with.  Any ideas who she should face in her inaugural match?
Maybe Sarah Hyland, Sammi Hanratty or Hayley Orrantia, like a rivalry in the backstage of the Goldbergs


Offline Lostchris

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1417 on: September 25, 2017, 05:45:30 AM »
Someone do one with Natalie Alyn Lind. She's been on The Goldbergs and Gotham in recent years and is one of the leads on The Gifted. Just turned 18 in June. Major booty with nice tits too.

She's actually on my short list of new girls to work with.  Any ideas who she should face in her inaugural match?

Camren Bicondova. They were on Gotham together


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1418 on: September 25, 2017, 07:13:18 AM »
Debutante Debut: Carmen Bicondova vs Natalie Alyn Lind


The inaugural of any newcomer to the elite celeb catfighting league is a noteworthy occasion, but when two young starlets make their debuts against one another, it's an event that draws the keen interest of many.  Alas, only two dozen spectators are granted the privilege of seeing the struggle, and all others must content themselves with verbal reminisces from the lucky few who witnessed it.

And the onlookers this night were lucky one indeed, as Carmen and Natalie most assuredly did not disappoint.  Although both are still raw and a bit awkward at times, the months each spent training for this night beforehand were clearly evident.  Equally obvious was the fact that these two rookies both had the promise of going on to become major players in the league.

The two 18 year olds tore into each other in the opening moments of the fight, and the pace never slackened, even as they now staved off exhaustion, their bodies glistening with sweat, their lungs burning for air, their limbs leaden.  Groggily, they stood facing one another on unsteady legs, trading sloppily-thrown slaps to the face, their eyes growling glazed as each blow cracked across their cheek.  Suddenly, Carmen pulled her right arm back in order to unleash the most powerful blow she could muster, one sure to send her blonde rival crashing to the mansion's carpeted floor...or at least it would have, if some nascent battle instinct deep withing Natalie hadn't commanded her to duck at the last possible moment. 

Denied her target, Bicondova gasped as she swung around a full 180°, and now had her back to the blonde.  Lind moved with all of the speed she could muster, slipping her arms under those of her rival, and bringing her hands up so that they cold clamp vicious claw holds on the brunette's modest breasts.  Carmen shrieked in pain as Natalie's fingers squeezed the 32AA targets; the blonde's own 32C's gave her taunting rights, and she smirked as she purred into her opponent's ear, "You need to give these little mole hills some attention if you ever want them to grow up.  Now repeat after me...we must, we must, we must increase the bust!"  She punctuated her little sing-song derision by giving the bosoms a series of sharp twists, eliciting howls of anguish from her victim.

Indeed, the pain seemed to sap the last of Carmen's strength, and her knees buckled, sending her crumpling to the floor.  Now a sinister smile grew upon Natalie's deceptively angelic face.  She had long known precisely how she intended to end this match, and what her signature finisher would be.  And at last, the circumstances seemed opportune to execute her plan.

Sitting atop the brunette's chest, Lind slowly, seductively moved herself backward, her hips swaying almost hypnotically, until at last her stunning rear end settled firmly down upon Bicondova's face.  The sudden suffocation seemed to snap her out of her stupor and her lithe body began to thrash, while her panicky cries were muffled beneath the derriere of her adversary.  But she lacked the power to throw her tormentor off, and all too quickly, the brunette was driven into semi-unconsciousness.

The spectators were mesmerized by the sight of the young blonde devastating her rival so humiliatingly, and at that moment, each and every onlooker was Natalie's to command.  Her legend thus established, she climbed off of her slumber foe.  She then proceeded to strip Carmen of her bikini.  Standing up, she tossed the bra to a spectator who eagerly snatched it out of the air, but she held onto the panties.  "These are for my trophy room...the first of many, I assure you," she said with a wink and a smile, as the room erupted in applause.



Offline Maizenblue

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1419 on: September 25, 2017, 11:54:01 AM »
Great job with these two newcomers. Would love to see them both be jobbers for a whole. Really love Carmens look.


Offline Jackflash Jump

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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1420 on: September 28, 2017, 08:54:12 PM »
FLASHBACK 1997: Neve Campbell vs Alyson Hannlgan


"Challenge accepted" Neve had purred in her pre-match interview, replying to Alyson's boast that her abs were the best in the HWA, and virtually indestructible.  The redhead's fabled 'Cast Iron Tummy' had withstood all comers before, and she was confident that Campbell would fare no better.  But the brunette had other ideas.

Indeed, Neve's whose battle strategy seemed to focus squarely on her opponent's stomach.  Aly practically welcomed this at first, happy to let her rival wear herself out in a fruitless pursuit.  But what Hannlgan hadn't considered was the previous attackers tended to go after her belly only as part of an overall offensive.  Never before had her abdominals had to endure such a ceaseless assault.  Much to Alyson's shock and chagrin, she soon found herself winded and in pain, her belly muscles aching from the pounding they were suffering.  But by this time, she had lost the opportunity of taking control of the fight, and Campbell was in full command.

Things looked bleak for the redhead as she was limply hung upside down in the corner in a Tree of Woe, and the brunette relentlessly stomped away at her belly.  Finally tiring of this, Neve peeled her mewling rival out of the ropes and wrapped her arms around Aly's waist, hoisting her up and sitting Hanxxxxn atop the turnbuckle.  Campbell them climbed the ropes and wrapped an arm around her opponent's neck, while her other hand filled itself with the fabric of the redhead's ring togs.  Did the dazed beauty realize her arrogance had led to this predicament?  If not, Campbell made it crystal clear to her when she sneered, "Pride comes before the fall, sweetheart."  Neve then executed a ring-shaking suplex, flipping Alyson from her perch and sending her crashing to the center of the canvas with spine-jangling impact.

Alyson lay spreadheadled on the mat, glazed eyes staring up at the arena lights.  The roar from the crowd grew deafening as Neve jumped back up to her feet and again scaled the turnbuckle.  She stood proudly upon the top ropes, then threw herself out into the air, sailing like an angel of destruction, until she landed with a bodysplash upon her victim, the brunette's taut tummy smashing down on the battered belly of Hannlgan with devastating force.

A simple pin would have ended the match then and there, but Campbell wanted more; namely, a submission.  Getting to her knees, she sunk the fingers of her right hand into Aly's quivering abs, agonizingly kneading them with a clawhold.  The redhead burst into tears, and before the ref could even finishing asking if she wanted to submit, she was shrieking, "YES!  I GIVE UP!"  Her left hand tapped furiously at the mat, while Campbell cruelly kept her claw locked on for several more moments.  She then released the hold and stood up, placing a boot derisively on her sobbing rival's devastated belly as the referee raised her arm in triumph, and the myth of Alyson's fabled abs was shattered forever.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1421 on: October 01, 2017, 03:03:32 AM »
Kira Kosarin vs. Paris Berelc

Paris could only squirm and weakly flail her arms at her opponent's sides. Her face was suffocating underneath Kira's impressively plump buttocks. It had been a match between two young, rookie starlets trying to start their catfighting careers off with a win under their preverbal belts and as such it was clear that both girls were still trying to find their footing in the ring both figuratively and literally. It had been somewhat of a sloppy and haphazard match with both hotties having their brief moments of momentum but with both also missing a lot of opportunities and not landing some moves with total effectiveness. To be honest, Kira herself wasn't even sure how she ended up seated atop Berelc's face, but she wasn't going to complain. Granted, the facesit wasn't the most technically impressive way to finish a girl off. While not the most dignified finishing move, it was highly effective on the unfortunate Berelc. Paris had some moxie and her long legs were a valuable asset, but her slightly thinner frame and younger age gave her a disadvantage as the action progressed leading up to this moment.

The lack of oxygen gradually got to her as her slaps began weakening. Kira felt her perch about to pass out and spontaneously decided to rise her butt up releasing the facesit. Paris was still conscious but barely. Kira didn't want to win her first match via a facesit. She wanted to leave a better lasting image of herself as a wrestler; although it was good to know that she her ass was full enough to pull off a facesit successfully. Confident that Paris was weak enough to not pose much of a threat anymore, Kira scooped her up with some effort and after getting her placement right, lifted and flipped Berelc up only to bring her crashing back down for a Tilt A Whirl Slam. It wasn't the cleanest attempt at the move, Kira landed a little awkwardly that actually seemed to twist her ankle a little bit, but it at least definitely did Paris in for good. She was still ultra groggy from the facesit and now her neck and back throbbed in pain on the mat. Kira reached over and hooked one of Paris' long legs high in the air for the successful pinfall victory. While in somewhat clumsy fashion, Kira nevertheless earned her deserved first victory. She raised her arms up in the air soaking in the applause, limping a little on the ankle she twisted which wasn't too much of a hindrance, while all Paris could do was remain groaning and moaning on the mat trying to massage her body while still catching her breath from being submerged under Kira's booty. Surely this will not be the last time these two green newcomers square off.


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1422 on: October 01, 2017, 09:21:08 PM »
Thanks for introducing these two lovelies to the pantheon, Xtra!  I hope we see them both again soon.  :)

Kira Kosarin vs. Paris Berelc


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1423 on: October 05, 2017, 05:48:12 AM »
Loving all these contributions, guys! Y'all are so talented. :3 I'm working on my next story currently, myself. It's so hard getting time to write, but I also don't wanna half-ass anything.

Alsoooooo, Jack, it's been a while since we've had a theme day... Hint, hint. ;)

And it will most certainly be worth the wait.  :)

As for a theme, let me mull it....


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Re: Finish Her!
« Reply #1424 on: October 05, 2017, 07:44:02 PM »
Loving all these contributions, guys! Y'all are so talented. :3 I'm working on my next story currently, myself. It's so hard getting time to write, but I also don't wanna half-ass anything.

Alsoooooo, Jack, it's been a while since we've had a theme day... Hint, hint. ;)

And it will most certainly be worth the wait.  :)

As for a theme, let me mull it....

Might I suggest the theme Upstarts? Women who are 18-20 or 18-21 and are entering the catfight scene or are making strides in the catfight scene.